// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
[DebuggerDisplay("Count = {Count,nq}")]
internal sealed partial class ArrayBuilder<T> : IReadOnlyCollection<T>, IReadOnlyList<T>, ICollection<T>
, IPooled
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="Free()"/> for an explanation of this constant value.
/// </summary>
public const int PooledArrayLengthLimitExclusive = 128;
#region DebuggerProxy
private sealed class DebuggerProxy
private readonly ArrayBuilder<T> _builder;
public DebuggerProxy(ArrayBuilder<T> builder)
_builder = builder;
public T[] A
var result = new T[_builder.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = _builder[i];
return result;
private readonly ImmutableArray<T>.Builder _builder;
private readonly ObjectPool<ArrayBuilder<T>>? _pool;
public ArrayBuilder(int size)
_builder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<T>(size);
public ArrayBuilder()
: this(8)
{ }
private ArrayBuilder(ObjectPool<ArrayBuilder<T>> pool)
: this()
_pool = pool;
/// <summary>
/// Realizes the array.
/// </summary>
public ImmutableArray<T> ToImmutable()
return _builder.ToImmutable();
/// <summary>
/// Realizes the array and clears the collection.
/// </summary>
public ImmutableArray<T> ToImmutableAndClear()
ImmutableArray<T> result;
if (Count == 0)
result = ImmutableArray<T>.Empty;
else if (_builder.Capacity == Count)
result = _builder.MoveToImmutable();
result = ToImmutable();
return result;
public int Count
return _builder.Count;
_builder.Count = value;
public int Capacity
return _builder.Capacity;
_builder.Capacity = value;
public T this[int index]
return _builder[index];
_builder[index] = value;
public bool IsReadOnly
=> false;
public bool IsEmpty
=> Count == 0;
/// <summary>
/// Write <paramref name="value"/> to slot <paramref name="index"/>.
/// Fills in unallocated slots preceding the <paramref name="index"/>, if any.
/// </summary>
public void SetItem(int index, T value)
while (index > _builder.Count)
if (index == _builder.Count)
_builder[index] = value;
public void Add(T item)
public void Insert(int index, T item)
_builder.Insert(index, item);
public void EnsureCapacity(int capacity)
if (_builder.Capacity < capacity)
_builder.Capacity = capacity;
public void Clear()
public bool Contains(T item)
return _builder.Contains(item);
public int IndexOf(T item)
return _builder.IndexOf(item);
public int IndexOf(T item, IEqualityComparer<T> equalityComparer)
return _builder.IndexOf(item, 0, _builder.Count, equalityComparer);
public int IndexOf(T item, int startIndex, int count)
return _builder.IndexOf(item, startIndex, count);
public int FindIndex(Predicate<T> match)
=> FindIndex(0, this.Count, match);
public int FindIndex(int startIndex, Predicate<T> match)
=> FindIndex(startIndex, this.Count - startIndex, match);
public int FindIndex(int startIndex, int count, Predicate<T> match)
var endIndex = startIndex + count;
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
if (match(_builder[i]))
return i;
return -1;
public int FindIndex<TArg>(Func<T, TArg, bool> match, TArg arg)
=> FindIndex(0, Count, match, arg);
public int FindIndex<TArg>(int startIndex, Func<T, TArg, bool> match, TArg arg)
=> FindIndex(startIndex, Count - startIndex, match, arg);
public int FindIndex<TArg>(int startIndex, int count, Func<T, TArg, bool> match, TArg arg)
var endIndex = startIndex + count;
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
if (match(_builder[i], arg))
return i;
return -1;
public bool Remove(T element)
return _builder.Remove(element);
public void RemoveAt(int index)
public void RemoveRange(int index, int length)
_builder.RemoveRange(index, length);
public void RemoveLast()
_builder.RemoveAt(_builder.Count - 1);
public void RemoveAll(Predicate<T> match)
public void RemoveAll<TArg>(Func<T, TArg, bool> match, TArg arg)
var i = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < _builder.Count; j++)
if (!match(_builder[j], arg))
if (i != j)
_builder[i] = _builder[j];
public void ReverseContents()
public void Sort()
public void Sort(IComparer<T> comparer)
public void Sort(Comparison<T> compare)
if (this.Count <= 1)
public void Sort(int startIndex, IComparer<T> comparer)
_builder.Sort(startIndex, _builder.Count - startIndex, comparer);
public T[] ToArray()
return _builder.ToArray();
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int start)
_builder.CopyTo(array, start);
public T Last()
=> _builder[_builder.Count - 1];
internal T? LastOrDefault()
=> Count == 0 ? default : Last();
public T First()
return _builder[0];
public bool Any()
return _builder.Count > 0;
/// <summary>
/// Realizes the array.
/// </summary>
public ImmutableArray<T> ToImmutableOrNull()
if (Count == 0)
return default;
return this.ToImmutable();
/// <summary>
/// Realizes the array, downcasting each element to a derived type.
/// </summary>
public ImmutableArray<U> ToDowncastedImmutable<U>()
where U : T
if (Count == 0)
return ImmutableArray<U>.Empty;
var tmp = ArrayBuilder<U>.GetInstance(Count);
foreach (var i in this)
return tmp.ToImmutableAndFree();
public ImmutableArray<U> ToDowncastedImmutableAndFree<U>() where U : T
var result = ToDowncastedImmutable<U>();
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Realizes the array and disposes the builder in one operation.
/// </summary>
public ImmutableArray<T> ToImmutableAndFree()
// This is mostly the same as 'MoveToImmutable', but avoids delegating to that method since 'Free' contains
// fast paths to avoid caling 'Clear' in some cases.
ImmutableArray<T> result;
if (Count == 0)
result = ImmutableArray<T>.Empty;
else if (_builder.Capacity == Count)
result = _builder.MoveToImmutable();
result = ToImmutable();
return result;
public T[] ToArrayAndFree()
var result = this.ToArray();
return result;
#region Poolable
// To implement Poolable, you need two things:
// 1) Expose Freeing primitive.
public void Free()
var pool = _pool;
if (pool != null)
// According to the statistics of a C# compiler self-build, the most commonly used builder size is 0. (808003 uses).
// The distant second is the Count == 1 (455619), then 2 (106362) ...
// After about 50 (just 67) we have a long tail of infrequently used builder sizes.
// However we have builders with size up to 50K (just one such thing)
// We do not want to retain (potentially indefinitely) very large builders
// while the chance that we will need their size is diminishingly small.
// It makes sense to constrain the size to some "not too small" number.
// Overall perf does not seem to be very sensitive to this number, so I picked 128 as a limit.
if (_builder.Capacity < PooledArrayLengthLimitExclusive)
if (this.Count != 0)
// 2) Expose the pool or the way to create a pool or the way to get an instance.
// for now we will expose both and figure which way works better
private static readonly ObjectPool<ArrayBuilder<T>> s_poolInstance = CreatePool();
public static ArrayBuilder<T> GetInstance()
var builder = s_poolInstance.Allocate();
Debug.Assert(builder.Count == 0);
return builder;
public static ArrayBuilder<T> GetInstance(int capacity)
var builder = GetInstance();
return builder;
public static ArrayBuilder<T> GetInstance(int capacity, T fillWithValue)
var builder = GetInstance();
for (var i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
return builder;
public static ObjectPool<ArrayBuilder<T>> CreatePool()
return CreatePool(128); // we rarely need more than 10
public static ObjectPool<ArrayBuilder<T>> CreatePool(int size)
ObjectPool<ArrayBuilder<T>>? pool = null;
pool = new ObjectPool<ArrayBuilder<T>>(() => new ArrayBuilder<T>(pool!), size);
return pool;
public Enumerator GetEnumerator()
return new Enumerator(this);
IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator()
return _builder.GetEnumerator();
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return _builder.GetEnumerator();
internal Dictionary<K, ImmutableArray<T>> ToDictionary<K>(Func<T, K> keySelector, IEqualityComparer<K>? comparer = null)
where K : notnull
if (this.Count == 1)
var dictionary1 = new Dictionary<K, ImmutableArray<T>>(1, comparer);
var value = this[0];
dictionary1.Add(keySelector(value), ImmutableArray.Create(value));
return dictionary1;
if (this.Count == 0)
return new Dictionary<K, ImmutableArray<T>>(comparer);
// bucketize
// prevent reallocation. it may not have 'count' entries, but it won't have more.
var accumulator = new Dictionary<K, ArrayBuilder<T>>(Count, comparer);
for (var i = 0; i < Count; i++)
var item = this[i];
var key = keySelector(item);
if (!accumulator.TryGetValue(key, out var bucket))
bucket = ArrayBuilder<T>.GetInstance();
accumulator.Add(key, bucket);
var dictionary = new Dictionary<K, ImmutableArray<T>>(accumulator.Count, comparer);
// freeze
foreach (var pair in accumulator)
dictionary.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value.ToImmutableAndFree());
return dictionary;
public void AddRange(ArrayBuilder<T> items)
public void AddRange<U>(ArrayBuilder<U> items, Func<U, T> selector)
foreach (var item in items)
public void AddRange<U>(ArrayBuilder<U> items) where U : T
public void AddRange<U>(ArrayBuilder<U> items, int start, int length) where U : T
Debug.Assert(start >= 0 && length >= 0);
Debug.Assert(start + length <= items.Count);
for (int i = start, end = start + length; i < end; i++)
public void AddRange(ImmutableArray<T> items)
public void AddRange(ImmutableArray<T> items, int length)
_builder.AddRange(items, length);
public void AddRange(ImmutableArray<T> items, int start, int length)
Debug.Assert(start >= 0 && length >= 0);
Debug.Assert(start + length <= items.Length);
for (int i = start, end = start + length; i < end; i++)
public void AddRange<S>(ImmutableArray<S> items) where S : class, T
public void AddRange(T[] items, int start, int length)
Debug.Assert(start >= 0 && length >= 0);
Debug.Assert(start + length <= items.Length);
for (int i = start, end = start + length; i < end; i++)
public void AddRange(IEnumerable<T> items)
public void AddRange(params T[] items)
public void AddRange(T[] items, int length)
_builder.AddRange(items, length);
public void AddRange(OneOrMany<T> items)
public void Clip(int limit)
Debug.Assert(limit <= Count);
_builder.Count = limit;
public void ZeroInit(int count)
_builder.Count = count;
public void AddMany(T item, int count)
EnsureCapacity(Count + count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
public void RemoveDuplicates()
var set = PooledHashSet<T>.GetInstance();
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < Count; i++)
if (set.Add(this[i]))
this[j] = this[i];
public void SortAndRemoveDuplicates(IComparer<T> comparer)
if (Count <= 1)
int j = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < Count; i++)
if (comparer.Compare(this[j], this[i]) < 0)
this[j] = this[i];
Clip(j + 1);
public ImmutableArray<S> SelectDistinct<S>(Func<T, S> selector)
var result = ArrayBuilder<S>.GetInstance(Count);
var set = PooledHashSet<S>.GetInstance();
foreach (var item in this)
var selected = selector(item);
if (set.Add(selected))
return result.ToImmutableAndFree();
private static readonly ObjectPool<ArrayBuilder<T>> s_keepLargeInstancesPool = CreatePool();
public static PooledDisposer<ArrayBuilder<T>> GetInstance(out ArrayBuilder<T> instance)
=> GetInstance(discardLargeInstances: true, out instance);
public static PooledDisposer<ArrayBuilder<T>> GetInstance(int capacity, out ArrayBuilder<T> instance)
instance = GetInstance(capacity);
return new PooledDisposer<ArrayBuilder<T>>(instance);
public static PooledDisposer<ArrayBuilder<T>> GetInstance(int capacity, T fillWithValue, out ArrayBuilder<T> instance)
instance = GetInstance(capacity, fillWithValue);
return new PooledDisposer<ArrayBuilder<T>>(instance);
public static PooledDisposer<ArrayBuilder<T>> GetInstance(bool discardLargeInstances, out ArrayBuilder<T> instance)
// If we're discarding large instances (the default behavior), then just use the normal pool. If we're not, use
// a specific pool so that *other* normal callers don't accidentally get it and discard it.
instance = discardLargeInstances ? GetInstance() : s_keepLargeInstancesPool.Allocate();
return new PooledDisposer<ArrayBuilder<T>>(instance, discardLargeInstances);
void IPooled.Free(bool discardLargeInstances)
// If we're discarding large instances, use the default behavior (which already does that). Otherwise, always
// clear and free the instance back to its originating pool.
if (discardLargeInstances)