// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.TestHooks;
internal static class FeatureAttribute
public const string AddImportsOnPaste = nameof(AddImportsOnPaste);
public const string AutomaticEndConstructCorrection = nameof(AutomaticEndConstructCorrection);
public const string AutomaticPairCompletion = nameof(AutomaticPairCompletion);
public const string BraceHighlighting = nameof(BraceHighlighting);
public const string BracePairs = nameof(BracePairs);
public const string CallHierarchy = nameof(CallHierarchy);
public const string Classification = nameof(Classification);
public const string CodeDefinitionWindow = nameof(CodeDefinitionWindow);
public const string CodeLens = nameof(CodeLens);
public const string CodeModel = nameof(CodeModel);
public const string ColorScheme = nameof(ColorScheme);
public const string CompletionSet = nameof(CompletionSet);
public const string CopilotSuggestions = nameof(CopilotSuggestions);
public const string DesignerAttributes = nameof(DesignerAttributes);
public const string DiagnosticService = nameof(DiagnosticService);
public const string DocumentOutline = nameof(DocumentOutline);
public const string EditAndContinue = nameof(EditAndContinue);
public const string EncapsulateField = nameof(EncapsulateField);
public const string ErrorList = nameof(ErrorList);
public const string ErrorSquiggles = nameof(ErrorSquiggles);
public const string EventHookup = nameof(EventHookup);
public const string ExtractMethod = nameof(ExtractMethod);
public const string FindReferences = nameof(FindReferences);
public const string SemanticSearch = nameof(SemanticSearch);
public const string GenerateDocumentation = nameof(GenerateDocumentation);
public const string GlobalOperation = nameof(GlobalOperation);
public const string GoToBase = nameof(GoToBase);
public const string GoToDefinition = nameof(GoToDefinition);
public const string GoToImplementation = nameof(GoToImplementation);
public const string GraphProvider = nameof(GraphProvider);
public const string InfoBar = nameof(InfoBar);
public const string InheritanceMargin = nameof(InheritanceMargin);
public const string InlineDiagnostics = nameof(InlineDiagnostics);
public const string InlineHints = nameof(InlineHints);
public const string InlineRenameFlyout = nameof(InlineRenameFlyout);
public const string InteractiveEvaluator = nameof(InteractiveEvaluator);
public const string KeywordHighlighting = nameof(KeywordHighlighting);
public const string LanguageServer = nameof(LanguageServer);
public const string LibraryManager = nameof(LibraryManager);
public const string LightBulb = nameof(LightBulb);
public const string LineSeparators = nameof(LineSeparators);
public const string NavigableSymbols = nameof(NavigableSymbols);
public const string NavigateTo = nameof(NavigateTo);
public const string NavigationBar = nameof(NavigationBar);
public const string OnTheFlyDocs = nameof(OnTheFlyDocs);
public const string Outlining = nameof(Outlining);
public const string OrganizeDocument = nameof(OrganizeDocument);
public const string PackageInstaller = nameof(PackageInstaller);
public const string PersistentStorage = nameof(PersistentStorage);
public const string QuickInfo = nameof(QuickInfo);
public const string ReferenceHighlighting = nameof(ReferenceHighlighting);
public const string Rename = nameof(Rename);
public const string RenameTracking = nameof(RenameTracking);
public const string RuleSetEditor = nameof(RuleSetEditor);
public const string SignatureHelp = nameof(SignatureHelp);
public const string SmartRename = nameof(SmartRename);
public const string Snippets = nameof(Snippets);
public const string SolutionChecksumUpdater = nameof(SolutionChecksumUpdater);
public const string SolutionCrawlerLegacy = nameof(SolutionCrawlerLegacy);
public const string SolutionCrawlerUnitTesting = nameof(SolutionCrawlerUnitTesting);
public const string SourceGenerators = nameof(SourceGenerators);
public const string StringIndentation = nameof(StringIndentation);
public const string Tagger = nameof(Tagger);
public const string TaskList = nameof(TaskList);
public const string Telemetry = nameof(Telemetry);
public const string ValueTracking = nameof(ValueTracking);
public const string Workspace = nameof(Workspace);