File: Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\ConstVal.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\Microsoft.CSharp\src\Microsoft.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Globalization;
namespace Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Semantics
     * The kind of allocation used in a constant value.
     * Since CONSTVALs don't store a discriminant for the union
     * this must be managed by clients.
    internal enum ConstValKind
    internal readonly struct ConstVal
        // Pre-boxed common values.
        private static readonly object s_false = false;
        private static readonly object s_true = true;
        private static readonly object s_zeroInt32 = 0;
        private ConstVal(object value)
            ObjectVal = value;
        public object ObjectVal { get; }
        public bool BooleanVal => SpecialUnbox<bool>(ObjectVal);
        public sbyte SByteVal => SpecialUnbox<sbyte>(ObjectVal);
        public byte ByteVal => SpecialUnbox<byte>(ObjectVal);
        public short Int16Val => SpecialUnbox<short>(ObjectVal);
        public ushort UInt16Val => SpecialUnbox<ushort>(ObjectVal);
        public int Int32Val => SpecialUnbox<int>(ObjectVal);
        public uint UInt32Val => SpecialUnbox<uint>(ObjectVal);
        public long Int64Val => SpecialUnbox<long>(ObjectVal);
        public ulong UInt64Val => SpecialUnbox<ulong>(ObjectVal);
        public float SingleVal => SpecialUnbox<float>(ObjectVal);
        public double DoubleVal => SpecialUnbox<double>(ObjectVal);
        public decimal DecimalVal => SpecialUnbox<decimal>(ObjectVal);
        public char CharVal => SpecialUnbox<char>(ObjectVal);
        public string StringVal => SpecialUnbox<string>(ObjectVal);
        public bool IsNullRef => ObjectVal == null;
        public bool IsZero(ConstValKind kind) =>
            kind switch
                ConstValKind.Decimal => DecimalVal == 0,
                ConstValKind.String => false,
                _ => IsDefault(ObjectVal),
        private static T SpecialUnbox<T>(object o)
            if (IsDefault(o))
                return default(T);
            return (T)Convert.ChangeType(o, typeof(T), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        private static bool IsDefault(object o) =>
            o is null ||
            Type.GetTypeCode(o.GetType()) switch
                TypeCode.Boolean => default(bool).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.SByte => default(sbyte).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.Byte => default(byte).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.Int16 => default(short).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.UInt16 => default(ushort).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.Int32 => default(int).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.UInt32 => default(uint).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.Int64 => default(long).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.UInt64 => default(ulong).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.Single => default(float).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.Double => default(double).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.Decimal => default(decimal).Equals(o),
                TypeCode.Char => default(char).Equals(o),
                _ => false,
        public static ConstVal GetDefaultValue(ConstValKind kind) =>
            kind switch
                ConstValKind.Int => new ConstVal(s_zeroInt32),
                ConstValKind.Double => new ConstVal(0.0),
                ConstValKind.Long => new ConstVal(0L),
                ConstValKind.Decimal => new ConstVal(0M),
                ConstValKind.Float => new ConstVal(0F),
                ConstValKind.Boolean => new ConstVal(s_false),
                _ => default,
        public static ConstVal Get(bool value) => new ConstVal(value ? s_true : s_false);
        public static ConstVal Get(int value) => new ConstVal(value == 0 ? s_zeroInt32 : value);
        public static ConstVal Get(uint value) => new ConstVal(value);
        public static ConstVal Get(decimal value) => new ConstVal(value);
        public static ConstVal Get(string value) => new ConstVal(value);
        public static ConstVal Get(float value) => new ConstVal(value);
        public static ConstVal Get(double value) => new ConstVal(value);
        public static ConstVal Get(long value) => new ConstVal(value);
        public static ConstVal Get(ulong value) => new ConstVal(value);
        public static ConstVal Get(object p) => new ConstVal(p);