// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols
internal abstract class ThisParameterSymbolBase : ParameterSymbol
internal const string SymbolName = "this";
public sealed override string Name => SymbolName;
public sealed override bool IsDiscard => false;
public sealed override ImmutableArray<SyntaxReference> DeclaringSyntaxReferences
get { return ImmutableArray<SyntaxReference>.Empty; }
internal sealed override ConstantValue? ExplicitDefaultConstantValue
get { return null; }
internal sealed override bool IsMetadataOptional
get { return false; }
public sealed override bool IsParamsArray
get { return false; }
public sealed override bool IsParamsCollection
get { return false; }
internal sealed override bool IsIDispatchConstant
get { return false; }
internal sealed override bool IsIUnknownConstant
get { return false; }
internal sealed override bool IsCallerFilePath
get { return false; }
internal sealed override bool IsCallerLineNumber
get { return false; }
internal sealed override bool IsCallerMemberName
get { return false; }
internal sealed override int CallerArgumentExpressionParameterIndex
get { return -1; }
internal sealed override FlowAnalysisAnnotations FlowAnalysisAnnotations
get { return FlowAnalysisAnnotations.None; }
internal sealed override ImmutableHashSet<string> NotNullIfParameterNotNull
get { return ImmutableHashSet<string>.Empty; }
public sealed override int Ordinal
get { return -1; }
public sealed override ImmutableArray<CustomModifier> RefCustomModifiers
get { return ImmutableArray<CustomModifier>.Empty; }
public sealed override bool IsThis
get { return true; }
// "this" is never explicitly declared.
public sealed override bool IsImplicitlyDeclared
get { return true; }
internal sealed override bool IsMetadataIn
get { return false; }
internal sealed override bool IsMetadataOut
get { return false; }
internal sealed override MarshalPseudoCustomAttributeData? MarshallingInformation
get { return null; }
internal sealed override ImmutableArray<int> InterpolatedStringHandlerArgumentIndexes => ImmutableArray<int>.Empty;
internal sealed override bool HasInterpolatedStringHandlerArgumentError => false;
internal sealed class ThisParameterSymbol : ThisParameterSymbolBase
private readonly MethodSymbol? _containingMethod;
private readonly TypeSymbol _containingType;
internal ThisParameterSymbol(MethodSymbol forMethod) : this(forMethod, forMethod.ContainingType)
internal ThisParameterSymbol(MethodSymbol? forMethod, TypeSymbol containingType)
Debug.Assert(containingType is not null);
_containingMethod = forMethod;
_containingType = containingType;
public override TypeWithAnnotations TypeWithAnnotations
=> TypeWithAnnotations.Create(_containingType, NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated);
public override RefKind RefKind
if (ContainingType?.TypeKind != TypeKind.Struct)
return RefKind.None;
if (_containingMethod?.MethodKind == MethodKind.Constructor)
return RefKind.Out;
if (_containingMethod?.IsEffectivelyReadOnly == true)
return RefKind.In;
return RefKind.Ref;
public override ImmutableArray<Location> Locations
get { return _containingMethod is not null ? _containingMethod.Locations : ImmutableArray<Location>.Empty; }
public override Symbol ContainingSymbol
get { return (Symbol?)_containingMethod ?? _containingType; }
internal override ScopedKind EffectiveScope
var scope = _containingType.IsStructType() ? ScopedKind.ScopedRef : ScopedKind.None;
if (scope != ScopedKind.None &&
return ScopedKind.None;
return scope;
internal override bool HasUnscopedRefAttribute
=> _containingMethod.HasUnscopedRefAttributeOnMethodOrProperty();
internal sealed override bool UseUpdatedEscapeRules
=> _containingMethod?.UseUpdatedEscapeRules ?? _containingType.ContainingModule.UseUpdatedEscapeRules;