File: Symbols\Source\SourceMemberMethodSymbol.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols
    internal abstract class SourceMemberMethodSymbol : LocalFunctionOrSourceMemberMethodSymbol, IAttributeTargetSymbol
        // The flags type is used to compact many different bits of information.
        protected struct Flags
            // We currently pack everything into a 32 bit int with the following layout:
            // |          |m|t|a|b|e|n|vvv|yy|s|r|q|z|kkk|wwwww|
            // w = method kind.  5 bits.
            // k = ref kind.  3 bits.
            // z = isExtensionMethod. 1 bit.
            // q = isMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChanges. 1 bit.
            // r = isMetadataVirtual. 1 bit. (At least as true as isMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChanges.)
            // s = isMetadataVirtualLocked. 1 bit.
            // y = ReturnsVoid. 2 bits.
            // v = NullableContext. 3 bits.
            // n = IsNullableAnalysisEnabled. 1 bit.
            // e = IsExpressionBody. 1 bit.
            // b = HasAnyBody. 1 bit.
            // a = IsVararg. 1 bit.
            // t = HasThisInitializer. 1 bit.
            // m = HasExplicitAccessModifier. 1 bit.
            private int _flags;
            private const int MethodKindOffset = 0;
            private const int MethodKindSize = 5;
            private const int MethodKindMask = (1 << MethodKindSize) - 1;
            private const int RefKindOffset = MethodKindOffset + MethodKindSize;
            private const int RefKindSize = 3;
            private const int RefKindMask = (1 << RefKindSize) - 1;
            private const int IsExtensionMethodOffset = RefKindOffset + RefKindSize;
            private const int IsExtensionMethodSize = 1;
            private const int IsMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChangesOffset = IsExtensionMethodOffset + IsExtensionMethodSize;
            private const int IsMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChangesSize = 1;
            private const int IsMetadataVirtualOffset = IsMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChangesOffset + IsMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChangesSize;
            private const int IsMetadataVirtualSize = 1;
            private const int IsMetadataVirtualLockedOffset = IsMetadataVirtualOffset + IsMetadataVirtualSize;
            private const int IsMetadataVirtualLockedSize = 1;
            private const int ReturnsVoidOffset = IsMetadataVirtualLockedOffset + IsMetadataVirtualLockedSize;
            private const int ReturnsVoidSize = 2;
            private const int NullableContextOffset = ReturnsVoidOffset + ReturnsVoidSize;
            private const int NullableContextSize = 3;
            private const int NullableContextMask = (1 << NullableContextSize) - 1;
            private const int IsNullableAnalysisEnabledOffset = NullableContextOffset + NullableContextSize;
            private const int IsNullableAnalysisEnabledSize = 1;
            private const int IsExpressionBodiedOffset = IsNullableAnalysisEnabledOffset + IsNullableAnalysisEnabledSize;
            private const int IsExpressionBodiedSize = 1;
            private const int HasAnyBodyOffset = IsExpressionBodiedOffset + IsExpressionBodiedSize;
            private const int HasAnyBodySize = 1;
            private const int IsVarargOffset = HasAnyBodyOffset + HasAnyBodySize;
            private const int IsVarargSize = 1;
            private const int HasThisInitializerOffset = IsVarargOffset + IsVarargSize;
            private const int HasThisInitializerSize = 1;
            private const int HasExplicitAccessModifierOffset = HasThisInitializerOffset + HasThisInitializerSize;
#pragma warning disable IDE0051 // Remove unused private members
            private const int HasExplicitAccessModifierSize = 1;
#pragma warning restore IDE0051 // Remove unused private members
            private const int HasAnyBodyBit = 1 << HasAnyBodyOffset;
            private const int IsExpressionBodiedBit = 1 << IsExpressionBodiedOffset;
            private const int IsExtensionMethodBit = 1 << IsExtensionMethodOffset;
            private const int IsMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChangesBit = 1 << IsMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChangesOffset;
            private const int IsMetadataVirtualBit = 1 << IsMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChangesOffset;
            private const int IsMetadataVirtualLockedBit = 1 << IsMetadataVirtualLockedOffset;
            private const int IsVarargBit = 1 << IsVarargOffset;
            private const int HasThisInitializerBit = 1 << HasThisInitializerOffset;
            private const int HasExplicitAccessModifierBit = 1 << HasExplicitAccessModifierOffset;
            private const int ReturnsVoidBit = 1 << ReturnsVoidOffset;
            private const int ReturnsVoidIsSetBit = 1 << ReturnsVoidOffset + 1;
            private const int IsNullableAnalysisEnabledBit = 1 << IsNullableAnalysisEnabledOffset;
            public bool ReturnsVoid
                    int bits = _flags;
                    var value = (bits & ReturnsVoidBit) != 0;
                    Debug.Assert((bits & ReturnsVoidIsSetBit) != 0);
                    return value;
            public void SetReturnsVoid(bool value)
                int bits = _flags;
                Debug.Assert((bits & ReturnsVoidIsSetBit) == 0);
                Debug.Assert(value || (bits & ReturnsVoidBit) == 0);
                ThreadSafeFlagOperations.Set(ref _flags, ReturnsVoidIsSetBit | (value ? ReturnsVoidBit : 0));
            public MethodKind MethodKind
                get { return (MethodKind)((_flags >> MethodKindOffset) & MethodKindMask); }
            public RefKind RefKind
                get { return (RefKind)((_flags >> RefKindOffset) & RefKindMask); }
            public bool HasAnyBody
                get { return (_flags & HasAnyBodyBit) != 0; }
            public bool IsExpressionBodied
                get { return (_flags & IsExpressionBodiedBit) != 0; }
            public bool IsExtensionMethod
                get { return (_flags & IsExtensionMethodBit) != 0; }
            public bool IsNullableAnalysisEnabled
                get { return (_flags & IsNullableAnalysisEnabledBit) != 0; }
            public bool IsMetadataVirtualLocked
                get { return (_flags & IsMetadataVirtualLockedBit) != 0; }
            public bool IsVararg
                get { return (_flags & IsVarargBit) != 0; }
            public readonly bool HasThisInitializer
                => (_flags & HasThisInitializerBit) != 0;
            public readonly bool HasExplicitAccessModifier
                => (_flags & HasExplicitAccessModifierBit) != 0;
            static Flags()
                // Verify masks are sufficient for values.
            private static bool ModifiersRequireMetadataVirtual(DeclarationModifiers modifiers)
                return (modifiers & (DeclarationModifiers.Abstract | DeclarationModifiers.Virtual | DeclarationModifiers.Override)) != 0;
            public Flags(
                MethodKind methodKind,
                RefKind refKind,
                DeclarationModifiers declarationModifiers,
                bool returnsVoid,
                bool returnsVoidIsSet,
                bool hasAnyBody,
                bool isExpressionBodied,
                bool isExtensionMethod,
                bool isNullableAnalysisEnabled,
                bool isVararg,
                bool isExplicitInterfaceImplementation,
                bool hasThisInitializer,
                bool hasExplicitAccessModifier)
                Debug.Assert(!returnsVoid || returnsVoidIsSet);
                bool isMetadataVirtual = (isExplicitInterfaceImplementation && (declarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.Static) == 0) || ModifiersRequireMetadataVirtual(declarationModifiers);
                int methodKindInt = ((int)methodKind & MethodKindMask) << MethodKindOffset;
                int refKindInt = ((int)refKind & RefKindMask) << RefKindOffset;
                int hasAnyBodyInt = hasAnyBody ? HasAnyBodyBit : 0;
                int isExpressionBodyInt = isExpressionBodied ? IsExpressionBodiedBit : 0;
                int isExtensionMethodInt = isExtensionMethod ? IsExtensionMethodBit : 0;
                int isNullableAnalysisEnabledInt = isNullableAnalysisEnabled ? IsNullableAnalysisEnabledBit : 0;
                int isVarargInt = isVararg ? IsVarargBit : 0;
                int isMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceImplementationChangesInt = isMetadataVirtual ? IsMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChangesBit : 0;
                int isMetadataVirtualInt = isMetadataVirtual ? IsMetadataVirtualBit : 0;
                int hasThisInitializerInt = hasThisInitializer ? HasThisInitializerBit : 0;
                int hasExplicitAccessModifierInt = hasExplicitAccessModifier ? HasExplicitAccessModifierBit : 0;
                _flags = methodKindInt
                    | refKindInt
                    | hasAnyBodyInt
                    | isExpressionBodyInt
                    | isExtensionMethodInt
                    | isNullableAnalysisEnabledInt
                    | isVarargInt
                    | isMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceImplementationChangesInt
                    | isMetadataVirtualInt
                    | hasThisInitializerInt
                    | hasExplicitAccessModifierInt
                    | (returnsVoid ? ReturnsVoidBit : 0)
                    | (returnsVoidIsSet ? ReturnsVoidIsSetBit : 0);
            public Flags(
                MethodKind methodKind,
                RefKind refKind,
                DeclarationModifiers declarationModifiers,
                bool returnsVoid,
                bool returnsVoidIsSet,
                bool isExpressionBodied,
                bool isExtensionMethod,
                bool isNullableAnalysisEnabled,
                bool isVararg,
                bool isExplicitInterfaceImplementation,
                bool hasThisInitializer)
                : this(methodKind,
                       returnsVoid: returnsVoid,
                       returnsVoidIsSet: returnsVoidIsSet,
                       hasAnyBody: false,
                       isExpressionBodied: isExpressionBodied,
                       isExtensionMethod: isExtensionMethod,
                       isNullableAnalysisEnabled: isNullableAnalysisEnabled,
                       isVararg: isVararg,
                       isExplicitInterfaceImplementation: isExplicitInterfaceImplementation,
                       hasThisInitializer: hasThisInitializer,
                       hasExplicitAccessModifier: false)
            public bool IsMetadataVirtual(bool ignoreInterfaceImplementationChanges = false)
                // This flag is immutable, so there's no reason to set a lock bit, as we do below.
                if (ignoreInterfaceImplementationChanges)
                    return (_flags & IsMetadataVirtualIgnoringInterfaceChangesBit) != 0;
                if (!IsMetadataVirtualLocked)
                    ThreadSafeFlagOperations.Set(ref _flags, IsMetadataVirtualLockedBit);
                return (_flags & IsMetadataVirtualBit) != 0;
            public void EnsureMetadataVirtual()
                // ACASEY: This assert is here to check that we're not mutating the value of IsMetadataVirtual after
                // someone has consumed it.  The best practice is to not access IsMetadataVirtual before ForceComplete
                // has been called on all SourceNamedTypeSymbols.  If it is necessary to do so, then you can pass
                // ignoreInterfaceImplementationChanges: true, but you must be conscious that seeing "false" may not
                // reflect the final, emitted modifier.
                if ((_flags & IsMetadataVirtualBit) == 0)
                    ThreadSafeFlagOperations.Set(ref _flags, IsMetadataVirtualBit);
            public bool TryGetNullableContext(out byte? value)
                return ((NullableContextKind)((_flags >> NullableContextOffset) & NullableContextMask)).TryGetByte(out value);
            public bool SetNullableContext(byte? value)
                return ThreadSafeFlagOperations.Set(ref _flags, (((int)value.ToNullableContextFlags() & NullableContextMask) << NullableContextOffset));
        protected SymbolCompletionState state;
        protected readonly DeclarationModifiers DeclarationModifiers;
        protected Flags flags;
        private readonly NamedTypeSymbol _containingType;
        private ParameterSymbol _lazyThisParameter;
        private OverriddenOrHiddenMembersResult _lazyOverriddenOrHiddenMembers;
        protected readonly Location _location;
        protected string lazyDocComment;
        protected string lazyExpandedDocComment;
        //null if has never been computed. Initial binding diagnostics
        //are stashed here in service of API usage patterns
        //where method body diagnostics are requested multiple times.
        private ImmutableArray<Diagnostic> _cachedDiagnostics;
        internal ImmutableArray<Diagnostic> Diagnostics
            get { return _cachedDiagnostics; }
        internal ImmutableArray<Diagnostic> SetDiagnostics(ImmutableArray<Diagnostic> newSet, out bool diagsWritten)
            //return the diagnostics that were actually saved in the event that there were two threads racing. 
            diagsWritten = ImmutableInterlocked.InterlockedInitialize(ref _cachedDiagnostics, newSet);
            return _cachedDiagnostics;
        protected SourceMemberMethodSymbol(
            NamedTypeSymbol containingType,
            SyntaxReference syntaxReferenceOpt,
            Location location,
            bool isIterator,
            (DeclarationModifiers declarationModifiers, Flags flags) modifiersAndFlags)
            : base(syntaxReferenceOpt, isIterator)
            Debug.Assert(containingType is not null);
            Debug.Assert(location is not null);
            Debug.Assert(containingType.DeclaringCompilation is not null);
            _containingType = containingType;
            _location = location;
            DeclarationModifiers = modifiersAndFlags.declarationModifiers;
            flags = modifiersAndFlags.flags;
        protected void CheckEffectiveAccessibility(TypeWithAnnotations returnType, ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol> parameters, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (this.DeclaredAccessibility <= Accessibility.Private || MethodKind == MethodKind.ExplicitInterfaceImplementation)
            ErrorCode code = (this.MethodKind == MethodKind.Conversion || this.MethodKind == MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator) ?
                ErrorCode.ERR_BadVisOpReturn :
            var useSiteInfo = new CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>(diagnostics, ContainingAssembly);
            if (!this.IsNoMoreVisibleThan(returnType, ref useSiteInfo))
                // Inconsistent accessibility: return type '{1}' is less accessible than method '{0}'
                diagnostics.Add(code, GetFirstLocation(), this, returnType.Type);
            code = (this.MethodKind == MethodKind.Conversion || this.MethodKind == MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator) ?
                ErrorCode.ERR_BadVisOpParam :
            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                if (!parameter.TypeWithAnnotations.IsAtLeastAsVisibleAs(this, ref useSiteInfo))
                    // Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type '{1}' is less accessible than method '{0}'
                    diagnostics.Add(code, GetFirstLocation(), this, parameter.Type);
            diagnostics.Add(GetFirstLocation(), useSiteInfo);
        protected void CheckFileTypeUsage(TypeWithAnnotations returnType, ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol> parameters, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (ContainingType.HasFileLocalTypes())
            if (returnType.Type.HasFileLocalTypes())
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_FileTypeDisallowedInSignature, GetFirstLocation(), returnType.Type, ContainingType);
            foreach (var param in parameters)
                if (param.Type.HasFileLocalTypes())
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_FileTypeDisallowedInSignature, GetFirstLocation(), param.Type, ContainingType);
        protected static Flags MakeFlags(
            MethodKind methodKind,
            RefKind refKind,
            DeclarationModifiers declarationModifiers,
            bool returnsVoid,
            bool returnsVoidIsSet,
            bool isExpressionBodied,
            bool isExtensionMethod,
            bool isNullableAnalysisEnabled,
            bool isVarArg,
            bool isExplicitInterfaceImplementation,
            bool hasThisInitializer)
            return new Flags(methodKind, refKind, declarationModifiers, returnsVoid, returnsVoidIsSet, isExpressionBodied, isExtensionMethod, isNullableAnalysisEnabled, isVarArg, isExplicitInterfaceImplementation, hasThisInitializer);
        protected void SetReturnsVoid(bool returnsVoid)
        /// <remarks>
        /// Implementers should assume that a lock has been taken on MethodChecksLockObject.
        /// In particular, it should not (generally) be necessary to use CompareExchange to
        /// protect assignments to fields.
        /// </remarks>
        protected abstract void MethodChecks(BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics);
        /// <summary>
        /// We can usually lock on the syntax reference of this method, but it turns
        /// out that some synthesized methods (e.g. field-like event accessors) also
        /// need to do method checks.  This property allows such methods to supply
        /// their own lock objects, so that we don't have to add a new field to every
        /// SourceMethodSymbol.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual object MethodChecksLockObject
            get { return this.syntaxReferenceOpt; }
        protected void LazyMethodChecks()
            if (!state.HasComplete(CompletionPart.FinishMethodChecks))
                // TODO: if this lock ever encloses a potential call to Debugger.NotifyOfCrossThreadDependency,
                // then we should call DebuggerUtilities.CallBeforeAcquiringLock() (see method comment for more
                // details).
                object lockObject = MethodChecksLockObject;
                Debug.Assert(lockObject != null);
                lock (lockObject)
                    if (state.NotePartComplete(CompletionPart.StartMethodChecks))
                        // By setting StartMethodChecks, we've committed to doing the checks and setting
                        // FinishMethodChecks.  So there is no cancellation supported between one and the other.
                        var diagnostics = BindingDiagnosticBag.GetInstance();
                        // Either (1) this thread is in the process of completing the method,
                        // or (2) some other thread has beat us to the punch and completed the method.
                        // We can distinguish the two cases here by checking for the FinishMethodChecks
                        // part to be complete, which would only occur if another thread completed this
                        // method.
                        // The other case, in which this thread is in the process of completing the method,
                        // requires that we return here even though the checks are not complete.  That's because
                        // methods are processed by first populating the return type and parameters by binding
                        // the syntax from source.  Those values are visible to the same thread for the purpose
                        // of computing which methods are implemented and overridden.  But then those values
                        // may be rewritten (by the same thread) to copy down custom modifiers.  In order to
                        // allow the same thread to see the return type and parameters from the syntax (though
                        // they do not yet take on their final values), we return here.
                        // Due to the fact that LazyMethodChecks is potentially reentrant, we must use a 
                        // reentrant lock to avoid deadlock and cannot assert that at this point method checks
                        // have completed (state.HasComplete(CompletionPart.FinishMethodChecks)).
        protected virtual void LazyAsyncMethodChecks(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        public sealed override Symbol ContainingSymbol
                return _containingType;
        public override NamedTypeSymbol ContainingType
                return _containingType;
        public override Symbol AssociatedSymbol
                return null;
        #region Flags
        public override bool ReturnsVoid
                return flags.ReturnsVoid;
        public sealed override MethodKind MethodKind
                return this.flags.MethodKind;
        public override bool IsExtensionMethod
                return this.flags.IsExtensionMethod;
        // TODO (tomat): sealed
        internal override bool IsMetadataNewSlot(bool ignoreInterfaceImplementationChanges = false)
            if (IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation && _containingType.IsInterface)
                // All implementations of methods from base interfaces should omit the newslot bit to ensure no new vtable slot is allocated.
                return false;
            // If C# and the runtime don't agree on the overridden method,
            // then we will mark the method as newslot and specify the
            // override explicitly (see GetExplicitImplementationOverrides
            // in NamedTypeSymbolAdapter.cs).
            return this.IsOverride ?
                this.RequiresExplicitOverride(out _) :
                !this.IsStatic && this.IsMetadataVirtual(ignoreInterfaceImplementationChanges ? IsMetadataVirtualOption.IgnoreInterfaceImplementationChanges : IsMetadataVirtualOption.None);
        // TODO (tomat): sealed?
        internal override bool IsMetadataVirtual(IsMetadataVirtualOption option = IsMetadataVirtualOption.None)
            if (option == IsMetadataVirtualOption.ForceCompleteIfNeeded && !this.flags.IsMetadataVirtualLocked)
                this.ContainingSymbol.ForceComplete(locationOpt: null, filter: null, cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);
            return this.flags.IsMetadataVirtual(ignoreInterfaceImplementationChanges: option == IsMetadataVirtualOption.IgnoreInterfaceImplementationChanges);
        internal void EnsureMetadataVirtual()
        public override Accessibility DeclaredAccessibility
                return ModifierUtils.EffectiveAccessibility(this.DeclarationModifiers);
        internal bool HasExternModifier
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.Extern) != 0;
        public override bool IsExtern
                return HasExternModifier;
        public sealed override bool IsSealed
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.Sealed) != 0;
        public sealed override bool IsAbstract
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.Abstract) != 0;
        public sealed override bool IsOverride
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.Override) != 0;
        internal bool IsPartial
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.Partial) != 0;
        public sealed override bool IsVirtual
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.Virtual) != 0;
        internal bool IsNew
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.New) != 0;
        public sealed override bool IsStatic
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.Static) != 0;
        internal bool IsUnsafe
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.Unsafe) != 0;
        public sealed override bool IsAsync
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.Async) != 0;
        internal override bool IsDeclaredReadOnly
                return (this.DeclarationModifiers & DeclarationModifiers.ReadOnly) != 0;
        internal override bool IsInitOnly => false;
        internal sealed override Cci.CallingConvention CallingConvention
                var cc = IsVararg ? Cci.CallingConvention.ExtraArguments : Cci.CallingConvention.Default;
                if (IsGenericMethod)
                    cc |= Cci.CallingConvention.Generic;
                if (!IsStatic)
                    cc |= Cci.CallingConvention.HasThis;
                return cc;
        #region Syntax
        internal (BlockSyntax blockBody, ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax arrowBody) Bodies
                switch (SyntaxNode)
                    case BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax method:
                        return (method.Body, method.ExpressionBody);
                    case AccessorDeclarationSyntax accessor:
                        return (accessor.Body, accessor.ExpressionBody);
                    case ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax arrowExpression:
                        Debug.Assert(arrowExpression.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration ||
                                     arrowExpression.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.IndexerDeclaration ||
                                     this is SynthesizedClosureMethod);
                        return (null, arrowExpression);
                    case BlockSyntax block:
                        Debug.Assert(this is SynthesizedClosureMethod);
                        return (block, null);
                        return (null, null);
        private Binder TryGetInMethodBinder(BinderFactory binderFactoryOpt = null)
            CSharpSyntaxNode contextNode = GetInMethodSyntaxNode();
            if (contextNode == null)
                return null;
            Binder result = (binderFactoryOpt ?? this.DeclaringCompilation.GetBinderFactory(contextNode.SyntaxTree)).GetBinder(contextNode);
            Binder current = result;
                if (current is InMethodBinder)
                current = current.Next;
            while (current != null);
            Debug.Assert(current is InMethodBinder);
            return result;
        internal abstract ExecutableCodeBinder TryGetBodyBinder(BinderFactory binderFactoryOpt = null, bool ignoreAccessibility = false);
        protected ExecutableCodeBinder TryGetBodyBinderFromSyntax(BinderFactory binderFactoryOpt = null, bool ignoreAccessibility = false)
            Binder inMethod = TryGetInMethodBinder(binderFactoryOpt);
            return inMethod == null ? null : new ExecutableCodeBinder(SyntaxNode, this, inMethod.WithAdditionalFlags(ignoreAccessibility ? BinderFlags.IgnoreAccessibility : BinderFlags.None));
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden by <see cref="SourceOrdinaryMethodSymbol"/>, 
        /// which might return locations of partial methods.
        /// </summary>
        public override ImmutableArray<Location> Locations
            => ImmutableArray.Create(_location);
        public override Location TryGetFirstLocation()
            => _location;
        public override string GetDocumentationCommentXml(CultureInfo preferredCulture = null, bool expandIncludes = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            ref var lazyDocComment = ref expandIncludes ? ref this.lazyExpandedDocComment : ref this.lazyDocComment;
            return SourceDocumentationCommentUtils.GetAndCacheDocumentationComment(this, expandIncludes, ref lazyDocComment);
        public override ImmutableArray<CustomModifier> RefCustomModifiers
                return ImmutableArray<CustomModifier>.Empty;
        public sealed override ImmutableArray<TypeWithAnnotations> TypeArgumentsWithAnnotations
                return GetTypeParametersAsTypeArguments();
        public sealed override int Arity
                return TypeParameters.Length;
        internal sealed override bool TryGetThisParameter(out ParameterSymbol thisParameter)
            thisParameter = _lazyThisParameter;
            if ((object)thisParameter != null || IsStatic)
                return true;
            Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _lazyThisParameter, new ThisParameterSymbol(this), null);
            thisParameter = _lazyThisParameter;
            return true;
        //overridden appropriately in SourceMemberMethodSymbol
        public override ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> ExplicitInterfaceImplementations
                return ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol>.Empty;
        internal sealed override OverriddenOrHiddenMembersResult OverriddenOrHiddenMembers
                if (_lazyOverriddenOrHiddenMembers == null)
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _lazyOverriddenOrHiddenMembers, this.MakeOverriddenOrHiddenMembers(), null);
                return _lazyOverriddenOrHiddenMembers;
        internal sealed override bool RequiresCompletion
            get { return true; }
        internal sealed override bool HasComplete(CompletionPart part)
            return state.HasComplete(part);
#nullable enable
        internal override void ForceComplete(SourceLocation? locationOpt, Predicate<Symbol>? filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (filter?.Invoke(this) == false)
            while (true)
                var incompletePart = state.NextIncompletePart;
                switch (incompletePart)
                    case CompletionPart.Attributes:
                        if (this is SynthesizedPrimaryConstructor primaryConstructor)
                            // The constructor is responsible for completion of the backing fields
                            foreach (var field in primaryConstructor.GetBackingFields())
                    case CompletionPart.ReturnTypeAttributes:
                    case CompletionPart.Type:
                        var unusedType = this.ReturnTypeWithAnnotations;
                    case CompletionPart.Parameters:
                        foreach (var parameter in this.Parameters)
                            parameter.ForceComplete(locationOpt, filter: null, cancellationToken);
                    case CompletionPart.TypeParameters:
                        foreach (var typeParameter in this.TypeParameters)
                            typeParameter.ForceComplete(locationOpt, filter: null, cancellationToken);
                    case CompletionPart.StartAsyncMethodChecks:
                    case CompletionPart.FinishAsyncMethodChecks:
                    case CompletionPart.StartMethodChecks:
                    case CompletionPart.FinishMethodChecks:
                        goto done;
                    case CompletionPart.None:
                        // any other values are completion parts intended for other kinds of symbols
                        state.NotePartComplete(CompletionPart.All & ~CompletionPart.MethodSymbolAll);
                state.SpinWaitComplete(incompletePart, cancellationToken);
// Don't return until we've seen all of the CompletionParts. This ensures all
// diagnostics have been reported (not necessarily on this thread).
            CompletionPart allParts = CompletionPart.MethodSymbolAll;
            state.SpinWaitComplete(allParts, cancellationToken);
#nullable disable
        protected sealed override void NoteAttributesComplete(bool forReturnType)
            var part = forReturnType ? CompletionPart.ReturnTypeAttributes : CompletionPart.Attributes;
        internal override void AfterAddingTypeMembersChecks(ConversionsBase conversions, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            base.AfterAddingTypeMembersChecks(conversions, diagnostics);
            var compilation = this.DeclaringCompilation;
            if (IsDeclaredReadOnly && !ContainingType.IsReadOnly)
                compilation.EnsureIsReadOnlyAttributeExists(diagnostics, _location, modifyCompilation: true);
            if (compilation.ShouldEmitNullableAttributes(this) &&
                ShouldEmitNullableContextValue(out _))
                compilation.EnsureNullableContextAttributeExists(diagnostics, _location, modifyCompilation: true);
        // Consider moving this state to SourceMethodSymbol to emit NullableContextAttributes
        // on lambdas and local functions (see
        internal override byte? GetLocalNullableContextValue()
            byte? value;
            if (!flags.TryGetNullableContext(out value))
                value = ComputeNullableContextValue();
            return value;
        private byte? ComputeNullableContextValue()
            var compilation = DeclaringCompilation;
            if (!compilation.ShouldEmitNullableAttributes(this))
                return null;
            var builder = new MostCommonNullableValueBuilder();
            foreach (var typeParameter in TypeParameters)
                typeParameter.GetCommonNullableValues(compilation, ref builder);
            foreach (var parameter in Parameters)
                parameter.GetCommonNullableValues(compilation, ref builder);
            return builder.MostCommonValue;
        internal override bool IsNullableAnalysisEnabled()
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsConstructor()); // Constructors should use IsNullableEnabledForConstructorsAndInitializers() instead.
            return flags.IsNullableAnalysisEnabled;
        internal override void AddSynthesizedAttributes(PEModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, ref ArrayBuilder<CSharpAttributeData> attributes)
            base.AddSynthesizedAttributes(moduleBuilder, ref attributes);
            if (IsDeclaredReadOnly && !ContainingType.IsReadOnly)
                AddSynthesizedAttribute(ref attributes, moduleBuilder.SynthesizeIsReadOnlyAttribute(this));
            var compilation = this.DeclaringCompilation;
            if (compilation.ShouldEmitNullableAttributes(this) &&
                ShouldEmitNullableContextValue(out byte nullableContextValue))
                AddSynthesizedAttribute(ref attributes, moduleBuilder.SynthesizeNullableContextAttribute(this, nullableContextValue));
            if (this.RequiresExplicitOverride(out _))
                // On platforms where it is present, add PreserveBaseOverridesAttribute when a methodimpl is used to override a class method.
                AddSynthesizedAttribute(ref attributes, moduleBuilder.SynthesizePreserveBaseOverridesAttribute());
            bool isAsync = this.IsAsync;
            bool isIterator = this.IsIterator;
            if (!isAsync && !isIterator)
            // The async state machine type is not synthesized until the async method body is rewritten. If we are
            // only emitting metadata the method body will not have been rewritten, and the async state machine
            // type will not have been created. In this case, omit the attribute.
            if (moduleBuilder.CompilationState.TryGetStateMachineType(this, out NamedTypeSymbol stateMachineType))
                var arg = new TypedConstant(compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Type),
                    TypedConstantKind.Type, stateMachineType.GetUnboundGenericTypeOrSelf());
                if (isAsync && isIterator)
                    AddSynthesizedAttribute(ref attributes,
                else if (isAsync)
                    AddSynthesizedAttribute(ref attributes,
                else if (isIterator)
                    AddSynthesizedAttribute(ref attributes,
            if (isAsync && !isIterator)
                // Regular async (not async-iterator) kick-off method calls MoveNext, which contains user code.
                // This means we need to emit DebuggerStepThroughAttribute in order
                // to have correct stepping behavior during debugging.
                AddSynthesizedAttribute(ref attributes, compilation.SynthesizeDebuggerStepThroughAttribute());
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if a body is legal given the current modifiers.
        /// If it is not, a diagnostic is added with the current type.
        /// </summary>
        protected void CheckModifiersForBody(Location location, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (IsExtern && !IsAbstract)
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ExternHasBody, location, this);
            else if (IsAbstract && !IsExtern)
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_AbstractHasBody, location, this);
            // Do not report error for IsAbstract && IsExtern. Dev10 reports CS0180 only
            // in that case ("member cannot be both extern and abstract").
        protected void CheckFeatureAvailabilityAndRuntimeSupport(SyntaxNode declarationSyntax, Location location, bool hasBody, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (_containingType.IsInterface)
                if ((!IsStatic || MethodKind is MethodKind.StaticConstructor) &&
                    (hasBody || IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation))
                    Binder.CheckFeatureAvailability(declarationSyntax, MessageID.IDS_DefaultInterfaceImplementation, diagnostics, location);
                if ((((hasBody || IsExtern) && !(IsStatic && IsVirtual)) || IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation) && !ContainingAssembly.RuntimeSupportsDefaultInterfaceImplementation)
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_RuntimeDoesNotSupportDefaultInterfaceImplementation, location);
                if (((!hasBody && IsAbstract) || IsVirtual) && !IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation && IsStatic && !ContainingAssembly.RuntimeSupportsStaticAbstractMembersInInterfaces)
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_RuntimeDoesNotSupportStaticAbstractMembersInInterfaces, location);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the method body is an expression, as expressed
        /// by the <see cref="ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax"/> syntax. False
        /// otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the method has both block body and an expression body
        /// present, this is not treated as expression-bodied.
        /// </remarks>
        internal bool IsExpressionBodied => flags.IsExpressionBodied;
        public sealed override RefKind RefKind => this.flags.RefKind;
        public sealed override bool IsVararg => this.flags.IsVararg;
        internal override int CalculateLocalSyntaxOffset(int localPosition, SyntaxTree localTree)
            Debug.Assert(this.SyntaxNode.SyntaxTree == localTree);
            (BlockSyntax blockBody, ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax expressionBody) = Bodies;
            CSharpSyntaxNode bodySyntax = null;
            // All locals are declared within the body of the method.
            if (blockBody?.Span.Contains(localPosition) == true)
                bodySyntax = blockBody;
            else if (expressionBody?.Span.Contains(localPosition) == true)
                bodySyntax = expressionBody;
                // Method without body doesn't declare locals.
                Debug.Assert(bodySyntax != null);
                return -1;
            return localPosition - bodySyntax.SpanStart;