// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
// A node table is the fundamental structure we use to track changes through the incremental
// generator api. It can be thought of as a series of slots that take their input from an
// upstream table and produce 0-or-more outputs. When viewed from a downstream table the outputs
// are presented as a single unified list, with each output forming the new input to the downstream
// table.
// Each slot has an associated state which is used to inform the operation that should be performed
// to create or update the outputs. States generally flow through from upstream to downstream tables.
// For instance an Added state implies that the upstream table produced a value that was not seen
// in the previous iteration, and the table should run whatever transform it tracks on the input
// to produce the outputs. These new outputs will also have a state of Added. A cached input specifies
// that the input has not changed, and thus the outputs will be the same as the previous run. Added,
// and Modified inputs will always run a transform to produce new outputs. Cached and Removed
// entries will always use the previous entries and perform no work.
// It is important to track Removed entries while updating the downstream tables, as an upstream
// remove can result in multiple downstream entries being removed. However, once all tables are up
// to date, the removed entries are no longer needed, and the remaining entries can be considered to
// be cached. This process is called 'compaction' and results in the actual tables which are stored
// between runs, as opposed to the 'live' tables that exist during an update.
// Modified entries are similar to added inputs, but with a subtle difference. When an input is Added
// all outputs are unconditionally added too. However when an input is modified, the outputs may still
// be the same (for instance something changed elsewhere in a file that had no bearing on the produced
// output). In this case, the state table checks the results against the previously produced values,
// and any that are found to be the same instead get a cached state, meaning no new downstream work
// will be produced for them. Thus a modified input is the only slot that can have differing output
// states.
internal enum EntryState { Added, Removed, Modified, Cached };
internal interface IStateTable
IStateTable AsCached();
bool HasTrackedSteps { get; }
ImmutableArray<IncrementalGeneratorRunStep> Steps { get; }
internal readonly record struct NodeStateEntry<T>(T Item, EntryState State, int OutputIndex, IncrementalGeneratorRunStep? Step);
/// <summary>
/// A data structure that tracks the inputs and output of an execution node
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the items tracked by this table</typeparam>
internal sealed class NodeStateTable<T> : IStateTable
internal static NodeStateTable<T> Empty { get; } = new NodeStateTable<T>(ImmutableArray<TableEntry>.Empty, ImmutableArray<IncrementalGeneratorRunStep>.Empty, hasTrackedSteps: true, isCached: false);
private readonly ImmutableArray<TableEntry> _states;
private NodeStateTable(ImmutableArray<TableEntry> states, ImmutableArray<IncrementalGeneratorRunStep> steps, bool hasTrackedSteps, bool isCached)
Debug.Assert(!hasTrackedSteps || steps.Length == states.Length);
_states = states;
Steps = steps;
IsCached = isCached;
HasTrackedSteps = hasTrackedSteps;
public int Count => _states.Length;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that this table is unchanged from the previous version.
/// </summary>
public bool IsCached { get; }
public bool IsEmpty => _states.IsEmpty;
public bool HasTrackedSteps { get; }
public ImmutableArray<IncrementalGeneratorRunStep> Steps { get; }
public int GetTotalEntryItemCount()
=> _states.Sum(static e => e.Count);
public struct Enumerator
private readonly NodeStateTable<T> _stateTable;
private int _nextStatesIndex;
private int _nextInputEntryIndex;
private IncrementalGeneratorRunStep? _step;
private TableEntry _inputEntry;
private NodeStateEntry<T> _current;
public Enumerator(NodeStateTable<T> stateTable)
_stateTable = stateTable;
_nextStatesIndex = 0;
public NodeStateEntry<T> Current => _current;
public bool MoveNext()
while (_nextStatesIndex < _stateTable._states.Length)
if (_nextInputEntryIndex < _inputEntry.Count)
_current = new NodeStateEntry<T>(_inputEntry.GetItem(_nextInputEntryIndex), _inputEntry.GetState(_nextInputEntryIndex), _nextInputEntryIndex, _step);
_nextInputEntryIndex += 1;
return true;
_nextStatesIndex += 1;
return false;
private void UpdateAfterNextStatesIndexModification()
_nextInputEntryIndex = 0;
if (_nextStatesIndex < _stateTable._states.Length)
_step = _stateTable.HasTrackedSteps ? _stateTable.Steps[_nextStatesIndex] : null;
_inputEntry = _stateTable._states[_nextStatesIndex];
public Enumerator GetEnumerator()
return new Enumerator(this);
public NodeStateTable<T> AsCached()
if (IsCached)
return this;
// If the input to an entry was removed, we also need to remove the entry.
// However, if the input was present, but the entry didn't produce any values (or removed them all),
// we need to keep the empty entry as a placeholder, so that on the next generation pass
// we can retrieve it as the cached value of the input.
var nonRemovedCount = _states.Count(static e => !e.IsRemovedDueToInputRemoval);
var compacted = ArrayBuilder<TableEntry>.GetInstance(nonRemovedCount);
foreach (var entry in _states)
if (!entry.IsRemovedDueToInputRemoval)
// When we're preparing a table for caching between runs, we drop the step information as we cannot guarantee the graph structure while also updating
// the input states
// Ensure we are completely full so that ToImmutable translates to a MoveToImmutable
Debug.Assert(compacted.Count == nonRemovedCount);
return new NodeStateTable<T>(compacted.ToImmutableAndFree(), ImmutableArray<IncrementalGeneratorRunStep>.Empty, hasTrackedSteps: false, isCached: true);
IStateTable IStateTable.AsCached() => AsCached();
public (T item, IncrementalGeneratorRunStep? step) Single()
Debug.Assert((_states.Length == 1 || _states.Length == 2 && _states[0].IsRemovedDueToInputRemoval) && _states[^1].Count == 1);
return (_states[^1].GetItem(0), HasTrackedSteps ? Steps[^1] : null);
public Builder ToBuilder(string? stepName, bool stepTrackingEnabled, IEqualityComparer<T>? equalityComparer = null, int? tableCapacity = null)
=> new(this, stepName, stepTrackingEnabled, equalityComparer, tableCapacity);
public NodeStateTable<T> CreateCachedTableWithUpdatedSteps<TInput>(NodeStateTable<TInput> inputTable, string? stepName, IEqualityComparer<T>? equalityComparer)
Debug.Assert(inputTable.HasTrackedSteps && inputTable.IsCached);
NodeStateTable<T>.Builder builder = ToBuilder(stepName, stepTrackingEnabled: true, equalityComparer);
foreach (var entry in inputTable)
var inputs = ImmutableArray.Create((entry.Step!, entry.OutputIndex));
bool usedCachedEntry = builder.TryUseCachedEntries(TimeSpan.Zero, inputs);
return builder.ToImmutableAndFree();
public string GetPackedStates()
var pooled = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
foreach (var state in _states)
for (int i = 0; i < state.Count; i++)
var packedChar = state.GetState(i) switch
EntryState.Added => 'A',
EntryState.Removed => 'R',
EntryState.Modified => 'M',
EntryState.Cached => 'C',
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(),
return pooled.ToStringAndFree();
/// <remarks>
/// The builder is <b>not</b> threadsafe.
/// </remarks>
public sealed class Builder
private readonly ArrayBuilder<TableEntry> _states;
private readonly NodeStateTable<T> _previous;
private readonly string? _name;
private readonly IEqualityComparer<T> _equalityComparer;
private readonly ArrayBuilder<IncrementalGeneratorRunStep>? _steps;
private int _insertedCount = 0;
[MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(_steps))]
public bool TrackIncrementalSteps => _steps is not null;
private readonly int? _requestedTableCapacity;
internal Builder(
NodeStateTable<T> previous,
string? name,
bool stepTrackingEnabled,
IEqualityComparer<T>? equalityComparer,
int? tableCapacity)
_requestedTableCapacity = tableCapacity;
// If the caller specified a desired capacity, then use that. Otherwise, use the previous table's total
// entry count as a reasonable approximation for what we will need.
_states = ArrayBuilder<TableEntry>.GetInstance(tableCapacity ?? previous.GetTotalEntryItemCount());
_previous = previous;
_name = name;
_equalityComparer = equalityComparer ?? WrappedUserComparer<T>.Default;
if (stepTrackingEnabled)
_steps = ArrayBuilder<IncrementalGeneratorRunStep>.GetInstance();
public int Count => _states.Count;
public bool TryRemoveEntries(TimeSpan elapsedTime, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)> stepInputs)
if (!TryGetPreviousEntry(out var previousEntry))
// The previous table had less node executions than this one, so we don't have any entries from a previous corresponding node execution to remove.
return false;
// Mark the corresponding entries to this node execution in the previous table as removed.
// Since they are removed due to their input having been removed, we won't have to keep placeholders for them.
var previousEntries = previousEntry.AsRemovedDueToInputRemoval();
RecordStepInfoForLastEntry(elapsedTime, stepInputs, EntryState.Removed);
return true;
public bool TryRemoveEntries(TimeSpan elapsedTime, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)> stepInputs, out OneOrMany<T> entries)
if (!TryRemoveEntries(elapsedTime, stepInputs))
entries = default;
return false;
entries = _states[^1].Items;
return true;
public bool TryUseCachedEntries(TimeSpan elapsedTime, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)> stepInputs)
if (!TryGetPreviousEntry(out var previousEntries))
// The previous table had less node executions than this one, so we don't have any entries from a previous corresponding node execution to copy as cached.
return false;
RecordStepInfoForLastEntry(elapsedTime, stepInputs, EntryState.Cached);
return true;
internal bool TryUseCachedEntries(TimeSpan elapsedTime, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)> stepInputs, out TableEntry entry)
if (!TryUseCachedEntries(elapsedTime, stepInputs))
entry = default;
return false;
entry = _states[^1];
return true;
public bool TryModifyEntry(T value, TimeSpan elapsedTime, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)> stepInputs, EntryState overallInputState)
if (!TryGetPreviousEntry(out var previousEntry))
// The previous table had less node executions than this one, so we don't have any entries from a previous corresponding node execution to try to modify.
return false;
if (previousEntry.Count == 0)
// it's possible that the previous execution removed this item, but we left in an empty entry as a placeholder. In which case, we can't modify it
return false;
Debug.Assert(previousEntry.Count == 1);
var (chosen, state, _) = GetModifiedItemAndState(previousEntry.GetItem(0), value);
_states.Add(new TableEntry(OneOrMany.Create(chosen), state));
RecordStepInfoForLastEntry(elapsedTime, stepInputs, overallInputState);
return true;
public bool TryModifyEntries(ImmutableArray<T> outputs, TimeSpan elapsedTime, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)> stepInputs, EntryState overallInputState)
// Semantics:
// For each item in the row, we compare with the new matching new value.
// - Cached when the same
// - Modified when different
// - Removed when old item position > outputs.length
// - Added when new item position < previousTable.length
if (!TryGetPreviousEntry(out var previousEntry))
return false;
// when both entries have no items, we can short circuit
if (previousEntry.Count == 0 && outputs.Length == 0)
if (TrackIncrementalSteps)
RecordStepInfoForLastEntry(elapsedTime, stepInputs, EntryState.Cached);
return true;
// We may be able to move the previous entry over wholesale. So avoid creating an builder and doing any
// expensive work there until necessary (e.g. we detected either a different item or a different state).
// We can only do this if the counts of before/after are the same. If not, then obviously something
// changed and we can't reuse the before item.
var totalBuilderItems = Math.Max(previousEntry.Count, outputs.Length);
var builder = previousEntry.Count == outputs.Length ? null : new TableEntry.Builder(capacity: totalBuilderItems);
var sharedCount = Math.Min(previousEntry.Count, outputs.Length);
// cached or modified items
for (int i = 0; i < sharedCount; i++)
var previousItem = previousEntry.GetItem(i);
var previousState = previousEntry.GetState(i);
var replacementItem = outputs[i];
var (chosenItem, state, chosePrevious) = GetModifiedItemAndState(previousItem, replacementItem);
if (builder != null)
// if we have a builder, then we're keeping track of all entries no matter what.
builder.Add(chosenItem, state);
if (!chosePrevious || state != previousState)
// We don't have a builder, but we also can't use the previous entry. Make a builder, copy
// everything prior to this point to it, and then add the latest entry.
builder = new TableEntry.Builder(capacity: totalBuilderItems);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
builder.Add(previousEntry.GetItem(j), previousEntry.GetState(j));
builder.Add(chosenItem, state);
// otherwise, we don't have a builder and we are still able to use the previous entry. Keep going
// without constructing anything.
// removed
for (int i = sharedCount; i < previousEntry.Count; i++)
// We know we must have a builder because we only get into this path when the counts are different
// (and thus we created a builder at the start).
builder!.Add(previousEntry.GetItem(i), EntryState.Removed);
// added
for (int i = sharedCount; i < outputs.Length; i++)
// We know we must have a builder because we only get into this path when the counts are different
// (and thus we created a builder at the start).
builder!.Add(outputs[i], EntryState.Added);
// If we still don't have a builder, then we can reuse the previous table entry entirely. Otherwise,
// construct the new one from the values collected.
_states.Add(builder == null ? previousEntry : builder.ToImmutableAndFree());
RecordStepInfoForLastEntry(elapsedTime, stepInputs, overallInputState);
return true;
public bool TryModifyEntries(ImmutableArray<T> outputs, TimeSpan elapsedTime, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)> stepInputs, EntryState overallInputState, out TableEntry entry)
if (!TryModifyEntries(outputs, elapsedTime, stepInputs, overallInputState))
entry = default;
return false;
entry = _states[^1];
return true;
public void AddEntry(T value, EntryState state, TimeSpan elapsedTime, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)> stepInputs, EntryState overallInputState)
_states.Add(new TableEntry(OneOrMany.Create(value), state));
_insertedCount += state == EntryState.Added ? 1 : 0;
RecordStepInfoForLastEntry(elapsedTime, stepInputs, overallInputState);
public TableEntry AddEntries(ImmutableArray<T> values, EntryState state, TimeSpan elapsedTime, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)> stepInputs, EntryState overallInputState)
var tableEntry = new TableEntry(OneOrMany.Create(values), state);
_insertedCount += state == EntryState.Added ? 1 : 0;
RecordStepInfoForLastEntry(elapsedTime, stepInputs, overallInputState);
return tableEntry;
private bool TryGetPreviousEntry(out TableEntry previousEntry)
// When indexing into the previous table we need to subtract the number of entries that have been explicitly added
// to the current table, as they didn't exist in the previous one.
var previousTableEntryIndex = _states.Count - _insertedCount;
var canUsePrevious = _previous._states.Length > previousTableEntryIndex;
previousEntry = canUsePrevious ? _previous._states[previousTableEntryIndex] : default;
return canUsePrevious;
private void RecordStepInfoForLastEntry(TimeSpan elapsedTime, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)> stepInputs, EntryState overallInputState)
Debug.Assert(stepInputs.IsDefault == !TrackIncrementalSteps);
if (TrackIncrementalSteps)
// We should have already recorded step information for all steps before the most recently recorded step.
Debug.Assert(_steps.Count + 1 == _states.Count);
TableEntry outputInfo = _states[^1];
var stepOutputBuilder = ArrayBuilder<(object, IncrementalStepRunReason)>.GetInstance(outputInfo.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < outputInfo.Count; i++)
stepOutputBuilder.Add((outputInfo.GetItem(i)!, AsStepState(overallInputState, outputInfo.GetState(i))));
new IncrementalGeneratorRunStep(
public IReadOnlyList<IncrementalGeneratorRunStep> Steps => (IReadOnlyList<IncrementalGeneratorRunStep>?)_steps ?? ImmutableArray<IncrementalGeneratorRunStep>.Empty;
private static IncrementalStepRunReason AsStepState(EntryState inputState, EntryState outputState)
return (inputState, outputState) switch
(EntryState.Added, EntryState.Added) => IncrementalStepRunReason.New,
(EntryState.Modified, EntryState.Modified) => IncrementalStepRunReason.Modified,
(EntryState.Modified, EntryState.Cached) => IncrementalStepRunReason.Unchanged,
(EntryState.Cached, EntryState.Cached) => IncrementalStepRunReason.Cached,
(EntryState.Removed, EntryState.Removed) => IncrementalStepRunReason.Removed,
(EntryState.Modified, EntryState.Removed) => IncrementalStepRunReason.Removed,
(EntryState.Modified, EntryState.Added) => IncrementalStepRunReason.New,
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue((inputState, outputState))
public NodeStateTable<T> ToImmutableAndFree()
Debug.Assert(!TrackIncrementalSteps || _states.Count == _steps.Count);
if (_states.Count == 0)
return NodeStateTable<T>.Empty;
// If the caller requested a specific capacity, then we should have added either that amount, or some
// amount less than that. It's possible to have added less as a Where clause will mean some amount of
// states are filtered out.
Debug.Assert(_requestedTableCapacity == null || _states.Count <= _requestedTableCapacity);
// if we added the exact same entries as before, then we can directly embed previous' entry array,
// avoiding a costly allocation of the same data.
ImmutableArray<TableEntry> finalStates;
if (_states.Count == _previous.Count && _states.SequenceEqual(_previous._states, (e1, e2) => e1.Matches(e2, _equalityComparer)))
finalStates = _previous._states;
// Important to use ToImmutableAndFree so that we will MoveToImmutable when the requested capacity
// equals the count.
finalStates = _states.ToImmutableAndFree();
return new NodeStateTable<T>(
TrackIncrementalSteps ? _steps.ToImmutableAndFree() : default,
hasTrackedSteps: TrackIncrementalSteps,
isCached: finalStates.All(static s => s.IsCached) && _previous.GetTotalEntryItemCount() == finalStates.Sum(static s => s.Count));
private (T chosen, EntryState state, bool chosePrevious) GetModifiedItemAndState(T previous, T replacement)
// when comparing an item to check if its modified we explicitly cache the *previous* item in the case where its
// considered to be equal. This ensures that subsequent comparisons are stable across future generation passes.
return _equalityComparer.Equals(previous, replacement)
? (previous, EntryState.Cached, chosePrevious: true)
: (replacement, EntryState.Modified, chosePrevious: false);
internal readonly struct TableEntry
private static readonly ImmutableArray<EntryState> s_allAddedEntries = ImmutableArray.Create(EntryState.Added);
private static readonly ImmutableArray<EntryState> s_allCachedEntries = ImmutableArray.Create(EntryState.Cached);
private static readonly ImmutableArray<EntryState> s_allModifiedEntries = ImmutableArray.Create(EntryState.Modified);
/// <summary>
/// All items removed as part of a transformation from non-empty input.
/// </summary>
private static readonly ImmutableArray<EntryState> s_allRemovedEntries = ImmutableArray.Create(EntryState.Removed);
/// <summary>
/// All items removed because the input has been removed.
/// </summary>
private static readonly ImmutableArray<EntryState> s_allRemovedDueToInputRemoval = ImmutableArray.Create(EntryState.Removed);
private readonly OneOrMany<T> _items;
private readonly bool _anyRemoved;
/// <summary>
/// Represents the corresponding state of each item in <see cref="_items"/>, or contains a single state when
/// <see cref="_items"/> is populated or when every state of <see cref="_items"/> has the same value.
/// </summary>
private readonly ImmutableArray<EntryState> _states;
public TableEntry(OneOrMany<T> items, EntryState state)
: this(items, GetSingleArray(state), anyRemoved: state == EntryState.Removed) { }
private TableEntry(OneOrMany<T> items, ImmutableArray<EntryState> states, bool anyRemoved)
Debug.Assert(states.Length == 1 || states.Distinct().Length > 1);
_items = items;
_states = states;
_anyRemoved = anyRemoved;
public bool Matches(TableEntry entry, IEqualityComparer<T> equalityComparer)
if (!_states.SequenceEqual(entry._states))
return false;
if (this.Count != entry.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0, n = this.Count; i < n; i++)
if (!equalityComparer.Equals(this.GetItem(i), entry.GetItem(i)))
return false;
return true;
public bool IsCached => this._states == s_allCachedEntries || this._states.All(s => s == EntryState.Cached);
public bool IsRemovedDueToInputRemoval => this._states == s_allRemovedDueToInputRemoval;
public int Count => _items.Count;
public T GetItem(int index) => _items[index];
public EntryState GetState(int index) => _states.Length == 1 ? _states[0] : _states[index];
public OneOrMany<T> Items => _items;
public TableEntry AsCached()
if (!_anyRemoved)
return new TableEntry(_items, s_allCachedEntries, anyRemoved: false);
var itemBuilder = ArrayBuilder<T>.GetInstance();
for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
if (this.GetState(i) != EntryState.Removed)
Debug.Assert(itemBuilder.Count < this.Count);
return new TableEntry(OneOrMany.Create(itemBuilder.ToImmutableArray()), s_allCachedEntries, anyRemoved: false);
public TableEntry AsRemovedDueToInputRemoval() => new(_items, s_allRemovedDueToInputRemoval, anyRemoved: true);
private static ImmutableArray<EntryState> GetSingleArray(EntryState state) => state switch
EntryState.Added => s_allAddedEntries,
EntryState.Cached => s_allCachedEntries,
EntryState.Modified => s_allModifiedEntries,
EntryState.Removed => s_allRemovedEntries,
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable()
public Enumerator GetEnumerator()
=> new(this);
public struct Enumerator
private readonly TableEntry _entry;
private int _index = -1;
public Enumerator(TableEntry tableEntry)
_entry = tableEntry;
public bool MoveNext()
return _index < _entry.Count;
public T Current => _entry.GetItem(_index);
public override string ToString()
if (this.Count == 1)
return $"{GetItem(0)}: {GetState(0)}";
var sb = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
if (i > 0)
sb.Builder.Append(" (");
sb.Builder.Append(" }");
return sb.ToStringAndFree();
public sealed class Builder
private readonly ArrayBuilder<T> _items;
private ArrayBuilder<EntryState>? _states;
private EntryState? _currentState;
private bool _anyRemoved;
private readonly int _requestedCapacity;
public Builder(int capacity)
_items = ArrayBuilder<T>.GetInstance(capacity);
_requestedCapacity = capacity;
public void Add(T item, EntryState state)
_anyRemoved |= state == EntryState.Removed;
if (!_currentState.HasValue)
_currentState = state;
else if (_states is not null)
else if (_currentState != state)
// Create a builder with the right capacity (so we don't waste scratch space). Copy all the same
// prior values all the way up to the last item we're about to add.
_states = ArrayBuilder<EntryState>.GetInstance(_requestedCapacity);
for (int i = 0, n = _items.Count - 1; i < n; i++)
// then finally add the new value at the end.
public TableEntry ToImmutableAndFree()
Debug.Assert(_currentState.HasValue, "Created a builder with no values?");
Debug.Assert(_items.Count >= 1, "Created a builder with no values?");
Debug.Assert(_items.Count == _requestedCapacity);
Debug.Assert(_states == null || _states.Count == _requestedCapacity);
return new TableEntry(_items.ToOneOrManyAndFree(), _states?.ToImmutableAndFree() ?? GetSingleArray(_currentState.Value), anyRemoved: _anyRemoved);