// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Errors;
using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Syntax;
namespace Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Semantics
internal enum ConvKind
Identity = 1, // Identity conversion
Implicit = 2, // Implicit conversion
Explicit = 3, // Explicit conversion
Unknown = 4, // Unknown so call canConvert
None = 5, // None
// Flags for bindImplicitConversion/bindExplicitConversion
internal enum CONVERTTYPE
NOUDC = 0x01, // Do not consider user defined conversions.
STANDARD = 0x02, // standard only, but never pass it in, used only to check...
ISEXPLICIT = 0x04, // implicit conversion is really explicit
CHECKOVERFLOW = 0x08, // check overflow (like in a checked context).
FORCECAST = 0x10, // Do not optimize out the cast
STANDARDANDNOUDC = 0x03, // pass this in if you mean standard conversions only
internal enum BetterType
Same = 0,
Left = 1,
Right = 2,
Neither = 3,
internal readonly partial struct ExpressionBinder
private delegate bool ConversionFunc(
Expr pSourceExpr,
CType pSourceType,
CType pDestinationType,
bool needsExprDest,
out Expr ppDestinationExpr,
private static void RoundToFloat(double d, out float f)
f = (float)d;
private static long I64(long x) { return x; }
private static long I64(ulong x) { return (long)x; }
// 13.1.2 Implicit numeric conversions
// The implicit numeric conversions are:
// * From sbyte to short, int, long, float, double, or decimal.
// * From byte to short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, or decimal.
// * From short to int, long, float, double, or decimal.
// * From ushort to int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, or decimal.
// * From int to long, float, double, or decimal.
// * From uint to long, ulong, float, double, or decimal.
// * From long to float, double, or decimal.
// * From ulong to float, double, or decimal.
// * From char to ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, or decimal.
// * From float to double.
// Conversions from int, uint, long or ulong to float and from long or ulong to double can cause a
// loss of precision, but will never cause a loss of magnitude. The other implicit numeric
// conversions never lose any information.
// There are no implicit conversions to the char type, so values of the other integral types do not
// automatically convert to the char type.
// 13.2.1 Explicit numeric conversions
// The explicit numeric conversions are the conversions from a numeric-type to another numeric-type
// for which an implicit numeric conversion (13.1.2) does not already exist:
// * From sbyte to byte, ushort, uint, ulong, or char.
// * From byte to sbyte or char.
// * From short to sbyte, byte, ushort, uint, ulong, or char.
// * From ushort to sbyte, byte, short, or char.
// * From int to sbyte, byte, short, ushort, uint, ulong, or char.
// * From uint to sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, or char.
// * From long to sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, ulong, or char.
// * From ulong to sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, or char.
// * From char to sbyte, byte, or short.
// * From float to sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, or decimal.
// * From double to sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, or decimal.
// * From decimal to sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, or double.
private const byte ID = (byte)ConvKind.Identity; // 0x01
private const byte IMP = (byte)ConvKind.Implicit; // 0x02
private const byte EXP = (byte)ConvKind.Explicit; // 0x03
private const byte NO = (byte)ConvKind.None; // 0x05
private const byte CONV_KIND_MASK = 0x0F;
private const byte UDC = 0x40;
private const byte XUD = EXP | UDC;
private const byte IUD = IMP | UDC;
private static readonly byte[][] s_simpleTypeConversions =
/* from */
new byte[] /* BYTE */ { ID, IMP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IUD, EXP, NO, EXP, IMP, IMP, IMP },
new byte[] /* I2 */ { EXP, ID, IMP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IUD, EXP, NO, EXP, EXP, EXP, EXP },
new byte[] /* I4 */ { EXP, EXP, ID, IMP, IMP, IMP, IUD, EXP, NO, EXP, EXP, EXP, EXP },
new byte[] /* I8 */ { EXP, EXP, EXP, ID, IMP, IMP, IUD, EXP, NO, EXP, EXP, EXP, EXP },
new byte[] /* FLT */ { EXP, EXP, EXP, EXP, ID, IMP, XUD, EXP, NO, EXP, EXP, EXP, EXP },
new byte[] /* DBL */ { EXP, EXP, EXP, EXP, EXP, ID, XUD, EXP, NO, EXP, EXP, EXP, EXP },
new byte[] /* DEC */ { XUD, XUD, XUD, XUD, XUD, XUD, ID, XUD, NO, XUD, XUD, XUD, XUD },
new byte[] /* CHAR */ { EXP, EXP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IUD, ID, NO, EXP, IMP, IMP, IMP },
new byte[] /* BOOL */ { NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, ID, NO, NO, NO, NO },
new byte[] /*SBYTE */ { EXP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IUD, EXP, NO, ID, EXP, EXP, EXP },
new byte[] /* U2 */ { EXP, EXP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IUD, EXP, NO, EXP, ID, IMP, IMP },
new byte[] /* U4 */ { EXP, EXP, EXP, IMP, IMP, IMP, IUD, EXP, NO, EXP, EXP, ID, IMP },
new byte[] /* U8 */ { EXP, EXP, EXP, EXP, IMP, IMP, IUD, EXP, NO, EXP, EXP, EXP, ID },
private const int NUM_SIMPLE_TYPES = (int)PredefinedType.PT_ULONG + 1;
private const int NUM_EXT_TYPES = (int)PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT + 1;
private static ConvKind GetConvKind(PredefinedType ptSrc, PredefinedType ptDst)
if ((int)ptSrc < NUM_SIMPLE_TYPES && (int)ptDst < NUM_SIMPLE_TYPES)
return (ConvKind)(s_simpleTypeConversions[(int)ptSrc][(int)ptDst] & CONV_KIND_MASK);
if (ptSrc == ptDst || ptDst == PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT && ptSrc < PredefinedType.PT_COUNT)
return ConvKind.Implicit;
if (ptSrc == PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT && ptDst < PredefinedType.PT_COUNT)
return ConvKind.Explicit;
return ConvKind.Unknown;
private static bool isUserDefinedConversion(PredefinedType ptSrc, PredefinedType ptDst)
if ((int)ptSrc < NUM_SIMPLE_TYPES && (int)ptDst < NUM_SIMPLE_TYPES)
return 0 != (s_simpleTypeConversions[(int)ptSrc][(int)ptDst] & UDC);
return false;
// Better conversion
// Given an implicit conversion C1 that converts from a type S to a type T1, and an implicit
// conversion C2 that converts from a type S to a type T2, the better conversion of the two
// conversions is determined as follows:
// * If T1 and T2 are the same type, neither conversion is better.
// * If S is T1, C1 is the better conversion.
// * If S is T2, C2 is the better conversion.
// * If an implicit conversion from T1 to T2 exists, and no implicit conversion from T2 to T1
// exists, C1 is the better conversion.
// * If an implicit conversion from T2 to T1 exists, and no implicit conversion from T1 to T2
// exists, C2 is the better conversion.
// * If T1 is sbyte and T2 is byte, ushort, uint, or ulong, C1 is the better conversion.
// * If T2 is sbyte and T1 is byte, ushort, uint, or ulong, C2 is the better conversion.
// * If T1 is short and T2 is ushort, uint, or ulong, C1 is the better conversion.
// * If T2 is short and T1 is ushort, uint, or ulong, C2 is the better conversion.
// * If T1 is int and T2 is uint, or ulong, C1 is the better conversion.
// * If T2 is int and T1 is uint, or ulong, C2 is the better conversion.
// * If T1 is long and T2 is ulong, C1 is the better conversion.
// * If T2 is long and T1 is ulong, C2 is the better conversion.
// * Otherwise, neither conversion is better.
// If an implicit conversion C1 is defined by these rules to be a better conversion than an
// implicit conversion C2, then it is also the case that C2 is a worse conversion than C1.
private const byte same = (byte)BetterType.Same;
private const byte left = (byte)BetterType.Left;
private const byte right = (byte)BetterType.Right;
private const byte neither = (byte)BetterType.Neither;
private static readonly byte[][] s_simpleTypeBetter =
new byte[] /* BYTE */ { same, left, left, left, left, left, left, neither, neither, right, left, left, left, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* SHORT */ { right, same, left, left, left, left, left, neither, neither, right, left, left, left, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* INT */ { right, right, same, left, left, left, left, right, neither, right, right, left, left, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* LONG */ { right, right, right, same, left, left, left, right, neither, right, right, right, left, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* FLOAT */ { right, right, right, right, same, left, neither, right, neither, right, right, right, right, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* DOUBLE */ { right, right, right, right, right, same, neither, right, neither, right, right, right, right, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* DECIMAL*/ { right, right, right, right, neither, neither, same, right, neither, right, right, right, right, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* CHAR */ { neither, neither, left, left, left, left, left, same, neither, neither, left, left, left, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* BOOL */ { neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, same, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* SBYTE */ { left, left, left, left, left, left, left, neither, neither, same, left, left, left, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* USHORT */ { right, right, left, left, left, left, left, right, neither, right, same, left, left, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* UINT */ { right, right, right, left, left, left, left, right, neither, right, right, same, left, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* ULONG */ { right, right, right, right, left, left, left, right, neither, right, right, right, same, neither, neither, left },
new byte[] /* IPTR */ { neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, same, neither, left },
new byte[] /* UIPTR */ { neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, neither, same, left },
new byte[] /* OBJECT */ { right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, same }
private static volatile bool s_fCheckedBetter;
private void CheckBetterTable()
if (s_fCheckedBetter)
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_EXT_TYPES; i++)
Debug.Assert(s_simpleTypeBetter[i][i] == same);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
Debug.Assert(s_simpleTypeBetter[i][j] != same && s_simpleTypeBetter[j][i] != same);
(s_simpleTypeBetter[i][j] == left && s_simpleTypeBetter[j][i] == right) ||
(s_simpleTypeBetter[i][j] == right && s_simpleTypeBetter[j][i] == left) ||
(s_simpleTypeBetter[i][j] == neither && s_simpleTypeBetter[j][i] == neither));
GetPredefindType((PredefinedType)i) == null ||
GetPredefindType((PredefinedType)j) == null ||
(!canConvert(GetPredefindType((PredefinedType)i), GetPredefindType((PredefinedType)j), CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC) || s_simpleTypeBetter[i][j] == left) &&
(!canConvert(GetPredefindType((PredefinedType)j), GetPredefindType((PredefinedType)i), CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC) || s_simpleTypeBetter[j][i] == left));
s_fCheckedBetter = true;
#endif // DEBUG
#pragma warning disable CA1822
private BetterType WhichSimpleConversionIsBetter(PredefinedType pt1, PredefinedType pt2)
#endif // DEBUG
Debug.Assert((int)pt1 < NUM_EXT_TYPES);
Debug.Assert((int)pt2 < NUM_EXT_TYPES);
return (BetterType)s_simpleTypeBetter[(int)pt1][(int)pt2];
#pragma warning restore CA1822
Determined which conversion to a predefined type is better relative to a given type. It is
assumed that the given type is implicitly convertible to both of the predefined types
(possibly via a user defined conversion, method group conversion, etc).
private BetterType WhichTypeIsBetter(PredefinedType pt1, PredefinedType pt2, CType typeGiven)
if (pt1 == pt2)
return BetterType.Same;
if (typeGiven.IsPredefType(pt1))
return BetterType.Left;
if (typeGiven.IsPredefType(pt2))
return BetterType.Right;
if ((int)pt1 < NUM_EXT_TYPES && (int)pt2 < NUM_EXT_TYPES)
return WhichSimpleConversionIsBetter(pt1, pt2);
if (pt2 == PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT && pt1 < PredefinedType.PT_COUNT)
return BetterType.Left;
if (pt1 == PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT && pt2 < PredefinedType.PT_COUNT)
return BetterType.Right;
return WhichTypeIsBetter(GetPredefindType(pt1), GetPredefindType(pt2), typeGiven);
Determined which conversion is better relative to a given type. It is assumed that the given type
(or its associated expression) is implicitly convertible to both of the types (possibly via
a user defined conversion, method group conversion, etc).
private BetterType WhichTypeIsBetter(CType type1, CType type2, CType typeGiven)
Debug.Assert(type1 != null && type2 != null);
if (type1 == type2)
return BetterType.Same;
if (typeGiven == type1)
return BetterType.Left;
if (typeGiven == type2)
return BetterType.Right;
bool f12 = canConvert(type1, type2);
bool f21 = canConvert(type2, type1);
if (f12 != f21)
return f12 ? BetterType.Left : BetterType.Right;
if (!(type1 is NullableType nub1) || !(type2 is NullableType nub2) ||
!nub1.UnderlyingType.IsPredefined ||
return BetterType.Neither;
PredefinedType pt1 = (type1 as NullableType).UnderlyingType.PredefinedType;
PredefinedType pt2 = (type2 as NullableType).UnderlyingType.PredefinedType;
if ((int)pt1 < NUM_EXT_TYPES && (int)pt2 < NUM_EXT_TYPES)
return WhichSimpleConversionIsBetter(pt1, pt2);
return BetterType.Neither;
// returns true if an implicit conversion exists from source type to dest type. flags is an optional parameter.
private bool canConvert(CType src, CType dest, CONVERTTYPE flags) => BindImplicitConversion(null, src, dest, flags);
public bool canConvert(CType src, CType dest) => canConvert(src, dest, 0);
// returns true if a implicit conversion exists from source expr to dest type. flags is an optional parameter.
private bool canConvert(Expr expr, CType dest) => canConvert(expr, dest, 0);
private bool canConvert(Expr expr, CType dest, CONVERTTYPE flags) =>
BindImplicitConversion(expr, expr.Type, dest, flags);
// performs an implicit conversion if it's possible. otherwise displays an error. flags is an optional parameter.
private Expr mustConvertCore(Expr expr, CType destExpr) => mustConvertCore(expr, destExpr, 0);
private Expr mustConvertCore(Expr expr, CType dest, CONVERTTYPE flags)
Debug.Assert(!(expr is ExprMemberGroup));
if (BindImplicitConversion(expr, expr.Type, dest, out Expr exprResult, flags))
// Conversion works.
CheckUnsafe(expr.Type); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops
CheckUnsafe(dest); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops
return exprResult;
// don't report cascading error.
// For certain situations, try to give a better error.
FUNDTYPE ftSrc = expr.Type.FundamentalType;
FUNDTYPE ftDest = dest.FundamentalType;
if (expr is ExprConstant constant &&
expr.Type.IsSimpleType && dest.IsSimpleType)
if ((ftSrc == FUNDTYPE.FT_I4 && (ftDest <= FUNDTYPE.FT_LASTNONLONG || ftDest == FUNDTYPE.FT_U8)) ||
(ftSrc == FUNDTYPE.FT_I8 && ftDest == FUNDTYPE.FT_U8))
// Failed because value was out of range. Report nifty error message.
string value = constant.Int64Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_ConstOutOfRange, value, dest);
if (expr.Type is NullType && dest.FundamentalType != FUNDTYPE.FT_REF)
throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_ValueCantBeNull, dest);
// canCast => can't convert, but explicit exists and can be specified by the user (no anonymous types).
// !canCast => Generic "can't convert" error.
throw ErrorHandling.Error(canCast(expr.Type, dest, flags) ? ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast : ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConv, new ErrArg(expr.Type, ErrArgFlags.Unique), new ErrArg(dest, ErrArgFlags.Unique));
// performs an implicit conversion if its possible. otherwise returns null. flags is an optional parameter.
// Only call this if you are ALWAYS going to use the returned result (and you're not just going to test and
// possibly throw away the result)
// If the conversion is possible it will modify an Anonymous Method expr thus changing results of
// future conversions. It will also produce possible binding errors for method groups.
public Expr tryConvert(Expr expr, CType dest)
return tryConvert(expr, dest, 0);
private Expr tryConvert(Expr expr, CType dest, CONVERTTYPE flags)
if (BindImplicitConversion(expr, expr.Type, dest, out Expr exprResult, flags))
CheckUnsafe(expr.Type); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops
CheckUnsafe(dest); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops
// Conversion works.
return exprResult;
return null;
public Expr mustConvert(Expr expr, CType dest) => mustConvert(expr, dest, (CONVERTTYPE)0);
private Expr mustConvert(Expr expr, CType dest, CONVERTTYPE flags) => mustConvertCore(expr, dest, flags);
// public bool canCast(Expr expr, CType dest)
// {
// EXPRCLASS destExpr = GetExprFactory().MakeClass(dest);
// return BindExplicitConversion(expr, expr.type, destExpr, dest, 0);
// }
// performs an explicit conversion if its possible. otherwise displays an error.
private Expr mustCastCore(Expr expr, CType dest, CONVERTTYPE flags)
Debug.Assert(!(expr is ExprMemberGroup));
Debug.Assert(dest != null);
if (BindExplicitConversion(expr, expr.Type, dest, out Expr exprResult, flags))
// Conversion works.
CheckUnsafe(expr.Type); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops
CheckUnsafe(dest); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops
return exprResult;
// For certain situations, try to give a better error.
Expr exprConst = expr.GetConst();
bool simpleConstToSimpleDestination = exprConst != null && expr.Type.IsSimpleOrEnum && dest.IsSimpleOrEnum;
if (simpleConstToSimpleDestination)
FUNDTYPE exprType = expr.Type.FundamentalType;
if (exprType == FUNDTYPE.FT_STRUCT)
// We have a constant decimal that is out of range of the destination type.
// In both checked and unchecked contexts we issue an error. No need to recheck conversion in unchecked context.
// Decimal is a SimpleType represented in a FT_STRUCT
throw ErrorHandling.Error(
((ExprConstant)exprConst).Val.DecimalVal.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), dest);
if (Context.Checked)
// check if we failed because we are in checked mode...
if (!CanExplicitConversionBeBoundInUncheckedContext(expr, expr.Type, dest, flags | CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC))
throw CantConvert(expr, dest);
// Failed because value was out of range. Report nifty error message.
string value;
switch (exprType)
value = ((ulong)((ExprConstant)exprConst).Int64Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
value = ((ExprConstant)exprConst).Int64Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Debug.Assert(exprType <= FUNDTYPE.FT_LASTNUMERIC, "Error in constant conversion logic!");
value = ((ExprConstant)exprConst).Val.DoubleVal.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_ConstOutOfRangeChecked, value, dest);
if (expr.Type is NullType && dest.FundamentalType != FUNDTYPE.FT_REF)
throw ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_ValueCantBeNull, dest);
throw CantConvert(expr, dest);
private static RuntimeBinderException CantConvert(Expr expr, CType dest)
// Generic "can't convert" error.
Debug.Assert(expr.Type != null);
return ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv, new ErrArg(expr.Type, ErrArgFlags.Unique), new ErrArg(dest, ErrArgFlags.Unique));
public Expr mustCast(Expr expr, CType dest) => mustCast(expr, dest, 0);
public Expr mustCast(Expr expr, CType dest, CONVERTTYPE flags) => mustCastCore(expr, dest, flags);
private Expr MustCastInUncheckedContext(Expr expr, CType dest, CONVERTTYPE flags) =>
new ExpressionBinder(new BindingContext(Context)).mustCast(expr, dest, flags);
// returns true if an explicit conversion exists from source type to dest type. flags is an optional parameter.
private bool canCast(CType src, CType dest, CONVERTTYPE flags) => BindExplicitConversion(null, src, dest, flags);
private bool BindImplicitConversion(Expr pSourceExpr, CType pSourceType, CType destinationType, CONVERTTYPE flags)
ImplicitConversion binder = new ImplicitConversion(this, pSourceExpr, pSourceType, destinationType, false, flags);
return binder.Bind();
private bool BindImplicitConversion(Expr pSourceExpr, CType pSourceType, CType destinationType, out Expr ppDestinationExpr, CONVERTTYPE flags)
ImplicitConversion binder = new ImplicitConversion(this, pSourceExpr, pSourceType, destinationType, true, flags);
bool result = binder.Bind();
ppDestinationExpr = binder.ExprDest;
return result;
private bool BindImplicitConversion(Expr pSourceExpr, CType pSourceType, CType destinationType, bool needsExprDest, out Expr ppDestinationExpr, CONVERTTYPE flags)
ImplicitConversion binder = new ImplicitConversion(this, pSourceExpr, pSourceType, destinationType, needsExprDest, flags);
bool result = binder.Bind();
ppDestinationExpr = needsExprDest ? binder.ExprDest : null;
return result;
private bool BindExplicitConversion(Expr pSourceExpr, CType pSourceType, CType destinationType, bool needsExprDest, out Expr ppDestinationExpr, CONVERTTYPE flags)
ExplicitConversion binder = new ExplicitConversion(this, pSourceExpr, pSourceType, destinationType, needsExprDest, flags);
bool result = binder.Bind();
ppDestinationExpr = needsExprDest ? binder.ExprDest : null;
return result;
private bool BindExplicitConversion(Expr pSourceExpr, CType pSourceType, CType destinationType, out Expr ppDestinationExpr, CONVERTTYPE flags)
ExplicitConversion binder = new ExplicitConversion(this, pSourceExpr, pSourceType, destinationType, true, flags);
bool result = binder.Bind();
ppDestinationExpr = binder.ExprDest;
return result;
private bool BindExplicitConversion(Expr pSourceExpr, CType pSourceType, CType destinationType, CONVERTTYPE flags)
ExplicitConversion binder = new ExplicitConversion(this, pSourceExpr, pSourceType, destinationType, false, flags);
return binder.Bind();
Binds a user-defined conversion. The parameters to this procedure are the same as
BindImplicitConversion, except the last: implicitOnly - only consider implicit conversions.
This is a helper routine for BindImplicitConversion and BindExplicitConversion.
It's non trivial to get this right in the presence of generics. e.g.
class D<B,C> {
static implicit operator B (D<B,C> x) { ... }
class E<A> : D<List<A>, A> { }
E<int> x;
List<int> y = x;
The locals below would have the following values:
typeList->sym: D<List<A>, A>
typeCur: E<int>
typeConv = subst(typeList->sym, typeCur)
= subst(D<List<!0>, !0>, <int>) = D<List<int>, int>
retType: B
typeTo = subst(retType, typeConv)
= subst(!0, <List<int>, int>) = List<int>
params->Item(0): D<B,C>
typeFrom = subst(params->Item(0), typeConv)
= subst(D<!0,!1>, <List<int>, int>)
= D<List<int>, int> = typeConv
For lifting over nullable:
* Look in the most base types for the conversions (not in System.Nullable).
* We only lift if both the source type and destination type are nullable and the input
or output of the conversion is not a nullable.
* When we lift we count the number of types (0, 1, 2) that need to be lifted.
A conversion that needs fewer lifts is better than one that requires more (if the lifted
forms have identical signatures).
private bool bindUserDefinedConversion(Expr exprSrc, CType typeSrc, CType typeDst, bool needExprDest, out Expr pexprDst, bool fImplicitOnly)
pexprDst = null;
Debug.Assert(exprSrc == null || exprSrc.Type == typeSrc);
// If either type is an interface we should never employ a UD conversion.
if (typeSrc == null || typeDst == null || typeSrc.IsInterfaceType || typeDst.IsInterfaceType)
return false;
CType typeSrcBase = typeSrc.StripNubs();
CType typeDstBase = typeDst.StripNubs();
// Whether we should consider lifted (over nullable) operators. This is
// true exactly when both the source and destination types are nullable.
bool fLiftSrc = typeSrcBase != typeSrc;
bool fLiftDst = typeDstBase != typeDst;
bool fDstHasNull = fLiftDst || typeDst.IsReferenceType || typeDst is PointerType;
AggregateType[] rgats = new AggregateType[2];
int cats = 0;
// This will be true if it must be the case that either the operator is implicit
// or the from-type of the operator must be the same as the source type.
// This is true when the source type is a type variable.
bool fImplicitOrExactSrc = fImplicitOnly;
// This flag will be true if we should ignore the IntPtr/UIntPtr -> int/uint conversion
// in favor of the IntPtr/UIntPtr -> long/ulong conversion.
bool fIntPtrOverride2 = false;
// Get the list of operators from the source.
if (typeSrcBase is AggregateType atSrcBase && atSrcBase.OwningAggregate.HasConversion())
rgats[cats++] = atSrcBase;
fIntPtrOverride2 = atSrcBase.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_INTPTR) || atSrcBase.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_UINTPTR);
// Get the list of operators from the destination.
if (typeDstBase is AggregateType atDstBase)
if (atDstBase.OwningAggregate.HasConversion())
rgats[cats++] = atDstBase;
if (fIntPtrOverride2 && !typeDstBase.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_LONG) && !typeDstBase.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_ULONG))
fIntPtrOverride2 = false;
fIntPtrOverride2 = false;
// If there are no user defined conversions, we're done.
if (cats == 0)
return false;
List<UdConvInfo> prguci = new List<UdConvInfo>();
CType typeBestSrc = null;
CType typeBestDst = null;
bool fBestSrcExact = false;
bool fBestDstExact = false;
int iuciBestSrc = -1;
int iuciBestDst = -1;
CType typeFrom;
CType typeTo;
// In the first pass if we find types that are non-comparable, keep one of the types and keep going.
for (int iats = 0; iats < cats; iats++)
for (AggregateType atsCur = rgats[iats]; atsCur != null && atsCur.OwningAggregate.HasConversion(); atsCur = atsCur.BaseClass)
AggregateSymbol aggCur = atsCur.OwningAggregate;
// We need to replicate behavior that allows non-standard conversions with these guys.
PredefinedType aggPredefType = aggCur.GetPredefType();
bool fIntPtrStandard = (aggCur.IsPredefined() &&
(aggPredefType == PredefinedType.PT_INTPTR ||
aggPredefType == PredefinedType.PT_UINTPTR ||
aggPredefType == PredefinedType.PT_DECIMAL));
for (MethodSymbol convCur = aggCur.GetFirstUDConversion(); convCur != null; convCur = convCur.ConvNext())
if (convCur.Params.Count != 1)
// If we have a user-defined conversion that
// does not specify the correct number of parameters, we may
// still get here. At this point, we don't want to consider
// the broken conversion, so we simply skip it and move on.
Debug.Assert(convCur.getClass() == aggCur);
if (fImplicitOnly && !convCur.isImplicit())
// Get the substituted src and dst types.
typeFrom = TypeManager.SubstType(convCur.Params[0], atsCur);
typeTo = TypeManager.SubstType(convCur.RetType, atsCur);
bool fNeedImplicit = fImplicitOnly;
// If fImplicitOrExactSrc is set then it must be the case that either the conversion
// is implicit or the from-type must be the src type (modulo nullables).
if (fImplicitOrExactSrc && !fNeedImplicit && typeFrom.StripNubs() != typeSrcBase)
if (!convCur.isImplicit())
fNeedImplicit = true;
if ((ftTo = typeTo.FundamentalType) <= FUNDTYPE.FT_LASTNUMERIC && ftTo > FUNDTYPE.FT_NONE &&
(ftFrom = typeFrom.FundamentalType) <= FUNDTYPE.FT_LASTNUMERIC && ftFrom > FUNDTYPE.FT_NONE)
// Ignore the IntPtr/UIntPtr -> int/uint conversion in favor of
// the IntPtr/UIntPtr -> long/ulong conversion.
if (fIntPtrOverride2 && (typeTo.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_INT) || typeTo.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_UINT)))
// Lift the conversion if needed.
if (fLiftSrc && (fDstHasNull || !fNeedImplicit) && typeFrom.IsNonNullableValueType)
typeFrom = TypeManager.GetNullable(typeFrom);
if (fLiftDst && typeTo.IsNonNullableValueType)
typeTo = TypeManager.GetNullable(typeTo);
// Check for applicability.
bool fFromImplicit = exprSrc != null ? canConvert(exprSrc, typeFrom, CONVERTTYPE.STANDARDANDNOUDC) : canConvert(typeSrc, typeFrom, CONVERTTYPE.STANDARDANDNOUDC);
if (!fFromImplicit && (fNeedImplicit ||
!canConvert(typeFrom, typeSrc, CONVERTTYPE.STANDARDANDNOUDC) &&
// We allow IntPtr and UIntPtr to use non-standard explicit casts as long as they don't involve pointer types.
// This is because the framework uses it and RTM allowed it.
(!fIntPtrStandard || typeSrc is PointerType || typeFrom is PointerType || !canCast(typeSrc, typeFrom, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC))))
bool fToImplicit = canConvert(typeTo, typeDst, CONVERTTYPE.STANDARDANDNOUDC);
if (!fToImplicit && (fNeedImplicit ||
!canConvert(typeDst, typeTo, CONVERTTYPE.STANDARDANDNOUDC) &&
// We allow IntPtr and UIntPtr to use non-standard explicit casts as long as they don't involve pointer types.
// This is because the framework uses it and RTM allowed it.
(!fIntPtrStandard || typeDst is PointerType || typeTo is PointerType || !canCast(typeTo, typeDst, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC))))
if (IsConvInTable(prguci, convCur, atsCur, fFromImplicit, fToImplicit))
// VSWhidbey 579325: duplicate conversions in the convInfo table cause false ambiguity:
// If a user defined implicit conversion exists in a generic base type,
// it is possible to reach that conversion from both Src and Dst types. In the following
// example, the same implicit conversion is found from both src and dst types.
// class A<T> { public static implicit operator B(A<T> a) { return a; } }
// class B : A<C> {}
// class C { void M () { B b = new A<C>(); } }
// Note that, this UD implicit conversion is legal. C#20.1.11:
// "If a pre-defined explicit conversion (Section 6.2) exists from type S to type T,
// any user-defined explicit conversions from S to T are ignored. However,
// user-defined implicit conversions from S to T are still considered."
// Also notice that this check is O(n2) in found UD conversions.
// The conversion is applicable so it affects the best types.
prguci.Add(new UdConvInfo(new MethWithType(convCur, atsCur), fFromImplicit, fToImplicit));
if (!fBestSrcExact)
if (typeFrom == typeSrc)
Debug.Assert((typeBestSrc == null) == (typeBestDst == null)); // If typeBestSrc is null then typeBestDst should be null.
typeBestSrc = typeFrom;
iuciBestSrc = prguci.Count - 1;
fBestSrcExact = true;
else if (typeBestSrc == null)
Debug.Assert(iuciBestSrc == -1);
typeBestSrc = typeFrom;
iuciBestSrc = prguci.Count - 1;
else if (typeBestSrc != typeFrom)
Debug.Assert(0 <= iuciBestSrc && iuciBestSrc < prguci.Count - 1);
int n = CompareSrcTypesBased(typeBestSrc, prguci[iuciBestSrc].SrcImplicit, typeFrom, fFromImplicit);
if (n > 0)
typeBestSrc = typeFrom;
iuciBestSrc = prguci.Count - 1;
if (!fBestDstExact)
if (typeTo == typeDst)
typeBestDst = typeTo;
iuciBestDst = prguci.Count - 1;
fBestDstExact = true;
else if (typeBestDst == null)
Debug.Assert(iuciBestDst == -1);
typeBestDst = typeTo;
iuciBestDst = prguci.Count - 1;
else if (typeBestDst != typeTo)
Debug.Assert(0 <= iuciBestDst && iuciBestDst < prguci.Count - 1);
int n = CompareDstTypesBased(typeBestDst, prguci[iuciBestDst].DstImplicit, typeTo, fToImplicit);
if (n > 0)
typeBestDst = typeTo;
iuciBestDst = prguci.Count - 1;
Debug.Assert((typeBestSrc == null) == (typeBestDst == null));
if (typeBestSrc == null)
Debug.Assert(iuciBestSrc == -1 && iuciBestDst == -1);
return false;
Debug.Assert(0 <= iuciBestSrc && iuciBestSrc < prguci.Count);
Debug.Assert(0 <= iuciBestDst && iuciBestDst < prguci.Count);
int ctypeLiftBest = 3; // Bigger than any legal value on purpose.
int iuciBest = -1;
int iuciAmbig = -1;
// In the second pass, we verify that the types we ended up with are indeed minimal and find the one valid conversion.
for (int iuci = 0; iuci < prguci.Count; iuci++)
UdConvInfo uci = prguci[iuci];
// Get the substituted src and dst types.
typeFrom = TypeManager.SubstType(uci.Meth.Meth().Params[0], uci.Meth.GetType());
typeTo = TypeManager.SubstType(uci.Meth.Meth().RetType, uci.Meth.GetType());
int ctypeLift = 0;
// Lift the conversion if needed.
if (fLiftSrc && typeFrom.IsNonNullableValueType)
typeFrom = TypeManager.GetNullable(typeFrom);
if (fLiftDst && typeTo.IsNonNullableValueType)
typeTo = TypeManager.GetNullable(typeTo);
if (typeFrom == typeBestSrc && typeTo == typeBestDst)
// Record the matching conversions.
if (ctypeLiftBest > ctypeLift)
// This one is better.
iuciBest = iuci;
iuciAmbig = -1;
ctypeLiftBest = ctypeLift;
if (ctypeLiftBest < ctypeLift)
// Current answer is better.
// Ambiguous at this lifting level. This only guarantees an error if the
// lifting level is zero.
if (iuciAmbig < 0)
iuciAmbig = iuci;
if (ctypeLift == 0)
// No point continuing. We have an error.
Debug.Assert(typeFrom != typeBestSrc || typeTo != typeBestDst);
// Verify that the best types are indeed best. Must NOT compare if the best type is exact.
// This is not just an efficiency issue. With nullables there are types that are implicitly
// convertible to each other (eg, int? and int??) and hence not distinguishable by CompareXxxTypesBase.
if (!fBestSrcExact && typeFrom != typeBestSrc)
int n = CompareSrcTypesBased(typeBestSrc, prguci[iuciBestSrc].SrcImplicit, typeFrom, uci.SrcImplicit);
Debug.Assert(n <= 0);
if (n >= 0)
if (needExprDest)
throw HandleAmbiguity(typeSrc, typeDst, prguci, iuciBestSrc, iuci);
return true;
if (!fBestDstExact && typeTo != typeBestDst)
int n = CompareDstTypesBased(typeBestDst, prguci[iuciBestDst].DstImplicit, typeTo, uci.DstImplicit);
Debug.Assert(n <= 0);
if (n >= 0)
if (needExprDest)
throw HandleAmbiguity(typeSrc, typeDst, prguci, iuciBestSrc, iuci);
return true;
if (!needExprDest)
return true;
if (iuciBest < 0)
throw HandleAmbiguity(typeSrc, typeDst, prguci, iuciBestSrc, iuciBestDst);
if (iuciAmbig >= 0)
throw HandleAmbiguity(typeSrc, typeDst, prguci, iuciBest, iuciAmbig);
MethWithInst mwiBest = new MethWithInst(prguci[iuciBest].Meth.Meth(), prguci[iuciBest].Meth.GetType(), null);
Debug.Assert(ctypeLiftBest <= 2);
typeFrom = TypeManager.SubstType(mwiBest.Meth().Params[0], mwiBest.GetType());
typeTo = TypeManager.SubstType(mwiBest.Meth().RetType, mwiBest.GetType());
Expr exprDst;
Expr pTransformedArgument = exprSrc;
if (ctypeLiftBest > 0 && !(typeFrom is NullableType) && fDstHasNull)
// Create the memgroup.
ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = ExprFactory.CreateMemGroup(null, mwiBest);
// Need to lift over the null.
Debug.Assert(fLiftSrc || fLiftDst);
ExprCall call = ExprFactory.CreateCall(0, typeDst, exprSrc, pMemGroup, mwiBest);
exprDst = call;
// We want to bind the unlifted conversion first.
Expr nonLiftedArg = mustCast(exprSrc, typeFrom);
Expr nonLiftedResult = BindUDConversionCore(nonLiftedArg, typeFrom, typeTo, typeDst, mwiBest);
call.CastOfNonLiftedResultToLiftedType = mustCast(nonLiftedResult, typeDst);
call.NullableCallLiftKind = NullableCallLiftKind.UserDefinedConversion;
if (fLiftSrc)
// If lifting of the source is required, we need to figure out the intermediate conversion
// from the type of the source to the type of the UD conversion parameter. Note that typeFrom
// is not a nullable type.
Expr pConversionArgument;
if (typeFrom != typeSrcBase)
// There is an intermediate conversion.
NullableType pConversionNubSourceType = TypeManager.GetNullable(typeFrom);
pConversionArgument = mustCast(exprSrc, pConversionNubSourceType);
if (typeTo is NullableType)
// We need to generate a nullable value access, the conversion will be used without lifting.
pConversionArgument = mustCast(exprSrc, typeFrom);
pConversionArgument = exprSrc;
Debug.Assert(pConversionArgument != null);
ExprCall pConversionCall = ExprFactory.CreateCall(0, typeDst, pConversionArgument, pMemGroup, mwiBest);
pConversionCall.NullableCallLiftKind = NullableCallLiftKind.NotLiftedIntermediateConversion;
call.PConversions = pConversionCall;
Expr pConversionCall = BindUDConversionCore(nonLiftedArg, typeFrom, typeTo, typeDst, mwiBest);
call.PConversions = pConversionCall;
exprDst = BindUDConversionCore(exprSrc, typeFrom, typeTo, typeDst, mwiBest, out pTransformedArgument);
pexprDst = ExprFactory.CreateUserDefinedConversion(pTransformedArgument, exprDst, mwiBest);
return true;
private static RuntimeBinderException HandleAmbiguity(CType typeSrc, CType typeDst, List<UdConvInfo> prguci, int iuciBestSrc, int iuciBestDst)
Debug.Assert(0 <= iuciBestSrc && iuciBestSrc < prguci.Count);
Debug.Assert(0 <= iuciBestDst && iuciBestDst < prguci.Count);
return ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, prguci[iuciBestSrc].Meth, prguci[iuciBestDst].Meth, typeSrc, typeDst);
private static void MarkAsIntermediateConversion(Expr pExpr)
while (true)
Debug.Assert(pExpr != null);
if (pExpr is ExprCall call)
switch (call.NullableCallLiftKind)
case NullableCallLiftKind.NotLifted:
call.NullableCallLiftKind = NullableCallLiftKind.NotLiftedIntermediateConversion;
case NullableCallLiftKind.NullableConversion:
call.NullableCallLiftKind = NullableCallLiftKind.NullableIntermediateConversion;
case NullableCallLiftKind.NullableConversionConstructor:
pExpr = call.OptionalArguments;
else if (pExpr is ExprUserDefinedConversion udc)
pExpr = udc.UserDefinedCall;
private Expr BindUDConversionCore(Expr pFrom, CType pTypeFrom, CType pTypeTo, CType pTypeDestination, MethWithInst mwiBest)
return BindUDConversionCore(pFrom, pTypeFrom, pTypeTo, pTypeDestination, mwiBest, out _);
private Expr BindUDConversionCore(Expr pFrom, CType pTypeFrom, CType pTypeTo, CType pTypeDestination, MethWithInst mwiBest, out Expr ppTransformedArgument)
Expr pTransformedArgument = mustCastCore(pFrom, pTypeFrom, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC);
Debug.Assert(pTransformedArgument != null);
ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = ExprFactory.CreateMemGroup(null, mwiBest);
ExprCall pCall = ExprFactory.CreateCall(0, pTypeTo, pTransformedArgument, pMemGroup, mwiBest);
Expr pCast = mustCastCore(pCall, pTypeDestination, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC);
Debug.Assert(pCast != null);
ppTransformedArgument = pTransformedArgument;
return pCast;
* Fold a constant cast. Returns true if the constant could be folded.
private ConstCastResult bindConstantCast(Expr exprSrc, CType typeDest, bool needExprDest, out Expr pexprDest, bool explicitConversion)
pexprDest = null;
long valueInt = 0;
double valueFlt = 0;
FUNDTYPE ftSrc = exprSrc.Type.FundamentalType;
FUNDTYPE ftDest = typeDest.FundamentalType;
bool srcIntegral = (ftSrc <= FUNDTYPE.FT_LASTINTEGRAL);
bool srcNumeric = (ftSrc <= FUNDTYPE.FT_LASTNUMERIC);
ExprConstant constSrc = (ExprConstant)exprSrc.GetConst();
Debug.Assert(constSrc != null);
// Do constant folding involving decimal constants.
Expr expr = BindDecimalConstCast(typeDest, exprSrc.Type, constSrc);
if (expr == null)
if (explicitConversion)
return ConstCastResult.CheckFailure;
return ConstCastResult.Failure;
if (needExprDest)
pexprDest = expr;
return ConstCastResult.Success;
if (explicitConversion && Context.Checked && !isConstantInRange(constSrc, typeDest, true))
return ConstCastResult.CheckFailure;
if (!needExprDest)
return ConstCastResult.Success;
// Get the source constant value into valueInt or valueFlt.
if (srcIntegral)
if (constSrc.Type.FundamentalType == FUNDTYPE.FT_U8)
// If we're going from ulong to something, make sure we can fit.
if (ftDest == FUNDTYPE.FT_U8)
ConstVal cv = ConstVal.Get(constSrc.UInt64Value);
pexprDest = ExprFactory.CreateConstant(typeDest, cv);
return ConstCastResult.Success;
valueInt = (long)(constSrc.UInt64Value & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);
valueInt = constSrc.Int64Value;
else if (srcNumeric)
valueFlt = constSrc.Val.DoubleVal;
return ConstCastResult.Failure;
// Convert constant to the destination type, truncating if necessary.
// valueInt or valueFlt contains the result of the conversion.
switch (ftDest)
if (!srcIntegral)
valueInt = (long)valueFlt;
valueInt = unchecked((sbyte)(valueInt & 0xFF));
if (!srcIntegral)
valueInt = (long)valueFlt;
valueInt = unchecked((short)(valueInt & 0xFFFF));
if (!srcIntegral)
valueInt = (long)valueFlt;
valueInt = unchecked((int)(valueInt & 0xFFFFFFFF));
if (!srcIntegral)
valueInt = (long)valueFlt;
if (!srcIntegral)
valueInt = (long)valueFlt;
valueInt = (byte)(valueInt & 0xFF);
if (!srcIntegral)
valueInt = (long)valueFlt;
valueInt = (ushort)(valueInt & 0xFFFF);
if (!srcIntegral)
valueInt = (long)valueFlt;
valueInt = (uint)(valueInt & 0xFFFFFFFF);
if (!srcIntegral)
const double two63 = 2147483648.0 * 4294967296.0;
if (valueFlt < two63)
valueInt = (long)valueFlt;
valueInt = ((long)(valueFlt - two63)) + I64(0x8000000000000000);
if (srcIntegral)
if (ftSrc == FUNDTYPE.FT_U8)
valueFlt = (double)(ulong)valueInt;
valueFlt = (double)valueInt;
if (ftDest == FUNDTYPE.FT_R4)
// Force to R4 precision/range.
float f;
RoundToFloat(valueFlt, out f);
valueFlt = f;
// We got here because of LAF or Refactoring. We must have had a parser
// error here, because the user is not allowed to have a non-value type
// being cast, but we need to bind for errors anyway.
// Create a new constant with the value in "valueInt" or "valueFlt".
ConstVal cv;
if (ftDest == FUNDTYPE.FT_U4)
cv = ConstVal.Get((uint)valueInt);
cv = ConstVal.Get((int)valueInt);
cv = ConstVal.Get(valueInt);
cv = ConstVal.Get(valueFlt);
ExprConstant expr = ExprFactory.CreateConstant(typeDest, cv);
pexprDest = expr;
return ConstCastResult.Success;
This is a helper method for bindUserDefinedConversion. "Compares" two types relative to a
base type and indicates which is "closer" to base. fImplicit(1|2) specifies whether there is a
standard implicit conversion from base to type(1|2). If fImplicit(1|2) is false there should
be a standard explicit conversion from base to type(1|2). The partial ordering used is as
* If exactly one of fImplicit(1|2) is true then the corresponding type is closer.
* Otherwise if there is a standard implicit conversion in neither direction or both directions
then neither is closer.
* Otherwise if both of fImplicit(1|2) are true:
* If there is a standard implicit conversion from type(1|2) to type(2|1) then type(1|2)
is closer.
* Otherwise neither is closer.
* Otherwise both of fImplicit(1|2) are false and:
* If there is a standard implicit conversion from type(1|2) to type(2|1) then type(2|1)
is closer.
* Otherwise neither is closer.
The return value is -1 if type1 is closer, +1 if type2 is closer and 0 if neither is closer.
private int CompareSrcTypesBased(CType type1, bool fImplicit1, CType type2, bool fImplicit2)
Debug.Assert(type1 != type2);
if (fImplicit1 != fImplicit2)
return fImplicit1 ? -1 : +1;
bool fCon1 = canConvert(type1, type2, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC);
bool fCon2 = canConvert(type2, type1, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC);
if (fCon1 == fCon2)
return 0;
return (fImplicit1 == fCon1) ? -1 : +1;
This is a helper method for bindUserDefinedConversion. "Compares" two types relative to a
base type and indicates which is "closer" to base. fImplicit(1|2) specifies whether there is a
standard implicit conversion from type(1|2) to base. If fImplicit(1|2) is false there should
be a standard explicit conversion from type(1|2) to base. The partial ordering used is as
* If exactly one of fImplicit(1|2) is true then the corresponding type is closer.
* Otherwise if there is a standard implicit conversion in neither direction or both directions
then neither is closer.
* Otherwise if both of fImplicit(1|2) are true:
* If there is a standard implicit conversion from type(1|2) to type(2|1) then type(2|1)
is closer.
* Otherwise neither is closer.
* Otherwise both of fImplicit(1|2) are false and:
* If there is a standard implicit conversion from type(1|2) to type(2|1) then type(1|2)
is closer.
* Otherwise neither is closer.
The return value is -1 if type1 is closer, +1 if type2 is closer and 0 if neither is closer.
private int CompareDstTypesBased(CType type1, bool fImplicit1, CType type2, bool fImplicit2)
Debug.Assert(type1 != type2);
if (fImplicit1 != fImplicit2)
return fImplicit1 ? -1 : +1;
bool fCon1 = canConvert(type1, type2, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC);
bool fCon2 = canConvert(type2, type1, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC);
if (fCon1 == fCon2)
return 0;
return (fImplicit1 == fCon1) ? +1 : -1;
* Bind a constant cast to or from decimal. Return null if cast can't be done.
private static Expr BindDecimalConstCast(CType destType, CType srcType, ExprConstant src)
CType typeDecimal = SymbolLoader.GetPredefindType(PredefinedType.PT_DECIMAL);
ConstVal cv;
if (typeDecimal == null)
return null;
if (destType == typeDecimal)
// Casting to decimal.
FUNDTYPE ftSrc = srcType.FundamentalType;
decimal result;
switch (ftSrc)
result = Convert.ToDecimal(src.Val.Int32Val);
result = Convert.ToDecimal(src.Val.UInt32Val);
result = Convert.ToDecimal((float)src.Val.DoubleVal);
result = Convert.ToDecimal(src.Val.DoubleVal);
result = Convert.ToDecimal((ulong)src.Val.Int64Val);
result = Convert.ToDecimal(src.Val.Int64Val);
return null; // Not supported cast.
cv = ConstVal.Get(result);
ExprConstant exprConst = ExprFactory.CreateConstant(typeDecimal, cv);
return exprConst;
if (srcType == typeDecimal)
// Casting from decimal
decimal decTrunc = 0;
FUNDTYPE ftDest = destType.FundamentalType;
if (ftDest != FUNDTYPE.FT_R4 && ftDest != FUNDTYPE.FT_R8)
decTrunc = decimal.Truncate(src.Val.DecimalVal);
switch (ftDest)
cv = ConstVal.Get(Convert.ToSByte(decTrunc));
cv = ConstVal.Get((uint)Convert.ToByte(decTrunc));
cv = ConstVal.Get(Convert.ToInt16(decTrunc));
cv = ConstVal.Get((uint)Convert.ToUInt16(decTrunc));
cv = ConstVal.Get(Convert.ToInt32(decTrunc));
cv = ConstVal.Get(Convert.ToUInt32(decTrunc));
cv = ConstVal.Get(Convert.ToInt64(decTrunc));
cv = ConstVal.Get(Convert.ToUInt64(decTrunc));
cv = ConstVal.Get(Convert.ToSingle(src.Val.DecimalVal));
cv = ConstVal.Get(Convert.ToDouble(src.Val.DecimalVal));
return null; // Not supported cast.
catch (OverflowException)
return null;
ExprConstant exprConst = ExprFactory.CreateConstant(destType, cv);
// Create the cast that was the original tree for this thing.
return exprConst;
return null;
private bool CanExplicitConversionBeBoundInUncheckedContext(Expr exprSrc, CType typeSrc, CType typeDest, CONVERTTYPE flags)
Debug.Assert(typeDest != null);
return new ExpressionBinder(new BindingContext(Context)).BindExplicitConversion(exprSrc, typeSrc, typeDest, flags);
internal static class ListExtensions
public static bool IsEmpty<T>(this List<T> list)
return list == null || list.Count == 0;
public static T Head<T>(this List<T> list)
return list[0];
public static List<T> Tail<T>(this List<T> list)
T[] array = new T[list.Count];
list.CopyTo(array, 0);
List<T> newList = new List<T>(array);
return newList;