// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.TestHooks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
/// <summary>
/// A workspace provides access to a active set of source code projects and documents and their
/// associated syntax trees, compilations and semantic models. A workspace has a current solution
/// that is an immutable snapshot of the projects and documents. This property may change over time
/// as the workspace is updated either from live interactions in the environment or via call to the
/// workspace's <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> method.
/// </summary>
public abstract partial class Workspace : IDisposable
private readonly ILegacyGlobalOptionService _legacyOptions;
private readonly IAsynchronousOperationListener _asyncOperationListener;
private readonly AsyncBatchingWorkQueue<Action> _workQueue;
private readonly CancellationTokenSource _workQueueTokenSource = new();
private readonly ITaskSchedulerProvider _taskSchedulerProvider;
// forces serialization of mutation calls from host (OnXXX methods). Must take this lock before taking stateLock.
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _serializationLock = new(initialCount: 1);
// this lock guards all the mutable fields (do not share lock with derived classes)
private readonly NonReentrantLock _stateLock = new(useThisInstanceForSynchronization: true);
/// <summary>
/// Current solution. Must be locked with <see cref="_serializationLock"/> when writing to it.
/// </summary>
private Solution _latestSolution;
// test hooks.
internal static bool TestHookStandaloneProjectsDoNotHoldReferences = false;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether changes made to unchangeable documents will be silently ignored or cause exceptions to be thrown
/// when they are applied to workspace via <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution, IProgress{CodeAnalysisProgress})"/>.
/// A document is unchangeable if <see cref="IDocumentOperationService.CanApplyChange"/> is false.
/// </summary>
internal virtual bool IgnoreUnchangeableDocumentsWhenApplyingChanges { get; } = false;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new workspace instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="host">The <see cref="HostServices"/> this workspace uses</param>
/// <param name="workspaceKind">A string that can be used to identify the kind of workspace. Usually this matches the name of the class.</param>
protected Workspace(HostServices host, string? workspaceKind)
Kind = workspaceKind;
Services = host.CreateWorkspaceServices(this);
_legacyOptions = Services.GetRequiredService<ILegacyWorkspaceOptionService>().LegacyGlobalOptions;
// queue used for sending events
_taskSchedulerProvider = Services.GetRequiredService<ITaskSchedulerProvider>();
var listenerProvider = Services.GetRequiredService<IWorkspaceAsynchronousOperationListenerProvider>();
_asyncOperationListener = listenerProvider.GetListener();
_workQueue = new(
// initialize with empty solution
_latestSolution = CreateSolution(
SolutionInfo.Create(SolutionId.CreateNewId(), VersionStamp.Create()),
new SolutionOptionSet(_legacyOptions),
analyzerReferences: [],
fallbackAnalyzerOptions: ImmutableDictionary<string, StructuredAnalyzerConfigOptions>.Empty);
_updateSourceGeneratorsQueue = new AsyncBatchingWorkQueue<(ProjectId? projectId, bool forceRegeneration)>(
// Idle processing speed
EqualityComparer<(ProjectId? projectId, bool forceRegeneration)>.Default,
/// <summary>
/// Services provider by the host for implementing workspace features.
/// </summary>
public HostWorkspaceServices Services { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Override this property if the workspace supports partial semantics for documents.
/// </summary>
protected internal virtual bool PartialSemanticsEnabled => false;
/// <summary>
/// The kind of the workspace.
/// This is generally <see cref="WorkspaceKind.Host"/> if originating from the host environment, but may be
/// any other name used for a specific kind of workspace.
/// </summary>
// TODO (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/37110): decide if Kind should be non-null
public string? Kind { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a new empty solution instance associated with this workspace.
/// </summary>
protected internal Solution CreateSolution(SolutionInfo solutionInfo)
var options = new SolutionOptionSet(_legacyOptions);
return CreateSolution(solutionInfo, options, solutionInfo.AnalyzerReferences, solutionInfo.FallbackAnalyzerOptions);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new empty solution instance associated with this workspace, and with the given options.
/// </summary>
private Solution CreateSolution(SolutionInfo solutionInfo, SolutionOptionSet options, IReadOnlyList<AnalyzerReference> analyzerReferences, ImmutableDictionary<string, StructuredAnalyzerConfigOptions> fallbackAnalyzerOptions)
=> new(this, solutionInfo.Attributes, options, analyzerReferences, fallbackAnalyzerOptions);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new empty solution instance associated with this workspace.
/// </summary>
protected internal Solution CreateSolution(SolutionId id)
=> CreateSolution(SolutionInfo.Create(id, VersionStamp.Create()));
/// <summary>
/// The current solution.
/// The solution is an immutable model of the current set of projects and source documents.
/// It provides access to source text, syntax trees and semantics.
/// This property may change as the workspace reacts to changes in the environment or
/// after <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> is called.
/// </summary>
public Solution CurrentSolution
return Volatile.Read(ref _latestSolution);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> of this workspace. This method does not raise a <see cref="WorkspaceChanged"/> event.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method does not guarantee that linked files will have the same contents. Callers
/// should enforce that policy before passing in the new solution.
/// </remarks>
protected Solution SetCurrentSolution(Solution solution)
=> SetCurrentSolutionEx(solution).newSolution;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> of this workspace. This method does not raise a <see
/// cref="WorkspaceChanged"/> event. This method should be used <em>sparingly</em>. As much as possible,
/// derived types should use the SetCurrentSolution overloads that take a transformation.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method does not guarantee that linked files will have the same contents. Callers
/// should enforce that policy before passing in the new solution.
/// </remarks>
private protected (Solution oldSolution, Solution newSolution) SetCurrentSolutionEx(Solution solution)
if (solution is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(solution));
using (_serializationLock.DisposableWait())
var oldSolution = this.CurrentSolution;
if (solution == oldSolution)
// No change
return (solution, solution);
_latestSolution = solution.WithNewWorkspace(oldSolution.WorkspaceKind, oldSolution.WorkspaceVersion + 1, oldSolution.Services);
return (oldSolution, _latestSolution);
/// <inheritdoc cref="SetCurrentSolution(Func{Solution, Solution}, Func{Solution, Solution, ValueTuple{WorkspaceChangeKind, ProjectId?, DocumentId?}}, Action{Solution, Solution}?, Action{Solution, Solution}?)"/>
internal bool SetCurrentSolution(
Func<Solution, Solution> transformation,
WorkspaceChangeKind changeKind,
ProjectId? projectId = null,
DocumentId? documentId = null,
Action<Solution, Solution>? onBeforeUpdate = null,
Action<Solution, Solution>? onAfterUpdate = null)
var (updated, _) = SetCurrentSolution(
(_, _) => (changeKind, projectId, documentId),
return updated;
/// <summary>
/// Applies specified transformation to <see cref="CurrentSolution"/>, updates <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> to
/// the new value and raises a workspace change event of the specified kind. All linked documents in the
/// solution (which normally will have the same content values) will be updated to to have the same content
/// *identity*. In other words, they will point at the same <see cref="ITextAndVersionSource"/> instances,
/// allowing that memory to be shared.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transformation">Solution transformation.</param>
/// <param name="changeKind">The kind of workspace change event to raise. The id of the project updated by
/// <paramref name="transformation"/> to be passed to the workspace change event. And the id of the document
/// updated by <paramref name="transformation"/> to be passed to the workspace change event.</param>
/// <returns>True if <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> was set to the transformed solution, false if the
/// transformation did not change the solution.</returns>
internal (bool updated, Solution newSolution) SetCurrentSolution(
Func<Solution, Solution> transformation,
Func<Solution, Solution, (WorkspaceChangeKind changeKind, ProjectId? projectId, DocumentId? documentId)> changeKind,
Action<Solution, Solution>? onBeforeUpdate = null,
Action<Solution, Solution>? onAfterUpdate = null)
#pragma warning disable CA2012 // Use ValueTasks correctly
var valueTask = SetCurrentSolutionAsync(
useAsync: false,
return valueTask.VerifyCompleted("Task must have completed synchronously as we passed 'useAsync: false' to SetCurrentSolutionAsync");
#pragma warning restore CA2012 // Use ValueTasks correctly
internal async ValueTask<(bool updated, Solution newSolution)> SetCurrentSolutionAsync(
bool useAsync,
Func<Solution, Solution> transformation,
Func<Solution, Solution, (WorkspaceChangeKind changeKind, ProjectId? projectId, DocumentId? documentId)> changeKind,
Action<Solution, Solution>? onBeforeUpdate,
Action<Solution, Solution>? onAfterUpdate,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var (oldSolution, newSolution) = await SetCurrentSolutionAsync(
data: (@this: this, transformation, onBeforeUpdate, onAfterUpdate, changeKind),
transformation: static (oldSolution, data) =>
var newSolution = data.transformation(oldSolution);
newSolution = data.@this.InitializeAnalyzerFallbackOptions(oldSolution, newSolution);
// Attempt to unify the syntax trees in the new solution.
return UnifyLinkedDocumentContents(oldSolution, newSolution);
mayRaiseEvents: true,
onBeforeUpdate: static (oldSolution, newSolution, data) =>
data.onBeforeUpdate?.Invoke(oldSolution, newSolution);
onAfterUpdate: static (oldSolution, newSolution, data) =>
data.onAfterUpdate?.Invoke(oldSolution, newSolution);
// Queue the event but don't execute its handlers on this thread.
// Doing so under the serialization lock guarantees the same ordering of the events
// as the order of the changes made to the solution.
var (changeKind, projectId, documentId) = data.changeKind(oldSolution, newSolution);
data.@this.RaiseWorkspaceChangedEventAsync(changeKind, oldSolution, newSolution, projectId, documentId);
return (oldSolution != newSolution, newSolution);
static Solution UnifyLinkedDocumentContents(Solution oldSolution, Solution newSolution)
// note: if it turns out this is too expensive, we could consider using the passed in projectId/document
// to limit the set of changes we look at. However, GetChanges *should* be fairly fast as it does
// workspace-green-node identity checks to quickly narrow down what changed.
var changes = newSolution.GetChanges(oldSolution);
using var _1 = PooledHashSet<DocumentId>.GetInstance(out var changedDocumentIds);
using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<DocumentId>.GetInstance(out var addedDocumentIds);
// For all added documents, see if they link to an existing document. If so, use that existing documents text/tree.
foreach (var addedProject in changes.GetAddedProjects())
// Ignore projects that don't even have syntax trees to share.
if (!addedProject.SupportsCompilation)
foreach (var projectChanges in changes.GetProjectChanges())
// Ignore projects that don't even have syntax trees to share.
if (!projectChanges.NewProject.SupportsCompilation)
// Now do the same for all added and changed documents in a project.
newSolution = UpdateAddedDocumentToExistingContentsInSolution(newSolution, addedDocumentIds);
// now, for any changed document, ensure we go and make all links to it have the same text/tree.
newSolution = UpdateExistingDocumentsToChangedDocumentContents(newSolution, changedDocumentIds);
return newSolution;
static Solution UpdateAddedDocumentToExistingContentsInSolution(
Solution solution, ArrayBuilder<DocumentId> addedDocumentIds)
ProjectId? relatedProjectIdHint = null;
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<(DocumentId, DocumentState)>.GetInstance(out var relatedDocumentIdsAndStates);
foreach (var addedDocumentId in addedDocumentIds)
// Ensure we don't search in addedDocumentId's project for the related document
if (addedDocumentId.ProjectId == relatedProjectIdHint)
relatedProjectIdHint = null;
// Look for a related document we can create our contents from. We only have to look for a single related
// doc as we'll be done once we update our contents to theirs. Note: GetFirstRelatedDocumentId will also
// not search the project that addedDocumentId came from. So this will help ensure we don't repeatedly add
// documents to a project, then look for related docs *within that project*, forcing the file-path map in it
// to be recreated for each document.
var relatedDocumentId = solution.GetFirstRelatedDocumentId(addedDocumentId, relatedProjectIdHint);
// Couldn't find a related document.
if (relatedDocumentId is null)
var relatedDocument = solution.GetRequiredDocument(relatedDocumentId);
// Should never return a file as its own related document
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(relatedDocumentId == addedDocumentId);
// Related document must come from a distinct project.
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(relatedDocumentId.ProjectId == addedDocumentId.ProjectId);
relatedProjectIdHint = relatedDocumentId.ProjectId;
relatedDocumentIdsAndStates.Add((addedDocumentId, relatedDocument.DocumentState));
if (relatedDocumentIdsAndStates.IsEmpty)
return solution;
return solution.WithDocumentContentsFrom(relatedDocumentIdsAndStates.ToImmutableAndClear(), forceEvenIfTreesWouldDiffer: false);
static Solution UpdateExistingDocumentsToChangedDocumentContents(Solution solution, HashSet<DocumentId> changedDocumentIds)
// Changing a document in a linked-doc-chain will end up producing N changed documents. We only want to
// process that chain once.
using var _ = PooledDictionary<DocumentId, DocumentState>.GetInstance(out var relatedDocumentIdsAndStates);
foreach (var changedDocumentId in changedDocumentIds)
Document? changedDocument = null;
var relatedDocumentIds = solution.GetRelatedDocumentIds(changedDocumentId);
foreach (var relatedDocumentId in relatedDocumentIds)
if (relatedDocumentId == changedDocumentId)
if (!changedDocumentIds.Contains(relatedDocumentId))
changedDocument ??= solution.GetRequiredDocument(changedDocumentId);
relatedDocumentIdsAndStates[relatedDocumentId] = changedDocument.DocumentState;
if (relatedDocumentIdsAndStates.Count == 0)
return solution;
var relatedDocumentIdsAndStatesArray = relatedDocumentIdsAndStates.SelectAsArray(static kvp => (kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
return solution.WithDocumentContentsFrom(relatedDocumentIdsAndStatesArray, forceEvenIfTreesWouldDiffer: false);
/// <summary>
/// Ensures that whenever a new language is added to <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> we
/// allow the host to initialize <see cref="Solution.FallbackAnalyzerOptions"/> for that language.
/// Conversely, if a language is no longer present in <see cref="CurrentSolution"/>
/// we clear out its <see cref="Solution.FallbackAnalyzerOptions"/>.
/// This mechanism only takes care of flowing the initial snapshot of option values.
/// It's up to the host to keep the individual values up-to-date by updating
/// <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> as appropriate.
/// Implementing the initialization here allows us to uphold an invariant that
/// the host had the opportunity to initialize <see cref="Solution.FallbackAnalyzerOptions"/>
/// of any <see cref="Solution"/> snapshot stored in <see cref="CurrentSolution"/>.
/// </summary>
private Solution InitializeAnalyzerFallbackOptions(Solution oldSolution, Solution newSolution)
var newFallbackOptions = newSolution.FallbackAnalyzerOptions;
// Clear out languages that are no longer present in the solution.
// If we didn't, the workspace might clear the solution (which removes the fallback options)
// and we would never re-initialize them from global options.
foreach (var (language, _) in oldSolution.SolutionState.ProjectCountByLanguage)
if (!newSolution.SolutionState.ProjectCountByLanguage.ContainsKey(language))
newFallbackOptions = newFallbackOptions.Remove(language);
// Update solution snapshot to include options for newly added languages:
foreach (var (language, _) in newSolution.SolutionState.ProjectCountByLanguage)
if (oldSolution.SolutionState.ProjectCountByLanguage.ContainsKey(language))
if (newFallbackOptions.ContainsKey(language))
var provider = Services.GetRequiredService<IFallbackAnalyzerConfigOptionsProvider>();
newFallbackOptions = newFallbackOptions.Add(language, provider.GetOptions(language));
return newSolution.WithFallbackAnalyzerOptions(newFallbackOptions);
/// <summary>
/// Applies specified transformation to <see cref="CurrentSolution"/>, updates <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> to
/// the new value and performs a requested callback immediately before and after that update. The callbacks
/// will be invoked atomically while while <see cref="_serializationLock"/> is being held.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transformation">Solution transformation. This may be run multiple times. As such it should be
/// a purely functional transformation on the solution instance passed to it. It should not make stateful
/// changes elsewhere.</param>
/// <param name="mayRaiseEvents"><see langword="true"/> if this operation may raise observable events;
/// otherwise, <see langword="false"/>. If <see langword="true"/>, the operation will call
/// <see cref="EnsureEventListeners"/> to ensure listeners are registered prior to callbacks that may raise
/// events.</param>
/// <param name="onBeforeUpdate">Action to perform immediately prior to updating <see cref="CurrentSolution"/>.
/// The action will be passed the old <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> that will be replaced and the exact solution
/// it will be replaced with. The latter may be different than the solution returned by <paramref
/// name="transformation"/> as it will have its <see cref="Solution.WorkspaceVersion"/> updated
/// accordingly. This will only be run once.</param>
/// <param name="onAfterUpdate">Action to perform once <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> has been updated. The
/// action will be passed the old <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> that was just replaced and the exact solution it
/// was replaced with. The latter may be different than the solution returned by <paramref
/// name="transformation"/> as it will have its <see cref="Solution.WorkspaceVersion"/> updated
/// accordingly. This will only be run once.</param>
private protected (Solution oldSolution, Solution newSolution) SetCurrentSolution<TData>(
TData data,
Func<Solution, TData, Solution> transformation,
bool mayRaiseEvents = true,
Action<Solution, Solution, TData>? onBeforeUpdate = null,
Action<Solution, Solution, TData>? onAfterUpdate = null)
#pragma warning disable CA2012 // Use ValueTasks correctly
var valueTask = SetCurrentSolutionAsync(
useAsync: false,
return valueTask.VerifyCompleted("Task must have completed synchronously as we passed 'useAsync: false' to SetCurrentSolutionAsync");
#pragma warning restore CA2012 // Use ValueTasks correctly
/// <inheritdoc cref="SetCurrentSolution{TData}(TData, Func{Solution, TData, Solution}, bool, Action{Solution, Solution, TData}?, Action{Solution, Solution, TData}?)"/>
private protected async ValueTask<(Solution oldSolution, Solution newSolution)> SetCurrentSolutionAsync<TData>(
bool useAsync,
TData data,
Func<Solution, TData, Solution> transformation,
bool mayRaiseEvents,
Action<Solution, Solution, TData>? onBeforeUpdate,
Action<Solution, Solution, TData>? onAfterUpdate,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var oldSolution = Volatile.Read(ref _latestSolution);
if (mayRaiseEvents)
// Ensure our event handlers are realized prior to taking this lock. We don't want to deadlock trying
// to obtain them when calling one of our callbacks. See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/64681
while (true)
// Run the transformation outside of the lock as it should not be making any state changes to us.
var newSolution = transformation(oldSolution, data);
// if it did nothing, then no need to proceed.
if (oldSolution == newSolution)
return (oldSolution, newSolution);
// Now, take the lock and try to update our internal state.
using (useAsync ? await _serializationLock.DisposableWaitAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false) : _serializationLock.DisposableWait(cancellationToken))
if (_latestSolution != oldSolution)
// something else snuck in and wrote to _latestSolution. Restart and try again.
oldSolution = _latestSolution;
newSolution = newSolution.WithNewWorkspace(oldSolution.WorkspaceKind, oldSolution.WorkspaceVersion + 1, oldSolution.Services);
// Prior to updating the latest solution, let the caller do any other state updates they want.
onBeforeUpdate?.Invoke(oldSolution, newSolution, data);
_latestSolution = newSolution;
// Once we've updated _latestSolution, perform any requested callbacks.
onAfterUpdate?.Invoke(oldSolution, newSolution, data);
return (oldSolution, newSolution);
catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagate(e, ErrorSeverity.Critical))
// We'll rethrow the exception to the caller, since this exception could represent a bug in a third-party workspace, and if at this point our workspace
// is corrupted we want the caller to know.
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the set of all global options and <see cref="Solution.Options"/>.
/// Setter also force updates the <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> to have the updated <see cref="Solution.Options"/>.
/// </summary>
public OptionSet Options
return this.CurrentSolution.Options;
[Obsolete(@"Workspace options should be set by invoking 'workspace.TryApplyChanges(workspace.CurrentSolution.WithOptions(newOptionSet))'")]
var changedOptions = value switch
null => throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)),
SolutionOptionSet solutionOptionSet => solutionOptionSet.GetChangedOptions(),
_ => throw new ArgumentException(WorkspacesResources.Options_did_not_come_from_specified_Solution, paramName: nameof(value))
_legacyOptions.SetOptions(changedOptions.internallyDefined, changedOptions.externallyDefined);
internal void UpdateCurrentSolutionOnOptionsChanged()
oldSolution => oldSolution.WithOptions(new SolutionOptionSet(_legacyOptions)),
/// <summary>
/// Executes an action as a background task, as part of a sequential queue of tasks.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Style", "VSTHRD200:Use \"Async\" suffix for async methods", Justification = "This is a Task wrapper, not an asynchronous method.")]
#pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter
protected internal Task ScheduleTask(Action action, string? taskName = "Workspace.Task")
return _workQueue.WaitUntilCurrentBatchCompletesAsync();
/// <summary>
/// Execute a function as a background task, as part of a sequential queue of tasks.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Style", "VSTHRD200:Use \"Async\" suffix for async methods", Justification = "This is a Task wrapper, not an asynchronous method.")]
protected internal async Task<T> ScheduleTask<T>(Func<T> func, string? taskName = "Workspace.Task")
T? result = default;
_workQueue.AddWork(() => result = func());
await _workQueue.WaitUntilCurrentBatchCompletesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
return result!;
#pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to act immediately when the text of a document has changed, as opposed
/// to waiting for the corresponding workspace changed event to fire asynchronously.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnDocumentTextChanged(Document document)
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to act immediately when a document is closing, as opposed
/// to waiting for the corresponding workspace changed event to fire asynchronously.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnDocumentClosing(DocumentId documentId)
/// <summary>
/// Clears all solution data and empties the current solution.
/// </summary>
protected void ClearSolution()
this.ClearSolution(reportChangeEvent: true);
/// <param name="reportChangeEvent">Used so that while disposing we can clear the solution without issuing more
/// events. As we are disposing, we don't want to cause any current listeners to do work on us as we're in the
/// process of going away.</param>
private void ClearSolution(bool reportChangeEvent)
data: /*unused*/ 0,
(oldSolution, _) => this.CreateSolution(oldSolution.Id),
mayRaiseEvents: reportChangeEvent,
onBeforeUpdate: (_, _, _) => this.ClearSolutionData(),
onAfterUpdate: (oldSolution, newSolution, _) =>
if (reportChangeEvent)
this.RaiseWorkspaceChangedEventAsync(WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionCleared, oldSolution, newSolution);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called when a solution is cleared.
/// <para>
/// Override this method if you want to do additional work when a solution is cleared. Call the base method at
/// the end of your method.</para>
/// <para>
/// This method is called while a lock is held. Be very careful when overriding as innapropriate work can cause deadlocks.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ClearSolutionData()
/// <summary>
/// This method is called when an individual project is removed.
/// Override this method if you want to do additional work when a project is removed.
/// Call the base method at the end of your method.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ClearProjectData(ProjectId projectId)
=> this.ClearOpenDocuments(projectId);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called to clear an individual document is removed.
/// Override this method if you want to do additional work when a document is removed.
/// Call the base method at the end of your method.
/// </summary>
protected internal virtual void ClearDocumentData(DocumentId documentId)
=> this.ClearOpenDocument(documentId);
/// <summary>
/// Disposes this workspace. The workspace can longer be used after it is disposed.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
=> this.Dispose(finalize: false);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when the workspace is disposed.
/// Override this method to do additional work when the workspace is disposed.
/// Call this method at the end of your method.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Dispose(bool finalize)
if (!finalize)
// Use `reportChangeEvent` as we do not want to issue an event here since we're in the process of
// tearing ourselves down.
this.ClearSolution(reportChangeEvent: false);
// Dispose per-instance services created for this workspace (direct MEF exports, including factories, will
// be disposed when the MEF catalog is disposed).
// We're disposing this workspace. Stop any work to update SG docs in the background.
private async ValueTask ProcessWorkQueueAsync(ImmutableSegmentedList<Action> list, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Hop over to the right scheduler to execute all this work.
await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
foreach (var item in list)
catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndCatchUnlessCanceled(e))
// Ensure we continue onto further items, even if one particular item fails.
}, cancellationToken, TaskCreationOptions.None, _taskSchedulerProvider.CurrentContextScheduler).ConfigureAwait(false);
#region Host API
private static Solution CheckAndAddProjects(Solution solution, IReadOnlyList<ProjectInfo> projects)
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<ProjectInfo>.GetInstance(projects.Count, out var builder);
foreach (var project in projects)
CheckProjectIsNotInSolution(solution, project.Id);
return solution.AddProjects(builder);
private static Solution CheckAndAddProject(Solution newSolution, ProjectInfo project)
CheckProjectIsNotInSolution(newSolution, project.Id);
return newSolution.AddProject(project);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method to respond to a solution being opened in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnSolutionAdded(SolutionInfo solutionInfo)
oldSolution =>
var newSolution = this.CreateSolution(solutionInfo);
newSolution = CheckAndAddProjects(newSolution, solutionInfo.Projects);
return newSolution;
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionAdded);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method to respond to a solution being reloaded in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnSolutionReloaded(SolutionInfo reloadedSolutionInfo)
oldSolution =>
var newSolution = this.CreateSolution(reloadedSolutionInfo);
newSolution = CheckAndAddProjects(newSolution, reloadedSolutionInfo.Projects);
return this.AdjustReloadedSolution(oldSolution, newSolution);
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionReloaded);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called when the solution is removed from the workspace.
/// Override this method if you want to do additional work when the solution is removed.
/// Call the base method at the end of your method.
/// Call this method to respond to a solution being removed/cleared/closed in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnSolutionRemoved()
_ => this.CreateSolution(SolutionId.CreateNewId()),
onBeforeUpdate: (_, _) => this.ClearSolutionData());
/// <summary>
/// Call this method to respond to a project being added/opened in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnProjectAdded(ProjectInfo projectInfo)
oldSolution => CheckAndAddProject(oldSolution, projectInfo),
WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectAdded, projectId: projectInfo.Id);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method to respond to a project being reloaded in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal virtual void OnProjectReloaded(ProjectInfo reloadedProjectInfo)
var projectId = reloadedProjectInfo.Id;
oldSolution =>
CheckProjectIsInSolution(oldSolution, projectId);
return this.AdjustReloadedProject(
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectReloaded, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method to respond to a project being removed from the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal virtual void OnProjectRemoved(ProjectId projectId)
oldSolution =>
CheckProjectIsInSolution(oldSolution, projectId);
return oldSolution.RemoveProject(projectId);
WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectRemoved, projectId,
onBeforeUpdate: (oldSolution, _) =>
// Clear out mutable state not associated with the solution snapshot (for example, which documents are
// currently open).
/// <summary>
/// Currently projects can always be removed, but this method still exists because it's protected and we don't
/// want to break people who may have derived from <see cref="Workspace"/> and either called it, or overridden it.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void CheckProjectCanBeRemoved(ProjectId projectId)
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a project's assembly name is changed in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAssemblyNameChanged(ProjectId projectId, string assemblyName)
=> SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution => oldSolution.WithProjectAssemblyName(projectId, assemblyName), WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a project's output file path is changed in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnOutputFilePathChanged(ProjectId projectId, string? outputFilePath)
=> SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution => oldSolution.WithProjectOutputFilePath(projectId, outputFilePath), WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a project's output ref file path is changed in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnOutputRefFilePathChanged(ProjectId projectId, string? outputFilePath)
=> SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution => oldSolution.WithProjectOutputRefFilePath(projectId, outputFilePath), WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a project's name is changed in the host environment.
/// </summary>
// TODO (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/37124): decide if we want to allow "name" to be nullable.
// As of this writing you can pass null, but rather than updating the project to null it seems it does nothing.
// I'm leaving this marked as "non-null" so as not to say we actually support that behavior. The underlying
// requirement is ProjectInfo.ProjectAttributes holds a non-null name, so you can't get a null into this even if you tried.
protected internal void OnProjectNameChanged(ProjectId projectId, string name, string? filePath)
=> SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution => oldSolution.WithProjectName(projectId, name).WithProjectFilePath(projectId, filePath), WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a project's default namespace is changed in the host environment.
/// </summary>
internal void OnDefaultNamespaceChanged(ProjectId projectId, string? defaultNamespace)
=> SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution => oldSolution.WithProjectDefaultNamespace(projectId, defaultNamespace), WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a project's compilation options are changed in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnCompilationOptionsChanged(ProjectId projectId, CompilationOptions options)
=> SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution => oldSolution.WithProjectCompilationOptions(projectId, options), WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a project's parse options are changed in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnParseOptionsChanged(ProjectId projectId, ParseOptions options)
=> SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution => oldSolution.WithProjectParseOptions(projectId, options), WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a project reference is added to a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnProjectReferenceAdded(ProjectId projectId, ProjectReference projectReference)
SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution =>
CheckProjectDoesNotHaveProjectReference(projectId, projectReference);
// Can only add this P2P reference if it would not cause a circularity.
CheckProjectDoesNotHaveTransitiveProjectReference(projectId, projectReference.ProjectId);
return oldSolution.AddProjectReference(projectId, projectReference);
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a project reference is removed from a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnProjectReferenceRemoved(ProjectId projectId, ProjectReference projectReference)
SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution =>
CheckProjectHasProjectReference(projectId, projectReference);
return oldSolution.RemoveProjectReference(projectId, projectReference);
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a metadata reference is added to a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnMetadataReferenceAdded(ProjectId projectId, MetadataReference metadataReference)
SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution =>
CheckProjectDoesNotHaveMetadataReference(projectId, metadataReference);
return oldSolution.AddMetadataReference(projectId, metadataReference);
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a metadata reference is removed from a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnMetadataReferenceRemoved(ProjectId projectId, MetadataReference metadataReference)
SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution =>
CheckProjectHasMetadataReference(projectId, metadataReference);
return oldSolution.RemoveMetadataReference(projectId, metadataReference);
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when an analyzer reference is added to a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAnalyzerReferenceAdded(ProjectId projectId, AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution =>
CheckProjectDoesNotHaveAnalyzerReference(projectId, analyzerReference);
return oldSolution.AddAnalyzerReference(projectId, analyzerReference);
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when an analyzer reference is removed from a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAnalyzerReferenceRemoved(ProjectId projectId, AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution =>
CheckProjectHasAnalyzerReference(projectId, analyzerReference);
return oldSolution.RemoveAnalyzerReference(projectId, analyzerReference);
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when an analyzer reference is added to a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
internal void OnSolutionAnalyzerReferenceAdded(AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution =>
CheckSolutionDoesNotHaveAnalyzerReference(oldSolution, analyzerReference);
return oldSolution.AddAnalyzerReference(analyzerReference);
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionChanged);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when an analyzer reference is removed from a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
internal void OnSolutionAnalyzerReferenceRemoved(AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution =>
CheckSolutionHasAnalyzerReference(oldSolution, analyzerReference);
return oldSolution.RemoveAnalyzerReference(analyzerReference);
}, WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionChanged);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when <see cref="Solution.FallbackAnalyzerOptions"/> change in the host environment.
/// </summary>
internal void OnSolutionFallbackAnalyzerOptionsChanged(ImmutableDictionary<string, StructuredAnalyzerConfigOptions> options)
=> SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution => oldSolution.WithFallbackAnalyzerOptions(options), WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionChanged);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when status of project has changed to incomplete.
/// See <see cref="ProjectInfo.HasAllInformation"/> for more information.
/// </summary>
// TODO: make it public
internal void OnHasAllInformationChanged(ProjectId projectId, bool hasAllInformation)
=> SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution => oldSolution.WithHasAllInformation(projectId, hasAllInformation), WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a project's RunAnalyzers property is changed in the host environment.
/// </summary>
internal void OnRunAnalyzersChanged(ProjectId projectId, bool runAnalyzers)
=> SetCurrentSolution(oldSolution => oldSolution.WithRunAnalyzers(projectId, runAnalyzers), WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a document is added to a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnDocumentAdded(DocumentInfo documentInfo)
oldSolution => oldSolution.AddDocument(documentInfo),
WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentAdded, documentId: documentInfo.Id);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when multiple document are added to one or more projects in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnDocumentsAdded(ImmutableArray<DocumentInfo> documentInfos)
data: (@this: this, documentInfos),
static (oldSolution, data) => oldSolution.AddDocuments(data.documentInfos),
onAfterUpdate: static (oldSolution, newSolution, data) =>
// Raise ProjectChanged as the event type here. DocumentAdded is presumed by many callers to have a
// DocumentId associated with it, and we don't want to be raising multiple events.
foreach (var projectId in data.documentInfos.Select(i => i.Id.ProjectId).Distinct())
data.@this.RaiseWorkspaceChangedEventAsync(WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged, oldSolution, newSolution, projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a document is reloaded in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnDocumentReloaded(DocumentInfo newDocumentInfo)
var documentId = newDocumentInfo.Id;
oldSolution => oldSolution.RemoveDocument(documentId).AddDocument(newDocumentInfo),
WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentReloaded, documentId: documentId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a document is removed from a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnDocumentRemoved(DocumentId documentId)
oldSolution =>
CheckDocumentIsInSolution(oldSolution, documentId);
return oldSolution.RemoveDocument(documentId);
WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentRemoved, documentId: documentId,
onBeforeUpdate: (oldSolution, _) =>
// Clear out mutable state not associated with teh solution snapshot (for example, which documents are
// currently open).
protected virtual void CheckDocumentCanBeRemoved(DocumentId documentId)
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when the document info changes, such as the name, folders or file path.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnDocumentInfoChanged(DocumentId documentId, DocumentInfo newInfo)
oldSolution =>
CheckDocumentIsInSolution(oldSolution, documentId);
var newSolution = oldSolution;
var oldAttributes = oldSolution.GetDocument(documentId)!.State.Attributes;
if (oldAttributes.Name != newInfo.Name)
newSolution = newSolution.WithDocumentName(documentId, newInfo.Name);
if (oldAttributes.Folders != newInfo.Folders)
newSolution = newSolution.WithDocumentFolders(documentId, newInfo.Folders);
if (oldAttributes.FilePath != newInfo.FilePath)
newSolution = newSolution.WithDocumentFilePath(documentId, newInfo.FilePath);
if (oldAttributes.SourceCodeKind != newInfo.SourceCodeKind)
newSolution = newSolution.WithDocumentSourceCodeKind(documentId, newInfo.SourceCodeKind);
return newSolution;
WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentInfoChanged, documentId: documentId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when the text of a document is updated in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId documentId, SourceText newText, PreservationMode mode)
=> OnDocumentTextChanged(documentId, newText, mode, requireDocumentPresent: true);
private protected void OnDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId documentId, SourceText newText, PreservationMode mode, bool requireDocumentPresent)
(newText, mode),
static (solution, docId) => solution.GetDocument(docId),
(solution, docId, newTextAndMode) => solution.WithDocumentText(docId, newTextAndMode.newText, newTextAndMode.mode),
isCodeDocument: true,
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when the text of an additional document is updated in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAdditionalDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId documentId, SourceText newText, PreservationMode mode)
(newText, mode),
static (solution, docId) => solution.GetAdditionalDocument(docId),
(solution, docId, newTextAndMode) => solution.WithAdditionalDocumentText(docId, newTextAndMode.newText, newTextAndMode.mode),
isCodeDocument: false,
requireDocumentPresent: true);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when the text of an analyzer config document is updated in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId documentId, SourceText newText, PreservationMode mode)
(newText, mode),
static (solution, docId) => solution.GetAnalyzerConfigDocument(docId),
(solution, docId, newTextAndMode) => solution.WithAnalyzerConfigDocumentText(docId, newTextAndMode.newText, newTextAndMode.mode),
isCodeDocument: false,
requireDocumentPresent: true);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when the text of a document is changed on disk.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnDocumentTextLoaderChanged(DocumentId documentId, TextLoader loader)
=> OnDocumentTextLoaderChanged(documentId, loader, requireDocumentPresent: true);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when the text of a document is changed on disk.
/// </summary>
private protected void OnDocumentTextLoaderChanged(DocumentId documentId, TextLoader loader, bool requireDocumentPresent)
static (solution, docId) => solution.GetDocument(docId),
(solution, docId, loader) => solution.WithDocumentTextLoader(docId, loader, PreservationMode.PreserveValue),
isCodeDocument: true,
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when the text of a additional document is changed on disk.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAdditionalDocumentTextLoaderChanged(DocumentId documentId, TextLoader loader)
static (solution, docId) => solution.GetAdditionalDocument(docId),
(solution, docId, loader) => solution.WithAdditionalDocumentTextLoader(docId, loader, PreservationMode.PreserveValue),
isCodeDocument: false,
requireDocumentPresent: true);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when the text of a analyzer config document is changed on disk.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentTextLoaderChanged(DocumentId documentId, TextLoader loader)
static (solution, docId) => solution.GetAnalyzerConfigDocument(docId),
(solution, docId, loader) => solution.WithAnalyzerConfigDocumentTextLoader(docId, loader, PreservationMode.PreserveValue),
isCodeDocument: false,
requireDocumentPresent: true);
/// <summary>
/// When a <see cref="Document"/>s text is changed, we need to make sure all of the linked files also have their
/// content updated in the new solution before applying it to the workspace to avoid the workspace having
/// solutions with linked files where the contents do not match.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="requireDocumentPresent">Allow caller to indicate behavior that should happen if this is a
/// request to update a document not currently in the workspace. This should be used only in hosts where there
/// may be disparate sources of text change info, without an underlying agreed upon synchronization context to
/// ensure consistency between events. For example, in an LSP server it might be the case that some events were
/// being posted by an attached lsp client, while another source of events reported information produced by a
/// self-hosted project system. These systems might report events on entirely different cadences, leading to
/// scenarios where there might be disagreements as to the state of the workspace. Clients in those cases must
/// be resilient to those disagreements (for example, by falling back to a misc-workspace if the lsp client
/// referred to a document no longer in the workspace populated by the project system).</param>
private void OnAnyDocumentTextChanged<TArg>(
DocumentId documentId,
TArg arg,
Func<Solution, DocumentId, TextDocument?> getDocumentInSolution,
Func<Solution, DocumentId, TArg, Solution> updateSolutionWithText,
WorkspaceChangeKind changeKind,
bool isCodeDocument,
bool requireDocumentPresent)
// Data that is updated in the transformation, and read in in onAfterUpdate. Because SetCurrentSolution may
// loop, we have to make sure to always clear this each time we enter the loop.
var updatedDocumentIds = new List<DocumentId>();
data: (@this: this, documentId, arg, getDocumentInSolution, updateSolutionWithText, changeKind, isCodeDocument, requireDocumentPresent, updatedDocumentIds),
static (oldSolution, data) =>
// Ensure this closure data is always clean if we had to restart the the operation.
var updatedDocumentIds = data.updatedDocumentIds;
var @this = data.@this;
var documentId = data.documentId;
var document = data.getDocumentInSolution(oldSolution, documentId);
if (document is null)
if (data.requireDocumentPresent)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
return oldSolution;
// First, just update the text for the document passed in.
var newSolution = oldSolution;
var previousSolution = newSolution;
newSolution = data.updateSolutionWithText(newSolution, documentId, data.arg);
if (previousSolution != newSolution)
// Now go update the linked docs to have the same doc contents. Note: We want to do this even across
// languags. If two projects are actually referring to the same file and that file changes, we need
// them all to agree on the contents to leave us in a consistent state.
var linkedDocumentIds = oldSolution.GetRelatedDocumentIds(documentId, includeDifferentLanguages: true);
if (linkedDocumentIds.Length > 0)
// Have the linked documents point *into* the same instance data that the initial document
// points at. This way things like tree data can be shared across docs.
var newDocument = newSolution.GetRequiredDocument(documentId);
foreach (var linkedDocumentId in linkedDocumentIds)
previousSolution = newSolution;
newSolution = newSolution.WithDocumentContentsFrom(linkedDocumentId, newDocument.DocumentState, forceEvenIfTreesWouldDiffer: false);
if (previousSolution != newSolution)
return newSolution;
onAfterUpdate: static (oldSolution, newSolution, data) =>
if (data.isCodeDocument)
foreach (var updatedDocumentId in data.updatedDocumentIds)
var newDocument = newSolution.GetDocument(updatedDocumentId);
foreach (var updatedDocumentInfo in data.updatedDocumentIds)
documentId: updatedDocumentInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when the SourceCodeKind of a document changes in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnDocumentSourceCodeKindChanged(DocumentId documentId, SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind)
oldSolution =>
CheckDocumentIsInSolution(oldSolution, documentId);
return oldSolution.WithDocumentSourceCodeKind(documentId, sourceCodeKind);
WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentChanged, documentId: documentId,
onAfterUpdate: (_, newSolution) => this.OnDocumentTextChanged(newSolution.GetRequiredDocument(documentId)));
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when an additional document is added to a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAdditionalDocumentAdded(DocumentInfo documentInfo)
var documentId = documentInfo.Id;
oldSolution =>
CheckProjectIsInSolution(oldSolution, documentId.ProjectId);
CheckAdditionalDocumentIsNotInSolution(oldSolution, documentId);
return oldSolution.AddAdditionalDocument(documentInfo);
WorkspaceChangeKind.AdditionalDocumentAdded, documentId: documentId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when an additional document is removed from a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAdditionalDocumentRemoved(DocumentId documentId)
oldSolution =>
CheckAdditionalDocumentIsInSolution(oldSolution, documentId);
return oldSolution.RemoveAdditionalDocument(documentId);
WorkspaceChangeKind.AdditionalDocumentRemoved, documentId: documentId,
onBeforeUpdate: (oldSolution, _) =>
// Clear out mutable state not associated with the solution snapshot (for example, which documents are
// currently open).
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when an analyzer config document is added to a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentAdded(DocumentInfo documentInfo)
var documentId = documentInfo.Id;
oldSolution =>
CheckProjectIsInSolution(oldSolution, documentId.ProjectId);
CheckAnalyzerConfigDocumentIsNotInSolution(oldSolution, documentId);
return oldSolution.AddAnalyzerConfigDocuments([documentInfo]);
WorkspaceChangeKind.AnalyzerConfigDocumentAdded, documentId: documentId);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when an analyzer config document is removed from a project in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentRemoved(DocumentId documentId)
oldSolution =>
CheckAnalyzerConfigDocumentIsInSolution(oldSolution, documentId);
return oldSolution.RemoveAnalyzerConfigDocument(documentId);
WorkspaceChangeKind.AnalyzerConfigDocumentRemoved, documentId: documentId,
onBeforeUpdate: (oldSolution, _) =>
// Clear out mutable state not associated with teh solution snapshot (for example, which documents are
// currently open).
/// <summary>
/// Updates all projects to properly reference other projects as project references instead of metadata references.
/// </summary>
protected void UpdateReferencesAfterAdd()
oldSolution => UpdateReferencesAfterAdd(oldSolution),
static Solution UpdateReferencesAfterAdd(Solution solution)
// Build map from output assembly path to ProjectId
// Use explicit loop instead of ToDictionary so we don't throw if multiple projects have same output assembly path.
var outputAssemblyToProjectIdMap = new Dictionary<string, ProjectId>();
foreach (var p in solution.Projects)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.OutputFilePath))
outputAssemblyToProjectIdMap[p.OutputFilePath!] = p.Id;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.OutputRefFilePath))
outputAssemblyToProjectIdMap[p.OutputRefFilePath!] = p.Id;
// now fix each project if necessary
foreach (var pid in solution.ProjectIds)
var project = solution.GetProject(pid)!;
// convert metadata references to project references if the metadata reference matches some project's output assembly.
foreach (var meta in project.MetadataReferences)
if (meta is PortableExecutableReference pemeta)
// check both Display and FilePath. FilePath points to the actually bits, but Display should match output path if
// the metadata reference is shadow copied.
if ((!RoslynString.IsNullOrEmpty(pemeta.Display) && outputAssemblyToProjectIdMap.TryGetValue(pemeta.Display, out var matchingProjectId)) ||
(!RoslynString.IsNullOrEmpty(pemeta.FilePath) && outputAssemblyToProjectIdMap.TryGetValue(pemeta.FilePath, out matchingProjectId)))
var newProjRef = new ProjectReference(matchingProjectId, pemeta.Properties.Aliases, pemeta.Properties.EmbedInteropTypes);
if (!project.ProjectReferences.Contains(newProjRef))
project = project.AddProjectReference(newProjRef);
project = project.RemoveMetadataReference(meta);
solution = project.Solution;
return solution;
#region Apply Changes
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the specific kind of change is supported by the <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> method.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind feature)
=> false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns <see langword="true"/> if a reference to referencedProject can be added to
/// referencingProject. <see langword="false"/> otherwise.
/// </summary>
internal virtual bool CanAddProjectReference(ProjectId referencingProject, ProjectId referencedProject)
=> false;
/// <summary>
/// Apply changes made to a solution back to the workspace.
/// The specified solution must be one that originated from this workspace. If it is not, or the workspace
/// has been updated since the solution was obtained from the workspace, then this method returns false. This method
/// will still throw if the solution contains changes that are not supported according to the <see cref="CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind)"/>
/// method.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">Thrown if the solution contains changes not supported according to the
/// <see cref="CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind)"/> method.</exception>
public virtual bool TryApplyChanges(Solution newSolution)
=> TryApplyChanges(newSolution, CodeAnalysisProgress.None);
internal virtual bool TryApplyChanges(Solution newSolution, IProgress<CodeAnalysisProgress> progressTracker)
using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.Workspace_ApplyChanges, CancellationToken.None))
// If solution did not originate from this workspace then fail
if (newSolution.Workspace != this)
Logger.Log(FunctionId.Workspace_ApplyChanges, "Apply Failed: workspaces do not match");
return false;
var oldSolution = this.CurrentSolution;
// If the workspace has already accepted an update, then fail
if (newSolution.WorkspaceVersion != oldSolution.WorkspaceVersion)
static (oldSolution, newSolution) =>
// 'oldSolution' is the current workspace solution; if we reach this point we know
// 'oldSolution' is newer than the expected workspace solution 'newSolution'.
var oldWorkspaceVersion = oldSolution.WorkspaceVersion;
var newWorkspaceVersion = newSolution.WorkspaceVersion;
return $"Apply Failed: Workspace has already been updated (from version '{newWorkspaceVersion}' to '{oldWorkspaceVersion}')";
return false;
var solutionChanges = newSolution.GetChanges(oldSolution);
var solutionWithLinkedFileChangesMerged = newSolution.WithMergedLinkedFileChangesAsync(oldSolution, solutionChanges, cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None).Result;
solutionChanges = solutionWithLinkedFileChangesMerged.GetChanges(oldSolution);
// added projects
foreach (var proj in solutionChanges.GetAddedProjects())
// changed projects
var projectChangesList = solutionChanges.GetProjectChanges().ToImmutableArray();
foreach (var projectChanges in projectChangesList)
progressTracker.Report(CodeAnalysisProgress.Description(string.Format(WorkspacesResources.Applying_changes_to_0, projectChanges.NewProject.Name)));
// changes in mapped files outside the workspace (may span multiple projects)
// removed projects
foreach (var proj in solutionChanges.GetRemovedProjects())
if (this.CurrentSolution.Options != newSolution.Options)
var changedOptions = newSolution.SolutionState.Options.GetChangedOptions();
_legacyOptions.SetOptions(changedOptions.internallyDefined, changedOptions.externallyDefined);
if (CurrentSolution.FallbackAnalyzerOptions != newSolution.FallbackAnalyzerOptions)
if (!CurrentSolution.AnalyzerReferences.SequenceEqual(newSolution.AnalyzerReferences))
foreach (var analyzerReference in solutionChanges.GetRemovedAnalyzerReferences())
foreach (var analyzerReference in solutionChanges.GetAddedAnalyzerReferences())
return true;
private void ApplyDocumentsInfoChange(ImmutableArray<ProjectChanges> projectChanges)
using var _1 = PooledHashSet<DocumentId>.GetInstance(out var infoChangedDocumentIds);
using var _2 = PooledHashSet<Document>.GetInstance(out var infoChangedNewDocuments);
foreach (var projectChange in projectChanges)
foreach (var docId in projectChange.GetChangedDocuments())
if (!infoChangedDocumentIds.Contains(docId))
var oldDoc = projectChange.OldProject.GetRequiredDocument(docId);
var newDoc = projectChange.NewProject.GetRequiredDocument(docId);
// For linked documents, when info get changed (e.g. name/folder/filePath)
// only apply one document changed because it will update the 'real' file, causing the other linked documents get changed.
if (oldDoc.HasInfoChanged(newDoc))
var linkedDocuments = oldDoc.GetLinkedDocumentIds();
foreach (var newDoc in infoChangedNewDocuments)
// ApplyDocumentInfoChanged ignores the loader information, so we can pass null for it
new DocumentInfo(newDoc.DocumentState.Attributes, loader: null, documentServiceProvider: newDoc.State.DocumentServiceProvider));
internal virtual void ApplyMappedFileChanges(SolutionChanges solutionChanges)
private void CheckAllowedSolutionChanges(SolutionChanges solutionChanges)
// Note: For each kind of change first check if the change is disallowed and only if it is determine whether the change is actually made.
// This is more efficient since most workspaces allow most changes and CanApplyChange is implementation is usually trivial.
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.RemoveProject) && solutionChanges.GetRemovedProjects().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Removing_projects_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.AddProject) && solutionChanges.GetAddedProjects().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Adding_projects_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.AddSolutionAnalyzerReference) && solutionChanges.GetAddedAnalyzerReferences().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Adding_analyzer_references_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.RemoveSolutionAnalyzerReference) && solutionChanges.GetRemovedAnalyzerReferences().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Removing_analyzer_references_is_not_supported);
foreach (var projectChanges in solutionChanges.GetProjectChanges())
private void CheckAllowedProjectChanges(ProjectChanges projectChanges)
// If CanApplyChange is true for ApplyChangesKind.ChangeCompilationOptions we allow any change to the compilaton options.
// If only subset of changes is allowed CanApplyChange shall return false and CanApplyCompilationOptionChange
// determines the outcome for the particular option change.
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.ChangeCompilationOptions) &&
projectChanges.OldProject.CompilationOptions != projectChanges.NewProject.CompilationOptions)
// It's OK to assert this: if they were both null, the if check above would have been false right away
// since they didn't change. Thus, at least one is non-null, and once you have a non-null CompilationOptions
// and ParseOptions, we don't let you ever make it null again. Further, it can't ever start non-null:
// we replace a null when a project is created with default compilation options.
// The changes in CompilationOptions may include a change to the SyntaxTreeOptionsProvider, which would be happening
// if an .editorconfig was added, removed, or modified. We'll compute the options without that change, and if there's
// still changes then we need to verify we can apply those. The .editorconfig changes will also be represented as
// document edits, which the host is expected to actually apply directly.
var newOptionsWithoutSyntaxTreeOptionsChange =
if (projectChanges.OldProject.CompilationOptions != newOptionsWithoutSyntaxTreeOptionsChange)
// We're actually changing in a meaningful way, so now validate that the workspace can take it.
// We will pass into the CanApplyCompilationOptionChange newOptionsWithoutSyntaxTreeOptionsChange,
// which means it's only having to validate that the changes it's expected to apply are changing.
// The common pattern is to reject all changes not recognized, so this keeps existing code running just fine.
if (!CanApplyCompilationOptionChange(projectChanges.OldProject.CompilationOptions, newOptionsWithoutSyntaxTreeOptionsChange, projectChanges.NewProject))
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Changing_compilation_options_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.ChangeParseOptions) &&
projectChanges.OldProject.ParseOptions != projectChanges.NewProject.ParseOptions &&
!CanApplyParseOptionChange(projectChanges.OldProject.ParseOptions!, projectChanges.NewProject.ParseOptions!, projectChanges.NewProject))
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Changing_parse_options_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.AddDocument) && projectChanges.GetAddedDocuments().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Adding_documents_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.RemoveDocument) && projectChanges.GetRemovedDocuments().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Removing_documents_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.ChangeDocumentInfo)
&& projectChanges.GetChangedDocuments().Any(id => projectChanges.NewProject.GetDocument(id)!.HasInfoChanged(projectChanges.OldProject.GetDocument(id)!)))
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Changing_document_property_is_not_supported);
var changedDocumentIds = projectChanges.GetChangedDocuments(onlyGetDocumentsWithTextChanges: true, IgnoreUnchangeableDocumentsWhenApplyingChanges).ToImmutableArray();
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.ChangeDocument) && changedDocumentIds.Length > 0)
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Changing_documents_is_not_supported);
// Checking for unchangeable documents will only be done if we were asked not to ignore them.
foreach (var documentId in changedDocumentIds)
var document = projectChanges.OldProject.State.DocumentStates.GetState(documentId) ??
if (!document.CanApplyChange())
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(WorkspacesResources.Changing_document_0_is_not_supported, document.FilePath ?? document.Name));
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.AddAdditionalDocument) && projectChanges.GetAddedAdditionalDocuments().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Adding_additional_documents_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.RemoveAdditionalDocument) && projectChanges.GetRemovedAdditionalDocuments().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Removing_additional_documents_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.ChangeAdditionalDocument) && projectChanges.GetChangedAdditionalDocuments().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Changing_additional_documents_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.AddAnalyzerConfigDocument) && projectChanges.GetAddedAnalyzerConfigDocuments().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Adding_analyzer_config_documents_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.RemoveAnalyzerConfigDocument) && projectChanges.GetRemovedAnalyzerConfigDocuments().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Removing_analyzer_config_documents_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.ChangeAnalyzerConfigDocument) && projectChanges.GetChangedAnalyzerConfigDocuments().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Changing_analyzer_config_documents_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.AddProjectReference) && projectChanges.GetAddedProjectReferences().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Adding_project_references_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.RemoveProjectReference) && projectChanges.GetRemovedProjectReferences().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Removing_project_references_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.AddMetadataReference) && projectChanges.GetAddedMetadataReferences().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Adding_project_references_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.RemoveMetadataReference) && projectChanges.GetRemovedMetadataReferences().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Removing_project_references_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.AddAnalyzerReference) && projectChanges.GetAddedAnalyzerReferences().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Adding_analyzer_references_is_not_supported);
if (!CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.RemoveAnalyzerReference) && projectChanges.GetRemovedAnalyzerReferences().Any())
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.Removing_analyzer_references_is_not_supported);
/// <summary>
/// Called during a call to <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to determine if a specific change to <see cref="Project.CompilationOptions"/> is allowed.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method is only called if <see cref="CanApplyChange" /> returns false for <see cref="ApplyChangesKind.ChangeCompilationOptions"/>.
/// If <see cref="CanApplyChange" /> returns true, then that means all changes are allowed and this method does not need to be called.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="oldOptions">The old <see cref="CompilationOptions"/> of the project from prior to the change.</param>
/// <param name="newOptions">The new <see cref="CompilationOptions"/> of the project that was passed to <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/>.</param>
/// <param name="project">The project contained in the <see cref="Solution"/> passed to <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/>.</param>
public virtual bool CanApplyCompilationOptionChange(CompilationOptions oldOptions, CompilationOptions newOptions, Project project)
=> false;
/// <summary>
/// Called during a call to <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to determine if a specific change to <see cref="Project.ParseOptions"/> is allowed.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method is only called if <see cref="CanApplyChange" /> returns false for <see cref="ApplyChangesKind.ChangeParseOptions"/>.
/// If <see cref="CanApplyChange" /> returns true, then that means all changes are allowed and this method does not need to be called.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="oldOptions">The old <see cref="ParseOptions"/> of the project from prior to the change.</param>
/// <param name="newOptions">The new <see cref="ParseOptions"/> of the project that was passed to <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/>.</param>
/// <param name="project">The project contained in the <see cref="Solution"/> passed to <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/>.</param>
public virtual bool CanApplyParseOptionChange(ParseOptions oldOptions, ParseOptions newOptions, Project project)
=> false;
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> for each project
/// that has been added, removed or changed.
/// Override this method if you want to modify how project changes are applied.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyProjectChanges(ProjectChanges projectChanges)
// It's OK to use the null-suppression operator when calling ApplyCompilation/ParseOptionsChanged: the only change that is allowed
// is going from one non-null value to another which is blocked by the Project.WithCompilationOptions() API directly.
// The changes in CompilationOptions may include a change to the SyntaxTreeOptionsProvider, which would be happening
// if an .editorconfig was added, removed, or modified. We'll compute the options without that change, and if there's
// still changes then we need to verify we can apply those. The .editorconfig changes will also be represented as
// document edits, which the host is expected to actually apply directly.
var newOptionsWithoutSyntaxTreeOptionsChange =
if (projectChanges.OldProject.CompilationOptions != newOptionsWithoutSyntaxTreeOptionsChange)
this.ApplyCompilationOptionsChanged(projectChanges.ProjectId, newOptionsWithoutSyntaxTreeOptionsChange!);
// changed parse options
if (projectChanges.OldProject.ParseOptions != projectChanges.NewProject.ParseOptions)
this.ApplyParseOptionsChanged(projectChanges.ProjectId, projectChanges.NewProject.ParseOptions!);
// removed project references
foreach (var removedProjectReference in projectChanges.GetRemovedProjectReferences())
this.ApplyProjectReferenceRemoved(projectChanges.ProjectId, removedProjectReference);
// added project references
foreach (var addedProjectReference in projectChanges.GetAddedProjectReferences())
this.ApplyProjectReferenceAdded(projectChanges.ProjectId, addedProjectReference);
// removed metadata references
foreach (var metadata in projectChanges.GetRemovedMetadataReferences())
this.ApplyMetadataReferenceRemoved(projectChanges.ProjectId, metadata);
// added metadata references
foreach (var metadata in projectChanges.GetAddedMetadataReferences())
this.ApplyMetadataReferenceAdded(projectChanges.ProjectId, metadata);
// removed analyzer references
foreach (var analyzerReference in projectChanges.GetRemovedAnalyzerReferences())
this.ApplyAnalyzerReferenceRemoved(projectChanges.ProjectId, analyzerReference);
// added analyzer references
foreach (var analyzerReference in projectChanges.GetAddedAnalyzerReferences())
this.ApplyAnalyzerReferenceAdded(projectChanges.ProjectId, analyzerReference);
// removed documents
foreach (var documentId in projectChanges.GetRemovedDocuments())
// removed additional documents
foreach (var documentId in projectChanges.GetRemovedAdditionalDocuments())
// removed analyzer config documents
foreach (var documentId in projectChanges.GetRemovedAnalyzerConfigDocuments())
// added documents
foreach (var documentId in projectChanges.GetAddedDocuments())
var document = projectChanges.NewProject.GetDocument(documentId)!;
var text = document.GetTextSynchronously(CancellationToken.None);
var info = CreateDocumentInfoWithoutText(document);
this.ApplyDocumentAdded(info, text);
// added additional documents
foreach (var documentId in projectChanges.GetAddedAdditionalDocuments())
var document = projectChanges.NewProject.GetAdditionalDocument(documentId)!;
var text = document.GetTextSynchronously(CancellationToken.None);
var info = CreateDocumentInfoWithoutText(document);
this.ApplyAdditionalDocumentAdded(info, text);
// added analyzer config documents
foreach (var documentId in projectChanges.GetAddedAnalyzerConfigDocuments())
var document = projectChanges.NewProject.GetAnalyzerConfigDocument(documentId)!;
var text = document.GetTextSynchronously(CancellationToken.None);
var info = CreateDocumentInfoWithoutText(document);
this.ApplyAnalyzerConfigDocumentAdded(info, text);
// changed documents
foreach (var documentId in projectChanges.GetChangedDocuments())
ApplyChangedDocument(projectChanges, documentId);
// changed additional documents
foreach (var documentId in projectChanges.GetChangedAdditionalDocuments())
var newDoc = projectChanges.NewProject.GetAdditionalDocument(documentId)!;
// We don't understand the text of additional documents and so we just replace the entire text.
var currentText = newDoc.GetTextSynchronously(CancellationToken.None); // needs wait
this.ApplyAdditionalDocumentTextChanged(documentId, currentText);
// changed analyzer config documents
foreach (var documentId in projectChanges.GetChangedAnalyzerConfigDocuments())
var newDoc = projectChanges.NewProject.GetAnalyzerConfigDocument(documentId)!;
// We don't understand the text of analyzer config documents and so we just replace the entire text.
var currentText = newDoc.GetTextSynchronously(CancellationToken.None); // needs wait
this.ApplyAnalyzerConfigDocumentTextChanged(documentId, currentText);
private void ApplyChangedDocument(
ProjectChanges projectChanges, DocumentId documentId)
var oldDoc = projectChanges.OldProject.GetDocument(documentId)!;
var newDoc = projectChanges.NewProject.GetDocument(documentId)!;
// update text if it's changed (unless it's unchangeable and we were asked to exclude them)
if (newDoc.HasTextChanged(oldDoc, IgnoreUnchangeableDocumentsWhenApplyingChanges))
// What we'd like to do here is figure out what actual text changes occurred and pass them on to the host.
// However, since it is likely that the change was done by replacing the syntax tree, getting the actual text changes is non trivial.
if (!oldDoc.TryGetText(out var oldText))
// If we don't have easy access to the old text, then either it was never observed or it was kicked out of memory.
// Either way, the new text cannot possibly hold knowledge of the changes, and any new syntax tree will not likely be able to derive them.
// So just use whatever new text we have without preserving text changes.
var currentText = newDoc.GetTextSynchronously(CancellationToken.None); // needs wait
this.ApplyDocumentTextChanged(documentId, currentText);
else if (!newDoc.TryGetText(out var newText))
// We have the old text, but no new text is easily available. This typically happens when the content is modified via changes to the syntax tree.
// Ask document to compute equivalent text changes by comparing the syntax trees, and use them to
var textChanges = newDoc.GetTextChangesSynchronously(oldDoc, CancellationToken.None);
this.ApplyDocumentTextChanged(documentId, oldText.WithChanges(textChanges));
// We have both old and new text, so assume the text was changed manually.
// So either the new text already knows the individual changes or we do not have a way to compute them.
this.ApplyDocumentTextChanged(documentId, newText);
private static ProjectInfo CreateProjectInfo(Project project)
return ProjectInfo.Create(
project.State.Attributes.With(version: VersionStamp.Create()),
additionalDocuments: project.AdditionalDocuments.Select(CreateDocumentInfoWithText),
analyzerConfigDocuments: project.AnalyzerConfigDocuments.Select(CreateDocumentInfoWithText),
hostObjectType: project.State.HostObjectType);
private static DocumentInfo CreateDocumentInfoWithText(TextDocument doc)
=> CreateDocumentInfoWithoutText(doc).WithTextLoader(TextLoader.From(TextAndVersion.Create(doc.GetTextSynchronously(CancellationToken.None), VersionStamp.Create(), doc.FilePath)));
internal static DocumentInfo CreateDocumentInfoWithoutText(TextDocument doc)
=> DocumentInfo.Create(
doc is Document sourceDoc ? sourceDoc.SourceCodeKind : SourceCodeKind.Regular,
loader: null,
filePath: doc.FilePath,
isGenerated: doc.State.Attributes.IsGenerated)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to add a project to the current solution.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of adding projects.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyProjectAdded(ProjectInfo project)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to remove a project from the current solution.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of removing projects.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyProjectRemoved(ProjectId projectId)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to change the compilation options.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of changing compilation options.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyCompilationOptionsChanged(ProjectId projectId, CompilationOptions options)
var oldProject = CurrentSolution.GetRequiredProject(projectId);
var newProjectForAssert = oldProject.WithCompilationOptions(options);
Debug.Assert(CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.ChangeCompilationOptions) ||
CanApplyCompilationOptionChange(oldProject.CompilationOptions!, options, newProjectForAssert));
this.OnCompilationOptionsChanged(projectId, options);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to change the parse options.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of changing parse options.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyParseOptionsChanged(ProjectId projectId, ParseOptions options)
var oldProject = CurrentSolution.GetRequiredProject(projectId);
var newProjectForAssert = oldProject.WithParseOptions(options);
Debug.Assert(CanApplyChange(ApplyChangesKind.ChangeParseOptions) ||
CanApplyParseOptionChange(oldProject.ParseOptions!, options, newProjectForAssert));
this.OnParseOptionsChanged(projectId, options);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to add a project reference to a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of adding project references.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyProjectReferenceAdded(ProjectId projectId, ProjectReference projectReference)
this.OnProjectReferenceAdded(projectId, projectReference);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to remove a project reference from a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of removing project references.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyProjectReferenceRemoved(ProjectId projectId, ProjectReference projectReference)
this.OnProjectReferenceRemoved(projectId, projectReference);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to add a metadata reference to a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of adding metadata references.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyMetadataReferenceAdded(ProjectId projectId, MetadataReference metadataReference)
this.OnMetadataReferenceAdded(projectId, metadataReference);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to remove a metadata reference from a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of removing metadata references.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyMetadataReferenceRemoved(ProjectId projectId, MetadataReference metadataReference)
this.OnMetadataReferenceRemoved(projectId, metadataReference);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to add an analyzer reference to a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of adding analyzer references.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyAnalyzerReferenceAdded(ProjectId projectId, AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
this.OnAnalyzerReferenceAdded(projectId, analyzerReference);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to remove an analyzer reference from a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of removing analyzer references.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyAnalyzerReferenceRemoved(ProjectId projectId, AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
this.OnAnalyzerReferenceRemoved(projectId, analyzerReference);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to add an analyzer reference to the solution.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of adding analyzer references.
/// </summary>
internal void ApplySolutionAnalyzerReferenceAdded(AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to remove an analyzer reference from the solution.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of removing analyzer references.
/// </summary>
internal void ApplySolutionAnalyzerReferenceRemoved(AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to add a new document to a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of adding documents.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyDocumentAdded(DocumentInfo info, SourceText text)
this.OnDocumentAdded(info.WithTextLoader(TextLoader.From(TextAndVersion.Create(text, VersionStamp.Create()))));
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to remove a document from a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of removing documents.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyDocumentRemoved(DocumentId documentId)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called to change the text of a document.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of changing document text.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId id, SourceText text)
this.OnDocumentTextChanged(id, text, PreservationMode.PreserveValue);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called to change the info of a document.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of changing a document's info.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyDocumentInfoChanged(DocumentId id, DocumentInfo info)
this.OnDocumentInfoChanged(id, info);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to add a new additional document to a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of adding additional documents.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyAdditionalDocumentAdded(DocumentInfo info, SourceText text)
this.OnAdditionalDocumentAdded(info.WithTextLoader(TextLoader.From(TextAndVersion.Create(text, VersionStamp.Create()))));
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to remove an additional document from a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of removing additional documents.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyAdditionalDocumentRemoved(DocumentId documentId)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called to change the text of an additional document.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of changing additional document text.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyAdditionalDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId id, SourceText text)
this.OnAdditionalDocumentTextChanged(id, text, PreservationMode.PreserveValue);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to add a new analyzer config document to a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of adding analyzer config documents.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyAnalyzerConfigDocumentAdded(DocumentInfo info, SourceText text)
this.OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentAdded(info.WithTextLoader(TextLoader.From(TextAndVersion.Create(text, VersionStamp.Create()))));
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during <see cref="TryApplyChanges(Solution)"/> to remove an analyzer config document from a project.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of removing analyzer config documents.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyAnalyzerConfigDocumentRemoved(DocumentId documentId)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called to change the text of an analyzer config document.
/// Override this method to implement the capability of changing analyzer config document text.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ApplyAnalyzerConfigDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId id, SourceText text)
this.OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentTextLoaderChanged(id, TextLoader.From(TextAndVersion.Create(text, VersionStamp.Create())));
#region Checks and Asserts
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception is the solution is not empty.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckSolutionIsEmpty()
=> CheckSolutionIsEmpty(this.CurrentSolution);
private static void CheckSolutionIsEmpty(Solution solution)
if (solution.ProjectIds.Any())
throw new ArgumentException(WorkspacesResources.Workspace_is_not_empty);
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if the project is not part of the current solution.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckProjectIsInCurrentSolution(ProjectId projectId)
=> CheckProjectIsInSolution(this.CurrentSolution, projectId);
private static void CheckProjectIsInSolution(Solution solution, ProjectId projectId)
if (!solution.ContainsProject(projectId))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception is the project is part of the current solution.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckProjectIsNotInCurrentSolution(ProjectId projectId)
=> CheckProjectIsNotInSolution(this.CurrentSolution, projectId);
private static void CheckProjectIsNotInSolution(Solution solution, ProjectId projectId)
if (solution.ContainsProject(projectId))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if a project does not have a specific project reference.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckProjectHasProjectReference(ProjectId fromProjectId, ProjectReference projectReference)
if (!this.CurrentSolution.GetProject(fromProjectId)!.ProjectReferences.Contains(projectReference))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if a project already has a specific project reference.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckProjectDoesNotHaveProjectReference(ProjectId fromProjectId, ProjectReference projectReference)
if (this.CurrentSolution.GetProject(fromProjectId)!.ProjectReferences.Contains(projectReference))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if project has a transitive reference to another project.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckProjectDoesNotHaveTransitiveProjectReference(ProjectId fromProjectId, ProjectId toProjectId)
var transitiveReferences = this.CurrentSolution.GetProjectDependencyGraph().GetProjectsThatThisProjectTransitivelyDependsOn(toProjectId);
if (transitiveReferences.Contains(fromProjectId))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
this.GetProjectName(fromProjectId), this.GetProjectName(toProjectId)));
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if a project does not have a specific metadata reference.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckProjectHasMetadataReference(ProjectId projectId, MetadataReference metadataReference)
if (!this.CurrentSolution.GetProject(projectId)!.MetadataReferences.Contains(metadataReference))
throw new ArgumentException(WorkspacesResources.Metadata_is_not_referenced);
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if a project already has a specific metadata reference.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckProjectDoesNotHaveMetadataReference(ProjectId projectId, MetadataReference metadataReference)
if (this.CurrentSolution.GetProject(projectId)!.MetadataReferences.Contains(metadataReference))
throw new ArgumentException(WorkspacesResources.Metadata_is_already_referenced);
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if a project does not have a specific analyzer reference.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckProjectHasAnalyzerReference(ProjectId projectId, AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
if (!this.CurrentSolution.GetProject(projectId)!.AnalyzerReferences.Contains(analyzerReference))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(WorkspacesResources._0_is_not_present, analyzerReference));
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if a project already has a specific analyzer reference.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckProjectDoesNotHaveAnalyzerReference(ProjectId projectId, AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
if (this.CurrentSolution.GetProject(projectId)!.AnalyzerReferences.Contains(analyzerReference))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(WorkspacesResources._0_is_already_present, analyzerReference));
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if a project already has a specific analyzer reference.
/// </summary>
internal static void CheckSolutionHasAnalyzerReference(Solution solution, AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
if (!solution.AnalyzerReferences.Contains(analyzerReference))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(WorkspacesResources._0_is_not_present, analyzerReference));
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if a project already has a specific analyzer reference.
/// </summary>
internal static void CheckSolutionDoesNotHaveAnalyzerReference(Solution solution, AnalyzerReference analyzerReference)
if (solution.AnalyzerReferences.Contains(analyzerReference))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(WorkspacesResources._0_is_already_present, analyzerReference));
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if a document is not part of the current solution.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckDocumentIsInCurrentSolution(DocumentId documentId)
=> CheckDocumentIsInSolution(this.CurrentSolution, documentId);
private static void CheckDocumentIsInSolution(Solution solution, DocumentId documentId)
if (solution.GetDocument(documentId) == null)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if an additional document is not part of the current solution.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckAdditionalDocumentIsInCurrentSolution(DocumentId documentId)
=> CheckAdditionalDocumentIsInSolution(this.CurrentSolution, documentId);
private static void CheckAdditionalDocumentIsInSolution(Solution solution, DocumentId documentId)
if (solution.GetAdditionalDocument(documentId) == null)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if an analyzer config is not part of the current solution.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckAnalyzerConfigDocumentIsInCurrentSolution(DocumentId documentId)
=> CheckAnalyzerConfigDocumentIsInSolution(this.CurrentSolution, documentId);
private static void CheckAnalyzerConfigDocumentIsInSolution(Solution solution, DocumentId documentId)
if (!solution.ContainsAnalyzerConfigDocument(documentId))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if a document is already part of the current solution.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckDocumentIsNotInCurrentSolution(DocumentId documentId)
if (this.CurrentSolution.ContainsDocument(documentId))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if an additional document is already part of the current solution.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckAdditionalDocumentIsNotInCurrentSolution(DocumentId documentId)
=> CheckAdditionalDocumentIsNotInSolution(this.CurrentSolution, documentId);
private static void CheckAdditionalDocumentIsNotInSolution(Solution solution, DocumentId documentId)
if (solution.ContainsAdditionalDocument(documentId))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
/// <summary>
/// Throws an exception if the analyzer config document is already part of the current solution.
/// </summary>
protected void CheckAnalyzerConfigDocumentIsNotInCurrentSolution(DocumentId documentId)
=> CheckAnalyzerConfigDocumentIsNotInSolution(this.CurrentSolution, documentId);
private static void CheckAnalyzerConfigDocumentIsNotInSolution(Solution solution, DocumentId documentId)
if (solution.ContainsAnalyzerConfigDocument(documentId))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name to use for a project in an error message.
/// </summary>
protected virtual string GetProjectName(ProjectId projectId)
var project = this.CurrentSolution.GetProject(projectId);
var name = project != null ? project.Name : "<Project" + projectId.Id + ">";
return name;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name to use for a document in an error message.
/// </summary>
protected virtual string GetDocumentName(DocumentId documentId)
var document = this.CurrentSolution.GetTextDocument(documentId);
var name = document != null ? document.Name : "<Document" + documentId.Id + ">";
return name;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name to use for an additional document in an error message.
/// </summary>
protected virtual string GetAdditionalDocumentName(DocumentId documentId)
=> GetDocumentName(documentId);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name to use for an analyzer document in an error message.
/// </summary>
protected virtual string GetAnalyzerConfigDocumentName(DocumentId documentId)
=> GetDocumentName(documentId);