File: FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XsdValidatingReader.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\dotnet-svcutil\lib\src\dotnet-svcutil-lib.csproj (dotnet-svcutil-lib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xml.Schema;
using Microsoft.Xml.XPath;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections;
// using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace Microsoft.Xml
    using System;
    internal delegate void CachingEventHandler(XsdCachingReader cachingReader);
    internal class AttributePSVIInfo
        internal string localName;
        internal string namespaceUri;
        internal object typedAttributeValue;
        internal XmlSchemaInfo attributeSchemaInfo;
        internal AttributePSVIInfo()
            attributeSchemaInfo = new XmlSchemaInfo();
        internal void Reset()
            typedAttributeValue = null;
            localName = string.Empty;
            namespaceUri = string.Empty;
    internal partial class XsdValidatingReader : XmlReader, IXmlSchemaInfo, IXmlLineInfo, IXmlNamespaceResolver
        private enum ValidatingReaderState
            None = 0,
            Init = 1,
            Read = 2,
            OnDefaultAttribute = -1,
            OnReadAttributeValue = -2,
            OnAttribute = 3,
            ClearAttributes = 4,
            ParseInlineSchema = 5,
            ReadAhead = 6,
            OnReadBinaryContent = 7,
            ReaderClosed = 8,
            EOF = 9,
            Error = 10,
        private XmlReader _coreReader;
        private IXmlNamespaceResolver _coreReaderNSResolver;
        private IXmlNamespaceResolver _thisNSResolver;
        private XmlSchemaValidator _validator;
        private XmlResolver _xmlResolver;
        private ValidationEventHandler _validationEvent;
        private ValidatingReaderState _validationState;
        private XmlValueGetter _valueGetter;
        // namespace management
        private XmlNamespaceManager _nsManager;
        private bool _manageNamespaces;
        private bool _processInlineSchema;
        private bool _replayCache;
        //Current Node handling
        private ValidatingReaderNodeData _cachedNode; //Used to cache current node when looking ahead or default attributes                           
        private AttributePSVIInfo _attributePSVI;
        private int _attributeCount; //Total count of attributes including default
        private int _coreReaderAttributeCount;
        private int _currentAttrIndex;
        private AttributePSVIInfo[] _attributePSVINodes;
        private ArrayList _defaultAttributes;
        //Inline Schema
        private Parser _inlineSchemaParser = null;
        //Typed Value & PSVI
        private object _atomicValue;
        private XmlSchemaInfo _xmlSchemaInfo;
        // original string of the atomic value
        private string _originalAtomicValueString;
        //cached coreReader information
        private XmlNameTable _coreReaderNameTable;
        private XsdCachingReader _cachingReader;
        //ReadAttributeValue TextNode
        private ValidatingReaderNodeData _textNode;
        //To avoid SchemaNames creation
        private string _nsXmlNs;
        private string _nsXs;
        private string _nsXsi;
        private string _xsiType;
        private string _xsiNil;
        private string _xsdSchema;
        private string _xsiSchemaLocation;
        private string _xsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation;
        //XmlCharType instance
        private XmlCharType _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
        //Underlying reader's IXmlLineInfo
        private IXmlLineInfo _lineInfo;
        // helpers for Read[Element]ContentAs{Base64,BinHex} methods
        private ReadContentAsBinaryHelper _readBinaryHelper;
        private ValidatingReaderState _savedState;
        private const int InitialAttributeCount = 8;
        private static volatile Type s_typeOfString;
        internal XsdValidatingReader(XmlReader reader, XmlResolver xmlResolver, XmlReaderSettings readerSettings, XmlSchemaObject partialValidationType)
            _coreReader = reader;
            _coreReaderNSResolver = reader as IXmlNamespaceResolver;
            _lineInfo = reader as IXmlLineInfo;
            _coreReaderNameTable = _coreReader.NameTable;
            if (_coreReaderNSResolver == null)
                _nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(_coreReaderNameTable);
                _manageNamespaces = true;
            _thisNSResolver = this as IXmlNamespaceResolver;
            _xmlResolver = xmlResolver;
            _processInlineSchema = (readerSettings.ValidationFlags & XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessInlineSchema) != 0;
            SetupValidator(readerSettings, reader, partialValidationType);
            _validationEvent = readerSettings.GetEventHandler();
        internal XsdValidatingReader(XmlReader reader, XmlResolver xmlResolver, XmlReaderSettings readerSettings)
        this(reader, xmlResolver, readerSettings, null)
        { }
        private void Init()
            _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.Init;
            _defaultAttributes = new ArrayList();
            _currentAttrIndex = -1;
            _attributePSVINodes = new AttributePSVIInfo[InitialAttributeCount];
            _valueGetter = new XmlValueGetter(GetStringValue);
            s_typeOfString = typeof(System.String);
            _xmlSchemaInfo = new XmlSchemaInfo();
            //Add common strings to be compared to NameTable
            _nsXmlNs = _coreReaderNameTable.Add(XmlReservedNs.NsXmlNs);
            _nsXs = _coreReaderNameTable.Add(XmlReservedNs.NsXs);
            _nsXsi = _coreReaderNameTable.Add(XmlReservedNs.NsXsi);
            _xsiType = _coreReaderNameTable.Add("type");
            _xsiNil = _coreReaderNameTable.Add("nil");
            _xsiSchemaLocation = _coreReaderNameTable.Add("schemaLocation");
            _xsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation = _coreReaderNameTable.Add("noNamespaceSchemaLocation");
            _xsdSchema = _coreReaderNameTable.Add("schema");
        private void SetupValidator(XmlReaderSettings readerSettings, XmlReader reader, XmlSchemaObject partialValidationType)
            _validator = new XmlSchemaValidator(_coreReaderNameTable, readerSettings.Schemas, _thisNSResolver, readerSettings.ValidationFlags);
            _validator.XmlResolver = _xmlResolver;
            _validator.SourceUri = XmlConvert.ToUri(reader.BaseURI); //Not using XmlResolver.ResolveUri as it checks for relative Uris,reader.BaseURI will be absolute file paths or string.Empty
            _validator.ValidationEventSender = this;
            _validator.ValidationEventHandler += readerSettings.GetEventHandler();
            _validator.LineInfoProvider = _lineInfo;
            if (_validator.ProcessSchemaHints)
                _validator.SchemaSet.ReaderSettings.DtdProcessing = readerSettings.DtdProcessing;
            if (partialValidationType != null)
        // Settings
        public override XmlReaderSettings Settings
                XmlReaderSettings settings = _coreReader.Settings;
                if (null != settings)
                    settings = settings.Clone();
                if (settings == null)
                    settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                settings.Schemas = _validator.SchemaSet;
                settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
                settings.ValidationFlags = _validator.ValidationFlags;
                settings.ReadOnly = true;
                return settings;
        // Node Properties
        // Gets the type of the current node.
        public override XmlNodeType NodeType
                if ((int)_validationState < 0)
                    return _cachedNode.NodeType;
                    XmlNodeType nodeType = _coreReader.NodeType;
                    //Check for significant whitespace
                    if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace && (_validator.CurrentContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.TextOnly || _validator.CurrentContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.Mixed))
                        return XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace;
                    return nodeType;
        // Gets the name of the current node, including the namespace prefix.
        public override string Name
                if (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.OnDefaultAttribute)
                    string prefix = _validator.GetDefaultAttributePrefix(_cachedNode.Namespace);
                    if (prefix != null && prefix.Length != 0)
                        return string.Concat(prefix + ":" + _cachedNode.LocalName);
                    return _cachedNode.LocalName;
                return _coreReader.Name;
        // Gets the name of the current node without the namespace prefix.
        public override string LocalName
                if ((int)_validationState < 0)
                    return _cachedNode.LocalName;
                return _coreReader.LocalName;
        // Gets the namespace URN (as defined in the W3C Namespace Specification) of the current namespace scope.
        public override string NamespaceURI
                if ((int)_validationState < 0)
                    return _cachedNode.Namespace;
                return _coreReader.NamespaceURI;
        // Gets the namespace prefix associated with the current node.
        public override string Prefix
                if ((int)_validationState < 0)
                    return _cachedNode.Prefix;
                return _coreReader.Prefix;
        // Gets a value indicating whether the current node can have a non-empty Value
        public override bool HasValue
                if ((int)_validationState < 0)
                    return true;
                return _coreReader.HasValue;
        // Gets the text value of the current node.
        public override string Value
                if ((int)_validationState < 0)
                    return _cachedNode.RawValue;
                return _coreReader.Value;
        // Gets the depth of the current node in the XML element stack.
        public override int Depth
                if ((int)_validationState < 0)
                    return _cachedNode.Depth;
                return _coreReader.Depth;
        // Gets the base URI of the current node.
        public override string BaseURI
                return _coreReader.BaseURI;
        // Gets a value indicating whether the current node is an empty element (for example, <MyElement/>).
        public override bool IsEmptyElement
                return _coreReader.IsEmptyElement;
        // Gets a value indicating whether the current node is an attribute that was generated from the default value defined
        // in the DTD or schema.
        public override bool IsDefault
                if (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.OnDefaultAttribute)
                { //XSD default attributes
                    return true;
                return _coreReader.IsDefault; //This is DTD Default attribute
        // Gets the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of an attribute node.
        public override char QuoteChar
                return _coreReader.QuoteChar;
        // Gets the current xml:space scope. 
        public override XmlSpace XmlSpace
                return _coreReader.XmlSpace;
        // Gets the current xml:lang scope.
        public override string XmlLang
                return _coreReader.XmlLang;
        public override IXmlSchemaInfo SchemaInfo
                return this as IXmlSchemaInfo;
        public override System.Type ValueType
                switch (NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement: //TODO Check that context is not popped to parents in the validator
                        if (_xmlSchemaInfo.ContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.TextOnly)
                            return _xmlSchemaInfo.SchemaType.Datatype.ValueType;
                        goto default;
                    case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
                        if (_attributePSVI != null && AttributeSchemaInfo.ContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.TextOnly)
                            return AttributeSchemaInfo.SchemaType.Datatype.ValueType;
                        goto default;
                        return s_typeOfString;
        public override object ReadContentAsObject()
            if (!CanReadContentAs(this.NodeType))
                throw CreateReadContentAsException("ReadContentAsObject");
            return InternalReadContentAsObject(true);
        public override bool ReadContentAsBoolean()
            if (!CanReadContentAs(this.NodeType))
                throw CreateReadContentAsException("ReadContentAsBoolean");
            object typedValue = InternalReadContentAsObject();
            XmlSchemaType xmlType = NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ? AttributeXmlType : ElementXmlType;
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToBoolean(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToBoolean(typedValue);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Boolean", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Boolean", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Boolean", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override DateTime ReadContentAsDateTime()
            if (!CanReadContentAs(this.NodeType))
                throw CreateReadContentAsException("ReadContentAsDateTime");
            object typedValue = InternalReadContentAsObject();
            XmlSchemaType xmlType = NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ? AttributeXmlType : ElementXmlType;
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToDateTime(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToDateTime(typedValue);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "DateTime", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "DateTime", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "DateTime", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override double ReadContentAsDouble()
            if (!CanReadContentAs(this.NodeType))
                throw CreateReadContentAsException("ReadContentAsDouble");
            object typedValue = InternalReadContentAsObject();
            XmlSchemaType xmlType = NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ? AttributeXmlType : ElementXmlType;
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToDouble(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToDouble(typedValue);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Double", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Double", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Double", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override float ReadContentAsFloat()
            if (!CanReadContentAs(this.NodeType))
                throw CreateReadContentAsException("ReadContentAsFloat");
            object typedValue = InternalReadContentAsObject();
            XmlSchemaType xmlType = NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ? AttributeXmlType : ElementXmlType;
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToSingle(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToSingle(typedValue);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Float", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Float", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Float", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override decimal ReadContentAsDecimal()
            if (!CanReadContentAs(this.NodeType))
                throw CreateReadContentAsException("ReadContentAsDecimal");
            object typedValue = InternalReadContentAsObject();
            XmlSchemaType xmlType = NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ? AttributeXmlType : ElementXmlType;
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToDecimal(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToDecimal(typedValue);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Decimal", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Decimal", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Decimal", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override int ReadContentAsInt()
            if (!CanReadContentAs(this.NodeType))
                throw CreateReadContentAsException("ReadContentAsInt");
            object typedValue = InternalReadContentAsObject();
            XmlSchemaType xmlType = NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ? AttributeXmlType : ElementXmlType;
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToInt32(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToInt32(typedValue);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Int", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Int", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Int", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override long ReadContentAsLong()
            if (!CanReadContentAs(this.NodeType))
                throw CreateReadContentAsException("ReadContentAsLong");
            object typedValue = InternalReadContentAsObject();
            XmlSchemaType xmlType = NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ? AttributeXmlType : ElementXmlType;
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToInt64(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToInt64(typedValue);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Long", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Long", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Long", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override string ReadContentAsString()
            if (!CanReadContentAs(this.NodeType))
                throw CreateReadContentAsException("ReadContentAsString");
            object typedValue = InternalReadContentAsObject();
            XmlSchemaType xmlType = NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ? AttributeXmlType : ElementXmlType;
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToString(typedValue);
                    return typedValue as string;
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "String", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "String", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "String", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override object ReadContentAs(Type returnType, IXmlNamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
            if (!CanReadContentAs(this.NodeType))
                throw CreateReadContentAsException("ReadContentAs");
            string originalStringValue;
            object typedValue = InternalReadContentAsObject(false, out originalStringValue);
            XmlSchemaType xmlType = NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ? AttributeXmlType : ElementXmlType; //TODO special case for xsd:duration and xsd:dateTime
                if (xmlType != null)
                    // special-case convertions to DateTimeOffset; typedValue is by default a DateTime 
                    // which cannot preserve time zone, so we need to convert from the original string
                    if (returnType == typeof(DateTimeOffset) && xmlType.Datatype is Datatype_dateTimeBase)
                        typedValue = originalStringValue;
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ChangeType(typedValue, returnType);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ChangeType(typedValue, returnType, namespaceResolver);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, returnType.ToString(), e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, returnType.ToString(), e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, returnType.ToString(), e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override object ReadElementContentAsObject()
            if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw CreateReadElementContentAsException("ReadElementContentAsObject");
            XmlSchemaType xmlType;
            return InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType, true);
        public override bool ReadElementContentAsBoolean()
            if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw CreateReadElementContentAsException("ReadElementContentAsBoolean");
            XmlSchemaType xmlType;
            object typedValue = InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType);
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToBoolean(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToBoolean(typedValue);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Boolean", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Boolean", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Boolean", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override DateTime ReadElementContentAsDateTime()
            if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw CreateReadElementContentAsException("ReadElementContentAsDateTime");
            XmlSchemaType xmlType;
            object typedValue = InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType);
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToDateTime(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToDateTime(typedValue);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "DateTime", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "DateTime", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "DateTime", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override double ReadElementContentAsDouble()
            if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw CreateReadElementContentAsException("ReadElementContentAsDouble");
            XmlSchemaType xmlType;
            object typedValue = InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType);
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToDouble(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToDouble(typedValue);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Double", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Double", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Double", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override float ReadElementContentAsFloat()
            if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw CreateReadElementContentAsException("ReadElementContentAsFloat");
            XmlSchemaType xmlType;
            object typedValue = InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType);
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToSingle(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToSingle(typedValue);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Float", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Float", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Float", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override Decimal ReadElementContentAsDecimal()
            if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw CreateReadElementContentAsException("ReadElementContentAsDecimal");
            XmlSchemaType xmlType;
            object typedValue = InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType);
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToDecimal(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToDecimal(typedValue);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Decimal", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Decimal", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Decimal", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override int ReadElementContentAsInt()
            if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw CreateReadElementContentAsException("ReadElementContentAsInt");
            XmlSchemaType xmlType;
            object typedValue = InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType);
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToInt32(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToInt32(typedValue);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Int", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Int", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Int", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override long ReadElementContentAsLong()
            if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw CreateReadElementContentAsException("ReadElementContentAsLong");
            XmlSchemaType xmlType;
            object typedValue = InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType);
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToInt64(typedValue);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToInt64(typedValue);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Long", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Long", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "Long", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override string ReadElementContentAsString()
            if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw CreateReadElementContentAsException("ReadElementContentAsString");
            XmlSchemaType xmlType;
            object typedValue = InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType);
                if (xmlType != null)
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ToString(typedValue);
                    return typedValue as string;
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "String", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "String", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, "String", e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        public override object ReadElementContentAs(Type returnType, IXmlNamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
            if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw CreateReadElementContentAsException("ReadElementContentAs");
            XmlSchemaType xmlType;
            string originalStringValue;
            object typedValue = InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType, false, out originalStringValue);
                if (xmlType != null)
                    // special-case convertions to DateTimeOffset; typedValue is by default a DateTime 
                    // which cannot preserve time zone, so we need to convert from the original string
                    if (returnType == typeof(DateTimeOffset) && xmlType.Datatype is Datatype_dateTimeBase)
                        typedValue = originalStringValue;
                    return xmlType.ValueConverter.ChangeType(typedValue, returnType, namespaceResolver);
                    return XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ChangeType(typedValue, returnType, namespaceResolver);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, returnType.ToString(), e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, returnType.ToString(), e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            catch (OverflowException e)
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_ReadContentAsFormatException, returnType.ToString(), e, this as IXmlLineInfo);
        // Attribute Accessors
        // The number of attributes on the current node.
        public override int AttributeCount
                return _attributeCount;
        // Gets the value of the attribute with the specified Name.
        public override string GetAttribute(string name)
            string attValue = _coreReader.GetAttribute(name);
            if (attValue == null && _attributeCount > 0)
            { //Could be default attribute
                ValidatingReaderNodeData defaultNode = GetDefaultAttribute(name, false);
                if (defaultNode != null)
                { //Default found
                    attValue = defaultNode.RawValue;
            return attValue;
        // Gets the value of the attribute with the specified LocalName and NamespaceURI.
        public override string GetAttribute(string name, string namespaceURI)
            string attValue = _coreReader.GetAttribute(name, namespaceURI);
            if (attValue == null && _attributeCount > 0)
            { //Could be default attribute
                namespaceURI = (namespaceURI == null) ? string.Empty : _coreReaderNameTable.Get(namespaceURI);
                name = _coreReaderNameTable.Get(name);
                if (name == null || namespaceURI == null)
                { //Attribute not present since we did not see it
                    return null;
                ValidatingReaderNodeData attNode = GetDefaultAttribute(name, namespaceURI, false);
                if (attNode != null)
                    return attNode.RawValue;
            return attValue;
        // Gets the value of the attribute with the specified index.
        public override string GetAttribute(int i)
            if (_attributeCount == 0)
                return null;
            if (i < _coreReaderAttributeCount)
                return _coreReader.GetAttribute(i);
                int defaultIndex = i - _coreReaderAttributeCount;
                ValidatingReaderNodeData attNode = (ValidatingReaderNodeData)_defaultAttributes[defaultIndex];
                Debug.Assert(attNode != null);
                return attNode.RawValue;
        // Moves to the attribute with the specified Name
        public override bool MoveToAttribute(string name)
            if (_coreReader.MoveToAttribute(name))
                _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnAttribute;
                _attributePSVI = GetAttributePSVI(name);
                goto Found;
            else if (_attributeCount > 0)
            { //Default attribute
                ValidatingReaderNodeData defaultNode = GetDefaultAttribute(name, true);
                if (defaultNode != null)
                    _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnDefaultAttribute;
                    _attributePSVI = defaultNode.AttInfo;
                    _cachedNode = defaultNode;
                    goto Found;
            return false;
            if (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent)
                _validationState = _savedState;
            return true;
        // Moves to the attribute with the specified LocalName and NamespaceURI
        public override bool MoveToAttribute(string name, string ns)
            //Check atomized local name and ns
            name = _coreReaderNameTable.Get(name);
            ns = ns != null ? _coreReaderNameTable.Get(ns) : string.Empty;
            if (name == null || ns == null)
            { //Name or ns not found in the nameTable, then attribute is not found
                return false;
            if (_coreReader.MoveToAttribute(name, ns))
                _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnAttribute;
                if (_inlineSchemaParser == null)
                    _attributePSVI = GetAttributePSVI(name, ns);
                    Debug.Assert(_attributePSVI != null);
                { //Parsing inline schema, no PSVI for schema attributes
                    _attributePSVI = null;
                goto Found;
            { //Default attribute
                ValidatingReaderNodeData defaultNode = GetDefaultAttribute(name, ns, true);
                if (defaultNode != null)
                    _attributePSVI = defaultNode.AttInfo;
                    _cachedNode = defaultNode;
                    _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnDefaultAttribute;
                    goto Found;
            return false;
            if (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent)
                _validationState = _savedState;
            return true;
        // Moves to the attribute with the specified index
        public override void MoveToAttribute(int i)
            if (i < 0 || i >= _attributeCount)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("i");
            _currentAttrIndex = i;
            if (i < _coreReaderAttributeCount)
            { //reader attribute
                if (_inlineSchemaParser == null)
                    _attributePSVI = _attributePSVINodes[i];
                    _attributePSVI = null;
                _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnAttribute;
            { //default attribute
                int defaultIndex = i - _coreReaderAttributeCount;
                _cachedNode = (ValidatingReaderNodeData)_defaultAttributes[defaultIndex];
                _attributePSVI = _cachedNode.AttInfo;
                _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnDefaultAttribute;
            if (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent)
                _validationState = _savedState;
        // Moves to the first attribute.
        public override bool MoveToFirstAttribute()
            if (_coreReader.MoveToFirstAttribute())
                _currentAttrIndex = 0;
                if (_inlineSchemaParser == null)
                    _attributePSVI = _attributePSVINodes[0];
                    _attributePSVI = null;
                _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnAttribute;
                goto Found;
            else if (_defaultAttributes.Count > 0)
            { //check for default
                _cachedNode = (ValidatingReaderNodeData)_defaultAttributes[0];
                _attributePSVI = _cachedNode.AttInfo;
                _currentAttrIndex = 0;
                _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnDefaultAttribute;
                goto Found;
            return false;
            if (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent)
                _validationState = _savedState;
            return true;
        // Moves to the next attribute.
        public override bool MoveToNextAttribute()
            if (_currentAttrIndex + 1 < _coreReaderAttributeCount)
                bool moveTo = _coreReader.MoveToNextAttribute();
                if (_inlineSchemaParser == null)
                    _attributePSVI = _attributePSVINodes[_currentAttrIndex];
                    _attributePSVI = null;
                _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnAttribute;
                goto Found;
            else if (_currentAttrIndex + 1 < _attributeCount)
            { //default attribute
                int defaultIndex = ++_currentAttrIndex - _coreReaderAttributeCount;
                _cachedNode = (ValidatingReaderNodeData)_defaultAttributes[defaultIndex];
                _attributePSVI = _cachedNode.AttInfo;
                _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnDefaultAttribute;
                goto Found;
            return false;
            if (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent)
                _validationState = _savedState;
            return true;
        // Moves to the element that contains the current attribute node.
        public override bool MoveToElement()
            if (_coreReader.MoveToElement() || (int)_validationState < 0)
            { //states OnDefaultAttribute or OnReadAttributeValue
                _currentAttrIndex = -1;
                _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ClearAttributes;
                return true;
            return false;
        // Reads the next node from the stream/TextReader.
        public override bool Read()
            switch (_validationState)
                case ValidatingReaderState.Read:
                    if (_coreReader.Read())
                        return true;
                        if (_coreReader.EOF)
                            _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.EOF;
                        return false;
                case ValidatingReaderState.ParseInlineSchema:
                    return true;
                case ValidatingReaderState.OnAttribute:
                case ValidatingReaderState.OnDefaultAttribute:
                case ValidatingReaderState.ClearAttributes:
                case ValidatingReaderState.OnReadAttributeValue:
                    if (_inlineSchemaParser != null)
                        _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ParseInlineSchema;
                        goto case ValidatingReaderState.ParseInlineSchema;
                        _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.Read;
                        goto case ValidatingReaderState.Read;
                case ValidatingReaderState.ReadAhead: //Will enter here on calling Skip() 
                    _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.Read;
                    return true;
                case ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent:
                    _validationState = _savedState;
                    return Read();
                case ValidatingReaderState.Init:
                    _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.Read;
                    if (_coreReader.ReadState == ReadState.Interactive)
                    { //If the underlying reader is already positioned on a ndoe, process it
                        return true;
                        goto case ValidatingReaderState.Read;
                case ValidatingReaderState.ReaderClosed:
                case ValidatingReaderState.EOF:
                    return false;
                    return false;
        // Gets a value indicating whether XmlReader is positioned at the end of the stream/TextReader.
        public override bool EOF
                return _coreReader.EOF;
        // Closes the stream, changes the ReadState to Closed, and sets all the properties back to zero.
        public override void Close()
            _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ReaderClosed;
        // Returns the read state of the XmlReader.
        public override ReadState ReadState
                return (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.Init) ? ReadState.Initial : _coreReader.ReadState;
        // Skips to the end tag of the current element.
        public override void Skip()
            int startDepth = Depth;
            switch (NodeType)
                case XmlNodeType.Element:
                    if (_coreReader.IsEmptyElement)
                    bool callSkipToEndElem = true;
                    //If union and unionValue has been parsed till EndElement, then validator.ValidateEndElement has been called
                    //Hence should not call SkipToEndElement as the current context has already been popped in the validator
                    if ((_xmlSchemaInfo.IsUnionType || _xmlSchemaInfo.IsDefault) && _coreReader is XsdCachingReader)
                        callSkipToEndElem = false;
                    _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ReadAhead;
                    if (callSkipToEndElem)
                case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
                    goto case XmlNodeType.Element;
            //For all other NodeTypes Skip() same as Read()
        // Gets the XmlNameTable associated with this implementation.
        public override XmlNameTable NameTable
                return _coreReaderNameTable;
        // Resolves a namespace prefix in the current element's scope.
        public override string LookupNamespace(string prefix)
            return _thisNSResolver.LookupNamespace(prefix);
        // Resolves the entity reference for nodes of NodeType EntityReference.
        public override void ResolveEntity()
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
        // Parses the attribute value into one or more Text and/or EntityReference node types.
        public override bool ReadAttributeValue()
            if (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent)
                _validationState = _savedState;
            if (NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute)
                if (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.OnDefaultAttribute)
                    _cachedNode = CreateDummyTextNode(_cachedNode.RawValue, _cachedNode.Depth + 1);
                    _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnReadAttributeValue;
                    return true;
                return _coreReader.ReadAttributeValue();
            return false;
        public override bool CanReadBinaryContent
                return true;
        public override int ReadContentAsBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
            if (ReadState != ReadState.Interactive)
                return 0;
            // init ReadContentAsBinaryHelper when called first time
            if (_validationState != ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent)
                _readBinaryHelper = ReadContentAsBinaryHelper.CreateOrReset(_readBinaryHelper, this);
                _savedState = _validationState;
            // restore original state in order to have a normal Read() behavior when called from readBinaryHelper
            _validationState = _savedState;
            // call to the helper
            int readCount = _readBinaryHelper.ReadContentAsBase64(buffer, index, count);
            // set OnReadBinaryContent state again and return
            _savedState = _validationState;
            _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent;
            return readCount;
        public override int ReadContentAsBinHex(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
            if (ReadState != ReadState.Interactive)
                return 0;
            // init ReadContentAsBinaryHelper when called first time
            if (_validationState != ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent)
                _readBinaryHelper = ReadContentAsBinaryHelper.CreateOrReset(_readBinaryHelper, this);
                _savedState = _validationState;
            // restore original state in order to have a normal Read() behavior when called from readBinaryHelper
            _validationState = _savedState;
            // call to the helper
            int readCount = _readBinaryHelper.ReadContentAsBinHex(buffer, index, count);
            // set OnReadBinaryContent state again and return
            _savedState = _validationState;
            _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent;
            return readCount;
        public override int ReadElementContentAsBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
            if (ReadState != ReadState.Interactive)
                return 0;
            // init ReadContentAsBinaryHelper when called first time
            if (_validationState != ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent)
                _readBinaryHelper = ReadContentAsBinaryHelper.CreateOrReset(_readBinaryHelper, this);
                _savedState = _validationState;
            // restore original state in order to have a normal Read() behavior when called from readBinaryHelper
            _validationState = _savedState;
            // call to the helper
            int readCount = _readBinaryHelper.ReadElementContentAsBase64(buffer, index, count);
            // set OnReadBinaryContent state again and return
            _savedState = _validationState;
            _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent;
            return readCount;
        public override int ReadElementContentAsBinHex(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
            if (ReadState != ReadState.Interactive)
                return 0;
            // init ReadContentAsBinaryHelper when called first time
            if (_validationState != ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent)
                _readBinaryHelper = ReadContentAsBinaryHelper.CreateOrReset(_readBinaryHelper, this);
                _savedState = _validationState;
            // restore original state in order to have a normal Read() behavior when called from readBinaryHelper
            _validationState = _savedState;
            // call to the helper
            int readCount = _readBinaryHelper.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(buffer, index, count);
            // set OnReadBinaryContent state again and return
            _savedState = _validationState;
            _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.OnReadBinaryContent;
            return readCount;
        // IXmlSchemaInfo interface
        bool IXmlSchemaInfo.IsDefault
                switch (NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                        if (!_coreReader.IsEmptyElement)
                        return _xmlSchemaInfo.IsDefault;
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        return _xmlSchemaInfo.IsDefault;
                    case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
                        if (_attributePSVI != null)
                            return AttributeSchemaInfo.IsDefault;
                return false;
        bool IXmlSchemaInfo.IsNil
                switch (NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        return _xmlSchemaInfo.IsNil;
                return false;
        XmlSchemaValidity IXmlSchemaInfo.Validity
                switch (NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                        if (_coreReader.IsEmptyElement)
                            return _xmlSchemaInfo.Validity;
                        if (_xmlSchemaInfo.Validity == XmlSchemaValidity.Valid)
                        { //It might be valid for unions since we read ahead, but report notknown for consistency
                            return XmlSchemaValidity.NotKnown;
                        return _xmlSchemaInfo.Validity;
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        return _xmlSchemaInfo.Validity;
                    case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
                        if (_attributePSVI != null)
                            return AttributeSchemaInfo.Validity;
                return XmlSchemaValidity.NotKnown;
        XmlSchemaSimpleType IXmlSchemaInfo.MemberType
                switch (NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                        if (!_coreReader.IsEmptyElement)
                        return _xmlSchemaInfo.MemberType;
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        return _xmlSchemaInfo.MemberType;
                    case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
                        if (_attributePSVI != null)
                            return AttributeSchemaInfo.MemberType;
                        return null;
                        return null; //Text, PI, Comment etc
        XmlSchemaType IXmlSchemaInfo.SchemaType
                switch (NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        return _xmlSchemaInfo.SchemaType;
                    case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
                        if (_attributePSVI != null)
                            return AttributeSchemaInfo.SchemaType;
                        return null;
                        return null; //Text, PI, Comment etc
        XmlSchemaElement IXmlSchemaInfo.SchemaElement
                if (NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element || NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                    return _xmlSchemaInfo.SchemaElement;
                return null;
        XmlSchemaAttribute IXmlSchemaInfo.SchemaAttribute
                if (NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute)
                    if (_attributePSVI != null)
                        return AttributeSchemaInfo.SchemaAttribute;
                return null;
        // IXmlLineInfo members
        public bool HasLineInfo()
            return true;
        public int LineNumber
                if (_lineInfo != null)
                    return _lineInfo.LineNumber;
                return 0;
        public int LinePosition
                if (_lineInfo != null)
                    return _lineInfo.LinePosition;
                return 0;
        // IXmlNamespaceResolver members
        IDictionary<string, string> IXmlNamespaceResolver.GetNamespacesInScope(XmlNamespaceScope scope)
            if (_coreReaderNSResolver != null)
                return _coreReaderNSResolver.GetNamespacesInScope(scope);
                return _nsManager.GetNamespacesInScope(scope);
        string IXmlNamespaceResolver.LookupNamespace(string prefix)
            if (_coreReaderNSResolver != null)
                return _coreReaderNSResolver.LookupNamespace(prefix);
                return _nsManager.LookupNamespace(prefix);
        string IXmlNamespaceResolver.LookupPrefix(string namespaceName)
            if (_coreReaderNSResolver != null)
                return _coreReaderNSResolver.LookupPrefix(namespaceName);
                return _nsManager.LookupPrefix(namespaceName);
        //Internal / Private methods
        private object GetStringValue()
            return _coreReader.Value;
        private XmlSchemaType ElementXmlType
                return _xmlSchemaInfo.XmlType;
        private XmlSchemaType AttributeXmlType
                if (_attributePSVI != null)
                    return AttributeSchemaInfo.XmlType;
                return null;
        private XmlSchemaInfo AttributeSchemaInfo
                Debug.Assert(_attributePSVI != null);
                return _attributePSVI.attributeSchemaInfo;
        private void ProcessReaderEvent()
            if (_replayCache)
            { //if in replay mode, do nothing since nodes have been validated already
                //If NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && if manageNamespaces, may need to pop namespace scope, since scope is not popped in ReadAheadForMemberType
            switch (_coreReader.NodeType)
                case XmlNodeType.Element:
                case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
                case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                case XmlNodeType.Text:          // text inside a node
                case XmlNodeType.CDATA:         // <![CDATA[...]]>
                case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
                case XmlNodeType.DocumentType:
        // SxS: This function calls ValidateElement on XmlSchemaValidator which is annotated with ResourceExposure attribute.
        // Since the resource names (namespace location) are not provided directly by the user (they are read from the source
        // document) and the function does not expose any resources it is fine to disable the SxS warning. 
        private void ProcessElementEvent()
            if (_processInlineSchema && IsXSDRoot(_coreReader.LocalName, _coreReader.NamespaceURI) && _coreReader.Depth > 0)
                _attributeCount = _coreReaderAttributeCount = _coreReader.AttributeCount;
                if (!_coreReader.IsEmptyElement)
                { //If its not empty schema, then parse else ignore
                    _inlineSchemaParser = new Parser(SchemaType.XSD, _coreReaderNameTable, _validator.SchemaSet.GetSchemaNames(_coreReaderNameTable), _validationEvent);
                    _inlineSchemaParser.StartParsing(_coreReader, null);
                    _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ParseInlineSchema;
                    _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ClearAttributes;
            { //Validate element
                //Clear previous data
                _atomicValue = null;
                _originalAtomicValueString = null;
                if (_manageNamespaces)
                //Find Xsi attributes that need to be processed before validating the element
                string xsiSchemaLocation = null;
                string xsiNoNamespaceSL = null;
                string xsiNil = null;
                string xsiType = null;
                if (_coreReader.MoveToFirstAttribute())
                        string objectNs = _coreReader.NamespaceURI;
                        string objectName = _coreReader.LocalName;
                        if (Ref.Equal(objectNs, _nsXsi))
                            if (Ref.Equal(objectName, _xsiSchemaLocation))
                                xsiSchemaLocation = _coreReader.Value;
                            else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, _xsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation))
                                xsiNoNamespaceSL = _coreReader.Value;
                            else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, _xsiType))
                                xsiType = _coreReader.Value;
                            else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, _xsiNil))
                                xsiNil = _coreReader.Value;
                        if (_manageNamespaces && Ref.Equal(_coreReader.NamespaceURI, _nsXmlNs))
                            _nsManager.AddNamespace(_coreReader.Prefix.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : _coreReader.LocalName, _coreReader.Value);
                    } while (_coreReader.MoveToNextAttribute());
                _validator.ValidateElement(_coreReader.LocalName, _coreReader.NamespaceURI, _xmlSchemaInfo, xsiType, xsiNil, xsiSchemaLocation, xsiNoNamespaceSL);
                if (_coreReader.IsEmptyElement)
                _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ClearAttributes;
        private void ProcessEndElementEvent()
            _atomicValue = _validator.ValidateEndElement(_xmlSchemaInfo);
            _originalAtomicValueString = GetOriginalAtomicValueStringOfElement();
            if (_xmlSchemaInfo.IsDefault)
            { //The atomicValue returned is a default value
                Debug.Assert(_atomicValue != null);
                int depth = _coreReader.Depth;
                _coreReader = GetCachingReader();
                _cachingReader.RecordTextNode(_xmlSchemaInfo.XmlType.ValueConverter.ToString(_atomicValue), _originalAtomicValueString, depth + 1, 0, 0);
                _replayCache = true;
            else if (_manageNamespaces)
        private void ValidateAttributes()
            _attributeCount = _coreReaderAttributeCount = _coreReader.AttributeCount;
            AttributePSVIInfo attributePSVI;
            int attIndex = 0;
            bool attributeInvalid = false;
            if (_coreReader.MoveToFirstAttribute())
                    string localName = _coreReader.LocalName;
                    string ns = _coreReader.NamespaceURI;
                    attributePSVI = AddAttributePSVI(attIndex);
                    attributePSVI.localName = localName;
                    attributePSVI.namespaceUri = ns;
                    if ((object)ns == (object)_nsXmlNs)
                    attributePSVI.typedAttributeValue = _validator.ValidateAttribute(localName, ns, _valueGetter, attributePSVI.attributeSchemaInfo);
                    if (!attributeInvalid)
                        attributeInvalid = attributePSVI.attributeSchemaInfo.Validity == XmlSchemaValidity.Invalid;
                } while (_coreReader.MoveToNextAttribute());
            if (attributeInvalid)
            { //If any of the attributes are invalid, Need to report element's validity as invalid
                _xmlSchemaInfo.Validity = XmlSchemaValidity.Invalid;
            _validator.GetUnspecifiedDefaultAttributes(_defaultAttributes, true);
            _attributeCount += _defaultAttributes.Count;
        private void ClearAttributesInfo()
            _attributeCount = 0;
            _coreReaderAttributeCount = 0;
            _currentAttrIndex = -1;
            _attributePSVI = null;
        private AttributePSVIInfo GetAttributePSVI(string name)
            if (_inlineSchemaParser != null)
            { //Parsing inline schema, no PSVI for schema attributes
                return null;
            string attrLocalName;
            string attrPrefix;
            string ns;
            ValidateNames.SplitQName(name, out attrPrefix, out attrLocalName);
            attrPrefix = _coreReaderNameTable.Add(attrPrefix);
            attrLocalName = _coreReaderNameTable.Add(attrLocalName);
            if (attrPrefix.Length == 0)
            { //empty prefix, not qualified
                ns = string.Empty;
                ns = _thisNSResolver.LookupNamespace(attrPrefix);
            return GetAttributePSVI(attrLocalName, ns);
        private AttributePSVIInfo GetAttributePSVI(string localName, string ns)
            Debug.Assert(_coreReaderNameTable.Get(localName) != null);
            Debug.Assert(_coreReaderNameTable.Get(ns) != null);
            AttributePSVIInfo attInfo = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < _coreReaderAttributeCount; i++)
                attInfo = _attributePSVINodes[i];
                if (attInfo != null)
                { //Will be null for invalid attributes
                    if (Ref.Equal(localName, attInfo.localName) && Ref.Equal(ns, attInfo.namespaceUri))
                        _currentAttrIndex = i;
                        return attInfo;
            return null;
        private ValidatingReaderNodeData GetDefaultAttribute(string name, bool updatePosition)
            string attrLocalName;
            string attrPrefix;
            ValidateNames.SplitQName(name, out attrPrefix, out attrLocalName);
            attrPrefix = _coreReaderNameTable.Add(attrPrefix);
            attrLocalName = _coreReaderNameTable.Add(attrLocalName);
            string ns;
            if (attrPrefix.Length == 0)
                ns = string.Empty;
                ns = _thisNSResolver.LookupNamespace(attrPrefix);
            return GetDefaultAttribute(attrLocalName, ns, updatePosition);
        private ValidatingReaderNodeData GetDefaultAttribute(string attrLocalName, string ns, bool updatePosition)
            Debug.Assert(_coreReaderNameTable.Get(attrLocalName) != null);
            Debug.Assert(_coreReaderNameTable.Get(ns) != null);
            ValidatingReaderNodeData defaultNode = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < _defaultAttributes.Count; i++)
                defaultNode = (ValidatingReaderNodeData)_defaultAttributes[i];
                if (Ref.Equal(defaultNode.LocalName, attrLocalName) && Ref.Equal(defaultNode.Namespace, ns))
                    if (updatePosition)
                        _currentAttrIndex = _coreReader.AttributeCount + i;
                    return defaultNode;
            return null;
        private AttributePSVIInfo AddAttributePSVI(int attIndex)
            Debug.Assert(attIndex <= _attributePSVINodes.Length);
            AttributePSVIInfo attInfo = _attributePSVINodes[attIndex];
            if (attInfo != null)
                return attInfo;
            if (attIndex >= _attributePSVINodes.Length - 1)
            { //reached capacity of PSVIInfo array, Need to increase capacity to twice the initial
                AttributePSVIInfo[] newPSVINodes = new AttributePSVIInfo[_attributePSVINodes.Length * 2];
                Array.Copy(_attributePSVINodes, 0, newPSVINodes, 0, _attributePSVINodes.Length);
                _attributePSVINodes = newPSVINodes;
            attInfo = _attributePSVINodes[attIndex];
            if (attInfo == null)
                attInfo = new AttributePSVIInfo();
                _attributePSVINodes[attIndex] = attInfo;
            return attInfo;
        private bool IsXSDRoot(string localName, string ns)
            return Ref.Equal(ns, _nsXs) && Ref.Equal(localName, _xsdSchema);
        private void ProcessInlineSchema()
            Debug.Assert(_inlineSchemaParser != null);
            if (_coreReader.Read())
                if (_coreReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    _attributeCount = _coreReaderAttributeCount = _coreReader.AttributeCount;
                { //Clear attributes info if nodeType is not element
                if (!_inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode())
                    XmlSchema schema = _inlineSchemaParser.XmlSchema;
                    _inlineSchemaParser = null;
                    _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.Read;
        private object InternalReadContentAsObject()
            return InternalReadContentAsObject(false);
        private object InternalReadContentAsObject(bool unwrapTypedValue)
            string str;
            return InternalReadContentAsObject(unwrapTypedValue, out str);
        private object InternalReadContentAsObject(bool unwrapTypedValue, out string originalStringValue)
            XmlNodeType nodeType = this.NodeType;
            if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute)
                originalStringValue = this.Value;
                if (_attributePSVI != null && _attributePSVI.typedAttributeValue != null)
                    if (_validationState == ValidatingReaderState.OnDefaultAttribute)
                        XmlSchemaAttribute schemaAttr = _attributePSVI.attributeSchemaInfo.SchemaAttribute;
                        originalStringValue = (schemaAttr.DefaultValue != null) ? schemaAttr.DefaultValue : schemaAttr.FixedValue;
                    return ReturnBoxedValue(_attributePSVI.typedAttributeValue, AttributeSchemaInfo.XmlType, unwrapTypedValue);
                { //return string value
                    return this.Value;
            else if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                if (_atomicValue != null)
                    originalStringValue = _originalAtomicValueString;
                    return _atomicValue;
                    originalStringValue = string.Empty;
                    return string.Empty;
            { //Positioned on text, CDATA, PI, Comment etc
                if (_validator.CurrentContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.TextOnly)
                {  //if current element is of simple type
                    object value = ReturnBoxedValue(ReadTillEndElement(), _xmlSchemaInfo.XmlType, unwrapTypedValue);
                    originalStringValue = _originalAtomicValueString;
                    return value;
                    XsdCachingReader cachingReader = _coreReader as XsdCachingReader;
                    if (cachingReader != null)
                        originalStringValue = cachingReader.ReadOriginalContentAsString();
                        originalStringValue = InternalReadContentAsString();
                    return originalStringValue;
        private object InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out XmlSchemaType xmlType)
            return InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType, false);
        private object InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out XmlSchemaType xmlType, bool unwrapTypedValue)
            string tmpString;
            return InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out xmlType, unwrapTypedValue, out tmpString);
        private object InternalReadElementContentAsObject(out XmlSchemaType xmlType, bool unwrapTypedValue, out string originalString)
            Debug.Assert(this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element);
            object typedValue = null;
            xmlType = null;
            //If its an empty element, can have default/fixed value
            if (this.IsEmptyElement)
                if (_xmlSchemaInfo.ContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.TextOnly)
                    typedValue = ReturnBoxedValue(_atomicValue, _xmlSchemaInfo.XmlType, unwrapTypedValue);
                    typedValue = _atomicValue;
                originalString = _originalAtomicValueString;
                xmlType = ElementXmlType; //Set this for default values 
                return typedValue;
            // move to content and read typed value
            if (this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
            { //If IsDefault is true, the next node will be EndElement
                if (_xmlSchemaInfo.IsDefault)
                    if (_xmlSchemaInfo.ContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.TextOnly)
                        typedValue = ReturnBoxedValue(_atomicValue, _xmlSchemaInfo.XmlType, unwrapTypedValue);
                    { //anyType has default value
                        typedValue = _atomicValue;
                    originalString = _originalAtomicValueString;
                { //Empty content
                    typedValue = string.Empty;
                    originalString = string.Empty;
            else if (this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
            { //the first child is again element node
                throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_MixedReadElementContentAs, string.Empty, this as IXmlLineInfo);
                typedValue = InternalReadContentAsObject(unwrapTypedValue, out originalString);
                // ReadElementContentAsXXX cannot be called on mixed content, if positioned on node other than EndElement, Error
                if (this.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                    throw new XmlException(ResXml.Xml_MixedReadElementContentAs, string.Empty, this as IXmlLineInfo);
            xmlType = ElementXmlType; //Set this as we are moving ahead to the next node
            // move to next node
            return typedValue;
        private object ReadTillEndElement()
            if (_atomicValue == null)
                while (_coreReader.Read())
                    if (_replayCache)
                    { //If replaying nodes in the cache, they have already been validated
                    switch (_coreReader.NodeType)
                        case XmlNodeType.Element:
                            goto breakWhile;
                        case XmlNodeType.Text:
                        case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                        case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
                        case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                        case XmlNodeType.Comment:
                        case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
                        case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                            _atomicValue = _validator.ValidateEndElement(_xmlSchemaInfo);
                            _originalAtomicValueString = GetOriginalAtomicValueStringOfElement();
                            if (_manageNamespaces)
                            goto breakWhile;
            { //atomicValue != null, meaning already read ahead - Switch reader
                if (_atomicValue == this)
                { //switch back invalid marker; dont need it since coreReader moved to endElement
                    _atomicValue = null;
            return _atomicValue;
        private void SwitchReader()
            XsdCachingReader cachingReader = _coreReader as XsdCachingReader;
            if (cachingReader != null)
            { //Switch back without going over the cached contents again.
                _coreReader = cachingReader.GetCoreReader();
            Debug.Assert(_coreReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement);
            _replayCache = false;
        private void ReadAheadForMemberType()
            while (_coreReader.Read())
                switch (_coreReader.NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                        Debug.Assert(false); //Should not happen as the caching reader does not cache elements in simple content
                    case XmlNodeType.Text:
                    case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                    case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
                    case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                    case XmlNodeType.Comment:
                    case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        _atomicValue = _validator.ValidateEndElement(_xmlSchemaInfo); //?? pop namespaceManager scope
                        _originalAtomicValueString = GetOriginalAtomicValueStringOfElement();
                        if (_atomicValue == null)
                        { //Invalid marker
                            _atomicValue = this;
                        else if (_xmlSchemaInfo.IsDefault)
                        { //The atomicValue returned is a default value
                            _cachingReader.SwitchTextNodeAndEndElement(_xmlSchemaInfo.XmlType.ValueConverter.ToString(_atomicValue), _originalAtomicValueString);
                        goto breakWhile;
        private void GetIsDefault()
            XsdCachingReader cachedReader = _coreReader as XsdCachingReader;
            if (cachedReader == null && _xmlSchemaInfo.HasDefaultValue)
            { //Get Isdefault
                _coreReader = GetCachingReader();
                if (_xmlSchemaInfo.IsUnionType && !_xmlSchemaInfo.IsNil)
                { //If it also union, get the memberType as well
                    if (_coreReader.Read())
                        switch (_coreReader.NodeType)
                            case XmlNodeType.Element:
                                Debug.Assert(false); //Should not happen as the caching reader does not cache elements in simple content
                            case XmlNodeType.Text:
                            case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                            case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
                            case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                            case XmlNodeType.Comment:
                            case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
                            case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                                _atomicValue = _validator.ValidateEndElement(_xmlSchemaInfo); //?? pop namespaceManager scope
                                _originalAtomicValueString = GetOriginalAtomicValueStringOfElement();
                                if (_xmlSchemaInfo.IsDefault)
                                { //The atomicValue returned is a default value
                                    _cachingReader.SwitchTextNodeAndEndElement(_xmlSchemaInfo.XmlType.ValueConverter.ToString(_atomicValue), _originalAtomicValueString);
                _replayCache = true;
        private void GetMemberType()
            if (_xmlSchemaInfo.MemberType != null || _atomicValue == this)
            XsdCachingReader cachedReader = _coreReader as XsdCachingReader;
            if (cachedReader == null && _xmlSchemaInfo.IsUnionType && !_xmlSchemaInfo.IsNil)
                _coreReader = GetCachingReader();
                _replayCache = true;
        private object ReturnBoxedValue(object typedValue, XmlSchemaType xmlType, bool unWrap)
            if (typedValue != null)
                if (unWrap)
                { //convert XmlAtomicValue[] to object[] for list of unions; The other cases return typed value of the valueType anyway
                    Debug.Assert(xmlType != null && xmlType.Datatype != null);
                    if (xmlType.Datatype.Variety == XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety.List)
                        Datatype_List listType = xmlType.Datatype as Datatype_List;
                        if (listType.ItemType.Variety == XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety.Union)
                            typedValue = xmlType.ValueConverter.ChangeType(typedValue, xmlType.Datatype.ValueType, _thisNSResolver);
                return typedValue;
            { //return the original string value of the element or attribute
                Debug.Assert(NodeType != XmlNodeType.Attribute);
                typedValue = _validator.GetConcatenatedValue();
            return typedValue;
        private XsdCachingReader GetCachingReader()
            if (_cachingReader == null)
                _cachingReader = new XsdCachingReader(_coreReader, _lineInfo, new CachingEventHandler(CachingCallBack));
            _lineInfo = _cachingReader as IXmlLineInfo;
            return _cachingReader;
        internal ValidatingReaderNodeData CreateDummyTextNode(string attributeValue, int depth)
            if (_textNode == null)
                _textNode = new ValidatingReaderNodeData(XmlNodeType.Text);
            _textNode.Depth = depth;
            _textNode.RawValue = attributeValue;
            return _textNode;
        internal void CachingCallBack(XsdCachingReader cachingReader)
            _coreReader = cachingReader.GetCoreReader(); //re-switch the core-reader after caching reader is done
            _lineInfo = cachingReader.GetLineInfo();
            _replayCache = false;
        private string GetOriginalAtomicValueStringOfElement()
            if (_xmlSchemaInfo.IsDefault)
                XmlSchemaElement schemaElem = _xmlSchemaInfo.SchemaElement;
                if (schemaElem != null)
                    return (schemaElem.DefaultValue != null) ? schemaElem.DefaultValue : schemaElem.FixedValue;
                return _validator.GetConcatenatedValue();
            return string.Empty;