// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: The GlyphRun object represents a sequence of glyphs from a single face of a single font at a single size,
// and with a single rendering style.
// See specs at
// Glyphs%20element%20and%20GlyphRun%20object.htm
// Glyph%20Run%20hit%20testing%20and%20caret%20placement%20API.htm
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Media.Converters;
using System.Windows.Media.Composition;
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.FontCache;
using MS.Internal.TextFormatting;
using MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface;
namespace System.Windows.Media
/// <summary>
/// The GlyphRun object represents a sequence of glyphs from a single face of a single font at a single size,
/// and with a single rendering style.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Consider adding [XmlLangProperty("Language")]
/// </remarks>
public class GlyphRun : DUCE.IResource, ISupportInitialize
// Constructors
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Construct an uninitialized GlyphRun object. Caller should call ISupportInitialize.BeginInit()
/// to begin initialization and call ISupportInitialize.EndInit() to finish the initialization.
/// The GlyphRun does not support all the operations until it is fully initialized.
/// </summary>
[Obsolete("Use the PixelsPerDip override", false)]
public GlyphRun()
/// <summary>
/// Construct an uninitialized GlyphRun object. Caller should call ISupportInitialize.BeginInit()
/// to begin initialization and call ISupportInitialize.EndInit() to finish the initialization.
/// The GlyphRun does not support all the operations until it is fully initialized.
/// <param name="pixelsPerDip">PixelsPerDip of the screen on which this is to be drawn (96ths of an inch).</param>
/// </summary>
public GlyphRun(float pixelsPerDip)
_pixelsPerDip = pixelsPerDip;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new GlyphRun object for per monitor DPI aware applications
/// </summary>
/// <param name="glyphTypeface">GlyphTypeface of the GlyphRun object </param>
/// <param name="bidiLevel">Bidi level of the GlyphRun object </param>
/// <param name="isSideways">Set to true to display the GlyphRun sideways</param>
/// <param name="renderingEmSize">Font rendering size in drawing surface units (96ths of an inch).</param>
/// <param name="pixelsPerDip">PixelsPerDip of the screen on which this is to be drawn (96ths of an inch).</param>
/// <param name="glyphIndices">The list of font indices that represent glyphs in this run.</param>
/// <param name="baselineOrigin">Origin of the first glyph in the run.
/// The glyph is placed so that the leading edge of its advance vector
/// and its baseline intersect this point.
/// </param>
/// <param name="advanceWidths">The list of advance widths, one for each glyph in GlyphIndices.
/// The nominal origin of the nth glyph (n > 0) in the run is the nominal origin
/// of the n-1th glyph plus the n-1th advance width added along the runs advance vector.
/// Base glyphs generally have a non-zero advance width, combining glyphs generally have a zero advance width.
/// </param>
/// <param name="glyphOffsets">The list of glyph offsets. Added to the nominal glyph origin calculated above to generate the final origin for the glyph.
/// Base glyphs generally have a glyph offset of (0,0), combining glyphs generally have an offset
/// that places them correctly on top of the nearest preceeding base glyph.
/// </param>
/// <param name="characters">Characters represented by this glyphrun</param>
/// <param name="deviceFontName">
/// Identifies a specific device font for which the GlyphRun has been optimized. When a GlyphRun is
/// being rendered on a device that has built-in support for this named font, then the GlyphRun should be rendered using a
/// possibly device specific mechanism for selecting that font, and by sending the Unicode codepoints rather than the
/// glyph indices. When rendering onto a device that does not include built-in support for the named font,
/// this property should be ignored.
/// </param>
/// <param name="clusterMap">The list that maps characters in the glyph run to glyph indices.
/// There is one entry per character in Characters list.
/// Each value gives the offset of the first glyph in GlyphIndices
/// that represents the corresponding character in Characters.
/// Where multiple characters map to a single glyph, or to a glyph group
/// that cannot be broken down to map exactly to individual characters,
/// the entries for all the characters have the same value:
/// the offset of the first glyph that represents this group of characters.
/// If the list is null or empty, sequential 1 to 1 mapping is assumed.
/// </param>
/// <param name="caretStops">A list of caret stops for the glyphs</param>
/// <param name="language">Language of the GlyphRun</param>
public GlyphRun(
GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface,
int bidiLevel,
bool isSideways,
double renderingEmSize,
float pixelsPerDip,
IList<ushort> glyphIndices,
Point baselineOrigin,
IList<double> advanceWidths,
IList<Point> glyphOffsets,
IList<char> characters,
string deviceFontName,
IList<ushort> clusterMap,
IList<bool> caretStops,
XmlLanguage language
// GlyphRunFlags.CacheInkBounds enanbles ink bounding box caching. Bounding box caching would cost
// 32 bytes per GlyphRun. We do not want to enable it for all cases possible working set increase.
// For Line layout, ink bounding box is only used a few times, so caching is disabled because it will
// go through TryCreate below. Memory cost: 1 pointer.
// For loading XPS in which bounding box calculation are called a lot in hit testing, Glyphs.cs will
// call this constructor, which enables caching. Memory cost: 1 pointer + boxed Rect.
// If we late decide it's worthwhile to cache for all, memory cost can be reduced to one Rect (32-bytes).
// If we decide single precision is good enough, it can be reduced to 16 bytes.
_flags |= GlyphRunFlags.CacheInkBounds;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new GlyphRun object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="glyphTypeface">GlyphTypeface of the GlyphRun object </param>
/// <param name="bidiLevel">Bidi level of the GlyphRun object </param>
/// <param name="isSideways">Set to true to display the GlyphRun sideways</param>
/// <param name="renderingEmSize">Font rendering size in drawing surface units (96ths of an inch).</param>
/// <param name="glyphIndices">The list of font indices that represent glyphs in this run.</param>
/// <param name="baselineOrigin">Origin of the first glyph in the run.
/// The glyph is placed so that the leading edge of its advance vector
/// and its baseline intersect this point.
/// </param>
/// <param name="advanceWidths">The list of advance widths, one for each glyph in GlyphIndices.
/// The nominal origin of the nth glyph (n > 0) in the run is the nominal origin
/// of the n-1th glyph plus the n-1th advance width added along the runs advance vector.
/// Base glyphs generally have a non-zero advance width, combining glyphs generally have a zero advance width.
/// </param>
/// <param name="glyphOffsets">The list of glyph offsets. Added to the nominal glyph origin calculated above to generate the final origin for the glyph.
/// Base glyphs generally have a glyph offset of (0,0), combining glyphs generally have an offset
/// that places them correctly on top of the nearest preceeding base glyph.
/// </param>
/// <param name="characters">Characters represented by this glyphrun</param>
/// <param name="deviceFontName">
/// Identifies a specific device font for which the GlyphRun has been optimized. When a GlyphRun is
/// being rendered on a device that has built-in support for this named font, then the GlyphRun should be rendered using a
/// possibly device specific mechanism for selecting that font, and by sending the Unicode codepoints rather than the
/// glyph indices. When rendering onto a device that does not include built-in support for the named font,
/// this property should be ignored.
/// </param>
/// <param name="clusterMap">The list that maps characters in the glyph run to glyph indices.
/// There is one entry per character in Characters list.
/// Each value gives the offset of the first glyph in GlyphIndices
/// that represents the corresponding character in Characters.
/// Where multiple characters map to a single glyph, or to a glyph group
/// that cannot be broken down to map exactly to individual characters,
/// the entries for all the characters have the same value:
/// the offset of the first glyph that represents this group of characters.
/// If the list is null or empty, sequential 1 to 1 mapping is assumed.
/// </param>
/// <param name="caretStops">A list of caret stops for the glyphs</param>
/// <param name="language">Language of the GlyphRun</param>
[Obsolete("Use the PixelsPerDip override", false)]
public GlyphRun(
GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface,
int bidiLevel,
bool isSideways,
double renderingEmSize,
IList<ushort> glyphIndices,
Point baselineOrigin,
IList<double> advanceWidths,
IList<Point> glyphOffsets,
IList<char> characters,
string deviceFontName,
IList<ushort> clusterMap,
IList<bool> caretStops,
XmlLanguage language
// GlyphRunFlags.CacheInkBounds enanbles ink bounding box caching. Bounding box caching would cost
// 32 bytes per GlyphRun. We do not want to enable it for all cases possible working set increase.
// For Line layout, ink bounding box is only used a few times, so caching is disabled because it will
// go through TryCreate below. Memory cost: 1 pointer.
// For loading XPS in which bounding box calculation are called a lot in hit testing, Glyphs.cs will
// call this constructor, which enables caching. Memory cost: 1 pointer + boxed Rect.
// If we late decide it's worthwhile to cache for all, memory cost can be reduced to one Rect (32-bytes).
// If we decide single precision is good enough, it can be reduced to 16 bytes.
_flags |= GlyphRunFlags.CacheInkBounds;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new GlyphRun object. This method is similar to the constructor with
/// the same argument list except that it returns null instead of throwing an
/// exception if the GlyphRun area or a coordinate exceed the maximum value.
/// </summary>
internal static GlyphRun TryCreate(
GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface,
int bidiLevel,
bool isSideways,
double renderingEmSize,
float pixelsPerDip,
IList<ushort> glyphIndices,
Point baselineOrigin,
IList<double> advanceWidths,
IList<Point> glyphOffsets,
IList<char> characters,
string deviceFontName,
IList<ushort> clusterMap,
IList<bool> caretStops,
XmlLanguage language,
TextFormattingMode textLayout
GlyphRun glyphRun = new GlyphRun(pixelsPerDip);
// Cached GlyphRun bounds are needed to pass to the render thread
glyphRun._flags |= GlyphRunFlags.CacheInkBounds;
if (glyphRun.IsInitialized)
return glyphRun;
return null;
private void Initialize(
GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface,
int bidiLevel,
bool isSideways,
double renderingEmSize,
float pixelsPerDip,
IList<ushort> glyphIndices,
Point baselineOrigin,
IList<double> advanceWidths,
IList<Point> glyphOffsets,
IList<char> characters,
string deviceFontName,
IList<ushort> clusterMap,
IList<bool> caretStops,
XmlLanguage language,
TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode
// The default branch prediction rules for modern processors specify that forward branches
// are not to be taken. If the branch is in fact taken, all of the speculatively executed code
// must be discarded, the processor pipeline flushed, and then reloaded. This results in a
// processor stall of at least 42 cycles for the P4 Northwood for each mis-predicted branch.
// The deeper the processor pipeline the higher the cost, i.e. Prescott processors.
// Checking for multiple incorrect parameters in a method with high call count like this one can
// easily add significant overhead for no reason. Note that the C# compiler should be able to make
// reasonable assumptions about branches that throw exceptions, but the current whidbey
// implemenation is weak in this regard. Also the current IBC tools are unable to add branch
// prediction hints to improve behavior based on run time information. Also note that adding
// branch prediction hints increases code size by a byte per branch and doing this in every
// method that is coded without default branch prediction behavior in mind would add an
// unacceptable amount of working set.
if ((glyphTypeface != null) &&
(glyphIndices != null) &&
(advanceWidths != null) &&
(renderingEmSize >= 0.0) &&
(glyphIndices.Count > 0) &&
(glyphIndices.Count <= MaxGlyphCount) &&
(advanceWidths.Count == glyphIndices.Count) &&
((glyphOffsets == null) || ((glyphOffsets != null) && (glyphOffsets.Count != 0) && (glyphOffsets.Count == glyphIndices.Count))))
_textFormattingMode = textFormattingMode;
// Set member variables here,
// so that GlyphRun properties can be calculated in advanced validation code.
_glyphIndices = glyphIndices;
_characters = characters;
_clusterMap = clusterMap;
_baselineOrigin = baselineOrigin;
_renderingEmSize = renderingEmSize;
_advanceWidths = advanceWidths;
_glyphOffsets = glyphOffsets;
_glyphTypeface = glyphTypeface;
_flags = (isSideways ? GlyphRunFlags.IsSideways : GlyphRunFlags.None);
_bidiLevel = bidiLevel;
_caretStops = caretStops;
_language = language;
_deviceFontName = deviceFontName;
_pixelsPerDip = pixelsPerDip;
if (characters != null && characters.Count != 0)
if (clusterMap != null && clusterMap.Count != 0)
if (clusterMap.Count == characters.Count)
// Perform some simple cluster map validation.
// First entry should be zero, the entries should be monotonic and shouldn't point outside of the glyph indices range.
if (clusterMap[0] == 0)
int glyphCount = GlyphCount;
int mapCount = clusterMap.Count;
ushort previous = clusterMap[0];
for (int i = 1; i < mapCount; ++i)
ushort current = clusterMap[i];
if ((current >= previous) && (current < glyphCount))
previous = current;
if (clusterMap[i] < clusterMap[i - 1])
throw new ArgumentException(SR.ClusterMapEntriesShouldNotDecrease, nameof(clusterMap));
if (clusterMap[i] >= GlyphCount)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.ClusterMapEntryShouldPointWithinGlyphIndices, nameof(clusterMap));
throw new ArgumentException(SR.ClusterMapFirstEntryMustBeZero, nameof(clusterMap));
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionNumberOfElementsShouldBeEqualTo, characters.Count), nameof(clusterMap));
if (GlyphCount != characters.Count)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionNumberOfElementsShouldBeEqualTo, GlyphCount), nameof(clusterMap));
if (caretStops != null && caretStops.Count != 0)
if (caretStops.Count != CodepointCount + 1)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionNumberOfElementsShouldBeEqualTo, CodepointCount + 1), nameof(caretStops));
if (isSideways && (bidiLevel & 1) != 0)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.SidewaysRTLTextIsNotSupported);
// NOTE: In previous versions this function would estimate the size
// of this glyph run's bitmaps and compare it against the theoretical
// maximum size allowed before rendering falls back to using geometry.
// This was done in order to produce a managed exception where we might
// hit overflow or memory allocation issues in native code.
// We no longer own the code the produces these bitmaps so we can't reliably
// avoid the issue here any longer.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfEqual(renderingEmSize, double.NaN);
if (glyphIndices.Count <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.CollectionNumberOfElementsMustBeGreaterThanZero, nameof(glyphIndices));
if (glyphIndices.Count > MaxGlyphCount)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionNumberOfElementsMustBeLessOrEqualTo, MaxGlyphCount), nameof(glyphIndices));
if (advanceWidths.Count != glyphIndices.Count)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionNumberOfElementsShouldBeEqualTo, glyphIndices.Count), nameof(advanceWidths));
if (glyphOffsets != null && glyphOffsets.Count != 0 && glyphOffsets.Count != glyphIndices.Count)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionNumberOfElementsShouldBeEqualTo, glyphIndices.Count), nameof(glyphOffsets));
// We should've caught all invalid cases above and thrown appropriate exceptions.
IsInitialized = true; // The glyphrun is completely initialized
#endregion Constructors
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Given a character hit, computes the offset from the leading edge of the glyph run
/// to the leading or trailing edge of a caret stop containing the character hit.
/// If the glyph run is not hit testable, the distance of 0.0 is returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">Character hit to compute the distance to.</param>
/// <returns>The offset from the leading edge of the glyph run
/// to the leading or trailing edge of a caret stop containing the character hit.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
/// The input character hit is outside of the range specified by the glyph run Unicode string.
/// </exception>
public double GetDistanceFromCaretCharacterHit(CharacterHit characterHit)
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
IList<bool> caretStops = CaretStops != null && CaretStops.Count != 0 ? CaretStops : new DefaultCaretStopList(CodepointCount);
if (characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex < 0 || characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex > CodepointCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(characterHit));
int caretStopIndex, codePointsUntilNextStop;
out caretStopIndex,
out codePointsUntilNextStop);
// Not a hit testable glyph run.
if (caretStopIndex == -1)
return 0.0;
// Trailing edge of a caret stop that doesn't have a corresponding valid next caret stop.
if (codePointsUntilNextStop == -1 && characterHit.TrailingLength != 0)
return 0.0;
// Code point we are measuring the distance to.
int caretCodePoint = characterHit.TrailingLength == 0 ? caretStopIndex : caretStopIndex + codePointsUntilNextStop;
double distance = 0.0;
// Sum up glyph advance widths until the caret code point.
IList<ushort> clusterMap = ClusterMap;
if (clusterMap == null)
clusterMap = new DefaultClusterMap(CodepointCount);
int clusterCodepointStart = 0;
int currentCodepoint = clusterCodepointStart;
IList<double> advances = AdvanceWidths;
for (;;)
if (currentCodepoint >= clusterMap.Count || clusterMap[currentCodepoint] != clusterMap[clusterCodepointStart])
// We reached the beginning of the next cluster or the end of the glyph run.
// If the codepoint is within the cluster, calculate the partial width and abort the loop.
// If the codepoint is past the cluster, accumulate the whole cluster advance width and move on.
double clusterWidth = 0;
int clusterGlyphEnd;
if (currentCodepoint >= clusterMap.Count)
clusterGlyphEnd = advances.Count;
clusterGlyphEnd = clusterMap[currentCodepoint];
for (int i = clusterMap[clusterCodepointStart]; i < clusterGlyphEnd; ++i)
clusterWidth += advances[i];
if (caretCodePoint < currentCodepoint || currentCodepoint >= clusterMap.Count)
// The caret code point is within a cluster or we are past the end of the run,
// sum all glyph advance widths in the cluster
// and multiply the result by (caretCodePoint / number of codepoints in the cluster).
clusterWidth *= (double)(caretCodePoint - clusterCodepointStart) / (currentCodepoint - clusterCodepointStart);
distance += clusterWidth;
// The codepoint is past the cluster, accumulate the whole cluster advance width and move on.
distance += clusterWidth;
clusterCodepointStart = currentCodepoint;
return distance;
/// <summary>
/// Given an offset from the leading edge of the glyph run, computes the caret character hit
/// that contains the offset. The out bool IsInside parameter describes whether the character hit
/// is inside the glyph run. If the hit is outside the glyph run, the character hit represents
/// the closest caret character hit within the glyph run.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="distance">Distance to compute character hit for.</param>
/// <param name="isInside">isInside is set to true when the character hit
/// is inside the glyph run, and to false otherwise.</param>
/// <returns>The character hit that is closest to the input distance.</returns>
public CharacterHit GetCaretCharacterHitFromDistance(double distance, out bool isInside)
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
// Navigate the caret stop array and find a pair of caret stops that contains the distance.
IList<double> advances = AdvanceWidths;
IList<bool> caretStops = CaretStops != null && CaretStops.Count != 0 ? CaretStops : new DefaultCaretStopList(CodepointCount);
IList<ushort> clusterMap = ClusterMap;
if (clusterMap == null)
clusterMap = new DefaultClusterMap(CodepointCount);
// The following two variables describe the closest caret stop to the left of the input distance.
int firstStopIndex = -1;
double firstStopAdvance = 0.0;
// The following variable describes the closest caret stop to the right of the input distance.
int secondStopIndex = -1;
// Accumulated advance width just before the current cluster.
double currentAdvance = 0.0;
// Start index of the cluster we're in.
int currentClusterStart = 0;
// Since the caretStops array contains clusterMap.Count + 1 elements,
// we need to be careful before dereferencing i in the loop body.
for (int i = 1; i < caretStops.Count; ++i)
if (i < clusterMap.Count && clusterMap[i] == clusterMap[currentClusterStart])
// We reached the end of an (n:m) cluster.
// First, accumulate the overall cluster advance width by summing m glyph advances.
ushort lastGlyphInCluster = i < clusterMap.Count ? clusterMap[i] : (ushort)advances.Count;
Debug.Assert(clusterMap[currentClusterStart] < lastGlyphInCluster);
double clusterAdvance = 0.0;
for (int j = clusterMap[currentClusterStart]; j < lastGlyphInCluster; ++j)
clusterAdvance += advances[j];
// The overall advance is divided evenly by n code points.
clusterAdvance /= i - currentClusterStart;
// Go through the individual caret stops and compare them against the input distance
for (int j = currentClusterStart; j < i; ++j)
if (caretStops[j])
if (currentAdvance <= distance)
firstStopIndex = j;
firstStopAdvance = currentAdvance;
// We found a caret stop to the right of the input distance,
// so we're done with enumerating.
secondStopIndex = j;
goto SecondStopFound;
currentAdvance += clusterAdvance;
currentClusterStart = i;
// The last iteration is interesting. Because inside the above loop we only look at the caret stops up until i-1,
// and there may or may not be a caret stop at the end of a glyph run,
// we need to check the last caret stop value and the distance.
// The code before SecondStopFound is essentially the reduced version of the loop body above when i == caretStops.Count.
// We could modify the loop, but this would result in additional special cases.
if (caretStops[caretStops.Count - 1])
if (currentAdvance > distance)
secondStopIndex = caretStops.Count - 1;
// First stop is described by firstStopIndex, firstStopAdvance.
// Second stop is described by secondStopIndex, currentAdvance.
// If both indices are equal to -1, then all caret stop entries except the very last one are set to false.
// If the last one is also set to false, the glyph run is not hit testable at all.
// If the last one is set to true, we return CharacterHit corresponding to that last caret stop.
if (firstStopIndex == -1 && secondStopIndex == -1)
isInside = false;
if (caretStops[caretStops.Count - 1])
return new CharacterHit(caretStops.Count - 1, 0);
return new CharacterHit(0, 0);
// Check for case when the first stop is not valid.
// This happens when the hit is to the left of the first caret stop.
if (firstStopIndex == -1)
isInside = false;
// Leading edge of the second stop.
return new CharacterHit(secondStopIndex, 0);
// Check for case when the second stop is not valid.
// This happens when the hit is to the right of the last caret stop.
if (secondStopIndex == -1)
isInside = false;
// Trailing edge of the first stop.
return new CharacterHit(firstStopIndex, caretStops.Count - 1 - firstStopIndex);
isInside = true;
if (distance <= (firstStopAdvance + currentAdvance) / 2.0)
// Leading edge of the first stop.
return new CharacterHit(firstStopIndex, 0);
// Trailing edge of the first stop.
return new CharacterHit(firstStopIndex, secondStopIndex - firstStopIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Computes the next valid caret character hit in the logical direction.
/// If no further navigation is possible, the returned hit result is the same as input value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">The character hit to compute next hit value for.</param>
/// <returns>The next valid caret character hit in the logical direction, or
/// the input value if no further navigation is possible.</returns>
public CharacterHit GetNextCaretCharacterHit(CharacterHit characterHit)
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
IList<bool> caretStops = CaretStops != null && CaretStops.Count != 0 ? CaretStops : new DefaultCaretStopList(CodepointCount);
if (characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex < 0 || characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex > CodepointCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(characterHit));
int caretStopIndex, codePointsUntilNextStop;
out caretStopIndex,
out codePointsUntilNextStop);
// Not a hit testable run, or no next caret code point.
if (caretStopIndex == -1 || codePointsUntilNextStop == -1)
return characterHit;
// If we are at the leading edge, move to the trailing edge of the same code point.
if (characterHit.TrailingLength == 0)
return new CharacterHit(caretStopIndex, codePointsUntilNextStop);
// If the next caret stop is within the glyph run,
// move to the trailing edge of it.
int nextCaretStopIndex, nextCodePointsUntilNextStop;
caretStopIndex + codePointsUntilNextStop,
out nextCaretStopIndex,
out nextCodePointsUntilNextStop);
// See if the next caret stop is within the glyph run.
// If not, no navigation is possible.
if (nextCodePointsUntilNextStop == -1)
return characterHit;
return new CharacterHit(nextCaretStopIndex, nextCodePointsUntilNextStop);
/// <summary>
/// Computes the previous valid caret character hit in the logical direction.
/// If no further navigation is possible, the returned hit result is the same as input value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">The character hit to compute previous hit value for.</param>
/// <returns>The previous valid caret character hit in the logical direction, or
/// the input value if no further navigation is possible.</returns>
public CharacterHit GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(CharacterHit characterHit)
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
IList<bool> caretStops = CaretStops != null && CaretStops.Count != 0 ? CaretStops : new DefaultCaretStopList(CodepointCount);
if (characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex < 0 || characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex > CodepointCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(characterHit));
int caretStopIndex, codePointsUntilNextStop;
out caretStopIndex,
out codePointsUntilNextStop);
if (caretStopIndex == -1)
return characterHit;
// If we are at the trailing edge, move to the leading edge of the same code point.
if (characterHit.TrailingLength != 0)
return new CharacterHit(caretStopIndex, 0);
// Find the previous caret stop.
int previousCaretStopIndex;
caretStopIndex - 1,
out previousCaretStopIndex,
out codePointsUntilNextStop);
// No previous hit, return the original one.
if (previousCaretStopIndex == -1 || previousCaretStopIndex == caretStopIndex)
return characterHit;
return new CharacterHit(previousCaretStopIndex, 0);
#endregion Public Methods
// Public Properties
#region Public Properties
public float PixelsPerDip
return _pixelsPerDip;
_pixelsPerDip = value;
/// <summary>
/// Advance width from origin of first glyph to far alignment edge of last glyph.
/// </summary>
private double AdvanceWidth
double advance = 0;
if (_advanceWidths != null)
foreach(double glyphAdvance in _advanceWidths)
advance += glyphAdvance;
return advance;
/// <summary>
/// Distance from the GlyphRun origin to the top of the alignment box.
/// </summary>
private double Ascent
// for sideways text, origin is in the middle of the character cell
if (IsSideways)
return _renderingEmSize * _glyphTypeface.Height / 2.0;
return _glyphTypeface.Baseline * _renderingEmSize;
/// <summary>
/// Distance from top to bottom of alignment box.
/// </summary>
private double Height
return _glyphTypeface.Height * _renderingEmSize;
/// <summary>
/// The baseline origin of the glyph run
/// </summary>
public Point BaselineOrigin
return _baselineOrigin;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
_baselineOrigin = value;
/// <summary>
/// Em size used for rendering.
/// </summary>
public double FontRenderingEmSize
return _renderingEmSize;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
_renderingEmSize = value;
/// <summary>
/// Returns GlyphTypeface for this object.
/// </summary>
public GlyphTypeface GlyphTypeface
return _glyphTypeface;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
_glyphTypeface = value;
/// <summary>
/// Determines LTR/RTL reading order and bidi nesting.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The value of bidirectional nesting level.</value>
public int BidiLevel
return _bidiLevel;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
_bidiLevel = value;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether the glyph run is left to right or right to left.
/// </summary>
/// <value>true for LTR, false for RTL.</value>
private bool IsLeftToRight
return (_bidiLevel & 1) == 0;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies whether to rotate characters/glyphs 90 degrees anti-clockwise
/// and use vertical baseline positioning metrics.
/// </summary>
/// <value>true if the rotation should be applied, false otherwise.</value>
public bool IsSideways
return (_flags & GlyphRunFlags.IsSideways) != 0;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
if (value)
_flags |= GlyphRunFlags.IsSideways;
_flags &= (~GlyphRunFlags.IsSideways);
/// <summary>
/// Returns caret stops list for this GlyphRun or null if there is a caret stop for every UTF16 codepoint.
/// </summary>
public IList<bool> CaretStops
return _caretStops;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
// The list can be null, empty or non-empty list.
// The consistency with other lists would be checked at EndInit() time.
_caretStops = value;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether there are any valid caret character hits within the glyph run.
/// </summary>
public bool IsHitTestable
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
if (CaretStops == null || CaretStops.Count == 0)
// When CaretStops property is omitted, there is a caret stop for every UTF16 code point.
return true;
foreach (bool caretStop in CaretStops)
if (caretStop)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// The list that maps characters in the glyph run to glyph indices.
/// There is one entry per character in Characters list.
/// Each value gives the offset of the first glyph in GlyphIndices
/// that represents the corresponding character in Characters.
/// Where multiple characters map to a single glyph, or to a glyph group
/// that cannot be broken down to map exactly to individual characters,
/// the entries for all the characters have the same value:
/// the offset of the first glyph that represents this group of characters.
/// If the list is null or empty, sequential 1 to 1 mapping is assumed.
/// </summary>
public IList<ushort> ClusterMap
return _clusterMap;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
// The list can be null, empty or non-empty list.
// The consistency with other lists would be checked at EndInit() time.
_clusterMap = value;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the list of UTF16 code points that represent the Unicode content of the glyph run.
/// </summary>
public IList<char> Characters
return _characters;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
// The list can be null, empty or non-empty list.
// The consistency with other lists would be checked at EndInit() time.
_characters = value;
/// <summary>
/// Array of 16 bit glyph numbers that represent this run.
/// </summary>
public IList<ushort> GlyphIndices
return _glyphIndices;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
// The list must be non-empty list.
// The consistency with other lists would be checked at EndInit() time.
if (value.Count <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.CollectionNumberOfElementsMustBeGreaterThanZero, nameof(value));
_glyphIndices = value;
/// <summary>
/// The list of advance widths, one for each glyph in GlyphIndices.
/// The nominal origin of the nth glyph in the run (n>0) is the nominal origin
/// of the n-1th glyph plus the n-1th advance width added along the runs advance vector.
/// Base glyphs generally have a non-zero advance width, combining glyphs generally have a zero advance width.
/// </summary>
public IList<double> AdvanceWidths
return _advanceWidths;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
// The list must be non-empty list.
// The consistency with other lists would be checked at EndInit() time.
if (value.Count <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.CollectionNumberOfElementsMustBeGreaterThanZero, nameof(value));
_advanceWidths = value;
/// <summary>
/// Array of glyph offsets. Added to the nominal glyph origin calculated above to generate the final origin for the glyph.
/// Base glyphs generally have a glyph offset of (0,0), combining glyphs generally have an offset
/// that places them correctly on top of the nearest preceeding base glyph.
/// </summary>
public IList<Point> GlyphOffsets
return _glyphOffsets;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
// The list can be null, empty or non-empty list.
// The consistency with other lists would be checked at EndInit() time.
_glyphOffsets = value;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the language associated with the glyph run.
/// </summary>
public XmlLanguage Language
return _language;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
_language = value;
/// <summary>
/// Identifies a specific device font for which the GlyphRun has been optimized. When a GlyphRun is
/// being rendered on a device that has built-in support for this named font, then the GlyphRun should be rendered using a
/// possibly device specific mechanism for selecting that font, and by sending the Unicode codepoints rather than the
/// glyph indices. When rendering onto a device that does not include built-in support for the named font,
/// this property should be ignored.
/// </summary>
public string DeviceFontName
return _deviceFontName;
CheckInitializing(); // This can only be set during initialization.
_deviceFontName = value;
#endregion Public Properties
/// <summary>
/// Glyph offsets
/// The array is indexed starting with InitialGlyph
/// </summary>
internal Point GetGlyphOffset(int i)
if (_glyphOffsets == null || _glyphOffsets.Count == 0)
return new Point(0, 0);
return _glyphOffsets[i];
internal int GlyphCount
return _glyphIndices.Count;
internal int CodepointCount
if (_characters != null && _characters.Count != 0)
return _characters.Count;
if (_clusterMap != null && _clusterMap.Count != 0)
return _clusterMap.Count;
return _glyphIndices.Count;
#region Drawing and measurements
/// <summary>
/// Computes ink bounding box for the glyph run.
/// The rectangle is relative to the glyph run origin.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> The ink bounding box of the glyph run </returns>
public Rect ComputeInkBoundingBox()
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
if ((_flags & GlyphRunFlags.CacheInkBounds) != 0)
if (_inkBoundingBox != null)
return (Rect)_inkBoundingBox;
int glyphIndicesCount = _glyphIndices.Count;
ushort[] glyphIndices = BufferCache.GetUShorts(glyphIndicesCount);
_glyphIndices.CopyTo(glyphIndices, 0);
MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface.GlyphMetrics[] glyphMetrics = BufferCache.GetGlyphMetrics(glyphIndicesCount);
glyphIndices = null;
Rect bounds;
// Special casing Left to Right layout with no italics allows an implementation that is
// 12 times faster than the general case. Other combinations of Left to Right and
// sideways layout also presents optimization opportunities that need to be implemented.
// Italics is used infrequently, so adding the additional 8 routines necessary to handle italics
// in combination with the other 4 routines is not justified.
if (IsLeftToRight && !IsSideways)
bounds = ComputeInkBoundingBoxLtoR(glyphMetrics);
double accAdvance = 0;
// We don't use Rect and Rect.Union to accumulate the bounding box
// because this function is a hot spot and Rect methods perform extra checks that we don't need.
double accLeft = double.PositiveInfinity;
double accTop = double.PositiveInfinity;
double accRight = double.NegativeInfinity;
double accBottom = double.NegativeInfinity;
double designToEm = _renderingEmSize / _glyphTypeface.DesignEmHeight;
for (int i = 0; i < GlyphCount; ++i)
EmGlyphMetrics emGlyphMetrics = new EmGlyphMetrics(glyphMetrics[i], designToEm, _pixelsPerDip, _textFormattingMode);
if (TextFormattingMode.Display == _textFormattingMode)
// Workaround for short or narrow glyphs - see comment in
// AdjustAdvanceForDisplayLayout
emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceHeight = AdjustAdvanceForDisplayLayout(
emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceWidth = AdjustAdvanceForDisplayLayout(
Point glyphOffset = GetGlyphOffset(i);
double originX;
if (IsLeftToRight)
originX = accAdvance + glyphOffset.X;
// no languages support sideways and right to left in the same run
originX = -accAdvance - (emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceWidth + glyphOffset.X);
accAdvance += _advanceWidths[i];
double horBaselineOriginY = -glyphOffset.Y;
double left, right, bottom, top;
if (IsSideways)
horBaselineOriginY += emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceWidth / 2.0;
bottom = horBaselineOriginY - emGlyphMetrics.LeftSideBearing;
top = horBaselineOriginY - emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceWidth + emGlyphMetrics.RightSideBearing;
left = originX + emGlyphMetrics.TopSideBearing;
right = left + emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceHeight - emGlyphMetrics.TopSideBearing - emGlyphMetrics.BottomSideBearing;
left = originX + emGlyphMetrics.LeftSideBearing;
right = originX + emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceWidth - emGlyphMetrics.RightSideBearing;
bottom = horBaselineOriginY + emGlyphMetrics.Baseline;
top = bottom - emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceHeight + emGlyphMetrics.TopSideBearing + emGlyphMetrics.BottomSideBearing;
// skip blank glyphs, as they don't contain ink
if (left + InkMetricsEpsilon >= right ||
top + InkMetricsEpsilon >= bottom)
if (accLeft > left)
accLeft = left;
if (accTop > top)
accTop = top;
if (accRight < right)
accRight = right;
if (accBottom < bottom)
accBottom = bottom;
if (accLeft > accRight)
bounds = Rect.Empty;
bounds = new Rect(
accRight - accLeft,
accBottom - accTop
// GlyphRun.ComputeInkBoundingBox() does not produce a large enough rectangle
// for Display formatted text
// For some reason the assumptions
// we make here about calculating the ink bounding box are not true for
// display mode text as they are for ideal mode text. The bounding box
// calculated using Display metrics for a Display formatted text run are
// not large enough. This results in artifacts in rendering, and (slightly)
// inaccurate hit testing. Inflate the bounds for now as a work around
// This also occurs for Ideal mode, for certain font/fontsize combinations.
// The amount of inflation depends on the fontsize, so that scaling
// the result doesn't cause false hit-testing far away from the text
// But inflate by at most 1px.
if (CoreCompatibilityPreferences.GetIncludeAllInkInBoundingBox())
if (!bounds.IsEmpty)
// Inflate bounds
double inflation = Math.Min(_renderingEmSize / 7.0, 1.0);
bounds.Inflate(inflation, inflation);
else // user opted out of the fix - this is the 4.0 code
if (TextFormattingMode.Display == _textFormattingMode && !bounds.IsEmpty)
// Inflate bounds
bounds.Inflate(1.0, 1.0);
if ((_flags & GlyphRunFlags.CacheInkBounds) != 0)
_inkBoundingBox = bounds;
return bounds;
private double AdjustAdvanceForDisplayLayout(double advance,
double oneSideBearing,
double otherSideBearing)
// AdvanceHeight is used to compute the bounding box. In some case, eg. the dash
// character '-', the bounding box is computed to be empty in Display
// TextFormattingMode (because the metrics are rounded to be pixel aligned) and so the
// dash is not rendered!
// Thus we coerce ah to be at least 1 pixel greater than tsb + bsb to gurantee that all
// glyphs will be rendered (with non-zero bounding box).
// Note: A side effect to this is that spaces will now be processed when rendering.
// That is, if the bounding box was empty the rendering engine will not process the
// text for rendering. But now even spaces will be processed but will be rendered as
// empty space.
// This problem also applies to the width of some characters, such as '.', ':', and 'l'
// The fix is the same: coerce AdvanceWidth to be at least
// LeftSideBearing + RightSideBearing + 1 pixels.
return Math.Max(advance, oneSideBearing + otherSideBearing + 1);
private Rect ComputeInkBoundingBoxLtoR(MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface.GlyphMetrics[] glyphMetrics)
// We don't use Rect and Rect.Union to accumulate the bounding box
// because this function is a hot spot and Rect methods perform extra checks that we don't need.
double accLeft = double.PositiveInfinity;
double accTop = double.PositiveInfinity;
double accRight = double.NegativeInfinity;
double accBottom = double.NegativeInfinity;
double accAdvance = 0;
double designToEm = _renderingEmSize / _glyphTypeface.DesignEmHeight;
int glyphCount = GlyphCount;
for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
EmGlyphMetrics emGlyphMetrics = new EmGlyphMetrics(glyphMetrics[i], designToEm, _pixelsPerDip, _textFormattingMode);
if (TextFormattingMode.Display == _textFormattingMode)
// Workaround for short or narrow glyphs - see comment in
// AdjustAdvanceForDisplayLayout
emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceHeight = AdjustAdvanceForDisplayLayout(
emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceWidth = AdjustAdvanceForDisplayLayout(
if (GlyphOffsets != null)
Point glyphOffset = GetGlyphOffset(i);
double originX = accAdvance + glyphOffset.X;
accAdvance += _advanceWidths[i];
double horBaselineOriginY = -glyphOffset.Y;
double left, right, bottom, top;
left = originX + emGlyphMetrics.LeftSideBearing;
right = originX + emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceWidth - emGlyphMetrics.RightSideBearing;
bottom = horBaselineOriginY + emGlyphMetrics.Baseline;
top = bottom - emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceHeight + emGlyphMetrics.TopSideBearing + emGlyphMetrics.BottomSideBearing;
// skip blank glyphs, as they don't contain ink
if (left + InkMetricsEpsilon >= right ||
top + InkMetricsEpsilon >= bottom)
if (accLeft > left)
accLeft = left;
if (accTop > top)
accTop = top;
if (accRight < right)
accRight = right;
if (accBottom < bottom)
accBottom = bottom;
double left, right, top;
left = accAdvance + emGlyphMetrics.LeftSideBearing;
right = accAdvance + emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceWidth - emGlyphMetrics.RightSideBearing;
top = emGlyphMetrics.Baseline - emGlyphMetrics.AdvanceHeight + emGlyphMetrics.TopSideBearing + emGlyphMetrics.BottomSideBearing;
accAdvance += _advanceWidths[i];
// skip blank glyphs, as they don't contain ink
if (left + InkMetricsEpsilon >= right ||
top + InkMetricsEpsilon >= emGlyphMetrics.Baseline)
if (accLeft > left)
accLeft = left;
if (accTop > top)
accTop = top;
if (accRight < right)
accRight = right;
if (accBottom < emGlyphMetrics.Baseline)
accBottom = emGlyphMetrics.Baseline;
if (accLeft > accRight)
return Rect.Empty;
return new Rect(
accRight - accLeft,
accBottom - accTop
/// <summary>
/// Obtains geometry for the glyph run.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The geometry returned contains the combined geometry of all glyphs in the glyph run.
/// Overlapping contours are merged by performing a Boolean union operation.</returns>
public Geometry BuildGeometry()
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
GeometryGroup accumulatedGeometry = null;
double accAdvance = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < GlyphCount; ++i)
ushort glyphIndex = _glyphIndices[i];
double originX;
if (IsLeftToRight)
originX = accAdvance;
originX += GetGlyphOffset(i).X;
// no languages support sideways and right to left in the same run
double nominalAdvance = TextFormatterImp.RoundDip(_glyphTypeface.GetAdvanceWidth(glyphIndex, _pixelsPerDip, _textFormattingMode, IsSideways) * _renderingEmSize,
_pixelsPerDip, _textFormattingMode);
originX = -accAdvance;
originX -= (nominalAdvance + GetGlyphOffset(i).X);
accAdvance += _advanceWidths[i];
double originY = -GetGlyphOffset(i).Y;
Geometry glyphGeometry = _glyphTypeface.ComputeGlyphOutline(glyphIndex, IsSideways, _renderingEmSize);
if (glyphGeometry.IsEmpty())
// transform glyphGeometry to the glyph origin
glyphGeometry.Transform = new TranslateTransform(originX + _baselineOrigin.X, originY + _baselineOrigin.Y);
if (accumulatedGeometry == null)
accumulatedGeometry = new GeometryGroup
FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero
accumulatedGeometry.Children.Add(glyphGeometry.GetOutlinedPathGeometry(RelativeFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Relative));
// Make sure to always return Geometry.Empty from public methods for empty geometries.
if (accumulatedGeometry == null || accumulatedGeometry.IsEmpty())
return Geometry.Empty;
return accumulatedGeometry;
/// <summary>
/// Computes the alignment box for the glyph run.
/// The alignment box is relative to origin.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The alignment box for the glyph run.</returns>
public Rect ComputeAlignmentBox()
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
// cache AdvanceWidth value in a local variable because it involves a loop
double advanceWidth = AdvanceWidth;
// AdvanceWidth could be negative, but Rect.Width cannot
// be negative.
bool extendToRight = IsLeftToRight;
if (advanceWidth < 0.0)
extendToRight = !extendToRight;
advanceWidth = -advanceWidth;
if (extendToRight)
return new Rect(
return new Rect(
/// <summary>
/// Temporary helper to draw a glyph run background.
/// We hope to remove all uses of it, as fundamentally this is not the right way
/// to handle background drawing.
/// </summary>
internal void EmitBackground(DrawingContext dc, Brush backgroundBrush)
double advanceWidth;
// AdvanceWidth could be negative, but Rect.Width cannot
// be negative. Don't paint the
// background - it would paint over earlier glyphs.
if (backgroundBrush != null && (advanceWidth = AdvanceWidth) > 0.0)
Rect backgroundRect;
if (IsLeftToRight)
backgroundRect = new Rect(
_baselineOrigin.Y - Ascent,
backgroundRect = new Rect(
_baselineOrigin.X - advanceWidth,
_baselineOrigin.Y - Ascent,
/// <summary>
/// Helper that scales a raw dwrite GlyphMetrics into em space.
/// </summary>
private struct EmGlyphMetrics
internal EmGlyphMetrics(MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface.GlyphMetrics glyphMetrics, double designToEm, double pixelsPerDip, TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode)
if (TextFormattingMode.Display == textFormattingMode)
this.AdvanceWidth = TextFormatterImp.RoundDipForDisplayMode(designToEm * glyphMetrics.AdvanceWidth, pixelsPerDip);
this.AdvanceHeight = TextFormatterImp.RoundDipForDisplayMode(designToEm * glyphMetrics.AdvanceHeight, pixelsPerDip);
this.LeftSideBearing = TextFormatterImp.RoundDipForDisplayMode(designToEm * glyphMetrics.LeftSideBearing, pixelsPerDip);
this.RightSideBearing = TextFormatterImp.RoundDipForDisplayMode(designToEm * glyphMetrics.RightSideBearing, pixelsPerDip);
this.TopSideBearing = TextFormatterImp.RoundDipForDisplayMode(designToEm * glyphMetrics.TopSideBearing, pixelsPerDip);
this.BottomSideBearing = TextFormatterImp.RoundDipForDisplayMode(designToEm * glyphMetrics.BottomSideBearing, pixelsPerDip);
this.Baseline = TextFormatterImp.RoundDipForDisplayMode(designToEm * GlyphTypeface.BaselineHelper(glyphMetrics), pixelsPerDip);
this.AdvanceWidth = designToEm * glyphMetrics.AdvanceWidth;
this.AdvanceHeight = designToEm * glyphMetrics.AdvanceHeight;
this.LeftSideBearing = designToEm * glyphMetrics.LeftSideBearing;
this.RightSideBearing = designToEm * glyphMetrics.RightSideBearing;
this.TopSideBearing = designToEm * glyphMetrics.TopSideBearing;
this.BottomSideBearing = designToEm * glyphMetrics.BottomSideBearing;
this.Baseline = designToEm * GlyphTypeface.BaselineHelper(glyphMetrics);
internal double LeftSideBearing;
internal double AdvanceWidth;
internal double RightSideBearing;
internal double TopSideBearing;
internal double AdvanceHeight;
internal double BottomSideBearing;
internal double Baseline;
#endregion Drawing and measurements
#region DUCE.IResource implementation
/// <summary>
/// A structure to keep two scaling ratios fetched from given Matrix.
/// </summary>
internal struct Scale
internal Scale(ref Matrix matrix)
double m11 = matrix.M11;
double m12 = matrix.M12;
double m21 = matrix.M21;
double m22 = matrix.M22;
// Calculate redundant data.
_baseVectorX = Math.Sqrt(m11 * m11 + m12 * m12);
// Check for wrong matrix.
if (double.IsNaN(_baseVectorX))
_baseVectorX = 0;
_baseVectorY = _baseVectorX == 0 ? 0 : Math.Abs(m11 * m22 - m12 * m21) / _baseVectorX;
if (double.IsNaN(_baseVectorY))
_baseVectorY = 0;
internal bool IsValid
return _baseVectorX != 0 && _baseVectorY != 0;
internal bool IsSame(ref Scale scale)
// allow some imprecision that can appear because
// of matrix computations.
return _baseVectorX * 0.999999999 <= scale._baseVectorX &&
_baseVectorX * 1.000000001 >= scale._baseVectorX &&
_baseVectorY * 0.999999999 <= scale._baseVectorY &&
_baseVectorY * 1.000000001 >= scale._baseVectorY;
internal double _baseVectorX, _baseVectorY;
private DUCE.MultiChannelResource _mcr = new DUCE.MultiChannelResource();
/// <summary>
/// Generate a series of requests to create or update
/// slave glyph run resource and all depending data.
/// </summary>
DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.AddRefOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
using (CompositionEngineLock.Acquire())
if (_mcr.CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(this, channel, DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_GLYPHRUN))
return _mcr.GetHandle(channel);
/// <summary>
/// Generates request to delete slave glyph run resource.
/// </summary>
void DUCE.IResource.ReleaseOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
using (CompositionEngineLock.Acquire())
/// <summary>
/// This is only implemented by Visual and Visual3D.
/// </summary>
void DUCE.IResource.RemoveChildFromParent(DUCE.IResource parent, DUCE.Channel channel)
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// <summary>
/// This is only implemented by Visual and Visual3D.
/// </summary>
DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.Get3DHandle(DUCE.Channel channel)
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// <summary>
/// Returns current resource handle, allocated recently by AddRefOnChannel.
/// </summary>
DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.GetHandle(DUCE.Channel channel)
CheckInitialized(); // This can only be called on fully initialized GlyphRun
return _mcr.GetHandle(channel);
int DUCE.IResource.GetChannelCount()
return _mcr.GetChannelCount();
DUCE.Channel DUCE.IResource.GetChannel(int index)
return _mcr.GetChannel(index);
/// <summary>
/// Send to channel command sequence to create slave resource.
/// </summary>
private void CreateOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
Debug.Assert(_glyphTypeface != null);
int glyphCount = GlyphCount;
// The InkBoundingBox + the Origin produce the true InkBoundingBox.
// Not sure why the bounding box code doesn't adjust for this when you
// ask for the bounding box, instead everything
// that is interested in the bounding box has to do this calculation.
Rect adjustedInkBoundingBox = ComputeInkBoundingBox();
if (!adjustedInkBoundingBox.IsEmpty)
command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdGlyphRunCreate;
command.Handle = _mcr.GetHandle(channel);
command.GlyphRunFlags = ComposeFlags();
command.Origin.X = (float)_baselineOrigin.X;
command.Origin.Y = (float)_baselineOrigin.Y;
command.MuSize = (float)_renderingEmSize;
command.ManagedBounds = (Rect)adjustedInkBoundingBox;
command.GlyphCount = checked((UInt16)glyphCount);
command.BidiLevel = checked((UInt16)_bidiLevel);
command.pIDWriteFont = (UInt64)_glyphTypeface.GetDWriteFontAddRef;
command.DWriteTextMeasuringMethod = (UInt16)DWriteTypeConverter.
// Advances
// Offsets
// Change HasYPositions to HasOffsets
// BidiLevel
// Fix font file name (remove first 4 characters)
unsafe {
// calculate variable data size
// glyph indices
int varDataSize = glyphCount * sizeof(ushort);
// advance widths
varDataSize += glyphCount * sizeof(float);
// offsets
if (_glyphOffsets != null && _glyphOffsets.Count != 0)
varDataSize += glyphCount * (2 * sizeof(float));
// Send indices
// Send advances
// [optional] Send offsets
// transmit glyph indices
if (glyphCount <= MaxStackAlloc / sizeof(ushort))
// glyph count small enough, send all data at once
ushort* pGlyphIndices = stackalloc ushort[glyphCount];
for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
pGlyphIndices[i] = _glyphIndices[i];
channel.AppendCommandData((byte*)pGlyphIndices, glyphCount * sizeof(ushort));
// glyph count is not small, use per-glyph transmitting
for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
ushort glyphIndex = _glyphIndices[i];
channel.AppendCommandData((byte*)&glyphIndex, sizeof(ushort));
// transmit advance widths
if (glyphCount <= MaxStackAlloc / sizeof(float))
float *pAdvanceWidths = stackalloc float[glyphCount];
for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++)
pAdvanceWidths[i] = (float)_advanceWidths[i];
channel.AppendCommandData((byte*)pAdvanceWidths, glyphCount * sizeof(float));
for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++)
float advanceWidth = (float)_advanceWidths[i];
channel.AppendCommandData((byte*)&advanceWidth, sizeof(float));
// offsets
if (_glyphOffsets != null && _glyphOffsets.Count != 0)
if (glyphCount <= MaxStackAlloc / (2 * sizeof(float)))
float *pOffsets = stackalloc float[2*glyphCount];
for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++)
pOffsets[2*i] = (float)_glyphOffsets[i].X;
pOffsets[2*i+1] = (float)_glyphOffsets[i].Y;
channel.AppendCommandData((byte*)pOffsets, 2 * glyphCount * sizeof(float));
for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++)
float x = (float)_glyphOffsets[i].X;
float y = (float)_glyphOffsets[i].Y;
channel.AppendCommandData((byte*)&x, sizeof(float));
channel.AppendCommandData((byte*)&y, sizeof(float));
/// <summary>
/// Gather flags that affect:
/// - glyph run rendering
/// - glyph rasterization
/// - the way how glyph run data is packed
/// </summary>
private UInt16 ComposeFlags()
UInt16 flags = 0;
if (IsSideways)
flags |= (UInt16)MilGlyphRun.Sideways;
if (_glyphOffsets != null && _glyphOffsets.Count != 0)
flags |= (UInt16)MilGlyphRun.HasOffsets;
return flags;
#endregion DUCE.IResource implementation
#region Hit testing
/// <summary>
/// Given a code point index in the caret stop array, finds the nearest pair of caret stops.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterIndex">Character index to start the search from. Doesn't have to be snapped.</param>
/// <param name="caretStops">GlyphRun CaretStops array. Guaranteed to be non-null.</param>
/// <param name="caretStopIndex">Nearest caret stop index, or -1 if there are no caret stops.</param>
/// <param name="codePointsUntilNextStop">Code points until the next caret stop, or -1 if there is no next caret stop.</param>
private void FindNearestCaretStop(
int characterIndex,
IList<bool> caretStops,
out int caretStopIndex,
out int codePointsUntilNextStop)
caretStopIndex = -1;
codePointsUntilNextStop = -1;
if (characterIndex < 0 || characterIndex >= caretStops.Count)
// Find the closest caret stop at the character index or to the left of it.
for (int i = characterIndex; i >= 0; --i)
if (caretStops[i])
caretStopIndex = i;
// Couldn't find a caret stop at the character index or to the left of it.
// Search to the right.
if (caretStopIndex == -1)
for (int i = characterIndex + 1; i < caretStops.Count; ++i)
if (caretStops[i])
caretStopIndex = i;
// No caret stops found, the glyph run is not hit testable.
if (caretStopIndex == -1)
for (int lastStop = caretStopIndex + 1; lastStop < caretStops.Count; ++lastStop)
if (caretStops[lastStop])
// There is a next caret stop.
codePointsUntilNextStop = lastStop - caretStopIndex;
// There is no next caret stop.
/// <summary>
/// This class implements behavior of a Boolean list that contains all true values.
/// This allows us to have a single code path in hit testing API.
/// </summary>
private class DefaultCaretStopList : IList<bool>
public DefaultCaretStopList(int codePointCount)
_count = codePointCount + 1;
#region IList<bool> Members
public int IndexOf(bool item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public void Insert(int index, bool item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public bool this[int index]
return true;
throw new NotSupportedException();
public void RemoveAt(int index)
throw new NotSupportedException();
#region ICollection<bool> Members
public void Add(bool item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public void Clear()
throw new NotSupportedException();
public bool Contains(bool item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public void CopyTo(bool[] array, int arrayIndex)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public int Count
get { return _count; }
public bool IsReadOnly
get { return true; }
public bool Remove(bool item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
#region IEnumerable<bool> Members
IEnumerator<bool> IEnumerable<bool>.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotSupportedException();
#region IEnumerable Members
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotSupportedException();
private int _count;
/// <summary>
/// This class implements behavior of a 1:1 cluster map.
/// This allows us to have a single code path in hit testing API.
/// </summary>
private class DefaultClusterMap : IList<ushort>
public DefaultClusterMap(int count)
_count = count;
#region IList<ushort> Members
public int IndexOf(ushort item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public void Insert(int index, ushort item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public ushort this[int index]
return (ushort)index;
throw new NotSupportedException();
public void RemoveAt(int index)
throw new NotSupportedException();
#region ICollection<ushort> Members
public void Add(ushort item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public void Clear()
throw new NotSupportedException();
public bool Contains(ushort item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public void CopyTo(ushort[] array, int arrayIndex)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public int Count
get { return _count; }
public bool IsReadOnly
get { return true; }
public bool Remove(ushort item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
#region IEnumerable<ushort> Members
IEnumerator<ushort> IEnumerable<ushort>.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotSupportedException();
#region IEnumerable Members
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotSupportedException();
private int _count;
#endregion Hit testing
#region ISupportInitialize interface for Xaml serialization
void ISupportInitialize.BeginInit()
if (IsInitialized)
// Cannot initialize a GlyphRun that is completely initialized.
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.OnlyOneInitialization);
if (IsInitializing)
// Cannot initialize a GlyphRun that is already being initialized.
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InInitialization);
IsInitializing = true;
void ISupportInitialize.EndInit()
if (!IsInitializing)
// Cannot EndInit a GlyphRun that is not being initialized.
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.NotInInitialization);
// Fully initilize the GlyphRun. The method will check for consistency
// between all the properties.
(_flags & GlyphRunFlags.IsSideways) != 0,
// In case the layout mode is not Ideal then we cannot use ThousandthOfEmReal* since ThousandthOfEmReal* internally stores doubles as integers and hence there is some lost percision
// that can result in glyphs that were pixel aligned be not so. This is not important for ideal layout but is of great importance for compatible with layout.
(_advanceWidths == null ? null : ((_textFormattingMode != TextFormattingMode.Ideal) ? (IList<double>)(new List<double>()) : (IList<double>)(new ThousandthOfEmRealDoubles(_renderingEmSize, _advanceWidths)))),
(_glyphOffsets == null ? null : ((_textFormattingMode != TextFormattingMode.Ideal) ? (IList<Point>)(new List<Point>()) : (IList<Point>)(new ThousandthOfEmRealPoints(_renderingEmSize, _glyphOffsets)))),
// User should be able to fix errors that are only caught at EndInit() time. So set Initializing flag to
// false after Initialization succeeds.
IsInitializing = false;
private void CheckInitialized()
if (!IsInitialized)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InitializationIncomplete);
// Ensure the bits are set consistently. The object cannot be in both states.
private void CheckInitializing()
if (!IsInitializing)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.NotInInitialization);
// Ensure the bits are set consistently. The object cannot be in both states.
private bool IsInitializing
get { return (_flags & GlyphRunFlags.IsInitializing) != 0; }
if (value)
_flags |= GlyphRunFlags.IsInitializing;
_flags &= (~GlyphRunFlags.IsInitializing);
private bool IsInitialized
get { return (_flags & GlyphRunFlags.IsInitialized) != 0; }
if (value)
_flags |= GlyphRunFlags.IsInitialized;
_flags &= (~GlyphRunFlags.IsInitialized);
// Private Enumerations
#region Private Enumerations
/// <summary>
/// Glyph run flags.
/// </summary>
private enum GlyphRunFlags : byte
/// <summary>
/// No flags set.
/// It also represents the state in which the GlyphRun has not been initialized.
/// At this state, all operations on the object would cause InvalidOperationException.
/// The object can only transit to 'IsInitializing' state with BeginInit() call.
/// </summary>
None = 0x00,
/// <summary>
/// Set to display the GlyphRun sideways.
/// </summary>
IsSideways = 0x01,
/// <summary>
/// The state in which the GlyphRun object is fully initialized. At this state the object
/// is fully functional. There is no valid transition out of the state.
/// </summary>
IsInitialized = 0x08,
/// <summary>
/// The state in which the GlyphRun is being initialized. At this state, user can
/// set values into the required properties. The object can only transit to 'IsInitialized' state
/// with EndInit() call.
/// </summary>
IsInitializing = 0x10,
/// <summary>
/// Caching ink bounds
/// </summary>
CacheInkBounds = 0x20,
#endregion Private Enumerations
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
private Point _baselineOrigin;
private GlyphRunFlags _flags;
private double _renderingEmSize;
private IList<ushort> _glyphIndices;
private IList<double> _advanceWidths;
private IList<Point> _glyphOffsets;
private int _bidiLevel;
private GlyphTypeface _glyphTypeface;
private IList<char> _characters;
private IList<ushort> _clusterMap;
private IList<bool> _caretStops;
private XmlLanguage _language;
private string _deviceFontName;
private object _inkBoundingBox; // Used when CacheInkBounds is on
private TextFormattingMode _textFormattingMode;
private float _pixelsPerDip = MS.Internal.FontCache.Util.PixelsPerDip;
// the sine of 20 degrees
private const double Sin20 = 0.34202014332566873304409961468226;
// This is the precision that is used to decide that glyph metrics are equal,
// for example when detecting blank glyphs.
// The chosen value is greater than typical floating point precision loss
// but smaller than typical design font unit (1/1024th or 1/2048th).
private const double InkMetricsEpsilon = 0.0000001;
// Dummy font hinting size
private const double DefaultFontHintingSize = 12.0;
// Tolerance for flattening Bezier curves when calling GetOutlinedPathGeometry.
internal static double RelativeFlatteningTolerance = 0.01;
// The constants that delimit glyph run size.
internal const int MaxGlyphCount = 0xFFFF;
internal const int MaxStackAlloc = 1024;
#endregion Private Fields