File: Binder\Binder_Symbols.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.RuntimeMembers;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
    internal partial class Binder
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the type for the syntax taking into account possibility of "var" type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syntax">Type syntax to bind.</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">Diagnostics.</param>
        /// <param name="isVar">
        /// Set to false if syntax binds to a type in the current context and true if
        /// syntax is "var" and it binds to "var" keyword in the current context.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Bound type if syntax binds to a type in the current context and
        /// null if syntax binds to "var" keyword in the current context.
        /// </returns>
        internal TypeWithAnnotations BindTypeOrVarKeyword(TypeSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, out bool isVar)
            var symbol = BindTypeOrAliasOrVarKeyword(syntax, diagnostics, out isVar);
            Debug.Assert(isVar == symbol.IsDefault);
            return isVar ? default : UnwrapAlias(symbol, diagnostics, syntax).TypeWithAnnotations;
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the type for the syntax taking into account possibility of "unmanaged" type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syntax">Type syntax to bind.</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">Diagnostics.</param>
        /// <param name="keyword">
        /// Set to <see cref="ConstraintContextualKeyword.None"/> if syntax binds to a type in the current context, otherwise
        /// syntax binds to the corresponding keyword in the current context.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Bound type if syntax binds to a type in the current context and
        /// null if syntax binds to a contextual constraint keyword.
        /// </returns>
        private TypeWithAnnotations BindTypeOrConstraintKeyword(TypeSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, out ConstraintContextualKeyword keyword)
            var symbol = BindTypeOrAliasOrConstraintKeyword(syntax, diagnostics, out keyword);
            Debug.Assert((keyword != ConstraintContextualKeyword.None) == symbol.IsDefault);
            return (keyword != ConstraintContextualKeyword.None) ? default : UnwrapAlias(symbol, diagnostics, syntax).TypeWithAnnotations;
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the type for the syntax taking into account possibility of "var" type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syntax">Type syntax to bind.</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">Diagnostics.</param>
        /// <param name="isVar">
        /// Set to false if syntax binds to a type in the current context and true if
        /// syntax is "var" and it binds to "var" keyword in the current context.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="alias">Alias symbol if syntax binds to an alias.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Bound type if syntax binds to a type in the current context and
        /// null if syntax binds to "var" keyword in the current context.
        /// </returns>
        internal TypeWithAnnotations BindTypeOrVarKeyword(TypeSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, out bool isVar, out AliasSymbol alias)
            var symbol = BindTypeOrAliasOrVarKeyword(syntax, diagnostics, out isVar);
            Debug.Assert(isVar == symbol.IsDefault);
            if (isVar)
                alias = null;
                return default;
                return UnwrapAlias(symbol, out alias, diagnostics, syntax).TypeWithAnnotations;
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the type for the syntax taking into account possibility of "var" type.
        /// If the syntax binds to an alias symbol to a type, it returns the alias symbol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syntax">Type syntax to bind.</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">Diagnostics.</param>
        /// <param name="isVar">
        /// Set to false if syntax binds to a type or alias to a type in the current context and true if
        /// syntax is "var" and it binds to "var" keyword in the current context.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Bound type or alias if syntax binds to a type or alias to a type in the current context and
        /// null if syntax binds to "var" keyword in the current context.
        /// </returns>
        private NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindTypeOrAliasOrVarKeyword(TypeSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, out bool isVar)
            if (syntax.IsVar)
                var symbol = BindTypeOrAliasOrKeyword((IdentifierNameSyntax)syntax, diagnostics, out isVar);
                if (isVar)
                    CheckFeatureAvailability(syntax, MessageID.IDS_FeatureImplicitLocal, diagnostics);
                return symbol;
                isVar = false;
                return BindTypeOrAlias(syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved: null);
        private enum ConstraintContextualKeyword
        private NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindTypeOrAliasOrConstraintKeyword(TypeSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, out ConstraintContextualKeyword keyword)
            if (syntax.IsUnmanaged)
                keyword = ConstraintContextualKeyword.Unmanaged;
            else if (syntax.IsNotNull)
                keyword = ConstraintContextualKeyword.NotNull;
                keyword = ConstraintContextualKeyword.None;
            if (keyword != ConstraintContextualKeyword.None)
                var identifierSyntax = (IdentifierNameSyntax)syntax;
                var symbol = BindTypeOrAliasOrKeyword(identifierSyntax, diagnostics, out bool isKeyword);
                if (isKeyword)
                    switch (keyword)
                        case ConstraintContextualKeyword.Unmanaged:
                            CheckFeatureAvailability(syntax, MessageID.IDS_FeatureUnmanagedGenericTypeConstraint, diagnostics);
                        case ConstraintContextualKeyword.NotNull:
                            CheckFeatureAvailability(identifierSyntax, MessageID.IDS_FeatureNotNullGenericTypeConstraint, diagnostics);
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(keyword);
                    keyword = ConstraintContextualKeyword.None;
                return symbol;
                return BindTypeOrAlias(syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved: null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the type for the syntax taking into account possibility of the type being a keyword.
        /// If the syntax binds to an alias symbol to a type, it returns the alias symbol.
        /// PREREQUISITE: syntax should be checked to match the keyword, like <see cref="TypeSyntax.IsVar"/> or <see cref="TypeSyntax.IsUnmanaged"/>.
        /// Otherwise, call <see cref="Binder.BindTypeOrAlias(ExpressionSyntax, BindingDiagnosticBag, ConsList{TypeSymbol}, bool)"/> instead.
        /// </summary>
        private NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindTypeOrAliasOrKeyword(IdentifierNameSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, out bool isKeyword)
            return BindTypeOrAliasOrKeyword(((IdentifierNameSyntax)syntax).Identifier, syntax, diagnostics, out isKeyword);
        private NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindTypeOrAliasOrKeyword(SyntaxToken identifier, SyntaxNode syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, out bool isKeyword)
            // Keywords can only be IdentifierNameSyntax
            var identifierValueText = identifier.ValueText;
            Symbol symbol = null;
            // Perform name lookup without generating diagnostics as it could possibly be a keyword in the current context.
            var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance();
            var discardedUseSiteInfo = CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>.Discarded;
            this.LookupSymbolsInternal(lookupResult, identifierValueText, arity: 0, useSiteInfo: ref discardedUseSiteInfo, basesBeingResolved: null, options: LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly, diagnose: false);
            // We have following possible cases for lookup:
            //  1) LookupResultKind.Empty: must be a keyword
            //  2) LookupResultKind.Viable:
            //      a) Single viable result that corresponds to 1) a non-error type: cannot be a keyword
            //                                                  2) an error type: must be a keyword
            //      b) Single viable result that corresponds to namespace: must be a keyword
            //      c) Multi viable result (ambiguous result), we must return an error type: cannot be a keyword
            // 3) Non viable, non empty lookup result: must be a keyword
            // BREAKING CHANGE:     Case (2)(c) is a breaking change from the native compiler.
            // BREAKING CHANGE:     Native compiler interprets lookup with ambiguous result to correspond to bind
            // BREAKING CHANGE:     to "var" keyword (isVar = true), rather than reporting an error.
            // BREAKING CHANGE:     See test SemanticErrorTests.ErrorMeansSuccess_var() for an example.
            switch (lookupResult.Kind)
                case LookupResultKind.Empty:
                    // Case (1)
                    isKeyword = true;
                    symbol = null;
                case LookupResultKind.Viable:
                    // Case (2)
                    var resultDiagnostics = BindingDiagnosticBag.GetInstance(withDiagnostics: true, withDependencies: diagnostics.AccumulatesDependencies);
                    bool wasError;
                    symbol = ResultSymbol(
                        arity: 0,
                        where: syntax,
                        diagnostics: resultDiagnostics,
                        suppressUseSiteDiagnostics: false,
                        wasError: out wasError,
                        qualifierOpt: null);
                    // Here, we're mimicking behavior of dev10.  If the identifier fails to bind
                    // as a type, even if the reason is (e.g.) a type/alias conflict, then treat
                    // it as the contextual keyword.
                    if (wasError && lookupResult.IsSingleViable)
                        // NOTE: don't report diagnostics - we're not going to use the lookup result.
                        // Case (2)(a)(2)
                        goto default;
                    if (lookupResult.IsSingleViable)
                        var type = UnwrapAlias(symbol, diagnostics, syntax) as TypeSymbol;
                        if ((object)type != null)
                            // Case (2)(a)(1)
                            isKeyword = false;
                            if (symbol.Kind != SymbolKind.Alias)
                                ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, type, syntax, hasBaseReceiver: false);
                            // Case (2)(b)
                            Debug.Assert(UnwrapAliasNoDiagnostics(symbol) is NamespaceSymbol);
                            isKeyword = true;
                            symbol = null;
                        // Case (2)(c)
                        isKeyword = false;
                    // Case (3)
                    isKeyword = true;
                    symbol = null;
            return NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations.CreateUnannotated(AreNullableAnnotationsEnabled(identifier), symbol);
        // Binds the given expression syntax as Type.
        // If the resulting symbol is an Alias to a Type, it unwraps the alias
        // and returns it's target type.
        internal TypeWithAnnotations BindType(ExpressionSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null, bool suppressUseSiteDiagnostics = false)
            var symbol = BindTypeOrAlias(syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics);
            return UnwrapAlias(symbol, diagnostics, syntax, basesBeingResolved).TypeWithAnnotations;
        // Binds the given expression syntax as Type.
        // If the resulting symbol is an Alias to a Type, it stores the AliasSymbol in
        // the alias parameter, unwraps the alias and returns it's target type.
        internal TypeWithAnnotations BindType(ExpressionSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, out AliasSymbol alias, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null)
            var symbol = BindTypeOrAlias(syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved);
            return UnwrapAlias(symbol, out alias, diagnostics, syntax, basesBeingResolved).TypeWithAnnotations;
        // Binds the given expression syntax as Type or an Alias to Type
        // and returns the resultant symbol.
        // NOTE: This method doesn't unwrap aliases.
        internal NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindTypeOrAlias(ExpressionSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null, bool suppressUseSiteDiagnostics = false)
            Debug.Assert(diagnostics != null);
            var symbol = BindNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, basesBeingResolved != null || suppressUseSiteDiagnostics);
            // symbol must be a TypeSymbol or an Alias to a TypeSymbol
            if (symbol.IsType ||
                (symbol.IsAlias && UnwrapAliasNoDiagnostics(symbol.Symbol, basesBeingResolved) is TypeSymbol))
                if (symbol.IsType)
                    // Obsolete alias targets are reported in UnwrapAlias, but if it was a type (not an
                    // alias to a type) we report the obsolete type here.
                    symbol.TypeWithAnnotations.ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(this, syntax, diagnostics);
                return symbol;
            var diagnosticInfo = diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadSKknown, syntax.Location, syntax, symbol.Symbol.GetKindText(), MessageID.IDS_SK_TYPE.Localize());
            return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(GetContainingNamespaceOrType(symbol.Symbol), symbol.Symbol, LookupResultKind.NotATypeOrNamespace, diagnosticInfo));
        /// <summary>
        /// The immediately containing namespace or named type, or the global
        /// namespace if containing symbol is neither a namespace or named type.
        /// </summary>
        private NamespaceOrTypeSymbol GetContainingNamespaceOrType(Symbol symbol)
            return symbol.ContainingNamespaceOrType() ?? this.Compilation.Assembly.GlobalNamespace;
        internal Symbol BindNamespaceAliasSymbol(IdentifierNameSyntax node, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (node.Identifier.Kind() == SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword)
                return this.Compilation.GlobalNamespaceAlias;
                bool wasError;
                var plainName = node.Identifier.ValueText;
                var result = LookupResult.GetInstance();
                CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo = GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagnostics);
                this.LookupSymbolsWithFallback(result, plainName, 0, ref useSiteInfo, null, LookupOptions.NamespaceAliasesOnly);
                diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteInfo);
                Symbol bindingResult = ResultSymbol(result, plainName, 0, node, diagnostics, false, out wasError, qualifierOpt: null, options: LookupOptions.NamespaceAliasesOnly);
                return bindingResult;
        internal NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindNamespaceOrTypeSymbol(ExpressionSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null)
            return BindNamespaceOrTypeSymbol(syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, basesBeingResolved != null);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used in deeply recursive parts of the compiler and requires a non-trivial amount of stack
        /// space to execute. Preventing inlining here to keep recursive frames small.
        /// </summary>
        internal NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindNamespaceOrTypeSymbol(ExpressionSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved, bool suppressUseSiteDiagnostics)
            var result = BindNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics);
            return UnwrapAlias(result, diagnostics, syntax, basesBeingResolved);
#nullable enable
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind the syntax into a namespace, type or alias symbol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is used in deeply recursive parts of the compiler. Specifically this and
        /// <see cref="BindQualifiedName(ExpressionSyntax, SimpleNameSyntax, BindingDiagnosticBag, ConsList{TypeSymbol}, bool)"/>
        /// are mutually recursive. The non-recursive parts of this method tend to reserve significantly large
        /// stack frames due to their use of large struct like <see cref="TypeWithAnnotations"/>.
        /// To keep the stack frame size on recursive paths small the non-recursive parts are factored into local
        /// functions. This means we pay their stack penalty only when they are used. They are themselves big
        /// enough they should be disqualified from inlining. In the future when attributes are allowed on
        /// local functions we should explicitly mark them as <see cref="MethodImplOptions.NoInlining"/>
        /// </remarks>
        internal NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(ExpressionSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved, bool suppressUseSiteDiagnostics)
            switch (syntax.Kind())
                case SyntaxKind.NullableType:
                    return bindNullable();
                case SyntaxKind.PredefinedType:
                    return bindPredefined();
                case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName:
                    return BindNonGenericSimpleNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol((IdentifierNameSyntax)syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics, qualifierOpt: null);
                case SyntaxKind.GenericName:
                    return BindGenericSimpleNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol((GenericNameSyntax)syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, qualifierOpt: null);
                case SyntaxKind.AliasQualifiedName:
                    return bindAlias();
                case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName:
                        var node = (QualifiedNameSyntax)syntax;
                        return BindQualifiedName(node.Left, node.Right, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics);
                case SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression:
                        var node = (MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)syntax;
                        return BindQualifiedName(node.Expression, node.Name, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics);
                case SyntaxKind.ArrayType:
                        return BindArrayType((ArrayTypeSyntax)syntax, diagnostics, permitDimensions: false, basesBeingResolved, disallowRestrictedTypes: true);
                case SyntaxKind.PointerType:
                    return bindPointer();
                case SyntaxKind.FunctionPointerType:
                    var functionPointerTypeSyntax = (FunctionPointerTypeSyntax)syntax;
                    MessageID.IDS_FeatureFunctionPointers.CheckFeatureAvailability(diagnostics, functionPointerTypeSyntax.DelegateKeyword);
                    if (GetUnsafeDiagnosticInfo(sizeOfTypeOpt: null) is CSDiagnosticInfo info)
                        var @delegate = functionPointerTypeSyntax.DelegateKeyword;
                        var asterisk = functionPointerTypeSyntax.AsteriskToken;
                        RoslynDebug.Assert(@delegate.SyntaxTree is object);
                        diagnostics.Add(info, Location.Create(@delegate.SyntaxTree, TextSpan.FromBounds(@delegate.SpanStart, asterisk.Span.End)));
                    return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(
                case SyntaxKind.OmittedTypeArgument:
                        return BindTypeArgument((TypeSyntax)syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved);
                case SyntaxKind.TupleType:
                        var tupleTypeSyntax = (TupleTypeSyntax)syntax;
                        return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(AreNullableAnnotationsEnabled(tupleTypeSyntax.CloseParenToken), BindTupleType(tupleTypeSyntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved));
                case SyntaxKind.RefType:
                        // ref needs to be handled by the caller
                        var refTypeSyntax = (RefTypeSyntax)syntax;
                        if (!syntax.HasErrors)
                            var refToken = refTypeSyntax.RefKeyword;
                            // Specialized diagnostic if our parent is a using directive.
                            if (refTypeSyntax.Parent is UsingDirectiveSyntax)
                                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadRefInUsingAlias, refToken.GetLocation());
                                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_UnexpectedToken, refToken.GetLocation(), refToken.ToString());
                        return BindNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(refTypeSyntax.Type, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics);
                case SyntaxKind.ScopedType:
                        // scoped needs to be handled by the caller
                        var scopedTypeSyntax = (ScopedTypeSyntax)syntax;
                        var scopedToken = scopedTypeSyntax.ScopedKeyword;
                        if (!syntax.HasErrors)
                            diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_UnexpectedToken, scopedToken.GetLocation(), scopedToken.ToString());
                        return BindNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(scopedTypeSyntax.Type, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics);
                        // This is invalid syntax for a type.  This arises when a constant pattern that fails to bind
                        // is attempted to be bound as a type pattern.
                        return createErrorType();
            void reportNullableReferenceTypesIfNeeded(SyntaxToken questionToken, TypeWithAnnotations typeArgument = default)
                if (diagnostics.DiagnosticBag is DiagnosticBag diagnosticBag)
                    // Inside a method body or other executable code, we can question IsValueType without causing cycles.
                    if (typeArgument.HasType && !ShouldCheckConstraints)
                        LazyMissingNonNullTypesContextDiagnosticInfo.AddAll(this, questionToken, typeArgument, diagnosticBag);
                    else if (LazyMissingNonNullTypesContextDiagnosticInfo.IsNullableReference(typeArgument.Type))
                        LazyMissingNonNullTypesContextDiagnosticInfo.AddAll(this, questionToken, type: null, diagnosticBag);
            NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations bindNullable()
                var nullableSyntax = (NullableTypeSyntax)syntax;
                MessageID.IDS_FeatureNullable.CheckFeatureAvailability(diagnostics, nullableSyntax.QuestionToken);
                TypeSyntax typeArgumentSyntax = nullableSyntax.ElementType;
                TypeWithAnnotations typeArgument = BindType(typeArgumentSyntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved);
                TypeWithAnnotations constructedType = typeArgument.SetIsAnnotated(Compilation);
                reportNullableReferenceTypesIfNeeded(nullableSyntax.QuestionToken, typeArgument);
                if (!ShouldCheckConstraints)
                    diagnostics.Add(new LazyUseSiteDiagnosticsInfoForNullableType(Compilation.LanguageVersion, constructedType), syntax.GetLocation());
                else if (constructedType.IsNullableType())
                    ReportUseSite(constructedType.Type.OriginalDefinition, diagnostics, syntax);
                    var type = (NamedTypeSymbol)constructedType.Type;
                    var location = syntax.Location;
                    type.CheckConstraints(new ConstraintsHelper.CheckConstraintsArgs(this.Compilation, this.Conversions, includeNullability: true, location, diagnostics));
                else if (GetNullableUnconstrainedTypeParameterDiagnosticIfNecessary(Compilation.LanguageVersion, constructedType) is { } diagnosticInfo)
                    diagnostics.Add(diagnosticInfo, syntax.Location);
                return constructedType;
            NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations bindPredefined()
                var predefinedType = (PredefinedTypeSyntax)syntax;
                var type = BindPredefinedTypeSymbol(predefinedType, diagnostics);
                return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(AreNullableAnnotationsEnabled(predefinedType.Keyword), type);
            NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations bindAlias()
                var node = (AliasQualifiedNameSyntax)syntax;
                MessageID.IDS_FeatureGlobalNamespace.CheckFeatureAvailability(diagnostics, node.Alias);
                var bindingResult = BindNamespaceAliasSymbol(node.Alias, diagnostics);
                NamespaceOrTypeSymbol left = bindingResult is AliasSymbol alias ? alias.Target : (NamespaceOrTypeSymbol)bindingResult;
                if (left.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
                    return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(left, LookupResultKind.NotATypeOrNamespace, diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ColColWithTypeAlias, node.Alias.Location, node.Alias.Identifier.Text)));
                return this.BindSimpleNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(node.Name, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics, left);
            NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations bindPointer()
                var node = (PointerTypeSyntax)syntax;
                var elementType = BindType(node.ElementType, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved);
                ReportUnsafeIfNotAllowed(node, diagnostics);
                if (!Flags.HasFlag(BinderFlags.SuppressConstraintChecks))
                    CheckManagedAddr(Compilation, elementType.Type, node.Location, diagnostics);
                return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(new PointerTypeSymbol(elementType));
            NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations createErrorType()
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_TypeExpected, syntax.GetLocation());
                return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(CreateErrorType());
        internal static CSDiagnosticInfo? GetNullableUnconstrainedTypeParameterDiagnosticIfNecessary(LanguageVersion languageVersion, in TypeWithAnnotations type)
            if (type.Type.IsTypeParameterDisallowingAnnotationInCSharp8())
                // Check IDS_FeatureDefaultTypeParameterConstraint feature since `T?` and `where ... : default`
                // are treated as a single feature, even though the errors reported for the two cases are distinct.
                var requiredVersion = MessageID.IDS_FeatureDefaultTypeParameterConstraint.RequiredVersion();
                if (requiredVersion > languageVersion)
                    return new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_NullableUnconstrainedTypeParameter, new CSharpRequiredLanguageVersion(requiredVersion));
            return null;
#nullable disable
        private TypeWithAnnotations BindArrayType(
            ArrayTypeSyntax node,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            bool permitDimensions,
            ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved,
            bool disallowRestrictedTypes)
            TypeWithAnnotations type = BindType(node.ElementType, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved);
            if (type.IsStatic)
                // CS0719: '{0}': array elements cannot be of static type
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ArrayOfStaticClass, node.ElementType, type.Type);
            if (disallowRestrictedTypes)
                // Restricted types cannot be on the heap, but they can be on the stack, so are allowed in a stackalloc
                if (ShouldCheckConstraints)
                    if (type.IsRestrictedType())
                        // CS0611: Array elements cannot be of type '{0}'
                        Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ArrayElementCantBeRefAny, node.ElementType, type.Type);
                    diagnostics.Add(new LazyArrayElementCantBeRefAnyDiagnosticInfo(type), node.ElementType.GetLocation());
            for (int i = node.RankSpecifiers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var rankSpecifier = node.RankSpecifiers[i];
                var dimension = rankSpecifier.Sizes;
                if (!permitDimensions && dimension.Count != 0 && dimension[0].Kind() != SyntaxKind.OmittedArraySizeExpression)
                    // Should capture invalid dimensions for use in `SemanticModel` and `IOperation`.
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ArraySizeInDeclaration, rankSpecifier);
                var array = ArrayTypeSymbol.CreateCSharpArray(this.Compilation.Assembly, type, rankSpecifier.Rank);
                type = TypeWithAnnotations.Create(AreNullableAnnotationsEnabled(rankSpecifier.CloseBracketToken), array);
            return type;
        private TypeSymbol BindTupleType(TupleTypeSyntax syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved)
            MessageID.IDS_FeatureTuples.CheckFeatureAvailability(diagnostics, syntax);
            int numElements = syntax.Elements.Count;
            var types = ArrayBuilder<TypeWithAnnotations>.GetInstance(numElements);
            var locations = ArrayBuilder<Location>.GetInstance(numElements);
            ArrayBuilder<string> elementNames = null;
            // set of names already used
            var uniqueFieldNames = PooledHashSet<string>.GetInstance();
            bool hasExplicitNames = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
                var argumentSyntax = syntax.Elements[i];
                var argumentType = BindType(argumentSyntax.Type, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved);
                string name = null;
                SyntaxToken nameToken = argumentSyntax.Identifier;
                if (nameToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken)
                    name = nameToken.ValueText;
                    // validate name if we have one
                    hasExplicitNames = true;
                    CheckTupleMemberName(name, i, nameToken, diagnostics, uniqueFieldNames);
                CollectTupleFieldMemberName(name, i, numElements, ref elementNames);
            if (hasExplicitNames)
                // If the tuple type with names is bound we must have the TupleElementNamesAttribute to emit
                // it is typically there though, if we have ValueTuple at all
                ReportMissingTupleElementNamesAttributesIfNeeded(Compilation, syntax.GetLocation(), diagnostics);
            var typesArray = types.ToImmutableAndFree();
            var locationsArray = locations.ToImmutableAndFree();
            if (typesArray.Length < 2)
                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(typesArray.Length);
            bool includeNullability = Compilation.IsFeatureEnabled(MessageID.IDS_FeatureNullableReferenceTypes);
            return NamedTypeSymbol.CreateTuple(syntax.Location,
                                          elementNames == null ?
                                            default(ImmutableArray<string>) :
                                          includeNullability: this.ShouldCheckConstraints && includeNullability,
                                          errorPositions: default(ImmutableArray<bool>),
                                          syntax: syntax,
                                          diagnostics: diagnostics);
        internal static void ReportMissingTupleElementNamesAttributesIfNeeded(CSharpCompilation compilation, Location location, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            var bag = BindingDiagnosticBag.GetInstance(diagnostics);
            if (!compilation.HasTupleNamesAttributes(bag, location))
                var info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_TupleElementNamesAttributeMissing,
                Error(diagnostics, info, location);
        private static void CollectTupleFieldMemberName(string name, int elementIndex, int tupleSize, ref ArrayBuilder<string> elementNames)
            // add the name to the list
            // names would typically all be there or none at all
            // but in case we need to handle this in error cases
            if (elementNames != null)
                if (name != null)
                    elementNames = ArrayBuilder<string>.GetInstance(tupleSize);
                    for (int j = 0; j < elementIndex; j++)
        private static bool CheckTupleMemberName(string name, int index, SyntaxNodeOrToken syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, PooledHashSet<string> uniqueFieldNames)
            int reserved = NamedTypeSymbol.IsTupleElementNameReserved(name);
            if (reserved == 0)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_TupleReservedElementNameAnyPosition, syntax, name);
                return false;
            else if (reserved > 0 && reserved != index + 1)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_TupleReservedElementName, syntax, name, reserved);
                return false;
            else if (!uniqueFieldNames.Add(name))
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_TupleDuplicateElementName, syntax);
                return false;
            return true;
        private NamedTypeSymbol BindPredefinedTypeSymbol(PredefinedTypeSyntax node, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            return GetSpecialType(node.Keyword.Kind().GetSpecialType(), diagnostics, node);
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds a simple name or the simple name portion of a qualified name.
        /// </summary>
        private NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindSimpleNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(
            SimpleNameSyntax syntax,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved,
            bool suppressUseSiteDiagnostics,
            NamespaceOrTypeSymbol qualifierOpt = null)
            // Note that the comment above is a small lie; there is no such thing as the "simple name portion" of
            // a qualified alias member expression. A qualified alias member expression has the form
            // "identifier :: identifier optional-type-arguments" -- the right hand side of which
            // happens to match  the syntactic form of a simple name. As a convenience, we analyze the
            // right hand side of the "::" here because it is so similar to a simple name; the left hand
            // side is in qualifierOpt.
            switch (syntax.Kind())
                    return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(qualifierOpt ?? this.Compilation.Assembly.GlobalNamespace, string.Empty, arity: 0, errorInfo: null));
                case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName:
                    return BindNonGenericSimpleNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol((IdentifierNameSyntax)syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics, qualifierOpt);
                case SyntaxKind.GenericName:
                    return BindGenericSimpleNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol((GenericNameSyntax)syntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, qualifierOpt);
        protected NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindNonGenericSimpleNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(
            IdentifierNameSyntax node,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved,
            bool suppressUseSiteDiagnostics,
            NamespaceOrTypeSymbol qualifierOpt)
            var identifierValueText = node.Identifier.ValueText;
            // If we are here in an error-recovery scenario, say, "goo<int, >(123);" then
            // we might have an 'empty' simple name. In that case do not report an
            // 'unable to find ""' error; we've already reported an error in the parser so
            // just bail out with an error symbol.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(identifierValueText))
                return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(
                    Compilation.Assembly.GlobalNamespace, identifierValueText, 0,
                    new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_SingleTypeNameNotFound, identifierValueText)));
            var errorResult = CreateErrorIfLookupOnTypeParameter(node.Parent, qualifierOpt, identifierValueText, 0, diagnostics);
            if (errorResult is not null)
                return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(errorResult);
            var result = LookupResult.GetInstance();
            LookupOptions options = GetSimpleNameLookupOptions(node, node.Identifier.IsVerbatimIdentifier());
            CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo = GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagnostics);
            this.LookupSymbolsSimpleName(result, qualifierOpt, identifierValueText, 0, basesBeingResolved, options, diagnose: true, useSiteInfo: ref useSiteInfo);
            diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteInfo);
            Symbol bindingResult = null;
            // If we were looking up "dynamic" or "nint" at the topmost level and didn't find anything good,
            // use that particular type (assuming the /langversion is supported).
            if (qualifierOpt is null &&
                if (node.Identifier.ValueText == "dynamic")
                    if (dynamicAllowed())
                        bindingResult = Compilation.DynamicType;
                        ReportUseSiteDiagnosticForDynamic(diagnostics, node);
                    // nint/nuint is allowed to bind to an existing namespace.
                    if (!isViableNamespace(result))
                        bindingResult = BindNativeIntegerSymbolIfAny(node, diagnostics);
            if (bindingResult is null)
                bool wasError;
                bindingResult = ResultSymbol(result, identifierValueText, 0, node, diagnostics, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics, out wasError, qualifierOpt, options);
                if (bindingResult.Kind == SymbolKind.Alias)
                    var aliasTarget = ((AliasSymbol)bindingResult).GetAliasTarget(basesBeingResolved);
                    if (aliasTarget is TypeSymbol type)
                        if (type.ContainsDynamic())
                            ReportUseSiteDiagnosticForDynamic(diagnostics, node);
                        if (type.ContainsPointerOrFunctionPointer())
                            ReportUnsafeIfNotAllowed(node, diagnostics);
            return NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations.CreateUnannotated(AreNullableAnnotationsEnabled(node.Identifier), bindingResult);
            bool dynamicAllowed()
                if (Compilation.LanguageVersion < MessageID.IDS_FeatureDynamic.RequiredVersion())
                    return false;
                if (node.Parent == null)
                    return true;
                // dynamic not allowed as attribute type
                if (node.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.Attribute)
                    return false;
                if (SyntaxFacts.IsInTypeOnlyContext(node))
                    return true;
                // using X = dynamic; is legal.
                if (node.Parent is UsingDirectiveSyntax { Alias: not null })
                    return true;
                return false;
            static bool isViableType(LookupResult result)
                if (!result.IsMultiViable)
                    return false;
                foreach (var s in result.Symbols)
                    switch (s.Kind)
                        case SymbolKind.Alias:
                            if (((AliasSymbol)s).Target.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType) return true;
                        case SymbolKind.NamedType:
                        case SymbolKind.TypeParameter:
                            return true;
                return false;
            static bool isViableNamespace(LookupResult result)
                if (!result.IsMultiViable)
                    return false;
                foreach (var s in result.Symbols)
                    if (s.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace)
                        return true;
                return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// If the node is "nint" or "nuint" and not alone inside nameof, return the corresponding native integer symbol.
        /// Otherwise return null.
        /// </summary>
        private NamedTypeSymbol BindNativeIntegerSymbolIfAny(IdentifierNameSyntax node, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            var specialType =
                node.IsNint ? SpecialType.System_IntPtr :
                node.IsNuint ? SpecialType.System_UIntPtr : SpecialType.None;
            if (specialType == SpecialType.None)
                return null;
            switch (node.Parent)
                case AttributeSyntax parent when parent.Name == node: // [nint]
                    return null;
                case UsingDirectiveSyntax usingDirective:
                    if (usingDirective.Alias != null && usingDirective.NamespaceOrType == node)
                        // legal to write `using A = nuint;` as long as using-alias-to-type is enabled (checked later).
                    // `using nint;` not legal where 'nint' has the System.IntPtr meaning. It is legal if you were to
                    // have `namespace nint { }` somewhere.  That is handled though in our caller.
                    return null;
                case ArgumentSyntax parent when // nameof(nint)
                    (IsInsideNameof &&
                        parent.Parent?.Parent is InvocationExpressionSyntax invocation &&
                        (invocation.Expression as IdentifierNameSyntax)?.Identifier.ContextualKind() == SyntaxKind.NameOfKeyword):
                    // Don't bind nameof(nint) or nameof(nuint) so that ERR_NameNotInContext is reported.
                    return null;
            CheckFeatureAvailability(node, MessageID.IDS_FeatureNativeInt, diagnostics);
            return this.GetSpecialType(specialType, diagnostics, node).AsNativeInteger();
        private void ReportUseSiteDiagnosticForDynamic(BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, IdentifierNameSyntax node)
            // Dynamic type might be bound in a declaration context where we need to synthesize the DynamicAttribute.
            // Here we report the use site error (ERR_DynamicAttributeMissing) for missing DynamicAttribute type or it's constructors.
            // BREAKING CHANGE: Native compiler reports ERR_DynamicAttributeMissing at emit time when synthesizing DynamicAttribute.
            //                  Currently, in Roslyn we don't support reporting diagnostics while synthesizing attributes, these diagnostics are reported at bind time.
            //                  Hence, we report this diagnostic here. Note that DynamicAttribute has two constructors, and either of them may be used while
            //                  synthesizing the DynamicAttribute (see DynamicAttributeEncoder.Encode method for details).
            //                  However, unlike the native compiler which reports use site diagnostic only for the specific DynamicAttribute constructor which is going to be used,
            //                  we report it for both the constructors and also for boolean type (used by the second constructor).
            //                  This is a breaking change for the case where only one of the two constructor of DynamicAttribute is missing, but we never use it for any of the synthesized DynamicAttributes.
            //                  However, this seems like a very unlikely scenario and an acceptable break.
            if (node.IsTypeInContextWhichNeedsDynamicAttribute())
                var bag = BindingDiagnosticBag.GetInstance(diagnostics);
                if (!Compilation.HasDynamicEmitAttributes(bag, node.Location))
                    // CONSIDER:    Native compiler reports error CS1980 for each syntax node which binds to dynamic type, we do the same by reporting a diagnostic here.
                    //              However, this means we generate multiple duplicate diagnostics, when a single one would suffice.
                    //              We may want to consider adding an "Unreported" flag to the DynamicTypeSymbol to suppress duplicate CS1980.
                    // CS1980: Cannot define a class or member that utilizes 'dynamic' because the compiler required type '{0}' cannot be found. Are you missing a reference?
                    var info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_DynamicAttributeMissing, AttributeDescription.DynamicAttribute.FullName);
                    Symbol.ReportUseSiteDiagnostic(info, diagnostics, node.Location);
                this.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean, diagnostics, node);
        // Gets the name lookup options for simple generic or non-generic name.
        private static LookupOptions GetSimpleNameLookupOptions(NameSyntax node, bool isVerbatimIdentifier)
            if (SyntaxFacts.IsAttributeName(node))
                //  SPEC:   By convention, attribute classes are named with a suffix of Attribute.
                //  SPEC:   An attribute-name of the form type-name may either include or omit this suffix.
                //  SPEC:   If an attribute class is found both with and without this suffix, an ambiguity
                //  SPEC:   is present, and a compile-time error results. If the attribute-name is spelled
                //  SPEC:   such that its right-most identifier is a verbatim identifier (§2.4.2), then only
                //  SPEC:   an attribute without a suffix is matched, thus enabling such an ambiguity to be resolved.
                return isVerbatimIdentifier ? LookupOptions.VerbatimNameAttributeTypeOnly : LookupOptions.AttributeTypeOnly;
                return LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly;
        private static Symbol UnwrapAliasNoDiagnostics(Symbol symbol, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null)
            if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Alias)
                return ((AliasSymbol)symbol).GetAliasTarget(basesBeingResolved);
            return symbol;
        private NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations UnwrapAlias(in NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations symbol, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode syntax, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null)
            if (symbol.IsAlias)
                AliasSymbol discarded;
                return NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations.CreateUnannotated(symbol.IsNullableEnabled, (NamespaceOrTypeSymbol)UnwrapAlias(symbol.Symbol, out discarded, diagnostics, syntax, basesBeingResolved));
            return symbol;
        private NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations UnwrapAlias(in NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations symbol, out AliasSymbol alias, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode syntax, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null)
            if (symbol.IsAlias)
                return NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations.CreateUnannotated(symbol.IsNullableEnabled, (NamespaceOrTypeSymbol)UnwrapAlias(symbol.Symbol, out alias, diagnostics, syntax, basesBeingResolved));
            alias = null;
            return symbol;
        private Symbol UnwrapAlias(Symbol symbol, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode syntax, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null)
            AliasSymbol discarded;
            return UnwrapAlias(symbol, out discarded, diagnostics, syntax, basesBeingResolved);
        private Symbol UnwrapAlias(Symbol symbol, out AliasSymbol alias, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode syntax, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null)
            Debug.Assert(syntax != null);
            Debug.Assert(diagnostics != null);
            if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Alias)
                alias = (AliasSymbol)symbol;
                var result = alias.GetAliasTarget(basesBeingResolved);
                var type = result as TypeSymbol;
                if ((object)type != null)
                    // pass args in a value tuple to avoid allocating a closure
                    var args = (this, diagnostics, syntax);
                    type.VisitType((typePart, argTuple, isNested) =>
                        argTuple.Item1.ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(argTuple.diagnostics, typePart, argTuple.syntax, hasBaseReceiver: false);
                        return false;
                    }, args);
                return result;
            alias = null;
            return symbol;
        private TypeWithAnnotations BindGenericSimpleNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(
            GenericNameSyntax node,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved,
            NamespaceOrTypeSymbol qualifierOpt)
            // We are looking for a namespace, alias or type name and the user has given
            // us an identifier followed by a type argument list. Therefore they
            // must expect the result to be a generic type, and not a namespace or alias.
            // The result of this method will therefore always be a type symbol of the
            // correct arity, though it might have to be an error type.
            // We might be asked to bind a generic simple name of the form "T<,,,>",
            // which is only legal in the context of "typeof(T<,,,>)". If we are given
            // no type arguments and we are not in such a context, we'll give an error.
            // If we do have type arguments, then the result of this method will always
            // be a generic type symbol constructed with the given type arguments.
            // There are a number of possible error conditions. First, errors involving lookup:
            // * Lookup could fail to find anything at all.
            // * Lookup could find a type of the wrong arity
            // * Lookup could find something but it is not a type.
            // Second, we could be asked to resolve an unbound type T<,,,> when
            // not in a context where it is legal to do so. Note that this is
            // intended an improvement over the analysis performed by the
            // native compiler; in the native compiler we catch bad uses of unbound
            // types at parse time, not at semantic analysis time. That means that
            // we end up giving confusing "unexpected comma" or "expected type"
            // errors when it would be more informative to the user to simply
            // tell them that an unbound type is not legal in this position.
            // This also means that we can get semantic analysis of the open
            // type in the IDE even in what would have been a syntax error case
            // in the native compiler.
            // We need a heuristic to deal with the situation where both kinds of errors
            // are potentially in play: what if someone says "typeof(Bogus<>.Blah<int>)"?
            // There are two errors there: first, that Bogus is not found, not a type,
            // or not of the appropriate arity, and second, that it is illegal to make
            // a partially unbound type.
            // The heuristic we will use is that the former kind of error takes priority
            // over the latter; if the meaning of "Bogus<>" cannot be successfully
            // determined then there is no point telling the user that in addition,
            // it is syntactically wrong. Moreover, at this point we do not know what they
            // mean by the remainder ".Blah<int>" of the expression and so it seems wrong to
            // deduce more errors from it.
            var plainName = node.Identifier.ValueText;
            SeparatedSyntaxList<TypeSyntax> typeArguments = node.TypeArgumentList.Arguments;
            bool isUnboundTypeExpr = node.IsUnboundGenericName;
            LookupOptions options = GetSimpleNameLookupOptions(node, isVerbatimIdentifier: false);
            NamedTypeSymbol unconstructedType = LookupGenericTypeName(
                diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, qualifierOpt, node, plainName, node.Arity, options);
            NamedTypeSymbol resultType;
            if (isUnboundTypeExpr)
                if (!IsUnboundTypeAllowed(node))
                    // If we already have an error type then skip reporting that the unbound type is illegal.
                    if (!unconstructedType.IsErrorType())
                        // error CS7003: Unexpected use of an unbound generic name
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_UnexpectedUnboundGenericName, node.Location);
                    resultType = unconstructedType.Construct(
                            errorInfo: null),
                        unbound: false);
                    resultType = unconstructedType.AsUnboundGenericType();
            else if ((Flags & BinderFlags.SuppressTypeArgumentBinding) != 0)
                resultType = unconstructedType.Construct(PlaceholderTypeArgumentSymbol.CreateTypeArguments(unconstructedType.TypeParameters));
                var boundTypeArguments = BindTypeArguments(typeArguments, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved);
                // It's not an unbound type expression, so we must have type arguments, and we have a
                // generic type of the correct arity in hand (possibly an error type). Bind the type
                // arguments and construct the final result.
                resultType = ConstructNamedType(
            return TypeWithAnnotations.Create(AreNullableAnnotationsEnabled(node.TypeArgumentList.GreaterThanToken), resultType);
        private NamedTypeSymbol LookupGenericTypeName(
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved,
            NamespaceOrTypeSymbol qualifierOpt,
            GenericNameSyntax node,
            string plainName,
            int arity,
            LookupOptions options)
            var errorResult = CreateErrorIfLookupOnTypeParameter(node.Parent, qualifierOpt, plainName, arity, diagnostics);
            if ((object)errorResult != null)
                return errorResult;
            var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance();
            CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo = GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagnostics);
            this.LookupSymbolsSimpleName(lookupResult, qualifierOpt, plainName, arity, basesBeingResolved, options, diagnose: true, useSiteInfo: ref useSiteInfo);
            diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteInfo);
            bool wasError;
            Symbol lookupResultSymbol = ResultSymbol(lookupResult, plainName, arity, node, diagnostics, (basesBeingResolved != null), out wasError, qualifierOpt, options);
            // As we said in the method above, there are three cases here:
            // * Lookup could fail to find anything at all.
            // * Lookup could find a type of the wrong arity
            // * Lookup could find something but it is not a type.
            // In the first two cases we will be given back an error type symbol of the appropriate arity.
            // In the third case we will be given back the symbol -- say, a local variable symbol.
            // In all three cases the appropriate error has already been reported. (That the
            // type was not found, that the generic type found does not have that arity, that
            // the non-generic type found cannot be used with a type argument list, or that
            // the symbol found is not something that takes type arguments. )
            // The first thing to do is to make sure that we have some sort of generic type in hand.
            // (Note that an error type symbol is always a generic type.)
            NamedTypeSymbol type = lookupResultSymbol as NamedTypeSymbol;
            if ((object)type == null)
                // We did a lookup with a generic arity, filtered to types and namespaces. If
                // we got back something other than a type, there had better be an error info
                // for us.
                Debug.Assert(lookupResult.Error != null);
                type = new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(
            return type;
        private ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol CreateErrorIfLookupOnTypeParameter(
            CSharpSyntaxNode node,
            NamespaceOrTypeSymbol qualifierOpt,
            string name,
            int arity,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (((object)qualifierOpt != null) && (qualifierOpt.Kind == SymbolKind.TypeParameter))
                var diagnosticInfo = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_LookupInTypeVariable, qualifierOpt);
                diagnostics.Add(diagnosticInfo, node.Location);
                return new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(this.Compilation, name, arity, diagnosticInfo, unreported: false);
            return null;
        private ImmutableArray<TypeWithAnnotations> BindTypeArguments(SeparatedSyntaxList<TypeSyntax> typeArguments, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null)
            Debug.Assert(typeArguments.Count > 0);
            var args = ArrayBuilder<TypeWithAnnotations>.GetInstance(typeArguments.Count);
            foreach (var argSyntax in typeArguments)
                args.Add(BindTypeArgument(argSyntax, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved));
            return args.ToImmutableAndFree();
        private TypeWithAnnotations BindTypeArgument(TypeSyntax typeArgument, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved = null)
            // BackCompat.  The compiler would previously suppress reporting errors for pointers in generic types.  This
            // was intended so you would get a specific error in CheckBasicConstraints.CheckBasicConstraints for a type
            // like (like `List<int*>`). i.e. you would get the error about an unsafe type not being a legal type argument,
            // but not the error about not being in an unsafe context.  This had the unfortunate consequence though of 
            // preventing the latter check for something like `List<int*[]>`.  Here, this is a legal generic type, but we 
            // still want to report the error that you need to be in an unsafe context.  So, to maintain compat, we only
            // do the suppression if you're on C# 11 and prior.  In later versions we do the correct check.
            var binder = !Compilation.IsFeatureEnabled(MessageID.IDS_FeatureUsingTypeAlias)
                ? this.WithAdditionalFlags(BinderFlags.SuppressUnsafeDiagnostics)
                : this;
            var arg = typeArgument.Kind() == SyntaxKind.OmittedTypeArgument
                ? TypeWithAnnotations.Create(UnboundArgumentErrorTypeSymbol.Instance)
                : binder.BindType(typeArgument, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved);
            return arg;
        /// <remarks>
        /// Keep check and error in sync with ConstructBoundMethodGroupAndReportOmittedTypeArguments.
        /// </remarks>
        private NamedTypeSymbol ConstructNamedTypeUnlessTypeArgumentOmitted(SyntaxNode typeSyntax, NamedTypeSymbol type, SeparatedSyntaxList<TypeSyntax> typeArgumentsSyntax, ImmutableArray<TypeWithAnnotations> typeArguments, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (typeArgumentsSyntax.Any(SyntaxKind.OmittedTypeArgument))
                if (this.IsInsideNameof)
                    // Inside a nameof an open-generic type is acceptable.  Fall through and bind the remainder accordingly.
                    CheckFeatureAvailability(typeSyntax, MessageID.IDS_FeatureUnboundGenericTypesInNameof, diagnostics);
                    // From the spec:
                    // Member lookup on an unbound type expression will be performed the same way as for a `this`
                    // expression within that type declaration.
                    // So we want to just return the originating type symbol as is (e.g. List<T> in nameof(List<>)).
                    // This is distinctly different than how typeof(List<>) works, where it returns an unbound generic
                    // type.
                    // Note: lookup won't have reported this, since the arity was correct.
                    // CONSIDER: the text of this error message makes sense, but we might want to add a separate code.
                    // If the syntax looks like an unbound generic type, then they probably wanted the definition.
                    // Give an error indicating that the syntax is incorrect and then use the definition.
                    // CONSIDER: we could construct an unbound generic type symbol, but that would probably be confusing
                    // outside a typeof.
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, typeSyntax, type, MessageID.IDS_SK_TYPE.Localize(), typeArgumentsSyntax.Count);
                return type;
                // we pass an empty basesBeingResolved here because this invocation is not on any possible path of
                // infinite recursion in binding base clauses.
                return ConstructNamedType(type, typeSyntax, typeArgumentsSyntax, typeArguments, basesBeingResolved: null, diagnostics: diagnostics);
        /// <remarks>
        /// Keep check and error in sync with ConstructNamedTypeUnlessTypeArgumentOmitted.
        /// </remarks>
        private BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup ConstructBoundMemberGroupAndReportOmittedTypeArguments(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            SeparatedSyntaxList<TypeSyntax> typeArgumentsSyntax,
            ImmutableArray<TypeWithAnnotations> typeArguments,
            BoundExpression receiver,
            string plainName,
            ArrayBuilder<Symbol> members,
            LookupResult lookupResult,
            BoundMethodGroupFlags methodGroupFlags,
            bool hasErrors,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (!hasErrors && lookupResult.IsMultiViable && typeArgumentsSyntax.Any(SyntaxKind.OmittedTypeArgument))
                // Note: lookup won't have reported this, since the arity was correct.
                // CONSIDER: the text of this error message makes sense, but we might want to add a separate code.
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, syntax, plainName, MessageID.IDS_MethodGroup.Localize(), typeArgumentsSyntax.Count);
                hasErrors = true;
            Debug.Assert(members.Count > 0);
            BoundExpression colorColorValueReceiver = GetValueExpressionIfTypeOrValueReceiver(receiver);
            Debug.Assert(colorColorValueReceiver is null || (methodGroupFlags & BoundMethodGroupFlags.SearchExtensionMethods) != 0);
            if (IsPossiblyCapturingPrimaryConstructorParameterReference(colorColorValueReceiver, out ParameterSymbol parameter))
                bool haveInstanceCandidates, haveStaticCandidates;
                LookupResult tempLookupResult = null;
                CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo = GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagnostics);
                CheckWhatCandidatesWeHave(members, parameter.Type, plainName,
                                          typeArguments.IsDefault ? 0 : typeArguments.Length,
                                          ref tempLookupResult, ref useSiteInfo,
                                          out haveInstanceCandidates, out haveStaticCandidates);
                diagnostics.Add(colorColorValueReceiver.Syntax, useSiteInfo);
                if (haveInstanceCandidates)
                    BindingDiagnosticBag discarded = null;
                    if (haveStaticCandidates)
                        Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AmbiguousPrimaryConstructorParameterAsColorColorReceiver, colorColorValueReceiver.Syntax, parameter.Name, parameter.Type, parameter);
                        discarded = BindingDiagnosticBag.GetInstance(diagnostics);
                    receiver = ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver(receiver, useType: false, discarded ?? diagnostics);
                    if (haveStaticCandidates)
                        // Wrap into bad expression with HasErrors in an attempt to suppress cascading diagnostics
                        receiver = new BoundBadExpression(receiver.Syntax, LookupResultKind.Ambiguous, ImmutableArray<Symbol>.Empty, ImmutableArray.Create(receiver), receiver.Type, hasErrors: true).MakeCompilerGenerated();
                    receiver = ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver(receiver, useType: true, diagnostics);
            switch (members[0].Kind)
                case SymbolKind.Method:
                    return new BoundMethodGroup(
                case SymbolKind.Property:
                    return new BoundPropertyGroup(
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(members[0].Kind);
        private bool IsPossiblyCapturingPrimaryConstructorParameterReference(BoundExpression colorColorValueReceiver, out ParameterSymbol parameterSymbol)
            if (colorColorValueReceiver is BoundParameter { ParameterSymbol: { ContainingSymbol: SynthesizedPrimaryConstructor primaryConstructor } parameter } &&
                IsInDeclaringTypeInstanceMember(primaryConstructor) &&
                !InFieldInitializer &&
                this.ContainingMember() != (object)primaryConstructor &&
                parameterSymbol = parameter;
                return true;
            parameterSymbol = null;
            return false;
        private void CheckWhatCandidatesWeHave(
            ArrayBuilder<Symbol> members, TypeSymbol receiverType,
            string plainName, int arity,
            ref LookupResult lookupResult,
            ref CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo,
            out bool haveInstanceCandidates, out bool haveStaticCandidates)
            Debug.Assert(lookupResult?.IsClear != false);
            haveInstanceCandidates = members.Any(m => !m.IsStatic);
            haveStaticCandidates = members.Any(m => m.IsStatic);
            Debug.Assert(haveStaticCandidates || haveInstanceCandidates);
            if (!haveInstanceCandidates && members[0].Kind == SymbolKind.Method)
                // See if there could be extension methods in scope
                foreach (var scope in new ExtensionMethodScopes(this))
                    lookupResult ??= LookupResult.GetInstance();
                    LookupExtensionMethods(lookupResult, scope, plainName, arity, ref useSiteInfo);
                    if (lookupResult.IsMultiViable)
                        foreach (var symbol in lookupResult.Symbols)
                            var method = (MethodSymbol)symbol;
                            if (method.ReduceExtensionMethod(receiverType, Compilation) is not null)
                                haveInstanceCandidates = true;
                    if (haveInstanceCandidates)
        private static readonly Func<Symbol, MethodSymbol> s_toMethodSymbolFunc = s => (MethodSymbol)s;
        private static readonly Func<Symbol, PropertySymbol> s_toPropertySymbolFunc = s => (PropertySymbol)s;
        private NamedTypeSymbol ConstructNamedType(
            NamedTypeSymbol type,
            SyntaxNode typeSyntax,
            SeparatedSyntaxList<TypeSyntax> typeArgumentsSyntax,
            ImmutableArray<TypeWithAnnotations> typeArguments,
            ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            type = type.Construct(typeArguments);
            if (ShouldCheckConstraints && ConstraintsHelper.RequiresChecking(type))
                bool includeNullability = Compilation.IsFeatureEnabled(MessageID.IDS_FeatureNullableReferenceTypes);
                type.CheckConstraintsForNamedType(new ConstraintsHelper.CheckConstraintsArgs(this.Compilation, this.Conversions, includeNullability, typeSyntax.Location, diagnostics),
                                                  typeSyntax, typeArgumentsSyntax, basesBeingResolved);
            return type;
        /// <summary>
        /// Check generic type constraints unless the type is used as part of a type or method
        /// declaration. In those cases, constraints checking is handled by the caller.
        /// </summary>
        private bool ShouldCheckConstraints
                return !this.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.SuppressConstraintChecks);
        private NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations BindQualifiedName(
            ExpressionSyntax leftName,
            SimpleNameSyntax rightName,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            ConsList<TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved,
            bool suppressUseSiteDiagnostics)
            var left = BindNamespaceOrTypeSymbol(leftName, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics: false).NamespaceOrTypeSymbol;
            ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, left, leftName, hasBaseReceiver: false);
            bool isLeftUnboundGenericType = left.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType &&
            if (isLeftUnboundGenericType)
                // If left name bound to an unbound generic type,
                // we want to perform right name lookup within
                // left's original named type definition.
                left = ((NamedTypeSymbol)left).OriginalDefinition;
            // since the name is qualified, it cannot result in a using alias symbol, only a type or namespace
            var right = this.BindSimpleNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(rightName, diagnostics, basesBeingResolved, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics, left);
            // If left name bound to an unbound generic type
            // and right name bound to a generic type, we must
            // convert right to an unbound generic type.
            if (isLeftUnboundGenericType)
                return convertToUnboundGenericType();
            return right;
            // This part is moved into a local function to reduce the method's stack frame size
            NamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbolWithAnnotations convertToUnboundGenericType()
                var namedTypeRight = right.Symbol as NamedTypeSymbol;
                if ((object)namedTypeRight != null && namedTypeRight.IsGenericType)
                    TypeWithAnnotations type = right.TypeWithAnnotations;
                    return type.WithTypeAndModifiers(namedTypeRight.AsUnboundGenericType(), type.CustomModifiers);
                return right;
        internal NamedTypeSymbol GetSpecialType(SpecialType typeId, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode node)
            return GetSpecialType(this.Compilation, typeId, node, diagnostics);
        internal static NamedTypeSymbol GetSpecialType(CSharpCompilation compilation, SpecialType typeId, SyntaxNode node, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            NamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol = compilation.GetSpecialType(typeId);
            Debug.Assert((object)typeSymbol != null, "Expect an error type if special type isn't found");
            ReportUseSite(typeSymbol, diagnostics, node);
            return typeSymbol;
        internal static NamedTypeSymbol GetSpecialType(CSharpCompilation compilation, SpecialType typeId, Location location, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            NamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol = compilation.GetSpecialType(typeId);
            Debug.Assert((object)typeSymbol != null, "Expect an error type if special type isn't found");
            ReportUseSite(typeSymbol, diagnostics, location);
            return typeSymbol;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a layer on top of the Compilation version that generates a diagnostic if the special
        /// member isn't found.
        /// </summary>
        internal Symbol GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember member, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode syntax)
            return GetSpecialTypeMember(this.Compilation, member, diagnostics, syntax);
        internal static Symbol GetSpecialTypeMember(CSharpCompilation compilation, SpecialMember member, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode syntax)
            Symbol memberSymbol;
            return TryGetSpecialTypeMember(compilation, member, syntax, diagnostics, out memberSymbol)
                ? memberSymbol
                : null;
        internal static bool TryGetSpecialTypeMember<TSymbol>(CSharpCompilation compilation, SpecialMember specialMember, SyntaxNode syntax, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, out TSymbol symbol, bool isOptional = false)
            where TSymbol : Symbol
            symbol = (TSymbol)compilation.GetSpecialTypeMember(specialMember);
            if (symbol is null)
                if (!isOptional)
                    MemberDescriptor descriptor = SpecialMembers.GetDescriptor(specialMember);
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_MissingPredefinedMember, syntax.Location, descriptor.DeclaringTypeMetadataName, descriptor.Name);
                return false;
            var useSiteInfo = GetUseSiteInfoForWellKnownMemberOrContainingType(symbol);
            if (useSiteInfo.DiagnosticInfo != null)
                // Report errors only for non-optional members
                if (isOptional)
                    var severity = useSiteInfo.DiagnosticInfo.Severity;
                    // If the member is optional and bad for whatever reason ignore it
                    if (severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error)
                        symbol = null;
                        return false;
                    diagnostics.ReportUseSiteDiagnostic(useSiteInfo.DiagnosticInfo, new SourceLocation(syntax));
            // No need to track assemblies used by special members or types. They are coming from core library, which 
            // doesn't have any dependencies.
            return true;
        private static UseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> GetUseSiteInfoForWellKnownMemberOrContainingType(Symbol symbol)
            UseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> info = symbol.GetUseSiteInfo();
            symbol.MergeUseSiteInfo(ref info, symbol.ContainingType.GetUseSiteInfo());
            return info;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reports use-site diagnostics and dependencies for the specified symbol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if there was an error among the reported diagnostics
        /// </returns>
        internal static bool ReportUseSite(Symbol symbol, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode node)
            return diagnostics.ReportUseSite(symbol, node);
        internal static bool ReportUseSite(Symbol symbol, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxToken token)
            return diagnostics.ReportUseSite(symbol, token);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reports use-site diagnostics and dependencies for the specified symbol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if there was an error among the reported diagnostics
        /// </returns>
        internal static bool ReportUseSite(Symbol symbol, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, Location location)
            return diagnostics.ReportUseSite(symbol, location);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a layer on top of the Compilation version that generates a diagnostic if the well-known
        /// type isn't found.
        /// </summary>
        internal NamedTypeSymbol GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType type, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode node)
            return GetWellKnownType(type, diagnostics, node.Location);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a layer on top of the Compilation version that generates a diagnostic if the well-known
        /// type isn't found.
        /// </summary>
        internal NamedTypeSymbol GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType type, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, Location location)
            return GetWellKnownType(this.Compilation, type, diagnostics, location);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a layer on top of the Compilation version that generates a diagnostic if the well-known
        /// type isn't found.
        /// </summary>
        internal static NamedTypeSymbol GetWellKnownType(CSharpCompilation compilation, WellKnownType type, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode node)
            return GetWellKnownType(compilation, type, diagnostics, node.Location);
        internal static NamedTypeSymbol GetWellKnownType(CSharpCompilation compilation, WellKnownType type, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, Location location)
            NamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol = compilation.GetWellKnownType(type);
            Debug.Assert((object)typeSymbol != null, "Expect an error type if well-known type isn't found");
            ReportUseSite(typeSymbol, diagnostics, location);
            return typeSymbol;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a layer on top of the Compilation version that generates a diagnostic if the well-known
        /// type isn't found.
        /// </summary>
        internal NamedTypeSymbol GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType type, ref CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo)
            NamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol = this.Compilation.GetWellKnownType(type);
            Debug.Assert((object)typeSymbol != null, "Expect an error type if well-known type isn't found");
            typeSymbol.AddUseSiteInfo(ref useSiteInfo);
            return typeSymbol;
        internal Symbol GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember member, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, Location location = null, SyntaxNode syntax = null, bool isOptional = false)
            return GetWellKnownTypeMember(Compilation, member, diagnostics, location, syntax, isOptional);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a well-known type member and reports diagnostics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Null if the symbol is missing.</returns>
        internal static Symbol GetWellKnownTypeMember(CSharpCompilation compilation, WellKnownMember member, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, Location location = null, SyntaxNode syntax = null, bool isOptional = false)
            Debug.Assert((syntax != null) ^ (location != null));
            UseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo;
            Symbol memberSymbol = GetWellKnownTypeMember(compilation, member, out useSiteInfo, isOptional);
            if (syntax != null)
                diagnostics.Add(useSiteInfo, syntax);
                diagnostics.Add(useSiteInfo, location);
            return memberSymbol;
        internal static Symbol GetWellKnownTypeMember(CSharpCompilation compilation, WellKnownMember member, out UseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo, bool isOptional = false)
            Symbol memberSymbol = compilation.GetWellKnownTypeMember(member);
            if ((object)memberSymbol != null)
                useSiteInfo = GetUseSiteInfoForWellKnownMemberOrContainingType(memberSymbol);
                if (useSiteInfo.DiagnosticInfo != null)
                    // Dev11 reports use-site diagnostics even for optional symbols that are found.
                    // We decided to silently ignore bad optional symbols.
                    // Report errors only for non-optional members:
                    if (isOptional)
                        var severity = useSiteInfo.DiagnosticInfo.Severity;
                        // if the member is optional and bad for whatever reason ignore it:
                        if (severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error)
                            useSiteInfo = default;
                            return null;
                        // ignore warnings:
                        useSiteInfo = new UseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>(diagnosticInfo: null, useSiteInfo.PrimaryDependency, useSiteInfo.SecondaryDependencies);
            else if (!isOptional)
                // member is missing
                MemberDescriptor memberDescriptor = WellKnownMembers.GetDescriptor(member);
                useSiteInfo = new UseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>(new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_MissingPredefinedMember, memberDescriptor.DeclaringTypeMetadataName, memberDescriptor.Name));
                useSiteInfo = default;
            return memberSymbol;
        private class ConsistentSymbolOrder : IComparer<Symbol>
            public static readonly ConsistentSymbolOrder Instance = new ConsistentSymbolOrder();
            public int Compare(Symbol fst, Symbol snd)
                if (snd == fst) return 0;
                if ((object)fst == null) return -1;
                if ((object)snd == null) return 1;
                if (snd.Name != fst.Name) return string.CompareOrdinal(fst.Name, snd.Name);
                if (snd.Kind != fst.Kind) return (int)fst.Kind - (int)snd.Kind;
                int aLocationsCount = !snd.Locations.IsDefault ? snd.Locations.Length : 0;
                int bLocationsCount = fst.Locations.Length;
                if (aLocationsCount != bLocationsCount) return aLocationsCount - bLocationsCount;
                if (aLocationsCount == 0 && bLocationsCount == 0) return Compare(fst.ContainingSymbol, snd.ContainingSymbol);
                Location la = snd.GetFirstLocation();
                Location lb = fst.GetFirstLocation();
                if (la.IsInSource != lb.IsInSource) return la.IsInSource ? 1 : -1;
                int containerResult = Compare(fst.ContainingSymbol, snd.ContainingSymbol);
                if (!la.IsInSource) return containerResult;
                if (containerResult == 0 && la.SourceTree == lb.SourceTree) return lb.SourceSpan.Start - la.SourceSpan.Start;
                return containerResult;
        // return the type or namespace symbol in a lookup result, or report an error.
        internal Symbol ResultSymbol(
            LookupResult result,
            string simpleName,
            int arity,
            SyntaxNode where,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            bool suppressUseSiteDiagnostics,
            out bool wasError,
            NamespaceOrTypeSymbol qualifierOpt,
            LookupOptions options = default(LookupOptions))
            Symbol symbol = resultSymbol(result, simpleName, arity, where, diagnostics, suppressUseSiteDiagnostics, out wasError, qualifierOpt, options);
            if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
                CheckReceiverAndRuntimeSupportForSymbolAccess(where, receiverOpt: null, symbol, diagnostics);
                if (suppressUseSiteDiagnostics && diagnostics.DependenciesBag is object)
                    AssemblySymbol container = symbol.ContainingAssembly;
                    if (container is object && container != Compilation.Assembly && container != Compilation.Assembly.CorLibrary)
            return symbol;
            Symbol resultSymbol(
                LookupResult result,
                string simpleName,
                int arity,
                SyntaxNode where,
                BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics,
                bool suppressUseSiteDiagnostics,
                out bool wasError,
                NamespaceOrTypeSymbol qualifierOpt,
                LookupOptions options)
                Debug.Assert(where != null);
                Debug.Assert(diagnostics != null);
                var symbols = result.Symbols;
                wasError = false;
                if (result.IsMultiViable)
                    if (symbols.Count > 1)
                        // gracefully handle symbols.Count > 2
                        var originalSymbols = symbols.ToImmutable();
                        for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count; i++)
                            symbols[i] = UnwrapAlias(symbols[i], diagnostics, where);
                        BestSymbolInfo secondBest;
                        BestSymbolInfo best = GetBestSymbolInfo(symbols, out secondBest);
                        if (best.IsFromCompilation && !secondBest.IsFromCompilation)
                            var srcSymbol = symbols[best.Index];
                            var mdSymbol = symbols[secondBest.Index];
                            object arg0;
                            if (best.IsFromSourceModule)
                                arg0 = srcSymbol.GetFirstLocation().SourceTree.FilePath;
                                arg0 = srcSymbol.ContainingModule;
                            //if names match, arities match, and containing symbols match (recursively), ...
                            if (NameAndArityMatchRecursively(srcSymbol, mdSymbol))
                                if (srcSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace && mdSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
                                    // ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisNsAgg: The namespace '{1}' in '{0}' conflicts with the imported type '{3}' in '{2}'. Using the namespace defined in '{0}'.
                                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisNsAgg, where.Location, originalSymbols,
                                    return originalSymbols[best.Index];
                                else if (srcSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType && mdSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace)
                                    // ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggNs: The type '{1}' in '{0}' conflicts with the imported namespace '{3}' in '{2}'. Using the type defined in '{0}'.
                                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggNs, where.Location, originalSymbols,
                                    return originalSymbols[best.Index];
                                else if (srcSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType && mdSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
                                    // WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg: The type '{1}' in '{0}' conflicts with the imported type '{3}' in '{2}'. Using the type defined in '{0}'.
                                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, where.Location, originalSymbols,
                                    return originalSymbols[best.Index];
                                    // namespace would be merged with the source namespace:
                                    Debug.Assert(!(srcSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace && mdSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace));
                        var first = symbols[best.Index];
                        var second = symbols[secondBest.Index];
                        Debug.Assert(!Symbol.Equals(originalSymbols[best.Index], originalSymbols[secondBest.Index], TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything) || options.IsAttributeTypeLookup(),
                            "This kind of ambiguity is only possible for attributes.");
                        Debug.Assert(!Symbol.Equals(first, second, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything) || !Symbol.Equals(originalSymbols[best.Index], originalSymbols[secondBest.Index], TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything),
                            "Why does the LookupResult contain the same symbol twice?");
                        if (best.IsFromFile && !secondBest.IsFromFile)
                            // a lookup of a file-local type is "better" than a lookup of a non-file-local type; no need to further diagnose
                            // some "single symbol" diagnostics are missed here for similar reasons
                            // that make us miss diagnostics when reporting WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg.
                            return first;
                        CSDiagnosticInfo info;
                        bool reportError;
                        //if names match, arities match, and containing symbols match (recursively), ...
                        if (first != second &&
                            NameAndArityMatchRecursively(first, second))
                            // suppress reporting the error if we found multiple symbols from source module
                            // since an error has already been reported from the declaration
                            reportError = !(best.IsFromSourceModule && secondBest.IsFromSourceModule);
                            if (first.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType && second.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
                                if (first.OriginalDefinition == second.OriginalDefinition)
                                    // We imported different generic instantiations of the same generic type
                                    // and have an ambiguous reference to a type nested in it
                                    reportError = true;
                                    // '{0}' is an ambiguous reference between '{1}' and '{2}'
                                    info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigContext, originalSymbols,
                                        new object[] {
                                        (where as NameSyntax)?.ErrorDisplayName() ?? simpleName,
                                        new FormattedSymbol(first, SymbolDisplayFormat.CSharpErrorMessageFormat),
                                        new FormattedSymbol(second, SymbolDisplayFormat.CSharpErrorMessageFormat) });
                                    // ErrorCode.ERR_SameFullNameAggAgg: The type '{1}' exists in both '{0}' and '{2}'
                                    info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_SameFullNameAggAgg, originalSymbols,
                                        new object[] { first.ContainingAssembly, first, second.ContainingAssembly });
                                    // Do not report this error if the first is declared in source and the second is declared in added module,
                                    // we already reported declaration error about this name collision.
                                    // Do not report this error if both are declared in added modules,
                                    // we will report assembly level declaration error about this name collision.
                                    if (secondBest.IsFromAddedModule)
                                        reportError = false;
                                    else if (this.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.IgnoreCorLibraryDuplicatedTypes) &&
                                        // Ignore duplicate types from the cor library if necessary.
                                        // (Specifically the framework assemblies loaded at runtime in
                                        // the EE may contain types also available from mscorlib.dll.)
                                        return first;
                            else if (first.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace && second.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
                                // ErrorCode.ERR_SameFullNameNsAgg: The namespace '{1}' in '{0}' conflicts with the type '{3}' in '{2}'
                                info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_SameFullNameNsAgg, originalSymbols,
                                    new object[] { GetContainingAssembly(first), first, second.ContainingAssembly, second });
                                // Do not report this error if namespace is declared in source and the type is declared in added module,
                                // we already reported declaration error about this name collision.
                                if (best.IsFromSourceModule && secondBest.IsFromAddedModule)
                                    reportError = false;
                            else if (first.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType && second.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace)
                                if (!secondBest.IsFromCompilation || secondBest.IsFromSourceModule)
                                    // ErrorCode.ERR_SameFullNameNsAgg: The namespace '{1}' in '{0}' conflicts with the type '{3}' in '{2}'
                                    info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_SameFullNameNsAgg, originalSymbols,
                                        new object[] { GetContainingAssembly(second), second, first.ContainingAssembly, first });
                                    // ErrorCode.ERR_SameFullNameThisAggThisNs: The type '{1}' in '{0}' conflicts with the namespace '{3}' in '{2}'
                                    object arg0;
                                    if (best.IsFromSourceModule)
                                        arg0 = first.GetFirstLocation().SourceTree.FilePath;
                                        arg0 = first.ContainingModule;
                                    ModuleSymbol arg2 = second.ContainingModule;
                                    // Merged namespaces that span multiple modules don't have a containing module,
                                    // so just use module with the smallest ordinal from the containing assembly.
                                    if ((object)arg2 == null)
                                        foreach (NamespaceSymbol ns in ((NamespaceSymbol)second).ConstituentNamespaces)
                                            if (ns.ContainingAssembly == Compilation.Assembly)
                                                ModuleSymbol module = ns.ContainingModule;
                                                if ((object)arg2 == null || arg2.Ordinal > module.Ordinal)
                                                    arg2 = module;
                                    Debug.Assert(arg2.ContainingAssembly == Compilation.Assembly);
                                    info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_SameFullNameThisAggThisNs, originalSymbols,
                                        new object[] { arg0, first, arg2, second });
                            else if (first.Kind == SymbolKind.RangeVariable && second.Kind == SymbolKind.RangeVariable)
                                // We will already have reported a conflicting range variable declaration.
                                info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigMember, originalSymbols,
                                    new object[] { first, second });
                                // TODO: this is not an appropriate error message here, but used as a fallback until the
                                // appropriate diagnostics are implemented.
                                // '{0}' is an ambiguous reference between '{1}' and '{2}'
                                //info = diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigContext, location, readOnlySymbols,
                                //    whereText,
                                //    first,
                                //    second);
                                // CS0229: Ambiguity between '{0}' and '{1}'
                                info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigMember, originalSymbols,
                                    new object[] { first, second });
                                reportError = true;
                            Debug.Assert(originalSymbols[best.Index].Name != originalSymbols[secondBest.Index].Name ||
                                         !Symbol.Equals(originalSymbols[best.Index], originalSymbols[secondBest.Index], TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything),
                                "Why was the lookup result viable if it contained non-equal symbols with the same name?");
                            reportError = true;
                            if (first is NamespaceOrTypeSymbol && second is NamespaceOrTypeSymbol)
                                if (options.IsAttributeTypeLookup() &&
                                    first.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType &&
                                    second.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType &&
                                    originalSymbols[best.Index].Name != originalSymbols[secondBest.Index].Name && // Use alias names, if available.
                                    Compilation.IsAttributeType((NamedTypeSymbol)first) &&
                                    //  SPEC:   If an attribute class is found both with and without Attribute suffix, an ambiguity
                                    //  SPEC:   is present, and a compile-time error results.
                                    info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbiguousAttribute, originalSymbols,
                                        new object[] { (where as NameSyntax)?.ErrorDisplayName() ?? simpleName, first, second });
                                    // '{0}' is an ambiguous reference between '{1}' and '{2}'
                                    info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigContext, originalSymbols,
                                        new object[] {
                                        (where as NameSyntax)?.ErrorDisplayName() ?? simpleName,
                                        new FormattedSymbol(first, SymbolDisplayFormat.CSharpErrorMessageFormat),
                                        new FormattedSymbol(second, SymbolDisplayFormat.CSharpErrorMessageFormat) });
                                // CS0229: Ambiguity between '{0}' and '{1}'
                                info = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigMember, originalSymbols,
                                    new object[] { first, second });
                        wasError = true;
                        if (reportError && info != null)
                            diagnostics.Add(info, where.Location);
                        return new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(
                        // Single viable result.
                        var singleResult = symbols[0];
                        // Cannot reference System.Void directly.
                        var singleType = singleResult as TypeSymbol;
                        if ((object)singleType != null && singleType.PrimitiveTypeCode == Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Void && simpleName == "Void")
                            wasError = true;
                            var errorInfo = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_SystemVoid);
                            diagnostics.Add(errorInfo, where.Location);
                            singleResult = new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(GetContainingNamespaceOrType(singleResult), singleResult, LookupResultKind.NotReferencable, errorInfo); // UNDONE: Review resultkind.
                        // Check for bad symbol.
                            if (singleResult.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType &&
                                // Complain about unembeddable types from linked assemblies.
                                if (diagnostics.DiagnosticBag is object)
                                    Emit.NoPia.EmbeddedTypesManager.IsValidEmbeddableType((NamedTypeSymbol)singleResult, where, diagnostics.DiagnosticBag);
                            if (!suppressUseSiteDiagnostics)
                                wasError = ReportUseSite(singleResult, diagnostics, where);
                            else if (singleResult.Kind == SymbolKind.ErrorType)
                                // We want to report ERR_CircularBase error on the spot to make sure
                                // that the right location is used for it.
                                var errorType = (ErrorTypeSymbol)singleResult;
                                if (errorType.Unreported)
                                    DiagnosticInfo errorInfo = errorType.ErrorInfo;
                                    if (errorInfo != null && errorInfo.Code == (int)ErrorCode.ERR_CircularBase)
                                        wasError = true;
                                        diagnostics.Add(errorInfo, where.Location);
                                        singleResult = new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(GetContainingNamespaceOrType(errorType), errorType.Name, errorType.Arity, errorInfo, unreported: false);
                        return singleResult;
                // Below here is the error case; no viable symbols found (but maybe one or more non-viable.)
                wasError = true;
                if (result.Kind == LookupResultKind.Empty)
                    string aliasOpt = null;
                    SyntaxNode node = where;
                    while (node is ExpressionSyntax)
                        if (node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.AliasQualifiedName)
                            aliasOpt = ((AliasQualifiedNameSyntax)node).Alias.Identifier.ValueText;
                        node = node.Parent;
                    CSDiagnosticInfo info = NotFound(where, simpleName, arity, (where as NameSyntax)?.ErrorDisplayName() ?? simpleName, diagnostics, aliasOpt, qualifierOpt, options);
                    return new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(qualifierOpt ?? Compilation.Assembly.GlobalNamespace, simpleName, arity, info);
                Debug.Assert(symbols.Count > 0);
                // Report any errors we encountered with the symbol we looked up.
                if (!suppressUseSiteDiagnostics)
                    for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count; i++)
                        ReportUseSite(symbols[i], diagnostics, where);
                // result.Error might be null if we have already generated parser errors,
                // e.g. when generic name is used for attribute name.
                if (result.Error != null &&
                    ((object)qualifierOpt == null || qualifierOpt.Kind != SymbolKind.ErrorType)) // Suppress cascading.
                    diagnostics.Add(new CSDiagnostic(result.Error, where.Location));
                if ((symbols.Count > 1) || (symbols[0] is NamespaceOrTypeSymbol || symbols[0] is AliasSymbol) ||
                    result.Kind == LookupResultKind.NotATypeOrNamespace || result.Kind == LookupResultKind.NotAnAttributeType)
                    // Bad type or namespace (or things expected as types/namespaces) are packaged up as error types, preserving the symbols and the result kind.
                    // We do this if there are multiple symbols too, because just returning one would be losing important information, and they might
                    // be of different kinds.
                    return new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(GetContainingNamespaceOrType(symbols[0]), symbols.ToImmutable(), result.Kind, result.Error, arity);
                    // It's a single non-type-or-namespace; error was already reported, so just return it.
                    return symbols[0];
        private static AssemblySymbol GetContainingAssembly(Symbol symbol)
            // Merged namespaces that span multiple assemblies don't have a containing assembly,
            // so just use the containing assembly of the first constituent.
            return symbol.ContainingAssembly ?? ((NamespaceSymbol)symbol).ConstituentNamespaces.First().ContainingAssembly;
        private enum BestSymbolLocation
        [DebuggerDisplay("Location = {_location}, Index = {_index}")]
        private readonly struct BestSymbolInfo
            private readonly BestSymbolLocation _location;
            private readonly int _index;
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns -1 if None.
            /// </summary>
            public int Index
                    return IsNone ? -1 : _index;
            public bool IsFromSourceModule
                    return _location == BestSymbolLocation.FromSourceModule;
            public bool IsFromAddedModule
                    return _location == BestSymbolLocation.FromAddedModule;
            public bool IsFromCompilation
                    return (_location == BestSymbolLocation.FromSourceModule) || (_location == BestSymbolLocation.FromAddedModule);
            public bool IsFromFile
                    return _location == BestSymbolLocation.FromFile;
            public bool IsNone
                    return _location == BestSymbolLocation.None;
            public bool IsFromCorLibrary
                    return _location == BestSymbolLocation.FromCorLibrary;
            public BestSymbolInfo(BestSymbolLocation location, int index)
                Debug.Assert(location != BestSymbolLocation.None);
                _location = location;
                _index = index;
            /// <summary>
            /// Prefers symbols from source module, then from added modules, then from referenced assemblies.
            /// Returns true if values were swapped.
            /// </summary>
            public static bool Sort(ref BestSymbolInfo first, ref BestSymbolInfo second)
                if (IsSecondLocationBetter(first._location, second._location))
                    BestSymbolInfo temp = first;
                    first = second;
                    second = temp;
                    return true;
                return false;
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns true if the second is a better location than the first.
            /// </summary>
            public static bool IsSecondLocationBetter(BestSymbolLocation firstLocation, BestSymbolLocation secondLocation)
                Debug.Assert(secondLocation != 0);
                return (firstLocation == BestSymbolLocation.None) || (firstLocation > secondLocation);
        /// <summary>
        /// Prefer symbols from source module, then from added modules, then from referenced assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        private BestSymbolInfo GetBestSymbolInfo(ArrayBuilder<Symbol> symbols, out BestSymbolInfo secondBest)
            BestSymbolInfo first = default(BestSymbolInfo);
            BestSymbolInfo second = default(BestSymbolInfo);
            var compilation = this.Compilation;
            for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count; i++)
                var symbol = symbols[i];
                BestSymbolLocation location;
                if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace)
                    location = BestSymbolLocation.None;
                    foreach (var ns in ((NamespaceSymbol)symbol).ConstituentNamespaces)
                        var current = GetLocation(compilation, ns);
                        if (BestSymbolInfo.IsSecondLocationBetter(location, current))
                            location = current;
                            if (location == BestSymbolLocation.FromSourceModule)
                    location = GetLocation(compilation, symbol);
                var third = new BestSymbolInfo(location, i);
                if (BestSymbolInfo.Sort(ref second, ref third))
                    BestSymbolInfo.Sort(ref first, ref second);
            secondBest = second;
            return first;
        private static BestSymbolLocation GetLocation(CSharpCompilation compilation, Symbol symbol)
            if (symbol is NamedTypeSymbol { IsFileLocal: true })
                return BestSymbolLocation.FromFile;
            var containingAssembly = symbol.ContainingAssembly;
            if (containingAssembly == compilation.SourceAssembly)
                return (symbol.ContainingModule == compilation.SourceModule) ?
                    BestSymbolLocation.FromSourceModule :
                return (containingAssembly == containingAssembly.CorLibrary) ?
                    BestSymbolLocation.FromCorLibrary :
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is only intended to be called when the type isn't found (i.e. not when it is found but is inaccessible, has the wrong arity, etc).
        /// </remarks>
        private CSDiagnosticInfo NotFound(SyntaxNode where, string simpleName, int arity, string whereText, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, string aliasOpt, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol qualifierOpt, LookupOptions options)
            var location = where.Location;
            // Lookup totally ignores type forwarders, but we want the type lookup diagnostics
            // to distinguish between a type that can't be found and a type that is only present
            // as a type forwarder.  We'll look for type forwarders in the containing and
            // referenced assemblies and report more specific diagnostics if they are found.
            AssemblySymbol forwardedToAssembly;
            // for attributes, suggest both, but not for verbatim name
            if (options.IsAttributeTypeLookup() && !options.IsVerbatimNameAttributeTypeLookup())
                string attributeName = arity > 0 ? $"{simpleName}Attribute<>" : $"{simpleName}Attribute";
                NotFound(where, simpleName, arity, attributeName, diagnostics, aliasOpt, qualifierOpt, options | LookupOptions.VerbatimNameAttributeTypeOnly);
            if ((object)qualifierOpt != null)
                if (qualifierOpt.IsType)
                    var errorQualifier = qualifierOpt as ErrorTypeSymbol;
                    if ((object)errorQualifier != null && errorQualifier.ErrorInfo != null)
                        return (CSDiagnosticInfo)errorQualifier.ErrorInfo;
                    return diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DottedTypeNameNotFoundInAgg, location, whereText, qualifierOpt);
                    forwardedToAssembly = GetForwardedToAssembly(simpleName, arity, ref qualifierOpt, diagnostics, location);
                    if (ReferenceEquals(qualifierOpt, Compilation.GlobalNamespace))
                        Debug.Assert(aliasOpt == null || aliasOpt == SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword));
                        return (object)forwardedToAssembly == null
                            ? diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_GlobalSingleTypeNameNotFound, location, whereText)
                            : diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_GlobalSingleTypeNameNotFoundFwd, location, whereText, forwardedToAssembly);
                        object container = qualifierOpt;
                        // If there was an alias (e.g. A::C) and the given qualifier is the global namespace of the alias,
                        // then use the alias name in the error message, since it's more helpful than "<global namespace>".
                        if (aliasOpt != null && qualifierOpt.IsNamespace && ((NamespaceSymbol)qualifierOpt).IsGlobalNamespace)
                            container = aliasOpt;
                        return (object)forwardedToAssembly == null
                            ? diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DottedTypeNameNotFoundInNS, location, whereText, container)
                            : diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DottedTypeNameNotFoundInNSFwd, location, whereText, container, forwardedToAssembly);
            if (options == LookupOptions.NamespaceAliasesOnly)
                return diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_AliasNotFound, location, whereText);
            if ((where as IdentifierNameSyntax)?.Identifier.Text == "var" && !options.IsAttributeTypeLookup())
                var code = (where.Parent is QueryClauseSyntax) ? ErrorCode.ERR_TypeVarNotFoundRangeVariable : ErrorCode.ERR_TypeVarNotFound;
                return diagnostics.Add(code, location);
            forwardedToAssembly = GetForwardedToAssembly(simpleName, arity, ref qualifierOpt, diagnostics, location);
            if ((object)forwardedToAssembly != null)
                return qualifierOpt == null
                    ? diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_SingleTypeNameNotFoundFwd, location, whereText, forwardedToAssembly)
                    : diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DottedTypeNameNotFoundInNSFwd, location, whereText, qualifierOpt, forwardedToAssembly);
            return diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_SingleTypeNameNotFound, location, whereText);
        protected virtual AssemblySymbol GetForwardedToAssemblyInUsingNamespaces(string metadataName, ref NamespaceOrTypeSymbol qualifierOpt, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, Location location)
            return Next?.GetForwardedToAssemblyInUsingNamespaces(metadataName, ref qualifierOpt, diagnostics, location);
        protected AssemblySymbol GetForwardedToAssembly(MetadataTypeName metadataName, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, Location location)
            foreach (var referencedAssembly in
                var forwardedType =
                    referencedAssembly.TryLookupForwardedMetadataTypeWithCycleDetection(ref metadataName, visitedAssemblies: null);
                if ((object)forwardedType != null)
                    if (forwardedType.Kind == SymbolKind.ErrorType)
                        DiagnosticInfo diagInfo = ((ErrorTypeSymbol)forwardedType).ErrorInfo;
                        if (diagInfo.Code == (int)ErrorCode.ERR_CycleInTypeForwarder)
                            Debug.Assert((object)forwardedType.ContainingAssembly != null, "How did we find a cycle if there was no forwarding?");
                            diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_CycleInTypeForwarder, location, metadataName.FullName, forwardedType.ContainingAssembly.Name);
                        else if (diagInfo.Code == (int)ErrorCode.ERR_TypeForwardedToMultipleAssemblies)
                            diagnostics.Add(diagInfo, location);
                            return null; // Cannot determine a suitable forwarding assembly
                    return forwardedType.ContainingAssembly;
            return null;
        internal static ContextualAttributeBinder TryGetContextualAttributeBinder(Binder binder)
            if ((binder.Flags & BinderFlags.InContextualAttributeBinder) != 0)
                    if (binder is ContextualAttributeBinder contextualAttributeBinder)
                        return contextualAttributeBinder;
                    binder = binder.Next;
                while (binder != null);
            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Look for a type forwarder for the given type in the containing assembly and any referenced assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the (potentially) forwarded type.</param>
        /// <param name="arity">The arity of the forwarded type.</param>
        /// <param name="qualifierOpt">The namespace of the potentially forwarded type. If none is provided, will
        /// try Usings of the current import for eligible namespaces and return the namespace of the found forwarder,
        /// if any.</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">Will be used to report non-fatal errors during look up.</param>
        /// <param name="location">Location to report errors on.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the Assembly to which the type is forwarded, or null if none is found.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Since this method is intended to be used for error reporting, it stops as soon as it finds
        /// any type forwarder (or an error to report). It does not check other assemblies for consistency or better results.
        /// </remarks>
        protected AssemblySymbol GetForwardedToAssembly(string name, int arity, ref NamespaceOrTypeSymbol qualifierOpt, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, Location location)
            // If we are in the process of binding assembly level attributes, we might get into an infinite cycle
            // if any of the referenced assemblies forwards type to this assembly. Since forwarded types
            // are specified through assembly level attributes, an attempt to resolve the forwarded type
            // might require us to examine types forwarded by this assembly, thus binding assembly level
            // attributes again. And the cycle continues.
            // So, we won't do the analysis in this case, at the expense of better diagnostics.
            var contextualAttributeBinder = TryGetContextualAttributeBinder(this);
            if (contextualAttributeBinder is { AttributeTarget: { Kind: SymbolKind.Assembly } })
                return null;
            // NOTE: This won't work if the type isn't using CLS-style generic naming (i.e. `arity), but this code is
            // only intended to improve diagnostic messages, so false negatives in corner cases aren't a big deal.
            // File types can't be forwarded, so we won't attempt to determine a file identifier to attach to the metadata name.
            var metadataName = MetadataHelpers.ComposeAritySuffixedMetadataName(name, arity, associatedFileIdentifier: null);
            var fullMetadataName = MetadataHelpers.BuildQualifiedName(qualifierOpt?.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.QualifiedNameOnlyFormat), metadataName);
            var result = GetForwardedToAssembly(
            if ((object)result != null)
                return result;
            if ((object)qualifierOpt == null)
                return GetForwardedToAssemblyInUsingNamespaces(metadataName, ref qualifierOpt, diagnostics, location);
            return null;
#nullable enable
        internal static bool CheckFeatureAvailability(SyntaxNode syntax, MessageID feature, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, Location? location = null)
            => CheckFeatureAvailability(syntax, feature, diagnostics.DiagnosticBag, location);
        internal static bool CheckFeatureAvailability(SyntaxToken syntax, MessageID feature, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool forceWarning = false)
            => CheckFeatureAvailability(syntax, feature, diagnostics.DiagnosticBag, forceWarning: forceWarning);
        internal static bool CheckFeatureAvailability(SyntaxTree tree, MessageID feature, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, Location location)
            => CheckFeatureAvailability(tree, feature, diagnostics.DiagnosticBag, location);
        private static bool CheckFeatureAvailability(SyntaxNode syntax, MessageID feature, DiagnosticBag? diagnostics, Location? location = null)
            => CheckFeatureAvailability(syntax.SyntaxTree, feature, diagnostics, (location, syntax), static tuple => tuple.location ?? tuple.syntax.GetLocation());
        private static bool CheckFeatureAvailability(SyntaxToken syntax, MessageID feature, DiagnosticBag? diagnostics, bool forceWarning = false)
            => CheckFeatureAvailability(syntax.SyntaxTree!, feature, diagnostics, syntax, static syntax => syntax.GetLocation(), forceWarning: forceWarning);
        private static bool CheckFeatureAvailability(SyntaxTree tree, MessageID feature, DiagnosticBag? diagnostics, Location location)
            => CheckFeatureAvailability(tree, feature, diagnostics, location, static location => location);
        /// <param name="getLocation">Callback function that computes the location to report the diagnostics at
        /// <em>if</em> a diagnostic should be reported.  Should always be passed a static/cached callback to prevent
        /// allocations of the delegate.</param>
        private static bool CheckFeatureAvailability<TData>(SyntaxTree tree, MessageID feature, DiagnosticBag? diagnostics, TData data, Func<TData, Location> getLocation, bool forceWarning = false)
            if (feature.GetFeatureAvailabilityDiagnosticInfo((CSharpParseOptions)tree.Options) is { } diagInfo)
                if (forceWarning)
                    diagnostics?.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_ErrorOverride, getLocation(data), diagInfo, (int)diagInfo.Code);
                    diagnostics?.Add(diagInfo, getLocation(data));
                return false;
            return true;