File: Workspace\ProjectSystem\ProjectSystemProject.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ProjectSystem;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Telemetry;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Threading;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using static Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.ProjectSystem.ProjectSystemProjectFactory;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.ProjectSystem;
internal sealed partial class ProjectSystemProject
    private static readonly char[] s_directorySeparator = [Path.DirectorySeparatorChar];
    private static readonly ImmutableArray<MetadataReferenceProperties> s_defaultMetadataReferenceProperties = [default(MetadataReferenceProperties)];
    private readonly ProjectSystemProjectFactory _projectSystemProjectFactory;
    private readonly ProjectSystemHostInfo _hostInfo;
    /// <summary>
    /// A semaphore taken for all mutation of any mutable field in this type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>This is, for now, intentionally pessimistic. There are no doubt ways that we could allow more to run in
    /// parallel, but the current tradeoff is for simplicity of code and "obvious correctness" than something that is
    /// subtle, fast, and wrong.</remarks>
    private readonly SemaphoreSlim _gate = new(initialCount: 1);
    /// <summary>
    /// The number of active batch scopes. If this is zero, we are not batching, non-zero means we are batching.
    /// </summary>
    private int _activeBatchScopes = 0;
    private readonly List<(string path, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)> _metadataReferencesAddedInBatch = [];
    private readonly List<(string path, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)> _metadataReferencesRemovedInBatch = [];
    private readonly List<ProjectReference> _projectReferencesAddedInBatch = [];
    private readonly List<ProjectReference> _projectReferencesRemovedInBatch = [];
    /// <summary>
    /// The set of actual analyzer reference paths that the project knows about.
    /// </summary>
    private readonly HashSet<string> _projectAnalyzerPaths = [];
    /// <summary>
    /// The set of SDK code style analyzer reference paths that the project knows about.
    /// </summary>
    private readonly HashSet<string> _sdkCodeStyleAnalyzerPaths = [];
    /// <summary>
    /// Paths to analyzers we want to add when the current batch completes.
    /// </summary>
    private readonly List<string> _analyzersAddedInBatch = [];
    /// <summary>
    /// Paths to analzyers we want to remove when the current batch completes.
    /// </summary>
    private readonly List<string> _analyzersRemovedInBatch = [];
    private readonly List<Func<SolutionChangeAccumulator, ProjectUpdateState, ProjectUpdateState>> _projectPropertyModificationsInBatch = [];
    private string _assemblyName;
    private string _displayName;
    private string? _filePath;
    private CompilationOptions? _compilationOptions;
    private ParseOptions? _parseOptions;
    private SourceHashAlgorithm _checksumAlgorithm = SourceHashAlgorithms.Default;
    private bool _hasAllInformation = true;
    private string? _compilationOutputAssemblyFilePath;
    private string? _outputFilePath;
    private string? _outputRefFilePath;
    private string? _generatedFilesOutputDirectory;
    private string? _defaultNamespace;
    private bool _hasSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers;
    /// <summary>
    /// If this project is the 'primary' project the project system cares about for a group of Roslyn projects that
    /// correspond to different configurations of a single project system project. <see langword="true"/> by
    /// default.
    /// </summary>
    internal bool IsPrimary { get; set; } = true;
    // Actual property values for 'RunAnalyzers' and 'RunAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysis' properties from the project file.
    // Both these properties can be used to configure running analyzers, with RunAnalyzers overriding RunAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysis.
    private bool? _runAnalyzersPropertyValue;
    private bool? _runAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysisPropertyValue;
    // Effective boolean value to determine if analyzers should be executed based on _runAnalyzersPropertyValue and _runAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysisPropertyValue.
    private bool _runAnalyzers = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// The full list of all metadata references this project has. References that have internally been converted to project references
    /// will still be in this.
    /// </summary>
    private readonly Dictionary<string, ImmutableArray<MetadataReferenceProperties>> _allMetadataReferences = [];
    /// <summary>
    /// The file watching tokens for the documents in this project. We get the tokens even when we're in a batch, so the files here
    /// may not be in the actual workspace yet.
    /// </summary>
    private readonly Dictionary<DocumentId, IWatchedFile> _documentWatchedFiles = [];
    /// <summary>
    /// A file change context used to watch source files, additional files, and analyzer config files for this project. It's automatically set to watch the user's project
    /// directory so we avoid file-by-file watching.
    /// </summary>
    private readonly IFileChangeContext _documentFileChangeContext;
    /// <summary>
    /// track whether we have been subscribed to <see cref="IDynamicFileInfoProvider.Updated"/> event
    /// </summary>
    private readonly HashSet<IDynamicFileInfoProvider> _eventSubscriptionTracker = [];
    /// <summary>
    /// Map of the original dynamic file path to the <see cref="DynamicFileInfo.FilePath"/> that was associated with it.
    /// For example, the key is something like Page.cshtml which is given to us from the project system calling
    /// <see cref="AddDynamicSourceFile(string, ImmutableArray{string})"/>. The value of the map is a generated file that
    /// corresponds to the original path, say Page.g.cs. If we were given a file by the project system but no
    /// <see cref="IDynamicFileInfoProvider"/> provided a file for it, we will record the value as null so we still can track
    /// the addition of the .cshtml file for a later call to <see cref="RemoveDynamicSourceFile(string)"/>.
    /// The workspace snapshot will only have a document with  <see cref="DynamicFileInfo.FilePath"/> (the value) but not the
    /// original dynamic file path (the key).
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// We use the same string comparer as in the <see cref="BatchingDocumentCollection"/> used by _sourceFiles, below, as these
    /// files are added to that collection too.
    /// </remarks>
    private readonly Dictionary<string, string?> _dynamicFilePathMaps = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
    private readonly BatchingDocumentCollection _sourceFiles;
    private readonly BatchingDocumentCollection _additionalFiles;
    private readonly BatchingDocumentCollection _analyzerConfigFiles;
    private readonly AsyncBatchingWorkQueue<string> _fileChangesToProcess;
    private readonly CancellationTokenSource _asynchronousFileChangeProcessingCancellationTokenSource = new();
    public ProjectId Id { get; }
    public string Language { get; }
    internal ProjectSystemProject(
        ProjectSystemProjectFactory projectSystemProjectFactory,
        ProjectSystemHostInfo hostInfo,
        ProjectId id,
        string displayName,
        string language,
        string assemblyName,
        CompilationOptions? compilationOptions,
        string? filePath,
        ParseOptions? parseOptions)
        _projectSystemProjectFactory = projectSystemProjectFactory;
        _hostInfo = hostInfo;
        Id = id;
        Language = language;
        _displayName = displayName;
        _sourceFiles = new BatchingDocumentCollection(
            documentAlreadyInWorkspace: (s, d) => s.ContainsDocument(d),
            documentAddAction: (w, d) => w.OnDocumentAdded(d),
            documentRemoveAction: (w, documentId) => w.OnDocumentRemoved(documentId),
            documentTextLoaderChangedAction: (s, d, loader) => s.WithDocumentTextLoader(d, loader, PreservationMode.PreserveValue),
            documentChangedWorkspaceKind: WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentChanged);
        _additionalFiles = new BatchingDocumentCollection(this,
            (s, d) => s.ContainsAdditionalDocument(d),
            (w, d) => w.OnAdditionalDocumentAdded(d),
            (w, documentId) => w.OnAdditionalDocumentRemoved(documentId),
            documentTextLoaderChangedAction: (s, d, loader) => s.WithAdditionalDocumentTextLoader(d, loader, PreservationMode.PreserveValue),
            documentChangedWorkspaceKind: WorkspaceChangeKind.AdditionalDocumentChanged);
        _analyzerConfigFiles = new BatchingDocumentCollection(this,
            (s, d) => s.ContainsAnalyzerConfigDocument(d),
            (w, d) => w.OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentAdded(d),
            (w, documentId) => w.OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentRemoved(documentId),
            documentTextLoaderChangedAction: (s, d, loader) => s.WithAnalyzerConfigDocumentTextLoader(d, loader, PreservationMode.PreserveValue),
            documentChangedWorkspaceKind: WorkspaceChangeKind.AnalyzerConfigDocumentChanged);
        _fileChangesToProcess = new AsyncBatchingWorkQueue<string>(
            TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200), // 200 chosen with absolutely no evidence whatsoever
        _assemblyName = assemblyName;
        _compilationOptions = compilationOptions;
        _filePath = filePath;
        _parseOptions = parseOptions;
        var watchedDirectories = GetWatchedDirectories(language, filePath);
        _documentFileChangeContext = _projectSystemProjectFactory.FileChangeWatcher.CreateContext(watchedDirectories);
        _documentFileChangeContext.FileChanged += DocumentFileChangeContext_FileChanged;
        static ImmutableArray<WatchedDirectory> GetWatchedDirectories(string? language, string? filePath)
            if (filePath is null)
                return [];
            var rootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);
            if (rootPath is null)
                return [];
            return language switch
                LanguageNames.VisualBasic => [new(rootPath, [".vb"])],
                LanguageNames.CSharp => [new(rootPath, [".cs", ".razor", ".cshtml"])],
                _ => []
    private void ChangeProjectProperty<T>(ref T field, T newValue, Func<Solution, Solution> updateSolution, bool logThrowAwayTelemetry = false)
            ref field,
            (solutionChanges, projectUpdateState, _) =>
                solutionChanges.UpdateSolutionForProjectAction(Id, updateSolution(solutionChanges.Solution));
                return projectUpdateState;
    private void ChangeProjectProperty<T>(
        ref T field,
        T newValue,
        Func<SolutionChangeAccumulator, ProjectUpdateState, T, ProjectUpdateState> updateSolution,
        bool logThrowAwayTelemetry = false)
        using var _ = CreateBatchScope();
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            // If nothing is changing, we can skip entirely
            if (object.Equals(field, newValue))
            var oldValue = field;
            field = newValue;
            if (logThrowAwayTelemetry)
                var telemetryService = _projectSystemProjectFactory.SolutionServices.GetService<IWorkspaceTelemetryService>();
                if (telemetryService?.HasActiveSession == true)
                    var workspaceStatusService = _projectSystemProjectFactory.SolutionServices.GetRequiredService<IWorkspaceStatusService>();
                    // We only log telemetry during solution open
                    // Importantly, we do not await/wait on the fullyLoadedStateTask.  We do not want to ever be waiting on work
                    // that may end up touching the UI thread (As we can deadlock if GetTagsSynchronous waits on us).  Instead,
                    // we only check if the Task is completed.  Prior to that we will assume we are still loading.  Once this
                    // task is completed, we know that the WaitUntilFullyLoadedAsync call will have actually finished and we're
                    // fully loaded.
                    var isFullyLoadedTask = workspaceStatusService.IsFullyLoadedAsync(CancellationToken.None);
                    var isFullyLoaded = isFullyLoadedTask is { IsCompleted: true } && isFullyLoadedTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    if (!isFullyLoaded)
                        TryReportCompilationThrownAway(_projectSystemProjectFactory.Workspace.CurrentSolution, Id);
                (solutionChanges, projectUpdateState) => updateSolution(solutionChanges, projectUpdateState, oldValue));
    /// <summary>
    /// Reports a telemetry event if compilation information is being thrown away after being previously computed
    /// </summary>
    private static void TryReportCompilationThrownAway(
        Solution solution, ProjectId projectId)
        // We log the number of syntax trees that have been parsed even if there was no compilation created yet
        var projectState = solution.SolutionState.GetRequiredProjectState(projectId);
        var parsedTrees = 0;
        foreach (var (_, documentState) in projectState.DocumentStates.States)
            if (documentState.TryGetSyntaxTree(out _))
        // But we also want to know if a compilation was created
        var hadCompilation = solution.CompilationState.TryGetCompilation(projectId, out _);
        if (parsedTrees > 0 || hadCompilation)
            Logger.Log(FunctionId.Workspace_Project_CompilationThrownAway, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(m =>
                // Note: Not using our project Id. This is the same ProjectGuid that the project system uses
                // so data can be correlated
                m["ProjectGuid"] = projectState.ProjectInfo.Attributes.TelemetryId.ToString("B");
                m["SyntaxTreesParsed"] = parsedTrees;
                m["HadCompilation"] = hadCompilation;
    private void ChangeProjectOutputPath(ref string? field, string? newValue, Func<Solution, Solution> withNewValue)
        ChangeProjectProperty(ref field, newValue, (solutionChanges, projectUpdateState, oldValue) =>
            // First, update the property itself that's exposed on the Project.
            solutionChanges.UpdateSolutionForProjectAction(Id, withNewValue(solutionChanges.Solution));
            if (oldValue != null)
                projectUpdateState = RemoveProjectOutputPath_NoLock(solutionChanges, Id, oldValue, projectUpdateState,
                    _projectSystemProjectFactory.SolutionClosing, _projectSystemProjectFactory.SolutionServices);
            if (newValue != null)
                projectUpdateState = AddProjectOutputPath_NoLock(solutionChanges, Id, newValue, projectUpdateState, _projectSystemProjectFactory.SolutionServices);
            return projectUpdateState;
    public string AssemblyName
        get => _assemblyName;
        set => ChangeProjectProperty(ref _assemblyName, value, s => s.WithProjectAssemblyName(Id, value), logThrowAwayTelemetry: true);
    // The property could be null if this is a non-C#/VB language and we don't have one for it. But we disallow assigning null, because C#/VB cannot end up null
    // again once they already had one.
    public CompilationOptions? CompilationOptions
        get => _compilationOptions;
        set => ChangeProjectProperty(ref _compilationOptions, value, s => s.WithProjectCompilationOptions(Id, value), logThrowAwayTelemetry: true);
    // The property could be null if this is a non-C#/VB language and we don't have one for it. But we disallow assigning null, because C#/VB cannot end up null
    // again once they already had one.
    public ParseOptions? ParseOptions
        get => _parseOptions;
        set => ChangeProjectProperty(ref _parseOptions, value, s => s.WithProjectParseOptions(Id, value), logThrowAwayTelemetry: true);
    /// <summary>
    /// The path to the output in obj.
    /// </summary>
    internal string? CompilationOutputAssemblyFilePath
        get => _compilationOutputAssemblyFilePath;
        set => ChangeProjectOutputPath(
            ref _compilationOutputAssemblyFilePath,
            s => s.WithProjectCompilationOutputInfo(Id, s.GetRequiredProject(Id).CompilationOutputInfo.WithAssemblyPath(value)));
    /// <summary>
    /// The path to the source generated files.
    /// </summary>
    internal string? GeneratedFilesOutputDirectory
        get => _generatedFilesOutputDirectory;
        set => ChangeProjectOutputPath(
            ref _generatedFilesOutputDirectory,
            s => s.WithProjectCompilationOutputInfo(Id, s.GetRequiredProject(Id).CompilationOutputInfo.WithGeneratedFilesOutputDirectory(value)));
    public string? OutputFilePath
        get => _outputFilePath;
        set => ChangeProjectOutputPath(ref _outputFilePath, value, s => s.WithProjectOutputFilePath(Id, value));
    public string? OutputRefFilePath
        get => _outputRefFilePath;
        set => ChangeProjectOutputPath(ref _outputRefFilePath, value, s => s.WithProjectOutputRefFilePath(Id, value));
    public string? FilePath
        get => _filePath;
        set => ChangeProjectProperty(ref _filePath, value, s => s.WithProjectFilePath(Id, value));
    public string DisplayName
        get => _displayName;
        set => ChangeProjectProperty(ref _displayName, value, s => s.WithProjectName(Id, value));
    public SourceHashAlgorithm ChecksumAlgorithm
        get => _checksumAlgorithm;
        set => ChangeProjectProperty(ref _checksumAlgorithm, value, s => s.WithProjectChecksumAlgorithm(Id, value));
    // internal to match the visibility of the Workspace-level API -- this is something
    // we use but we haven't made officially public yet.
    internal bool HasAllInformation
        get => _hasAllInformation;
        set => ChangeProjectProperty(ref _hasAllInformation, value, s => s.WithHasAllInformation(Id, value));
    internal bool? RunAnalyzers
        get => _runAnalyzersPropertyValue;
            _runAnalyzersPropertyValue = value;
    internal bool? RunAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysis
        get => _runAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysisPropertyValue;
            _runAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysisPropertyValue = value;
    private void UpdateRunAnalyzers()
        // Property RunAnalyzers overrides RunAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysis, and default when both properties are not set is 'true'.
        var runAnalyzers = _runAnalyzersPropertyValue ?? _runAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysisPropertyValue ?? true;
        ChangeProjectProperty(ref _runAnalyzers, runAnalyzers, s => s.WithRunAnalyzers(Id, runAnalyzers));
    internal bool HasSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers
        get => _hasSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers;
        set => ChangeProjectProperty(ref _hasSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers, value, s => s.WithHasSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers(Id, value));
    /// <summary>
    /// The default namespace of the project.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// In C#, this is defined as the value of "rootnamespace" msbuild property. Right now VB doesn't
    /// have the concept of "default namespace", but we conjure one in workspace by assigning the value
    /// of the project's root namespace to it. So various features can choose to use it for their own purpose.
    /// In the future, we might consider officially exposing "default namespace" for VB project
    /// (e.g.through a "defaultnamespace" msbuild property)
    /// </remarks>
    internal string? DefaultNamespace
        get => _defaultNamespace;
        set => ChangeProjectProperty(ref _defaultNamespace, value, s => s.WithProjectDefaultNamespace(Id, value));
    /// <summary>
    /// The max language version supported for this project, if applicable. Useful to help indicate what
    /// language version features should be suggested to a user, as well as if they can be upgraded.
    /// </summary>
    internal string? MaxLangVersion
        set => _projectSystemProjectFactory.SetMaxLanguageVersion(Id, value);
    internal string DependencyNodeTargetIdentifier
        set => _projectSystemProjectFactory.SetDependencyNodeTargetIdentifier(Id, value);
    private bool HasBeenRemoved => !_projectSystemProjectFactory.Workspace.CurrentSolution.ContainsProject(Id);
    #region Batching
    public BatchScope CreateBatchScope()
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            return new BatchScope(this);
    public async ValueTask<BatchScope> CreateBatchScopeAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        using (await _gate.DisposableWaitAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
            return new BatchScope(this);
    public sealed class BatchScope : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable
        private readonly ProjectSystemProject _project;
        /// <summary>
        /// Flag to control if this has already been disposed. Not a boolean only so it can be used with Interlocked.CompareExchange.
        /// </summary>
        private volatile int _disposed = 0;
        internal BatchScope(ProjectSystemProject visualStudioProject)
            => _project = visualStudioProject;
        public void Dispose()
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _disposed, 1, 0) == 0)
                _project.OnBatchScopeDisposedMaybeAsync(useAsync: false).VerifyCompleted();
        public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _disposed, 1, 0) == 0)
                await _project.OnBatchScopeDisposedMaybeAsync(useAsync: true).ConfigureAwait(false);
    private async Task OnBatchScopeDisposedMaybeAsync(bool useAsync)
        using (useAsync ? await _gate.DisposableWaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) : _gate.DisposableWait())
            if (_activeBatchScopes > 0)
            // If the project was already removed, we'll just ignore any further requests to complete batches.
            if (HasBeenRemoved)
            // The transformation function will set these variables, but we need to use them after the transformation is applied
            // so we must instantiate them here.
            ImmutableArray<string> documentFileNamesAdded = [];
            ImmutableArray<(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer)> documentsToOpen = [];
            ImmutableArray<(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer)> additionalDocumentsToOpen = [];
            ImmutableArray<(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer)> analyzerConfigDocumentsToOpen = [];
            var hasAnalyzerChanges = _analyzersAddedInBatch.Count > 0 || _analyzersRemovedInBatch.Count > 0;
            await _projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyBatchChangeToWorkspaceMaybeAsync(useAsync, (solutionChanges, projectUpdateState) =>
                // Changes made inside this transformation must be idempotent in case it is attempted multiple times.
                var projectBeforeMutations = solutionChanges.Solution.GetRequiredProject(Id);
                var documentFileNamesAddedBuilder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<string>();
                documentsToOpen = _sourceFiles.UpdateSolutionForBatch(
                    static (s, documents) => s.AddDocuments(documents),
                    static (s, ids) => s.RemoveDocuments(ids),
                additionalDocumentsToOpen = _additionalFiles.UpdateSolutionForBatch(
                    static (s, documents) => s.AddAdditionalDocuments(documents),
                    static (s, ids) => s.RemoveAdditionalDocuments(ids),
                analyzerConfigDocumentsToOpen = _analyzerConfigFiles.UpdateSolutionForBatch(
                    static (s, documents) => s.AddAnalyzerConfigDocuments(documents),
                    static (s, ids) => s.RemoveAnalyzerConfigDocuments(ids),
                documentFileNamesAdded = documentFileNamesAddedBuilder.ToImmutable();
                projectUpdateState = UpdateMetadataReferences(
                    projectBeforeMutations, solutionChanges, projectUpdateState, _metadataReferencesRemovedInBatch, _metadataReferencesAddedInBatch);
                    Id, solutionChanges, _projectReferencesRemovedInBatch, _projectReferencesAddedInBatch);
                projectUpdateState = UpdateAnalyzerReferences(
                    Id, solutionChanges, projectUpdateState, _analyzersRemovedInBatch, _analyzersAddedInBatch);
                // Other property modifications...
                foreach (var propertyModification in _projectPropertyModificationsInBatch)
                    projectUpdateState = propertyModification(solutionChanges, projectUpdateState);
                return projectUpdateState;
            onAfterUpdateAlways: projectUpdateState =>
                // It is very important that these are cleared in the onAfterUpdateAlways action passed to ApplyBatchChangeToWorkspaceMaybeAsync
                // This is because the transformation may be run multiple times (if the workspace current solution is changed underneath us),
                // whereas onAfterUpdate runs a single time once the transformation has been applied.
            foreach (var (documentId, textContainer) in documentsToOpen)
                await _projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspaceMaybeAsync(useAsync, w => w.OnDocumentOpened(documentId, textContainer)).ConfigureAwait(false);
            foreach (var (documentId, textContainer) in additionalDocumentsToOpen)
                await _projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspaceMaybeAsync(useAsync, w => w.OnAdditionalDocumentOpened(documentId, textContainer)).ConfigureAwait(false);
            foreach (var (documentId, textContainer) in analyzerConfigDocumentsToOpen)
                await _projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspaceMaybeAsync(useAsync, w => w.OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentOpened(documentId, textContainer)).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // Give the host the opportunity to check if those files are open
            if (documentFileNamesAdded.Length > 0)
                await _projectSystemProjectFactory.RaiseOnDocumentsAddedMaybeAsync(useAsync, documentFileNamesAdded).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // If we added or removed analyzers, then re-run all generators to bring them up to date.
            if (hasAnalyzerChanges)
                _projectSystemProjectFactory.Workspace.EnqueueUpdateSourceGeneratorVersion(projectId: null, forceRegeneration: true);
        static ProjectUpdateState UpdateMetadataReferences(
            Project projectBeforeMutation,
            SolutionChangeAccumulator solutionChanges,
            ProjectUpdateState projectUpdateState,
            List<(string path, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)> metadataReferencesRemovedInBatch,
            List<(string path, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)> metadataReferencesAddedInBatch)
            var projectId = projectBeforeMutation.Id;
            // Metadata reference removing. Do this before adding in case this removes a project reference that we are also
            // going to add in the same batch. This could happen if case is changing, or we're targeting a different output
            // path (say bin vs. obj vs. ref).
            foreach (var (path, properties) in metadataReferencesRemovedInBatch)
                projectUpdateState = TryRemoveConvertedProjectReference_NoLock(projectId, path, properties, projectUpdateState, out var projectReference);
                if (projectReference != null)
                        projectId, solutionChanges.Solution.RemoveProjectReference(projectId, projectReference));
                    var metadataReference = projectBeforeMutation.MetadataReferences
                        .Single(m => m.FilePath == path && m.Properties == properties);
                    projectUpdateState = projectUpdateState.WithIncrementalMetadataReferenceRemoved(metadataReference);
                        projectId, solutionChanges.Solution.RemoveMetadataReference(projectId, metadataReference));
            // Metadata reference adding...
            if (metadataReferencesAddedInBatch.Count > 0)
                var projectReferencesCreated = new List<ProjectReference>();
                foreach (var (path, properties) in metadataReferencesAddedInBatch)
                    projectUpdateState = TryCreateConvertedProjectReference_NoLock(
                        projectId, path, properties, projectUpdateState, solutionChanges.Solution, out var projectReference);
                    if (projectReference != null)
                        var metadataReference = CreateMetadataReference_NoLock(path, properties, solutionChanges.Solution.Services);
                        projectUpdateState = projectUpdateState.WithIncrementalMetadataReferenceAdded(metadataReference);
                        .AddProjectReferences(projectId, projectReferencesCreated)
                        .AddMetadataReferences(projectId, projectUpdateState.AddedMetadataReferences));
            return projectUpdateState;
        static void UpdateProjectReferences(
            ProjectId projectId,
            SolutionChangeAccumulator solutionChanges,
            List<ProjectReference> projectReferencesRemovedInBatch,
            List<ProjectReference> projectReferencesAddedInBatch)
            // Project reference adding...
                projectId, solutionChanges.Solution.AddProjectReferences(projectId, projectReferencesAddedInBatch));
            // Project reference removing...
            foreach (var projectReference in projectReferencesRemovedInBatch)
                    projectId, solutionChanges.Solution.RemoveProjectReference(projectId, projectReference));
        static ProjectUpdateState UpdateAnalyzerReferences(
            ProjectId projectId,
            SolutionChangeAccumulator solutionChanges,
            ProjectUpdateState projectUpdateState,
            List<string> analyzersRemovedInBatch,
            List<string> analyzersAddedInBatch)
            if (analyzersRemovedInBatch.Count == 0 && analyzersAddedInBatch.Count == 0)
                return projectUpdateState;
            // Use shared helper to figure out the new forked state.
            var (newSolution, newProjectUpdateState) = UpdateProjectAnalyzerReferences(
                solutionChanges.Solution, projectId, projectUpdateState, analyzersRemovedInBatch, analyzersAddedInBatch);
            solutionChanges.UpdateSolutionForProjectAction(projectId, newSolution);
            return newProjectUpdateState;
    public static (Solution newSolution, ProjectUpdateState newProjectUpdateState) UpdateProjectAnalyzerReferences(
        Solution solution,
        ProjectId projectId,
        ProjectUpdateState projectUpdateState,
        List<string> analyzersRemoved,
        List<string> analyzersAdded)
        Contract.ThrowIfTrue(analyzersRemoved.Count == 0 && analyzersAdded.Count == 0, "Should only be called when there is work to do");
        // NOTE: Create the initial AnalyzerFileReferences for the analyzers we're adding with a shared shadow copy
        // loader.  This is fine as we're just creating these to pass into CreateIsolatedAnalyzerReferencesAsync which
        // will properly give them an isolated ALC to use instead.
        var assemblyLoaderProvider = solution.Services.GetRequiredService<IAnalyzerAssemblyLoaderProvider>();
        var sharedShadowCopyLoader = assemblyLoaderProvider.SharedShadowCopyLoader;
        var project = solution.GetRequiredProject(projectId);
        using var _ = ArrayBuilder<AnalyzerFileReference>.GetInstance(out var initialReferenceList);
        // Keep around all the project's analyzers that were not removed.
        foreach (var analyzerReference in project.AnalyzerReferences)
            // Skip any existing analyzer references we're removing.
            if (analyzersRemoved.Contains(analyzerReference.FullPath!))
#if NET
            // In .Net Core, we must have IsolatedAnalyzerFileReferences for all analyzers.
            // In .NET Framework, we must have AnalyzerFileReferences for all analyzers.
        // Now, create an initial analyzer file reference for all the analyzers being added.
        foreach (var analyzer in analyzersAdded)
            initialReferenceList.Add(new AnalyzerFileReference(analyzer, sharedShadowCopyLoader));
        // We are only updating this state object so that we can ensure we unregister any file watchers for
        // analyzers that are removed, and register new watches for analyzers that are added.  Note that those file
        // watchers are based on file path only.  So it's ok if the analyzer references added here are not
        // necessarily the exact same ones given to the solution itself.
        var newProjectUpdateState = projectUpdateState
        // Attempt to isolate these analyzer references into their own ALC so that we can still load
        // analyzers/generators from them if they changed on disk.
        var isolatedReferences = IsolatedAnalyzerReferenceSet.CreateIsolatedAnalyzerReferencesAsync(
            useAsync: false,
        // Fork the solution's project with these new isolated analyzer references. And return the forked solution and
        // forked projectUpdateState back to the caller to handle them.
        var newSolution = solution.WithProjectAnalyzerReferences(project.Id, isolatedReferences);
        return (newSolution, newProjectUpdateState);
    #region Source File Addition/Removal
    public void AddSourceFile(string fullPath, SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind = SourceCodeKind.Regular, ImmutableArray<string> folders = default)
        => _sourceFiles.AddFile(fullPath, sourceCodeKind, folders);
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a source file to the project from a text container (eg, a Visual Studio Text buffer)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="textContainer">The text container that contains this file.</param>
    /// <param name="fullPath">The file path of the document.</param>
    /// <param name="sourceCodeKind">The kind of the source code.</param>
    /// <param name="folders">The names of the logical nested folders the document is contained in.</param>
    /// <param name="designTimeOnly">Whether the document is used only for design time (eg. completion) or also included in a compilation.</param>
    /// <param name="documentServiceProvider">A <see cref="IDocumentServiceProvider"/> associated with this document</param>
    public DocumentId AddSourceTextContainer(
        SourceTextContainer textContainer,
        string fullPath,
        SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind = SourceCodeKind.Regular,
        ImmutableArray<string> folders = default,
        bool designTimeOnly = false,
        IDocumentServiceProvider? documentServiceProvider = null)
        return _sourceFiles.AddTextContainer(textContainer, fullPath, sourceCodeKind, folders, designTimeOnly, documentServiceProvider);
    public bool ContainsSourceFile(string fullPath)
        => _sourceFiles.ContainsFile(fullPath);
    public void RemoveSourceFile(string fullPath)
        => _sourceFiles.RemoveFile(fullPath);
    public void RemoveSourceTextContainer(SourceTextContainer textContainer)
        => _sourceFiles.RemoveTextContainer(textContainer);
    #region Additional File Addition/Removal
    // TODO: should AdditionalFiles have source code kinds?
    public void AddAdditionalFile(string fullPath, SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind = SourceCodeKind.Regular, ImmutableArray<string> folders = default)
        => _additionalFiles.AddFile(fullPath, sourceCodeKind, folders);
    public bool ContainsAdditionalFile(string fullPath)
        => _additionalFiles.ContainsFile(fullPath);
    public void RemoveAdditionalFile(string fullPath)
        => _additionalFiles.RemoveFile(fullPath);
    #region Analyzer Config File Addition/Removal
    public void AddAnalyzerConfigFile(string fullPath)
        // TODO: do we need folders for analyzer config files?
        _analyzerConfigFiles.AddFile(fullPath, SourceCodeKind.Regular, folders: default);
    public bool ContainsAnalyzerConfigFile(string fullPath)
        => _analyzerConfigFiles.ContainsFile(fullPath);
    public void RemoveAnalyzerConfigFile(string fullPath)
        => _analyzerConfigFiles.RemoveFile(fullPath);
    #region Non Source File Addition/Removal
    public void AddDynamicSourceFile(string dynamicFilePath, ImmutableArray<string> folders)
        DynamicFileInfo? fileInfo = null;
        IDynamicFileInfoProvider? providerForFileInfo = null;
        var extension = FileNameUtilities.GetExtension(dynamicFilePath)?.TrimStart('.');
        if (extension?.Length == 0)
            fileInfo = null;
            foreach (var provider in _hostInfo.DynamicFileInfoProviders)
                // skip unrelated providers
                if (!provider.Metadata.Extensions.Any(e => string.Equals(e, extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                // Don't get confused by _filePath and filePath.
                // VisualStudioProject._filePath points to csproj/vbproj of the project
                // and the parameter filePath points to dynamic file such as ASP.NET .g.cs files.
                // Also, provider is free-threaded. so fine to call Wait rather than JTF.
                fileInfo = provider.Value.GetDynamicFileInfoAsync(
                    projectId: Id, projectFilePath: _filePath, filePath: dynamicFilePath, CancellationToken.None).WaitAndGetResult_CanCallOnBackground(CancellationToken.None);
                if (fileInfo != null)
                    fileInfo = FixUpDynamicFileInfo(fileInfo, dynamicFilePath);
                    providerForFileInfo = provider.Value;
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            if (_dynamicFilePathMaps.ContainsKey(dynamicFilePath))
                // TODO: if we have a duplicate, we are not calling RemoveDynamicFileInfoAsync since we
                // don't want to call with that under a lock. If we are getting duplicates we have bigger problems
                // at that point since our workspace is generally out of sync with the project system.
                // Given we're taking this as a late fix prior to a release, I don't think it's worth the added
                // risk to handle a case that wasn't handled before either.
                throw new ArgumentException($"{dynamicFilePath} has already been added to this project.");
            // Record the mapping from the dynamic file path to the source file it generated. We will record
            // 'null' if no provider was able to produce a source file for this input file. That could happen
            // if the provider (say ASP.NET Razor) doesn't recognize the file, or the wrong type of file
            // got passed through the system. That's not a failure from the project system's perspective:
            // adding dynamic files is a hint at best that doesn't impact it.
            _dynamicFilePathMaps.Add(dynamicFilePath, fileInfo?.FilePath);
            if (fileInfo != null)
                // If fileInfo is not null, that means we found a provider so this should be not-null as well
                // since we had to go through the earlier assignment.
                _sourceFiles.AddDynamicFile_NoLock(providerForFileInfo, fileInfo, folders);
    private static DynamicFileInfo FixUpDynamicFileInfo(DynamicFileInfo fileInfo, string filePath)
        // we might change contract and just throw here. but for now, we keep existing contract where one can return null for DynamicFileInfo.FilePath.
        // In this case we substitute the file being generated from so we still have some path.
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileInfo.FilePath))
            return new DynamicFileInfo(filePath, fileInfo.SourceCodeKind, fileInfo.TextLoader, fileInfo.DesignTimeOnly, fileInfo.DocumentServiceProvider);
        return fileInfo;
    public void RemoveDynamicSourceFile(string dynamicFilePath)
        IDynamicFileInfoProvider provider;
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            if (!_dynamicFilePathMaps.TryGetValue(dynamicFilePath, out var sourceFilePath))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{dynamicFilePath} wasn't added by a previous call to {nameof(AddDynamicSourceFile)}");
            // If we got a null path back, it means we never had a source file to add. In that case,
            // we're done
            if (sourceFilePath == null)
            provider = _sourceFiles.RemoveDynamicFile_NoLock(sourceFilePath);
        // provider is free-threaded. so fine to call Wait rather than JTF
            projectId: Id, projectFilePath: _filePath, filePath: dynamicFilePath, CancellationToken.None).Wait(CancellationToken.None);
    private void OnDynamicFileInfoUpdated(object? sender, string dynamicFilePath)
        string? fileInfoPath;
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            if (!_dynamicFilePathMaps.TryGetValue(dynamicFilePath, out fileInfoPath))
                // given file doesn't belong to this project.
                // this happen since the event this is handling is shared between all projects
        if (fileInfoPath != null)
            _sourceFiles.ProcessDynamicFileChange(dynamicFilePath, fileInfoPath);
    #region Analyzer Addition/Removal
    public void AddAnalyzerReference(string fullPath)
        CompilerPathUtilities.RequireAbsolutePath(fullPath, nameof(fullPath));
        var mappedPaths = GetMappedAnalyzerPaths(fullPath);
        bool containsSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers;
        using var _ = CreateBatchScope();
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            if (IsSdkCodeStyleAnalyzer(fullPath))
                // Track the sdk code style analyzer paths
            // Determine if we are still using SDK CodeStyle analyzers while access to _sdkCodeStyleAnalyzerPaths is gated.
            containsSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers = _sdkCodeStyleAnalyzerPaths.Count > 0;
            // check all mapped paths first, so that all analyzers are either added or not
            foreach (var mappedFullPath in mappedPaths)
                if (_projectAnalyzerPaths.Contains(mappedFullPath))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"'{fullPath}' has already been added to this project.", nameof(fullPath));
            foreach (var mappedFullPath in mappedPaths)
                // Are we adding one we just recently removed? If so, we can just keep using that one, and avoid
                // removing it once we apply the batch
                if (!_analyzersRemovedInBatch.Remove(mappedFullPath))
        HasSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers = containsSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers;
    public void RemoveAnalyzerReference(string fullPath)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath))
            throw new ArgumentException("message", nameof(fullPath));
        var mappedPaths = GetMappedAnalyzerPaths(fullPath);
        bool containsSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers;
        using var _ = CreateBatchScope();
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            if (IsSdkCodeStyleAnalyzer(fullPath))
                // Track the sdk code style analyzer paths
            // Determine if we are still using SDK CodeStyle analyzers while access to _sdkCodeStyleAnalyzerPaths is gated.
            containsSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers = _sdkCodeStyleAnalyzerPaths.Count > 0;
            // check all mapped paths first, so that all analyzers are either removed or not
            foreach (var mappedFullPath in mappedPaths)
                if (!_projectAnalyzerPaths.Contains(mappedFullPath))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"'{fullPath}' is not an analyzer of this project.", nameof(fullPath));
            foreach (var mappedFullPath in mappedPaths)
                // This analyzer may be one we've just added in the same batch; in that case, just don't add it in
                // the first place.
                if (!_analyzersAddedInBatch.Remove(mappedFullPath))
        HasSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers = containsSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers;
    private OneOrMany<string> GetMappedAnalyzerPaths(string fullPath)
        fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(fullPath);
        if (IsSdkCodeStyleAnalyzer(fullPath))
            // We discard the CodeStyle analyzers added by the SDK when the EnforceCodeStyleInBuild property is set.
            // The same analyzers ship in-box as part of the Features layer and are version matched to the compiler.
            return OneOrMany<string>.Empty;
        if (IsSdkRazorSourceGenerator(fullPath))
            // Map all files in the SDK directory that contains the Razor source generator to source generator files loaded from VSIX.
            // Include the generator and all its dependencies shipped in VSIX, discard the generator and all dependencies in the SDK
            return GetMappedRazorSourceGenerator(fullPath);
        if (TryRedirectAnalyzerAssembly(fullPath) is { } redirectedPath)
            return OneOrMany.Create(redirectedPath);
        return OneOrMany.Create(fullPath);
    private string? TryRedirectAnalyzerAssembly(string fullPath)
        string? redirectedPath = null;
        foreach (var redirector in _hostInfo.AnalyzerAssemblyRedirectors)
                if (redirector.RedirectPath(fullPath) is { } currentlyRedirectedPath)
                    if (redirectedPath == null)
                        redirectedPath = currentlyRedirectedPath;
                    else if (redirectedPath != currentlyRedirectedPath)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Multiple redirectors disagree on the path to redirect '{fullPath}' to ('{redirectedPath}' vs '{currentlyRedirectedPath}').");
            catch (Exception ex) when (FatalError.ReportAndCatch(ex, ErrorSeverity.General))
                // Ignore if the external redirector throws.
        return redirectedPath;
    private static readonly string s_csharpCodeStyleAnalyzerSdkDirectory = CreateDirectoryPathFragment("Sdks", "Microsoft.NET.Sdk", "codestyle", "cs");
    private static readonly string s_visualBasicCodeStyleAnalyzerSdkDirectory = CreateDirectoryPathFragment("Sdks", "Microsoft.NET.Sdk", "codestyle", "vb");
    private bool IsSdkCodeStyleAnalyzer(string fullPath) => Language switch
        LanguageNames.CSharp => DirectoryNameEndsWith(fullPath, s_csharpCodeStyleAnalyzerSdkDirectory),
        LanguageNames.VisualBasic => DirectoryNameEndsWith(fullPath, s_visualBasicCodeStyleAnalyzerSdkDirectory),
        _ => false,
    internal const string RazorVsixExtensionId = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.RazorExtension";
    private static readonly string s_razorSourceGeneratorSdkDirectory = CreateDirectoryPathFragment("Sdks", "Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor", "source-generators");
    private static readonly ImmutableArray<string> s_razorSourceGeneratorAssemblyNames =
    private static readonly ImmutableArray<string> s_razorSourceGeneratorAssemblyRootedFileNames = s_razorSourceGeneratorAssemblyNames.SelectAsArray(
        assemblyName => PathUtilities.DirectorySeparatorStr + assemblyName + ".dll");
    private static bool IsSdkRazorSourceGenerator(string fullPath) => DirectoryNameEndsWith(fullPath, s_razorSourceGeneratorSdkDirectory);
    private OneOrMany<string> GetMappedRazorSourceGenerator(string fullPath)
        var vsixRazorAnalyzers = _hostInfo.HostDiagnosticAnalyzerProvider.GetAnalyzerReferencesInExtensions().SelectAsArray(
            predicate: item => item.extensionId == RazorVsixExtensionId,
            selector: item => item.reference.FullPath);
        if (!vsixRazorAnalyzers.IsEmpty)
            if (s_razorSourceGeneratorAssemblyRootedFileNames.Any(
                static (fileName, fullPath) => fullPath.EndsWith(fileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), fullPath))
                return OneOrMany.Create(vsixRazorAnalyzers);
            return OneOrMany<string>.Empty;
        return OneOrMany.Create(fullPath);
    private static string CreateDirectoryPathFragment(params string[] paths) => Path.Combine([" ", .. paths, " "]).Trim();
    private static bool DirectoryNameEndsWith(string fullPath, string ending) => fullPath.LastIndexOf(ending, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + ending.Length - 1 ==
    private void DocumentFileChangeContext_FileChanged(object? sender, string fullFilePath)
    private async ValueTask ProcessFileChangesAsync(ImmutableSegmentedList<string> filePaths, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await _sourceFiles.ProcessRegularFileChangesAsync(filePaths).ConfigureAwait(false);
        await _additionalFiles.ProcessRegularFileChangesAsync(filePaths).ConfigureAwait(false);
        await _analyzerConfigFiles.ProcessRegularFileChangesAsync(filePaths).ConfigureAwait(false);
    #region Metadata Reference Addition/Removal
    public void AddMetadataReference(string fullPath, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath))
            throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(fullPath)} isn't a valid path.", nameof(fullPath));
        using var _ = CreateBatchScope();
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            if (ContainsMetadataReference_NoLock(fullPath, properties))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The metadata reference has already been added to the project.");
            _allMetadataReferences.MultiAdd(fullPath, properties, s_defaultMetadataReferenceProperties);
            if (!_metadataReferencesRemovedInBatch.Remove((fullPath, properties)))
                _metadataReferencesAddedInBatch.Add((fullPath, properties));
    public bool ContainsMetadataReference(string fullPath, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            return ContainsMetadataReference_NoLock(fullPath, properties);
    private bool ContainsMetadataReference_NoLock(string fullPath, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
        Debug.Assert(_gate.CurrentCount == 0);
        return _allMetadataReferences.TryGetValue(fullPath, out var propertiesList) && propertiesList.Contains(properties);
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the properties being used for the current metadata reference added to this project. May return multiple properties if
    /// the reference has been added multiple times with different properties.
    /// </summary>
    public ImmutableArray<MetadataReferenceProperties> GetPropertiesForMetadataReference(string fullPath)
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            return _allMetadataReferences.TryGetValue(fullPath, out var list) ? list : [];
    public void RemoveMetadataReference(string fullPath, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath))
            throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(fullPath)} isn't a valid path.", nameof(fullPath));
        using var _ = CreateBatchScope();
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            if (!ContainsMetadataReference_NoLock(fullPath, properties))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The metadata reference does not exist in this project.");
            _allMetadataReferences.MultiRemove(fullPath, properties);
            if (!_metadataReferencesAddedInBatch.Remove((fullPath, properties)))
                _metadataReferencesRemovedInBatch.Add((fullPath, properties));
    #region Project Reference Addition/Removal
    public void AddProjectReference(ProjectReference projectReference)
        if (projectReference == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(projectReference));
        using var _ = CreateBatchScope();
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            if (ContainsProjectReference_NoLock(projectReference))
                throw new ArgumentException("The project reference has already been added to the project.");
            if (!_projectReferencesRemovedInBatch.Remove(projectReference))
    public bool ContainsProjectReference(ProjectReference projectReference)
        if (projectReference == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(projectReference));
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            return ContainsProjectReference_NoLock(projectReference);
    private bool ContainsProjectReference_NoLock(ProjectReference projectReference)
        Debug.Assert(_gate.CurrentCount == 0);
        if (_projectReferencesRemovedInBatch.Contains(projectReference))
            return false;
        if (_projectReferencesAddedInBatch.Contains(projectReference))
            return true;
        return _projectSystemProjectFactory.Workspace.CurrentSolution.GetRequiredProject(Id).AllProjectReferences.Contains(projectReference);
    public IReadOnlyList<ProjectReference> GetProjectReferences()
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            // If we're not batching, then this is cheap: just fetch from the workspace and we're done
            var projectReferencesInWorkspace = _projectSystemProjectFactory.Workspace.CurrentSolution.GetRequiredProject(Id).AllProjectReferences;
            if (_activeBatchScopes == 0)
                return projectReferencesInWorkspace;
            // Not, so we get to compute a new list instead
            var newList = projectReferencesInWorkspace.ToList();
            newList.RemoveAll(p => _projectReferencesRemovedInBatch.Contains(p));
            return newList;
    public void RemoveProjectReference(ProjectReference projectReference)
        if (projectReference == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(projectReference));
        using var _ = CreateBatchScope();
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            if (!ContainsProjectReference_NoLock(projectReference))
                throw new ArgumentException("The project does not contain that project reference.");
            if (!_projectReferencesAddedInBatch.Remove(projectReference))
    public void RemoveFromWorkspace()
        using (_gate.DisposableWait())
            if (!_projectSystemProjectFactory.Workspace.CurrentSolution.ContainsProject(Id))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The project has already been removed.");
            // clear tracking to external components
            foreach (var provider in _eventSubscriptionTracker)
                provider.Updated -= OnDynamicFileInfoUpdated;
        IReadOnlyList<MetadataReference>? originalMetadataReferences = null;
        IReadOnlyList<AnalyzerReference>? originalAnalyzerReferences = null;
        _projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspace(w =>
            // Acquire the remaining metadata references inside the workspace lock. This is critical
            // as another project being removed at the same time could result in project to project
            // references being converted to metadata references (or vice versa) and we might either
            // miss stopping a file watcher or might end up double-stopping a file watcher.
            var project = w.CurrentSolution.GetRequiredProject(Id);
            originalMetadataReferences = project.MetadataReferences;
            originalAnalyzerReferences = project.AnalyzerReferences;
            // If this is our last project, clear the entire solution.
            if (w.CurrentSolution.ProjectIds.Count == 1)
        foreach (var reference in originalMetadataReferences.OfType<PortableExecutableReference>())
            _projectSystemProjectFactory.FileWatchedPortableExecutableReferenceFactory.StopWatchingReference(reference.FilePath!, referenceToTrack: reference);
        foreach (var reference in originalAnalyzerReferences)
            _projectSystemProjectFactory.FileWatchedAnalyzerReferenceFactory.StopWatchingReference(reference.FullPath!, referenceToTrack: reference);
    public void ReorderSourceFiles(ImmutableArray<string> filePaths)
        => _sourceFiles.ReorderFiles(filePaths);
    /// <summary>
    /// Clears a list and zeros out the capacity. The lists we use for batching are likely to get large during an initial load, but after
    /// that point should never get that large again.
    /// </summary>
    private static void ClearAndZeroCapacity<T>(List<T> list)
        list.Capacity = 0;
    /// <summary>
    /// Clears a list and zeros out the capacity. The lists we use for batching are likely to get large during an initial load, but after
    /// that point should never get that large again.
    /// </summary>
    private static void ClearAndZeroCapacity<T>(ImmutableArray<T>.Builder list)
        list.Capacity = 0;