// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
/// <summary>
/// Allows asking semantic questions about a tree of syntax nodes in a Compilation. Typically,
/// an instance is obtained by a call to <see cref="Compilation"/>.<see
/// cref="Compilation.GetSemanticModel(SyntaxTree, bool)"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>An instance of <see cref="CSharpSemanticModel"/> caches local symbols and semantic
/// information. Thus, it is much more efficient to use a single instance of <see
/// cref="CSharpSemanticModel"/> when asking multiple questions about a syntax tree, because
/// information from the first question may be reused. This also means that holding onto an
/// instance of SemanticModel for a long time may keep a significant amount of memory from being
/// garbage collected.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// When an answer is a named symbol that is reachable by traversing from the root of the symbol
/// table, (that is, from an <see cref="AssemblySymbol"/> of the <see cref="Compilation"/>),
/// that symbol will be returned (i.e. the returned value will be reference-equal to one
/// reachable from the root of the symbol table). Symbols representing entities without names
/// (e.g. array-of-int) may or may not exhibit reference equality. However, some named symbols
/// (such as local variables) are not reachable from the root. These symbols are visible as
/// answers to semantic questions. When the same SemanticModel object is used, the answers
/// exhibit reference-equality.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
internal abstract class CSharpSemanticModel : SemanticModel
/// <summary>
/// The compilation this object was obtained from.
/// </summary>
public new abstract CSharpCompilation Compilation { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The root node of the syntax tree that this binding is based on.
/// </summary>
internal new abstract CSharpSyntaxNode Root { get; }
// Is this node one that could be successfully interrogated by GetSymbolInfo/GetTypeInfo/GetMemberGroup/GetConstantValue?
// WARN: If isSpeculative is true, then don't look at .Parent - there might not be one.
internal static bool CanGetSemanticInfo(CSharpSyntaxNode node, bool allowNamedArgumentName = false, bool isSpeculative = false)
Debug.Assert(node != null);
if (!isSpeculative && IsInStructuredTriviaOtherThanCrefOrNameAttribute(node))
return false;
switch (node.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.CollectionInitializerExpression:
case SyntaxKind.ObjectInitializerExpression:
// new CollectionClass() { 1, 2, 3 }
// ~~~~~~~~~~~
// OR
// new ObjectClass() { field = 1, prop = 2 }
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// CollectionInitializerExpression and ObjectInitializerExpression are not really expressions in the language sense.
// We do not allow getting the semantic info for these syntax nodes. However, we do allow getting semantic info
// for each of the individual initializer elements or member assignments.
return false;
case SyntaxKind.ComplexElementInitializerExpression:
// new Collection { 1, {2, 3} }
// ~~~~~~
// ComplexElementInitializerExpression are also not true expressions in the language sense, so we disallow getting the
// semantic info for it. However, we may be interested in getting the semantic info for the compiler generated Add
// method invoked with initializer expressions as arguments. Roslyn bug 11987 tracks this work item.
return false;
case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName:
// The alias of a using directive is a declaration, so there is no semantic info - use GetDeclaredSymbol instead.
if (!isSpeculative && node.Parent != null && node.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.NameEquals && node.Parent.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.UsingDirective)
return false;
goto default;
case SyntaxKind.OmittedTypeArgument:
case SyntaxKind.RefExpression:
case SyntaxKind.RefType:
case SyntaxKind.ScopedType:
// These are just placeholders and are not separately meaningful.
return false;
// If we are being asked for binding info on a "missing" syntax node
// then there's no point in doing any work at all. For example, the user might
// have something like "class C { [] void M() {} }". The caller might obtain
// the attribute declaration syntax and then attempt to ask for type information
// about the contents of the attribute. But the parser has recovered from the
// missing attribute type and filled in a "missing" node in its place. There's
// nothing we can do with that, so let's not allow it.
if (node.IsMissing)
return false;
(node is ExpressionSyntax && (isSpeculative || allowNamedArgumentName || !SyntaxFacts.IsNamedArgumentName(node))) ||
(node is ConstructorInitializerSyntax) ||
(node is PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax) ||
(node is AttributeSyntax) ||
(node is CrefSyntax);
#region Abstract worker methods
/// <summary>
/// Gets symbol information about a syntax node. This is overridden by various specializations of SemanticModel.
/// It can assume that CheckSyntaxNode and CanGetSemanticInfo have already been called, as well as that named
/// argument nodes have been handled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="options">Options to control behavior.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
internal abstract SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfoWorker(CSharpSyntaxNode node, SymbolInfoOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Gets symbol information about the 'Add' method corresponding to an expression syntax <paramref name="node"/> within collection initializer.
/// This is the worker function that is overridden in various derived kinds of Semantic Models. It can assume that
/// CheckSyntaxNode has already been called and the <paramref name="node"/> is in the right place in the syntax tree.
/// </summary>
internal abstract SymbolInfo GetCollectionInitializerSymbolInfoWorker(InitializerExpressionSyntax collectionInitializer, ExpressionSyntax node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Gets type information about a syntax node. This is overridden by various specializations of SemanticModel.
/// It can assume that CheckSyntaxNode and CanGetSemanticInfo have already been called, as well as that named
/// argument nodes have been handled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
internal abstract CSharpTypeInfo GetTypeInfoWorker(CSharpSyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Binds the provided expression in the given context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The position to bind at.</param>
/// <param name="expression">The expression to bind</param>
/// <param name="bindingOption">How to speculatively bind the given expression. If this is <see cref="SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsTypeOrNamespace"/>
/// then the provided expression should be a <see cref="TypeSyntax"/>.</param>
/// <param name="binder">The binder that was used to bind the given syntax.</param>
/// <param name="crefSymbols">The symbols used in a cref. If this is not default, then the return is null.</param>
/// <returns>The expression that was bound. If <paramref name="crefSymbols"/> is not default, this is null.</returns>
internal abstract BoundExpression GetSpeculativelyBoundExpression(int position, ExpressionSyntax expression, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption, out Binder binder, out ImmutableArray<Symbol> crefSymbols);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of method or indexed property symbols for a syntax node. This is overridden by various specializations of SemanticModel.
/// It can assume that CheckSyntaxNode and CanGetSemanticInfo have already been called, as well as that named
/// argument nodes have been handled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="options"></param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
internal abstract ImmutableArray<Symbol> GetMemberGroupWorker(CSharpSyntaxNode node, SymbolInfoOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of indexer symbols for a syntax node. This is overridden by various specializations of SemanticModel.
/// It can assume that CheckSyntaxNode and CanGetSemanticInfo have already been called, as well as that named
/// argument nodes have been handled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="options"></param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
internal abstract ImmutableArray<IPropertySymbol> GetIndexerGroupWorker(CSharpSyntaxNode node, SymbolInfoOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the constant value for a syntax node. This is overridden by various specializations of SemanticModel.
/// It can assume that CheckSyntaxNode and CanGetSemanticInfo have already been called, as well as that named
/// argument nodes have been handled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
internal abstract Optional<object> GetConstantValueWorker(CSharpSyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
#endregion Abstract worker methods
#region Helpers for speculative binding
internal Binder GetSpeculativeBinder(int position, ExpressionSyntax expression, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption)
Debug.Assert(expression != null);
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
if (bindingOption == SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsTypeOrNamespace)
if (!(expression is TypeSyntax))
return null;
Binder binder = this.GetEnclosingBinder(position);
if (binder == null)
return null;
if (bindingOption == SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsTypeOrNamespace && IsInTypeofExpression(position))
// If position is within a typeof expression, GetEnclosingBinder may return a
// TypeofBinder. However, this TypeofBinder will have been constructed with the
// actual syntax of the typeof argument and we want to use the given syntax.
// Wrap the binder in another TypeofBinder to overrule its description of where
// unbound generic types are allowed.
//Debug.Assert(binder is TypeofBinder); // Expectation, not requirement.
binder = new TypeofBinder(expression, binder);
binder = new WithNullableContextBinder(SyntaxTree, position, binder);
return new ExecutableCodeBinder(expression, binder.ContainingMemberOrLambda, binder).GetBinder(expression);
private Binder GetSpeculativeBinderForAttribute(int position, AttributeSyntax attribute)
position = CheckAndAdjustPositionForSpeculativeAttribute(position);
var binder = this.GetEnclosingBinder(position);
if (binder == null)
return null;
return new ExecutableCodeBinder(attribute, binder.ContainingMemberOrLambda, binder).GetBinder(attribute);
private static BoundExpression GetSpeculativelyBoundExpressionHelper(Binder binder, ExpressionSyntax expression, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption)
Debug.Assert(binder != null);
Debug.Assert(expression != null);
Debug.Assert(bindingOption != SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsTypeOrNamespace || expression is TypeSyntax);
BoundExpression boundNode;
if (bindingOption == SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsTypeOrNamespace || binder.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.CrefParameterOrReturnType))
boundNode = binder.BindNamespaceOrType(expression, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded);
Debug.Assert(bindingOption == SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsExpression);
boundNode = binder.BindExpression(expression, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded);
return boundNode;
/// <summary>
/// Bind the given expression speculatively at the given position, and return back
/// the resulting bound node. May return null in some error cases.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Keep in sync with Binder.BindCrefParameterOrReturnType.
/// </remarks>
protected BoundExpression GetSpeculativelyBoundExpressionWithoutNullability(int position, ExpressionSyntax expression, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption, out Binder binder, out ImmutableArray<Symbol> crefSymbols)
if (expression == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression));
crefSymbols = default(ImmutableArray<Symbol>);
expression = SyntaxFactory.GetStandaloneExpression(expression);
binder = this.GetSpeculativeBinder(position, expression, bindingOption);
if (binder == null)
return null;
if (binder.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.CrefParameterOrReturnType))
crefSymbols = ImmutableArray.Create<Symbol>(binder.BindType(expression, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded).Type);
return null;
else if (binder.InCref)
if (expression.IsKind(SyntaxKind.QualifiedName))
var qualified = (QualifiedNameSyntax)expression;
var crefWrapper = SyntaxFactory.QualifiedCref(qualified.Left, SyntaxFactory.NameMemberCref(qualified.Right));
crefSymbols = BindCref(crefWrapper, binder);
else if (expression is TypeSyntax typeSyntax)
var crefWrapper = typeSyntax is PredefinedTypeSyntax ?
(CrefSyntax)SyntaxFactory.TypeCref(typeSyntax) :
crefSymbols = BindCref(crefWrapper, binder);
return null;
var boundNode = GetSpeculativelyBoundExpressionHelper(binder, expression, bindingOption);
return boundNode;
internal static ImmutableArray<Symbol> BindCref(CrefSyntax crefSyntax, Binder binder)
Symbol unusedAmbiguityWinner;
var symbols = binder.BindCref(crefSyntax, out unusedAmbiguityWinner, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded);
return symbols;
internal SymbolInfo GetCrefSymbolInfo(int position, CrefSyntax crefSyntax, SymbolInfoOptions options, bool hasParameterList)
var binder = this.GetEnclosingBinder(position);
if (binder?.InCref == true)
ImmutableArray<Symbol> symbols = BindCref(crefSyntax, binder);
return GetCrefSymbolInfo(OneOrMany.Create(symbols), options, hasParameterList);
return SymbolInfo.None;
internal static bool HasParameterList(CrefSyntax crefSyntax)
while (crefSyntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.QualifiedCref)
crefSyntax = ((QualifiedCrefSyntax)crefSyntax).Member;
switch (crefSyntax.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.NameMemberCref:
return ((NameMemberCrefSyntax)crefSyntax).Parameters != null;
case SyntaxKind.IndexerMemberCref:
return ((IndexerMemberCrefSyntax)crefSyntax).Parameters != null;
case SyntaxKind.OperatorMemberCref:
return ((OperatorMemberCrefSyntax)crefSyntax).Parameters != null;
case SyntaxKind.ConversionOperatorMemberCref:
return ((ConversionOperatorMemberCrefSyntax)crefSyntax).Parameters != null;
return false;
private static SymbolInfo GetCrefSymbolInfo(OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols, SymbolInfoOptions options, bool hasParameterList)
switch (symbols.Count)
case 0:
return SymbolInfo.None;
case 1:
// Might have to expand an ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol into multiple candidates.
return GetSymbolInfoForSymbol(symbols[0], options);
if ((options & SymbolInfoOptions.ResolveAliases) == SymbolInfoOptions.ResolveAliases)
symbols = UnwrapAliases(symbols);
LookupResultKind resultKind = LookupResultKind.Ambiguous;
// The boundary between Ambiguous and OverloadResolutionFailure is let clear-cut for crefs.
// We'll say that overload resolution failed if the syntax has a parameter list and if
// all of the candidates have the same kind.
SymbolKind firstCandidateKind = symbols[0].Kind;
if (hasParameterList && symbols.All(s => s.Kind == firstCandidateKind))
resultKind = LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure;
return SymbolInfoFactory.Create(symbols, resultKind, isDynamic: false);
/// <summary>
/// Bind the given attribute speculatively at the given position, and return back
/// the resulting bound node. May return null in some error cases.
/// </summary>
private BoundAttribute GetSpeculativelyBoundAttribute(int position, AttributeSyntax attribute, out Binder binder)
if (attribute == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(attribute));
binder = this.GetSpeculativeBinderForAttribute(position, attribute);
if (binder == null)
return null;
AliasSymbol aliasOpt; // not needed.
NamedTypeSymbol attributeType = (NamedTypeSymbol)binder.BindType(attribute.Name, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded, out aliasOpt).Type;
// note: we don't need to pass an 'attributedMember' here because we only need symbolInfo from this node
var boundNode = new ExecutableCodeBinder(attribute, binder.ContainingMemberOrLambda, binder).BindAttribute(attribute, attributeType, attributedMember: null, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded);
return boundNode;
// When speculatively binding an attribute, we have to use the name lookup rules for an attribute,
// even if the position isn't within an attribute. For example:
// class C {
// class DAttribute: Attribute {}
// }
// If we speculatively bind the attribute "D" with position at the beginning of "class C", it should
// bind to DAttribute.
// But GetBinderForPosition won't do that; it only handles the case where position is inside an attribute.
// This function adds a special case: if the position (after first adjustment) is at the exact beginning
// of a type or method, the position is adjusted so the right binder is chosen to get the right things
// in scope.
private int CheckAndAdjustPositionForSpeculativeAttribute(int position)
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
SyntaxToken token = Root.FindToken(position);
if (position == 0 && position != token.SpanStart)
return position;
CSharpSyntaxNode node = (CSharpSyntaxNode)token.Parent;
if (position == node.SpanStart)
// There are two cases where the binder chosen for a position at the beginning of a symbol
// is incorrect for binding an attribute:
// For a type, the binder should be the one that is used for the interior of the type, where
// the types members (and type parameters) are in scope. We adjust the position to the "{" to get
// that binder.
// For a generic method, the binder should not include the type parameters. We adjust the position to
// the method name to get that binder.
if (node is BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax typeDecl)
// We're at the beginning of a type declaration. We want the members to be in scope for attributes,
// so use the open brace token.
position = typeDecl.OpenBraceToken.SpanStart;
var methodDecl = node.FirstAncestorOrSelf<MethodDeclarationSyntax>();
if (methodDecl?.SpanStart == position)
// We're at the beginning of a method declaration. We want the type parameters to NOT be in scope.
position = methodDecl.Identifier.SpanStart;
return position;
#endregion Helpers for speculative binding
protected override IOperation GetOperationCore(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var csnode = (CSharpSyntaxNode)node;
return this.GetOperationWorker(csnode, cancellationToken);
internal virtual IOperation GetOperationWorker(CSharpSyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return null;
#region GetSymbolInfo
/// <summary>
/// Gets the semantic information for an ordering clause in an orderby query clause.
/// </summary>
public abstract SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(OrderingSyntax node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the semantic information associated with a select or group clause.
/// </summary>
public abstract SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(SelectOrGroupClauseSyntax node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the SymbolInfo for the Deconstruct method used for a deconstruction pattern clause, if any.
/// </summary>
public SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(PositionalPatternClauseSyntax node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return this.GetSymbolInfoWorker(node, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Returns what symbol(s), if any, the given expression syntax bound to in the program.
/// An AliasSymbol will never be returned by this method. What the alias refers to will be
/// returned instead. To get information about aliases, call GetAliasInfo.
/// If binding the type name C in the expression "new C(...)" the actual constructor bound to
/// will be returned (or all constructor if overload resolution failed). This occurs as long as C
/// unambiguously binds to a single type that has a constructor. If C ambiguously binds to multiple
/// types, or C binds to a static class, then type(s) are returned.
/// </summary>
public SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(ExpressionSyntax expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
if (!CanGetSemanticInfo(expression, allowNamedArgumentName: true))
return SymbolInfo.None;
else if (SyntaxFacts.IsNamedArgumentName(expression))
// Named arguments handled in special way.
return this.GetNamedArgumentSymbolInfo((IdentifierNameSyntax)expression, cancellationToken);
else if (SyntaxFacts.IsDeclarationExpressionType(expression, out DeclarationExpressionSyntax parent))
switch (parent.Designation.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.SingleVariableDesignation:
return GetSymbolInfoFromSymbolOrNone(TypeFromVariable((SingleVariableDesignationSyntax)parent.Designation, cancellationToken).Type);
case SyntaxKind.DiscardDesignation:
return GetSymbolInfoFromSymbolOrNone(GetTypeInfoWorker(parent, cancellationToken).Type.GetPublicSymbol());
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedVariableDesignation:
if (((TypeSyntax)expression).IsVar)
var varTypeInfo = GetTypeInfoWorker(expression, cancellationToken);
if (varTypeInfo.Type is { TypeKind: not TypeKind.Error })
return GetSymbolInfoFromSymbolOrNone(varTypeInfo.Type.GetPublicSymbol());
return GetSymbolInfoFromSymbolOrNone(GetTypeInfoWorker(parent, cancellationToken).Type.GetPublicSymbol());
else if (expression is DeclarationExpressionSyntax declaration)
if (declaration.Designation.Kind() != SyntaxKind.SingleVariableDesignation)
return SymbolInfo.None;
var symbol = GetDeclaredSymbol((SingleVariableDesignationSyntax)declaration.Designation, cancellationToken);
if ((object)symbol == null)
return SymbolInfo.None;
return new SymbolInfo(symbol);
return this.GetSymbolInfoWorker(expression, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken);
private static SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfoFromSymbolOrNone(ITypeSymbol type)
if (type?.Kind != SymbolKind.ErrorType)
return new SymbolInfo(type);
return SymbolInfo.None;
/// <summary>
/// Given a variable designation (typically in the left-hand-side of a deconstruction declaration statement),
/// figure out its type by looking at the declared symbol of the corresponding variable.
/// </summary>
private (ITypeSymbol Type, CodeAnalysis.NullableAnnotation Annotation) TypeFromVariable(SingleVariableDesignationSyntax variableDesignation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var variable = GetDeclaredSymbol(variableDesignation, cancellationToken);
switch (variable)
case ILocalSymbol local:
return (local.Type, local.NullableAnnotation);
case IFieldSymbol field:
return (field.Type, field.NullableAnnotation);
return default;
/// <summary>
/// Returns what 'Add' method symbol(s), if any, corresponds to the given expression syntax
/// within <see cref="BaseObjectCreationExpressionSyntax.Initializer"/>.
/// </summary>
public SymbolInfo GetCollectionInitializerSymbolInfo(ExpressionSyntax expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
if (expression.Parent != null && expression.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.CollectionInitializerExpression)
// Find containing object creation expression
InitializerExpressionSyntax initializer = (InitializerExpressionSyntax)expression.Parent;
// Skip containing object initializers
while (initializer.Parent != null &&
initializer.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.SimpleAssignmentExpression &&
((AssignmentExpressionSyntax)initializer.Parent).Right == initializer &&
initializer.Parent.Parent != null &&
initializer.Parent.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ObjectInitializerExpression)
initializer = (InitializerExpressionSyntax)initializer.Parent.Parent;
if (initializer.Parent is BaseObjectCreationExpressionSyntax objectCreation &&
objectCreation.Initializer == initializer &&
CanGetSemanticInfo(objectCreation, allowNamedArgumentName: false))
return GetCollectionInitializerSymbolInfoWorker((InitializerExpressionSyntax)expression.Parent, expression, cancellationToken);
return SymbolInfo.None;
/// <summary>
/// Returns what symbol(s), if any, the given constructor initializer syntax bound to in the program.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="constructorInitializer">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
public SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(ConstructorInitializerSyntax constructorInitializer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(constructorInitializer)
? GetSymbolInfoWorker(constructorInitializer, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken)
: SymbolInfo.None;
/// <summary>
/// Returns what symbol(s), if any, the given constructor initializer syntax bound to in the program.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="constructorInitializer">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
public SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax constructorInitializer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(constructorInitializer)
? GetSymbolInfoWorker(constructorInitializer, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken)
: SymbolInfo.None;
/// <summary>
/// Returns what symbol(s), if any, the given attribute syntax bound to in the program.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attributeSyntax">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
public SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(AttributeSyntax attributeSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(attributeSyntax)
? GetSymbolInfoWorker(attributeSyntax, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken)
: SymbolInfo.None;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the semantic information associated with a documentation comment cref.
/// </summary>
public SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(CrefSyntax crefSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(crefSyntax)
? GetSymbolInfoWorker(crefSyntax, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken)
: SymbolInfo.None;
/// <summary>
/// Binds the expression in the context of the specified location and gets symbol information.
/// This method is used to get symbol information about an expression that did not actually
/// appear in the source code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and
/// accessibility. This character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax
/// node in this SemanticModel.
/// </param>
/// <param name="expression">A syntax node that represents a parsed expression. This syntax
/// node need not and typically does not appear in the source code referred to by the
/// SemanticModel instance.</param>
/// <param name="bindingOption">Indicates whether to binding the expression as a full expressions,
/// or as a type or namespace. If SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsTypeOrNamespace is supplied, then
/// expression should derive from TypeSyntax.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol information for the topmost node of the expression.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The passed in expression is interpreted as a stand-alone expression, as if it
/// appeared by itself somewhere within the scope that encloses "position".
/// <paramref name="bindingOption"/> is ignored if <paramref name="position"/> is within a documentation
/// comment cref attribute value.
/// </remarks>
public SymbolInfo GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(int position, ExpressionSyntax expression, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption)
if (!CanGetSemanticInfo(expression, isSpeculative: true)) return SymbolInfo.None;
Binder binder;
ImmutableArray<Symbol> crefSymbols;
BoundNode boundNode = GetSpeculativelyBoundExpression(position, expression, bindingOption, out binder, out crefSymbols); //calls CheckAndAdjustPosition
Debug.Assert(boundNode == null || crefSymbols.IsDefault);
if (boundNode == null)
return crefSymbols.IsDefault ? SymbolInfo.None : GetCrefSymbolInfo(OneOrMany.Create(crefSymbols), SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, hasParameterList: false);
var symbolInfo = this.GetSymbolInfoForNode(SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, boundNode, boundNode, boundNodeForSyntacticParent: null, binderOpt: binder);
return symbolInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Bind the attribute in the context of the specified location and get semantic information
/// such as type, symbols and diagnostics. This method is used to get semantic information about an attribute
/// that did not actually appear in the source code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel. In order to obtain
/// the correct scoping rules for the attribute, position should be the Start position of the Span of the symbol that
/// the attribute is being applied to.
/// </param>
/// <param name="attribute">A syntax node that represents a parsed attribute. This syntax node
/// need not and typically does not appear in the source code referred to SemanticModel instance.</param>
/// <returns>The semantic information for the topmost node of the attribute.</returns>
public SymbolInfo GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(int position, AttributeSyntax attribute)
Debug.Assert(CanGetSemanticInfo(attribute, isSpeculative: true));
Binder binder;
BoundNode boundNode = GetSpeculativelyBoundAttribute(position, attribute, out binder); //calls CheckAndAdjustPosition
if (boundNode == null)
return SymbolInfo.None;
var symbolInfo = this.GetSymbolInfoForNode(SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, boundNode, boundNode, boundNodeForSyntacticParent: null, binderOpt: binder);
return symbolInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constructor initializer in the context of the specified location and get semantic information
/// such as type, symbols and diagnostics. This method is used to get semantic information about a constructor
/// initializer that did not actually appear in the source code.
/// NOTE: This will only work in locations where there is already a constructor initializer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel.
/// Furthermore, it must be within the span of an existing constructor initializer.
/// </param>
/// <param name="constructorInitializer">A syntax node that represents a parsed constructor initializer. This syntax node
/// need not and typically does not appear in the source code referred to SemanticModel instance.</param>
/// <returns>The semantic information for the topmost node of the constructor initializer.</returns>
public SymbolInfo GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(int position, ConstructorInitializerSyntax constructorInitializer)
Debug.Assert(CanGetSemanticInfo(constructorInitializer, isSpeculative: true));
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
if (constructorInitializer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(constructorInitializer));
// NOTE: since we're going to be depending on a MemberModel to do the binding for us,
// we need to find a constructor initializer in the tree of this semantic model.
// NOTE: This approach will not allow speculative binding of a constructor initializer
// on a constructor that didn't formerly have one.
// TODO: Should we support positions that are not in existing constructor initializers?
// If so, we will need to build up the context that would otherwise be built up by
// InitializerMemberModel.
var existingConstructorInitializer = this.Root.FindToken(position).Parent.AncestorsAndSelf().OfType<ConstructorInitializerSyntax>().FirstOrDefault();
if (existingConstructorInitializer == null)
return SymbolInfo.None;
MemberSemanticModel memberModel = GetMemberModel(existingConstructorInitializer);
if (memberModel == null)
return SymbolInfo.None;
var binder = memberModel.GetEnclosingBinder(position);
if (binder != null)
binder = new ExecutableCodeBinder(constructorInitializer, binder.ContainingMemberOrLambda, binder);
BoundExpressionStatement bnode = binder.BindConstructorInitializer(constructorInitializer, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded);
var binfo = GetSymbolInfoFromBoundConstructorInitializer(memberModel, binder, bnode);
return binfo;
return SymbolInfo.None;
private static SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfoFromBoundConstructorInitializer(MemberSemanticModel memberModel, Binder binder, BoundExpressionStatement bnode)
BoundExpression expression = bnode.Expression;
while (expression is BoundSequence sequence)
expression = sequence.Value;
return memberModel.GetSymbolInfoForNode(SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, expression, expression, boundNodeForSyntacticParent: null, binderOpt: binder);
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constructor initializer in the context of the specified location and get semantic information
/// about symbols. This method is used to get semantic information about a constructor
/// initializer that did not actually appear in the source code.
/// NOTE: This will only work in locations where there is already a constructor initializer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the span of an existing constructor initializer.
/// </param>
/// <param name="constructorInitializer">A syntax node that represents a parsed constructor initializer. This syntax node
/// need not and typically does not appear in the source code referred to SemanticModel instance.</param>
/// <returns>The semantic information for the topmost node of the constructor initializer.</returns>
public SymbolInfo GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(int position, PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax constructorInitializer)
Debug.Assert(CanGetSemanticInfo(constructorInitializer, isSpeculative: true));
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
if (constructorInitializer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(constructorInitializer));
// NOTE: since we're going to be depending on a MemberModel to do the binding for us,
// we need to find a constructor initializer in the tree of this semantic model.
// NOTE: This approach will not allow speculative binding of a constructor initializer
// on a constructor that didn't formerly have one.
// TODO: Should we support positions that are not in existing constructor initializers?
// If so, we will need to build up the context that would otherwise be built up by
// InitializerMemberModel.
var existingConstructorInitializer = this.Root.FindToken(position).Parent.AncestorsAndSelf().OfType<PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax>().FirstOrDefault();
if (existingConstructorInitializer == null)
return SymbolInfo.None;
MemberSemanticModel memberModel = GetMemberModel(existingConstructorInitializer);
if (memberModel == null)
return SymbolInfo.None;
var argumentList = existingConstructorInitializer.ArgumentList;
var binder = memberModel.GetEnclosingBinder(LookupPosition.IsBetweenTokens(position, argumentList.OpenParenToken, argumentList.CloseParenToken) ? position : argumentList.OpenParenToken.SpanStart);
if (binder != null)
binder = new ExecutableCodeBinder(constructorInitializer, binder.ContainingMemberOrLambda, binder);
BoundExpressionStatement bnode = binder.BindConstructorInitializer(constructorInitializer, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded);
SymbolInfo binfo = GetSymbolInfoFromBoundConstructorInitializer(memberModel, binder, bnode);
return binfo;
return SymbolInfo.None;
/// <summary>
/// Bind the cref in the context of the specified location and get semantic information
/// such as type, symbols and diagnostics. This method is used to get semantic information about a cref
/// that did not actually appear in the source code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel. In order to obtain
/// the correct scoping rules for the cref, position should be the Start position of the Span of the original cref.
/// </param>
/// <param name="cref">A syntax node that represents a parsed cref. This syntax node
/// need not and typically does not appear in the source code referred to SemanticModel instance.</param>
/// <param name="options">SymbolInfo options.</param>
/// <returns>The semantic information for the topmost node of the cref.</returns>
public SymbolInfo GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(int position, CrefSyntax cref, SymbolInfoOptions options = SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions)
Debug.Assert(CanGetSemanticInfo(cref, isSpeculative: true));
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
return this.GetCrefSymbolInfo(position, cref, options, HasParameterList(cref));
#endregion GetSymbolInfo
#region GetTypeInfo
/// <summary>
/// Gets type information about a constructor initializer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="constructorInitializer">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
public TypeInfo GetTypeInfo(ConstructorInitializerSyntax constructorInitializer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(constructorInitializer)
? GetTypeInfoWorker(constructorInitializer, cancellationToken)
: CSharpTypeInfo.None;
public abstract TypeInfo GetTypeInfo(SelectOrGroupClauseSyntax node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
public TypeInfo GetTypeInfo(PatternSyntax pattern, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
while (pattern is ParenthesizedPatternSyntax pp)
pattern = pp.Pattern;
return GetTypeInfoWorker(pattern, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Gets type information about an expression.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expression">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
public TypeInfo GetTypeInfo(ExpressionSyntax expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
if (!CanGetSemanticInfo(expression))
return CSharpTypeInfo.None;
else if (SyntaxFacts.IsDeclarationExpressionType(expression, out DeclarationExpressionSyntax parent))
switch (parent.Designation.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.SingleVariableDesignation:
var (declarationType, annotation) = ((ITypeSymbol, CodeAnalysis.NullableAnnotation))TypeFromVariable((SingleVariableDesignationSyntax)parent.Designation, cancellationToken);
var declarationTypeSymbol = declarationType.GetSymbol();
var nullabilityInfo = annotation.ToNullabilityInfo(declarationTypeSymbol);
return new CSharpTypeInfo(declarationTypeSymbol, declarationTypeSymbol, nullabilityInfo, nullabilityInfo, Conversion.Identity);
case SyntaxKind.DiscardDesignation:
var declarationInfo = GetTypeInfoWorker(parent, cancellationToken);
return new CSharpTypeInfo(declarationInfo.Type, declarationInfo.Type, declarationInfo.Nullability, declarationInfo.Nullability, Conversion.Identity);
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedVariableDesignation:
if (((TypeSyntax)expression).IsVar)
var varTypeInfo = GetTypeInfoWorker(expression, cancellationToken);
if (varTypeInfo.Type is { TypeKind: not TypeKind.Error })
return varTypeInfo;
return GetTypeInfoWorker(parent, cancellationToken);
return GetTypeInfoWorker(expression, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Gets type information about an attribute.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attributeSyntax">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
public TypeInfo GetTypeInfo(AttributeSyntax attributeSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(attributeSyntax)
? GetTypeInfoWorker(attributeSyntax, cancellationToken)
: CSharpTypeInfo.None;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the conversion that occurred between the expression's type and type implied by the expression's context.
/// </summary>
public Conversion GetConversion(SyntaxNode expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
var csnode = (CSharpSyntaxNode)expression;
var info = CanGetSemanticInfo(csnode)
? GetTypeInfoWorker(csnode, cancellationToken)
: CSharpTypeInfo.None;
return info.ImplicitConversion;
/// <summary>
/// Binds the expression in the context of the specified location and gets type information.
/// This method is used to get type information about an expression that did not actually
/// appear in the source code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and
/// accessibility. This character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax
/// node in this SemanticModel.
/// </param>
/// <param name="expression">A syntax node that represents a parsed expression. This syntax
/// node need not and typically does not appear in the source code referred to by the
/// SemanticModel instance.</param>
/// <param name="bindingOption">Indicates whether to binding the expression as a full expressions,
/// or as a type or namespace. If SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsTypeOrNamespace is supplied, then
/// expression should derive from TypeSyntax.</param>
/// <returns>The type information for the topmost node of the expression.</returns>
/// <remarks>The passed in expression is interpreted as a stand-alone expression, as if it
/// appeared by itself somewhere within the scope that encloses "position".</remarks>
public TypeInfo GetSpeculativeTypeInfo(int position, ExpressionSyntax expression, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption)
return GetSpeculativeTypeInfoWorker(position, expression, bindingOption);
internal CSharpTypeInfo GetSpeculativeTypeInfoWorker(int position, ExpressionSyntax expression, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption)
if (!CanGetSemanticInfo(expression, isSpeculative: true))
return CSharpTypeInfo.None;
ImmutableArray<Symbol> crefSymbols;
BoundNode boundNode = GetSpeculativelyBoundExpression(position, expression, bindingOption, out _, out crefSymbols); //calls CheckAndAdjustPosition
Debug.Assert(boundNode == null || crefSymbols.IsDefault);
if (boundNode == null)
return !crefSymbols.IsDefault && crefSymbols.Length == 1
? GetTypeInfoForSymbol(crefSymbols[0])
: CSharpTypeInfo.None;
var typeInfo = GetTypeInfoForNode(boundNode, boundNode, boundNodeForSyntacticParent: null);
return typeInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the conversion that occurred between the expression's type and type implied by the expression's context.
/// </summary>
public Conversion GetSpeculativeConversion(int position, ExpressionSyntax expression, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption)
var info = this.GetSpeculativeTypeInfoWorker(position, expression, bindingOption);
return info.ImplicitConversion;
#endregion GetTypeInfo
#region GetMemberGroup
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of method or indexed property symbols for a syntax node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expression">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
public ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetMemberGroup(ExpressionSyntax expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(expression)
? this.GetMemberGroupWorker(expression, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken).GetPublicSymbols()
: ImmutableArray<ISymbol>.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of method or indexed property symbols for a syntax node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attribute">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
public ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetMemberGroup(AttributeSyntax attribute, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(attribute)
? this.GetMemberGroupWorker(attribute, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken).GetPublicSymbols()
: ImmutableArray<ISymbol>.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of method symbols for a syntax node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initializer">The syntax node to get semantic information for.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
public ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetMemberGroup(ConstructorInitializerSyntax initializer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(initializer)
? this.GetMemberGroupWorker(initializer, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken).GetPublicSymbols()
: ImmutableArray<ISymbol>.Empty;
#endregion GetMemberGroup
#region GetIndexerGroup
/// <summary>
/// Returns the list of accessible, non-hidden indexers that could be invoked with the given expression as receiver.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expression">Potential indexer receiver.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">To cancel the computation.</param>
/// <returns>Accessible, non-hidden indexers.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If the receiver is an indexer expression, the list will contain the indexers that could be applied to the result
/// of accessing the indexer, not the set of candidates that were considered during construction of the indexer expression.
/// </remarks>
public ImmutableArray<IPropertySymbol> GetIndexerGroup(ExpressionSyntax expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(expression)
? this.GetIndexerGroupWorker(expression, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken)
: ImmutableArray<IPropertySymbol>.Empty;
#endregion GetIndexerGroup
#region GetConstantValue
public Optional<object> GetConstantValue(ExpressionSyntax expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return CanGetSemanticInfo(expression)
? this.GetConstantValueWorker(expression, cancellationToken)
: default(Optional<object>);
#endregion GetConstantValue
/// <summary>
/// Gets the semantic information associated with a query clause.
/// </summary>
public abstract QueryClauseInfo GetQueryClauseInfo(QueryClauseSyntax node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// If <paramref name="nameSyntax"/> resolves to an alias name, return the AliasSymbol corresponding
/// to A. Otherwise return null.
/// </summary>
public IAliasSymbol GetAliasInfo(IdentifierNameSyntax nameSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
if (!CanGetSemanticInfo(nameSyntax))
return null;
SymbolInfo info = GetSymbolInfoWorker(nameSyntax, SymbolInfoOptions.PreferTypeToConstructors | SymbolInfoOptions.PreserveAliases, cancellationToken);
return info.Symbol as IAliasSymbol;
/// <summary>
/// Binds the name in the context of the specified location and sees if it resolves to an
/// alias name. If it does, return the AliasSymbol corresponding to it. Otherwise, return null.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and
/// accessibility. This character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax
/// node in this SemanticModel.
/// </param>
/// <param name="nameSyntax">A syntax node that represents a name. This syntax
/// node need not and typically does not appear in the source code referred to by the
/// SemanticModel instance.</param>
/// <param name="bindingOption">Indicates whether to binding the name as a full expression,
/// or as a type or namespace. If SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsTypeOrNamespace is supplied, then
/// expression should derive from TypeSyntax.</param>
/// <remarks>The passed in name is interpreted as a stand-alone name, as if it
/// appeared by itself somewhere within the scope that encloses "position".</remarks>
public IAliasSymbol GetSpeculativeAliasInfo(int position, IdentifierNameSyntax nameSyntax, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption)
Binder binder;
ImmutableArray<Symbol> crefSymbols;
BoundNode boundNode = GetSpeculativelyBoundExpression(position, nameSyntax, bindingOption, out binder, out crefSymbols); //calls CheckAndAdjustPosition
Debug.Assert(boundNode == null || crefSymbols.IsDefault);
if (boundNode == null)
return !crefSymbols.IsDefault && crefSymbols.Length == 1
? (crefSymbols[0] as AliasSymbol).GetPublicSymbol()
: null;
var symbolInfo = this.GetSymbolInfoForNode(SymbolInfoOptions.PreferTypeToConstructors | SymbolInfoOptions.PreserveAliases,
boundNode, boundNode, boundNodeForSyntacticParent: null, binderOpt: binder);
return symbolInfo.Symbol as IAliasSymbol;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the binder that encloses the position.
/// </summary>
internal Binder GetEnclosingBinder(int position)
Binder result = GetEnclosingBinderInternal(position);
Debug.Assert(result == null || result.IsSemanticModelBinder);
return result;
internal abstract Binder GetEnclosingBinderInternal(int position);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the MemberSemanticModel that contains the node.
/// </summary>
internal abstract MemberSemanticModel GetMemberModel(SyntaxNode node);
internal bool IsInTree(SyntaxNode node)
return node.SyntaxTree == this.SyntaxTree;
private static bool IsInStructuredTriviaOtherThanCrefOrNameAttribute(CSharpSyntaxNode node)
while (node != null)
if (node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.XmlCrefAttribute || node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.XmlNameAttribute)
return false;
else if (node.IsStructuredTrivia)
return true;
node = node.ParentOrStructuredTriviaParent;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Given a position, locates the containing token. If the position is actually within the
/// leading trivia of the containing token or if that token is EOF, moves one token to the
/// left. Returns the start position of the resulting token.
/// This has the effect of moving the position left until it hits the beginning of a non-EOF
/// token.
/// Throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if position is not within the root of this model.
/// </summary>
protected int CheckAndAdjustPosition(int position)
SyntaxToken unused;
return CheckAndAdjustPosition(position, out unused);
protected int CheckAndAdjustPosition(int position, out SyntaxToken token)
int fullStart = this.Root.Position;
int fullEnd = this.Root.FullSpan.End;
bool atEOF = position == fullEnd && position == this.SyntaxTree.GetRoot().FullSpan.End;
if ((fullStart <= position && position < fullEnd) || atEOF) // allow for EOF
token = (atEOF ? (CSharpSyntaxNode)this.SyntaxTree.GetRoot() : Root).FindTokenIncludingCrefAndNameAttributes(position);
if (position < token.SpanStart) // NB: Span, not FullSpan
// If this is already the first token, then the result will be default(SyntaxToken)
token = token.GetPreviousToken();
// If the first token in the root is missing, it's possible to step backwards
// past the start of the root. All sorts of bad things will happen in that case,
// so just use the start of the root span.
// CONSIDER: this should only happen when we step past the first token found, so
// the start of that token would be another possible return value.
return Math.Max(token.SpanStart, fullStart);
else if (fullStart == fullEnd && position == fullEnd)
// The root is an empty span and isn't the full compilation unit. No other choice here.
token = default(SyntaxToken);
return fullStart;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(position), position,
string.Format(CSharpResources.PositionIsNotWithinSyntax, Root.FullSpan));
/// <summary>
/// A convenience method that determines a position from a node. If the node is missing,
/// then its position will be adjusted using CheckAndAdjustPosition.
/// </summary>
protected int GetAdjustedNodePosition(SyntaxNode node)
var fullSpan = this.Root.FullSpan;
var position = node.SpanStart;
// skip zero-width tokens to get the position, but never get past the end of the node
SyntaxToken firstToken = node.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth: false);
if (firstToken.Node is object)
int betterPosition = firstToken.SpanStart;
if (betterPosition < node.Span.End)
position = betterPosition;
if (fullSpan.IsEmpty)
Debug.Assert(position == fullSpan.Start);
// At end of zero-width full span. No need to call
// CheckAndAdjustPosition since that will simply
// return the original position.
return position;
else if (position == fullSpan.End)
Debug.Assert(node.Width == 0);
// For zero-width node at the end of the full span,
// check and adjust the preceding position.
return CheckAndAdjustPosition(position - 1);
else if (node.IsMissing || node.HasErrors || node.Width == 0 || node.IsPartOfStructuredTrivia())
return CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
// No need to adjust position.
return position;
protected void AssertPositionAdjusted(int position)
Debug.Assert(position == CheckAndAdjustPosition(position), "Expected adjusted position");
protected void CheckSyntaxNode(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax)
if (syntax == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(syntax));
if (!IsInTree(syntax))
throw new ArgumentException(CSharpResources.SyntaxNodeIsNotWithinSynt);
// This method ensures that the given syntax node to speculate is non-null and doesn't belong to a SyntaxTree of any model in the chain.
private void CheckModelAndSyntaxNodeToSpeculate(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax)
if (syntax == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(syntax));
if (this.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel)
throw new InvalidOperationException(CSharpResources.ChainingSpeculativeModelIsNotSupported);
if (this.Compilation.ContainsSyntaxTree(syntax.SyntaxTree))
throw new ArgumentException(CSharpResources.SpeculatedSyntaxNodeCannotBelongToCurrentCompilation);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the available named symbols in the context of the specified location and optional container. Only
/// symbols that are accessible and visible from the given location are returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The character position for determining the enclosing declaration scope and
/// accessibility.</param>
/// <param name="container">The container to search for symbols within. If null then the enclosing declaration
/// scope around position is used.</param>
/// <param name="name">The name of the symbol to find. If null is specified then symbols
/// with any names are returned.</param>
/// <param name="includeReducedExtensionMethods">Consider (reduced) extension methods.</param>
/// <returns>A list of symbols that were found. If no symbols were found, an empty list is returned.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The "position" is used to determine what variables are visible and accessible. Even if "container" is
/// specified, the "position" location is significant for determining which members of "containing" are
/// accessible.
/// Labels are not considered (see <see cref="LookupLabels"/>).
/// Non-reduced extension methods are considered regardless of the value of <paramref name="includeReducedExtensionMethods"/>.
/// </remarks>
public ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupSymbols(
int position,
NamespaceOrTypeSymbol container = null,
string name = null,
bool includeReducedExtensionMethods = false)
var options = includeReducedExtensionMethods ? LookupOptions.IncludeExtensionMethods : LookupOptions.Default;
return LookupSymbolsInternal(position, container, name, options, useBaseReferenceAccessibility: false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the available base type members in the context of the specified location. Akin to
/// calling <see cref="LookupSymbols"/> with the container set to the immediate base type of
/// the type in which <paramref name="position"/> occurs. However, the accessibility rules
/// are different: protected members of the base type will be visible.
/// Consider the following example:
/// public class Base
/// {
/// protected void M() { }
/// }
/// public class Derived : Base
/// {
/// void Test(Base b)
/// {
/// b.M(); // Error - cannot access protected member.
/// base.M();
/// }
/// }
/// Protected members of an instance of another type are only accessible if the instance is known
/// to be "this" instance (as indicated by the "base" keyword).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The character position for determining the enclosing declaration scope and
/// accessibility.</param>
/// <param name="name">The name of the symbol to find. If null is specified then symbols
/// with any names are returned.</param>
/// <returns>A list of symbols that were found. If no symbols were found, an empty list is returned.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The "position" is used to determine what variables are visible and accessible.
/// Non-reduced extension methods are considered, but reduced extension methods are not.
/// </remarks>
public new ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupBaseMembers(
int position,
string name = null)
return LookupSymbolsInternal(position, container: null, name: name, options: LookupOptions.Default, useBaseReferenceAccessibility: true);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the available named static member symbols in the context of the specified location and optional container.
/// Only members that are accessible and visible from the given location are returned.
/// Non-reduced extension methods are considered, since they are static methods.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The character position for determining the enclosing declaration scope and
/// accessibility.</param>
/// <param name="container">The container to search for symbols within. If null then the enclosing declaration
/// scope around position is used.</param>
/// <param name="name">The name of the symbol to find. If null is specified then symbols
/// with any names are returned.</param>
/// <returns>A list of symbols that were found. If no symbols were found, an empty list is returned.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The "position" is used to determine what variables are visible and accessible. Even if "container" is
/// specified, the "position" location is significant for determining which members of "containing" are
/// accessible.
/// </remarks>
public ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupStaticMembers(
int position,
NamespaceOrTypeSymbol container = null,
string name = null)
return LookupSymbolsInternal(position, container, name, LookupOptions.MustNotBeInstance, useBaseReferenceAccessibility: false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the available named namespace and type symbols in the context of the specified location and optional container.
/// Only members that are accessible and visible from the given location are returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The character position for determining the enclosing declaration scope and
/// accessibility.</param>
/// <param name="container">The container to search for symbols within. If null then the enclosing declaration
/// scope around position is used.</param>
/// <param name="name">The name of the symbol to find. If null is specified then symbols
/// with any names are returned.</param>
/// <returns>A list of symbols that were found. If no symbols were found, an empty list is returned.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The "position" is used to determine what variables are visible and accessible. Even if "container" is
/// specified, the "position" location is significant for determining which members of "containing" are
/// accessible.
/// Does not return NamespaceOrTypeSymbol, because there could be aliases.
/// </remarks>
public ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupNamespacesAndTypes(
int position,
NamespaceOrTypeSymbol container = null,
string name = null)
return LookupSymbolsInternal(position, container, name, LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly, useBaseReferenceAccessibility: false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the available named label symbols in the context of the specified location and optional container.
/// Only members that are accessible and visible from the given location are returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The character position for determining the enclosing declaration scope and
/// accessibility.</param>
/// <param name="name">The name of the symbol to find. If null is specified then symbols
/// with any names are returned.</param>
/// <returns>A list of symbols that were found. If no symbols were found, an empty list is returned.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The "position" is used to determine what variables are visible and accessible. Even if "container" is
/// specified, the "position" location is significant for determining which members of "containing" are
/// accessible.
/// </remarks>
public new ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupLabels(
int position,
string name = null)
return LookupSymbolsInternal(position, container: null, name: name, options: LookupOptions.LabelsOnly, useBaseReferenceAccessibility: false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the available named symbols in the context of the specified location and optional
/// container. Only symbols that are accessible and visible from the given location are
/// returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The character position for determining the enclosing declaration
/// scope and accessibility.</param>
/// <param name="container">The container to search for symbols within. If null then the
/// enclosing declaration scope around position is used.</param>
/// <param name="name">The name of the symbol to find. If null is specified then symbols
/// with any names are returned.</param>
/// <param name="options">Additional options that affect the lookup process.</param>
/// <param name="useBaseReferenceAccessibility">Ignore 'throughType' in accessibility checking.
/// Used in checking accessibility of symbols accessed via 'MyBase' or 'base'.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// The "position" is used to determine what variables are visible and accessible. Even if
/// "container" is specified, the "position" location is significant for determining which
/// members of "containing" are accessible.
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws an argument exception if the passed lookup options are invalid.</exception>
private ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupSymbolsInternal(
int position,
NamespaceOrTypeSymbol container,
string name,
LookupOptions options,
bool useBaseReferenceAccessibility)
Debug.Assert((options & LookupOptions.UseBaseReferenceAccessibility) == 0, "Use the useBaseReferenceAccessibility parameter.");
if (useBaseReferenceAccessibility)
options |= LookupOptions.UseBaseReferenceAccessibility;
Debug.Assert(!options.IsAttributeTypeLookup()); // Not exposed publicly.
SyntaxToken token;
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position, out token);
if ((object)container == null || container.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace)
options &= ~LookupOptions.IncludeExtensionMethods;
var binder = GetEnclosingBinder(position);
if (binder == null)
return ImmutableArray<ISymbol>.Empty;
if (useBaseReferenceAccessibility)
Debug.Assert((object)container == null);
TypeSymbol containingType = binder.ContainingType;
TypeSymbol baseType = null;
// For a script class or a submission class base should have no members.
if ((object)containingType != null && containingType.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType && ((NamedTypeSymbol)containingType).IsScriptClass)
return ImmutableArray<ISymbol>.Empty;
if ((object)containingType == null || (object)(baseType = containingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics) == null)
throw new ArgumentException(
"Not a valid position for a call to LookupBaseMembers (must be in a type with a base type)",
container = baseType;
if (!binder.IsInMethodBody &&
(options & (LookupOptions.NamespaceAliasesOnly | LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly | LookupOptions.LabelsOnly)) == 0)
// Method type parameters are not in scope outside a method
// body unless the position is either:
// a) in a type-only context inside an expression, or
// b) inside of an XML name attribute in an XML doc comment,
// c) inside a nameof context.
var parentExpr = token.Parent as ExpressionSyntax;
if (parentExpr != null && !(parentExpr.Parent is XmlNameAttributeSyntax) && !SyntaxFacts.IsInTypeOnlyContext(parentExpr) && !binder.IsInsideNameof)
options |= LookupOptions.MustNotBeMethodTypeParameter;
var info = LookupSymbolsInfo.GetInstance();
info.FilterName = name;
if ((object)container == null)
binder.AddLookupSymbolsInfo(info, options);
binder.AddMemberLookupSymbolsInfo(info, container, options, binder);
var results = ArrayBuilder<ISymbol>.GetInstance(info.Count);
if (name == null)
// If they didn't provide a name, then look up all names and associated arities
// and find all the corresponding symbols.
foreach (string foundName in info.Names)
AppendSymbolsWithName(results, foundName, binder, container, options, info);
// They provided a name. Find all the arities for that name, and then look all of those up.
AppendSymbolsWithName(results, name, binder, container, options, info);
if ((options & LookupOptions.IncludeExtensionMethods) != 0)
var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance();
options |= LookupOptions.AllMethodsOnArityZero;
options &= ~LookupOptions.MustBeInstance;
var discardedUseSiteInfo = CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>.Discarded;
binder.LookupExtensionMethods(lookupResult, name, 0, options, ref discardedUseSiteInfo);
if (lookupResult.IsMultiViable)
TypeSymbol containingType = (TypeSymbol)container;
foreach (MethodSymbol extensionMethod in lookupResult.Symbols)
var reduced = extensionMethod.ReduceExtensionMethod(containingType, Compilation);
if ((object)reduced != null)
if (name == null)
results.RemoveWhere(static (symbol, _, _) => !symbol.CanBeReferencedByName, arg: 0);
return results.ToImmutableAndFree();
private void AppendSymbolsWithName(ArrayBuilder<ISymbol> results, string name, Binder binder, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol container, LookupOptions options, LookupSymbolsInfo info)
LookupSymbolsInfo.IArityEnumerable arities;
Symbol uniqueSymbol;
if (info.TryGetAritiesAndUniqueSymbol(name, out arities, out uniqueSymbol))
if ((object)uniqueSymbol != null)
// This name mapped to something unique. We don't need to proceed
// with a costly lookup. Just add it straight to the results.
// The name maps to multiple symbols. Actually do a real lookup so
// that we will properly figure out hiding and whatnot.
if (arities != null)
foreach (var arity in arities)
this.AppendSymbolsWithNameAndArity(results, name, arity, binder, container, options);
//non-unique symbol with non-zero arity doesn't seem possible.
this.AppendSymbolsWithNameAndArity(results, name, 0, binder, container, options);
private void AppendSymbolsWithNameAndArity(
ArrayBuilder<ISymbol> results,
string name,
int arity,
Binder binder,
NamespaceOrTypeSymbol container,
LookupOptions options)
Debug.Assert(results != null);
// Don't need to de-dup since AllMethodsOnArityZero can't be set at this point (not exposed in CommonLookupOptions).
Debug.Assert((options & LookupOptions.AllMethodsOnArityZero) == 0);
var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance();
var discardedUseSiteInfo = CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>.Discarded;
basesBeingResolved: null,
options: options & ~LookupOptions.IncludeExtensionMethods,
diagnose: false,
useSiteInfo: ref discardedUseSiteInfo);
if (lookupResult.IsMultiViable)
if (lookupResult.Symbols.Any(t => t.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType || t.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace || t.Kind == SymbolKind.ErrorType))
// binder.ResultSymbol is defined only for type/namespace lookups
bool wasError;
Symbol singleSymbol = binder.ResultSymbol(lookupResult, name, arity, this.Root, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded, true, out wasError, container, options);
if (!wasError)
foreach (var symbol in lookupResult.Symbols)
foreach (var symbol in lookupResult.Symbols)
private Symbol RemapSymbolIfNecessary(Symbol symbol)
switch (symbol)
case LocalSymbol _:
case ParameterSymbol _:
case MethodSymbol { MethodKind: MethodKind.LambdaMethod }:
return RemapSymbolIfNecessaryCore(symbol);
return symbol;
/// <summary>
/// Remaps a local, parameter, localfunction, or lambda symbol, if that symbol or its containing
/// symbols were reinferred. This should only be called when nullable semantic analysis is enabled.
/// </summary>
internal abstract Symbol RemapSymbolIfNecessaryCore(Symbol symbol);
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the symbol is accessible from the specified location.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and
/// accessibility. This character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax
/// node in this SemanticModel.
/// </param>
/// <param name="symbol">The symbol that we are checking to see if it accessible.</param>
/// <returns>
/// True if "symbol is accessible, false otherwise.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This method only checks accessibility from the point of view of the accessibility
/// modifiers on symbol and its containing types. Even if true is returned, the given symbol
/// may not be able to be referenced for other reasons, such as name hiding.
/// </remarks>
public bool IsAccessible(int position, Symbol symbol)
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
if ((object)symbol == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(symbol));
var binder = this.GetEnclosingBinder(position);
if (binder != null)
var discardedUseSiteInfo = CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>.Discarded;
return binder.IsAccessible(symbol, ref discardedUseSiteInfo, null);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Field-like events can be used as fields in types that can access private
/// members of the declaring type of the event.
/// </summary>
public bool IsEventUsableAsField(int position, EventSymbol symbol)
return symbol is object && symbol.HasAssociatedField && this.IsAccessible(position, symbol.AssociatedField); //calls CheckAndAdjustPosition
private bool IsInTypeofExpression(int position)
var token = this.Root.FindToken(position);
var curr = token.Parent;
while (curr != this.Root)
if (curr.IsKind(SyntaxKind.TypeOfExpression))
return true;
curr = curr.ParentOrStructuredTriviaParent;
return false;
// Gets the semantic info from a specific bound node and a set of diagnostics
// lowestBoundNode: The lowest node in the bound tree associated with node
// highestBoundNode: The highest node in the bound tree associated with node
// boundNodeForSyntacticParent: The lowest node in the bound tree associated with node.Parent.
// binderOpt: If this is null, then the one enclosing the bound node's syntax will be used (unsafe during speculative binding).
Constraint = "Provide " + nameof(ArrayBuilder<Symbol>) + " capacity to reduce number of allocations.")]
internal SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfoForNode(
SymbolInfoOptions options,
BoundNode lowestBoundNode,
BoundNode highestBoundNode,
BoundNode boundNodeForSyntacticParent,
Binder binderOpt)
BoundExpression boundExpr;
switch (highestBoundNode)
case BoundRecursivePattern pat:
return GetSymbolInfoForDeconstruction(pat);
switch (lowestBoundNode)
case BoundPositionalSubpattern subpattern:
return GetSymbolInfoForSubpattern(subpattern.Symbol);
case BoundPropertySubpattern subpattern:
return GetSymbolInfoForSubpattern(subpattern.Member?.Symbol);
case BoundPropertySubpatternMember subpatternMember:
return GetSymbolInfoForSubpattern(subpatternMember.Symbol);
case BoundExpression boundExpr2:
boundExpr = boundExpr2;
return SymbolInfo.None;
// TODO: Should parenthesized expression really not have symbols? At least for C#, I'm not sure that
// is right. For example, C# allows the assignment statement:
// (i) = 9;
// So we don't think this code should special case parenthesized expressions.
// Get symbols and result kind from the lowest and highest nodes associated with the
// syntax node.
OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols = GetSemanticSymbols(
boundExpr, boundNodeForSyntacticParent, binderOpt, options, out bool isDynamic, out LookupResultKind resultKind, out ImmutableArray<Symbol> unusedMemberGroup);
if (highestBoundNode is BoundExpression highestBoundExpr)
LookupResultKind highestResultKind;
bool highestIsDynamic;
ImmutableArray<Symbol> unusedHighestMemberGroup;
OneOrMany<Symbol> highestSymbols = GetSemanticSymbols(
highestBoundExpr, boundNodeForSyntacticParent, binderOpt, options, out highestIsDynamic, out highestResultKind, out unusedHighestMemberGroup);
if ((symbols.Count != 1 || resultKind == LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure) && highestSymbols.Count > 0)
symbols = highestSymbols;
resultKind = highestResultKind;
isDynamic = highestIsDynamic;
else if (highestResultKind != LookupResultKind.Empty && highestResultKind < resultKind)
resultKind = highestResultKind;
isDynamic = highestIsDynamic;
else if (highestBoundExpr.Kind == BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression)
symbols = highestSymbols;
resultKind = highestResultKind;
isDynamic = highestIsDynamic;
else if (highestBoundExpr.Kind == BoundKind.UnaryOperator)
if (IsUserDefinedTrueOrFalse((BoundUnaryOperator)highestBoundExpr))
symbols = highestSymbols;
resultKind = highestResultKind;
isDynamic = highestIsDynamic;
Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(lowestBoundNode, highestBoundNode), "How is it that this operator has the same syntax node as its operand?");
if (resultKind == LookupResultKind.Empty)
// Empty typically indicates an error symbol that was created because no real
// symbol actually existed.
return SymbolInfoFactory.Create(ImmutableArray<Symbol>.Empty, LookupResultKind.Empty, isDynamic);
// Caas clients don't want ErrorTypeSymbol in the symbols, but the best guess
// instead. If no best guess, then nothing is returned.
var builder = ArrayBuilder<Symbol>.GetInstance(symbols.Count);
foreach (Symbol symbol in symbols)
AddUnwrappingErrorTypes(builder, symbol);
symbols = builder.ToOneOrManyAndFree();
if ((options & SymbolInfoOptions.ResolveAliases) != 0)
symbols = UnwrapAliases(symbols);
if (resultKind == LookupResultKind.Viable && symbols.Count > 1)
resultKind = LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure;
return SymbolInfoFactory.Create(symbols, resultKind, isDynamic);
private static SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfoForSubpattern(Symbol subpatternSymbol)
if (subpatternSymbol?.OriginalDefinition is ErrorTypeSymbol originalErrorType)
return new SymbolInfo(originalErrorType.CandidateSymbols.GetPublicSymbols(), originalErrorType.ResultKind.ToCandidateReason());
return new SymbolInfo(subpatternSymbol.GetPublicSymbol());
private SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfoForDeconstruction(BoundRecursivePattern pat)
return new SymbolInfo(pat.DeconstructMethod.GetPublicSymbol());
private static void AddUnwrappingErrorTypes(ArrayBuilder<Symbol> builder, Symbol s)
var originalErrorSymbol = s.OriginalDefinition as ErrorTypeSymbol;
if ((object)originalErrorSymbol != null)
private static bool IsUserDefinedTrueOrFalse(BoundUnaryOperator @operator)
UnaryOperatorKind operatorKind = @operator.OperatorKind;
return operatorKind == UnaryOperatorKind.UserDefinedTrue || operatorKind == UnaryOperatorKind.UserDefinedFalse;
// Gets the semantic info from a specific bound node and a set of diagnostics
// lowestBoundNode: The lowest node in the bound tree associated with node
// highestBoundNode: The highest node in the bound tree associated with node
// boundNodeForSyntacticParent: The lowest node in the bound tree associated with node.Parent.
internal CSharpTypeInfo GetTypeInfoForNode(
BoundNode lowestBoundNode,
BoundNode highestBoundNode,
BoundNode boundNodeForSyntacticParent)
BoundPattern pattern = lowestBoundNode as BoundPattern ?? highestBoundNode as BoundPattern ?? (highestBoundNode is BoundSubpattern sp ? sp.Pattern : null);
if (pattern != null)
var discardedUseSiteInfo = CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>.Discarded;
// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35032: support patterns
return new CSharpTypeInfo(
pattern.InputType, pattern.NarrowedType, nullability: default, convertedNullability: default,
Compilation.Conversions.ClassifyBuiltInConversion(pattern.InputType, pattern.NarrowedType, isChecked: false, ref discardedUseSiteInfo));
if (lowestBoundNode is BoundPropertySubpatternMember member)
return new CSharpTypeInfo(member.Type, member.Type, nullability: default, convertedNullability: default, Conversion.Identity);
var boundExpr = lowestBoundNode as BoundExpression;
var highestBoundExpr = highestBoundNode as BoundExpression;
if (boundExpr != null &&
!(boundNodeForSyntacticParent != null &&
boundNodeForSyntacticParent.Syntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression &&
((ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)boundNodeForSyntacticParent.Syntax).Type == boundExpr.Syntax)) // Do not return any type information for a ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax.Type node.
// TODO: Should parenthesized expression really not have symbols? At least for C#, I'm not sure that
// is right. For example, C# allows the assignment statement:
// (i) = 9;
// So I don't assume this code should special case parenthesized expressions.
TypeSymbol type = null;
NullabilityInfo nullability = boundExpr.TopLevelNullability;
if (boundExpr.HasExpressionType())
type = boundExpr.Type;
switch (boundExpr)
case BoundLocal local:
// Use of local before declaration requires some additional fixup.
// Due to complications around implicit locals and type inference, we do not
// try to obtain a type of a local when it is used before declaration, we use
// a special error type symbol. However, semantic model should return the same
// type information for usage of a local before and after its declaration.
// We will detect the use before declaration cases and replace the error type
// symbol with the one obtained from the local. It should be safe to get the type
// from the local at this point.
if (type is ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol extended && extended.VariableUsedBeforeDeclaration)
type = local.LocalSymbol.Type;
nullability = local.LocalSymbol.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation.ToNullabilityInfo(type);
case BoundConvertedTupleLiteral { SourceTuple: BoundTupleLiteral original }:
// The bound tree fully binds tuple literals. From the language point of
// view, however, converted tuple literals represent tuple conversions
// from tuple literal expressions which may or may not have types
type = original.Type;
// we match highestBoundExpr.Kind to various kind frequently, so cache it here.
// use NoOp kind for the case when highestBoundExpr == null - NoOp will not match anything below.
var highestBoundExprKind = highestBoundExpr?.Kind ?? BoundKind.NoOpStatement;
TypeSymbol convertedType;
NullabilityInfo convertedNullability;
Conversion conversion;
if (highestBoundExprKind == BoundKind.Lambda) // the enclosing conversion is explicit
var lambda = (BoundLambda)highestBoundExpr;
convertedType = lambda.Type;
// The bound tree always fully binds lambda and anonymous functions. From the language point of
// view, however, anonymous functions converted to a real delegate type should only have a
// ConvertedType, not a Type. So set Type to null here. Otherwise you get the edge case where both
// Type and ConvertedType are the same, but the conversion isn't Identity.
type = null;
nullability = default;
convertedNullability = new NullabilityInfo(CodeAnalysis.NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, CodeAnalysis.NullableFlowState.NotNull);
conversion = new Conversion(ConversionKind.AnonymousFunction, lambda.Symbol, false);
else if ((highestBoundExpr as BoundConversion)?.Conversion.IsTupleLiteralConversion == true)
var tupleLiteralConversion = (BoundConversion)highestBoundExpr;
if (tupleLiteralConversion.Operand.Kind == BoundKind.ConvertedTupleLiteral)
var convertedTuple = (BoundConvertedTupleLiteral)tupleLiteralConversion.Operand;
type = convertedTuple.SourceTuple.Type;
nullability = convertedTuple.TopLevelNullability;
(type, nullability) = getTypeAndNullability(tupleLiteralConversion.Operand);
(convertedType, convertedNullability) = getTypeAndNullability(tupleLiteralConversion);
conversion = tupleLiteralConversion.Conversion;
else if (highestBoundExprKind == BoundKind.FixedLocalCollectionInitializer)
var initializer = (BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer)highestBoundExpr;
(convertedType, convertedNullability) = getTypeAndNullability(initializer);
(type, nullability) = getTypeAndNullability(initializer.Expression);
// the most pertinent conversion is the pointer conversion
conversion = BoundNode.GetConversion(initializer.ElementPointerConversion, initializer.ElementPointerPlaceholder);
else if (boundExpr is BoundConvertedSwitchExpression { WasTargetTyped: true } convertedSwitch)
if (highestBoundExpr is BoundConversion { ConversionKind: ConversionKind.SwitchExpression, Conversion: var convertedSwitchConversion })
// There was an implicit cast.
type = convertedSwitch.NaturalTypeOpt;
convertedType = convertedSwitch.Type;
convertedNullability = convertedSwitch.TopLevelNullability;
conversion = convertedSwitchConversion.IsValid ? convertedSwitchConversion : Conversion.NoConversion;
// There was an explicit cast on top of this
type = convertedSwitch.NaturalTypeOpt;
(convertedType, convertedNullability) = (type, nullability);
conversion = Conversion.Identity;
else if (boundExpr is BoundConditionalOperator { WasTargetTyped: true } cond)
if (highestBoundExpr is BoundConversion { ConversionKind: ConversionKind.ConditionalExpression })
// There was an implicit cast.
type = cond.NaturalTypeOpt;
convertedType = cond.Type;
convertedNullability = nullability;
conversion = Conversion.MakeConditionalExpression(ImmutableArray<Conversion>.Empty);
// There was an explicit cast on top of this.
type = cond.NaturalTypeOpt;
(convertedType, convertedNullability) = (type, nullability);
conversion = Conversion.Identity;
else if (boundExpr is BoundCollectionExpression convertedCollection)
type = null;
if (highestBoundExpr is BoundConversion { ConversionKind: ConversionKind.CollectionExpression or ConversionKind.NoConversion, Conversion: var convertedCollectionConversion })
convertedType = highestBoundExpr.Type;
convertedNullability = convertedCollection.TopLevelNullability;
conversion = convertedCollectionConversion;
else if (highestBoundExpr is BoundConversion { ConversionKind: ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable, Conversion.UnderlyingConversions: [{ Kind: ConversionKind.CollectionExpression }] } boundConversion)
convertedType = highestBoundExpr.Type;
convertedNullability = convertedCollection.TopLevelNullability;
conversion = boundConversion.Conversion;
// Explicit cast or error scenario like `object x = [];`
convertedNullability = nullability;
convertedType = null;
conversion = Conversion.Identity;
else if (highestBoundExpr != null && highestBoundExpr != boundExpr && highestBoundExpr.HasExpressionType())
(convertedType, convertedNullability) = getTypeAndNullability(highestBoundExpr);
if (highestBoundExprKind != BoundKind.Conversion)
conversion = Conversion.Identity;
else if (((BoundConversion)highestBoundExpr).Operand.Kind != BoundKind.Conversion)
conversion = highestBoundExpr.GetConversion();
if (conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.AnonymousFunction)
// See comment above: anonymous functions do not have a type
type = null;
nullability = default;
// There is a sequence of conversions; we use ClassifyConversionFromExpression to report the most pertinent.
var binder = this.GetEnclosingBinder(boundExpr.Syntax.Span.Start);
var discardedUseSiteInfo = CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>.Discarded;
conversion = binder.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(boundExpr, convertedType, isChecked: ((BoundConversion)highestBoundExpr).Checked, ref discardedUseSiteInfo);
else if (boundNodeForSyntacticParent?.Kind == BoundKind.DelegateCreationExpression)
// A delegate creation expression takes the place of a method group or anonymous function conversion.
var delegateCreation = (BoundDelegateCreationExpression)boundNodeForSyntacticParent;
(convertedType, convertedNullability) = getTypeAndNullability(delegateCreation);
switch (boundExpr.Kind)
case BoundKind.MethodGroup:
conversion = new Conversion(ConversionKind.MethodGroup, delegateCreation.MethodOpt, delegateCreation.IsExtensionMethod);
case BoundKind.Lambda:
var lambda = (BoundLambda)boundExpr;
conversion = new Conversion(ConversionKind.AnonymousFunction, lambda.Symbol, delegateCreation.IsExtensionMethod);
case BoundKind.UnboundLambda:
var lambda = ((UnboundLambda)boundExpr).BindForErrorRecovery();
conversion = new Conversion(ConversionKind.AnonymousFunction, lambda.Symbol, delegateCreation.IsExtensionMethod);
conversion = Conversion.Identity;
else if (boundExpr is BoundConversion { ConversionKind: ConversionKind.MethodGroup, Conversion: var exprConversion, Type: { TypeKind: TypeKind.FunctionPointer }, SymbolOpt: var symbol })
// Because the method group is a separate syntax node from the &, the lowest bound node here is the BoundConversion. However,
// the conversion represents an implicit method group conversion from a typeless method group to a function pointer type, so
// we should reflect that in the types and conversion we return.
convertedType = type;
convertedNullability = nullability;
conversion = exprConversion;
type = null;
nullability = new NullabilityInfo(CodeAnalysis.NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, CodeAnalysis.NullableFlowState.NotNull);
convertedType = type;
convertedNullability = nullability;
conversion = Conversion.Identity;
return new CSharpTypeInfo(type, convertedType, nullability, convertedNullability, conversion);
return CSharpTypeInfo.None;
static (TypeSymbol, NullabilityInfo) getTypeAndNullability(BoundExpression expr) => (expr.Type, expr.TopLevelNullability);
// Gets the method or property group from a specific bound node.
// lowestBoundNode: The lowest node in the bound tree associated with node
// highestBoundNode: The highest node in the bound tree associated with node
// boundNodeForSyntacticParent: The lowest node in the bound tree associated with node.Parent.
internal ImmutableArray<Symbol> GetMemberGroupForNode(
SymbolInfoOptions options,
BoundNode lowestBoundNode,
BoundNode boundNodeForSyntacticParent,
Binder binderOpt)
if (lowestBoundNode is BoundExpression boundExpr)
LookupResultKind resultKind;
ImmutableArray<Symbol> memberGroup;
bool isDynamic;
GetSemanticSymbols(boundExpr, boundNodeForSyntacticParent, binderOpt, options, out isDynamic, out resultKind, out memberGroup);
return memberGroup;
return ImmutableArray<Symbol>.Empty;
// Gets the indexer group from a specific bound node.
// lowestBoundNode: The lowest node in the bound tree associated with node
// highestBoundNode: The highest node in the bound tree associated with node
// boundNodeForSyntacticParent: The lowest node in the bound tree associated with node.Parent.
internal ImmutableArray<IPropertySymbol> GetIndexerGroupForNode(
BoundNode lowestBoundNode,
Binder binderOpt)
var boundExpr = lowestBoundNode as BoundExpression;
if (boundExpr != null && boundExpr.Kind != BoundKind.TypeExpression)
return GetIndexerGroupSemanticSymbols(boundExpr, binderOpt);
return ImmutableArray<IPropertySymbol>.Empty;
// Gets symbol info for a type or namespace or alias reference. It is assumed that any error cases will come in
// as a type whose OriginalDefinition is an error symbol from which the ResultKind can be retrieved.
internal static SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfoForSymbol(Symbol symbol, SymbolInfoOptions options)
Debug.Assert((object)symbol != null);
// Determine type. Dig through aliases if necessary.
Symbol unwrapped = UnwrapAlias(symbol);
TypeSymbol type = unwrapped as TypeSymbol;
// Determine symbols and resultKind.
var originalErrorSymbol = (object)type != null ? type.OriginalDefinition as ErrorTypeSymbol : null;
if ((object)originalErrorSymbol != null)
// Error case.
var symbols = OneOrMany<Symbol>.Empty;
LookupResultKind resultKind = originalErrorSymbol.ResultKind;
if (resultKind != LookupResultKind.Empty)
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(originalErrorSymbol.CandidateSymbols);
if ((options & SymbolInfoOptions.ResolveAliases) != 0)
symbols = UnwrapAliases(symbols);
return SymbolInfoFactory.Create(symbols, resultKind, isDynamic: false);
// Non-error case. Use constructor that doesn't require creation of a Symbol array.
var symbolToReturn = ((options & SymbolInfoOptions.ResolveAliases) != 0) ? unwrapped : symbol;
return new SymbolInfo(symbolToReturn.GetPublicSymbol());
// Gets TypeInfo for a type or namespace or alias reference.
internal static CSharpTypeInfo GetTypeInfoForSymbol(Symbol symbol)
Debug.Assert((object)symbol != null);
// Determine type. Dig through aliases if necessary.
TypeSymbol type = UnwrapAlias(symbol) as TypeSymbol;
// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35033: Examine this and make sure that we're using the correct nullabilities
return new CSharpTypeInfo(type, type, default, default, Conversion.Identity);
protected static Symbol UnwrapAlias(Symbol symbol)
return symbol is AliasSymbol aliasSym ? aliasSym.Target : symbol;
protected static OneOrMany<Symbol> UnwrapAliases(OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols)
bool anyAliases = false;
foreach (Symbol symbol in symbols)
if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Alias)
anyAliases = true;
if (!anyAliases)
return symbols;
ArrayBuilder<Symbol> builder = ArrayBuilder<Symbol>.GetInstance();
foreach (Symbol symbol in symbols)
// Caas clients don't want ErrorTypeSymbol in the symbols, but the best guess
// instead. If no best guess, then nothing is returned.
AddUnwrappingErrorTypes(builder, UnwrapAlias(symbol));
return builder.ToOneOrManyAndFree();
// This is used by other binding APIs to invoke the right binder API
internal virtual BoundNode Bind(Binder binder, CSharpSyntaxNode node, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
if (Compilation.TestOnlyCompilationData is MemberSemanticModel.MemberSemanticBindingCounter counter)
switch (node)
case ExpressionSyntax expression:
var parent = expression.Parent;
return parent.IsKind(SyntaxKind.GotoStatement)
? binder.BindLabel(expression, diagnostics)
: binder.BindNamespaceOrTypeOrExpression(expression, diagnostics);
case StatementSyntax statement:
return binder.BindStatement(statement, diagnostics);
case GlobalStatementSyntax globalStatement:
BoundStatement bound = binder.BindStatement(globalStatement.Statement, diagnostics);
return new BoundGlobalStatementInitializer(node, bound);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Analyze control-flow within a part of a method body.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstStatement">The first statement to be included in the analysis.</param>
/// <param name="lastStatement">The last statement to be included in the analysis.</param>
/// <returns>An object that can be used to obtain the result of the control flow analysis.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The two statements are not contained within the same statement list.</exception>
public virtual ControlFlowAnalysis AnalyzeControlFlow(StatementSyntax firstStatement, StatementSyntax lastStatement)
// Only supported on a SyntaxTreeSemanticModel.
throw new NotSupportedException();
/// <summary>
/// Analyze control-flow within a part of a method body.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="statement">The statement to be included in the analysis.</param>
/// <returns>An object that can be used to obtain the result of the control flow analysis.</returns>
public virtual ControlFlowAnalysis AnalyzeControlFlow(StatementSyntax statement)
return AnalyzeControlFlow(statement, statement);
/// <summary>
/// Analyze data-flow within an <see cref="ConstructorInitializerSyntax"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="constructorInitializer">The ctor-init within the associated SyntaxTree to analyze.</param>
/// <returns>An object that can be used to obtain the result of the data flow analysis.</returns>
public virtual DataFlowAnalysis AnalyzeDataFlow(ConstructorInitializerSyntax constructorInitializer)
// Only supported on a SyntaxTreeSemanticModel.
throw new NotSupportedException();
/// <summary>
/// Analyze data-flow within an <see cref="PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax.ArgumentList"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="primaryConstructorBaseType">The node within the associated SyntaxTree to analyze.</param>
/// <returns>An object that can be used to obtain the result of the data flow analysis.</returns>
public virtual DataFlowAnalysis AnalyzeDataFlow(PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax primaryConstructorBaseType)
// Only supported on a SyntaxTreeSemanticModel.
throw new NotSupportedException();
/// <summary>
/// Analyze data-flow within an <see cref="ExpressionSyntax"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expression">The expression within the associated SyntaxTree to analyze.</param>
/// <returns>An object that can be used to obtain the result of the data flow analysis.</returns>
public virtual DataFlowAnalysis AnalyzeDataFlow(ExpressionSyntax expression)
// Only supported on a SyntaxTreeSemanticModel.
throw new NotSupportedException();
/// <summary>
/// Analyze data-flow within a part of a method body.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstStatement">The first statement to be included in the analysis.</param>
/// <param name="lastStatement">The last statement to be included in the analysis.</param>
/// <returns>An object that can be used to obtain the result of the data flow analysis.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The two statements are not contained within the same statement list.</exception>
public virtual DataFlowAnalysis AnalyzeDataFlow(StatementSyntax firstStatement, StatementSyntax lastStatement)
// Only supported on a SyntaxTreeSemanticModel.
throw new NotSupportedException();
/// <summary>
/// Analyze data-flow within a part of a method body.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="statement">The statement to be included in the analysis.</param>
/// <returns>An object that can be used to obtain the result of the data flow analysis.</returns>
public virtual DataFlowAnalysis AnalyzeDataFlow(StatementSyntax statement)
return AnalyzeDataFlow(statement, statement);
/// <summary>
/// Get a SemanticModel object that is associated with a method body that did not appear in this source code.
/// Given <paramref name="position"/> must lie within an existing method body of the Root syntax node for this SemanticModel.
/// Locals and labels declared within this existing method body are not considered to be in scope of the speculated method body.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel and must be
/// within the FullSpan of a Method body within the Root syntax node.</param>
/// <param name="method">A syntax node that represents a parsed method declaration. This method should not be
/// present in the syntax tree associated with this object, but must have identical signature to the method containing
/// the given <paramref name="position"/> in this SemanticModel.</param>
/// <param name="speculativeModel">A SemanticModel object that can be used to inquire about the semantic
/// information associated with syntax nodes within <paramref name="method"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Flag indicating whether a speculative semantic model was created.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws this exception if the <paramref name="method"/> node is contained any SyntaxTree in the current Compilation</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws this exception if <paramref name="method"/> is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throws this exception if this model is a speculative semantic model, i.e. <see cref="SemanticModel.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel"/> is true.
/// Chaining of speculative semantic model is not supported.</exception>
public bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelForMethodBody(int position, BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax method, out SemanticModel speculativeModel)
var result = TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelForMethodBodyCore((SyntaxTreeSemanticModel)this, position, method, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeSyntaxTreeModel);
speculativeModel = speculativeSyntaxTreeModel;
return result;
internal abstract bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelForMethodBodyCore(SyntaxTreeSemanticModel parentModel, int position, BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax method, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeModel);
/// <summary>
/// Get a SemanticModel object that is associated with a method body that did not appear in this source code.
/// Given <paramref name="position"/> must lie within an existing method body of the Root syntax node for this SemanticModel.
/// Locals and labels declared within this existing method body are not considered to be in scope of the speculated method body.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel and must be
/// within the FullSpan of a Method body within the Root syntax node.</param>
/// <param name="accessor">A syntax node that represents a parsed accessor declaration. This accessor should not be
/// present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="speculativeModel">A SemanticModel object that can be used to inquire about the semantic
/// information associated with syntax nodes within <paramref name="accessor"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Flag indicating whether a speculative semantic model was created.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws this exception if the <paramref name="accessor"/> node is contained any SyntaxTree in the current Compilation</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws this exception if <paramref name="accessor"/> is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throws this exception if this model is a speculative semantic model, i.e. <see cref="SemanticModel.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel"/> is true.
/// Chaining of speculative semantic model is not supported.</exception>
public bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelForMethodBody(int position, AccessorDeclarationSyntax accessor, out SemanticModel speculativeModel)
var result = TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelForMethodBodyCore((SyntaxTreeSemanticModel)this, position, accessor, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeSyntaxTreeModel);
speculativeModel = speculativeSyntaxTreeModel;
return result;
internal abstract bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelForMethodBodyCore(SyntaxTreeSemanticModel parentModel, int position, AccessorDeclarationSyntax accessor, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeModel);
/// <summary>
/// Get a SemanticModel object that is associated with a type syntax node that did not appear in
/// this source code. This can be used to get detailed semantic information about sub-parts
/// of a type syntax that did not appear in source code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel.
/// </param>
/// <param name="type">A syntax node that represents a parsed expression. This expression should not be
/// present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="bindingOption">Indicates whether to bind the expression as a full expression,
/// or as a type or namespace.</param>
/// <param name="speculativeModel">A SemanticModel object that can be used to inquire about the semantic
/// information associated with syntax nodes within <paramref name="type"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Flag indicating whether a speculative semantic model was created.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws this exception if the <paramref name="type"/> node is contained any SyntaxTree in the current Compilation</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws this exception if <paramref name="type"/> is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throws this exception if this model is a speculative semantic model, i.e. <see cref="SemanticModel.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel"/> is true.
/// Chaining of speculative semantic model is not supported.</exception>
public bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModel(int position, TypeSyntax type, out SemanticModel speculativeModel, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption = SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsExpression)
var result = TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore((SyntaxTreeSemanticModel)this, position, type, bindingOption, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeSyntaxTreeModel);
speculativeModel = speculativeSyntaxTreeModel;
return result;
internal abstract bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore(SyntaxTreeSemanticModel parentModel, int position, TypeSyntax type, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeModel);
/// <summary>
/// Get a SemanticModel object that is associated with a statement that did not appear in
/// this source code. This can be used to get detailed semantic information about sub-parts
/// of a statement that did not appear in source code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel.</param>
/// <param name="statement">A syntax node that represents a parsed statement. This statement should not be
/// present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="speculativeModel">A SemanticModel object that can be used to inquire about the semantic
/// information associated with syntax nodes within <paramref name="statement"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Flag indicating whether a speculative semantic model was created.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws this exception if the <paramref name="statement"/> node is contained any SyntaxTree in the current Compilation</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws this exception if <paramref name="statement"/> is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throws this exception if this model is a speculative semantic model, i.e. <see cref="SemanticModel.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel"/> is true.
/// Chaining of speculative semantic model is not supported.</exception>
public bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModel(int position, StatementSyntax statement, out SemanticModel speculativeModel)
var result = TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore((SyntaxTreeSemanticModel)this, position, statement, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeSyntaxTreeModel);
speculativeModel = speculativeSyntaxTreeModel;
return result;
internal abstract bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore(SyntaxTreeSemanticModel parentModel, int position, StatementSyntax statement, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeModel);
/// <summary>
/// Get a SemanticModel object that is associated with an initializer that did not appear in
/// this source code. This can be used to get detailed semantic information about sub-parts
/// of a field initializer or default parameter value that did not appear in source code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel.
/// </param>
/// <param name="initializer">A syntax node that represents a parsed initializer. This initializer should not be
/// present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="speculativeModel">A SemanticModel object that can be used to inquire about the semantic
/// information associated with syntax nodes within <paramref name="initializer"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Flag indicating whether a speculative semantic model was created.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws this exception if the <paramref name="initializer"/> node is contained any SyntaxTree in the current Compilation.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws this exception if <paramref name="initializer"/> is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throws this exception if this model is a speculative semantic model, i.e. <see cref="SemanticModel.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel"/> is true.
/// Chaining of speculative semantic model is not supported.</exception>
public bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModel(int position, EqualsValueClauseSyntax initializer, out SemanticModel speculativeModel)
var result = TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore((SyntaxTreeSemanticModel)this, position, initializer, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeSyntaxTreeModel);
speculativeModel = speculativeSyntaxTreeModel;
return result;
internal abstract bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore(SyntaxTreeSemanticModel parentModel, int position, EqualsValueClauseSyntax initializer, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeModel);
/// <summary>
/// Get a SemanticModel object that is associated with an expression body that did not appear in
/// this source code. This can be used to get detailed semantic information about sub-parts
/// of an expression body that did not appear in source code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel.
/// </param>
/// <param name="expressionBody">A syntax node that represents a parsed expression body. This node should not be
/// present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="speculativeModel">A SemanticModel object that can be used to inquire about the semantic
/// information associated with syntax nodes within <paramref name="expressionBody"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Flag indicating whether a speculative semantic model was created.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws this exception if the <paramref name="expressionBody"/> node is contained any SyntaxTree in the current Compilation.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws this exception if <paramref name="expressionBody"/> is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throws this exception if this model is a speculative semantic model, i.e. <see cref="SemanticModel.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel"/> is true.
/// Chaining of speculative semantic model is not supported.</exception>
public bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModel(int position, ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax expressionBody, out SemanticModel speculativeModel)
var result = TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore((SyntaxTreeSemanticModel)this, position, expressionBody, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeSyntaxTreeModel);
speculativeModel = speculativeSyntaxTreeModel;
return result;
internal abstract bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore(SyntaxTreeSemanticModel parentModel, int position, ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax expressionBody, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeModel);
/// <summary>
/// Get a SemanticModel object that is associated with a constructor initializer that did not appear in
/// this source code. This can be used to get detailed semantic information about sub-parts
/// of a constructor initializer that did not appear in source code.
/// NOTE: This will only work in locations where there is already a constructor initializer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel.
/// Furthermore, it must be within the span of an existing constructor initializer.
/// </param>
/// <param name="constructorInitializer">A syntax node that represents a parsed constructor initializer.
/// This node should not be present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="speculativeModel">A SemanticModel object that can be used to inquire about the semantic
/// information associated with syntax nodes within <paramref name="constructorInitializer"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Flag indicating whether a speculative semantic model was created.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws this exception if the <paramref name="constructorInitializer"/> node is contained any SyntaxTree in the current Compilation.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws this exception if <paramref name="constructorInitializer"/> is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throws this exception if this model is a speculative semantic model, i.e. <see cref="SemanticModel.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel"/> is true.
/// Chaining of speculative semantic model is not supported.</exception>
public bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModel(int position, ConstructorInitializerSyntax constructorInitializer, out SemanticModel speculativeModel)
var result = TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore((SyntaxTreeSemanticModel)this, position, constructorInitializer, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeSyntaxTreeModel);
speculativeModel = speculativeSyntaxTreeModel;
return result;
internal abstract bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore(SyntaxTreeSemanticModel parentModel, int position, ConstructorInitializerSyntax constructorInitializer, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeModel);
/// <summary>
/// Get a SemanticModel object that is associated with a constructor initializer that did not appear in
/// this source code. This can be used to get detailed semantic information about sub-parts
/// of a constructor initializer that did not appear in source code.
/// NOTE: This will only work in locations where there is already a constructor initializer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the span of an existing constructor initializer.
/// </param>
/// <param name="constructorInitializer">A syntax node that represents a parsed constructor initializer.
/// This node should not be present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="speculativeModel">A SemanticModel object that can be used to inquire about the semantic
/// information associated with syntax nodes within <paramref name="constructorInitializer"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Flag indicating whether a speculative semantic model was created.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws this exception if the <paramref name="constructorInitializer"/> node is contained any SyntaxTree in the current Compilation.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws this exception if <paramref name="constructorInitializer"/> is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throws this exception if this model is a speculative semantic model, i.e. <see cref="SemanticModel.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel"/> is true.
/// Chaining of speculative semantic model is not supported.</exception>
public bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModel(int position, PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax constructorInitializer, out SemanticModel speculativeModel)
var result = TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore((SyntaxTreeSemanticModel)this, position, constructorInitializer, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeSyntaxTreeModel);
speculativeModel = speculativeSyntaxTreeModel;
return result;
internal abstract bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore(SyntaxTreeSemanticModel parentModel, int position, PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax constructorInitializer, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeModel);
/// <summary>
/// Get a SemanticModel object that is associated with a cref that did not appear in
/// this source code. This can be used to get detailed semantic information about sub-parts
/// of a cref that did not appear in source code.
/// NOTE: This will only work in locations where there is already a cref.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel.
/// Furthermore, it must be within the span of an existing cref.
/// </param>
/// <param name="crefSyntax">A syntax node that represents a parsed cref syntax.
/// This node should not be present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="speculativeModel">A SemanticModel object that can be used to inquire about the semantic
/// information associated with syntax nodes within <paramref name="crefSyntax"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Flag indicating whether a speculative semantic model was created.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws this exception if the <paramref name="crefSyntax"/> node is contained any SyntaxTree in the current Compilation.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws this exception if <paramref name="crefSyntax"/> is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throws this exception if this model is a speculative semantic model, i.e. <see cref="SemanticModel.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel"/> is true.
/// Chaining of speculative semantic model is not supported.</exception>
public bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModel(int position, CrefSyntax crefSyntax, out SemanticModel speculativeModel)
var result = TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore((SyntaxTreeSemanticModel)this, position, crefSyntax, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeSyntaxTreeModel);
speculativeModel = speculativeSyntaxTreeModel;
return result;
internal abstract bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore(SyntaxTreeSemanticModel parentModel, int position, CrefSyntax crefSyntax, out PublicSemanticModel speculativeModel);
/// <summary>
/// Get a SemanticModel object that is associated with an attribute that did not appear in
/// this source code. This can be used to get detailed semantic information about sub-parts
/// of an attribute that did not appear in source code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">A character position used to identify a declaration scope and accessibility. This
/// character position must be within the FullSpan of the Root syntax node in this SemanticModel.</param>
/// <param name="attribute">A syntax node that represents a parsed attribute. This attribute should not be
/// present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="speculativeModel">A SemanticModel object that can be used to inquire about the semantic
/// information associated with syntax nodes within <paramref name="attribute"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Flag indicating whether a speculative semantic model was created.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws this exception if the <paramref name="attribute"/> node is contained any SyntaxTree in the current Compilation.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws this exception if <paramref name="attribute"/> is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throws this exception if this model is a speculative semantic model, i.e. <see cref="SemanticModel.IsSpeculativeSemanticModel"/> is true.
/// Chaining of speculative semantic model is not supported.</exception>
public bool TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModel(int position, AttributeSyntax attribute, out SemanticModel speculativeModel)
var binder = GetSpeculativeBinderForAttribute(position, attribute);
if (binder == null)
speculativeModel = null;
return false;
AliasSymbol aliasOpt;
var attributeType = (NamedTypeSymbol)binder.BindType(attribute.Name, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded, out aliasOpt).Type;
speculativeModel = ((SyntaxTreeSemanticModel)this).CreateSpeculativeAttributeSemanticModel(position, attribute, binder, aliasOpt, attributeType);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// If this is a speculative semantic model, then returns its parent semantic model.
/// Otherwise, returns null.
/// </summary>
public new abstract CSharpSemanticModel ParentModel
/// <summary>
/// The SyntaxTree that this object is associated with.
/// </summary>
public new abstract SyntaxTree SyntaxTree
/// <summary>
/// Determines what type of conversion, if any, would be used if a given expression was
/// converted to a given type. If isExplicitInSource is true, the conversion produced is
/// that which would be used if the conversion were done for a cast expression.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expression">An expression which much occur within the syntax tree
/// associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="destination">The type to attempt conversion to.</param>
/// <param name="isExplicitInSource">True if the conversion should be determined as for a cast expression.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a Conversion object that summarizes whether the conversion was
/// possible, and if so, what kind of conversion it was. If no conversion was possible, a
/// Conversion object with a false "Exists" property is returned.</returns>
/// <remarks>To determine the conversion between two types (instead of an expression and a
/// type), use Compilation.ClassifyConversion.</remarks>
public abstract Conversion ClassifyConversion(ExpressionSyntax expression, ITypeSymbol destination, bool isExplicitInSource = false);
/// <summary>
/// Determines what type of conversion, if any, would be used if a given expression was
/// converted to a given type. If isExplicitInSource is true, the conversion produced is
/// that which would be used if the conversion were done for a cast expression.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The character position for determining the enclosing declaration
/// scope and accessibility.</param>
/// <param name="expression">The expression to classify. This expression does not need to be
/// present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="destination">The type to attempt conversion to.</param>
/// <param name="isExplicitInSource">True if the conversion should be determined as for a cast expression.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a Conversion object that summarizes whether the conversion was
/// possible, and if so, what kind of conversion it was. If no conversion was possible, a
/// Conversion object with a false "Exists" property is returned.</returns>
/// <remarks>To determine the conversion between two types (instead of an expression and a
/// type), use Compilation.ClassifyConversion.</remarks>
public Conversion ClassifyConversion(int position, ExpressionSyntax expression, ITypeSymbol destination, bool isExplicitInSource = false)
if ((object)destination == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destination));
TypeSymbol cdestination = destination.EnsureCSharpSymbolOrNull(nameof(destination));
if (expression.Kind() == SyntaxKind.DeclarationExpression)
// Conversion from a declaration is unspecified.
return Conversion.NoConversion;
if (isExplicitInSource)
return ClassifyConversionForCast(position, expression, cdestination);
// Note that it is possible for an expression to be convertible to a type
// via both an implicit user-defined conversion and an explicit built-in conversion.
// In that case, this method chooses the implicit conversion.
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
var binder = this.GetEnclosingBinder(position);
if (binder != null)
var bnode = binder.BindExpression(expression, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded);
if (bnode != null && !cdestination.IsErrorType())
var discardedUseSiteInfo = CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>.Discarded;
return binder.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(bnode, cdestination, isChecked: binder.CheckOverflowAtRuntime, ref discardedUseSiteInfo);
return Conversion.NoConversion;
/// <summary>
/// Determines what type of conversion, if any, would be used if a given expression was
/// converted to a given type using an explicit cast.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expression">An expression which much occur within the syntax tree
/// associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="destination">The type to attempt conversion to.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a Conversion object that summarizes whether the conversion was
/// possible, and if so, what kind of conversion it was. If no conversion was possible, a
/// Conversion object with a false "Exists" property is returned.</returns>
/// <remarks>To determine the conversion between two types (instead of an expression and a
/// type), use Compilation.ClassifyConversion.</remarks>
internal abstract Conversion ClassifyConversionForCast(ExpressionSyntax expression, TypeSymbol destination);
/// <summary>
/// Determines what type of conversion, if any, would be used if a given expression was
/// converted to a given type using an explicit cast.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The character position for determining the enclosing declaration
/// scope and accessibility.</param>
/// <param name="expression">The expression to classify. This expression does not need to be
/// present in the syntax tree associated with this object.</param>
/// <param name="destination">The type to attempt conversion to.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a Conversion object that summarizes whether the conversion was
/// possible, and if so, what kind of conversion it was. If no conversion was possible, a
/// Conversion object with a false "Exists" property is returned.</returns>
/// <remarks>To determine the conversion between two types (instead of an expression and a
/// type), use Compilation.ClassifyConversion.</remarks>
internal Conversion ClassifyConversionForCast(int position, ExpressionSyntax expression, TypeSymbol destination)
if ((object)destination == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destination));
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
var binder = this.GetEnclosingBinder(position);
if (binder != null)
var bnode = binder.BindExpression(expression, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded);
if (bnode != null && !destination.IsErrorType())
var discardedUseSiteInfo = CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>.Discarded;
return binder.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(bnode, destination, isChecked: binder.CheckOverflowAtRuntime, ref discardedUseSiteInfo, forCast: true);
return Conversion.NoConversion;
#region "GetDeclaredSymbol overloads for MemberDeclarationSyntax and its subtypes"
/// <summary>
/// Given a member declaration syntax, get the corresponding symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a member.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// NOTE: We have no GetDeclaredSymbol overloads for following subtypes of MemberDeclarationSyntax:
/// NOTE: (1) GlobalStatementSyntax as they don't declare any symbols.
/// NOTE: (2) IncompleteMemberSyntax as there are no symbols for incomplete members.
/// NOTE: (3) BaseFieldDeclarationSyntax or its subtypes as these declarations can contain multiple variable declarators.
/// NOTE: GetDeclaredSymbol should be called on the variable declarators directly.
/// </remarks>
public abstract ISymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(MemberDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a local function declaration syntax, get the corresponding symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a member.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract IMethodSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(LocalFunctionStatementSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a compilation unit syntax, get the corresponding Simple Program entry point symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The compilation unit that declares the entry point member.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract IMethodSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(CompilationUnitSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a namespace declaration syntax node, get the corresponding namespace symbol for
/// the declaration assembly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a namespace.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The namespace symbol that was declared by the namespace declaration.</returns>
public abstract INamespaceSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(NamespaceDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a namespace declaration syntax node, get the corresponding namespace symbol for
/// the declaration assembly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a namespace.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The namespace symbol that was declared by the namespace declaration.</returns>
public abstract INamespaceSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(FileScopedNamespaceDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a type declaration, get the corresponding type symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a type.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The type symbol that was declared.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// NOTE: We have no GetDeclaredSymbol overloads for subtypes of BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax as all of them return a NamedTypeSymbol.
/// </remarks>
public abstract INamedTypeSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a delegate declaration, get the corresponding type symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a delegate.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The type symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract INamedTypeSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(DelegateDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a enum member declaration, get the corresponding field symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares an enum member.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract IFieldSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(EnumMemberDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a base method declaration syntax, get the corresponding method symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a method.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// NOTE: We have no GetDeclaredSymbol overloads for subtypes of BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax as all of them return a MethodSymbol.
/// </remarks>
public abstract IMethodSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
#region GetDeclaredSymbol overloads for BasePropertyDeclarationSyntax and its subtypes
/// <summary>
/// Given a syntax node that declares a property, indexer or an event, get the corresponding declared symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a property, indexer or an event.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract ISymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(BasePropertyDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a syntax node that declares a property, get the corresponding declared symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a property.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract IPropertySymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(PropertyDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a syntax node that declares an indexer, get the corresponding declared symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares an indexer.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract IPropertySymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(IndexerDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a syntax node that declares a (custom) event, get the corresponding event symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a event.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract IEventSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(EventDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
// Anonymous types and Tuple expressions are an interesting case here because they declare their own types
// In both cases there is no distinct syntax that creates the type and the syntax that describes the type is the literal itself.
// Surely - if you need to modify the anonymous type or a type of a tuple literal, you would be modifying these expressions.
// As a result we support GetDeclaredSymbol on the whole AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax/TupleExpressionSyntax.
// The implementation returns the type of the expression.
// In addition to that GetDeclaredSymbol works on the AnonymousObjectMemberDeclaratorSyntax/ArgumentSyntax
// The implementation returns the property/field symbol that is declared by the corresponding syntax.
// Example:
// GetDeclaredSymbol => Type: (int Alice, int Bob)
// _____ |__________
// [ ]
// var tuple = (Alice: 1, Bob: 2);
// [ ]
// \GetDeclaredSymbol => Field: (int Alice, int Bob).Bob
// A special note must be made about the locations of the corresponding symbols - they refer to the actual syntax
// of the literal or the anonymous type creation expression
// This way IDEs can unambiguously implement such services as "Go to definition"
// I.E. GetSymbolInfo for "Bob" in "tuple.Bob" should point to the same field as returned by GetDeclaredSymbol when applied to
// the ArgumentSyntax "Bob: 2", since that is where the field was declared, where renames should be applied and so on.
// In comparison to anonymous types, tuples have one special behavior.
// It is permitted for tuple literals to not have a natural type as long as there is a target type which determines the types of the fields.
// As, such for the purpose of GetDeclaredSymbol, the type symbol that is returned for tuple literals has target-typed fields,
// but yet with the original names.
// GetDeclaredSymbol => Type: (string Alice, short Bob)
// ________ |__________
// [ ]
// (string, short) tuple = (Alice: null, Bob: 2);
// [ ]
// \GetDeclaredSymbol => Field: (string Alice, short Bob).Alice
// In particular, the location of the field declaration is "Alice: null" and not the "string"
// the location of the type is "(Alice: null, Bob: 2)" and not the "(string, short)"
// The reason for this behavior is that, even though there might not be other references to "Alice" field in the code,
// the name "Alice" itself evidently refers to something named "Alice" and should still work with
// all the related APIs and services such as "Find all References", "Go to definition", "symbolic rename" etc...
// GetSymbolInfo => Field: (string Alice, short Bob).Alice
// __ |__
// [ ]
// (string, short) tuple = (Alice: null, Bob: 2);
/// <summary>
/// Given a syntax node of anonymous object creation initializer, get the anonymous object property symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declaratorSyntax">The syntax node that declares a property.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract IPropertySymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(AnonymousObjectMemberDeclaratorSyntax declaratorSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a syntax node of anonymous object creation expression, get the anonymous object type symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declaratorSyntax">The syntax node that declares an anonymous object.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract INamedTypeSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax declaratorSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a syntax node of a tuple expression, get the tuple type symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declaratorSyntax">The tuple expression node.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract INamedTypeSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(TupleExpressionSyntax declaratorSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a syntax node of an argument expression, get the declared symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declaratorSyntax">The argument syntax node.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Generally ArgumentSyntax nodes do not declare symbols, except when used as arguments of a tuple literal.
/// Example: var x = (Alice: 1, Bob: 2);
/// ArgumentSyntax "Alice: 1" declares a tuple element field "(int Alice, int Bob).Alice"
/// </remarks>
public abstract ISymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(ArgumentSyntax declaratorSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a syntax node that declares a property or member accessor, get the corresponding
/// symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares an accessor.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract IMethodSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(AccessorDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a syntax node that declares an expression body, get the corresponding symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares an expression body.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract IMethodSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a variable declarator syntax, get the corresponding symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a variable.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract ISymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(VariableDeclaratorSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a variable designation syntax, get the corresponding symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a variable.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public abstract ISymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(SingleVariableDesignationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a labeled statement syntax, get the corresponding label symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node of the labeled statement.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The label symbol for that label.</returns>
public abstract ILabelSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(LabeledStatementSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a switch label syntax, get the corresponding label symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node of the switch label.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The label symbol for that label.</returns>
public abstract ILabelSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(SwitchLabelSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a using declaration get the corresponding symbol for the using alias that was
/// introduced.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax"></param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The alias symbol that was declared.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If the using directive is an error because it attempts to introduce an alias for which an existing alias was
/// previously declared in the same scope, the result is a newly-constructed AliasSymbol (i.e. not one from the
/// symbol table).
/// </remarks>
public abstract IAliasSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(UsingDirectiveSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given an extern alias declaration get the corresponding symbol for the alias that was introduced.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax"></param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The alias symbol that was declared, or null if a duplicate alias symbol was declared.</returns>
public abstract IAliasSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(ExternAliasDirectiveSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a parameter declaration syntax node, get the corresponding symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a parameter.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The parameter that was declared.</returns>
public abstract IParameterSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(ParameterSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Given a base field declaration syntax, get the corresponding symbols.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares one or more fields or events.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbols that were declared.</returns>
internal abstract ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetDeclaredSymbols(BaseFieldDeclarationSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
protected ParameterSymbol GetParameterSymbol(
ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol> parameters,
ParameterSyntax parameter,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
foreach (var symbol in parameters)
foreach (var location in symbol.Locations)
if (location.SourceTree == this.SyntaxTree && parameter.Span.Contains(location.SourceSpan))
return symbol;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Given a type parameter declaration (field or method), get the corresponding symbol
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <param name="typeParameter"></param>
public abstract ITypeParameterSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(TypeParameterSyntax typeParameter, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
internal BinderFlags GetSemanticModelBinderFlags()
return this.IgnoresAccessibility
? BinderFlags.SemanticModel | BinderFlags.IgnoreAccessibility
: BinderFlags.SemanticModel;
/// <summary>
/// Given a foreach statement, get the symbol for the iteration variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="forEachStatement"></param>
public ILocalSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(ForEachStatementSyntax forEachStatement)
Binder enclosingBinder = this.GetEnclosingBinder(GetAdjustedNodePosition(forEachStatement));
if (enclosingBinder == null)
return null;
Binder foreachBinder = enclosingBinder.GetBinder(forEachStatement);
// Binder.GetBinder can fail in presence of syntax errors.
if (foreachBinder == null)
return null;
LocalSymbol local = foreachBinder.GetDeclaredLocalsForScope(forEachStatement).FirstOrDefault();
return (local is SourceLocalSymbol { DeclarationKind: LocalDeclarationKind.ForEachIterationVariable } sourceLocal
? GetAdjustedLocalSymbol(sourceLocal)
: local).GetPublicSymbol();
/// <summary>
/// Given a local symbol, gets an updated version of that local symbol adjusted for nullability analysis
/// if the analysis affects the local.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="originalSymbol">The original symbol from initial binding.</param>
/// <returns>The nullability-adjusted local, or the original symbol if the nullability analysis made no adjustments or was not run.</returns>
internal abstract LocalSymbol GetAdjustedLocalSymbol(SourceLocalSymbol originalSymbol);
/// <summary>
/// Given a catch declaration, get the symbol for the exception variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="catchDeclaration"></param>
public ILocalSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(CatchDeclarationSyntax catchDeclaration)
CSharpSyntaxNode catchClause = catchDeclaration.Parent; //Syntax->Binder map is keyed on clause, not decl
Debug.Assert(catchClause.Kind() == SyntaxKind.CatchClause);
Binder enclosingBinder = this.GetEnclosingBinder(GetAdjustedNodePosition(catchClause));
if (enclosingBinder == null)
return null;
Binder catchBinder = enclosingBinder.GetBinder(catchClause);
// Binder.GetBinder can fail in presence of syntax errors.
if (catchBinder == null)
return null;
catchBinder = enclosingBinder.GetBinder(catchClause);
LocalSymbol local = catchBinder.GetDeclaredLocalsForScope(catchClause).FirstOrDefault();
return ((object)local != null && local.DeclarationKind == LocalDeclarationKind.CatchVariable)
? local.GetPublicSymbol()
: null;
public abstract IRangeVariableSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(QueryClauseSyntax queryClause, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Get the query range variable declared in a join into clause.
/// </summary>
public abstract IRangeVariableSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(JoinIntoClauseSyntax node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Get the query range variable declared in a query continuation clause.
/// </summary>
public abstract IRangeVariableSymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(QueryContinuationSyntax node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
// Get the symbols and possible method or property group associated with a bound node, as
// they should be exposed through GetSemanticInfo.
// NB: It is not safe to pass a null binderOpt during speculative binding.
private OneOrMany<Symbol> GetSemanticSymbols(
BoundExpression boundNode,
BoundNode boundNodeForSyntacticParent,
Binder binderOpt,
SymbolInfoOptions options,
out bool isDynamic,
out LookupResultKind resultKind,
out ImmutableArray<Symbol> memberGroup)
memberGroup = ImmutableArray<Symbol>.Empty;
OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols = OneOrMany<Symbol>.Empty;
resultKind = LookupResultKind.Viable;
isDynamic = false;
switch (boundNode.Kind)
case BoundKind.MethodGroup:
symbols = GetMethodGroupSemanticSymbols((BoundMethodGroup)boundNode, boundNodeForSyntacticParent, binderOpt, out resultKind, out isDynamic, out memberGroup);
case BoundKind.PropertyGroup:
symbols = GetPropertyGroupSemanticSymbols((BoundPropertyGroup)boundNode, boundNodeForSyntacticParent, binderOpt, out resultKind, out memberGroup);
case BoundKind.BadExpression:
var expr = (BoundBadExpression)boundNode;
resultKind = expr.ResultKind;
if (expr.Syntax.Kind() is SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression or SyntaxKind.ImplicitObjectCreationExpression)
if (resultKind == LookupResultKind.NotCreatable)
return OneOrMany.Create(expr.Symbols);
else if (expr.Type.IsDelegateType())
resultKind = LookupResultKind.Empty;
return symbols;
memberGroup = expr.Symbols;
return OneOrMany.Create(expr.Symbols);
case BoundKind.DelegateCreationExpression:
case BoundKind.TypeExpression:
var boundType = (BoundTypeExpression)boundNode;
// Watch out for not creatable types within object creation syntax
if (boundNodeForSyntacticParent != null &&
boundNodeForSyntacticParent.Syntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression &&
((ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)boundNodeForSyntacticParent.Syntax).Type == boundType.Syntax &&
boundNodeForSyntacticParent.Kind == BoundKind.BadExpression &&
((BoundBadExpression)boundNodeForSyntacticParent).ResultKind == LookupResultKind.NotCreatable)
resultKind = LookupResultKind.NotCreatable;
// could be a type or alias.
var typeSymbol = boundType.AliasOpt ?? (Symbol)boundType.Type;
var originalErrorType = typeSymbol.OriginalDefinition as ErrorTypeSymbol;
if ((object)originalErrorType != null)
resultKind = originalErrorType.ResultKind;
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(originalErrorType.CandidateSymbols);
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(typeSymbol);
case BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression:
// If we're seeing a node of this kind, then we failed to resolve the member access
// as either a type or a property/field/event/local/parameter. In such cases,
// the second interpretation applies so just visit the node for that.
BoundExpression valueExpression = ((BoundTypeOrValueExpression)boundNode).Data.ValueExpression;
return GetSemanticSymbols(valueExpression, boundNodeForSyntacticParent, binderOpt, options, out isDynamic, out resultKind, out memberGroup);
case BoundKind.Call:
// Either overload resolution succeeded for this call or it did not. If it
// did not succeed then we've stashed the original method symbols from the
// method group, and we should use those as the symbols displayed for the
// call. If it did succeed then we did not stash any symbols; just fall
// through to the default case.
var call = (BoundCall)boundNode;
if (call.OriginalMethodsOpt.IsDefault)
if ((object)call.Method != null)
symbols = CreateReducedExtensionMethodIfPossible(call);
resultKind = call.ResultKind;
symbols = StaticCast<Symbol>.From(CreateReducedExtensionMethodsFromOriginalsIfNecessary(call, Compilation));
resultKind = call.ResultKind;
case BoundKind.FunctionPointerInvocation:
var invocation = (BoundFunctionPointerInvocation)boundNode;
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(invocation.FunctionPointer);
resultKind = invocation.ResultKind;
case BoundKind.UnconvertedAddressOfOperator:
// We try to match the results given for a similar piece of syntax here: bad invocations.
// A BoundUnconvertedAddressOfOperator represents this syntax: &M
// Similarly, a BoundCall for a bad invocation represents this syntax: M(args)
// Calling GetSymbolInfo on the syntax will return an array of candidate symbols that were
// looked up, but calling GetMemberGroup will return an empty array. So, we ignore the member
// group result in the call below.
symbols = GetMethodGroupSemanticSymbols(
boundNodeForSyntacticParent, binderOpt, out resultKind, out isDynamic, methodGroup: out _);
case BoundKind.IndexerAccess:
// As for BoundCall, pull out stashed candidates if overload resolution failed.
BoundIndexerAccess indexerAccess = (BoundIndexerAccess)boundNode;
Debug.Assert((object)indexerAccess.Indexer != null);
resultKind = indexerAccess.ResultKind;
ImmutableArray<PropertySymbol> originalIndexersOpt = indexerAccess.OriginalIndexersOpt;
symbols = originalIndexersOpt.IsDefault ? OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(indexerAccess.Indexer) : StaticCast<Symbol>.From(OneOrMany.Create(originalIndexersOpt));
case BoundKind.ImplicitIndexerAccess:
return GetSemanticSymbols(((BoundImplicitIndexerAccess)boundNode).IndexerOrSliceAccess,
boundNodeForSyntacticParent, binderOpt, options, out isDynamic, out resultKind, out memberGroup);
case BoundKind.EventAssignmentOperator:
var eventAssignment = (BoundEventAssignmentOperator)boundNode;
isDynamic = eventAssignment.IsDynamic;
var eventSymbol = eventAssignment.Event;
var methodSymbol = eventAssignment.IsAddition ? eventSymbol.AddMethod : eventSymbol.RemoveMethod;
if ((object)methodSymbol == null)
symbols = OneOrMany<Symbol>.Empty;
resultKind = LookupResultKind.Empty;
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(methodSymbol);
resultKind = eventAssignment.ResultKind;
case BoundKind.EventAccess when boundNodeForSyntacticParent is BoundEventAssignmentOperator { ResultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable } parentOperator &&
boundNode.ExpressionSymbol is Symbol accessSymbol &&
boundNode != parentOperator.Argument &&
parentOperator.Event.Equals(accessSymbol, TypeCompareKind.AllNullableIgnoreOptions):
// When we're looking at the left-hand side of an event assignment, we synthesize a BoundEventAccess node. This node does not have
// nullability information, however, so if we're in that case then we need to grab the event symbol from the parent event assignment
// which does have the nullability-reinferred symbol
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(parentOperator.Event);
resultKind = parentOperator.ResultKind;
case BoundKind.Conversion:
var conversion = (BoundConversion)boundNode;
isDynamic = conversion.ConversionKind.IsDynamic();
if (!isDynamic)
if ((conversion.ConversionKind == ConversionKind.MethodGroup) && conversion.IsExtensionMethod)
var symbol = conversion.SymbolOpt;
Debug.Assert((object)symbol != null);
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(ReducedExtensionMethodSymbol.Create(symbol));
resultKind = conversion.ResultKind;
else if (conversion.ConversionKind.IsUserDefinedConversion())
GetSymbolsAndResultKind(conversion, conversion.SymbolOpt, conversion.Conversion.OriginalUserDefinedConversions, out symbols, out resultKind);
goto default;
case BoundKind.BinaryOperator:
GetSymbolsAndResultKind((BoundBinaryOperator)boundNode, out isDynamic, ref resultKind, ref symbols);
case BoundKind.UnaryOperator:
GetSymbolsAndResultKind((BoundUnaryOperator)boundNode, out isDynamic, ref resultKind, ref symbols);
case BoundKind.UserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator:
var @operator = (BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator)boundNode;
isDynamic = false;
GetSymbolsAndResultKind(@operator, @operator.LogicalOperator, @operator.OriginalUserDefinedOperatorsOpt, out symbols, out resultKind);
case BoundKind.CompoundAssignmentOperator:
GetSymbolsAndResultKind((BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator)boundNode, out isDynamic, ref resultKind, ref symbols);
case BoundKind.IncrementOperator:
GetSymbolsAndResultKind((BoundIncrementOperator)boundNode, out isDynamic, ref resultKind, ref symbols);
case BoundKind.AwaitExpression:
var await = (BoundAwaitExpression)boundNode;
isDynamic = await.AwaitableInfo.IsDynamic;
goto default;
case BoundKind.ConditionalOperator:
var conditional = (BoundConditionalOperator)boundNode;
Debug.Assert(conditional.ExpressionSymbol is null);
isDynamic = conditional.IsDynamic;
goto default;
case BoundKind.Attribute:
Debug.Assert(boundNodeForSyntacticParent == null);
var attribute = (BoundAttribute)boundNode;
resultKind = attribute.ResultKind;
// If attribute name bound to a single named type or an error type
// with a single named type candidate symbol, we will return constructors
// of the named type in the semantic info.
// Otherwise, we will return the error type candidate symbols.
var namedType = (NamedTypeSymbol)attribute.Type;
if (namedType.IsErrorType())
Debug.Assert(resultKind != LookupResultKind.Viable);
var errorType = (ErrorTypeSymbol)namedType;
var candidateSymbols = errorType.CandidateSymbols;
// If error type has a single named type candidate symbol, we want to
// use that type for symbol info.
if (candidateSymbols.Length == 1 && candidateSymbols[0] is NamedTypeSymbol)
namedType = (NamedTypeSymbol)candidateSymbols[0];
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(candidateSymbols);
AdjustSymbolsForObjectCreation(attribute, namedType, attribute.Constructor, binderOpt, ref resultKind, ref symbols, ref memberGroup);
case BoundKind.QueryClause:
var query = (BoundQueryClause)boundNode;
var builder = ArrayBuilder<Symbol>.GetInstance();
if (query.Operation != null && (object)query.Operation.ExpressionSymbol != null) builder.Add(query.Operation.ExpressionSymbol);
if ((object)query.DefinedSymbol != null) builder.Add(query.DefinedSymbol);
if (query.Cast != null && (object)query.Cast.ExpressionSymbol != null) builder.Add(query.Cast.ExpressionSymbol);
symbols = builder.ToOneOrManyAndFree();
case BoundKind.DynamicInvocation:
var dynamicInvocation = (BoundDynamicInvocation)boundNode;
Debug.Assert(dynamicInvocation.ExpressionSymbol is null);
memberGroup = dynamicInvocation.ApplicableMethods.Cast<MethodSymbol, Symbol>();
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(memberGroup);
isDynamic = true;
case BoundKind.DynamicCollectionElementInitializer:
var collectionInit = (BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer)boundNode;
Debug.Assert(collectionInit.ExpressionSymbol is null);
memberGroup = collectionInit.ApplicableMethods.Cast<MethodSymbol, Symbol>();
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(memberGroup);
isDynamic = true;
case BoundKind.DynamicIndexerAccess:
var dynamicIndexer = (BoundDynamicIndexerAccess)boundNode;
Debug.Assert(dynamicIndexer.ExpressionSymbol is null);
memberGroup = dynamicIndexer.ApplicableIndexers.Cast<PropertySymbol, Symbol>();
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(memberGroup);
isDynamic = true;
case BoundKind.DynamicMemberAccess:
Debug.Assert((object)boundNode.ExpressionSymbol == null);
isDynamic = true;
case BoundKind.DynamicObjectCreationExpression:
var objectCreation = (BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression)boundNode;
memberGroup = objectCreation.ApplicableMethods.Cast<MethodSymbol, Symbol>();
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(memberGroup);
isDynamic = true;
case BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression:
var boundObjectCreation = (BoundObjectCreationExpression)boundNode;
if ((object)boundObjectCreation.Constructor != null)
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(boundObjectCreation.Constructor);
else if (boundObjectCreation.ConstructorsGroup.Length > 0)
symbols = StaticCast<Symbol>.From(OneOrMany.Create(boundObjectCreation.ConstructorsGroup));
resultKind = resultKind.WorseResultKind(LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure);
memberGroup = boundObjectCreation.ConstructorsGroup.Cast<MethodSymbol, Symbol>();
case BoundKind.ThisReference:
case BoundKind.BaseReference:
Binder binder = binderOpt ?? GetEnclosingBinder(GetAdjustedNodePosition(boundNode.Syntax));
NamedTypeSymbol containingType = binder.ContainingType;
var containingMember = binder.ContainingMember();
var thisParam = GetThisParameter(boundNode.Type, containingType, containingMember, out resultKind);
symbols = thisParam != null ? OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(thisParam) : OneOrMany<Symbol>.Empty;
case BoundKind.FromEndIndexExpression:
var fromEndIndexExpression = (BoundFromEndIndexExpression)boundNode;
if ((object)fromEndIndexExpression.MethodOpt != null)
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(fromEndIndexExpression.MethodOpt);
case BoundKind.RangeExpression:
var rangeExpression = (BoundRangeExpression)boundNode;
if ((object)rangeExpression.MethodOpt != null)
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(rangeExpression.MethodOpt);
if (boundNode.ExpressionSymbol is Symbol symbol)
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(symbol);
resultKind = boundNode.ResultKind;
if (boundNodeForSyntacticParent != null && (options & SymbolInfoOptions.PreferConstructorsToType) != 0)
// Adjust symbols to get the constructors if we're T in a "new T(...)".
AdjustSymbolsForObjectCreation(boundNode, boundNodeForSyntacticParent, binderOpt, ref resultKind, ref symbols, ref memberGroup);
return symbols;
private static ParameterSymbol GetThisParameter(TypeSymbol typeOfThis, NamedTypeSymbol containingType, Symbol containingMember, out LookupResultKind resultKind)
if ((object)containingMember == null || (object)containingType == null)
// not in a member of a type (can happen when speculating)
resultKind = LookupResultKind.NotReferencable;
return new ThisParameterSymbol(containingMember as MethodSymbol, typeOfThis);
ParameterSymbol thisParam;
switch (containingMember.Kind)
case SymbolKind.Method:
case SymbolKind.Field:
case SymbolKind.Property:
if (containingMember.IsStatic)
// in a static member
resultKind = LookupResultKind.StaticInstanceMismatch;
thisParam = new ThisParameterSymbol(containingMember as MethodSymbol, containingType);
if ((object)typeOfThis == ErrorTypeSymbol.UnknownResultType)
// in an instance member, but binder considered this/base unreferenceable
thisParam = new ThisParameterSymbol(containingMember as MethodSymbol, containingType);
resultKind = LookupResultKind.NotReferencable;
switch (containingMember.Kind)
case SymbolKind.Method:
resultKind = LookupResultKind.Viable;
thisParam = containingMember.EnclosingThisSymbol();
// Fields and properties can't access 'this' since
// initializers are run in the constructor
case SymbolKind.Field:
case SymbolKind.Property:
resultKind = LookupResultKind.NotReferencable;
thisParam = containingMember.EnclosingThisSymbol() ?? new ThisParameterSymbol(null, containingType);
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(containingMember.Kind);
thisParam = new ThisParameterSymbol(containingMember as MethodSymbol, typeOfThis);
resultKind = LookupResultKind.NotReferencable;
return thisParam;
private static void GetSymbolsAndResultKind(BoundUnaryOperator unaryOperator, out bool isDynamic, ref LookupResultKind resultKind, ref OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols)
UnaryOperatorKind operandType = unaryOperator.OperatorKind.OperandTypes();
isDynamic = unaryOperator.OperatorKind.IsDynamic();
if (operandType == 0 || operandType == UnaryOperatorKind.UserDefined || unaryOperator.ResultKind != LookupResultKind.Viable)
if (!isDynamic)
GetSymbolsAndResultKind(unaryOperator, unaryOperator.MethodOpt, unaryOperator.OriginalUserDefinedOperatorsOpt, out symbols, out resultKind);
Debug.Assert((object)unaryOperator.MethodOpt == null && unaryOperator.OriginalUserDefinedOperatorsOpt.IsDefaultOrEmpty);
UnaryOperatorKind op = unaryOperator.OperatorKind.Operator();
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(new SynthesizedIntrinsicOperatorSymbol(unaryOperator.Operand.Type.StrippedType(),
OperatorFacts.UnaryOperatorNameFromOperatorKind(op, isChecked: unaryOperator.OperatorKind.IsChecked()),
resultKind = unaryOperator.ResultKind;
private static void GetSymbolsAndResultKind(BoundIncrementOperator increment, out bool isDynamic, ref LookupResultKind resultKind, ref OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols)
UnaryOperatorKind operandType = increment.OperatorKind.OperandTypes();
isDynamic = increment.OperatorKind.IsDynamic();
if (operandType == 0 || operandType == UnaryOperatorKind.UserDefined || increment.ResultKind != LookupResultKind.Viable)
if (!isDynamic)
GetSymbolsAndResultKind(increment, increment.MethodOpt, increment.OriginalUserDefinedOperatorsOpt, out symbols, out resultKind);
Debug.Assert((object)increment.MethodOpt == null && increment.OriginalUserDefinedOperatorsOpt.IsDefaultOrEmpty);
UnaryOperatorKind op = increment.OperatorKind.Operator();
TypeSymbol opType = increment.Operand.Type.StrippedType();
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(new SynthesizedIntrinsicOperatorSymbol(opType,
OperatorFacts.UnaryOperatorNameFromOperatorKind(op, isChecked: increment.OperatorKind.IsChecked()),
resultKind = increment.ResultKind;
private static void GetSymbolsAndResultKind(BoundBinaryOperator binaryOperator, out bool isDynamic, ref LookupResultKind resultKind, ref OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols)
BinaryOperatorKind operandType = binaryOperator.OperatorKind.OperandTypes();
BinaryOperatorKind op = binaryOperator.OperatorKind.Operator();
isDynamic = binaryOperator.OperatorKind.IsDynamic();
if (operandType == 0 || operandType == BinaryOperatorKind.UserDefined || binaryOperator.ResultKind != LookupResultKind.Viable || binaryOperator.OperatorKind.IsLogical())
if (!isDynamic)
GetSymbolsAndResultKind(binaryOperator, binaryOperator.Method, binaryOperator.OriginalUserDefinedOperatorsOpt, out symbols, out resultKind);
Debug.Assert((object)binaryOperator.Method == null && binaryOperator.OriginalUserDefinedOperatorsOpt.IsDefaultOrEmpty);
if (!isDynamic &&
(op == BinaryOperatorKind.Equal || op == BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual) &&
((binaryOperator.Left.IsLiteralNull() && binaryOperator.Right.Type.IsNullableType()) ||
(binaryOperator.Right.IsLiteralNull() && binaryOperator.Left.Type.IsNullableType())) &&
binaryOperator.Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Boolean)
// Comparison of a nullable type with null, return corresponding operator for Object.
var objectType = binaryOperator.Type.ContainingAssembly.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object);
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(new SynthesizedIntrinsicOperatorSymbol(objectType,
OperatorFacts.BinaryOperatorNameFromOperatorKind(op, isChecked: binaryOperator.OperatorKind.IsChecked()),
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(GetIntrinsicOperatorSymbol(op, isDynamic,
resultKind = binaryOperator.ResultKind;
private static Symbol GetIntrinsicOperatorSymbol(BinaryOperatorKind op, bool isDynamic, TypeSymbol leftType, TypeSymbol rightType, TypeSymbol returnType, bool isChecked)
if (!isDynamic)
leftType = leftType.StrippedType();
rightType = rightType.StrippedType();
returnType = returnType.StrippedType();
if ((object)leftType == null)
leftType = rightType;
else if ((object)rightType == null)
rightType = leftType;
return new SynthesizedIntrinsicOperatorSymbol(leftType,
OperatorFacts.BinaryOperatorNameFromOperatorKind(op, isChecked),
private static void GetSymbolsAndResultKind(BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator compoundAssignment, out bool isDynamic, ref LookupResultKind resultKind, ref OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols)
BinaryOperatorKind operandType = compoundAssignment.Operator.Kind.OperandTypes();
BinaryOperatorKind op = compoundAssignment.Operator.Kind.Operator();
isDynamic = compoundAssignment.Operator.Kind.IsDynamic();
if (operandType == 0 || operandType == BinaryOperatorKind.UserDefined || compoundAssignment.ResultKind != LookupResultKind.Viable)
if (!isDynamic)
GetSymbolsAndResultKind(compoundAssignment, compoundAssignment.Operator.Method, compoundAssignment.OriginalUserDefinedOperatorsOpt, out symbols, out resultKind);
Debug.Assert((object)compoundAssignment.Operator.Method == null && compoundAssignment.OriginalUserDefinedOperatorsOpt.IsDefaultOrEmpty);
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(GetIntrinsicOperatorSymbol(op, isDynamic,
resultKind = compoundAssignment.ResultKind;
private static void GetSymbolsAndResultKind(BoundExpression node, Symbol symbolOpt, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> originalCandidates, out OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols, out LookupResultKind resultKind)
if (!ReferenceEquals(symbolOpt, null))
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(symbolOpt);
resultKind = node.ResultKind;
else if (!originalCandidates.IsDefault)
symbols = StaticCast<Symbol>.From(OneOrMany.Create(originalCandidates));
resultKind = node.ResultKind;
symbols = OneOrMany<Symbol>.Empty;
resultKind = LookupResultKind.Empty;
// In cases where we are binding C in "[C(...)]", the bound nodes return the symbol for the type. However, we've
// decided that we want this case to return the constructor of the type instead. This affects attributes.
// This method checks for this situation and adjusts the syntax and method or property group.
private void AdjustSymbolsForObjectCreation(
BoundExpression boundNode,
BoundNode boundNodeForSyntacticParent,
Binder binderOpt,
ref LookupResultKind resultKind,
ref OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols,
ref ImmutableArray<Symbol> memberGroup)
NamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol = null;
MethodSymbol constructor = null;
// Check if boundNode.Syntax is the type-name child of an Attribute.
SyntaxNode parentSyntax = boundNodeForSyntacticParent.Syntax;
if (parentSyntax != null &&
parentSyntax == boundNode.Syntax.Parent &&
parentSyntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.Attribute && ((AttributeSyntax)parentSyntax).Name == boundNode.Syntax)
var unwrappedSymbols = UnwrapAliases(symbols);
switch (boundNodeForSyntacticParent.Kind)
case BoundKind.Attribute:
BoundAttribute boundAttribute = (BoundAttribute)boundNodeForSyntacticParent;
if (unwrappedSymbols.Count == 1 && unwrappedSymbols[0].Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
Debug.Assert(resultKind != LookupResultKind.Viable ||
TypeSymbol.Equals((TypeSymbol)unwrappedSymbols[0], boundAttribute.Type.GetNonErrorGuess(), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2));
typeSymbol = (NamedTypeSymbol)unwrappedSymbols[0];
constructor = boundAttribute.Constructor;
resultKind = resultKind.WorseResultKind(boundAttribute.ResultKind);
case BoundKind.BadExpression:
BoundBadExpression boundBadExpression = (BoundBadExpression)boundNodeForSyntacticParent;
if (unwrappedSymbols.Count == 1)
resultKind = resultKind.WorseResultKind(boundBadExpression.ResultKind);
typeSymbol = unwrappedSymbols[0] as NamedTypeSymbol;
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(boundNodeForSyntacticParent.Kind);
AdjustSymbolsForObjectCreation(boundNode, typeSymbol, constructor, binderOpt, ref resultKind, ref symbols, ref memberGroup);
private void AdjustSymbolsForObjectCreation(
BoundNode lowestBoundNode,
NamedTypeSymbol typeSymbolOpt,
MethodSymbol constructorOpt,
Binder binderOpt,
ref LookupResultKind resultKind,
ref OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols,
ref ImmutableArray<Symbol> memberGroup)
Debug.Assert(lowestBoundNode != null);
Debug.Assert(binderOpt != null || IsInTree(lowestBoundNode.Syntax));
if ((object)typeSymbolOpt != null)
Debug.Assert(lowestBoundNode.Syntax != null);
// Filter typeSymbol's instance constructors by accessibility.
// If all the instance constructors are inaccessible, we retain
// all of them for correct semantic info.
Binder binder = binderOpt ?? GetEnclosingBinder(GetAdjustedNodePosition(lowestBoundNode.Syntax));
ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> candidateConstructors;
if (binder != null)
var instanceConstructors = typeSymbolOpt.IsInterfaceType() && (object)typeSymbolOpt.ComImportCoClass != null ?
typeSymbolOpt.ComImportCoClass.InstanceConstructors :
var discardedUseSiteInfo = CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>.Discarded;
candidateConstructors = binder.FilterInaccessibleConstructors(instanceConstructors, allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType: false, useSiteInfo: ref discardedUseSiteInfo);
if ((object)constructorOpt == null ? !candidateConstructors.Any() : !candidateConstructors.Contains(constructorOpt))
// All instance constructors are inaccessible or if the specified constructor
// isn't a candidate, then we retain all of them for correct semantic info.
Debug.Assert(resultKind != LookupResultKind.Viable);
candidateConstructors = instanceConstructors;
candidateConstructors = ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol>.Empty;
if ((object)constructorOpt != null)
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(constructorOpt);
else if (candidateConstructors.Length > 0)
symbols = StaticCast<Symbol>.From(OneOrMany.Create(candidateConstructors));
Debug.Assert(resultKind != LookupResultKind.Viable);
resultKind = resultKind.WorseResultKind(LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure);
memberGroup = candidateConstructors.Cast<MethodSymbol, Symbol>();
/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of accessible, non-hidden indexers that could be invoked with the given expression
/// as a receiver.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the given expression is an indexer access, then this method will return the list of indexers
/// that could be invoked on the result, not the list of indexers that were considered.
/// </remarks>
private ImmutableArray<IPropertySymbol> GetIndexerGroupSemanticSymbols(BoundExpression boundNode, Binder binderOpt)
Debug.Assert(binderOpt != null || IsInTree(boundNode.Syntax));
TypeSymbol type = boundNode.Type;
if (ReferenceEquals(type, null) || type.IsStatic)
return ImmutableArray<IPropertySymbol>.Empty;
Binder binder = binderOpt ?? GetEnclosingBinder(GetAdjustedNodePosition(boundNode.Syntax));
var symbols = ArrayBuilder<ISymbol>.GetInstance();
AppendSymbolsWithNameAndArity(symbols, WellKnownMemberNames.Indexer, 0, binder, type, LookupOptions.MustBeInstance);
if (symbols.Count == 0)
return ImmutableArray<IPropertySymbol>.Empty;
var result = FilterOverriddenOrHiddenIndexers(symbols);
return result;
private static ImmutableArray<IPropertySymbol> FilterOverriddenOrHiddenIndexers(ArrayBuilder<ISymbol> symbols)
PooledHashSet<Symbol> hiddenSymbols = null;
foreach (ISymbol iSymbol in symbols)
Symbol symbol = iSymbol.GetSymbol();
Debug.Assert(symbol.IsIndexer(), "Only indexers can have name " + WellKnownMemberNames.Indexer);
PropertySymbol indexer = (PropertySymbol)symbol;
OverriddenOrHiddenMembersResult overriddenOrHiddenMembers = indexer.OverriddenOrHiddenMembers;
foreach (Symbol overridden in overriddenOrHiddenMembers.OverriddenMembers)
if (hiddenSymbols == null)
hiddenSymbols = PooledHashSet<Symbol>.GetInstance();
// Don't worry about RuntimeOverriddenMembers - this check is for the API, which
// should reflect the C# semantics.
foreach (Symbol hidden in overriddenOrHiddenMembers.HiddenMembers)
if (hiddenSymbols == null)
hiddenSymbols = PooledHashSet<Symbol>.GetInstance();
var builder = ArrayBuilder<IPropertySymbol>.GetInstance();
foreach (IPropertySymbol indexer in symbols)
if (hiddenSymbols == null || !hiddenSymbols.Contains(indexer.GetSymbol()))
return builder.ToImmutableAndFree();
/// <remarks>
/// The method group can contain "duplicate" symbols that we do not want to display in the IDE analysis.
/// For example, there could be an overriding virtual method and the method it overrides both in
/// the method group. This, strictly speaking, is a violation of the C# specification because we are
/// supposed to strip out overriding methods from the method group before overload resolution; overload
/// resolution is supposed to treat overridden methods as being methods of the less derived type. However,
/// in the IDE we want to display information about the overriding method, not the overridden method, and
/// therefore we leave both in the method group. The overload resolution algorithm has been written
/// to handle this departure from the specification.
/// Similarly, we might have two methods in the method group where one is a "new" method that hides
/// another. Again, in overload resolution this would be handled by the rule that says that methods
/// declared on more derived types take priority over methods declared on less derived types. Both
/// will be in the method group, but in the IDE we want to only display information about the
/// hiding method, not the hidden method.
/// We can also have "diamond" inheritance of interfaces leading to multiple copies of the same
/// method ending up in the method group:
/// interface IB { void M(); }
/// interface IL : IB {}
/// interface IR : IB {}
/// interface ID : IL, IR {}
/// ...
/// id.M();
/// We only want to display one symbol in the IDE, even if the member lookup algorithm is unsophisticated
/// and puts IB.M in the member group twice. (Again, this is a mild spec violation since a method group
/// is supposed to be a set, without duplicates.)
/// Finally, the interaction of multiple inheritance of interfaces and hiding can lead to some subtle
/// situations. Suppose we make a slight modification to the scenario above:
/// interface IL : IB { new void M(); }
/// Again, we only want to display one symbol in the method group. The fact that there is a "path"
/// to IB.M from ID via IR is irrelevant; if the symbol IB.M is hidden by IL.M then it is hidden
/// in ID, period.
/// </remarks>
private static ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> FilterOverriddenOrHiddenMethods(ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> methods)
// Optimization, not required for correctness.
if (methods.Length <= 1)
return methods;
HashSet<Symbol> hiddenSymbols = new HashSet<Symbol>();
foreach (MethodSymbol method in methods)
OverriddenOrHiddenMembersResult overriddenOrHiddenMembers = method.OverriddenOrHiddenMembers;
foreach (Symbol overridden in overriddenOrHiddenMembers.OverriddenMembers)
// Don't worry about RuntimeOverriddenMembers - this check is for the API, which
// should reflect the C# semantics.
foreach (Symbol hidden in overriddenOrHiddenMembers.HiddenMembers)
return methods.WhereAsArray((m, hiddenSymbols) => !hiddenSymbols.Contains(m), hiddenSymbols);
// Get the symbols and possible method group associated with a method group bound node, as
// they should be exposed through GetSemanticInfo.
// NB: It is not safe to pass a null binderOpt during speculative binding.
// If the parent node of the method group syntax node provides information (such as arguments)
// that allows us to return more specific symbols (a specific overload or applicable candidates)
// we return these. The complete set of symbols of the method group is then returned in methodGroup parameter.
private OneOrMany<Symbol> GetMethodGroupSemanticSymbols(
BoundMethodGroup boundNode,
BoundNode boundNodeForSyntacticParent,
Binder binderOpt,
out LookupResultKind resultKind,
out bool isDynamic,
out ImmutableArray<Symbol> methodGroup)
Debug.Assert(binderOpt != null || IsInTree(boundNode.Syntax));
OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols = OneOrMany<Symbol>.Empty;
resultKind = boundNode.ResultKind;
if (resultKind == LookupResultKind.Empty)
resultKind = LookupResultKind.Viable;
isDynamic = false;
// The method group needs filtering.
Binder binder = binderOpt ?? GetEnclosingBinder(GetAdjustedNodePosition(boundNode.Syntax));
methodGroup = GetReducedAndFilteredMethodGroupSymbols(binder, boundNode).Cast<MethodSymbol, Symbol>();
// We want to get the actual node chosen by overload resolution, if possible.
if (boundNodeForSyntacticParent != null)
switch (boundNodeForSyntacticParent.Kind)
case BoundKind.Call:
// If we are looking for info on M in M(args), we want the symbol that overload resolution
// chose for M.
var call = (BoundCall)boundNodeForSyntacticParent;
InvocationExpressionSyntax invocation = call.Syntax as InvocationExpressionSyntax;
if (invocation != null && invocation.Expression.SkipParens() == ((ExpressionSyntax)boundNode.Syntax).SkipParens() && (object)call.Method != null)
if (call.OriginalMethodsOpt.IsDefault)
// Overload resolution succeeded.
symbols = CreateReducedExtensionMethodIfPossible(call);
resultKind = LookupResultKind.Viable;
resultKind = call.ResultKind.WorseResultKind(LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure);
symbols = StaticCast<Symbol>.From(CreateReducedExtensionMethodsFromOriginalsIfNecessary(call, Compilation));
case BoundKind.DelegateCreationExpression:
// If we are looking for info on "M" in "new Action(M)"
// we want to get the symbol that overload resolution chose for M, not the whole method group M.
var delegateCreation = (BoundDelegateCreationExpression)boundNodeForSyntacticParent;
if (delegateCreation.Argument == boundNode && (object)delegateCreation.MethodOpt != null)
symbols = CreateReducedExtensionMethodIfPossible(delegateCreation, boundNode.ReceiverOpt);
case BoundKind.Conversion:
// If we are looking for info on "M" in "(Action)M"
// we want to get the symbol that overload resolution chose for M, not the whole method group M.
var conversion = (BoundConversion)boundNodeForSyntacticParent;
MethodSymbol method = null;
if (conversion.ConversionKind == ConversionKind.MethodGroup)
method = conversion.SymbolOpt;
else if (conversion.Operand is BoundConversion { ConversionKind: ConversionKind.MethodGroup } nestedMethodGroupConversion)
method = nestedMethodGroupConversion.SymbolOpt;
if ((object)method != null)
if (conversion.IsExtensionMethod)
method = ReducedExtensionMethodSymbol.Create(method);
symbols = OneOrMany.Create((Symbol)method);
resultKind = conversion.ResultKind;
goto default;
case BoundKind.DynamicInvocation:
var dynamicInvocation = (BoundDynamicInvocation)boundNodeForSyntacticParent;
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(dynamicInvocation.ApplicableMethods.Cast<MethodSymbol, Symbol>());
isDynamic = true;
case BoundKind.BadExpression:
// If the bad expression has symbol(s) from this method group, it better indicates any problems.
ImmutableArray<Symbol> myMethodGroup = methodGroup;
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(((BoundBadExpression)boundNodeForSyntacticParent).Symbols.WhereAsArray((sym, myMethodGroup) => myMethodGroup.Contains(sym), myMethodGroup));
if (symbols.Any())
resultKind = ((BoundBadExpression)boundNodeForSyntacticParent).ResultKind;
case BoundKind.NameOfOperator:
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(methodGroup);
resultKind = resultKind.WorseResultKind(LookupResultKind.MemberGroup);
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(methodGroup);
if (symbols.Count > 0)
resultKind = resultKind.WorseResultKind(LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure);
else if (methodGroup.Length == 1 && !boundNode.HasAnyErrors)
// During speculative binding, there won't be a parent bound node. The parent bound
// node may also be absent if the syntactic parent has errors or if one is simply
// not specified (see SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfoForNode). However, if there's exactly
// one candidate, then we should probably succeed.
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(methodGroup);
if (symbols.Count > 0)
resultKind = resultKind.WorseResultKind(LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure);
if (!symbols.Any())
// If we didn't find a better set of symbols, then assume this is a method group that didn't
// get resolved. Return all members of the method group, with a resultKind of OverloadResolutionFailure
// (unless the method group already has a worse result kind).
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(methodGroup);
if (!isDynamic && resultKind > LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure)
resultKind = LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure;
return symbols;
// NB: It is not safe to pass a null binderOpt during speculative binding.
private OneOrMany<Symbol> GetPropertyGroupSemanticSymbols(
BoundPropertyGroup boundNode,
BoundNode boundNodeForSyntacticParent,
Binder binderOpt,
out LookupResultKind resultKind,
out ImmutableArray<Symbol> propertyGroup)
Debug.Assert(binderOpt != null || IsInTree(boundNode.Syntax));
OneOrMany<Symbol> symbols = OneOrMany<Symbol>.Empty;
resultKind = boundNode.ResultKind;
if (resultKind == LookupResultKind.Empty)
resultKind = LookupResultKind.Viable;
// The property group needs filtering.
propertyGroup = boundNode.Properties.Cast<PropertySymbol, Symbol>();
// We want to get the actual node chosen by overload resolution, if possible.
if (boundNodeForSyntacticParent != null)
switch (boundNodeForSyntacticParent.Kind)
case BoundKind.IndexerAccess:
// If we are looking for info on P in P[args], we want the symbol that overload resolution
// chose for P.
var indexer = (BoundIndexerAccess)boundNodeForSyntacticParent;
var elementAccess = indexer.Syntax as ElementAccessExpressionSyntax;
if (elementAccess != null && elementAccess.Expression == boundNode.Syntax && (object)indexer.Indexer != null)
if (indexer.OriginalIndexersOpt.IsDefault)
// Overload resolution succeeded.
symbols = OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(indexer.Indexer);
resultKind = LookupResultKind.Viable;
resultKind = indexer.ResultKind.WorseResultKind(LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure);
symbols = StaticCast<Symbol>.From(OneOrMany.Create(indexer.OriginalIndexersOpt));
case BoundKind.BadExpression:
// If the bad expression has symbol(s) from this property group, it better indicates any problems.
ImmutableArray<Symbol> myPropertyGroup = propertyGroup;
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(((BoundBadExpression)boundNodeForSyntacticParent).Symbols.WhereAsArray((sym, myPropertyGroup) => myPropertyGroup.Contains(sym), myPropertyGroup));
if (symbols.Any())
resultKind = ((BoundBadExpression)boundNodeForSyntacticParent).ResultKind;
else if (propertyGroup.Length == 1 && !boundNode.HasAnyErrors)
// During speculative binding, there won't be a parent bound node. The parent bound
// node may also be absent if the syntactic parent has errors or if one is simply
// not specified (see SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfoForNode). However, if there's exactly
// one candidate, then we should probably succeed.
// If we're speculatively binding and there's exactly one candidate, then we should probably succeed.
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(propertyGroup);
if (!symbols.Any())
// If we didn't find a better set of symbols, then assume this is a property group that didn't
// get resolved. Return all members of the property group, with a resultKind of OverloadResolutionFailure
// (unless the property group already has a worse result kind).
symbols = OneOrMany.Create(propertyGroup);
if (resultKind > LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure)
resultKind = LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure;
return symbols;
/// <summary>
/// Get the semantic info of a named argument in an invocation-like expression (e.g. `x` in `M(x: 3)`)
/// or the name in a Subpattern (e.g. either `Name` in `e is (Name: 3){Name: 3}`).
/// </summary>
private SymbolInfo GetNamedArgumentSymbolInfo(IdentifierNameSyntax identifierNameSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Argument names do not have bound nodes associated with them, so we cannot use the usual
// GetSymbolInfo mechanism. Instead, we just do the following:
// 1. Find the containing invocation.
// 2. Call GetSymbolInfo on that.
// 3. For each method or indexer in the return semantic info, find the argument
// with the given name (if any).
// 4. Use the ResultKind in that semantic info and any symbols to create the semantic info
// for the named argument.
// 5. Type is always null, as is constant value.
string argumentName = identifierNameSyntax.Identifier.ValueText;
if (argumentName.Length == 0)
return SymbolInfo.None; // missing name.
// argument could be an argument of a tuple expression
// var x = (Identifier: 1, AnotherIdentifier: 2);
var parent3 = identifierNameSyntax.Parent.Parent.Parent;
if (parent3.IsKind(SyntaxKind.TupleExpression))
var tupleArgument = (ArgumentSyntax)identifierNameSyntax.Parent.Parent;
var tupleElement = GetDeclaredSymbol(tupleArgument, cancellationToken);
return (object)tupleElement == null ? SymbolInfo.None : new SymbolInfo(tupleElement);
if (parent3.IsKind(SyntaxKind.PropertyPatternClause) || parent3.IsKind(SyntaxKind.PositionalPatternClause))
return GetSymbolInfoWorker(identifierNameSyntax, SymbolInfoOptions.DefaultOptions, cancellationToken);
CSharpSyntaxNode containingInvocation = parent3.Parent;
SymbolInfo containingInvocationInfo = GetSymbolInfoWorker(containingInvocation, SymbolInfoOptions.PreferConstructorsToType | SymbolInfoOptions.ResolveAliases, cancellationToken);
if ((object)containingInvocationInfo.Symbol != null)
ParameterSymbol param = FindNamedParameter(containingInvocationInfo.Symbol.GetSymbol().GetParameters(), argumentName);
return (object)param == null ? SymbolInfo.None : new SymbolInfo(param.GetPublicSymbol());
var symbols = ArrayBuilder<ISymbol>.GetInstance();
foreach (ISymbol invocationSym in containingInvocationInfo.CandidateSymbols)
switch (invocationSym.Kind)
case SymbolKind.Method:
case SymbolKind.Property:
break; // Could have parameters.
continue; // Definitely doesn't have parameters.
ParameterSymbol param = FindNamedParameter(invocationSym.GetSymbol().GetParameters(), argumentName);
if ((object)param != null)
if (symbols.Count == 0)
return SymbolInfo.None;
return new SymbolInfo(symbols.ToImmutableAndFree(), containingInvocationInfo.CandidateReason);
/// <summary>
/// Find the first parameter named "argumentName".
/// </summary>
private static ParameterSymbol FindNamedParameter(ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol> parameters, string argumentName)
foreach (ParameterSymbol param in parameters)
if (param.Name == argumentName)
return param;
return null;
internal static ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> GetReducedAndFilteredMethodGroupSymbols(Binder binder, BoundMethodGroup node)
var methods = ArrayBuilder<MethodSymbol>.GetInstance();
var filteredMethods = ArrayBuilder<MethodSymbol>.GetInstance();
var resultKind = LookupResultKind.Empty;
var typeArguments = node.TypeArgumentsOpt;
// Non-extension methods.
if (node.Methods.Any())
// This is the only place we care about overridden/hidden methods. If there aren't methods
// in the method group, there's only one fallback candidate and extension methods never override
// or hide instance methods or other extension methods.
ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> nonHiddenMethods = FilterOverriddenOrHiddenMethods(node.Methods);
Debug.Assert(nonHiddenMethods.Any()); // Something must be hiding, so can't all be hidden.
foreach (var method in nonHiddenMethods)
new SingleLookupResult(node.ResultKind, method, node.LookupError),
ref resultKind,
var otherSymbol = node.LookupSymbolOpt;
if (((object)otherSymbol != null) && (otherSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Method))
new SingleLookupResult(node.ResultKind, otherSymbol, node.LookupError),
ref resultKind,
var receiver = node.ReceiverOpt;
var name = node.Name;
// Extension methods, all scopes.
if (node.SearchExtensionMethods)
Debug.Assert(receiver != null);
int arity;
LookupOptions options;
if (typeArguments.IsDefault)
arity = 0;
options = LookupOptions.AllMethodsOnArityZero;
arity = typeArguments.Length;
options = LookupOptions.Default;
binder = binder.WithAdditionalFlags(BinderFlags.SemanticModel);
foreach (var scope in new ExtensionMethodScopes(binder))
var extensionMethods = ArrayBuilder<MethodSymbol>.GetInstance();
var otherBinder = scope.Binder;
originalBinder: binder);
foreach (var method in extensionMethods)
var discardedUseSiteInfo = CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol>.Discarded;
binder.CheckViability(method, arity, options, accessThroughType: null, diagnose: false, useSiteInfo: ref discardedUseSiteInfo),
ref resultKind,
return filteredMethods.ToImmutableAndFree();
// Reduce extension methods to their reduced form, and remove:
// a) Extension methods are aren't applicable to receiverType
// including constraint checking.
// b) Duplicate methods
// c) Methods that are hidden or overridden by another method in the group.
private static bool AddReducedAndFilteredMethodGroupSymbol(
ArrayBuilder<MethodSymbol> methods,
ArrayBuilder<MethodSymbol> filteredMethods,
MethodSymbol method,
ImmutableArray<TypeWithAnnotations> typeArguments,
TypeSymbol receiverType,
CSharpCompilation compilation)
MethodSymbol constructedMethod;
if (!typeArguments.IsDefaultOrEmpty && method.Arity == typeArguments.Length)
constructedMethod = method.Construct(typeArguments);
Debug.Assert((object)constructedMethod != null);
constructedMethod = method;
if ((object)receiverType != null)
constructedMethod = constructedMethod.ReduceExtensionMethod(receiverType, compilation);
if ((object)constructedMethod == null)
return false;
// Don't add exact duplicates.
if (filteredMethods.Contains(constructedMethod))
return false;
return true;
private static void MergeReducedAndFilteredMethodGroupSymbol(
ArrayBuilder<MethodSymbol> methods,
ArrayBuilder<MethodSymbol> filteredMethods,
SingleLookupResult singleResult,
ImmutableArray<TypeWithAnnotations> typeArguments,
TypeSymbol receiverType,
ref LookupResultKind resultKind,
CSharpCompilation compilation)
if (singleResult.Symbol is null)
Debug.Assert(singleResult.Symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Method);
var singleKind = singleResult.Kind;
if (resultKind > singleKind)
else if (resultKind < singleKind)
resultKind = LookupResultKind.Empty;
var method = (MethodSymbol)singleResult.Symbol;
if (AddReducedAndFilteredMethodGroupSymbol(methods, filteredMethods, method, typeArguments, receiverType, compilation))
Debug.Assert(methods.Count > 0);
if (resultKind < singleKind)
resultKind = singleKind;
Debug.Assert((methods.Count == 0) == (resultKind == LookupResultKind.Empty));
Debug.Assert(methods.Count == filteredMethods.Count);
/// <summary>
/// If the call represents an extension method invocation with an explicit receiver, return the original
/// methods as ReducedExtensionMethodSymbols. Otherwise, return the original methods unchanged.
/// </summary>
private static OneOrMany<MethodSymbol> CreateReducedExtensionMethodsFromOriginalsIfNecessary(BoundCall call, CSharpCompilation compilation)
var methods = call.OriginalMethodsOpt;
TypeSymbol extensionThisType = null;
if (call.InvokedAsExtensionMethod)
// If the call was invoked as an extension method, the receiver
// should be non-null and all methods should be extension methods.
if (call.ReceiverOpt != null)
extensionThisType = call.ReceiverOpt.Type;
extensionThisType = call.Arguments[0].Type;
Debug.Assert((object)extensionThisType != null);
var methodBuilder = ArrayBuilder<MethodSymbol>.GetInstance();
var filteredMethodBuilder = ArrayBuilder<MethodSymbol>.GetInstance();
foreach (var method in FilterOverriddenOrHiddenMethods(methods))
AddReducedAndFilteredMethodGroupSymbol(methodBuilder, filteredMethodBuilder, method, default(ImmutableArray<TypeWithAnnotations>), extensionThisType, compilation);
return filteredMethodBuilder.ToOneOrManyAndFree();
/// <summary>
/// If the call represents an extension method with an explicit receiver, return a
/// ReducedExtensionMethodSymbol if it can be constructed. Otherwise, return the
/// original call method.
/// </summary>
private OneOrMany<Symbol> CreateReducedExtensionMethodIfPossible(BoundCall call)
var method = call.Method;
Debug.Assert((object)method != null);
if (call.InvokedAsExtensionMethod && method.IsExtensionMethod && method.MethodKind != MethodKind.ReducedExtension)
Debug.Assert(call.Arguments.Length > 0);
BoundExpression receiver = call.Arguments[0];
MethodSymbol reduced = method.ReduceExtensionMethod(receiver.Type, Compilation);
// If the extension method can't be applied to the receiver of the given
// type, we should also return the original call method.
method = reduced ?? method;
return OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(method);
private OneOrMany<Symbol> CreateReducedExtensionMethodIfPossible(BoundDelegateCreationExpression delegateCreation, BoundExpression receiverOpt)
var method = delegateCreation.MethodOpt;
Debug.Assert((object)method != null);
if (delegateCreation.IsExtensionMethod && method.IsExtensionMethod && (receiverOpt != null))
MethodSymbol reduced = method.ReduceExtensionMethod(receiverOpt.Type, Compilation);
method = reduced ?? method;
return OneOrMany.Create<Symbol>(method);
/// <summary>
/// Gets for each statement info.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The node.</param>
public abstract ForEachStatementInfo GetForEachStatementInfo(ForEachStatementSyntax node);
/// <summary>
/// Gets for each statement info.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The node.</param>
public abstract ForEachStatementInfo GetForEachStatementInfo(CommonForEachStatementSyntax node);
/// <summary>
/// Gets deconstruction assignment info.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The node.</param>
public abstract DeconstructionInfo GetDeconstructionInfo(AssignmentExpressionSyntax node);
/// <summary>
/// Gets deconstruction foreach info.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The node.</param>
public abstract DeconstructionInfo GetDeconstructionInfo(ForEachVariableStatementSyntax node);
/// <summary>
/// Gets await expression info.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The node.</param>
public abstract AwaitExpressionInfo GetAwaitExpressionInfo(AwaitExpressionSyntax node);
/// <summary>
/// If the given node is within a preprocessing directive, gets the preprocessing symbol info for it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">Preprocessing symbol identifier node.</param>
public PreprocessingSymbolInfo GetPreprocessingSymbolInfo(IdentifierNameSyntax node)
if (node.Ancestors().Any(n => SyntaxFacts.IsPreprocessorDirective(n.Kind())))
bool isDefined = this.SyntaxTree.IsPreprocessorSymbolDefined(node.Identifier.ValueText, node.Identifier.SpanStart);
return new PreprocessingSymbolInfo(new Symbols.PublicModel.PreprocessingSymbol(node.Identifier.ValueText), isDefined);
return PreprocessingSymbolInfo.None;
/// <summary>
/// Options to control the internal working of GetSymbolInfoWorker. Not currently exposed
/// to public clients, but could be if desired.
/// </summary>
internal enum SymbolInfoOptions
/// <summary>
/// When binding "C" new C(...), return the type C and do not return information about
/// which constructor was bound to. Bind "new C(...)" to get information about which constructor
/// was chosen.
/// </summary>
PreferTypeToConstructors = 0x1,
/// <summary>
/// When binding "C" new C(...), return the constructor of C that was bound to, if C unambiguously
/// binds to a single type with at least one constructor.
/// </summary>
PreferConstructorsToType = 0x2,
/// <summary>
/// When binding a name X that was declared with a "using X=OtherTypeOrNamespace", return OtherTypeOrNamespace.
/// </summary>
ResolveAliases = 0x4,
/// <summary>
/// When binding a name X that was declared with a "using X=OtherTypeOrNamespace", return the alias symbol X.
/// </summary>
PreserveAliases = 0x8,
// Default Options.
DefaultOptions = PreferConstructorsToType | ResolveAliases
internal static void ValidateSymbolInfoOptions(SymbolInfoOptions options)
Debug.Assert(((options & SymbolInfoOptions.PreferConstructorsToType) != 0) !=
((options & SymbolInfoOptions.PreferTypeToConstructors) != 0), "Options are mutually exclusive");
Debug.Assert(((options & SymbolInfoOptions.ResolveAliases) != 0) !=
((options & SymbolInfoOptions.PreserveAliases) != 0), "Options are mutually exclusive");
/// <summary>
/// Given a position in the SyntaxTree for this SemanticModel returns the innermost
/// NamedType that the position is considered inside of.
/// </summary>
public ISymbol GetEnclosingSymbol(int position)
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
var binder = GetEnclosingBinder(position);
return binder == null ? null : binder.ContainingMemberOrLambda.GetPublicSymbol();
#region SemanticModel Members
public sealed override string Language
return LanguageNames.CSharp;
protected sealed override Compilation CompilationCore
return this.Compilation;
protected sealed override SemanticModel ParentModelCore
return this.ParentModel;
protected sealed override SyntaxTree SyntaxTreeCore
return this.SyntaxTree;
protected sealed override SyntaxNode RootCore => this.Root;
private SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfoFromNode(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
switch (node)
case null:
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
case ExpressionSyntax expression:
return this.GetSymbolInfo(expression, cancellationToken);
case ConstructorInitializerSyntax initializer:
return this.GetSymbolInfo(initializer, cancellationToken);
case PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax initializer:
return this.GetSymbolInfo(initializer, cancellationToken);
case AttributeSyntax attribute:
return this.GetSymbolInfo(attribute, cancellationToken);
case CrefSyntax cref:
return this.GetSymbolInfo(cref, cancellationToken);
case SelectOrGroupClauseSyntax selectOrGroupClause:
return this.GetSymbolInfo(selectOrGroupClause, cancellationToken);
case OrderingSyntax orderingSyntax:
return this.GetSymbolInfo(orderingSyntax, cancellationToken);
case PositionalPatternClauseSyntax ppcSyntax:
return this.GetSymbolInfo(ppcSyntax, cancellationToken);
return SymbolInfo.None;
private TypeInfo GetTypeInfoFromNode(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
switch (node)
case null:
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
case ExpressionSyntax expression:
return this.GetTypeInfo(expression, cancellationToken);
case ConstructorInitializerSyntax initializer:
return this.GetTypeInfo(initializer, cancellationToken);
case AttributeSyntax attribute:
return this.GetTypeInfo(attribute, cancellationToken);
case SelectOrGroupClauseSyntax selectOrGroupClause:
return this.GetTypeInfo(selectOrGroupClause, cancellationToken);
case PatternSyntax pattern:
return this.GetTypeInfo(pattern, cancellationToken);
return CSharpTypeInfo.None;
private ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetMemberGroupFromNode(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
switch (node)
case null:
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
case ExpressionSyntax expression:
return this.GetMemberGroup(expression, cancellationToken);
case ConstructorInitializerSyntax initializer:
return this.GetMemberGroup(initializer, cancellationToken);
case AttributeSyntax attribute:
return this.GetMemberGroup(attribute, cancellationToken);
return ImmutableArray<ISymbol>.Empty;
protected sealed override ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetMemberGroupCore(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var methodGroup = this.GetMemberGroupFromNode(node, cancellationToken);
return StaticCast<ISymbol>.From(methodGroup);
protected sealed override SymbolInfo GetSpeculativeSymbolInfoCore(int position, SyntaxNode node, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption)
switch (node)
case ExpressionSyntax expression:
return GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(position, expression, bindingOption);
case ConstructorInitializerSyntax initializer:
return GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(position, initializer);
case PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax initializer:
return GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(position, initializer);
case AttributeSyntax attribute:
return GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(position, attribute);
case CrefSyntax cref:
return GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(position, cref);
return SymbolInfo.None;
protected sealed override TypeInfo GetSpeculativeTypeInfoCore(int position, SyntaxNode node, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption)
return node is ExpressionSyntax expression
? GetSpeculativeTypeInfo(position, expression, bindingOption)
: CSharpTypeInfo.None;
protected sealed override IAliasSymbol GetSpeculativeAliasInfoCore(int position, SyntaxNode nameSyntax, SpeculativeBindingOption bindingOption)
return nameSyntax is IdentifierNameSyntax identifier
? GetSpeculativeAliasInfo(position, identifier, bindingOption)
: null;
protected sealed override SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfoCore(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return this.GetSymbolInfoFromNode(node, cancellationToken);
protected sealed override TypeInfo GetTypeInfoCore(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return this.GetTypeInfoFromNode(node, cancellationToken);
protected sealed override IAliasSymbol GetAliasInfoCore(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return node is IdentifierNameSyntax nameSyntax ? GetAliasInfo(nameSyntax, cancellationToken) : null;
protected sealed override PreprocessingSymbolInfo GetPreprocessingSymbolInfoCore(SyntaxNode node)
return node is IdentifierNameSyntax nameSyntax
? GetPreprocessingSymbolInfo(nameSyntax)
: PreprocessingSymbolInfo.None;
protected sealed override ISymbol GetDeclaredSymbolCore(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
switch (node)
case AccessorDeclarationSyntax accessor:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol(accessor, cancellationToken);
case BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax type:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol(type, cancellationToken);
case QueryClauseSyntax clause:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol(clause, cancellationToken);
case MemberDeclarationSyntax member:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol(member, cancellationToken);
switch (node.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.LocalFunctionStatement:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((LocalFunctionStatementSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((LabeledStatementSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.CaseSwitchLabel:
case SyntaxKind.DefaultSwitchLabel:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((SwitchLabelSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.AnonymousObjectCreationExpression:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.AnonymousObjectMemberDeclarator:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((AnonymousObjectMemberDeclaratorSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.TupleExpression:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((TupleExpressionSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.Argument:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((ArgumentSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarator:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((VariableDeclaratorSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.SingleVariableDesignation:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((SingleVariableDesignationSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.TupleElement:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((TupleElementSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.NamespaceDeclaration:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((NamespaceDeclarationSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.FileScopedNamespaceDeclaration:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((FileScopedNamespaceDeclarationSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.Parameter:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((ParameterSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.TypeParameter:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((TypeParameterSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.UsingDirective:
var usingDirective = (UsingDirectiveSyntax)node;
if (usingDirective.Alias == null)
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol(usingDirective, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.ForEachStatement:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((ForEachStatementSyntax)node);
case SyntaxKind.CatchDeclaration:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((CatchDeclarationSyntax)node);
case SyntaxKind.JoinIntoClause:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((JoinIntoClauseSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.QueryContinuation:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((QueryContinuationSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
case SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit:
return this.GetDeclaredSymbol((CompilationUnitSyntax)node, cancellationToken);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Given a tuple element syntax, get the corresponding symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declarationSyntax">The syntax node that declares a tuple element.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The symbol that was declared.</returns>
public ISymbol GetDeclaredSymbol(TupleElementSyntax declarationSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
if (declarationSyntax.Parent is TupleTypeSyntax tupleTypeSyntax)
return (GetSymbolInfo(tupleTypeSyntax, cancellationToken).Symbol.GetSymbol() as NamedTypeSymbol)?.TupleElements.ElementAtOrDefault(tupleTypeSyntax.Elements.IndexOf(declarationSyntax)).GetPublicSymbol();
return null;
protected sealed override ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetDeclaredSymbolsCore(SyntaxNode declaration, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
if (declaration is BaseFieldDeclarationSyntax field)
return this.GetDeclaredSymbols(field, cancellationToken);
// If the type decl has a primary constructor, return that symbol as well. This is needed so that if the
// 'suppression' or 'generated code' attribute is on the primary constructor (i.e. by using `[method:
// SuppressMessage(...)]`, it will be found when walking up to the type declaration.
if (declaration is TypeDeclarationSyntax typeDeclaration)
var namedType = GetDeclaredSymbol(typeDeclaration, cancellationToken);
var primaryConstructor = TryGetSynthesizedPrimaryConstructor(
typeDeclaration, namedType.GetSymbol<NamedTypeSymbol>());
return primaryConstructor is null
? ImmutableArray.Create<ISymbol>(namedType)
: ImmutableArray.Create<ISymbol>(namedType, primaryConstructor.GetPublicSymbol());
var symbol = GetDeclaredSymbolCore(declaration, cancellationToken);
return symbol != null
? ImmutableArray.Create(symbol)
: ImmutableArray<ISymbol>.Empty;
#nullable enable
public IMethodSymbol? GetInterceptorMethod(InvocationExpressionSyntax node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (node.GetInterceptableNameSyntax() is { } nameSyntax && Compilation.TryGetInterceptor(nameSyntax) is (_, MethodSymbol interceptor))
return interceptor.GetPublicSymbol();
return null;
#pragma warning disable RSEXPERIMENTAL002 // Internal usage of experimental API
public InterceptableLocation? GetInterceptableLocation(InvocationExpressionSyntax node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (node.GetInterceptableNameSyntax() is not { } nameSyntax)
return null;
return GetInterceptableLocationInternal(nameSyntax, cancellationToken);
// Factored out for ease of test authoring, especially for scenarios involving unsupported syntax.
internal InterceptableLocation GetInterceptableLocationInternal(SyntaxNode nameSyntax, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var tree = nameSyntax.SyntaxTree;
var text = tree.GetText(cancellationToken);
var path = tree.FilePath;
var checksum = text.GetContentHash();
var lineSpan = nameSyntax.Location.GetLineSpan().Span.Start;
var lineNumberOneIndexed = lineSpan.Line + 1;
var characterNumberOneIndexed = lineSpan.Character + 1;
return new InterceptableLocation1(checksum, path, Compilation.Options.SourceReferenceResolver, nameSyntax.Position, lineNumberOneIndexed, characterNumberOneIndexed);
#nullable disable
protected static SynthesizedPrimaryConstructor TryGetSynthesizedPrimaryConstructor(TypeDeclarationSyntax node, NamedTypeSymbol type)
if (type is SourceMemberContainerTypeSymbol { PrimaryConstructor: { } primaryConstructor }
&& primaryConstructor.SyntaxRef.SyntaxTree == node.SyntaxTree
&& primaryConstructor.GetSyntax() == node)
return primaryConstructor;
return null;
internal override void ComputeDeclarationsInSpan(TextSpan span, bool getSymbol, ArrayBuilder<DeclarationInfo> builder, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
CSharpDeclarationComputer.ComputeDeclarationsInSpan(this, span, getSymbol, builder, cancellationToken);
internal override void ComputeDeclarationsInNode(SyntaxNode node, ISymbol associatedSymbol, bool getSymbol, ArrayBuilder<DeclarationInfo> builder, CancellationToken cancellationToken, int? levelsToCompute = null)
CSharpDeclarationComputer.ComputeDeclarationsInNode(this, associatedSymbol, node, getSymbol, builder, cancellationToken, levelsToCompute);
internal abstract override Func<SyntaxNode, bool> GetSyntaxNodesToAnalyzeFilter(SyntaxNode declaredNode, ISymbol declaredSymbol);
internal abstract override bool ShouldSkipSyntaxNodeAnalysis(SyntaxNode node, ISymbol containingSymbol);
protected internal override SyntaxNode GetTopmostNodeForDiagnosticAnalysis(ISymbol symbol, SyntaxNode declaringSyntax)
switch (symbol.Kind)
case SymbolKind.Event: // for field-like events
case SymbolKind.Field:
var fieldDecl = declaringSyntax.FirstAncestorOrSelf<BaseFieldDeclarationSyntax>();
if (fieldDecl != null)
return fieldDecl;
return declaringSyntax;
protected sealed override ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupSymbolsCore(int position, INamespaceOrTypeSymbol container, string name, bool includeReducedExtensionMethods)
return LookupSymbols(position, container.EnsureCSharpSymbolOrNull(nameof(container)), name, includeReducedExtensionMethods);
protected sealed override ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupBaseMembersCore(int position, string name)
return LookupBaseMembers(position, name);
protected sealed override ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupStaticMembersCore(int position, INamespaceOrTypeSymbol container, string name)
return LookupStaticMembers(position, container.EnsureCSharpSymbolOrNull(nameof(container)), name);
protected sealed override ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupNamespacesAndTypesCore(int position, INamespaceOrTypeSymbol container, string name)
return LookupNamespacesAndTypes(position, container.EnsureCSharpSymbolOrNull(nameof(container)), name);
protected sealed override ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupLabelsCore(int position, string name)
return LookupLabels(position, name);
protected sealed override ControlFlowAnalysis AnalyzeControlFlowCore(SyntaxNode firstStatement, SyntaxNode lastStatement)
if (firstStatement == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(firstStatement));
if (lastStatement == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lastStatement));
if (!(firstStatement is StatementSyntax firstStatementSyntax))
throw new ArgumentException("firstStatement is not a StatementSyntax.");
if (!(lastStatement is StatementSyntax lastStatementSyntax))
throw new ArgumentException("firstStatement is a StatementSyntax but lastStatement isn't.");
return this.AnalyzeControlFlow(firstStatementSyntax, lastStatementSyntax);
protected sealed override ControlFlowAnalysis AnalyzeControlFlowCore(SyntaxNode statement)
if (statement == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(statement));
if (!(statement is StatementSyntax statementSyntax))
throw new ArgumentException("statement is not a StatementSyntax.");
return this.AnalyzeControlFlow(statementSyntax);
protected sealed override DataFlowAnalysis AnalyzeDataFlowCore(SyntaxNode firstStatement, SyntaxNode lastStatement)
if (firstStatement == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(firstStatement));
if (lastStatement == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lastStatement));
if (!(firstStatement is StatementSyntax firstStatementSyntax))
throw new ArgumentException("firstStatement is not a StatementSyntax.");
if (!(lastStatement is StatementSyntax lastStatementSyntax))
throw new ArgumentException("lastStatement is not a StatementSyntax.");
return this.AnalyzeDataFlow(firstStatementSyntax, lastStatementSyntax);
protected sealed override DataFlowAnalysis AnalyzeDataFlowCore(SyntaxNode statementOrExpression)
switch (statementOrExpression)
case null:
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(statementOrExpression));
case StatementSyntax statementSyntax:
return this.AnalyzeDataFlow(statementSyntax);
case ExpressionSyntax expressionSyntax:
return this.AnalyzeDataFlow(expressionSyntax);
case ConstructorInitializerSyntax constructorInitializer:
return this.AnalyzeDataFlow(constructorInitializer);
case PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax primaryConstructorBaseType:
return this.AnalyzeDataFlow(primaryConstructorBaseType);
throw new ArgumentException("statementOrExpression is not a StatementSyntax or an ExpressionSyntax or a ConstructorInitializerSyntax or a PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax.");
protected sealed override Optional<object> GetConstantValueCore(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (node == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
return node is ExpressionSyntax expression
? GetConstantValue(expression, cancellationToken)
: default(Optional<object>);
protected sealed override ISymbol GetEnclosingSymbolCore(int position, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return this.GetEnclosingSymbol(position);
private protected sealed override ImmutableArray<IImportScope> GetImportScopesCore(int position, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
position = CheckAndAdjustPosition(position);
var binder = GetEnclosingBinder(position);
var builder = ArrayBuilder<IImportScope>.GetInstance();
for (var chain = binder?.ImportChain; chain != null; chain = chain.ParentOpt)
var imports = chain.Imports;
if (imports.IsEmpty)
// Try to create a node corresponding to the imports of the next higher binder scope. Then create the
// node corresponding to this set of imports and chain it to that.
builder.Add(new SimpleImportScope(
imports.UsingAliases.SelectAsArray(static kvp => kvp.Value.Alias.GetPublicSymbol()),
imports.ExternAliases.SelectAsArray(static e => e.Alias.GetPublicSymbol()),
imports.Usings.SelectAsArray(static n => new ImportedNamespaceOrType(n.NamespaceOrType.GetPublicSymbol(), n.UsingDirectiveReference)),
xmlNamespaces: ImmutableArray<ImportedXmlNamespace>.Empty));
return builder.ToImmutableAndFree();
protected sealed override bool IsAccessibleCore(int position, ISymbol symbol)
return this.IsAccessible(position, symbol.EnsureCSharpSymbolOrNull(nameof(symbol)));
protected sealed override bool IsEventUsableAsFieldCore(int position, IEventSymbol symbol)
return this.IsEventUsableAsField(position, symbol.EnsureCSharpSymbolOrNull(nameof(symbol)));
public sealed override NullableContext GetNullableContext(int position)
var syntaxTree = (CSharpSyntaxTree)Root.SyntaxTree;
NullableContextOptions? lazyDefaultState = null;
NullableContextState contextState = syntaxTree.GetNullableContextState(position);
return contextState.AnnotationsState switch
NullableContextState.State.Enabled => NullableContext.AnnotationsEnabled,
NullableContextState.State.Disabled => NullableContext.Disabled,
_ when getDefaultState().AnnotationsEnabled() => NullableContext.AnnotationsContextInherited | NullableContext.AnnotationsEnabled,
_ => NullableContext.AnnotationsContextInherited,
| contextState.WarningsState switch
NullableContextState.State.Enabled => NullableContext.WarningsEnabled,
NullableContextState.State.Disabled => NullableContext.Disabled,
_ when getDefaultState().WarningsEnabled() => NullableContext.WarningsContextInherited | NullableContext.WarningsEnabled,
_ => NullableContext.WarningsContextInherited,
// IsGeneratedCode might be slow, only call it when needed:
NullableContextOptions getDefaultState()
=> lazyDefaultState ??= syntaxTree.IsGeneratedCode(Compilation.Options.SyntaxTreeOptionsProvider, CancellationToken.None)
? NullableContextOptions.Disable
: Compilation.Options.NullableContextOptions;