File: Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\ExpressionBinder.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\Microsoft.CSharp\src\Microsoft.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Errors;
using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Syntax;
namespace Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Semantics
    // Used by bindUserDefinedConversion
    internal readonly struct UdConvInfo
        public readonly MethWithType Meth;
        public readonly bool SrcImplicit;
        public readonly bool DstImplicit;
        public UdConvInfo(MethWithType mwt, bool srcImplicit, bool dstImplicit)
            Meth = mwt;
            SrcImplicit = srcImplicit;
            DstImplicit = dstImplicit;
    // Small wrapper for passing around argument information for the various BindGrpTo methods
    // It is used because most things only need the type, but in the case of METHGRPs and ANONMETHs
    // the expr is also needed to determine if a conversion is possible
    internal sealed class ArgInfos
        public int carg;
        public TypeArray types;
        public List<Expr> prgexpr;
    internal enum ConstCastResult
        Success,      // Constant can be cast to type
        Failure,      // Constant cannot be cast to type
        CheckFailure  // Constant cannot be cast to type because of overflow in checked context
                      // (Note that this only happens when the conversion is explicit; implicit
                      // conversions never overflow, that's why they're implicit.)
    internal enum AggCastResult
        Success, // We found a conversion, stop looking
        Failure, // This conversion doesn't work, keep looking
        Abort    // No possible conversion can work, stop looking
    internal enum UnaryOperatorSignatureFindResult
    internal enum UnaOpKind
    internal enum UnaOpMask
        None = 0,
        Plus = 1 << UnaOpKind.Plus,
        Minus = 1 << UnaOpKind.Minus,
        Tilde = 1 << UnaOpKind.Tilde,
        Bang = 1 << UnaOpKind.Bang,
        IncDec = 1 << UnaOpKind.IncDec,
        // The different combinations needed in operators.cs
        Signed = Plus | Minus | Tilde,
        Unsigned = Plus | Tilde,
        Real = Plus | Minus,
        Bool = Bang,
    internal enum OpSigFlags
        None = 0,
        Convert = 0x01,    // Convert the operands before calling the bind method
        CanLift = 0x02,    // Operator has a lifted form
        AutoLift = 0x04,   // Standard nullable lifting
        // The different combinations needed in operators.cs
        Value = Convert | CanLift | AutoLift,
        Reference = Convert,
        BoolBit = Convert | CanLift,
    internal enum LiftFlags
        None = 0,
        Lift1 = 0x01,
        Lift2 = 0x02,
        Convert1 = 0x04,
        Convert2 = 0x08,
    internal enum CheckLvalueKind
    internal enum BinOpFuncKind
    internal enum UnaOpFuncKind
    internal readonly partial struct ExpressionBinder
        // ExpressionBinder - General Rules
        // Express the Contract
        // Use assertions and naming guidelines to express the contract for methods.
        // The most common issue is whether an argument may be null or not. If an
        // argument may not be null, then the method must ASSERT that before any other
        // code. If an argument may be null then the name of the argument should
        // include 'Optional'. The exception to this rule is the input parse tree
        // parameter. If the parse tree may be null, then the method name should
        // include an 'Opt' suffix. For example bindArgumentList should really be
        // named bindArgumentListOpt. Abbreviations should be avoided, but the 'Opt'
        // suffix gets an exception because it is used consistently in the language
        // spec.
        // Error Tolerant
        // Do not rely on the input parse tree being complete. Erroneous code may
        // result in parse trees with required children missing, or with unexpected
        // structure. Find out what the invariants are for the parse tree being
        // consumed and code defensively.
        // Similarly, the result of binding children nodes may not be 'OK'. The child
        // node may have contained some semantic errors and the binding code in the
        // parent must cope gracefully with the result. For example, an EXPRMEMGRP may
        // contain no members.
        // Error Recovery
        // Always attempt to bind children nodes even if errors have already been
        // detected in other children. Always build a new node representing a 'best
        // guess' at the semantics of the parse tree. Never discard the results of
        // binding a child node even if the binding has errors. Since a new node is
        // always produced there should always be a place to add bindings with errors
        // to the result.
        // This ensures that full semantic information for all nodes is produced -
        // that the expression binder always produces a 'best guess' for every
        // expression in source.
        // Error Reporting
        // If a child expression has an error, then no new error's for the parent
        // should be reported, unless there is no way that the new error was caused
        // by any child errors. If child nodes don't have any errors, and the new
        // node does have an error, then at least one error must be reported. These
        // rules ensure that an error is always reported for erroneous code, and that
        // only the most meaningful error is reported from a set of cascading errors.
        // Map Back To the Source
        // When constructing new expression nodes, attach the appropriate parse tree
        // node. The attached parse tree is used for:
        //             - error location reporting
        //             - debug sequence points
        //                         - stepping
        //                         - local variable scopes
        //             - finding the most meaningful expression for a parse tree node
        // Meaning not Implementation
        // The expression trees resulting from the initial binding pass should
        // represent the semantics of the input source code. There should be a
        // direct mapping between the newly constructed expression and the input
        // parse tree.
        // The Whidbey codebase had the habit of producing expressions in the initial
        // binding which were closer in representation to the generated IL than the
        // input source code. In Orcas all transformations which may lose semantic
        // information about the source must be done after the initial expression
        // binding phase.
        // Special Cases
        //     -   Constant folding - Constant folding is a semantic losing
        //         transformation which must be performed to complete expression
        //         analysis. When creating a folded constant, create an expression
        //         node representing the unfolded expression, then pass this as a
        //         child expression of a new constant expression.
        //     -   Color Color - The new Type or Instance expression covers this case.
        //         It is produced from bindSimpleName.
        //     -   Method Group - Method groups should be preserved in expression trees.
        //         This includes as children of Call expressions, and delegate construction
        //         nodes.
        //     -   Type Binding - This is a big one. Whenever a type is bound in an
        //         expression, the binding of the component parts of the type must be
        //         preserved. This includes every identifier in a dotted type or
        //         namespace name, as well as the type binding information for the
        //         type arguments of constructed types. The semantic information for
        //         intermediate type binding results is represented by an
        //         EXPRTYPEORNAMESPACE. Types can be bound in several places in
        //         expressions:
        //             - Sizeof
        //             - Typeof
        //             - New
        //             - Is/As
        //             - Cast
        //             - Type Arguments supplied to generic method calls.
        //             - Left hand side of a dot operator.
        //             - Parameter types in anonymous methods and lambdas.
        //             - Local Variables
        // Want to eventually Have's
        // Only build the new node once all children have been built.
        // Factory should require all children as arguments.
        // Factory method sets the "Do Children have Errors?" bit - not done manually.
        // Once constructed Expression trees are not mutated - doesn't work easily for statements unfortunately.
        private delegate Expr PfnBindBinOp(ExpressionBinder binder, ExpressionKind ek, EXPRFLAG flags, Expr op1, Expr op2);
        private delegate Expr PfnBindUnaOp(ExpressionBinder binder, ExpressionKind ek, EXPRFLAG flags, Expr op);
        public BindingContext Context { get; }
        public ExpressionBinder(BindingContext context)
            Context = context;
        private static AggregateType GetPredefindType(PredefinedType pt)
            Debug.Assert(pt != PredefinedType.PT_VOID); // use getVoidType()
            return SymbolLoader.GetPredefindType(pt);
        private Expr GenerateAssignmentConversion(Expr op1, Expr op2, bool allowExplicit) =>
            allowExplicit ? mustCastCore(op2, op1.Type, 0) : mustConvertCore(op2, op1.Type);
        // Bind the simple assignment operator =.
        public Expr BindAssignment(Expr op1, Expr op2, bool allowExplicit)
            Debug.Assert(op1 is ExprCast
                || op1 is ExprArrayIndex
                || op1 is ExprCall
                || op1 is ExprProperty
                || op1 is ExprClass
                || op1 is ExprField);
            CheckLvalue(op1, CheckLvalueKind.Assignment);
            op2 = GenerateAssignmentConversion(op1, op2, allowExplicit);
            return GenerateOptimizedAssignment(op1, op2);
        internal Expr BindArrayIndexCore(Expr pOp1, Expr pOp2)
            CType pIntType = GetPredefindType(PredefinedType.PT_INT);
            ArrayType pArrayType = pOp1.Type as ArrayType;
            Debug.Assert(pArrayType != null);
            CType elementType = pArrayType.ElementType;
            CheckUnsafe(elementType); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops
            // Check the rank of the array against the number of indices provided, and
            // convert the indexes to ints
            CType pDestType = ChooseArrayIndexType(pOp2);
            ExpressionBinder binder = this;
            Expr transformedIndices = pOp2.Map(
                x =>
                    Expr pTemp = binder.MustConvertWithSuppressedMessage(x, pDestType);
                    return pDestType == pIntType
                        ? pTemp
                        : ExprFactoryCreateCastWithSuppressedMessage(EXPRFLAG.EXF_INDEXEXPR, pDestType, pTemp);
            // Allocate a new expression, the type is the element type of the array.
            // Array index operations are always lvalues.
            return ExprFactory.CreateArrayIndex(elementType, pOp1, transformedIndices);
        [UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode",
            Justification = "Workarounds All usages are marked as unsafe.")]
        private Expr MustConvertWithSuppressedMessage(Expr x, CType pDestType)
            => mustConvert(x, pDestType);
        [UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode",
            Justification = "Workarounds All usages are marked as unsafe.")]
        private static ExprCast ExprFactoryCreateCastWithSuppressedMessage(EXPRFLAG flags, CType type, Expr argument)
            => ExprFactory.CreateCast(flags, type, argument);
        // Create a cast node with the given expression flags.
        private void bindSimpleCast(Expr exprSrc, CType typeDest, out Expr pexprDest) =>
            bindSimpleCast(exprSrc, typeDest, out pexprDest, 0);
        private void bindSimpleCast(Expr exprSrc, CType typeDest, out Expr pexprDest, EXPRFLAG exprFlags)
            Debug.Assert(typeDest != null);
            // If the source is a constant, and cast is really simple (no change in fundamental
            // type, no flags), then create a new constant node with the new type instead of
            // creating a cast node. This allows compile-time constants to be easily recognized.
            Expr exprConst = exprSrc.GetConst();
            // Make the cast expr anyway, and if we find that we have a constant, then set the cast expr
            // as the original tree for the constant. Otherwise, return the cast expr.
            ExprCast exprCast = ExprFactory.CreateCast(exprFlags, typeDest, exprSrc);
            if (Context.Checked)
                exprCast.Flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_CHECKOVERFLOW;
            // Check if we have a compile time constant. If we do, create a constant for it and set the
            // original tree to the cast.
            if (exprConst is ExprConstant constant && exprFlags == 0 &&
                exprSrc.Type.FundamentalType == typeDest.FundamentalType &&
                (!exprSrc.Type.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_STRING) || constant.Val.IsNullRef))
                ExprConstant expr = ExprFactory.CreateConstant(typeDest, constant.Val);
                pexprDest = expr;
            pexprDest = exprCast;
            Debug.Assert(exprCast.Argument != null);
        // Binds a call to a method, return type is an error or an EXPRCALL.
        // tree      - ParseTree for error messages
        // pObject    - pObject to call method on
        // pmwi      - Meth to bind to. This will be morphed when we remap to an override.
        // args      - arguments
        // exprFlags - Flags to put on the generated expr
        private ExprCall BindToMethod(MethWithInst mwi, Expr pArguments, ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup, MemLookFlags flags)
            Debug.Assert(mwi.Sym is MethodSymbol && (!mwi.Meth().isOverride || mwi.Meth().isHideByName));
            Debug.Assert(pMemGroup != null);
            Expr pObject = pMemGroup.OptionalObject;
            CType callingObjectType = pObject?.Type;
            pObject = AdjustMemberObject(mwi, pObject);
            pMemGroup.OptionalObject = pObject;
            CType pReturnType;
            if ((flags & (MemLookFlags.Ctor | MemLookFlags.NewObj)) == (MemLookFlags.Ctor | MemLookFlags.NewObj))
                pReturnType = mwi.Ats;
                pReturnType = TypeManager.SubstType(mwi.Meth().RetType, mwi.GetType(), mwi.TypeArgs);
            ExprCall pResult = ExprFactory.CreateCall(0, pReturnType, pArguments, pMemGroup, mwi);
            // Set the return type and flags for constructors.
            if ((flags & MemLookFlags.Ctor) != 0)
                if ((flags & MemLookFlags.NewObj) != 0)
                    Debug.Assert(pResult.Type == VoidType.Instance);
            verifyMethodArgs(pResult, callingObjectType);
            return pResult;
        // Construct the Expr node which corresponds to a field expression
        // for a given field and pObject pointer.
        internal Expr BindToField(Expr pOptionalObject, FieldWithType fwt, BindingFlag bindFlags)
            Debug.Assert(fwt.GetType() != null && fwt.Field().getClass() == fwt.GetType().OwningAggregate);
            CType pFieldType = TypeManager.SubstType(fwt.Field().GetType(), fwt.GetType());
            pOptionalObject = AdjustMemberObject(fwt, pOptionalObject);
            CheckUnsafe(pFieldType); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops
            // lvalue if the object is an lvalue (or it's static) and the field is not readonly.
            // Since dynamic objects for fields come from locals or casts/conversions on locals
            // (never properties) and hence always have EXF_LVALUE set, the first part of this is
            // always true, leaving the rest to be determined by the field ctor
            ExprField pResult = ExprFactory.CreateField(pFieldType, pOptionalObject, fwt);
            Debug.Assert(BindingFlag.BIND_MEMBERSET == (BindingFlag)EXPRFLAG.EXF_MEMBERSET);
            pResult.Flags |= (EXPRFLAG)(bindFlags & BindingFlag.BIND_MEMBERSET);
            return pResult;
        internal ExprProperty BindToProperty(Expr pObject, PropWithType pwt, BindingFlag bindFlags, Expr args, ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup)
            Debug.Assert(pwt.Sym is PropertySymbol &&
                    pwt.GetType() != null &&
                    pwt.Prop().getClass() == pwt.GetType().OwningAggregate);
            Debug.Assert(pwt.Prop().Params.Count == 0 || pwt.Prop() is IndexerSymbol);
            // We keep track of the type of the pObject which we're doing the call through so that we can report
            // protection access errors later, either below when binding the get, or later when checking that
            // the setter is actually an lvalue.
            Expr pObjectThrough = pObject;
            PostBindProperty(pwt, out MethWithType mwtGet, out MethWithType mwtSet);
            if (mwtGet &&
                    (!mwtSet ||
                     mwtSet.GetType() == mwtGet.GetType() ||
                     SymbolLoader.HasBaseConversion(mwtGet.GetType(), mwtSet.GetType())
                pObject = AdjustMemberObject(mwtGet, pObject);
            else if (mwtSet)
                pObject = AdjustMemberObject(mwtSet, pObject);
                pObject = AdjustMemberObject(pwt, pObject);
            pMemGroup.OptionalObject = pObject;
            CType pReturnType = TypeManager.SubstType(pwt.Prop().RetType, pwt.GetType());
            // if we are doing a get on this thing, and there is no get, and
            // most importantly, we are not leaving the arguments to be bound by the array index
            // then error...
            if ((bindFlags & BindingFlag.BIND_RVALUEREQUIRED) != 0)
                if (!mwtGet)
                    throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_PropertyLacksGet, pwt);
                CType type = null;
                if (pObjectThrough != null)
                    type = pObjectThrough.Type;
                ACCESSERROR error = CSemanticChecker.CheckAccess2(mwtGet.Meth(), mwtGet.GetType(), ContextForMemberLookup, type);
                if (error != ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOERROR)
                    // if the get exists, but is not accessible, give an error.
                    if (error == ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOACCESSTHRU)
                        throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BadProtectedAccess, pwt, type, ContextForMemberLookup);
                    throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleGetter, pwt);
            ExprProperty result = ExprFactory.CreateProperty(pReturnType, pObjectThrough, args, pMemGroup, pwt, mwtSet);
            if (result.OptionalArguments != null)
                verifyMethodArgs(result, pObjectThrough?.Type);
            return result;
        internal Expr bindUDUnop(ExpressionKind ek, Expr arg)
            Name pName = ExpressionKindName(ek);
            Debug.Assert(pName != null);
            CType typeSrc = arg.Type;
            switch (typeSrc.TypeKind)
                case TypeKind.TK_NullableType:
                    typeSrc = typeSrc.StripNubs();
                    goto LAgain;
                case TypeKind.TK_AggregateType:
                    if (!typeSrc.IsClassType && !typeSrc.IsStructType || ((AggregateType)typeSrc).OwningAggregate.IsSkipUDOps())
                        return null;
                    return null;
            ArgInfos info = new ArgInfos();
            info.carg = 1;
            FillInArgInfoFromArgList(info, arg);
            List<CandidateFunctionMember> methFirstList = new List<CandidateFunctionMember>();
            MethodSymbol methCur = null;
            AggregateType atsCur = (AggregateType)typeSrc;
            while (true)
                // Find the next operator.
                methCur = (methCur == null
                    ? SymbolLoader.LookupAggMember(pName, atsCur.OwningAggregate, symbmask_t.MASK_MethodSymbol)
                    : methCur.LookupNext(symbmask_t.MASK_MethodSymbol)) as MethodSymbol;
                if (methCur == null)
                    // Find the next type.
                    // If we've found some applicable methods in a class then we don't need to look any further.
                    if (!methFirstList.IsEmpty())
                    atsCur = atsCur.BaseClass;
                    if (atsCur == null)
                // Only look at operators with 1 args.
                if (!methCur.isOperator || methCur.Params.Count != 1)
                Debug.Assert(methCur.typeVars.Count == 0);
                TypeArray paramsCur = TypeManager.SubstTypeArray(methCur.Params, atsCur);
                CType typeParam = paramsCur[0];
                NullableType nubParam;
                if (canConvert(arg, typeParam))
                    methFirstList.Add(new CandidateFunctionMember(
                                    new MethPropWithInst(methCur, atsCur, TypeArray.Empty),
                else if (typeParam.IsNonNullableValueType &&
                         TypeManager.SubstType(methCur.RetType, atsCur).IsNonNullableValueType &&
                         canConvert(arg, nubParam = TypeManager.GetNullable(typeParam)))
                    methFirstList.Add(new CandidateFunctionMember(
                                    new MethPropWithInst(methCur, atsCur, TypeArray.Empty),
            if (methFirstList.IsEmpty())
                return null;
            CandidateFunctionMember pmethAmbig1;
            CandidateFunctionMember pmethAmbig2;
            CandidateFunctionMember pmethBest = FindBestMethod(methFirstList, null, info, out pmethAmbig1, out pmethAmbig2);
            if (pmethBest == null)
                // No winner, so its an ambiguous call...
                throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigCall, pmethAmbig1.mpwi, pmethAmbig2.mpwi);
            ExprCall call;
            if (pmethBest.ctypeLift != 0)
                call = BindLiftedUDUnop(arg, pmethBest.@params[0], pmethBest.mpwi);
                call = BindUDUnopCall(arg, pmethBest.@params[0], pmethBest.mpwi);
            return ExprFactory.CreateUserDefinedUnaryOperator(ek, call.Type, arg, call, pmethBest.mpwi);
        private ExprCall BindLiftedUDUnop(Expr arg, CType typeArg, MethPropWithInst mpwi)
            CType typeRaw = typeArg.StripNubs();
            if (!(arg.Type is NullableType) || !canConvert(arg.Type.StripNubs(), typeRaw, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC))
                // Convert then lift.
                arg = mustConvert(arg, typeArg);
            Debug.Assert(arg.Type is NullableType);
            CType typeRet = TypeManager.SubstType(mpwi.Meth().RetType, mpwi.GetType());
            if (!(typeRet is NullableType))
                typeRet = TypeManager.GetNullable(typeRet);
            // First bind the non-lifted version for errors.
            Expr nonLiftedArg = mustCast(arg, typeRaw);
            ExprCall nonLiftedResult = BindUDUnopCall(nonLiftedArg, typeRaw, mpwi);
            ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = ExprFactory.CreateMemGroup(null, mpwi);
            ExprCall call = ExprFactory.CreateCall(0, typeRet, arg, pMemGroup, null);
            call.MethWithInst = new MethWithInst(mpwi);
            call.CastOfNonLiftedResultToLiftedType = mustCast(nonLiftedResult, typeRet, 0);
            call.NullableCallLiftKind = NullableCallLiftKind.Operator;
            return call;
        private ExprCall BindUDUnopCall(Expr arg, CType typeArg, MethPropWithInst mpwi)
            CType typeRet = TypeManager.SubstType(mpwi.Meth().RetType, mpwi.GetType());
            CheckUnsafe(typeRet); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops
            ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = ExprFactory.CreateMemGroup(null, mpwi);
            ExprCall call = ExprFactory.CreateCall(0, typeRet, mustConvert(arg, typeArg), pMemGroup, null);
            call.MethWithInst = new MethWithInst(mpwi);
            verifyMethodArgs(call, mpwi.GetType());
            return call;
        // Given a method group or indexer group, bind it to the arguments for an
        // invocation.
        private GroupToArgsBinderResult BindMethodGroupToArgumentsCore(BindingFlag bindFlags, ExprMemberGroup grp, Expr args, int carg, NamedArgumentsKind namedArgumentsKind)
            ArgInfos pargInfo = new ArgInfos { carg = carg };
            FillInArgInfoFromArgList(pargInfo, args);
            ArgInfos pOriginalArgInfo = new ArgInfos { carg = carg };
            FillInArgInfoFromArgList(pOriginalArgInfo, args);
            GroupToArgsBinder binder = new GroupToArgsBinder(this, bindFlags, grp, pargInfo, pOriginalArgInfo, namedArgumentsKind);
            return binder.GetResultsOfBind();
        // Given a method group or indexer group, bind it to the arguments for an
        // invocation.
        internal ExprWithArgs BindMethodGroupToArguments(BindingFlag bindFlags, ExprMemberGroup grp, Expr args)
            Debug.Assert(grp.SymKind == SYMKIND.SK_MethodSymbol || grp.SymKind == SYMKIND.SK_PropertySymbol && ((grp.Flags & EXPRFLAG.EXF_INDEXER) != 0));
            // Count the args.
            int carg = CountArguments(args);
            Debug.Assert(grp.Name != null);
            // Do we have named arguments specified, are they after fixed arguments (can position) or
            // non-trailing (can rule out methods only).
            NamedArgumentsKind namedKind = FindNamedArgumentsType(args);
            MethPropWithInst mpwiBest = BindMethodGroupToArgumentsCore(bindFlags, grp, args, carg, namedKind).BestResult;
            if (grp.SymKind == SYMKIND.SK_PropertySymbol)
                Debug.Assert((grp.Flags & EXPRFLAG.EXF_INDEXER) != 0);
                return BindToProperty(grp.OptionalObject, new PropWithType(mpwiBest), bindFlags, args, grp);
            return BindToMethod(new MethWithInst(mpwiBest), args, grp, (MemLookFlags)grp.Flags);
        public enum NamedArgumentsKind
        private static NamedArgumentsKind FindNamedArgumentsType(Expr args)
            Expr list = args;
            while (list != null)
                Expr arg;
                if (list is ExprList next)
                    arg = next.OptionalElement;
                    list = next.OptionalNextListNode;
                    arg = list;
                    list = null;
                Debug.Assert(arg != null);
                if (arg is ExprNamedArgumentSpecification)
                    while (list != null)
                        if (list is ExprList nextList)
                            arg = nextList.OptionalElement;
                            list = nextList.OptionalNextListNode;
                            arg = list;
                            list = null;
                        if (!(arg is ExprNamedArgumentSpecification))
                            return NamedArgumentsKind.NonTrailing;
                    return NamedArgumentsKind.Positioning;
            return NamedArgumentsKind.None;
        // Report a bad operator types error to the user.
        private static RuntimeBinderException BadOperatorTypesError(Expr pOperand1, Expr pOperand2)
            Debug.Assert(pOperand1 != null);
            Debug.Assert(pOperand1.Type != null);
            // This is a hack, but we need to store the operation somewhere... the first argument's as
            // good a place as any.
            string strOp = pOperand1.ErrorString;
            if (pOperand2 != null)
                Debug.Assert(pOperand2.Type != null);
                return ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, strOp, pOperand1.Type, pOperand2.Type);
            return ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, strOp, pOperand1.Type);
        private static ErrorCode GetStandardLvalueError(CheckLvalueKind kind)
            Debug.Assert(kind >= CheckLvalueKind.Assignment && kind <= CheckLvalueKind.Increment);
            return kind == CheckLvalueKind.Increment
                ? ErrorCode.ERR_IncrementLvalueExpected
                : ErrorCode.ERR_AssgLvalueExpected;
        private void CheckLvalueProp(ExprProperty prop)
            Debug.Assert(prop != null);
            // We have an lvalue property.  Give an error if this is an inaccessible property.
            CType type = null;
            if (prop.OptionalObjectThrough != null)
                type = prop.OptionalObjectThrough.Type;
            CheckPropertyAccess(prop.MethWithTypeSet, prop.PropWithTypeSlot, type);
        private void CheckPropertyAccess(MethWithType mwt, PropWithType pwtSlot, CType type)
            switch (CSemanticChecker.CheckAccess2(mwt.Meth(), mwt.GetType(), ContextForMemberLookup, type))
                    throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BadProtectedAccess, pwtSlot, type, ContextForMemberLookup);
                    throw ErrorHandling.Error(mwt.Meth().isSetAccessor() ? ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter : ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleGetter, pwtSlot);
        // A false return means not to process the expr any further - it's totally out
        // of place. For example - a method group or an anonymous method.
        private void CheckLvalue(Expr expr, CheckLvalueKind kind)
            if (expr.isLvalue())
                if (expr is ExprProperty prop)
            Debug.Assert(!(expr is ExprLocal));
            Debug.Assert(!(expr is ExprMemberGroup));
            switch (expr.Kind)
                case ExpressionKind.Property:
                    ExprProperty prop = (ExprProperty)expr;
                    Debug.Assert(!prop.MethWithTypeSet || ExprProperty.HasIsExternalInitModifier(prop.MethWithTypeSet));
                    // Assigning to a property without a setter.
                    // If we have
                    // bool? b = true; (bool)b = false;
                    // then this is realized immediately as
                    // b.Value = false;
                    // and no ExpressionKind.EK_CAST is generated. We'd rather not give a "you're writing
                    // to a read-only property" error in the case where the property access
                    // is not explicit in the source code.  Fortunately in this case the
                    // cast is still present in the parse tree, so we can look for it.
                    // POSSIBLE ERROR: It would be nice to also give this error for other situations
                    // POSSIBLE ERROR: in which the user is attempting to assign to a value, such as
                    // POSSIBLE ERROR: an explicit (bool)b.Value = false;
                    // POSSIBLE ERROR: Unfortunately we cannot use this trick in that situation because
                    // POSSIBLE ERROR: we've already discarded the OperatorKind.OP_CAST node.  (This is an SyntaxKind.Dot).
                    // SPEC VIOLATION: More generally:
                    // SPEC VIOLATION: The spec states that the result of any cast is a value, not a
                    // SPEC VIOLATION: variable. Unfortunately we do not correctly implement this
                    // SPEC VIOLATION: and we probably should not start implementing it because this
                    // SPEC VIOLATION: would be a breaking change.  We currently discard "no op" casts
                    // SPEC VIOLATION: very aggressively rather than generating an ExpressionKind.EK_CAST node.
                    throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyProp, prop.PropWithTypeSlot);
                case ExpressionKind.Field:
                    ExprField field = (ExprField)expr;
                    throw ErrorHandling.Error(
                            ? ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyStatic
                            : ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly);
                    throw ErrorHandling.Error(GetStandardLvalueError(kind));
        private static void PostBindMethod(MethWithInst pMWI)
            MethodSymbol meth = pMWI.Meth();
            if (meth.RetType != null)
                // We need to check unsafe on the parameters as well, since we cannot check in conversion.
                foreach (CType type in meth.Params.Items)
        private static void PostBindProperty(PropWithType pwt, out MethWithType pmwtGet, out MethWithType pmwtSet)
            PropertySymbol prop = pwt.Prop();
            Debug.Assert(prop != null);
            // Get the accessors.
            pmwtGet = prop.GetterMethod != null
                ? new MethWithType(prop.GetterMethod, pwt.GetType())
                : new MethWithType();
            pmwtSet = prop.SetterMethod != null
                ? new MethWithType(prop.SetterMethod, pwt.GetType())
                : new MethWithType();
            if (prop.RetType != null)
        private Expr AdjustMemberObject(SymWithType swt, Expr pObject)
            // Assert that the type is present and is an instantiation of the member's parent.
            Debug.Assert(swt.GetType() != null && swt.GetType().OwningAggregate == swt.Sym.parent as AggregateSymbol);
            bool bIsMatchingStatic = IsMatchingStatic(swt, pObject);
            bool isStatic = swt.Sym.isStatic;
            // If our static doesn't match, bail out of here.
            if (!bIsMatchingStatic)
                if (isStatic)
                    // If we have a mismatched static, a static method, and the binding flag
                    // that tells us we're binding simple names, then insert a type here instead.
                    if ((pObject.Flags & EXPRFLAG.EXF_SIMPLENAME) != 0)
                        // We've made the static match now.
                        return null;
                    throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectProhibited, swt);
                throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectRequired, swt);
            // At this point, all errors for static invocations have been reported, and
            // the object has been nulled out. So return out of here.
            if (isStatic)
                return null;
            // If we're in a constructor, then bail.
            if ((swt.Sym is MethodSymbol) && swt.Meth().IsConstructor())
                return pObject;
            if (pObject == null)
                return null;
            CType typeObj = pObject.Type;
            CType typeTmp;
            if (typeObj is NullableType nubTypeObj && (typeTmp = nubTypeObj.GetAts()) != swt.GetType())
                typeObj = typeTmp;
            if (typeObj is TypeParameterType || typeObj is AggregateType)
                AggregateSymbol aggCalled = swt.Sym.parent as AggregateSymbol;
                Debug.Assert(swt.GetType().OwningAggregate == aggCalled);
                pObject = tryConvert(pObject, swt.GetType(), CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC);
                Debug.Assert(pObject != null);
            return pObject;
        private static bool IsMatchingStatic(SymWithType swt, Expr pObject)
            Symbol pSym = swt.Sym;
            // Instance constructors are always ok, static constructors are never ok.
            if (pSym is MethodSymbol meth && meth.IsConstructor())
                return !meth.isStatic;
            bool isStatic = swt.Sym.isStatic;
            if (isStatic)
                // If we're static and we don't have an object then we're ok.
                if (pObject == null)
                    return true;
                if ((pObject.Flags & EXPRFLAG.EXF_SAMENAMETYPE) == 0)
                    return false;
            else if (pObject == null)
                // We're not static, and we don't have an object. This is ok in certain scenarios:
                return false;
            return true;
        // this determines whether the expression as an pObject of a prop or field is an
        // lvalue
        private static void AssertObjectIsLvalue(Expr pObject)
                       pObject == null ||  // statics are always lvalues
                       (((pObject.Flags & EXPRFLAG.EXF_LVALUE) != 0) && (pObject.Kind != ExpressionKind.Property)) ||
                       // things marked as lvalues have props/fields which are lvalues, with one exception:  props of structs
                       // do not have fields/structs as lvalues
                   // non-struct types are lvalues (such as non-struct method returns)
        private void verifyMethodArgs(ExprWithArgs call, CType callingObjectType)
            Debug.Assert(call != null);
            Expr argsPtr = call.OptionalArguments;
            SymWithType swt = call.GetSymWithType();
            MethodOrPropertySymbol mp = swt.Sym as MethodOrPropertySymbol;
            TypeArray pTypeArgs = (call as ExprCall)?.MethWithInst.TypeArgs;
            Expr newArgs;
            AdjustCallArgumentsForParams(callingObjectType, swt.GetType(), mp, pTypeArgs, argsPtr, out newArgs);
            call.OptionalArguments = newArgs;
        private void AdjustCallArgumentsForParams(CType callingObjectType, CType type, MethodOrPropertySymbol mp, TypeArray pTypeArgs, Expr argsPtr, out Expr newArgs)
            Debug.Assert(mp != null);
            Debug.Assert(mp.Params != null);
            newArgs = null;
            Expr newArgsTail = null;
            MethodOrPropertySymbol mostDerivedMethod = GroupToArgsBinder.FindMostDerivedMethod(mp, callingObjectType);
            int paramCount = mp.Params.Count;
            TypeArray @params = mp.Params;
            int iDst = 0;
            int argCount = ExpressionIterator.Count(argsPtr);
            Debug.Assert(!Array.Exists(@params.Items, p => p is ArgumentListType)); // We should never have picked a varargs method to bind to.
            bool bDontFixParamArray = false;
            ExpressionIterator it = new ExpressionIterator(argsPtr);
            if (argsPtr == null)
                if (mp.isParamArray)
                    goto FIXUPPARAMLIST;
            for (; !it.AtEnd(); it.MoveNext())
                Expr indir = it.Current();
                // this will splice the optional arguments into the list
                if (indir.Type is ParameterModifierType)
                    if (paramCount != 0)
                    ExprFactory.AppendItemToList(indir, ref newArgs, ref newArgsTail);
                else if (paramCount != 0)
                    if (paramCount == 1 && mp.isParamArray && argCount > mp.Params.Count)
                        // we arrived at the last formal, and we have more than one actual, so
                        // we need to put the rest in an array...
                        goto FIXUPPARAMLIST;
                    Expr argument = indir;
                    Expr rval;
                    if (argument is ExprNamedArgumentSpecification named)
                        int index = 0;
                        // If we're named, look for the type of the matching name.
                        foreach (Name i in mostDerivedMethod.ParameterNames)
                            if (i == named.Name)
                        Debug.Assert(index != mp.Params.Count);
                        CType substDestType = TypeManager.SubstType(@params[index], type, pTypeArgs);
                        // If we cant convert the argument and we're the param array argument, then deal with it.
                        if (!canConvert(named.Value, substDestType) &&
                            mp.isParamArray && index == mp.Params.Count - 1)
                            // We have a param array, but we're not at the end yet. This will happen
                            // with named arguments when the user specifies a name for the param array,
                            // and its not an actual array.
                            // For example:
                            // void Foo(int y, params int[] x);
                            // ...
                            // Foo(x:1, y:1);
                            CType arrayType = (ArrayType)TypeManager.SubstType(mp.Params[mp.Params.Count - 1], type, pTypeArgs);
                            // Use an EK_ARRINIT even in the empty case so empty param arrays in attributes work.
                            ExprArrayInit arrayInit = ExprFactory.CreateArrayInit(arrayType, null, null, s_zero);
                            arrayInit.GeneratedForParamArray = true;
                            arrayInit.OptionalArguments = named.Value;
                            named.Value = arrayInit;
                            bDontFixParamArray = true;
                            // Otherwise, force the conversion and get errors if needed.
                            named.Value = tryConvert(named.Value, substDestType);
                        rval = argument;
                        CType substDestType = TypeManager.SubstType(@params[iDst], type, pTypeArgs);
                        rval = tryConvert(indir, substDestType);
                    if (rval == null)
                        // the last arg failed to fix up, so it must fixup into the array element
                        // if we have a param array (we will be passing a 1 element array...)
                        if (mp.isParamArray && paramCount == 1 && argCount >= mp.Params.Count)
                            goto FIXUPPARAMLIST;
                            // This is either the error case that the args are of the wrong type,
                            // or that we have some optional arguments being used. Either way,
                            // we won't need to expand the param array.
                    Debug.Assert(rval != null);
                    indir = rval;
                    ExprFactory.AppendItemToList(rval, ref newArgs, ref newArgsTail);
                // note that destype might not be valid if we are in varargs, but then we won't ever use it...
                if (paramCount != 0 && mp.isParamArray && iDst == argCount)
                    // we run out of actuals, but we still have formals, so this is an empty array being passed
                    // into the last param...
                    indir = null;
                    goto FIXUPPARAMLIST;
            if (bDontFixParamArray)
                // We've already fixed the param array for named arguments.
            // we need to create an array and put it as the last arg...
            CType substitutedArrayType = TypeManager.SubstType(mp.Params[mp.Params.Count - 1], type, pTypeArgs);
            if (!(substitutedArrayType is ArrayType subArr) || !subArr.IsSZArray)
                // Invalid type for params array parameter. Happens in LAF scenarios, e.g.
                // void Foo(int i, params int ar = null) { }
                // ...
                // Foo(1);
            CType elementType = subArr.ElementType;
            // Use an EK_ARRINIT even in the empty case so empty param arrays in attributes work.
            ExprArrayInit exprArrayInit = ExprFactory.CreateArrayInit(substitutedArrayType, null, null, s_zero);
            exprArrayInit.GeneratedForParamArray = true;
            if (it.AtEnd())
                exprArrayInit.DimensionSizes[0] = 0;
                exprArrayInit.OptionalArguments = null;
                if (argsPtr == null)
                    argsPtr = exprArrayInit;
                    argsPtr = ExprFactory.CreateList(argsPtr, exprArrayInit);
                ExprFactory.AppendItemToList(exprArrayInit, ref newArgs, ref newArgsTail);
                // Go through the list - for each argument, do the conversion and append it to the new list.
                Expr newList = null;
                Expr newListTail = null;
                int count = 0;
                for (; !it.AtEnd(); it.MoveNext())
                    Expr expr = it.Current();
                    if (expr is ExprNamedArgumentSpecification named)
                        named.Value = tryConvert(named.Value, elementType);
                        expr = tryConvert(expr, elementType);
                    ExprFactory.AppendItemToList(expr, ref newList, ref newListTail);
                exprArrayInit.DimensionSizes[0] = count;
                exprArrayInit.OptionalArguments = newList;
                ExprFactory.AppendItemToList(exprArrayInit, ref newArgs, ref newArgsTail);
        private static ReadOnlySpan<PredefinedType> RgptIntOp =>
        internal CType ChooseArrayIndexType(Expr args)
            // first, select the allowable types
            foreach (PredefinedType predef in RgptIntOp)
                CType type = GetPredefindType(predef);
                foreach (Expr arg in args.ToEnumerable())
                    if (!canConvert(arg, type))
                        goto NEXTI;
                return type;
            // Provide better error message in attempting cast to int.
            return GetPredefindType(PredefinedType.PT_INT);
        internal static void FillInArgInfoFromArgList(ArgInfos argInfo, Expr args)
            CType[] prgtype = new CType[argInfo.carg];
            argInfo.prgexpr = new List<Expr>();
            int iarg = 0;
            for (Expr list = args; list != null; iarg++)
                Expr arg;
                if (list is ExprList next)
                    arg = next.OptionalElement;
                    list = next.OptionalNextListNode;
                    arg = list;
                    list = null;
                Debug.Assert(arg != null);
                Debug.Assert(arg.Type != null);
                prgtype[iarg] = arg.Type;
            Debug.Assert(iarg <= argInfo.carg);
            argInfo.types = TypeArray.Allocate(prgtype);
        private static bool TryGetExpandedParams(TypeArray @params, int count, out TypeArray ppExpandedParams)
            CType[] prgtype;
            if (count < @params.Count - 1)
                // The user has specified less arguments than our parameters, but we still
                // need to return our set of types without the param array. This is in the
                // case that all the parameters are optional.
                prgtype = new CType[@params.Count - 1];
                @params.CopyItems(0, @params.Count - 1, prgtype);
                ppExpandedParams = TypeArray.Allocate(prgtype);
                return true;
            prgtype = new CType[count];
            @params.CopyItems(0, @params.Count - 1, prgtype);
            CType type = @params[@params.Count - 1];
            if (!(type is ArrayType arr))
                ppExpandedParams = null;
                // If we don't have an array sym, we don't have expanded parameters.
                return false;
            // At this point, we have an array sym.
            CType elementType = arr.ElementType;
            for (int itype = @params.Count - 1; itype < count; itype++)
                prgtype[itype] = elementType;
            ppExpandedParams = TypeArray.Allocate(prgtype);
            return true;
        // Is the method/property callable. Not if it's an override or not user-callable.
        public static bool IsMethPropCallable(MethodOrPropertySymbol sym, bool requireUC)
            // The hide-by-pName option for binding other languages takes precedence over general
            // rules of not binding to overrides.
            return (!sym.isOverride || sym.isHideByName) && (!requireUC || sym.isUserCallable());
        private static bool IsConvInTable(List<UdConvInfo> convTable, MethodSymbol meth, AggregateType ats, bool fSrc, bool fDst)
            foreach (UdConvInfo conv in convTable)
                if (conv.Meth.Meth() == meth &&
                    conv.Meth.GetType() == ats &&
                    conv.SrcImplicit == fSrc &&
                    conv.DstImplicit == fDst)
                    return true;
            return false;
        // Check to see if an integral constant is within range of a integral
        // destination type.
        private static bool isConstantInRange(ExprConstant exprSrc, CType typeDest)
            return isConstantInRange(exprSrc, typeDest, false);
        private static bool isConstantInRange(ExprConstant exprSrc, CType typeDest, bool realsOk)
            FUNDTYPE ftSrc = exprSrc.Type.FundamentalType;
            FUNDTYPE ftDest = typeDest.FundamentalType;
                if (!realsOk)
                    return false;
                else if (ftSrc > FUNDTYPE.FT_LASTNUMERIC || ftDest > FUNDTYPE.FT_LASTNUMERIC)
                    return false;
            // if converting to a float type, this always succeeds...
            if (ftDest > FUNDTYPE.FT_LASTINTEGRAL)
                return true;
            // if converting from float to an integral type, we need to check whether it fits
            if (ftSrc > FUNDTYPE.FT_LASTINTEGRAL)
                double dvalue = exprSrc.Val.DoubleVal;
                switch (ftDest)
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I1:
                        if (dvalue > -0x81 && dvalue < 0x80)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I2:
                        if (dvalue > -0x8001 && dvalue < 0x8000)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I4:
                        if (dvalue > I64(-0x80000001) && dvalue < I64(0x80000000))
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I8:
                        // 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is rounded to 0x800000000000000000000 in 64 bit double precision
                        // floating point representation. The conversion back to ulong is not possible.
                        if (dvalue >= -9223372036854775808.0 && dvalue < 9223372036854775808.0)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U1:
                        if (dvalue > -1 && dvalue < 0x100)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U2:
                        if (dvalue > -1 && dvalue < 0x10000)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U4:
                        if (dvalue > -1 && dvalue < I64(0x100000000))
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U8:
                        // 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is rounded to 0x100000000000000000000 in 64 bit double precision
                        // floating point representation. The conversion back to ulong is not possible.
                        if (dvalue > -1.0 && dvalue < 18446744073709551616.0)
                            return true;
                return false;
            // U8 src is unsigned, so deal with values > MAX_LONG here.
            if (ftSrc == FUNDTYPE.FT_U8)
                ulong value = exprSrc.UInt64Value;
                switch (ftDest)
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I1:
                        if (value <= (ulong)sbyte.MaxValue)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I2:
                        if (value <= (ulong)short.MaxValue)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I4:
                        if (value <= int.MaxValue)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I8:
                        if (value <= long.MaxValue)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U1:
                        if (value <= byte.MaxValue)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U2:
                        if (value <= ushort.MaxValue)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U4:
                        if (value <= uint.MaxValue)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U8:
                        return true;
                long value = exprSrc.Int64Value;
                switch (ftDest)
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I1:
                        if (value >= -128 && value <= 127)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I2:
                        if (value >= -0x8000 && value <= 0x7fff)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I4:
                        if (value >= I64(-0x80000000) && value <= I64(0x7fffffff))
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_I8:
                        return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U1:
                        if (value >= 0 && value <= 0xff)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U2:
                        if (value >= 0 && value <= 0xffff)
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U4:
                        if (value >= 0 && value <= I64(0xffffffff))
                            return true;
                    case FUNDTYPE.FT_U8:
                        if (value >= 0)
                            return true;
            return false;
        private static ReadOnlySpan<PredefinedName> EK2NAME =>
        private static Name ExpressionKindName(ExpressionKind ek)
            Debug.Assert(ek >= ExpressionKind.FirstOp && (ek - ExpressionKind.FirstOp) < (int)EK2NAME.Length);
            return NameManager.GetPredefinedName(EK2NAME[ek - ExpressionKind.FirstOp]);
        private static void CheckUnsafe(CType type)
            if (type == null || type.IsUnsafe())
                throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_UnsafeNeeded);
        private AggregateSymbol ContextForMemberLookup => Context.ContextForMemberLookup;
        private static readonly int[] s_zero = new[] { 0 };
        private static ExprWrap WrapShortLivedExpression(Expr expr) => ExprFactory.CreateWrap(expr);
        private static ExprAssignment GenerateOptimizedAssignment(Expr op1, Expr op2) => ExprFactory.CreateAssignment(op1, op2);
        internal static int CountArguments(Expr args)
            int carg = 0;
            for (Expr list = args; list != null; carg++)
                Expr arg;
                if (list is ExprList next)
                    arg = next.OptionalElement;
                    list = next.OptionalNextListNode;
                    arg = list;
                    list = null;
                Debug.Assert(arg != null);
            return carg;