// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Win32;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Resources;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using UnsafeNativeMethodsMilCoreApi = MS.Win32.PresentationCore.UnsafeNativeMethods;
using IWICCC = MS.Win32.PresentationCore.UnsafeNativeMethods.IWICColorContext;
namespace System.Windows.Media
/// <summary>
/// Color Context
/// </summary>
public class ColorContext
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Create a ColorContext from an unmanaged color context
/// </summary>
private ColorContext(SafeMILHandle colorContextHandle)
_colorContextHandle = colorContextHandle;
// For 3.* backwards compat, we aren't going to HRESULT.Check() anywhere because
// that could introduce new exceptions. If anything fails, _colorContextHelper
// will be invalid and we'll emulate the old failure behavior later in
// OpenProfileStream()
IWICCC.WICColorContextType type;
if (HRESULT.Failed(IWICCC.GetType(_colorContextHandle, out type)))
switch (type)
case IWICCC.WICColorContextType.WICColorContextProfile:
uint cbProfileActual;
int hr = IWICCC.GetProfileBytes(_colorContextHandle, 0, null, out cbProfileActual);
if (HRESULT.Succeeded(hr) && cbProfileActual != 0)
byte[] profileData = new byte[cbProfileActual];
if (HRESULT.Failed(IWICCC.GetProfileBytes(
_colorContextHandle, cbProfileActual, profileData, out cbProfileActual))
FromRawBytes(profileData, (int)cbProfileActual, dontThrowException: true);
case IWICCC.WICColorContextType.WICColorContextExifColorSpace:
uint colorSpace;
if (HRESULT.Failed(IWICCC.GetExifColorSpace(_colorContextHandle, out colorSpace)))
// From MSDN:
// "1" is sRGB. We will use our built-in sRGB profile.
// "2" is Adobe RGB. WIC says we should never see this because they are nonstandard and instead a
// real profile will be returned.
// "3-65534" is unused.
// From the Exif spec:
// B. Tag Relating to Color Space
// ColorSpace
// The color space information tag (ColorSpace) is always recorded as the color space specifier.
// Normally sRGB (=1) is used to define the color space based on the PC monitor conditions and environment. If a
// color space other than sRGB is used, Uncalibrated (=FFFF.H) is set. Image data recorded as Uncalibrated can be
// treated as sRGB when it is converted to Flashpix. On sRGB see Annex E.
// Tag = 40961 (A001.H)
// Type = SHORT
// Count = 1
// 1 = sRGB
// FFFF.H = Uncalibrated
// So for 65535 we will return sRGB since it is acceptible rather than having an invalid ColorContext. The Exif
// CC should always be the second one so the real one is given priority. Alternatively, we could ignore the
// uncalibrated CC but that would be a breaking change with 3.* (returning 1 instead of 2).
// If anything other than 1 or 65535 happens, _colorContextHelper will remain invalid and we will emulate
// the old crash behavior in OpenProfileStream().
if (colorSpace == 1 || colorSpace == 65535)
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(
_colorProfileResources, Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ColorContext))
byte[] sRGBProfile = (byte[])resourceManager.GetObject(_sRGBProfileName);
// The existing ColorContext has already been initialized as Exif so we can't initialize it again
// and instead must create a new one.
using (FactoryMaker factoryMaker = new FactoryMaker())
_colorContextHandle = null;
if (HRESULT.Failed(UnsafeNativeMethodsMilCoreApi.WICCodec.CreateColorContext(
factoryMaker.ImagingFactoryPtr, out _colorContextHandle))
if (HRESULT.Failed(IWICCC.InitializeFromMemory(
_colorContextHandle, sRGBProfile, (uint)sRGBProfile.Length))
// Finally, fill in _colorContextHelper
FromRawBytes(sRGBProfile, sRGBProfile.Length, dontThrowException: true);
else if (Invariant.Strict)
Invariant.Assert(false, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "IWICColorContext::GetExifColorSpace returned {0}.", colorSpace));
if (Invariant.Strict)
Invariant.Assert(false, "IWICColorContext::GetType() returned WICColorContextUninitialized.");
Debug.Assert(_profileUri is null);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new ColorContext object from a .icm or .icc color profile specified by profileUri.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="profileUri">Specifies the URI of a color profile used by the newly created ColorContext.</param>
public ColorContext(Uri profileUri)
Initialize(profileUri, isStandardProfileUriNotFromUser: false);
/// <summary>
/// Given a pixel format, this function will return the closest standard color space (sRGB, scRGB, etc)
/// </summary>
public ColorContext(PixelFormat pixelFormat)
switch (pixelFormat.Format)
case PixelFormatEnum.Default:
case PixelFormatEnum.Indexed1:
case PixelFormatEnum.Indexed2:
case PixelFormatEnum.Indexed4:
case PixelFormatEnum.Indexed8:
case PixelFormatEnum.Bgr555:
case PixelFormatEnum.Bgr565:
case PixelFormatEnum.Bgr24:
case PixelFormatEnum.Rgb24:
case PixelFormatEnum.Bgr32:
case PixelFormatEnum.Bgra32:
case PixelFormatEnum.Pbgra32:
Initialize(GetStandardColorSpaceProfile(), isStandardProfileUriNotFromUser: true);
case PixelFormatEnum.Rgba64:
case PixelFormatEnum.Prgba64:
case PixelFormatEnum.Rgba128Float:
case PixelFormatEnum.Prgba128Float:
case PixelFormatEnum.BlackWhite:
case PixelFormatEnum.Gray2:
case PixelFormatEnum.Gray4:
case PixelFormatEnum.Gray8:
case PixelFormatEnum.Gray32Float:
case PixelFormatEnum.Cmyk32:
throw new NotSupportedException(); // standard scRGB profile does not exist yet
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Returns a memory stream to the color profile bits
/// </summary>
public Stream OpenProfileStream()
// 3.* backwards compat for a "bad" ColorContext. Now the helper is a
// struct so when it's invalid we'll pretend it's a reference type. This
// should only happen if the color profile is corrupt (see early exits in
// ColorContext(SafeMILHandle) and FromRawBytes()).
if (_colorContextHelper.IsInvalid)
throw new NullReferenceException();
uint profileSize = 0;
_colorContextHelper.GetColorProfileFromHandle(null, ref profileSize);
byte[] profile = new byte[profileSize];
_colorContextHelper.GetColorProfileFromHandle(profile, ref profileSize);
return new MemoryStream(profile);
#endregion Public Methods
#region Public Properties
/// <summary>
/// ProfileUri
/// </summary>
public Uri ProfileUri
Uri uri = _profileUri;
// If the user didn't give us the uri value, then the uri has
// to be a file path because we got it from GetStandardColorSpaceProfile
if (_isProfileUriNotFromUser)
return uri;
#endregion Public Properties
#region Internal Properties
/// <summary>
/// ProfileHandle
/// </summary>
internal SafeProfileHandle ProfileHandle
return _colorContextHelper.ProfileHandle;
/// <summary>
/// ColorContextHandleHandle
/// </summary>
internal SafeMILHandle ColorContextHandle
return _colorContextHandle;
/// <summary>
/// NumChannels
/// </summary>
internal int NumChannels
if (_colorContextHelper.IsInvalid) // sRGB or scRGB
return 3;
return _numChannels;
/// <summary>
/// ColorType
/// </summary>
internal UInt32 ColorType
return (UInt32)_colorTypeFromChannels[NumChannels];
/// <summary>
/// ColorSpaceFamily
/// </summary>
internal StandardColorSpace ColorSpaceFamily
if (_colorContextHelper.IsInvalid) // sRGB or scRGB
return StandardColorSpace.Srgb;
return _colorSpaceFamily;
/// <summary>
/// Returns false if the ColorContext hasn't been properly initialized due to a bad color profile.
/// If this is false, use of this ColorContext will lead to exceptions.
/// </summary>
internal bool IsValid
return !_colorContextHelper.IsInvalid;
internal delegate int GetColorContextsDelegate(ref uint numContexts, IntPtr[] colorContextPtrs);
/// <summary>
/// Helper method that will retrieve ColorContexts from an unmanaged object (e.g. BitmapDecoder or BitmapFrameDecode)
/// </summary>
internal static IList<ColorContext> GetColorContextsHelper(GetColorContextsDelegate getColorContexts)
uint numContexts = 0;
List<ColorContext> colorContextsList = null;
int hr = getColorContexts(ref numContexts, null);
if (numContexts > 0)
// GetColorContexts does not create new IWICColorContexts. Instead, it initializes existing
// ones so we must create them beforehand.
SafeMILHandle[] colorContextHandles = new SafeMILHandle[numContexts];
using (FactoryMaker factoryMaker = new FactoryMaker())
for (uint i = 0; i < numContexts; ++i)
HRESULT.Check(UnsafeNativeMethodsMilCoreApi.WICCodec.CreateColorContext(factoryMaker.ImagingFactoryPtr, out colorContextHandles[i]));
// The Marshal is unable to handle SafeMILHandle[] so we will convert it to an IntPtr[] ourselves.
IntPtr[] colorContextPtrs = new IntPtr[numContexts];
for (uint i = 0; i < numContexts; ++i)
colorContextPtrs[i] = colorContextHandles[i].DangerousGetHandle();
HRESULT.Check(getColorContexts(ref numContexts, colorContextPtrs));
colorContextsList = new List<ColorContext>((int)numContexts);
for (uint i = 0; i < numContexts; ++i)
colorContextsList.Add(new ColorContext(colorContextHandles[i]));
return colorContextsList;
// Equality Methods/Properties
#region Equality methods and Properties
/// <summary>
/// Equals method
/// </summary>
override public bool Equals(object obj)
ColorContext context = obj as ColorContext;
return (context == this);
/// <summary>
/// GetHashCode
/// </summary>
override public int GetHashCode()
// phDateTime_2 contains the minute and second that the profile was created. Obviously this
// is not a great hash, but the compiler forces us to implement this due to us implementing
// operator==. Plus, we don't see hashing ColorContexts as an important scenario. This
// is good enough.
return (int)_profileHeader.phDateTime_2;
/// <summary>
/// Operator==
/// </summary>
public static bool operator==(ColorContext context1, ColorContext context2)
object obj1 = context1;
object obj2 = context2;
if (obj1 == null && obj2 == null)
return true;
else if (obj1 != null && obj2 != null)
return (
(context1._profileHeader.phSize == context2._profileHeader.phSize) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phCMMType == context2._profileHeader.phCMMType) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phVersion == context2._profileHeader.phVersion) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phClass == context2._profileHeader.phClass) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phDataColorSpace == context2._profileHeader.phDataColorSpace) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phConnectionSpace == context2._profileHeader.phConnectionSpace) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phDateTime_0 == context2._profileHeader.phDateTime_0) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phDateTime_1 == context2._profileHeader.phDateTime_1) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phDateTime_2 == context2._profileHeader.phDateTime_2) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phSignature == context2._profileHeader.phSignature) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phPlatform == context2._profileHeader.phPlatform) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phProfileFlags == context2._profileHeader.phProfileFlags) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phManufacturer == context2._profileHeader.phManufacturer) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phModel == context2._profileHeader.phModel) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phAttributes_0 == context2._profileHeader.phAttributes_0) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phAttributes_1 == context2._profileHeader.phAttributes_1) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phRenderingIntent == context2._profileHeader.phRenderingIntent) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phIlluminant_0 == context2._profileHeader.phIlluminant_0) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phIlluminant_1 == context2._profileHeader.phIlluminant_1) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phIlluminant_2 == context2._profileHeader.phIlluminant_2) &&
(context1._profileHeader.phCreator == context2._profileHeader.phCreator)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Operator!=
/// </summary>
public static bool operator!=(ColorContext context1, ColorContext context2)
return !(context1 == context2);
#region Private Methods
/// <summary>
/// Loads color profile given by profileUri
/// </summary>
private void Initialize(Uri profileUri, bool isStandardProfileUriNotFromUser)
bool tryProfileFromResource = false;
if (!profileUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.UriNotAbsolute, nameof(profileUri));
_profileUri = profileUri;
_isProfileUriNotFromUser = isStandardProfileUriNotFromUser;
Stream profileStream = null;
profileStream = WpfWebRequestHelper.CreateRequestAndGetResponseStream(profileUri);
catch (WebException)
// If we couldn't load the system's default color profile (e.g. in partial trust), load a color profile from
// a resource so the image shows up at least. If the user specified a color profile and we weren't
// able to load it, we'll fail to avoid letting the user use this resource fallback as a way to discover
// files on disk.
if (isStandardProfileUriNotFromUser)
tryProfileFromResource = true;
if (profileStream == null)
if (tryProfileFromResource)
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(_colorProfileResources, Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ColorContext)));
byte[] sRGBProfile = (byte[])resourceManager.GetObject(_sRGBProfileName);
profileStream = new MemoryStream(sRGBProfile);
// SECURITY WARNING: This exception includes the profile URI which may contain sensitive information. However, as of right now,
// this is safe because it can only happen when the URI is given to us by the user.
throw new FileNotFoundException(SR.Format(SR.FileNotFoundExceptionWithFileName, profileUri.AbsolutePath), profileUri.AbsolutePath);
FromStream(profileStream, profileUri.AbsolutePath);
/// <summary>
/// Obtains the system color profile path
/// </summary>
private static Uri GetStandardColorSpaceProfile()
const int SIZE = NativeMethods.MAX_PATH;
uint dwProfileID = (uint)NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_sRGB;
uint bufferSize = SIZE;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(SIZE);
HRESULT.Check(UnsafeNativeMethodsMilCoreApi.Mscms.GetStandardColorSpaceProfile(IntPtr.Zero, dwProfileID, buffer, out bufferSize));
Uri profilePath;
string profilePathString = buffer.ToString();
if (!Uri.TryCreate(profilePathString, UriKind.Absolute, out profilePath))
// GetStandardColorSpaceProfile() returns whatever was given to SetStandardColorSpaceProfile().
// If it were set to a relative path by the user, we should throw an exception to avoid any possible
// security issues. However, the Vista control panel uses the same API and sometimes likes to set
// relative paths. Since we can't tell the difference and we want people to be able to change
// their color profile from the control panel, we'll tack on the system directory.
// bufferSize was modified by GetStandardColorSpaceProfile so set it again
bufferSize = SIZE;
HRESULT.Check(UnsafeNativeMethodsMilCoreApi.Mscms.GetColorDirectory(IntPtr.Zero, buffer, out bufferSize));
profilePath = new Uri(Path.Combine(buffer.ToString(), profilePathString));
return profilePath;
private void FromStream(Stream stm, string filename)
Debug.Assert(stm != null);
int bufferSize = _bufferSizeIncrement;
if (stm.CanSeek)
bufferSize = (int)stm.Length + 1; // If this stream is seekable (most cases), we will only have one buffer alloc and read below
// otherwise, we will incrementally grow the buffer and read until end of profile.
// profiles are typcially small, so usually one allocation will suffice
byte[] rawBytes = new byte[bufferSize];
int numBytesRead = 0;
while (bufferSize < _maximumColorContextLength)
numBytesRead += stm.Read(rawBytes, numBytesRead, bufferSize - numBytesRead);
if (numBytesRead < bufferSize)
FromRawBytes(rawBytes, numBytesRead, dontThrowException: false);
using (FactoryMaker factoryMaker = new FactoryMaker())
HRESULT.Check(UnsafeNativeMethodsMilCoreApi.WICCodec.CreateColorContext(factoryMaker.ImagingFactoryPtr, out _colorContextHandle));
HRESULT.Check(IWICCC.InitializeFromMemory(_colorContextHandle, rawBytes, (uint)numBytesRead));
bufferSize += _bufferSizeIncrement;
byte[] newRawBytes = new byte[bufferSize];
rawBytes.CopyTo(newRawBytes, 0);
rawBytes = newRawBytes;
throw new ArgumentException(SR.ColorContext_FileTooLarge, filename);
/// Note: often the data buffer is larger than the actual data in it.
/// dontThrowException is for preserving the 3.* behavior of ColorContext(SafeMILHandle)
private void FromRawBytes(byte[] data, int dataLength, bool dontThrowException)
Invariant.Assert(dataLength <= data.Length);
Invariant.Assert(dataLength >= 0);
UnsafeNativeMethods.PROFILEHEADER header;
UnsafeNativeMethods.PROFILE profile;
fixed (void *dataPtr = data)
profile.dwType = NativeMethods.ProfileType.PROFILE_MEMBUFFER;
profile.pProfileData = dataPtr;
profile.cbDataSize = (uint)dataLength;
_colorContextHelper.OpenColorProfile(ref profile);
if (_colorContextHelper.IsInvalid)
if (dontThrowException)
if (!_colorContextHelper.GetColorProfileHeader(out header))
if (dontThrowException)
// Copy the important stuff from the header into our smaller cache
_profileHeader.phSize = header.phSize;
_profileHeader.phCMMType = header.phCMMType;
_profileHeader.phVersion = header.phVersion;
_profileHeader.phClass = header.phClass;
_profileHeader.phDataColorSpace = header.phDataColorSpace;
_profileHeader.phConnectionSpace = header.phConnectionSpace;
_profileHeader.phDateTime_0 = header.phDateTime_0;
_profileHeader.phDateTime_1 = header.phDateTime_1;
_profileHeader.phDateTime_2 = header.phDateTime_2;
_profileHeader.phSignature = header.phSignature;
_profileHeader.phPlatform = header.phPlatform;
_profileHeader.phProfileFlags = header.phProfileFlags;
_profileHeader.phManufacturer = header.phManufacturer;
_profileHeader.phModel = header.phModel;
_profileHeader.phAttributes_0 = header.phAttributes_0;
_profileHeader.phAttributes_1 = header.phAttributes_1;
_profileHeader.phRenderingIntent = header.phRenderingIntent;
_profileHeader.phIlluminant_0 = header.phIlluminant_0;
_profileHeader.phIlluminant_1 = header.phIlluminant_1;
_profileHeader.phIlluminant_2 = header.phIlluminant_2;
_profileHeader.phCreator = header.phCreator;
switch (_profileHeader.phDataColorSpace)
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_XYZ:
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_Lab:
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_Luv:
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_YCbCr:
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_Yxy:
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_HSV:
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_HLS:
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_CMY:
_numChannels = 3;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Unknown;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_RGB:
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Rgb;
_numChannels = 3;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_GRAY:
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Gray;
_numChannels = 1;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_CMYK:
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Cmyk;
_numChannels = 4;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_2_CHANNEL:
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
_numChannels = 2;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_3_CHANNEL:
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
_numChannels = 3;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_4_CHANNEL:
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
_numChannels = 4;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_5_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 5;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_6_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 6;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_7_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 7;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_8_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 8;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_9_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 9;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_A_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 10;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_B_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 11;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_C_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 12;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_D_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 13;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_E_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 14;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
case NativeMethods.ColorSpace.SPACE_F_CHANNEL:
_numChannels = 15;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Multichannel;
_numChannels = 0;
_colorSpaceFamily = StandardColorSpace.Unknown;
#region Private Fields
private ColorContextHelper _colorContextHelper;
private StandardColorSpace _colorSpaceFamily;
private int _numChannels;
private Uri _profileUri;
private bool _isProfileUriNotFromUser;
private AbbreviatedPROFILEHEADER _profileHeader;
private SafeMILHandle _colorContextHandle;
private const int _bufferSizeIncrement = 1024 * 1024; // 1 Mb
private const int _maximumColorContextLength = _bufferSizeIncrement * 32; // 32 Mb
private readonly static NativeMethods.COLORTYPE[] _colorTypeFromChannels =
new NativeMethods.COLORTYPE[9] {
private const string _colorProfileResources = "ColorProfiles";
private const string _sRGBProfileName = "sRGB_icm";
private struct AbbreviatedPROFILEHEADER
public uint phSize; // profile size in bytes
public uint phCMMType; // CMM for this profile
public uint phVersion; // profile format version number
public uint phClass; // type of profile
public NativeMethods.ColorSpace phDataColorSpace; // color space of data
public uint phConnectionSpace; // PCS
public uint phDateTime_0; // date profile was created
public uint phDateTime_1; // date profile was created
public uint phDateTime_2; // date profile was created
public uint phSignature; // magic number ("Reserved for internal use.")
public uint phPlatform; // primary platform
public uint phProfileFlags; // various bit settings
public uint phManufacturer; // device manufacturer
public uint phModel; // device model number
public uint phAttributes_0; // device attributes
public uint phAttributes_1; // device attributes
public uint phRenderingIntent; // rendering intent
public uint phIlluminant_0; // profile illuminant
public uint phIlluminant_1; // profile illuminant
public uint phIlluminant_2; // profile illuminant
public uint phCreator; // profile creator
// Not including the reserved bits because we don't want to unnecessarily
// increase the size of ColorContext
// public byte phReserved[44];
internal enum StandardColorSpace : int
Unknown = 0,
Srgb = 1,
ScRgb = 2,
Rgb = 3,
Cmyk = 4,
Gray = 6,
Multichannel = 7