// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Threading;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
public partial class Workspace
/// <summary>
/// Used for batching up a lot of events and only combining them into a single request to update generators. The
/// <see cref="ProjectId"/> represents the projects that have changed, and which need their source-generators
/// re-run. <see langword="null"/> in the list indicates the entire solution has changed and all generators need to
/// be rerun. The <see cref="bool"/> represents if source generators should be fully rerun for the requested
/// project or solution. If <see langword="false"/>, the existing generator driver will be used, which may result
/// in no actual changes to emitted source (as the driver may decide no inputs changed, and thus all outputs should
/// be reused). If <see langword="true"/>, the existing driver will be dropped, forcing all generation to be redone.
/// </summary>
private readonly AsyncBatchingWorkQueue<(ProjectId? projectId, bool forceRegeneration)> _updateSourceGeneratorsQueue;
private readonly CancellationTokenSource _updateSourceGeneratorsQueueTokenSource = new();
internal void EnqueueUpdateSourceGeneratorVersion(ProjectId? projectId, bool forceRegeneration)
=> _updateSourceGeneratorsQueue.AddWork((projectId, forceRegeneration));
private async ValueTask ProcessUpdateSourceGeneratorRequestAsync(
ImmutableSegmentedList<(ProjectId? projectId, bool forceRegeneration)> projectIds, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var configuration = this.Services.GetRequiredService<IWorkspaceConfigurationService>().Options;
if (configuration.SourceGeneratorExecution is SourceGeneratorExecutionPreference.Automatic)
// If we're in automatic mode, we don't need to do anything *unless* the host has asked us to
// force-regenerate something. In that case we're literally going to drop our generator drivers and
// regenerate the code, so we can't depend on automatic running generators normally.
if (!projectIds.Any(t => t.forceRegeneration))
await this.SetCurrentSolutionAsync(
useAsync: true,
oldSolution =>
var updates = GetUpdatedSourceGeneratorVersions(oldSolution, projectIds);
return oldSolution.UpdateSpecificSourceGeneratorExecutionVersions(updates);
static (_, _) => (WorkspaceChangeKind.SolutionChanged, projectId: null, documentId: null),
onBeforeUpdate: null,
onAfterUpdate: null,
// <summary>
// Given the current state of a <paramref name="solution"/>, produced an updated version of the source generator
// execution map based on the changes in <paramref name="projectIds"/>. Each item in <paramref
// name="projectIds"/> signifies a particular project (if <c>projectId</c> is non-null) or the solution as a
// whole (if it is null). The <c>forceRegeneration</c> signifies if generators should be rerun even if the
// contents of the solution are the same. If a project is specified in <paramref name="projectIds"/> then both
// it and all dependent projects of it will have their source generator versions updated. If the solution is
// specified, then all projects will have their versions updated.
// </summary>
static SourceGeneratorExecutionVersionMap GetUpdatedSourceGeneratorVersions(
Solution solution, ImmutableSegmentedList<(ProjectId? projectId, bool forceRegeneration)> projectIds)
// For all the projects explicitly requested, update their source generator version. Do this for all
// projects that transitively depend on that project, so that their generators will run as well when next
// asked.
var dependencyGraph = solution.GetProjectDependencyGraph();
var result = ImmutableSortedDictionary.CreateBuilder<ProjectId, SourceGeneratorExecutionVersion>();
// Determine if we want a major solution change, forcing regeneration of all projects.
var solutionMajor = projectIds.Any(t => t.projectId is null && t.forceRegeneration);
// If it's not a major solution change, then go update the versions for all projects requested.
if (!solutionMajor)
// Do a pass where we update minor versions if requested.
PopulateSourceGeneratorExecutionVersions(major: false);
// Then update major versions. We do this after the minor-version pass so that major version updates
// overwrite minor-version updates.
PopulateSourceGeneratorExecutionVersions(major: true);
// Now, if we've been asked to do an entire solution update, get any projects we didn't already mark, and
// update their execution version as well.
if (projectIds.Any(t => t.projectId is null))
foreach (var projectId in solution.ProjectIds)
if (!result.ContainsKey(projectId))
Increment(solution.GetSourceGeneratorExecutionVersion(projectId), solutionMajor));
return new(result.ToImmutable());
void PopulateSourceGeneratorExecutionVersions(bool major)
foreach (var (projectId, forceRegeneration) in projectIds)
if (projectId is null)
if (forceRegeneration != major)
// We may have been asked to rerun generators for a project that is no longer around. So make sure
// we still have this project.
var requestedProject = solution.GetProject(projectId);
if (requestedProject != null)
result[projectId] = Increment(solution.GetSourceGeneratorExecutionVersion(projectId), major);
foreach (var transitiveProjectId in dependencyGraph.GetProjectsThatTransitivelyDependOnThisProject(projectId))
result[transitiveProjectId] = Increment(solution.GetSourceGeneratorExecutionVersion(transitiveProjectId), major);
static SourceGeneratorExecutionVersion Increment(SourceGeneratorExecutionVersion version, bool major)
=> major ? version.IncrementMajorVersion() : version.IncrementMinorVersion();