1 instantiation of XmlCharType
dotnet-svcutil-lib (1)
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\XmlCharType.cs (1)
484return new XmlCharType(s_CharProperties);
214 references to XmlCharType
dotnet-svcutil-lib (214)
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Base64Decoder.cs (4)
171XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 183if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) != 0) 224if (!((xmlCharType.charProperties[*pChar++] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) != 0))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\BinaryXml\XmlBinaryReader.cs (7)
340private XmlCharType _xmlCharType; 349_xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 3509XmlCharType xmlCharType = _xmlCharType; 3524if (pb[pos + 1] != 0 || (xmlCharType.charProperties[pb[pos]] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) == 0) 3539if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fCharData) == 0) 3544if (!XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 3555if (!XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chNext))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\BinHexDecoder.cs (3)
195XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 213else if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) != 0)
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\CharEntityEncoderFallback.cs (1)
216return XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(lowSurrogate, highSurrogate);
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\HtmlEncodedRawTextWriter.cs (2)
597while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0))) 685while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) && ch < 0x80))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\HtmlUtf8RawTextWriter.cs (2)
594while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) && ch <= 0x7F)) 682while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) && ch < 0x80))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlAutoDetectWriter.cs (1)
397if (XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace(textBlock))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlCharCheckingReader.cs (2)
48private XmlCharType _xmlCharType; 72_xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlCharCheckingWriter.cs (2)
58private XmlCharType _xmlCharType; 73_xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlEncodedRawTextWriter.cs (23)
52protected XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 641int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(lowChar, highChar); 911while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0))) 990if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, true); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1017while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0))) 1093if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, true); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1130while (pDst < pDstEnd && ((ch = *pSrc) < XmlCharType.SurHighStart)) 1153if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1176while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0))) 1239if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1278while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0) && ch != stopChar)) 1370if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1411while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) && ch != ']')) 1497if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1508Debug.Assert(XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(*pSrc)); 1511if (ch <= XmlCharType.SurHighEnd) 1516if (lowChar >= XmlCharType.SurLowStart && 1517(/*LocalAppContextSwitches.DontThrowOnInvalidSurrogatePairs ||*/ lowChar <= XmlCharType.SurLowEnd)) 1561if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1755if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(chars[i])) 1759if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i + 1])) 1768else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i]))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlTextEncoder.cs (19)
39private XmlCharType _xmlCharType; 48_xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 106if (!XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(lowChar) || 107!XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(highChar)) 154while (i < endPos && (_xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = array[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) 216if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 227else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) 244if (!XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(lowChar) || 245!XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(highChar)) 249int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(lowChar, highChar); 286while (i < len && (_xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) 375if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 386else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) 401while (i < len && (_xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) 432((_xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fCharData) != 0 // ( xmlCharType.IsCharData( ( ch = text[i] ) ) 442if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 447if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(lowChar)) 459else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) 515if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImpl.cs (39)
154private XmlCharType _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 1907if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 1949if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 3826while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0)) 4380if ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0) 4401if (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0)) 4484isWs = ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) != 0); 4673if (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0) || 4786while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch0 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) != 0)) 4821if ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch1 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0) 4901if (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch2 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0)) 4939if (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0)) 5004while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch3 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0)) 5234while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0)) 5411if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 5418if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[pos])) 5672while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[c = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0)) 5810if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 5817if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[pos])) 6436while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0) && 6534if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 6541if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[pos])) 6643while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0) && 6751if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 6758if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[pos])) 6995while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) && chars[pos] != stopChar && ch != '-' && ch != '?') 7140if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(tmpCh)) 7147if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[pos])) 7434XmlCharType.SplitSurrogateChar(val, out low, out high); 7438if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(high)) 7440if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(low)) 7649if ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0) 7681if (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0)) 8420while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[c = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) && c != '/') 8427while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[c = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0)) 8726while (((_xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0)) 8803if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 8810if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[pos]))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlTextWriter.cs (2)
173private XmlCharType _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlUtf8RawTextWriter.cs (25)
53protected XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 565int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(lowChar, highChar); 746while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) && ch <= 0x7F)) 825if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, true); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8(ch, pDst); pSrc++; }; 852while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) && ch <= 0x7F)) 928if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, true); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8(ch, pDst); pSrc++; }; 988if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8(ch, pDst); pSrc++; }; 1011while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0) && ch <= 0x7F)) 1074if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8(ch, pDst); pSrc++; }; 1113while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0) && ch != stopChar && ch <= 0x7F)) 1205if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8(ch, pDst); pSrc++; }; 1246while (pDst < pDstEnd && (((xmlCharType.charProperties[(ch = *pSrc)] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) && ch != ']' && ch <= 0x7F)) 1332if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8(ch, pDst); pSrc++; }; 1350Debug.Assert(XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(*pSrc)); 1352if (ch <= XmlCharType.SurHighEnd) 1357if (lowChar >= XmlCharType.SurLowStart && 1358(/*LocalAppContextSwitches.DontThrowOnInvalidSurrogatePairs ||*/ lowChar <= XmlCharType.SurLowEnd)) 1363ch = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(lowChar, ch); 1416if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += 2; } else if (ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8(ch, pDst); pSrc++; }; 1421Debug.Assert(ch >= 0x80 && !XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)); 1452else if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) 1635if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(chars[i])) 1639if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i + 1])) 1648else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i]))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlWellformedWriter.cs (5)
73private XmlCharType _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 1056if (!XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace(ws)) 2150if ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[ncname[0]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0) 2167if ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[ncname[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0)
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlWellformedWriterHelpers.cs (2)
411XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XsdValidatingReader.cs (2)
118private XmlCharType _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Dom\XmlCharacterData.cs (1)
192return XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace(data);
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Dom\XmlDeclaration.cs (1)
171return ver.Length >= 3 && ver[0] == '1' && ver[1] == '.' && XmlCharType.IsOnlyDigits(ver, 2, ver.Length - 2);
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\schema\DtdParser.cs (11)
154private XmlCharType _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 2435while ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[_chars[_curPos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0 && _chars[_curPos] != '%') 2618if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 2625if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(_chars[_curPos])) 2894while ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[_chars[_curPos]] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0 && _chars[_curPos] != ']') 2973if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 2980if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(_chars[_curPos])) 3024if ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[_chars[_curPos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0 || _chars[_curPos] == ':') 3057if ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[_chars[_curPos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0) 3134if ((_xmlCharType.charProperties[_chars[_curPos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0 || _chars[_curPos] == ':')
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\schema\Parser.cs (2)
40private XmlCharType _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\schema\XmlSchemaValidator.cs (2)
153private XmlCharType _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\ValidateNames.cs (9)
30private static XmlCharType s_xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 48if ((s_xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0) 84if ((s_xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0 || s[i] == ':') 127if ((s_xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0 || s[i] == ':') 144if ((s_xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0 || s[i] == ':') 187if ((s_xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0) 204if ((s_xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0) 402if (s_xmlCharType.IsNCNameSingleChar(s[offsetBadChar]) && !XmlCharType.Instance.IsStartNCNameSingleChar(s[offsetBadChar]))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\XmlCharType.cs (3)
476public static XmlCharType Instance 688if (i + 1 >= str.Length || !(XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(str[i]) && XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(str[i + 1])))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\XmlComplianceUtil.cs (4)
29XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 171XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\XmlConvert.cs (21)
43private static XmlCharType s_xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 154XmlCharType.SplitSurrogateChar(u, out lowChar, out highChar); 234if (length > 1 && XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(name[0]) && XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(name[1])) 238Int32 u = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(y, x); 279if ((length > position + 1) && XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(name[position]) && XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(name[position + 1])) 283Int32 u = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(y, x); 611return (s_xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0; 624return (s_xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0; 636return (s_xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fCharData) != 0; 641return XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(highChar) && XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(lowChar); 653return (s_xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) != 0; 1634while (i < len && (s_xmlCharType.charProperties[data[i]] & XmlCharType.fCharData) != 0) 1644if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 1651if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) 1676while (i < endPos && (s_xmlCharType.charProperties[data[i]] & XmlCharType.fCharData) != 0) 1686if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) 1693if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\XmlEncoding.cs (6)
532chars[charIndex] = (char)(XmlCharType.SurHighStart + (char)((code >> 16) - 1) + (char)((code >> 10) & 0x3F)); 533chars[charIndex + 1] = (char)(XmlCharType.SurLowStart + (char)(code & 0x3FF)); 560if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate((int)code)) 599if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate((int)code)) 639if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate((int)code)) 679if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate((int)code))
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\XmlException.cs (2)
212if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(invChar) && nextChar != 0) 214int combinedChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(nextChar, invChar);
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\XPath\Internal\StringFunctions.cs (2)
229XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\XPath\Internal\XPathScanner.cs (9)
26private XmlCharType _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 188else if (XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)) 209if (XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)) 288Debug.Assert(this.CurerntChar == '.' || XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)); 291while (XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)) 298while (XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)) 308Debug.Assert(XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)); 312while (XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar))