// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.TestHooks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
// The parts of a workspace that deal with open documents
public abstract partial class Workspace
// open documents
private readonly Dictionary<ProjectId, HashSet<DocumentId>> _projectToOpenDocumentsMap = [];
// text buffer maps
/// <summary>
/// Tracks the document ID in the current context for a source text container for an opened text buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>For each entry in this map, there must be a corresponding entry in <see cref="_bufferToAssociatedDocumentsMap"/> where the document ID in current context is one of associated document IDs.</remarks>
private readonly Dictionary<SourceTextContainer, DocumentId> _bufferToDocumentInCurrentContextMap = [];
/// <summary>
/// Tracks all the associated document IDs for a source text container for an opened text buffer.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<SourceTextContainer, OneOrMany<DocumentId>> _bufferToAssociatedDocumentsMap = [];
private readonly Dictionary<DocumentId, TextTracker> _textTrackers = [];
private readonly Dictionary<DocumentId, SourceTextContainer> _documentToAssociatedBufferMap = [];
private readonly Dictionary<DocumentId, (SourceGeneratedDocumentIdentity identity, DateTime generationDateTime)> _openSourceGeneratedDocumentIdentities = [];
/// <summary>
/// True if this workspace supports manually opening and closing documents.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool CanOpenDocuments => false;
/// <summary>
/// True if this workspace supports manually changing the active context document of a text buffer by calling <see cref="SetDocumentContext(DocumentId)" />.
/// </summary>
internal virtual bool CanChangeActiveContextDocument => false;
internal void ClearOpenDocuments()
List<DocumentId> docIds;
using (_stateLock.DisposableWait())
docIds = [.. _projectToOpenDocumentsMap.Values.SelectMany(x => x)];
foreach (var docId in docIds)
private void ClearOpenDocuments(ProjectId projectId)
HashSet<DocumentId>? openDocs;
using (_stateLock.DisposableWait())
_projectToOpenDocumentsMap.TryGetValue(projectId, out openDocs);
if (openDocs != null)
// ClearOpenDocument will remove the document from the original set.
var copyOfOpenDocs = openDocs.ToList();
foreach (var docId in copyOfOpenDocs)
protected void ClearOpenDocument(DocumentId documentId)
using (_stateLock.DisposableWait())
_projectToOpenDocumentsMap.MultiRemove(documentId.ProjectId, documentId);
// Stop tracking the buffer or update the documentId associated with the buffer.
if (_documentToAssociatedBufferMap.TryGetValue(documentId, out var textContainer))
if (_textTrackers.TryGetValue(documentId, out var tracker))
var currentContextDocumentId = RemoveDocumentFromCurrentContextMapping_NoLock(textContainer, documentId);
if (currentContextDocumentId == null)
// No documentIds are attached to this buffer, so stop tracking it.
[Obsolete("The isSolutionClosing parameter is now obsolete. Please call the overload without that parameter.")]
protected void ClearOpenDocument(DocumentId documentId, bool isSolutionClosing)
=> ClearOpenDocument(documentId);
/// <summary>
/// Open the specified document in the host environment.
/// </summary>
public virtual void OpenDocument(DocumentId documentId, bool activate = true)
=> this.CheckCanOpenDocuments();
/// <summary>
/// Close the specified document in the host environment.
/// </summary>
public virtual void CloseDocument(DocumentId documentId)
=> this.CheckCanOpenDocuments();
/// <summary>
/// Open the specified additional document in the host environment.
/// </summary>
public virtual void OpenAdditionalDocument(DocumentId documentId, bool activate = true)
=> this.CheckCanOpenDocuments();
/// <summary>
/// Close the specified additional document in the host environment.
/// </summary>
public virtual void CloseAdditionalDocument(DocumentId documentId)
=> this.CheckCanOpenDocuments();
/// <summary>
/// Open the specified analyzer config document in the host environment.
/// </summary>
public virtual void OpenAnalyzerConfigDocument(DocumentId documentId, bool activate = true)
=> this.CheckCanOpenDocuments();
/// <summary>
/// Close the specified analyzer config document in the host environment.
/// </summary>
public virtual void CloseAnalyzerConfigDocument(DocumentId documentId)
=> this.CheckCanOpenDocuments();
protected void CheckCanOpenDocuments()
if (!this.CanOpenDocuments)
throw new NotSupportedException(WorkspacesResources.This_workspace_does_not_support_opening_and_closing_documents);
protected void CheckProjectDoesNotContainOpenDocuments(ProjectId projectId)
if (ProjectHasOpenDocuments(projectId))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(WorkspacesResources._0_still_contains_open_documents, this.GetProjectName(projectId)));
private bool ProjectHasOpenDocuments(ProjectId projectId)
using (_stateLock.DisposableWait())
return _projectToOpenDocumentsMap.ContainsKey(projectId);
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the document is currently open in the host environment.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool IsDocumentOpen(DocumentId documentId)
using (_stateLock.DisposableWait())
return _projectToOpenDocumentsMap.TryGetValue(documentId.ProjectId, out var openDocuments) &&
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of the currently opened documents.
/// </summary>
public virtual IEnumerable<DocumentId> GetOpenDocumentIds(ProjectId? projectId = null)
using (_stateLock.DisposableWait())
if (_projectToOpenDocumentsMap.Count == 0)
return [];
if (projectId != null)
if (_projectToOpenDocumentsMap.TryGetValue(projectId, out var documentIds))
return documentIds;
return [];
return _projectToOpenDocumentsMap.SelectManyAsArray(kvp => kvp.Value);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the ids for documents in the <see cref="CurrentSolution"/> snapshot associated with the given <paramref name="container"/>.
/// Documents are normally associated with a text container when the documents are opened.
/// </summary>
public virtual IEnumerable<DocumentId> GetRelatedDocumentIds(SourceTextContainer container)
if (container == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));
var documentId = GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(container);
if (documentId == null)
return [];
return CurrentSolution.GetRelatedDocumentIds(documentId);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the id for the document associated with the given text container in its current context.
/// Documents are normally associated with a text container when the documents are opened.
/// </summary>
public virtual DocumentId? GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(SourceTextContainer container)
if (container == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));
using (_stateLock.DisposableWait())
return GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext_NoLock(container);
private DocumentId? GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext_NoLock(SourceTextContainer container)
=> _bufferToDocumentInCurrentContextMap.TryGetValue(container, out var documentId) ? documentId : null;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the <see cref="DocumentId"/> related to the given <see cref="DocumentId"/> that
/// is in the current context. If the <see cref="DocumentId"/> is currently closed, then
/// it is returned directly. If it is open, then this returns the same result that
/// <see cref="GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(SourceTextContainer)"/> would return for the
/// <see cref="SourceTextContainer"/>.
/// </summary>
internal DocumentId GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(DocumentId documentId)
if (documentId == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentId));
using (_stateLock.DisposableWait())
var container = GetOpenDocumentSourceTextContainer_NoLock(documentId);
if (container != null)
var currentContextId = GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext_NoLock(container);
Contract.ThrowIfNull(currentContextId, "The document is open, so we should have had some context ID.");
return currentContextId;
return documentId;
private SourceTextContainer? GetOpenDocumentSourceTextContainer_NoLock(DocumentId documentId)
// TODO: remove linear search
return _bufferToAssociatedDocumentsMap.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.Contains(documentId)).Select(kvp => kvp.Key).FirstOrDefault();
internal bool TryGetOpenSourceGeneratedDocumentIdentity(DocumentId id, out (SourceGeneratedDocumentIdentity identity, DateTime generationDateTime) documentIdentity)
using (_serializationLock.DisposableWait())
return _openSourceGeneratedDocumentIdentities.TryGetValue(id, out documentIdentity);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method to tell the host environment to change the current active context to this document. Only supported if
/// <see cref="CanChangeActiveContextDocument"/> returns true.
/// </summary>
internal virtual void SetDocumentContext(DocumentId documentId)
=> throw new NotSupportedException();
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when a document has been made the active context in the host environment.
/// </summary>
protected internal void OnDocumentContextUpdated(DocumentId documentId)
using (_serializationLock.DisposableWait())
DocumentId oldActiveContextDocumentId;
SourceTextContainer? container;
using (_stateLock.DisposableWait())
container = GetOpenDocumentSourceTextContainer_NoLock(documentId);
if (container == null)
oldActiveContextDocumentId = _bufferToDocumentInCurrentContextMap[container];
if (documentId == oldActiveContextDocumentId)
UpdateCurrentContextMapping_NoLock(container, documentId, isCurrentContext: true);
// fire and forget
this.RaiseDocumentActiveContextChangedEventAsync(container, oldActiveContextDocumentId: oldActiveContextDocumentId, newActiveContextDocumentId: documentId);
protected void CheckDocumentIsClosed(DocumentId documentId)
if (this.IsDocumentOpen(documentId))
throw new ArgumentException(
protected void CheckDocumentIsOpen(DocumentId documentId)
if (!this.IsDocumentOpen(documentId))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
protected internal void OnDocumentOpened(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer, bool isCurrentContext = true)
=> OnDocumentOpened(documentId, textContainer, isCurrentContext, requireDocumentPresentAndClosed: true);
internal virtual ValueTask TryOnDocumentOpenedAsync(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer, bool isCurrentContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
OnDocumentOpened(documentId, textContainer, isCurrentContext, requireDocumentPresentAndClosed: false);
return ValueTaskFactory.CompletedTask;
internal void OnDocumentOpened(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer, bool isCurrentContext, bool requireDocumentPresentAndClosed)
data: (@this: this, documentId, textContainer, isCurrentContext, requireDocumentPresentAndClosed),
static (oldSolution, data) =>
var (@this, documentId, textContainer, _, requireDocumentPresentAndClosed) = data;
var oldDocument = oldSolution.GetDocument(documentId);
if (oldDocument is null)
// Didn't have a document. Throw if required. Bail out gracefully if not.
if (requireDocumentPresentAndClosed)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
return oldSolution;
if (@this.IsDocumentOpen(documentId))
// Document was already open. Throw if required. Bail out gracefully if not.
if (requireDocumentPresentAndClosed)
return oldSolution;
var oldDocumentState = oldDocument.State;
var newText = textContainer.CurrentText;
if (oldDocument.TryGetText(out var oldText) &&
oldDocument.TryGetTextVersion(out var version))
// Optimize the case where we've already got the previous text and version.
var newTextAndVersion = GetProperTextAndVersion(oldText, newText, version, oldDocumentState.FilePath);
// keep open document text alive by using PreserveIdentity
return oldSolution.WithDocumentText(documentId, newTextAndVersion, PreservationMode.PreserveIdentity);
// We don't have the old text or version. Rather than trying to reuse a version that we still have, let's just assume the file has changed.
// keep open document text alive by using PreserveIdentity
return oldSolution.WithDocumentText(documentId, newText, PreservationMode.PreserveValue);
onAfterUpdate: static (oldSolution, newSolution, data) =>
var (@this, documentId, textContainer, isCurrentContext, requireDocumentPresentAndClosed) = data;
@this.SignupForTextChanges(documentId, textContainer, isCurrentContext, (w, id, text, mode) => w.OnDocumentTextChanged(id, text, mode));
var newDoc = newSolution.GetRequiredDocument(documentId);
// Fire and forget that the workspace is changing.
@this.RaiseWorkspaceChangedEventAsync(WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentChanged, oldSolution, newSolution, documentId: documentId);
// We fire 2 events on source document opened.
// TODO: why is this here, and not in onAfterUpdate?
/// <summary>
/// Registers a SourceTextContainer to a source generated document. Unlike <see
/// cref="OnDocumentOpened(DocumentId, SourceTextContainer, bool)" />, this doesn't result in the workspace
/// being updated any time the contents of the container is changed; instead this ensures that features going
/// from the text container to the buffer back to a document get a usable document.
/// </summary>
// TODO: switch this protected once we have confidence in API shape
internal void OnSourceGeneratedDocumentOpened(
SourceTextContainer textContainer,
SourceGeneratedDocument document)
using (_serializationLock.DisposableWait())
var documentId = document.Identity.DocumentId;
_documentToAssociatedBufferMap.Add(documentId, textContainer);
_openSourceGeneratedDocumentIdentities.Add(documentId, (document.Identity, document.GenerationDateTime));
UpdateCurrentContextMapping_NoLock(textContainer, documentId, isCurrentContext: true);
// Fire and forget that the workspace is changing.
// We raise 2 events for source document opened.
var token = _asyncOperationListener.BeginAsyncOperation(nameof(OnSourceGeneratedDocumentOpened));
_ = RaiseDocumentOpenedEventAsync(document).CompletesAsyncOperation(token);
token = _asyncOperationListener.BeginAsyncOperation(TextDocumentOpenedEventName);
_ = RaiseTextDocumentOpenedEventAsync(document).CompletesAsyncOperation(token);
internal void OnSourceGeneratedDocumentClosed(SourceGeneratedDocument document)
using (_serializationLock.DisposableWait())
// Fire and forget that the workspace is changing.
// We raise 2 events for source document closed.
var token = _asyncOperationListener.BeginAsyncOperation(nameof(OnSourceGeneratedDocumentClosed));
_ = RaiseDocumentClosedEventAsync(document).CompletesAsyncOperation(token);
token = _asyncOperationListener.BeginAsyncOperation(TextDocumentClosedEventName);
_ = RaiseTextDocumentClosedEventAsync(document).CompletesAsyncOperation(token);
private static TextAndVersion GetProperTextAndVersion(SourceText oldText, SourceText newText, VersionStamp version, string? filePath)
// if the supplied text is the same as the previous text, then also use same version
// otherwise use new version
return oldText.ContentEquals(newText)
? TextAndVersion.Create(newText, version, filePath)
: TextAndVersion.Create(newText, version.GetNewerVersion(), filePath);
private void SignupForTextChanges(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer, bool isCurrentContext, Action<Workspace, DocumentId, SourceText, PreservationMode> onChangedHandler)
var tracker = new TextTracker(this, documentId, textContainer, onChangedHandler);
_textTrackers.Add(documentId, tracker);
_documentToAssociatedBufferMap.Add(documentId, textContainer);
this.UpdateCurrentContextMapping_NoLock(textContainer, documentId, isCurrentContext);
private void AddToOpenDocumentMap(DocumentId documentId)
using (_stateLock.DisposableWait())
_projectToOpenDocumentsMap.MultiAdd(documentId.ProjectId, documentId);
protected internal void OnAdditionalDocumentOpened(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer, bool isCurrentContext = true)
=> OnAdditionalDocumentOpened(documentId, textContainer, isCurrentContext, requireDocumentPresentAndClosed: true);
private protected void OnAdditionalDocumentOpened(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer, bool isCurrentContext, bool requireDocumentPresentAndClosed)
withDocumentText: (oldSolution, documentId, newText, mode) => oldSolution.WithAdditionalDocumentText(documentId, newText, mode),
withDocumentTextAndVersion: (oldSolution, documentId, newTextAndVersion, mode) => oldSolution.WithAdditionalDocumentText(documentId, newTextAndVersion, mode),
onDocumentTextChanged: (w, id, text, mode) => w.OnAdditionalDocumentTextChanged(id, text, mode));
protected internal void OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentOpened(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer, bool isCurrentContext = true)
=> OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentOpened(documentId, textContainer, isCurrentContext, requireDocumentPresentAndClosed: true);
private protected void OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentOpened(DocumentId documentId, SourceTextContainer textContainer, bool isCurrentContext, bool requireDocumentPresentAndClosed)
withDocumentText: (oldSolution, documentId, newText, mode) => oldSolution.WithAnalyzerConfigDocumentText(documentId, newText, mode),
withDocumentTextAndVersion: (oldSolution, documentId, newTextAndVersion, mode) => oldSolution.WithAnalyzerConfigDocumentText(documentId, newTextAndVersion, mode),
onDocumentTextChanged: (w, id, text, mode) => w.OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentTextChanged(id, text, mode));
// NOTE: We are only sharing this code between additional documents and analyzer config documents,
// which are essentially plain text documents. Regular source documents need special handling
// and hence have a different implementation.
private void OnAdditionalOrAnalyzerConfigDocumentOpened(
DocumentId documentId,
SourceTextContainer textContainer,
bool isCurrentContext,
bool requireDocumentPresentAndClosed,
WorkspaceChangeKind workspaceChangeKind,
Action<Solution, DocumentId> checkTextDocumentIsInSolution,
Func<Solution, DocumentId, SourceText, PreservationMode, Solution> withDocumentText,
Func<Solution, DocumentId, TextAndVersion, PreservationMode, Solution> withDocumentTextAndVersion,
Action<Workspace, DocumentId, SourceText, PreservationMode> onDocumentTextChanged)
data: (@this: this, documentId, textContainer, isCurrentContext, requireDocumentPresentAndClosed, workspaceChangeKind, checkTextDocumentIsInSolution, withDocumentText, withDocumentTextAndVersion, onDocumentTextChanged),
static (oldSolution, data) =>
var documentId = data.documentId;
if (data.requireDocumentPresentAndClosed)
data.checkTextDocumentIsInSolution(oldSolution, documentId);
var oldDocument = oldSolution.GetTextDocument(documentId);
if (oldDocument is null)
// Didn't have a text document. Bail out gracefully.
return oldSolution;
Debug.Assert(oldDocument.Kind is TextDocumentKind.AdditionalDocument or TextDocumentKind.AnalyzerConfigDocument);
if (data.@this.IsDocumentOpen(documentId))
// Document was already open. Throw if required. Bail out gracefully if not.
if (data.requireDocumentPresentAndClosed)
return oldSolution;
var oldText = oldDocument.GetTextSynchronously(CancellationToken.None);
// keep open document text alive by using PreserveIdentity
var newText = data.textContainer.CurrentText;
if (oldText == newText || oldText.ContentEquals(newText))
// if the supplied text is the same as the previous text, then also use same version
var version = oldDocument.GetTextVersionSynchronously(CancellationToken.None);
var newTextAndVersion = TextAndVersion.Create(newText, version, oldDocument.FilePath);
return data.withDocumentTextAndVersion(oldSolution, documentId, newTextAndVersion, PreservationMode.PreserveIdentity);
return data.withDocumentText(oldSolution, documentId, newText, PreservationMode.PreserveIdentity);
onAfterUpdate: static (oldSolution, newSolution, data) =>
var documentId = data.documentId;
data.@this.SignupForTextChanges(documentId, data.textContainer, data.isCurrentContext, data.onDocumentTextChanged);
// Fire and forget.
data.@this.RaiseWorkspaceChangedEventAsync(data.workspaceChangeKind, oldSolution, newSolution, documentId: documentId);
// Fire and forget.
var newDoc = newSolution.GetRequiredTextDocument(documentId);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to close the document identified by <paramref name="documentId"/>. This is only needed by
/// implementations of ILspWorkspace to indicate that the workspace should try to transition to the closed state
/// for this document, but can bail out gracefully if they don't know about it (for example if they haven't
/// heard about the file from the project system). Subclasses should determine what file contents they should
/// transition to if the file is within the workspace.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="documentId"></param>
internal virtual ValueTask TryOnDocumentClosedAsync(DocumentId documentId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
throw new NotImplementedException();
#pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter 'updateActiveContext' - shipped public API.
protected internal void OnDocumentClosed(DocumentId documentId, TextLoader reloader, bool updateActiveContext = false)
#pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter
OnDocumentClosedEx(documentId, reloader, requireDocumentPresentAndOpen: true);
private protected void OnDocumentClosedEx(DocumentId documentId, TextLoader reloader, bool requireDocumentPresentAndOpen)
// The try/catch here is to find additional telemetry for https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_queries/query/71ee8553-7220-4b2a-98cf-20edab701fd1/,
// where we have one theory that OnDocumentClosed is running but failing somewhere in the middle and thus failing to get to the RaiseDocumentClosedEventAsync() line.
// We are choosing ReportWithoutCrashAndPropagate because this is a public API that has callers outside VS and also non-VisualStudioWorkspace callers inside VS, and
// we don't want to be crashing underneath them if they were already handling exceptions or (worse) was using those exceptions for expected code flow.
data: (@this: this, documentId, reloader, requireDocumentPresentAndOpen),
static (oldSolution, data) =>
var (@this, documentId, reloader, requireDocumentPresentAndOpen) = data;
var document = oldSolution.GetDocument(documentId);
if (document is null)
// Didn't have a document. Throw if required. Bail out gracefully if not.
if (requireDocumentPresentAndOpen)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
return oldSolution;
if (!@this.IsDocumentOpen(documentId))
// Document wasn't open. Throw if required. Bail out gracefully if not.
if (requireDocumentPresentAndOpen)
return oldSolution;
return oldSolution.WithDocumentTextLoader(documentId, reloader, PreservationMode.PreserveValue);
onBeforeUpdate: static (oldSolution, newSolution, data) =>
var (@this, documentId, _, _) = data;
// forget any open document info
onAfterUpdate: static (oldSolution, newSolution, data) =>
var (@this, documentId, _, _) = data;
var newDoc = newSolution.GetRequiredDocument(documentId);
@this.RaiseWorkspaceChangedEventAsync(WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentChanged, oldSolution, newSolution, documentId: documentId); // don't wait for this
// We fire and forget 2 events on source document closed.
catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagate(e, ErrorSeverity.General))
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
protected internal void OnAdditionalDocumentClosed(DocumentId documentId, TextLoader reloader)
=> OnAdditionalDocumentClosed(documentId, reloader, requireDocumentPresentAndOpen: true);
private protected void OnAdditionalDocumentClosed(DocumentId documentId, TextLoader reloader, bool requireDocumentPresentAndOpen)
withTextDocumentTextLoader: (oldSolution, documentId, textLoader, mode) => oldSolution.WithAdditionalDocumentTextLoader(documentId, textLoader, mode));
protected internal void OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentClosed(DocumentId documentId, TextLoader reloader)
=> OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentClosed(documentId, reloader, requireDocumentPresentAndOpen: true);
private protected void OnAnalyzerConfigDocumentClosed(DocumentId documentId, TextLoader reloader, bool requireDocumentPresentAndOpen)
withTextDocumentTextLoader: (oldSolution, documentId, textLoader, mode) => oldSolution.WithAnalyzerConfigDocumentTextLoader(documentId, textLoader, mode));
// NOTE: We are only sharing this code between additional documents and analyzer config documents,
// which are essentially plain text documents. Regular source documents need special handling
// and hence have a different implementation.
private void OnAdditionalOrAnalyzerConfigDocumentClosed(
DocumentId documentId,
TextLoader reloader,
bool requireDocumentPresentAndOpen,
WorkspaceChangeKind workspaceChangeKind,
Action<Solution, DocumentId> checkTextDocumentIsInSolution,
Func<Solution, DocumentId, TextLoader, PreservationMode, Solution> withTextDocumentTextLoader)
data: (@this: this, documentId, reloader, requireDocumentPresentAndOpen, workspaceChangeKind, checkTextDocumentIsInSolution, withTextDocumentTextLoader),
static (oldSolution, data) =>
var documentId = data.documentId;
if (data.requireDocumentPresentAndOpen)
data.checkTextDocumentIsInSolution(oldSolution, documentId);
var oldDocument = oldSolution.GetTextDocument(documentId);
if (oldDocument is null)
// Didn't have a text document. Bail out gracefully.
return oldSolution;
if (!data.@this.IsDocumentOpen(documentId))
// Document wasn't open. Throw if required. Bail out gracefully if not.
if (data.requireDocumentPresentAndOpen)
return oldSolution;
Debug.Assert(oldDocument.Kind is TextDocumentKind.AdditionalDocument or TextDocumentKind.AnalyzerConfigDocument);
return data.withTextDocumentTextLoader(oldSolution, documentId, data.reloader, PreservationMode.PreserveValue);
onBeforeUpdate: static (oldSolution, newSolution, data) =>
// forget any open document info
onAfterUpdate: static (oldSolution, newSolution, data) =>
data.workspaceChangeKind, oldSolution, newSolution, documentId: data.documentId); // don't wait for this
var newDoc = newSolution.GetRequiredTextDocument(data.documentId);
data.@this.RaiseTextDocumentClosedEventAsync(newDoc); // don't wait for this
private void UpdateCurrentContextMapping_NoLock(SourceTextContainer textContainer, DocumentId id, bool isCurrentContext)
if (_bufferToAssociatedDocumentsMap.TryGetValue(textContainer, out var docIds))
if (!docIds.Contains(id))
docIds = docIds.Add(id);
docIds = new OneOrMany<DocumentId>(id);
if (isCurrentContext || !_bufferToDocumentInCurrentContextMap.ContainsKey(textContainer))
_bufferToDocumentInCurrentContextMap[textContainer] = id;
_bufferToAssociatedDocumentsMap[textContainer] = docIds;
/// <returns>The DocumentId of the current context document attached to the textContainer, if any.</returns>
private DocumentId? RemoveDocumentFromCurrentContextMapping_NoLock(SourceTextContainer textContainer, DocumentId closedDocumentId)
// Check if we are tracking this textContainer.
if (!_bufferToAssociatedDocumentsMap.TryGetValue(textContainer, out var docIds))
return null;
// Remove closedDocumentId
docIds = docIds.RemoveAll(closedDocumentId);
// Remove the entry if there are no more documents attached to given textContainer.
if (docIds.IsEmpty)
return null;
// Update the new list of documents attached to the given textContainer and the current context document, and return the latter.
_bufferToAssociatedDocumentsMap[textContainer] = docIds;
_bufferToDocumentInCurrentContextMap[textContainer] = docIds[0];
return docIds[0];
private SourceText GetOpenDocumentText(Solution solution, DocumentId documentId)
var doc = solution.GetRequiredTextDocument(documentId);
// text should always be preserved, so TryGetText will succeed.
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(doc.TryGetText(out var text));
return text;
/// <summary>
/// This method is called during OnSolutionReload. Override this method if you want to manipulate
/// the reloaded solution.
/// </summary>
protected virtual Solution AdjustReloadedSolution(Solution oldSolution, Solution reloadedSolution)
var newSolution = reloadedSolution;
// keep open documents using same text
foreach (var docId in this.GetOpenDocumentIds())
var document = newSolution.GetTextDocument(docId);
if (document != null)
newSolution = document.WithText(this.GetOpenDocumentText(oldSolution, docId)).Project.Solution;
return newSolution;
protected virtual Project AdjustReloadedProject(Project oldProject, Project reloadedProject)
var oldSolution = oldProject.Solution;
var newSolution = reloadedProject.Solution;
// keep open documents open using same text
foreach (var docId in this.GetOpenDocumentIds(oldProject.Id))
var document = newSolution.GetTextDocument(docId);
if (document != null)
newSolution = document.WithText(this.GetOpenDocumentText(oldSolution, docId)).Project.Solution;
return newSolution.GetRequiredProject(oldProject.Id);