File: Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Errors\ErrorFmt.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\Microsoft.CSharp\src\Microsoft.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Semantics;
using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Syntax;
namespace Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Errors
    // Things related to the construction of a formatted error. Reporting
    // an error involves constructing a formatted message, and then passing
    // that message on to an object that gets it to the user. The interface
    // that declares the error submission API is separate from this.
    internal enum ErrArgKind
    internal enum ErrArgFlags
        None = 0x0000,
        NoStr = 0x0002,  // The arg should NOT be included in the error message, just the location
        Unique = 0x0004,  // The string should be distinct from other args marked with Unique
        UseGetErrorInfo = 0x0008,
    internal sealed class SymWithTypeMemo
        public Symbol sym;
        public AggregateType ats;
    internal sealed class MethPropWithInstMemo
        public Symbol sym;
        public AggregateType ats;
        public TypeArray typeArgs;
    internal class ErrArg
        public ErrArgKind eak;
        public ErrArgFlags eaf;
        internal int n;
        internal SYMKIND sk;
        internal Name name;
        internal Symbol sym;
        internal string psz;
        internal CType pType;
        internal MethPropWithInstMemo mpwiMemo;
        internal SymWithTypeMemo swtMemo;
        public ErrArg()
        public ErrArg(int n)
            this.eak = ErrArgKind.Int;
            this.eaf = ErrArgFlags.None;
            this.n = n;
        public ErrArg(Name name)
            this.eak = ErrArgKind.Name;
            this.eaf = ErrArgFlags.None;
   = name;
        public ErrArg(string psz)
            this.eak = ErrArgKind.Str;
            this.eaf = ErrArgFlags.None;
            this.psz = psz;
        public ErrArg(CType pType)
            : this(pType, ErrArgFlags.None)
        public ErrArg(CType pType, ErrArgFlags eaf)
            this.eak = ErrArgKind.Type;
            this.eaf = eaf;
            this.pType = pType;
        public ErrArg(Symbol pSym)
            : this(pSym, ErrArgFlags.None)
        private ErrArg(Symbol pSym, ErrArgFlags eaf)
            this.eak = ErrArgKind.Sym;
            this.eaf = eaf;
            this.sym = pSym;
        public ErrArg(SymWithType swt)
            this.eak = ErrArgKind.SymWithType;
            this.eaf = ErrArgFlags.None;
            this.swtMemo = new SymWithTypeMemo();
            this.swtMemo.sym = swt.Sym;
            this.swtMemo.ats = swt.Ats;
        public ErrArg(MethPropWithInst mpwi)
            this.eak = ErrArgKind.MethWithInst;
            this.eaf = ErrArgFlags.None;
            this.mpwiMemo = new MethPropWithInstMemo();
            this.mpwiMemo.sym = mpwi.Sym;
            this.mpwiMemo.ats = mpwi.Ats;
            this.mpwiMemo.typeArgs = mpwi.TypeArgs;
        public static implicit operator ErrArg(int n)
            return new ErrArg(n);
        public static implicit operator ErrArg(CType type)
            return new ErrArg(type);
        public static implicit operator ErrArg(string psz)
            return new ErrArg(psz);
        public static implicit operator ErrArg(Name name)
            return new ErrArg(name);
        public static implicit operator ErrArg(Symbol pSym)
            return new ErrArg(pSym);
        public static implicit operator ErrArg(SymWithType swt)
            return new ErrArg(swt);
        public static implicit operator ErrArg(MethPropWithInst mpwi)
            return new ErrArg(mpwi);
    internal sealed class ErrArgRefOnly : ErrArg
        public ErrArgRefOnly(Symbol sym)
            : base(sym)
            eaf = ErrArgFlags.NoStr;
    // This is used with COMPILER_BASE::ErrorRef to indicate no reference.
    internal sealed class ErrArgNoRef : ErrArg
        public ErrArgNoRef(CType pType)
            this.eak = ErrArgKind.Type;
            this.eaf = ErrArgFlags.None;
            this.pType = pType;
    internal sealed class ErrArgSymKind : ErrArg
        public ErrArgSymKind(Symbol sym)
            eak = ErrArgKind.SymKind;
            eaf = ErrArgFlags.None;
            sk = sym.getKind();