// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Windows;
namespace MS.Internal.TextFormatting
/// <summary>
/// This is a fixed-size implementation of IList<Point>. It is aimed to reduce the double values storage
/// while providing enough precision for glyph run operations. Current usage pattern suggests that there is no
/// need to support resizing functionality (i.e. Add(), Insert(), Remove(), RemoveAt()).
/// For each point being stored, it will store the X and Y coordinates of the point into two seperate ThousandthOfEmRealDoubles,
/// which scales double to 16-bit integer if possible.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ThousandthOfEmRealPoints : IList<Point>
// Constructor
internal ThousandthOfEmRealPoints(
double emSize,
int capacity
Debug.Assert(capacity >= 0);
InitArrays(emSize, capacity);
internal ThousandthOfEmRealPoints(
double emSize,
IList<Point> pointValues
Debug.Assert(pointValues != null);
InitArrays(emSize, pointValues.Count);
// do the setting
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
_xArray[i] = pointValues[i].X;
_yArray[i] = pointValues[i].Y;
// Internal properties
public int Count
return _xArray.Count;
public bool IsReadOnly
get { return false; }
public Point this[int index]
// underlying array does boundary check
return new Point(_xArray[index], _yArray[index]);
// underlying array does boundary check
_xArray[index] = value.X;
_yArray[index] = value.Y;
// internal methods
public int IndexOf(Point item)
// linear search
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
if (_xArray[i] == item.X && _yArray[i] == item.Y)
return i;
return -1;
public void Clear()
public bool Contains(Point item)
return IndexOf(item) >= 0;
public void CopyTo(Point[] array, int arrayIndex)
// parameter validations
if (array.Rank != 1)
throw new ArgumentException(
if (arrayIndex >= array.Length)
throw new ArgumentException(
if ((array.Length - Count - arrayIndex) < 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
// do the copying here
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
array[arrayIndex + i] = this[i];
public IEnumerator<Point> GetEnumerator()
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
yield return this[i];
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return ((IEnumerable<Point>)this).GetEnumerator();
public void Add(Point value)
// not supported, same as Point[]
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.CollectionIsFixedSize);
public void Insert(int index, Point item)
// not supported, same as Point[]
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.CollectionIsFixedSize);
public bool Remove(Point item)
// not supported, same as Point[]
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.CollectionIsFixedSize);
public void RemoveAt(int index)
// not supported, same as Point[]
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.CollectionIsFixedSize);
// Private methods
private void InitArrays(double emSize, int capacity)
_xArray = new ThousandthOfEmRealDoubles(emSize, capacity);
_yArray = new ThousandthOfEmRealDoubles(emSize, capacity);
// Private members
private ThousandthOfEmRealDoubles _xArray; // scaled double array for X coordinates
private ThousandthOfEmRealDoubles _yArray; // scaled double array for Y coordinates