// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
internal enum DeclarationModifiers : uint
None = 0,
Abstract = 1 << 0,
Sealed = 1 << 1,
Static = 1 << 2,
New = 1 << 3,
Public = 1 << 4,
Protected = 1 << 5,
Internal = 1 << 6,
ProtectedInternal = 1 << 7, // the two keywords together are treated as one modifier
Private = 1 << 8,
PrivateProtected = 1 << 9, // the two keywords together are treated as one modifier
ReadOnly = 1 << 10,
Const = 1 << 11,
Volatile = 1 << 12,
Extern = 1 << 13,
Partial = 1 << 14,
Unsafe = 1 << 15,
Fixed = 1 << 16,
Virtual = 1 << 17, // used for method binding
Override = 1 << 18, // used for method binding
Indexer = 1 << 19, // not a real modifier, but used to record that indexer syntax was used.
Async = 1 << 20,
Ref = 1 << 21, // used only for structs
Required = 1 << 22, // Used only for properties and fields
Scoped = 1 << 23,
File = 1 << 24, // used only for types
All = (1 << 25) - 1, // all modifiers
Unset = 1 << 25, // used when a modifiers value hasn't yet been computed
AccessibilityMask = PrivateProtected | Private | Protected | Internal | ProtectedInternal | Public,