File: Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\Tree\ExpressionIterator.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\Microsoft.CSharp\src\Microsoft.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Semantics
    // ExpressionIterator is an iterator for EXPRLISTs, designed to be used
    // in the following way:
    //     for (ExpressionIterator it(list); !it.AtEnd(); it.MoveNext())
    //     {
    //         EXPR expr = it.Current();
    //         ...
    //         ... // work with expr
    //     }
    // The constructor takes an EXPR which can point to either an EXPRLIST
    // or a non-list EXPR, or nothing.
    // Upon construction, the iterator's current element is the first element
    // in the list, which is to say it's not necessary to call MoveNext
    // before usage. AtEnd is true iff the iterator's current element is
    // beyond the last element of the list. These semantics differ from
    // IEnumerator in the framework, but are natural for usage in the C++
    // for-loop as above.
    // Outside of a for loop, usage might look like this:
    //     ExpressionIterator it(list);
    //     EXPR expr1 = it.Current();
    //     it.MoveNext();
    //     EXPR expr2 = it.Current();
    //     it.MoveNext();
    //     EXPR expr3 = it.Current();
    //     it.MoveNext();
    // This would get the first three elements in a list. Also available is the
    // static Count:
    //     int n = ExpressionIterator::Count(list);
    internal sealed class ExpressionIterator
        public ExpressionIterator(Expr pExpr) { Init(pExpr); }
        public bool AtEnd() { return _pCurrent == null && _pList == null; }
        public Expr Current() { return _pCurrent; }
        public void MoveNext()
            if (AtEnd())
            else if (_pList == null)
                _pCurrent = null;
        public static int Count(Expr pExpr)
            int c = 0;
            for (ExpressionIterator it = new ExpressionIterator(pExpr); !it.AtEnd(); it.MoveNext())
            return c;
        private ExprList _pList;
        private Expr _pCurrent;
        private void Init(Expr pExpr)
            if (pExpr == null)
                _pList = null;
                _pCurrent = null;
            else if (pExpr is ExprList pList)
                _pList = pList;
                _pCurrent = pList.OptionalElement;
                _pList = null;
                _pCurrent = pExpr;