File: Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\Symbols\MethodSymbol.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\Microsoft.CSharp\src\Microsoft.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Syntax;
namespace Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Semantics
    // MethodSymbol - a symbol representing a method. Parent is a struct, interface
    // or class (aggregate). No children.
    internal sealed class MethodSymbol : MethodOrPropertySymbol
        private MethodKindEnum _methKind; // An extra bit to prevent sign-extension
        private bool _inferenceMustFail; // Inference must fail if there are no type variables or if
        private bool _checkedInfMustFail; // there is a type variable used in no parameter.
        private MethodSymbol _convNext; // For linked list of conversion operators.
        private PropertySymbol _prop;     // For property accessors, this is the PropertySymbol.
        private EventSymbol _evt;     // For event accessors, this is the EventSymbol.
        public bool isVirtual;              // Virtual member?
        public MemberInfo AssociatedMemberInfo;
        public TypeArray typeVars;          // All the type variables for a generic method, as declarations.
        // If there is a type variable in the method which is used in no parameter,
        // then inference must fail. Since this is expensive to check, we cache
        // the result of the first call.
        public bool InferenceMustFail()
            if (_checkedInfMustFail)
                return _inferenceMustFail;
            _checkedInfMustFail = true;
            for (int ivar = 0; ivar < typeVars.Count; ivar++)
                TypeParameterType var = (TypeParameterType)typeVars[ivar];
                // See if type var is used in a parameter.
                for (int ipar = 0; ; ipar++)
                    if (ipar >= Params.Count)
                        // This type variable is not in any parameter.
                        _inferenceMustFail = true;
                        return true;
                    if (TypeManager.TypeContainsType(Params[ipar], var))
            // All type variables are used in a parameter.
            return false;
        public MethodKindEnum MethKind => _methKind;
        public bool IsConstructor()
            return _methKind == MethodKindEnum.Constructor;
        public bool IsNullableConstructor()
            return getClass().isPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_G_OPTIONAL) &&
                Params.Count == 1 &&
                Params[0] is TypeParameterType &&
        public bool isPropertyAccessor()  // true if this method is a property set or get method
            return _methKind == MethodKindEnum.PropAccessor;
        public bool isEventAccessor()     // true if this method is an event add/remove method
            return _methKind == MethodKindEnum.EventAccessor;
        public bool isImplicit()          // is user defined implicit conversion operator
            return _methKind == MethodKindEnum.ImplicitConv;
        public void SetMethKind(MethodKindEnum mk)
            _methKind = mk;
        public MethodSymbol ConvNext()
            return _convNext;
        public void SetConvNext(MethodSymbol conv)
            _convNext = conv;
        public PropertySymbol getProperty()
            return _prop;
        public void SetProperty(PropertySymbol prop)
            _prop = prop;
        public EventSymbol getEvent()
            return _evt;
        public void SetEvent(EventSymbol evt)
            _evt = evt;
        private void AssertIsConversionOperator()
            Debug.Assert(MethKind == MethodKindEnum.ExplicitConv || MethKind == MethodKindEnum.ImplicitConv);
        public new bool isUserCallable()
            return !isOperator && !isAnyAccessor();
        private bool isAnyAccessor()
            return isPropertyAccessor() || isEventAccessor();
         * returns true if this property is a set accessor
        public bool isSetAccessor()
            if (!isPropertyAccessor())
                return false;
            PropertySymbol property = getProperty();
            if (property == null)
                Debug.Fail("cannot find property for accessor");
                return false;
            return (this == property.SetterMethod);