// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.ProjectSystem;
internal sealed partial class ProjectSystemProject
/// <summary>
/// Helper class to manage collections of source-file like things; this exists just to avoid duplicating all the logic for regular source files
/// and additional files.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This class should be free-threaded, and any synchronization is done via <see cref="ProjectSystemProject._gate"/>.
/// This class is otherwise free to operate on private members of <see cref="_project"/> if needed.</remarks>
private sealed class BatchingDocumentCollection
private readonly ProjectSystemProject _project;
/// <summary>
/// The map of file paths to the underlying <see cref="DocumentId"/>. This document may exist in <see cref="_documentsAddedInBatch"/> or has been
/// pushed to the actual workspace.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<string, DocumentId> _documentPathsToDocumentIds = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
/// <summary>
/// A map of explicitly-added "always open" <see cref="SourceTextContainer"/> and their associated <see cref="DocumentId"/>. This does not contain
/// any regular files that have been open.
/// </summary>
private IBidirectionalMap<SourceTextContainer, DocumentId> _sourceTextContainersToDocumentIds = BidirectionalMap<SourceTextContainer, DocumentId>.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// The map of <see cref="DocumentId"/> to <see cref="IDynamicFileInfoProvider"/> whose <see cref="DynamicFileInfo"/> got added into <see cref="Workspace"/>
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<DocumentId, IDynamicFileInfoProvider> _documentIdToDynamicFileInfoProvider = [];
/// <summary>
/// The current list of documents that are to be added in this batch.
/// </summary>
private readonly ImmutableArray<DocumentInfo>.Builder _documentsAddedInBatch = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<DocumentInfo>();
/// <summary>
/// The current list of documents that are being removed in this batch. Once the document is in this list, it is no longer in <see cref="_documentPathsToDocumentIds"/>.
/// </summary>
private readonly List<DocumentId> _documentsRemovedInBatch = [];
/// <summary>
/// The current list of document file paths that will be ordered in a batch.
/// </summary>
private ImmutableList<DocumentId>? _orderedDocumentsInBatch = null;
private readonly Func<Solution, DocumentId, bool> _documentAlreadyInWorkspace;
private readonly Action<Workspace, DocumentInfo> _documentAddAction;
private readonly Action<Workspace, DocumentId> _documentRemoveAction;
private readonly Func<Solution, DocumentId, TextLoader, Solution> _documentTextLoaderChangedAction;
private readonly WorkspaceChangeKind _documentChangedWorkspaceKind;
public BatchingDocumentCollection(ProjectSystemProject project,
Func<Solution, DocumentId, bool> documentAlreadyInWorkspace,
Action<Workspace, DocumentInfo> documentAddAction,
Action<Workspace, DocumentId> documentRemoveAction,
Func<Solution, DocumentId, TextLoader, Solution> documentTextLoaderChangedAction,
WorkspaceChangeKind documentChangedWorkspaceKind)
_project = project;
_documentAlreadyInWorkspace = documentAlreadyInWorkspace;
_documentAddAction = documentAddAction;
_documentRemoveAction = documentRemoveAction;
_documentTextLoaderChangedAction = documentTextLoaderChangedAction;
_documentChangedWorkspaceKind = documentChangedWorkspaceKind;
public DocumentId AddFile(string fullPath, SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind, ImmutableArray<string> folders)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath))
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(fullPath)} isn't a valid path.", nameof(fullPath));
var documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(_project.Id, fullPath);
var textLoader = _project._projectSystemProjectFactory.CreateFileTextLoader(fullPath);
var documentInfo = DocumentInfo.Create(
name: FileNameUtilities.GetFileName(fullPath),
folders: folders.IsDefault ? null : folders,
sourceCodeKind: sourceCodeKind,
loader: textLoader,
filePath: fullPath);
using (_project._gate.DisposableWait())
if (_documentPathsToDocumentIds.ContainsKey(fullPath))
throw new ArgumentException($"'{fullPath}' has already been added to this project.", nameof(fullPath));
// If we have an ordered document ids batch, we need to add the document id to the end of it as well.
_orderedDocumentsInBatch = _orderedDocumentsInBatch?.Add(documentId);
_documentPathsToDocumentIds.Add(fullPath, documentId);
_project._documentWatchedFiles.Add(documentId, _project._documentFileChangeContext.EnqueueWatchingFile(fullPath));
if (_project._activeBatchScopes > 0)
_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspace(w => _documentAddAction(w, documentInfo));
_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.RaiseOnDocumentsAddedMaybeAsync(useAsync: false, [fullPath]).VerifyCompleted();
return documentId;
public DocumentId AddTextContainer(
SourceTextContainer textContainer,
string fullPath,
SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind,
ImmutableArray<string> folders,
bool designTimeOnly,
IDocumentServiceProvider? documentServiceProvider)
if (textContainer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textContainer));
var documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(_project.Id, fullPath);
var textLoader = new SourceTextLoader(textContainer, fullPath);
var documentInfo = DocumentInfo.Create(
folders: folders.NullToEmpty(),
sourceCodeKind: sourceCodeKind,
loader: textLoader,
filePath: fullPath)
using (_project._gate.DisposableWait())
if (_sourceTextContainersToDocumentIds.ContainsKey(textContainer))
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(textContainer)} is already added to this project.", nameof(textContainer));
if (fullPath != null)
if (_documentPathsToDocumentIds.ContainsKey(fullPath))
throw new ArgumentException($"'{fullPath}' has already been added to this project.");
_documentPathsToDocumentIds.Add(fullPath, documentId);
_sourceTextContainersToDocumentIds = _sourceTextContainersToDocumentIds.Add(textContainer, documentInfo.Id);
if (_project._activeBatchScopes > 0)
_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspace(w =>
_documentAddAction(w, documentInfo);
w.OnDocumentOpened(documentInfo.Id, textContainer);
return documentId;
public void AddDynamicFile_NoLock(IDynamicFileInfoProvider fileInfoProvider, DynamicFileInfo fileInfo, ImmutableArray<string> folders)
Debug.Assert(_project._gate.CurrentCount == 0);
var documentInfo = CreateDocumentInfoFromFileInfo(fileInfo, folders.NullToEmpty());
// Generally, DocumentInfo.FilePath can be null, but we always have file paths for dynamic files.
var documentId = documentInfo.Id;
var filePath = documentInfo.FilePath;
if (_documentPathsToDocumentIds.ContainsKey(filePath))
throw new ArgumentException($"'{filePath}' has already been added to this project.", nameof(filePath));
// If we have an ordered document ids batch, we need to add the document id to the end of it as well.
_orderedDocumentsInBatch = _orderedDocumentsInBatch?.Add(documentId);
_documentPathsToDocumentIds.Add(filePath, documentId);
_documentIdToDynamicFileInfoProvider.Add(documentId, fileInfoProvider);
if (_project._eventSubscriptionTracker.Add(fileInfoProvider))
// subscribe to the event when we use this provider the first time
fileInfoProvider.Updated += _project.OnDynamicFileInfoUpdated;
if (_project._activeBatchScopes > 0)
// right now, assumption is dynamically generated file can never be opened in editor
_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspace(w => _documentAddAction(w, documentInfo));
public IDynamicFileInfoProvider RemoveDynamicFile_NoLock(string fullPath)
Debug.Assert(_project._gate.CurrentCount == 0);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath))
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(fullPath)} isn't a valid path.", nameof(fullPath));
if (!_documentPathsToDocumentIds.TryGetValue(fullPath, out var documentId) ||
!_documentIdToDynamicFileInfoProvider.TryGetValue(documentId, out var fileInfoProvider))
throw new ArgumentException($"'{fullPath}' is not a dynamic file of this project.");
RemoveFileInternal(documentId, fullPath);
return fileInfoProvider;
public void RemoveFile(string fullPath)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath))
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(fullPath)} isn't a valid path.", nameof(fullPath));
using (_project._gate.DisposableWait())
if (!_documentPathsToDocumentIds.TryGetValue(fullPath, out var documentId))
throw new ArgumentException($"'{fullPath}' is not a source file of this project.");
RemoveFileInternal(documentId, fullPath);
private void RemoveFileInternal(DocumentId documentId, string fullPath)
_orderedDocumentsInBatch = _orderedDocumentsInBatch?.Remove(documentId);
// There are two cases:
// 1. This file is actually been pushed to the workspace, and we need to remove it (either
// as a part of the active batch or immediately)
// 2. It hasn't been pushed yet, but is contained in _documentsAddedInBatch
if (_documentAlreadyInWorkspace(_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.Workspace.CurrentSolution, documentId))
if (_project._activeBatchScopes > 0)
_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspace(w => _documentRemoveAction(w, documentId));
for (var i = 0; i < _documentsAddedInBatch.Count; i++)
if (_documentsAddedInBatch[i].Id == documentId)
public void RemoveTextContainer(SourceTextContainer textContainer)
if (textContainer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textContainer));
using (_project._gate.DisposableWait())
if (!_sourceTextContainersToDocumentIds.TryGetValue(textContainer, out var documentId))
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(textContainer)} is not a text container added to this project.");
_sourceTextContainersToDocumentIds = _sourceTextContainersToDocumentIds.RemoveKey(textContainer);
// if the TextContainer had a full path provided, remove it from the map.
var entry = _documentPathsToDocumentIds.Where(kv => kv.Value == documentId).FirstOrDefault();
if (entry.Key != null)
// There are two cases:
// 1. This file is actually been pushed to the workspace, and we need to remove it (either
// as a part of the active batch or immediately)
// 2. It hasn't been pushed yet, but is contained in _documentsAddedInBatch
if (_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.Workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(documentId) != null)
if (_project._activeBatchScopes > 0)
_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspace(w =>
// Just pass null for the filePath, since this document is immediately being removed
// anyways -- whatever we set won't really be read since the next change will
// come through.
// TODO: Can't we just remove the document without closing it?
w.OnDocumentClosed(documentId, new SourceTextLoader(textContainer, filePath: null));
_documentRemoveAction(w, documentId);
for (var i = 0; i < _documentsAddedInBatch.Count; i++)
if (_documentsAddedInBatch[i].Id == documentId)
public bool ContainsFile(string fullPath)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath))
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(fullPath)} isn't a valid path.", nameof(fullPath));
using (_project._gate.DisposableWait())
return _documentPathsToDocumentIds.ContainsKey(fullPath);
public async ValueTask ProcessRegularFileChangesAsync(ImmutableSegmentedList<string> filePaths)
using (await _project._gate.DisposableWaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
// If our project has already been removed, this is a stale notification, and we can disregard.
if (_project.HasBeenRemoved)
var documentsToChange = ArrayBuilder<(DocumentId, TextLoader)>.GetInstance(filePaths.Count);
foreach (var filePath in filePaths)
if (_documentPathsToDocumentIds.TryGetValue(filePath, out var documentId))
// We create file watching prior to pushing the file to the workspace in batching, so it's
// possible we might see a file change notification early. In this case, toss it out. Since
// all adds/removals of documents for this project happen under our lock, it's safe to do this
// check without taking the main workspace lock. We don't have to check for documents removed in
// the batch, since those have already been removed out of _documentPathsToDocumentIds.
if (!_documentsAddedInBatch.Any(d => d.Id == documentId))
documentsToChange.Add((documentId, new WorkspaceFileTextLoader(_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.SolutionServices, filePath, defaultEncoding: null)));
// Nothing actually matched, so we're done
if (documentsToChange.Count == 0)
await _project._projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyBatchChangeToWorkspaceAsync((solutionChanges, projectUpdateState) =>
foreach (var (documentId, textLoader) in documentsToChange)
if (!_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.Workspace.IsDocumentOpen(documentId))
_documentTextLoaderChangedAction(solutionChanges.Solution, documentId, textLoader),
return projectUpdateState;
}, onAfterUpdateAlways: null).ConfigureAwait(false);
/// <summary>
/// Process file content changes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectSystemFilePath">filepath given from project system</param>
/// <param name="workspaceFilePath">filepath used in workspace. it might be different than projectSystemFilePath</param>
public void ProcessDynamicFileChange(string projectSystemFilePath, string workspaceFilePath)
using (_project._gate.DisposableWait())
// If our project has already been removed, this is a stale notification, and we can disregard.
if (_project.HasBeenRemoved)
if (_documentPathsToDocumentIds.TryGetValue(workspaceFilePath, out var documentId))
// We create file watching prior to pushing the file to the workspace in batching, so it's
// possible we might see a file change notification early. In this case, toss it out. Since
// all adds/removals of documents for this project happen under our lock, it's safe to do this
// check without taking the main workspace lock. We don't have to check for documents removed in
// the batch, since those have already been removed out of _documentPathsToDocumentIds.
if (_documentsAddedInBatch.Any(d => d.Id == documentId))
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(_documentIdToDynamicFileInfoProvider.TryGetValue(documentId, out var fileInfoProvider));
_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspace(w =>
if (w.IsDocumentOpen(documentId))
// we do not expect JTF to be used around this code path. and contract of fileInfoProvider is it being real free-threaded
// meaning it can't use JTF to go back to UI thread.
// so, it is okay for us to call regular ".Result" on a task here.
var fileInfo = fileInfoProvider.GetDynamicFileInfoAsync(
_project.Id, _project._filePath, projectSystemFilePath, CancellationToken.None).WaitAndGetResult_CanCallOnBackground(CancellationToken.None);
Contract.ThrowIfNull(fileInfo, "We previously received a dynamic file for this path, and we're responding to a change, so we expect to get a new one.");
// Right now we're only supporting dynamic files as actual source files, so it's OK to call GetDocument here
var attributes = w.CurrentSolution.GetRequiredDocument(documentId).State.Attributes;
var documentInfo = new DocumentInfo(attributes, fileInfo.TextLoader, fileInfo.DocumentServiceProvider);
public void ReorderFiles(ImmutableArray<string> filePaths)
if (filePaths.IsEmpty)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The specified files are empty.", nameof(filePaths));
using (_project._gate.DisposableWait())
if (_documentPathsToDocumentIds.Count != filePaths.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("The specified files do not equal the project document count.", nameof(filePaths));
var documentIds = ImmutableList.CreateBuilder<DocumentId>();
foreach (var filePath in filePaths)
if (_documentPathsToDocumentIds.TryGetValue(filePath, out var documentId))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The file '{filePath}' does not exist in the project.");
if (_project._activeBatchScopes > 0)
_orderedDocumentsInBatch = documentIds.ToImmutable();
_project._projectSystemProjectFactory.ApplyChangeToWorkspace(_project.Id, solution => solution.WithProjectDocumentsOrder(_project.Id, documentIds.ToImmutable()));
/// <summary>
/// Updates the solution for a set of batch changes.
/// While it is OK for this method to *read* local state, it cannot *modify* it as this may
/// be called multiple times (when the workspace update fails due to interceding updates).
/// </summary>
internal ImmutableArray<(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer)> UpdateSolutionForBatch(
SolutionChangeAccumulator solutionChanges,
ImmutableArray<string>.Builder documentFileNamesAdded,
Func<Solution, ImmutableArray<DocumentInfo>, Solution> addDocuments,
WorkspaceChangeKind addDocumentChangeKind,
Func<Solution, ImmutableArray<DocumentId>, Solution> removeDocuments,
WorkspaceChangeKind removeDocumentChangeKind)
// Intentionally making copies to pass into the static update function.
// State is cleared at the end once the solution changes are actually applied via ClearBatchState.
return UpdateSolutionForBatch(solutionChanges, documentFileNamesAdded, addDocuments,
addDocumentChangeKind, removeDocuments, removeDocumentChangeKind, _project.Id, _documentsAddedInBatch.ToImmutableArray(),
[.. _documentsRemovedInBatch], _orderedDocumentsInBatch,
documentId => _sourceTextContainersToDocumentIds.GetKeyOrDefault(documentId));
static ImmutableArray<(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer)> UpdateSolutionForBatch(
SolutionChangeAccumulator solutionChanges,
ImmutableArray<string>.Builder documentFileNamesAdded,
Func<Solution, ImmutableArray<DocumentInfo>, Solution> addDocuments,
WorkspaceChangeKind addDocumentChangeKind,
Func<Solution, ImmutableArray<DocumentId>, Solution> removeDocuments,
WorkspaceChangeKind removeDocumentChangeKind,
ProjectId projectId,
ImmutableArray<DocumentInfo> documentsAddedInBatch,
ImmutableArray<DocumentId> documentsRemovedInBatch,
ImmutableList<DocumentId>? orderedDocumentsInBatch,
Func<DocumentId, SourceTextContainer?> getContainer)
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer)>.GetInstance(out var documentsToOpen);
// Document adding...
newSolution: addDocuments(solutionChanges.Solution, documentsAddedInBatch),
changeKind: addDocumentChangeKind,
documentIds: documentsAddedInBatch.Select(d => d.Id));
foreach (var documentInfo in documentsAddedInBatch)
Contract.ThrowIfNull(documentInfo.FilePath, "We shouldn't be adding documents without file paths.");
var textContainer = getContainer(documentInfo.Id);
if (textContainer != null)
documentsToOpen.Add((documentInfo.Id, textContainer));
// Document removing...
solutionChanges.UpdateSolutionForRemovedDocumentAction(removeDocuments(solutionChanges.Solution, documentsRemovedInBatch),
// Update project's order of documents.
if (orderedDocumentsInBatch != null)
solutionChanges.Solution.WithProjectDocumentsOrder(projectId, orderedDocumentsInBatch));
return documentsToOpen.ToImmutable();
internal void ClearBatchState()
_orderedDocumentsInBatch = null;
private DocumentInfo CreateDocumentInfoFromFileInfo(DynamicFileInfo fileInfo, ImmutableArray<string> folders)
// we use this file path for editorconfig.
var filePath = fileInfo.FilePath;
var name = FileNameUtilities.GetFileName(filePath);
var documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(_project.Id, filePath);
return DocumentInfo.Create(
folders: folders,
sourceCodeKind: fileInfo.SourceCodeKind,
loader: fileInfo.TextLoader,
filePath: filePath,
isGenerated: false)
private sealed class SourceTextLoader : TextLoader
private readonly SourceTextContainer _textContainer;
private readonly string? _filePath;
public SourceTextLoader(SourceTextContainer textContainer, string? filePath)
_textContainer = textContainer;
_filePath = filePath;
public override Task<TextAndVersion> LoadTextAndVersionAsync(LoadTextOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> Task.FromResult(TextAndVersion.Create(_textContainer.CurrentText, VersionStamp.Create(), _filePath));