// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Implementation of the class Geometry
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Win32.PresentationCore;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Media.Composition;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Windows.Media
#region Geometry
/// <summary>
/// This is the base class for all Geometry classes. A geometry has bounds,
/// can be used to clip, fill or stroke.
/// </summary>
[Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability = Readability.Unreadable)]
public abstract partial class Geometry : Animatable, DUCE.IResource
#region Constructors
internal Geometry()
#region Public properties
/// <summary>
/// Singleton empty model.
/// </summary>
public static Geometry Empty
return s_empty;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the bounds of this Geometry as an axis-aligned bounding box
/// </summary>
public virtual Rect Bounds
return PathGeometry.GetPathBounds(
null, // pen
false); // Do not skip non-fillable figures
/// <summary>
/// Standard error tolerance (0.25) used for polygonal approximation of curved segments
/// </summary>
public static double StandardFlatteningTolerance
return c_tolerance;
#endregion Public properties
#region GetRenderBounds
/// <summary>
/// Returns the axis-aligned bounding rectangle when stroked with a pen.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pen">The pen</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">The computational error tolerance</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
public virtual Rect GetRenderBounds(Pen pen, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
Matrix matrix = Matrix.Identity;
return GetBoundsInternal(pen, matrix, tolerance, type);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the axis-aligned bounding rectangle when stroked with a pen.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pen">The pen</param>
public Rect GetRenderBounds(Pen pen)
Matrix matrix = Matrix.Identity;
return GetBoundsInternal(pen, matrix, StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
#endregion GetRenderBounds
#region Internal Methods
/// <summary>
/// Used to optimize Visual.ChangeVisualClip. This is not meant
/// to be used generically since not all geometries implement
/// the method (currently only RectangleGeometry is implemented).
/// </summary>
internal virtual bool AreClose(Geometry geometry)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the axis-aligned bounding rectangle when stroked with a pen, after applying
/// the supplied transform (if non-null).
/// </summary>
internal virtual Rect GetBoundsInternal(Pen pen, Matrix matrix, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
if (IsObviouslyEmpty())
return Rect.Empty;
PathGeometryData pathData = GetPathGeometryData();
return PathGeometry.GetPathBounds(
skipHollows: true);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the axis-aligned bounding rectangle when stroked with a pen, after applying
/// the supplied transform (if non-null).
/// </summary>
internal Rect GetBoundsInternal(Pen pen, Matrix matrix)
return GetBoundsInternal(pen, matrix, StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
internal unsafe static Rect GetBoundsHelper(
Pen pen,
Matrix *pWorldMatrix,
Point* pPoints,
byte *pTypes,
uint pointCount,
uint segmentCount,
Matrix *pGeometryMatrix,
double tolerance,
ToleranceType type,
bool fSkipHollows)
double[] dashArray = null;
// If the pen contributes to the bounds, populate the CMD struct
bool fPenContributesToBounds = Pen.ContributesToBounds(pen);
if (fPenContributesToBounds)
pen.GetBasicPenData(&penData, out dashArray);
MilMatrix3x2D geometryMatrix;
if (pGeometryMatrix != null)
geometryMatrix = CompositionResourceManager.MatrixToMilMatrix3x2D(ref (*pGeometryMatrix));
Debug.Assert(pWorldMatrix != null);
MilMatrix3x2D worldMatrix =
CompositionResourceManager.MatrixToMilMatrix3x2D(ref (*pWorldMatrix));
Rect bounds;
fixed (double *pDashArray = dashArray)
int hr = MilCoreApi.MilUtility_PolygonBounds(
(fPenContributesToBounds) ? &penData : null,
(dashArray == null) ? null : pDashArray,
(pGeometryMatrix == null) ? null : &geometryMatrix,
type == ToleranceType.Relative,
if (hr == (int)MILErrors.WGXERR_BADNUMBER)
// When we encounter NaNs in the renderer, we absorb the error and draw
// nothing. To be consistent, we report that the geometry has empty bounds.
bounds = Rect.Empty;
return bounds;
internal virtual void TransformPropertyChangedHook(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// Do nothing here -- Overriden by PathGeometry to clear cached bounds.
internal Geometry GetTransformedCopy(Transform transform)
Geometry copy = Clone();
Transform internalTransform = Transform;
if (transform != null && !transform.IsIdentity)
if (internalTransform == null || internalTransform.IsIdentity)
copy.Transform = transform;
copy.Transform = new MatrixTransform(internalTransform.Value * transform.Value);
return copy;
#endregion Internal Methods
/// <summary>
/// ShouldSerializeTransform - this is called by the serializer to determine whether or not to
/// serialize the Transform property.
/// </summary>
public bool ShouldSerializeTransform()
Transform transform = Transform;
return transform != null && !(transform.IsIdentity);
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Gets the area of this geometry
/// <param name="tolerance">The computational error tolerance</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
/// </summary>
public virtual double GetArea(double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
if (IsObviouslyEmpty())
return 0;
PathGeometryData pathData = GetPathGeometryData();
if (pathData.IsEmpty())
return 0;
double area;
// Call the core method on the path data
fixed (byte* pbPathData = pathData.SerializedData)
Debug.Assert(pbPathData != (byte*)0);
int hr = MilCoreApi.MilUtility_GeometryGetArea(
type == ToleranceType.Relative,
if (hr == (int)MILErrors.WGXERR_BADNUMBER)
// When we encounter NaNs in the renderer, we absorb the error and draw
// nothing. To be consistent, we report that the geometry has 0 area.
area = 0.0;
return area;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the area of this geometry
/// </summary>
public double GetArea()
return GetArea(StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if this geometry is empty
/// </summary>
public abstract bool IsEmpty();
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if this geometry may have curved segments
/// </summary>
public abstract bool MayHaveCurves();
#endregion Public Methods
#region Hit Testing
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if point is inside the fill region defined by this geometry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hitPoint">The point tested for containment</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">Acceptable margin of error in distance computation</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
public bool FillContains(Point hitPoint, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
return ContainsInternal(null, hitPoint, tolerance, type);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if point is inside the fill region defined by this geometry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hitPoint">The point tested for containment</param>
public bool FillContains(Point hitPoint)
return ContainsInternal(null, hitPoint, StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if point is inside the stroke of a pen on this geometry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pen">The pen used to define the stroke</param>
/// <param name="hitPoint">The point tested for containment</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">Acceptable margin of error in distance computation</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
public bool StrokeContains(Pen pen, Point hitPoint, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
if (pen == null)
return false;
return ContainsInternal(pen, hitPoint, tolerance, type);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if point is inside the stroke of a pen on this geometry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pen">The pen used to define the stroke</param>
/// <param name="hitPoint">The point tested for containment</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">The computational error tolerance</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
internal virtual bool ContainsInternal(Pen pen, Point hitPoint, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
if (IsObviouslyEmpty())
return false;
PathGeometryData pathData = GetPathGeometryData();
if (pathData.IsEmpty())
return false;
bool contains = false;
double[] dashArray = null;
// If we have a pen, populate the CMD struct
pen?.GetBasicPenData(&penData, out dashArray);
fixed (byte* pbPathData = pathData.SerializedData)
Debug.Assert(pbPathData != (byte*)0);
fixed (double * dashArrayFixed = dashArray)
int hr = MilCoreApi.MilUtility_PathGeometryHitTest(
(pen == null) ? null : &penData,
type == ToleranceType.Relative,
out contains);
if (hr == (int)MILErrors.WGXERR_BADNUMBER)
// When we encounter NaNs in the renderer, we absorb the error and draw
// nothing. To be consistent, we report that the geometry is never hittable.
contains = false;
return contains;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method to be used by derived implementations of ContainsInternal.
/// </summary>
internal unsafe bool ContainsInternal(Pen pen, Point hitPoint, double tolerance, ToleranceType type,
Point *pPoints, uint pointCount, byte *pTypes, uint typeCount)
bool contains = false;
MilMatrix3x2D matrix = CompositionResourceManager.TransformToMilMatrix3x2D(Transform);
double[] dashArray = null;
pen?.GetBasicPenData(&penData, out dashArray);
fixed (double *dashArrayFixed = dashArray)
int hr = MilCoreApi.MilUtility_PolygonHitTest(
(pen == null) ? null : &penData,
type == ToleranceType.Relative,
out contains);
if (hr == (int)MILErrors.WGXERR_BADNUMBER)
// When we encounter NaNs in the renderer, we absorb the error and draw
// nothing. To be consistent, we report that the geometry is never hittable.
contains = false;
return contains;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if point is inside the stroke of a pen on this geometry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pen">The pen used to define the stroke</param>
/// <param name="hitPoint">The point tested for containment</param>
public bool StrokeContains(Pen pen, Point hitPoint)
return StrokeContains(pen, hitPoint, StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if a given geometry is contained inside this geometry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="geometry">The geometry tested for containment</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">Acceptable margin of error in distance computation</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
public bool FillContains(Geometry geometry, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
IntersectionDetail detail = FillContainsWithDetail(geometry, tolerance, type);
return (detail == IntersectionDetail.FullyContains);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if a given geometry is contained inside this geometry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="geometry">The geometry tested for containment</param>
public bool FillContains(Geometry geometry)
return FillContains(geometry, StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if a given geometry is inside this geometry.
/// <param name="geometry">The geometry to test for containment in this Geometry</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">Acceptable margin of error in distance computation</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
/// </summary>
public virtual IntersectionDetail FillContainsWithDetail(Geometry geometry, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
if (IsObviouslyEmpty() || geometry == null || geometry.IsObviouslyEmpty())
return IntersectionDetail.Empty;
return PathGeometry.HitTestWithPathGeometry(this, geometry, tolerance, type);
/// <summary>
/// Returns if geometry is inside this geometry.
/// <param name="geometry">The geometry to test for containment in this Geometry</param>
/// </summary>
public IntersectionDetail FillContainsWithDetail(Geometry geometry)
return FillContainsWithDetail(geometry, StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
/// <summary>
/// Returns if a given geometry is inside the stroke defined by a given pen on this geometry.
/// <param name="pen">The pen</param>
/// <param name="geometry">The geometry to test for containment in this Geometry</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">Acceptable margin of error in distance computation</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
/// </summary>
public IntersectionDetail StrokeContainsWithDetail(Pen pen, Geometry geometry, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
if (IsObviouslyEmpty() || geometry == null || geometry.IsObviouslyEmpty() || pen == null)
return IntersectionDetail.Empty;
PathGeometry pathGeometry1 = GetWidenedPathGeometry(pen);
return PathGeometry.HitTestWithPathGeometry(pathGeometry1, geometry, tolerance, type);
/// <summary>
/// Returns if a given geometry is inside the stroke defined by a given pen on this geometry.
/// <param name="pen">The pen</param>
/// <param name="geometry">The geometry to test for containment in this Geometry</param>
/// </summary>
public IntersectionDetail StrokeContainsWithDetail(Pen pen, Geometry geometry)
return StrokeContainsWithDetail(pen, geometry, StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
#region Geometric Flatten
/// <summary>
/// Approximate this geometry with a polygonal PathGeometry
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tolerance">The approximation error tolerance</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
/// <returns>Returns the polygonal approximation as a PathGeometry.</returns>
public virtual PathGeometry GetFlattenedPathGeometry(double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
if (IsObviouslyEmpty())
return new PathGeometry();
PathGeometryData pathData = GetPathGeometryData();
if (pathData.IsEmpty())
return new PathGeometry();
PathGeometry resultGeometry = null;
fixed (byte *pbPathData = pathData.SerializedData)
Debug.Assert(pbPathData != (byte*)0);
FillRule fillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
PathGeometry.FigureList list = new PathGeometry.FigureList();
int hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilCoreApi.MilUtility_PathGeometryFlatten(
type == ToleranceType.Relative,
new PathGeometry.AddFigureToListDelegate(list.AddFigureToList),
out fillRule);
if (hr == (int)MILErrors.WGXERR_BADNUMBER)
// When we encounter NaNs in the renderer, we absorb the error and draw
// nothing. To be consistent, we return an empty geometry.
resultGeometry = new PathGeometry();
resultGeometry = new PathGeometry(list.Figures, fillRule, null);
return resultGeometry;
/// <summary>
/// Approximate this geometry with a polygonal PathGeometry
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns the polygonal approximation as a PathGeometry.</returns>
public PathGeometry GetFlattenedPathGeometry()
// Use the default tolerance interpreted as absolute
return GetFlattenedPathGeometry(StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
#endregion Flatten
#region Geometric Widen
/// <summary>
/// Create the contour of the stroke defined by given pen when it draws this path
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pen">The pen used for stroking this path</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">The computational error tolerance</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
/// <returns>Returns the contour as a PathGeometry.</returns>
public virtual PathGeometry GetWidenedPathGeometry(Pen pen, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
if (IsObviouslyEmpty())
return new PathGeometry();
PathGeometryData pathData = GetPathGeometryData();
if (pathData.IsEmpty())
return new PathGeometry();
PathGeometry resultGeometry = null;
pen.GetBasicPenData(&penData, out double[] dashArray);
fixed (byte* pbPathData = pathData.SerializedData)
Debug.Assert(pbPathData != (byte*)0);
FillRule fillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
PathGeometry.FigureList list = new();
int hr; //If we don't have dashArray, we call without it (its optional)
if (dashArray is null)
hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilCoreApi.MilUtility_PathGeometryWiden(&penData,
type == ToleranceType.Relative,
new PathGeometry.AddFigureToListDelegate(list.AddFigureToList),
out fillRule);
else // Pin the dashArray and use it, if we have one.
fixed (double* ptrDashArray = dashArray)
hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilCoreApi.MilUtility_PathGeometryWiden(&penData,
type == ToleranceType.Relative,
new PathGeometry.AddFigureToListDelegate(list.AddFigureToList),
out fillRule);
if (hr == (int)MILErrors.WGXERR_BADNUMBER)
// When we encounter NaNs in the renderer, we absorb the error and draw
// nothing. To be consistent, we return an empty geometry.
resultGeometry = new PathGeometry();
resultGeometry = new PathGeometry(list.Figures, fillRule, null);
return resultGeometry;
/// <summary>
/// Create the contour of the stroke defined by given pen when it draws this path
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pen">The pen used for stroking this path</param>
/// <returns>Returns the contour as a PathGeometry.</returns>
public PathGeometry GetWidenedPathGeometry(Pen pen)
// Use the default tolerance interpreted as absolute
return GetWidenedPathGeometry(pen, StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
#endregion Widen
#region Combine
/// <summary>
/// Returns the result of a Boolean combination of two Geometry objects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="geometry1">The first Geometry object</param>
/// <param name="geometry2">The second Geometry object</param>
/// <param name="mode">The mode in which the objects will be combined</param>
/// <param name="transform">A transformation to apply to the result, or null</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">The computational error tolerance</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
public static PathGeometry Combine(
Geometry geometry1,
Geometry geometry2,
GeometryCombineMode mode,
Transform transform,
double tolerance,
ToleranceType type)
return PathGeometry.InternalCombine(geometry1, geometry2, mode, transform, tolerance, type);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the result of a Boolean combination of two Geometry objects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="geometry1">The first Geometry object</param>
/// <param name="geometry2">The second Geometry object</param>
/// <param name="mode">The mode in which the objects will be combined</param>
/// <param name="transform">A transformation to apply to the result, or null</param>
public static PathGeometry Combine(
Geometry geometry1,
Geometry geometry2,
GeometryCombineMode mode,
Transform transform)
return PathGeometry.InternalCombine(
#endregion Combine
#region Outline
/// <summary>
/// Get a simplified contour of the filled region of this PathGeometry
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tolerance">The computational error tolerance</param>
/// <param name="type">The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - relative or absolute</param>
/// <returns>Returns an equivalent geometry, properly oriented with no self-intersections.</returns>
public virtual PathGeometry GetOutlinedPathGeometry(double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
if (IsObviouslyEmpty())
return new PathGeometry();
PathGeometryData pathData = GetPathGeometryData();
if (pathData.IsEmpty())
return new PathGeometry();
PathGeometry resultGeometry = null;
fixed (byte* pbPathData = pathData.SerializedData)
Invariant.Assert(pbPathData != (byte*)0);
FillRule fillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
PathGeometry.FigureList list = new PathGeometry.FigureList();
int hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilCoreApi.MilUtility_PathGeometryOutline(
type == ToleranceType.Relative,
new PathGeometry.AddFigureToListDelegate(list.AddFigureToList),
out fillRule);
if (hr == (int)MILErrors.WGXERR_BADNUMBER)
// When we encounter NaNs in the renderer, we absorb the error and draw
// nothing. To be consistent, we return an empty geometry.
resultGeometry = new PathGeometry();
resultGeometry = new PathGeometry(list.Figures, fillRule, null);
return resultGeometry;
/// <summary>
/// Get a simplified contour of the filled region of this PathGeometry
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns an equivalent geometry, properly oriented with no self-intersections.</returns>
public PathGeometry GetOutlinedPathGeometry()
return GetOutlinedPathGeometry(StandardFlatteningTolerance, ToleranceType.Absolute);
#endregion Outline
#region Internal
internal abstract PathGeometry GetAsPathGeometry();
/// <summary>
/// GetPathGeometryData - returns a struct which contains this Geometry represented
/// as a path geometry's serialized format.
/// </summary>
internal abstract PathGeometryData GetPathGeometryData();
internal PathFigureCollection GetPathFigureCollection()
return GetTransformedFigureCollection(null);
// Get the combination of the internal transform with a given transform.
// Return true if the result is nontrivial.
internal Matrix GetCombinedMatrix(Transform transform)
Matrix matrix = Matrix.Identity;
Transform internalTransform = Transform;
if (internalTransform != null && !internalTransform.IsIdentity)
matrix = internalTransform.Value;
if (transform != null && !transform.IsIdentity)
matrix *= transform.Value;
else if (transform != null && !transform.IsIdentity)
matrix = transform.Value;
return matrix;
internal abstract PathFigureCollection GetTransformedFigureCollection(Transform transform);
// This method is used for eliminating unnecessary work when the geometry is obviously empty.
// For most Geometry types the definite IsEmpty() query is just as cheap. The exceptions will
// be CombinedGeometry and GeometryGroup.
internal virtual bool IsObviouslyEmpty() { return IsEmpty(); }
/// <summary>
/// Can serialize "this" to a string
/// </summary>
internal virtual bool CanSerializeToString()
return false;
internal struct PathGeometryData
internal bool IsEmpty()
if ((SerializedData == null) || (SerializedData.Length <= 0))
return true;
fixed (byte *pbPathData = SerializedData)
return pPathGeometry->FigureCount <= 0;
internal FillRule FillRule;
internal MilMatrix3x2D Matrix;
internal byte[] SerializedData;
internal uint Size
if ((SerializedData == null) || (SerializedData.Length <= 0))
return 0;
fixed (byte *pbPathData = SerializedData)
uint size = pPathGeometryData == null ? 0 : pPathGeometryData->Size;
Invariant.Assert(size <= (uint)SerializedData.Length);
return size;
internal static PathGeometryData GetEmptyPathGeometryData()
return s_emptyPathGeometryData;
#endregion Internal
#region Private
private static PathGeometryData MakeEmptyPathGeometryData()
PathGeometryData data = new PathGeometryData
FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd,
Matrix = CompositionResourceManager.MatrixToMilMatrix3x2D(Matrix.Identity)
int size = sizeof(MIL_PATHGEOMETRY);
data.SerializedData = new byte[size];
fixed (byte *pbData = data.SerializedData)
// implicitly set pPathGeometry->Flags = 0;
pPathGeometry->FigureCount = 0;
pPathGeometry->Size = (UInt32)size;
return data;
private static Geometry MakeEmptyGeometry()
Geometry empty = new StreamGeometry();
return empty;
private const double c_tolerance = 0.25;
private static Geometry s_empty = MakeEmptyGeometry();
private static PathGeometryData s_emptyPathGeometryData = MakeEmptyPathGeometryData();
#endregion Private