10 writes to g
PresentationCore (10)
System\Windows\Media\Color.cs (10)
42c1.scRgbColor.g = 0.0f; 125c1.scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.g); 142c1.scRgbColor.g = g; 174c1.scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb(g); 359scRgbColor.g = (scRgbColor.g < 0) ? 0 : (scRgbColor.g > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : scRgbColor.g; 467c1.scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.g); 584c1.scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.g); 844scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb(value); 947scRgbColor.g = value; 1089this.scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb((byte)((255.0f * scRGBValue[1]) + 0.5f));
19 references to g
PresentationCore (19)
System\Windows\Media\Color.cs (19)
96c1.sRgbColor.g = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.g); 156c1.sRgbColor.g = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.g); 179c1.sRgbColor.g = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.g); 281separator, scRgbColor.a, scRgbColor.r, scRgbColor.g, scRgbColor.b); 339result = result && FloatUtil.AreClose(scRgbColor.g, color.scRgbColor.g); 359scRgbColor.g = (scRgbColor.g < 0) ? 0 : (scRgbColor.g > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : scRgbColor.g; 364sRgbColor.g = ScRgbTosRgb(scRgbColor.g); 404color1.scRgbColor.g + color2.scRgbColor.g, 516color1.scRgbColor.g - color2.scRgbColor.g, 627Color c1 = FromScRgb(color.scRgbColor.a * coefficient, color.scRgbColor.r * coefficient, color.scRgbColor.g * coefficient, color.scRgbColor.b * coefficient); 704if (color1.scRgbColor.g != color2.scRgbColor.g) 940return scRgbColor.g; 1135return a.GetHashCode() ^ r.GetHashCode() ^ g.GetHashCode() ^ b.GetHashCode();