File: System\Xaml\XamlObjectReader.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\System.Xaml\System.Xaml.csproj (System.Xaml)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Xaml.MS.Impl;
using System.Xaml.Schema;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using MS.Internal.Xaml.Runtime;
namespace System.Xaml
    public class XamlObjectReader : XamlReader
        XamlObjectReaderSettings settings;
        XamlSchemaContext schemaContext;
        XamlNode currentXamlNode;
        object currentInstance;
        Stack<MarkupInfo> nodes;
        public XamlObjectReader(object instance)
            : this(instance, (XamlObjectReaderSettings)null)
        public XamlObjectReader(object instance, XamlObjectReaderSettings settings)
            : this(instance, new XamlSchemaContext(), settings)
        public XamlObjectReader(object instance, XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
            : this(instance, schemaContext, null)
        public XamlObjectReader(object instance, XamlSchemaContext schemaContext, XamlObjectReaderSettings settings)
            this.schemaContext = schemaContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schemaContext));
            this.settings = settings ?? new XamlObjectReaderSettings();
            nodes = new Stack<MarkupInfo>();
            currentXamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNode.InternalNodeType.StartOfStream);
            var context = new SerializerContext(schemaContext, this.settings) { RootType = instance?.GetType() };
            var rootObject = ObjectMarkupInfo.ForObject(instance, context, null, true);
            // While we still have name scopes to do, do them. We postpone name scopes so that we can appropriately
            // resolve references from inside a namescope to objects outside of the name scope (which may also occur
            // later in the XAML).
            while (context.PendingNameScopes.Count > 0)
                var recordInfo = context.PendingNameScopes.Dequeue();
            // Now make another pass and make sure that all the records that have references to them also have
            // names. This will also call lookup prefix while recursing to ensure that all the namespaces are
            // written at the top of the document.
            // While we recurse assigning names we will also check that there aren't duplicate names visible within
            // a given name scope.
            Stack<HashSet<string>> namesInCurrentScope = new Stack<HashSet<string>>();
            namesInCurrentScope.Push(new HashSet<string>());
            // identify all namespaces, recursively
            // elevate all namespaces to the top of the stack
            var namespaceNodes = context.GetSortedNamespaceNodes();
            foreach (var node in namespaceNodes)
                nodes.Push(new NamespaceMarkupInfo() { XamlNode = node });
        public override bool Read()
            if (nodes.Count == 0)
                if (currentXamlNode.NodeType != XamlNodeType.None)
                    currentXamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNode.InternalNodeType.EndOfStream);
                return false;
            MarkupInfo node = nodes.Pop();
            currentXamlNode = node.XamlNode;
            currentInstance = node is ObjectMarkupInfo objectNode ? objectNode.Object : null;
            var subNodes = node.Decompose();
            if (subNodes is not null)
                // we want to push the nodes onto the stack in reverse order
                foreach (var subNode in subNodes)
            return true;
        public override XamlNodeType NodeType
                return currentXamlNode.NodeType;
        public override NamespaceDeclaration Namespace
                return currentXamlNode.NamespaceDeclaration;
        public override XamlType Type
                return currentXamlNode.XamlType;
        public override XamlMember Member
                return currentXamlNode.Member;
        public override object Value
                return currentXamlNode.Value;
        public override XamlSchemaContext SchemaContext
                return schemaContext;
        public override bool IsEof
                return currentXamlNode.IsEof;
        public virtual object Instance
                return currentXamlNode.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject ? currentInstance : null;
        internal static DesignerSerializationVisibility GetSerializationVisibility(XamlMember member)
            XamlMember result = XamlMemberExtensions.GetNearestMember(member,
            return result.SerializationVisibility;
        internal static string GetConstructorArgument(XamlMember member)
            XamlMember result = XamlMemberExtensions.GetNearestMember(member,
            return result.ConstructorArgument;
        internal static bool GetDefaultValue(XamlMember member, out object value)
            XamlMember result = XamlMemberExtensions.GetNearestMember(member,
            if (result.HasDefaultValue)
                value = result.DefaultValue;
                return true;
            value = null;
            return false;
        class NameScopeMarkupInfo : ObjectMarkupInfo
            public ReferenceTable ParentTable { get; set; }
            public object SourceObject { get; set; }
            public void Resume(SerializerContext context)
                context.ReferenceTable = new ReferenceTable(ParentTable);
                AddRecordMembers(SourceObject, context);
            public override void EnsureNoDuplicateNames(Stack<HashSet<string>> namesInCurrentScope)
                namesInCurrentScope.Push(new HashSet<string>());
        class ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<object>
            public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
                return ReferenceEquals(x, y);
            public int GetHashCode(object obj)
                if (obj is null) { return 0; }
                return obj.GetHashCode();
        class ValueMarkupInfo : ObjectOrValueMarkupInfo
        class MemberMarkupInfo : MarkupInfo
            List<MarkupInfo> children = new List<MarkupInfo>();
            public bool IsContent { get; set; }
            public bool IsFactoryMethod { get; set; }
            public List<MarkupInfo> Children { get { return children; } }
            public override List<MarkupInfo> Decompose()
                return children;
            public bool IsAtomic
                    return (children.Count == 1) && (children[0] is ValueMarkupInfo);
            public bool IsAttributableMarkupExtension
                    if (children.Count != 1)
                        return false;
                    return (children[0] is ObjectMarkupInfo r && r.IsAttributableMarkupExtension);
            public bool IsAttributable
                    // Constructor arguments property
                    if (XamlNode.Member == XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters)
                        foreach (var child in children)
                            if (child is ObjectMarkupInfo objectInfo && !objectInfo.IsAttributableMarkupExtension)
                                Debug.Assert(false); // should never reach here
                                return false;
                        return true;
                    // Non-empty Collections are not attributable
                    if (Children.Count > 1) { return false; }
                    // Empty collections and atoms are attributable
                    if (Children.Count == 0 || Children[0] is ValueMarkupInfo) { return true; }
                    if (Children[0] is not ObjectMarkupInfo r)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ExpectedObjectMarkupInfo);
                    return r.IsAttributableMarkupExtension;
            public override void FindNamespace(SerializerContext context)
                var member = XamlNode.Member;
                if (MemberRequiresNamespaceHoisting(member))
                foreach (var ov in Children)
            bool MemberRequiresNamespaceHoisting(XamlMember member)
                return (member.IsAttachable || (member.IsDirective && !XamlXmlWriter.IsImplicit(member)))
                    && (member.PreferredXamlNamespace != XamlLanguage.Xml1998Namespace);
            public static XamlTemplateMarkupInfo ConvertToXamlReader(
                object propertyValue, XamlValueConverter<XamlDeferringLoader> deferringLoader, SerializerContext context)
                XamlDeferringLoader converter = deferringLoader.ConverterInstance;
                if (converter is null)
                    throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.DeferringLoaderInstanceNull, deferringLoader));
                context.Instance = propertyValue;
                XamlReader reader = context.Runtime.DeferredSave(context.TypeDescriptorContext, deferringLoader, propertyValue);
                context.Instance = null;
                using (reader)
                    return new XamlTemplateMarkupInfo(reader, context);
            public static MemberMarkupInfo ForAttachedProperty
                (object source, XamlMember attachedProperty, object value, SerializerContext context)
                if (GetSerializationVisibility(attachedProperty) == DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)
                    return null;
                if (ShouldWriteProperty(source, attachedProperty, context))
                    if (context.IsPropertyWriteVisible(attachedProperty))
                        return new MemberMarkupInfo
                            XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, attachedProperty),
                            Children = { GetPropertyValueInfo(value, attachedProperty, context) }
                    if (attachedProperty.Type.IsDictionary)
                        return ForDictionary(value, attachedProperty, context, true);
                    if (attachedProperty.Type.IsCollection)
                        return ForSequence(value, attachedProperty, context, true);
                return null;
            // These take either the source object or the value, depending on whether this is actually a property
            // or is an implied content property for some list somewhere. The 'sourceOrValue' parameter is the source
            // when the 'property' parameter is non-null, and the value otherwise.
            public static MemberMarkupInfo ForDictionaryItems(
                object sourceOrValue, XamlMember property, XamlType propertyType, SerializerContext context)
                object propertyValue;
                // Type sourceType;
                if (property is not null)
                    propertyValue = context.Runtime.GetValue(sourceOrValue, property);
                    if (propertyValue is null) { return null; }
                    // sourceType = sourceOrValue.GetType();
                    propertyValue = sourceOrValue;
                    // sourceType = null;
                XamlType keyType = propertyType.KeyType;
                // var isXamlTemplate = XamlClrProperties.IsXamlTemplate(itemType);
                // var converter = context.GetConverter(itemType);
                MemberMarkupInfo itemsInfo = new MemberMarkupInfo { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Items) };
                foreach (var entry in context.Runtime.GetDictionaryItems(propertyValue, propertyType))
                    ObjectMarkupInfo objInfo;
                    // if (isXamlTemplate)
                    // {
                    //    value = ConvertToXamlReader(entry.Value, converter, context);
                    // // We have to remove any key that is already on this xaml (which we presume came from
                    //    //  a dictionary) in order to be sure that it will serialize correctly.
                    //    var keyIndex = value.Properties.FindIndex(psi => psi.TypeName == XamlServices.DirectiveTypeName2006 && psi.MemberName == XamlServices.KeyPropertyName);
                    //    if (keyIndex != -1)
                    //    {
                    //        value.Properties.RemoveAt(keyIndex);
                    //    }
                    // }
                    // else
                    // {
                    objInfo = ObjectMarkupInfo.ForObject(entry.Value, context);
                    // }
                    ObjectOrValueMarkupInfo keyValue;
                    XamlType actualKeyType = null;
                    if (entry.Key is not null)
                        actualKeyType = context.GetXamlType(entry.Key.GetType());
                    if (entry.Key is not null && actualKeyType != keyType)
                        TypeConverter tc = TypeConverterExtensions.GetConverterInstance(actualKeyType.TypeConverter);
                        keyValue = ObjectMarkupInfo.ForObject(entry.Key, context, tc);
                        ValueSerializer vs = TypeConverterExtensions.GetConverterInstance(keyType.ValueSerializer);
                        TypeConverter tc = TypeConverterExtensions.GetConverterInstance(keyType.TypeConverter);
                        keyValue = GetPropertyValueInfoInternal(entry.Key, vs, tc, false, null, context);
                    if (!ShouldOmitKey(entry, context))
                        objInfo.Properties.Insert(0, new MemberMarkupInfo()
                            XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Key),
                            Children = { keyValue }
                return itemsInfo;
            public static bool ShouldOmitKey(DictionaryEntry entry, SerializerContext context)
                if (entry.Value is not null)
                    XamlType typeOfValue = context.GetXamlType(entry.Value.GetType());
                    XamlMember dkp = typeOfValue.GetAliasedProperty(XamlLanguage.Key);
                    if (dkp is not null)
                        if (ObjectMarkupInfo.CanPropertyXamlRoundtrip(dkp, context))
                            object dkpObject = context.Runtime.GetValue(entry.Value, dkp);
                            if (dkpObject is null)
                                return entry.Key is null;
                            else if (dkpObject.Equals(entry.Key))
                                return true;
                return false;
            public static MemberMarkupInfo ForProperty(
                object source, XamlMember property, SerializerContext context)
                if (ShouldWriteProperty(source, property, context))
                    if (context.IsPropertyWriteVisible(property))
                        return ForReadWriteProperty(source, property, context);
                    if (property.Type.IsXData)
                        return ForXmlSerializable(source, property, context);
                    // @NOTE: Order is important here because dictionaries can are also seen as
                    //  as collections by Xasl, but we would prefer to serialize them as dictionaries.
                    if (property.Type.IsDictionary)
                        return ForDictionary(source, property, context, false);
                    if (property.Type.IsCollection)
                        return ForSequence(source, property, context, false);
                return null;
            static MemberMarkupInfo ForSequence(object source, XamlMember property, SerializerContext context, bool isAttachable)
                var itemsInfo = ForSequenceItems(source, isAttachable ? null : property, property.Type, context, allowReadOnly: false);
                if (itemsInfo is not null && itemsInfo.Children.Count != 0)
                    return new MemberMarkupInfo
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, property),
                        Children =
                            new ObjectMarkupInfo
                                XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.GetObject),
                                // Scope = context.ReferenceTable,
                                Properties =
                    return null;
            static MemberMarkupInfo ForDictionary(object source, XamlMember property, SerializerContext context, bool isAttachable)
                var itemsInfo = ForDictionaryItems(source, isAttachable ? null : property, property.Type, context);
                if (itemsInfo is not null && itemsInfo.Children.Count != 0)
                    return new MemberMarkupInfo
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, property),
                        Children =
                            new ObjectMarkupInfo
                                XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.GetObject),
                                Properties =
                    return null;
            static MemberMarkupInfo ForXmlSerializable(object source, XamlMember property, SerializerContext context)
                var serializer = (IXmlSerializable)context.Runtime.GetValue(source, property);
                if (serializer is null) { return null; }
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                var writerSettings = new XmlWriterSettings
                    ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto,
                    Indent = true,
                    OmitXmlDeclaration = true,
                using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb, writerSettings))
                    // writer.WriteStartElement(property.Type.Name, property.Type.PreferredXamlNamespace);
                    // writer.WriteEndElement();
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    return new MemberMarkupInfo()
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, property),
                        Children =
                            new ObjectMarkupInfo()
                                XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartObject, XamlLanguage.XData),
                                Properties =
                                    new MemberMarkupInfo()
                                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.XData.GetMember("Text")),
                                        Children =
                                            new ValueMarkupInfo()
                                                XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, sb.ToString())
                return null;
            static MemberMarkupInfo ForReadWriteProperty(
                object source, XamlMember xamlProperty, SerializerContext context)
                var propertyValue = context.Runtime.GetValue(source, xamlProperty);
                XamlType declaringType = xamlProperty.DeclaringType;
                MemberMarkupInfo memberInfo;
                if((xamlProperty == declaringType.GetAliasedProperty(XamlLanguage.Lang)) && (propertyValue is string))
                    memberInfo = new MemberMarkupInfo()
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Lang),
                        Children = { GetPropertyValueInfo(propertyValue, xamlProperty, context) }
                    memberInfo = new MemberMarkupInfo()
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, xamlProperty),
                        Children = { GetPropertyValueInfo(propertyValue, xamlProperty, context) }
                return memberInfo;
            static void RemoveObjectNodesForCollectionOrDictionary(MemberMarkupInfo memberInfo)
                var memberType = memberInfo.XamlNode.Member.Type;
                if (memberType.IsCollection || memberType.IsDictionary)
                    if (memberInfo.Children.Count == 1)
                        if (memberInfo.Children[0] is ObjectMarkupInfo objectInfo && objectInfo.Properties.Count == 1 && memberType == objectInfo.XamlNode.XamlType)
                            if (objectInfo.Properties[0].XamlNode.Member == XamlLanguage.Items)
                                if (objectInfo.Properties[0] is MemberMarkupInfo itemsMemberInfo && itemsMemberInfo.Children.Count > 0)
                                    // Check if the first element of the collection/dictionary is a ME and replace the SO with GO only if it is not an ME.
                                    // This is to handle cases where the first element is, say, null. If we remove the SO, then there is no way to
                                    // know if the collection is null or the first element is null.
                                    if (itemsMemberInfo.Children[0] is not ObjectMarkupInfo itemInfo || itemInfo.XamlNode.XamlType is null || !itemInfo.XamlNode.XamlType.IsMarkupExtension)
                                        // change the member to GetObject
                                        objectInfo.XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.GetObject);
            // These take either the source object or the value, depending on whether this is actually a property
            // or is an implied content property for some list somewhere. The 'sourceOrValue' parameter is the source
            // when the 'property' parameter is non-null, and the value otherwise.
            public static MemberMarkupInfo ForSequenceItems(object sourceOrValue, XamlMember property, XamlType xamlType, SerializerContext context, bool allowReadOnly)
                object propertyValue;
                if (property is not null)
                    propertyValue = context.Runtime.GetValue(sourceOrValue, property);
                    if (propertyValue is null) { return null; }
                    propertyValue = sourceOrValue;
                if (!allowReadOnly && xamlType.IsReadOnlyMethod is not null)
                    bool isReadOnly = (bool)xamlType.IsReadOnlyMethod.Invoke(propertyValue, null);
                    if (isReadOnly)
                        return null;
                // var isXamlTemplate = xamlType.ItemType.TemplateConverter != null;
                var itemsInfo = new MemberMarkupInfo { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Items) };
                bool isPreviousItemValue = false;
                IList<object> itemsList = context.Runtime.GetCollectionItems(propertyValue, xamlType);
                for(int i = 0; i < itemsList.Count; i++)
                    var itemValue = itemsList[i];
                    // XamlType actualItemType = context.GetXamlType(itemValue.GetType());
                    // if (actualItemType.TemplateConverter != null)
                    // {
                    //    itemsInfo.Children.Add(ConvertToXamlReader(itemValue, xamlType.ItemType.TemplateConverter, context));
                    // }
                    // else
                    // {
                    ObjectMarkupInfo itemInfo = ObjectMarkupInfo.ForObject(itemValue, context);
                    // }
                    ObjectOrValueMarkupInfo unwrappedItemInfo = null;
                    if (xamlType.ContentWrappers is not null)
                        if (itemInfo.Properties is not null && itemInfo.Properties.Count == 1)
                            var memberInfo = (MemberMarkupInfo)itemInfo.Properties[0];
                            if (memberInfo.XamlNode.Member == itemInfo.XamlNode.XamlType.ContentProperty)
                                foreach (var contentWrapperType in xamlType.ContentWrappers)
                                    if (contentWrapperType == itemInfo.XamlNode.XamlType)
                                        if (memberInfo.Children.Count == 1)
                                            var childOvInfo = (ObjectOrValueMarkupInfo) memberInfo.Children[0];
                                            if (childOvInfo is ValueMarkupInfo)
                                                // if the unwrapped object is a string, we need to make sure
                                                // that its previous cousin is not a string and the string does
                                                // not have significant whitespaces before unwrapping
                                                bool isFirstElementOfCollection = (i == 0);
                                                bool isLastElementOfCollection = (i == (itemsList.Count - 1));
                                                if (!isPreviousItemValue && !ShouldUnwrapDueToWhitespace((string)childOvInfo.XamlNode.Value, xamlType, isFirstElementOfCollection, isLastElementOfCollection))
                                                    unwrappedItemInfo = childOvInfo;
                                                    isPreviousItemValue = true;
                                                unwrappedItemInfo = childOvInfo;
                    if (!(unwrappedItemInfo is ValueMarkupInfo))
                        isPreviousItemValue = false;
                    itemsInfo.Children.Add(unwrappedItemInfo ?? itemInfo);
                return itemsInfo;
            // We not should unwrap if the value has significant whitespace and it is not in a WhitespaceSignificant Collection
            // If it is in a WhitespaceSignificant Collection we should not unwrap only if
            // 1. It has 2 consecutive spaces or non space whitespace (tabs, new line, etc)
            // 2. Last Element has trailing whitespace
            // 3. First element has leading whitespace
            static bool ShouldUnwrapDueToWhitespace(string value, XamlType xamlType, bool isFirstElementOfCollection, bool isLastElementOfCollection)
                        if(XamlXmlWriter.ContainsConsecutiveInnerSpaces(value) ||
                            return true;
                        else if(XamlXmlWriter.ContainsTrailingSpace(value) && isLastElementOfCollection)
                            return true;
                        else if(XamlXmlWriter.ContainsLeadingSpace(value) && isFirstElementOfCollection)
                            return true;
                            return false;
                        return true;
                    return false;
            static ObjectOrValueMarkupInfo GetPropertyValueInfo(
                object propertyValue, XamlMember xamlProperty, SerializerContext context)
                return GetPropertyValueInfoInternal(propertyValue,
                    xamlProperty is not null && xamlProperty.DeferringLoader is not null,
            static ObjectOrValueMarkupInfo GetPropertyValueInfoInternal(
                object propertyValue, ValueSerializer propertyValueSerializer, TypeConverter propertyConverter, bool isXamlTemplate, XamlMember xamlProperty, SerializerContext context)
                ObjectOrValueMarkupInfo valueInfo = null;
                context.Instance = propertyValue;
                if (isXamlTemplate && propertyValue is not null)
                    valueInfo = ConvertToXamlReader(propertyValue, xamlProperty.DeferringLoader, context);
                    // if (propertyValue is XamlReader)
                    // {
                    //    valueInfo = new XamlTemplateMarkupInfo((XamlReader)propertyValue, context);
                    // }
                    // else
                    if (context.TryValueSerializeToString(propertyValueSerializer, propertyConverter, context, ref propertyValue))
                        ThrowIfPropertiesAreAttached(context.Instance, xamlProperty, context);
                        context.Instance = null;
                        valueInfo = new ValueMarkupInfo() { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, propertyValue) };
                    else if (propertyConverter is not null && context.TryConvertToMarkupExtension(propertyConverter, ref propertyValue))
                        context.Instance = null;
                        valueInfo = ObjectMarkupInfo.ForObject(propertyValue, context);
                    else if (propertyConverter is not null && context.TryTypeConvertToString(propertyConverter, ref propertyValue))
                        ThrowIfPropertiesAreAttached(context.Instance, xamlProperty, context);
                        context.Instance = null;
                        // duplicate 3.0 behavior by replacing null value with String.Empty
                        valueInfo = new ValueMarkupInfo() { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, propertyValue ?? string.Empty) };
                    else if (propertyValue is string)
                        ThrowIfPropertiesAreAttached(propertyValue, xamlProperty, context);
                        context.Instance = null;
                        valueInfo = new ValueMarkupInfo() { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, propertyValue) };
                        context.Instance = null;
                        valueInfo = ObjectMarkupInfo.ForObject(propertyValue, context, propertyConverter);
                return valueInfo;
            static void ThrowIfPropertiesAreAttached(object value, XamlMember property, SerializerContext context)
                var props = context.Runtime.GetAttachedProperties(value);
                if (props is not null)
                    if (property is not null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.AttachedPropertyOnTypeConvertedOrStringProperty, property.Name, value.ToString(), props[0].Key.ToString()));
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.AttachedPropertyOnDictionaryKey, value.ToString(), props[0].Key.ToString()));
            // Reproduce the logic of System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue
            static bool ShouldWriteProperty(object source, XamlMember property, SerializerContext context)
                bool isReadOnly = !context.IsPropertyWriteVisible(property);
                if (!isReadOnly)
                    object defaultValue;
                    if (GetDefaultValue(property, out defaultValue))
                        object actualValue = context.Runtime.GetValue(source, property);
                        return !Equals(defaultValue, actualValue);
                ShouldSerializeResult shouldSerialize = context.Runtime.ShouldSerialize(property, source);
                if (shouldSerialize != ShouldSerializeResult.Default)
                    return shouldSerialize == ShouldSerializeResult.True ? true : false;
                if (!isReadOnly)
                    // Read-write properties are serialized by default
                    return true;
                    // One departure from the behavior of ReflectPropertyDescriptor: By default it requires
                    // that read-only properties must be attributed with DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content
                    // to visible. Unless RequireExplicitContentVisibility is set to true, we don't require that
                    // for readonly collection/dictionary/xdata.
                    return !context.Settings.RequireExplicitContentVisibility ||
                           GetSerializationVisibility(property) == DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content;
        abstract class MarkupInfo
            public XamlNode XamlNode { get; set; }
            public virtual void FindNamespace(SerializerContext context) { }
            public virtual List<MarkupInfo> Decompose() { return null; }
        class EndObjectMarkupInfo : MarkupInfo
            static EndObjectMarkupInfo instance = new EndObjectMarkupInfo();
            EndObjectMarkupInfo() { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.EndObject); }
            public static EndObjectMarkupInfo Instance { get { return instance; } }
        class EndMemberMarkupInfo : MarkupInfo
            static EndMemberMarkupInfo instance = new EndMemberMarkupInfo();
            EndMemberMarkupInfo() { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.EndMember); }
            public static EndMemberMarkupInfo Instance { get { return instance; } }
        class NamespaceMarkupInfo : MarkupInfo
        abstract class ObjectOrValueMarkupInfo : MarkupInfo
            public virtual void EnsureNoDuplicateNames(Stack<HashSet<string>> namesInCurrentScope) { }
        class ObjectMarkupInfo : ObjectOrValueMarkupInfo
            List<MarkupInfo> properties = new List<MarkupInfo>();
            bool? isAttributableMarkupExtension;
            public List<MarkupInfo> Properties { get { return properties; } }
            public string Name { get; set; }
            // public object Scope { get; set; }
            // public bool? ShouldWriteAsReference { get; set; }
            public object Object { get; set; }
            public override List<MarkupInfo> Decompose()
                return properties;
            void SortProperties()
                if (IsAttributableMarkupExtension)
            void ReorderPropertiesWithDO()
                List<MarkupInfo> removedProperties;
                SelectAndRemovePropertiesWithDO(out removedProperties);
                if (removedProperties is not null)
            void InsertPropertiesWithDO(List<MarkupInfo> propertiesWithDO)
                int posOfFirstNonAttributableProperty;
                HashSet<string> namesOfAttributableProperties = FindAllAttributableProperties(out posOfFirstNonAttributableProperty);
                foreach (var property in propertiesWithDO)
                    var memberInfo = (MemberMarkupInfo)property;
                    if (IsMemberOnlyDependentOnAttributableMembers(memberInfo.XamlNode.Member, namesOfAttributableProperties))
                        if (memberInfo.IsAtomic || memberInfo.IsAttributableMarkupExtension)
                            properties.Insert(posOfFirstNonAttributableProperty, property);
            bool IsMemberOnlyDependentOnAttributableMembers(XamlMember member, HashSet<string> namesOfAttributableProperties)
                foreach (var dependingProperty in member.DependsOn)
                    if (!namesOfAttributableProperties.Contains(dependingProperty.Name))
                        return false;
                return true;
            HashSet<string> FindAllAttributableProperties(out int posOfFirstNonAttributableProperty)
                int i;
                HashSet<string> namesOfAttributableProperties = new HashSet<string>();
                for (i = 0; i < Properties.Count; i++)
                    var memberInfo = (MemberMarkupInfo)Properties[i];
                    if (!memberInfo.IsAtomic && !memberInfo.IsAttributableMarkupExtension)
                posOfFirstNonAttributableProperty = i;
                return namesOfAttributableProperties;
            void SelectAndRemovePropertiesWithDO(out List<MarkupInfo> removedProperties)
                removedProperties = null;
                PartiallyOrderedList<string, MarkupInfo> propertiesWithDO = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; )
                    var property = properties[i];
                    if (property.XamlNode.Member.DependsOn.Count > 0)
                        if (propertiesWithDO is null)
                            propertiesWithDO = new PartiallyOrderedList<string, MarkupInfo>();
                        string dependentPropertyName = property.XamlNode.Member.Name;
                        propertiesWithDO.Add(dependentPropertyName, property);
                        foreach (var dependingProperty in property.XamlNode.Member.DependsOn)
                            propertiesWithDO.SetOrder(dependingProperty.Name, dependentPropertyName);
                if (propertiesWithDO is null)
                removedProperties = new List<MarkupInfo>(propertiesWithDO);
            public virtual bool IsAttributableMarkupExtension
                    if (isAttributableMarkupExtension.HasValue)
                        return isAttributableMarkupExtension.Value;
                    if ((XamlNode.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject && !XamlNode.XamlType.IsMarkupExtension)
                        || XamlNode.NodeType == XamlNodeType.GetObject)
                        isAttributableMarkupExtension = false;
                        return false;
                    // check if every property is attributable
                    foreach (var property in Properties)
                        if (!((MemberMarkupInfo)property).IsAttributable)
                            isAttributableMarkupExtension = false;
                            return false;
                    isAttributableMarkupExtension = true;
                    return true;
            public override void  FindNamespace(SerializerContext context)
                if (XamlNode.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject)
                    var type = XamlNode.XamlType;
                    if (type.IsGeneric)
                        FindNamespaceForTypeArguments(type.TypeArguments, context);
                foreach (var property in Properties)
            void FindNamespaceForTypeArguments(IList<XamlType> types, SerializerContext context)
                if (types is null || types.Count == 0)
                foreach (var type in types)
                    FindNamespaceForTypeArguments(type.TypeArguments, context);
            void AddItemsProperty(object value, SerializerContext context, XamlType xamlType)
                MemberMarkupInfo propertyInfo = null;
                if (xamlType.IsDictionary)
                    propertyInfo = MemberMarkupInfo.ForDictionaryItems(value, null, xamlType, context);
                else if (xamlType.IsCollection)
                    propertyInfo = MemberMarkupInfo.ForSequenceItems(value, null, xamlType, context, allowReadOnly: true);
                if (propertyInfo is not null && propertyInfo.Children.Count != 0)
            ParameterInfo[] GetMethodParams(MemberInfo memberInfo)
                ParameterInfo[] methodParams = null;
                MethodBase method = memberInfo as MethodBase;
                if (method is not null)
                    methodParams = method.GetParameters();
                return methodParams;
            void AddFactoryMethodAndValidateArguments(Type valueType, MemberInfo memberInfo, ICollection arguments, SerializerContext context, out ParameterInfo[] methodParams)
                methodParams = null;
                if (memberInfo is null)
                    // default ctor
                    methodParams = Array.Empty<ParameterInfo>();
                else if (memberInfo is ConstructorInfo ctor)
                    methodParams = ctor.GetParameters();
                else if (memberInfo is MethodInfo mi)
                    methodParams = mi.GetParameters();
                    var methodName = memberInfo.Name;
                    var declaringType = memberInfo.DeclaringType;
                    if (declaringType != valueType)
                        methodName = ConvertTypeAndMethodToString(declaringType, methodName, context);
                    // add factory method if there is one
                    Properties.Add(new MemberMarkupInfo
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.FactoryMethod),
                        IsFactoryMethod = true,
                        Children = { new ValueMarkupInfo() { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, methodName) } }
                else if (valueType.IsValueType)
                    if (arguments is not null && arguments.Count > 0)
                        throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorIncompatibleArguments);
                    throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorInvalidMethod);
                if (arguments is not null)
                    if (arguments.Count != methodParams.Length)
                        throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorIncompatibleArguments);
                    int argPos = 0;
                    foreach (var argument in arguments)
                        var parameterInfo = methodParams[argPos++];
                        if (argument is null)
                            if (parameterInfo.ParameterType.IsValueType)
                                if (!(parameterInfo.ParameterType.IsGenericType &&
                                    parameterInfo.ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)))
                                    throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorIncompatibleArgumentTypes, "null", parameterInfo.ParameterType));
                        else if (!parameterInfo.ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(argument.GetType()))
                            throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorIncompatibleArgumentTypes, argument.GetType(), parameterInfo.ParameterType));
            void AddArgumentsMembers(ICollection arguments, SerializerContext context)
                if (arguments is not null && arguments.Count > 0)
                    var itemsProperty = new MemberMarkupInfo
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Items)
                    var argumentsProperty = new MemberMarkupInfo()
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Arguments)
                    foreach (var argument in arguments)
                        argumentsProperty.Children.Add(ForObject(argument, context));
            bool TryAddPositionalParameters(XamlType xamlType, MemberInfo member, ICollection arguments, SerializerContext context)
                if (arguments is not null && arguments.Count > 0)
                    ParameterInfo[] cstrParams = GetMethodParams(member);
                    var positionalParametersProperty = new MemberMarkupInfo
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters)
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var argument in arguments)
                        XamlType paramXamlType = context.GetXamlType(cstrParams[i++].ParameterType);
                        ValueSerializer valueSerializer = TypeConverterExtensions.GetConverterInstance(paramXamlType.ValueSerializer);
                        TypeConverter converter = TypeConverterExtensions.GetConverterInstance(paramXamlType.TypeConverter);
                        ObjectMarkupInfo objectInfo = null;
                        object meObject = argument;
                        context.Instance = argument;
                        if (converter is not null && valueSerializer is not null && context.CanRoundtripUsingValueSerializer(valueSerializer, converter, argument))
                            // ValueSerializer is always preferred over TypeConverters
                            string stringValue = context.ConvertToString(valueSerializer, argument);
                            context.Instance = null;
                            positionalParametersProperty.Children.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, stringValue) });
                        else if ((converter is not null && context.TryConvertToMarkupExtension(converter, ref meObject)) || meObject is MarkupExtension)
                            context.Instance = null;
                            objectInfo = ForObject(meObject, context);
                            if (!objectInfo.IsAttributableMarkupExtension)
                                return false;
                        else if (converter is not null && context.CanRoundTripString(converter))
                            var stringValue = context.ConvertTo<string>(converter, argument);
                            context.Instance = null;
                            positionalParametersProperty.Children.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, stringValue) });
                        else if (argument is string)
                            context.Instance = null;
                            positionalParametersProperty.Children.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, argument) });
                            context.Instance = null;
                            return false;
                    return true;
                return false;
            protected void AddRecordMembers(object value, SerializerContext context)
                AddRecordMembers(value, context, null);
            bool TryGetInstanceDescriptorInfo(object value, SerializerContext context, TypeConverter converter, out MemberInfo member, out ICollection arguments, out bool isComplete)
                bool result = false;
                member = null;
                arguments = null;
                isComplete = false;
                context.Instance = value;
                if (converter is not null && context.CanConvertTo(converter, typeof(InstanceDescriptor)))
                    ConvertToInstanceDescriptor(context, value, converter, out member, out arguments, out isComplete);
                    result = true;
                return result;
            void ConvertToInstanceDescriptor(SerializerContext context, object instance, TypeConverter converter,
                out MemberInfo member, out ICollection arguments, out bool isComplete)
                var descriptor = context.ConvertTo<InstanceDescriptor>(converter, instance);
                context.Instance = null;
                member = descriptor.MemberInfo;
                arguments = descriptor.Arguments;
                isComplete = descriptor.IsComplete;
            bool TryGetDefaultConstructorInfo(XamlType type, out MemberInfo member, out ICollection arguments, out bool isComplete)
                arguments = null;
                isComplete = false;
                member = null;
                return type.IsConstructible && !type.ConstructionRequiresArguments;
            protected void AddRecordMembers(object value, SerializerContext context, TypeConverter converter)
                var valueType = value.GetType();
                var valueXamlType = context.GetXamlType(valueType);
                context.Instance = value;
                if (converter is null || !context.CanConvertTo(converter, typeof(InstanceDescriptor)))
                    context.Instance = null;
                    converter = TypeConverterExtensions.GetConverterInstance(valueXamlType.TypeConverter);
                // Add the appropriate x:Arguments/PositionalParameters/FactoryMethod, if any
                bool isComplete;
                ParameterInfo[] methodParams;
                AddRecordConstructionMembers(value, valueXamlType, context, converter, out isComplete, out methodParams);
                // If the instanceDescriptor or constructor args aren't a complete description of
                // the object then we need to enumerate the properties, but even if it is complete
                // we will need to enumerate the properties if we have a runtimeNamePropertyName
                if (!isComplete ||
                    valueXamlType.GetAliasedProperty(XamlLanguage.Name) is not null ||
                    context.Runtime.AttachedPropertyCount(value) > 0)
            void AddRecordMembers(object value,
                SerializerContext context,
                ParameterInfo[] methodParameters,
                XamlType xamlType)
                var propertyList = GetXamlSerializableProperties(xamlType, context);
                foreach (var property in propertyList)
                    // If this property is explicitly hidden, we're done with it
                    if (GetSerializationVisibility(property) == DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)
                    // If this property was already used in the creation method signature, we're done with it
                    if (PropertyUsedInMethodSignature(property, methodParameters))
                    // Attempt to create a MemberMarkupInfo for the property, being unable to create
                    // one is indicative that we're done with it
                    var propertyInfo = MemberMarkupInfo.ForProperty(value, property, context);
                    if (propertyInfo is null)
                    // If this is the runtime-name property then we store the name in Name
                    // so that we can find it during the EnsureNoDuplicateNames phase
                    if (property == xamlType.GetAliasedProperty(XamlLanguage.Name))
                        // We have special handling of RuntimeNameProperty where we skip it if it is Null
                        if (IsNull(propertyInfo) || IsEmptyString(propertyInfo))
                        Name = ValidateNamePropertyAndFindName(propertyInfo);
                    propertyInfo.IsContent = IsPropertyContent(propertyInfo, xamlType);
                AddItemsProperty(value, context, xamlType);
                AddAttachedProperties(value, this, context);
            void AddRecordConstructionMembers(object value, XamlType valueXamlType, SerializerContext context,
                TypeConverter converter, out bool isComplete, out ParameterInfo[] methodParams)
                MemberInfo member = null;
                ICollection arguments = null;
                isComplete = false;
                if (valueXamlType.IsMarkupExtension)
                    if (!TryGetInstanceDescriptorInfo(value, context, converter, out member, out arguments, out isComplete))
                        // for MEs, if there is no instance descriptor, we prefer
                        // 1. default constructor
                        // 2. non-default constructor with matching constructor arguments as positional parameters
                        // 3. non-default constructor with matching constructor arguments as x:arguments
                        if (!TryGetDefaultConstructorInfo(valueXamlType, out member, out arguments, out isComplete))
                            GetConstructorInfo(value, valueXamlType, context, out member, out arguments, out isComplete);
                            if (!TryAddPositionalParameters(valueXamlType, member, arguments, context))
                                AddArgumentsMembers(arguments, context);
                        // for MEs, if there is an instance descriptor, we prefer
                        // 1. instance descriptor as positional parameters
                        // (which might not be possible since not all arguments could be represented as positional parameters)
                        // 2. default constructor
                        // 3. instance descriptor as x:arguments
                        if (!TryAddPositionalParameters(valueXamlType, member, arguments, context))
                            // save the member, arguments and isComplete from instance descriptor
                            // since we might need them later.
                            MemberInfo instanceDescriptorMember = member;
                            ICollection instanceDescriptorArguments = arguments;
                            bool instanceDescriptorIsComplete = isComplete;
                            // adding positional parameters might fail because the parameter types are not convertible to string
                            if (!TryGetDefaultConstructorInfo(valueXamlType, out member, out arguments, out isComplete))
                                member = instanceDescriptorMember;
                                arguments = instanceDescriptorArguments;
                                isComplete = instanceDescriptorIsComplete;
                                AddArgumentsMembers(arguments, context);
                    // for non-MEs, we prefer
                    // 1. default constructor
                    // 2. instance descriptor
                    // 3. non-default constructor with matching constructor arguments
                    if (!TryGetDefaultConstructorInfo(valueXamlType, out member, out arguments, out isComplete))
                        if (!TryGetInstanceDescriptorInfo(value, context, converter, out member, out arguments, out isComplete))
                            GetConstructorInfo(value, valueXamlType, context, out member, out arguments, out isComplete);
                        AddArgumentsMembers(arguments, context);
                // Note: if this is the default ctor, member will be null, because we key off of
                // XamlType.IsConstructible/ConstructionRequiresArguments, rather than lookup up the
                // ConstructorInfo ourselves.
                AddFactoryMethodAndValidateArguments(value.GetType(), member, arguments, context, out methodParams);
            bool IsPropertyContent(MemberMarkupInfo propertyInfo, XamlType containingType)
                var property = propertyInfo.XamlNode.Member;
                if (property != containingType.ContentProperty)
                    return false;
                if (propertyInfo.IsAtomic)
                    // we do not want type-converted properties as content properties
                    // to conform with 3.0
                    return XamlLanguage.String.CanAssignTo(property.Type);
                return true;
            void GetConstructorInfo(object value, XamlType valueXamlType, SerializerContext context, out MemberInfo member, out ICollection arguments, out bool isComplete)
                // Walk the constructors of the type and find the ones with signatures that match the types of
                // the properties we found above and whose param names match the names we found above
                member = null;
                arguments = null;
                isComplete = false;
                // Pull out all the properties that are attributed with ConstructorArgumentAttribute
                var properties = valueXamlType.GetAllMembers();
                var readOnlyProperties = valueXamlType.GetAllExcludedReadOnlyMembers();
                var ctorArgProps = new List<XamlMember>();
                foreach (XamlMember p in properties)
                    if (context.IsPropertyReadVisible(p) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetConstructorArgument(p)))
                foreach (XamlMember p in readOnlyProperties)
                    if (context.IsPropertyReadVisible(p) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetConstructorArgument(p)))
                foreach (var constructor in valueXamlType.GetConstructors())
                    var constructorParameters = constructor.GetParameters();
                    // If there aren't the same number of parameters as there are properties with
                    // ConstructorArgumentAttribute then we know this one won't match...
                    if (constructorParameters.Length != ctorArgProps.Count) { continue; }
                    IList constructorArguments = new List<object>(constructorParameters.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < constructorParameters.Length; i++)
                        ParameterInfo paraminfo = constructorParameters[i];
                        XamlMember matchingProperty = null;
                        foreach (var potentialProperty in ctorArgProps)
                            if ((potentialProperty.Type.UnderlyingType == paraminfo.ParameterType) &&
                                (GetConstructorArgument(potentialProperty) == paraminfo.Name))
                                matchingProperty = potentialProperty;
                        // At least one of the arguments has no matching property... break out of the loop and
                        // we'll move on to the next constructor.
                        if (matchingProperty is null) { break; }
                        constructorArguments.Add(context.Runtime.GetValue(value, matchingProperty));
                    // If we found a match for all the properties annotated with ConstructorArgumentAttribute,
                    // then we have found an acceptable constructor. Hooray!
                    if (constructorArguments.Count == ctorArgProps.Count)
                        member = constructor;
                        arguments = constructorArguments;
                        // In addition, if we found a constructor argument for *each* property, then we know the
                        // instance is complete and we don't need to worry about setting any additional
                        // properties.
                        if (constructorArguments.Count == properties.Count)
                            if (!valueXamlType.IsCollection && !valueXamlType.IsDictionary) // always need to serialize items of a collection or dictionary
                                isComplete = true;
                if (member is null && !valueXamlType.UnderlyingType.IsValueType)
                    if (ctorArgProps.Count == 0)
                        throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReaderNoDefaultConstructor, value.GetType()));
                    throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReaderNoMatchingConstructor, value.GetType()));
            static void CheckTypeCanRoundtrip(ObjectMarkupInfo objInfo)
                var xamlType = objInfo.XamlNode.XamlType;
                if (!xamlType.IsConstructible)
                    foreach (var property in objInfo.Properties)
                        if (((MemberMarkupInfo)property).IsFactoryMethod && !xamlType.UnderlyingType.IsNested)
                            // this is the case when the class has no public constructor we can use but contains a factory method
                            // and the class is not nested
                    if (xamlType.UnderlyingType.IsNested)
                        throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReaderTypeIsNested, xamlType.Name));
                        throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReaderTypeCannotRoundtrip, xamlType.Name));
            public void AssignName(SerializerContext context)
                if (Name is null)
                    Name = context.AllocateIdentifier();
            public void AssignName(string name, SerializerContext context)
                if (Name is null)
                    Name = name;
                    if (name.StartsWith(KnownStrings.ReferenceName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
            public void AddNameProperty(SerializerContext context)
                Properties.Add(new MemberMarkupInfo()
                    XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Name),
                    Children = { new ValueMarkupInfo() { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, Name) } }
                // some collection or dictionary's object node might have been removed
                // i.e. XamlNode is now changed to GetObject.  since we are now naming
                // the object, we need to add the object node back
                if (XamlNode.NodeType == XamlNodeType.GetObject)
                    Debug.Assert(Object is not null);
                    var xamlType = context.LocalAssemblyAwareGetXamlType(Object.GetType());
                    XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartObject, xamlType);
            public override void EnsureNoDuplicateNames(Stack<HashSet<string>> namesInCurrentScope)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) &&
                    throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReaderXamlNamedElementAlreadyRegistered, Name));
                // Recurse through all of the values I have.
                foreach (var property in Properties)
                    var propertyInfo = (MemberMarkupInfo)property;
                    foreach (var ov in propertyInfo.Children)
            static string ConvertTypeAndMethodToString(Type type, string methodName, SerializerContext context)
                string typestring = context.ConvertXamlTypeToString(context.LocalAssemblyAwareGetXamlType(type));
                return $"{typestring}.{methodName}";
            static ObjectMarkupInfo ForArray(Array value, SerializerContext context)
                if (value.Rank > 1)
                    throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.ObjectReaderMultidimensionalArrayNotSupported);
                var type = context.LocalAssemblyAwareGetXamlType(value.GetType());
                var elementType = type.ItemType;
                var items = new MemberMarkupInfo { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Items) };
                foreach (object item in value)
                    items.Children.Add(ForObject(item, context));
                var objectInfo = new ObjectMarkupInfo()
                    XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartObject, XamlLanguage.Array),
                    Object = value,
                    // Scope = context.ReferenceTable,
                    Properties =
                        new MemberMarkupInfo()
                            XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Array.GetMember("Type")), // x:ArrayExtension.Type
                            Children =
                                new ValueMarkupInfo()
                                    XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, context.ConvertXamlTypeToString(elementType))
                if (items.Children.Count != 0)
                    var iListInfo = new ObjectMarkupInfo
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.GetObject),
                        // Scope = context.ReferenceTable,
                        Properties =
                    var arrayItemsInfo = new MemberMarkupInfo()
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Array.ContentProperty),
                        Children =
                AddAttachedProperties(value, objectInfo, context);
                return objectInfo;
            static void AddAttachedProperties(object value, ObjectMarkupInfo objectInfo, SerializerContext context)
                var props = context.Runtime.GetAttachedProperties(value);
                if (props is not null)
                    foreach (var ap in props)
                        XamlType owningType = context.GetXamlType(ap.Key.DeclaringType);
                        XamlMember attachedProperty = owningType.GetAttachableMember(ap.Key.MemberName);
                        if (attachedProperty is null)
                            throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReaderAttachedPropertyNotFound, owningType, ap.Key.MemberName));
                        if (!CanPropertyXamlRoundtrip(attachedProperty, context))
                        var propertyInfo = MemberMarkupInfo.ForAttachedProperty(value, attachedProperty, ap.Value, context);
                        if (propertyInfo is not null)
            static ObjectMarkupInfo ForNull()
                return new ObjectMarkupInfo { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartObject, XamlLanguage.Null) };
            public static ObjectMarkupInfo ForObject(object value, SerializerContext context, TypeConverter instanceConverter = null, bool isRoot = false)
                if (value is null)
                    return ForNull();
                ObjectMarkupInfo existingInfo = context.ReferenceTable.Find(value);
                if (existingInfo is not null)
                    return new ReferenceMarkupInfo(existingInfo);
                context.IsRoot = isRoot;
                // var valueType = context.GetXamlType(value.GetType());
                // if (XamlClrProperties.GetXmlSerializable(valueType))
                // {
                //    throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.XamlSerializerCannotHaveXDataAtRoot(valueType.Name));
                // }
                if (value is Array valueAsArray)
                    return ForArray(valueAsArray, context);
                XamlType valueType = context.GetXamlType(value.GetType());
                ValueSerializer valueSerializer = null;
                TypeConverter converter = null;
                if (valueType.ContentProperty is null ||
                    (valueType.ContentProperty.TypeConverter != BuiltInValueConverter.String &&
                     valueType.ContentProperty.TypeConverter != BuiltInValueConverter.Object))
                    valueSerializer = TypeConverterExtensions.GetConverterInstance(valueType.ValueSerializer);
                    converter = TypeConverterExtensions.GetConverterInstance(valueType.TypeConverter);
                context.Instance = value;
                ObjectMarkupInfo objectInfo;
                if (valueType.DeferringLoader is not null)
                    objectInfo = MemberMarkupInfo.ConvertToXamlReader(value, valueType.DeferringLoader, context);
                else if (converter is not null && valueSerializer is not null && context.CanRoundtripUsingValueSerializer(valueSerializer, converter, value))
                    if (isRoot)
                    // ValueSerializer is always preferred over TypeConverters
                    string stringValue = context.ConvertToString(valueSerializer, value);
                    context.Instance = null;
                    objectInfo = ForTypeConverted((string)stringValue, value, context);
                else if (converter is not null && context.TryConvertToMarkupExtension(converter, ref value))
                    context.Instance = null;
                    if (isRoot)
                    objectInfo = ForObject(value, context);
                else if (value is Type type)
                    context.Instance = null;
                    objectInfo = ForObject(new TypeExtension(type), context);
                else if (converter is not null && context.CanRoundTripString(converter))
                    if (isRoot)
                    var stringValue = context.ConvertTo<string>(converter, value);
                    context.Instance = null;
                    objectInfo = ForTypeConverted((string)stringValue, value, context);
                else if (value is string)
                    context.Instance = null;
                    objectInfo = ForTypeConverted((string)value, value, context);
                    if (isRoot)
                    context.Instance = null;
                    objectInfo = ForObjectInternal(value, context, instanceConverter);
                // check if any type converter has asked for the name of the current object
                string assignedName = context.ReferenceTable.FindInServiceProviderTable(value);
                if (assignedName is not null)
                    objectInfo.AssignName(assignedName, context);
                return objectInfo;
            static ObjectMarkupInfo ForObjectInternal(object value, SerializerContext context, TypeConverter converter)
                ObjectMarkupInfo recordInfo;
                XamlType xamlType = context.LocalAssemblyAwareGetXamlType(value.GetType());
                if (value is INameScope)
                    // This is a name scope; add it to the queue and we'll deal with it later.
                    var nameScopeInfo = new NameScopeMarkupInfo
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartObject, xamlType),
                        Object = value,
                        SourceObject = value,
                        ParentTable = context.ReferenceTable
                    AddReference(value, nameScopeInfo, context);
                    recordInfo = nameScopeInfo;
                    recordInfo = new ObjectMarkupInfo
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartObject, xamlType),
                        Object = value
                        // Scope = context.ReferenceTable
                    // It is important to add the MarkupInfo to the reference table before adding its members
                    //  in order to prevent problems with recursive references.
                    AddReference(value, recordInfo, context);
                    recordInfo.AddRecordMembers(value, context, converter);
                return recordInfo;
            static void AddReference(object value, ObjectMarkupInfo objectInfo, SerializerContext context)
                context.ReferenceTable.Add(value, objectInfo);
            static ObjectMarkupInfo ForTypeConverted(string value, object originalValue, SerializerContext context)
                var xamlType = context.LocalAssemblyAwareGetXamlType(originalValue.GetType());
                var objectInfo = new ObjectMarkupInfo
                    XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartObject, xamlType),
                    Object = originalValue
                    // Scope = context.ReferenceTable
                // we want to treat all null values returned by TCs as String.Empty
                value = value ?? string.Empty;
                objectInfo.Properties.Add(new MemberMarkupInfo()
                    XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.Initialization),
                    Children = { new ValueMarkupInfo() { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, value) } }
                AddAttachedProperties(originalValue, objectInfo, context);
                return objectInfo;
            static bool IsEmptyString(MemberMarkupInfo propertyInfo)
                if (propertyInfo.Children.Count == 1)
                    if (propertyInfo.Children[0] is ValueMarkupInfo valueInfo)
                        return Equals(valueInfo.XamlNode.Value, string.Empty);
                return false;
            static bool IsNull(MemberMarkupInfo propertyInfo)
                return propertyInfo.Children.Count == 1 &&
                       propertyInfo.Children[0] is ObjectMarkupInfo objectInfo &&
                       objectInfo.XamlNode.XamlType == XamlLanguage.Null;
            static bool PropertyUsedInMethodSignature(XamlMember property, ParameterInfo[] methodParameters)
                if (methodParameters is not null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetConstructorArgument(property)))
                        foreach (var parameter in methodParameters)
                            if (parameter.Name == GetConstructorArgument(property) &&
                                property.Type.UnderlyingType == parameter.ParameterType)
                                return true;
                return false;
            static string ValidateNamePropertyAndFindName(MemberMarkupInfo propertyInfo)
                // The name property needs to be a single value that is an atomic string. If it isn't, then it's not
                // a valid name.
                if (propertyInfo.Children.Count == 1)
                    var valueInfo = propertyInfo.Children[0] as ValueMarkupInfo;
                    if (valueInfo?.XamlNode.Value is string name)
                        return name;
                XamlMember property = propertyInfo.XamlNode.Member;
                throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReaderXamlNamePropertyMustBeString, property.Name, property.DeclaringType));
            // public override void Write(XamlWriter writer)
            // {
            //    ShouldWriteAsReference = ShouldWriteAsReference ?? false;
            //    Write(writer, false);
            // }
            // internal void Write(XamlWriter writer, bool forceAsRecord)
            // {
            //    // See comment in ReferenceMarkupInfo.Write()
            //    //
            //    if (!forceAsRecord)
            //    {
            //        if (ShouldWriteAsReference.HasValue && ShouldWriteAsReference.Value)
            //        {
            //            var reference = new ReferenceMarkupInfo() { Target = this };
            //            reference.Write(writer);
            //            return;
            //        }
            //    }
            // if (!forceAsRecord && IsAttributableMarkupExtension)
            //    {
            //        Properties.Sort(PropertySorterForCurlySyntax.Instance);
            //        writer.WriteStartRecordAsMarkupExtension(TypeName);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Properties.Sort(PropertySorterForXmlSyntax.Instance);
            //        writer.WriteStartRecord(TypeName);
            //    }
            // foreach (var property in Properties)
            //    {
            //        property.Write(writer);
            //    }
            // writer.WriteEndRecord();
            // }
            class PropertySorterForXmlSyntax : IComparer<MarkupInfo>
                const int XFirst = -1;
                const int YFirst = 1;
                public static readonly PropertySorterForXmlSyntax Instance = new PropertySorterForXmlSyntax();
                public int Compare(MarkupInfo x, MarkupInfo y)
                    // The order is as follows:
                    //    - factory method directive
                    //    - attributable markup extensions
                    //    - atoms if they aren't the content property
                    //    - initialization value or x:args before any other directives
                    //    - x: directive before non-directive
                    //    - non-content property in alphabetical order
                    //    - content property or items directive
                    var xInfo = (MemberMarkupInfo)x;
                    var yInfo = (MemberMarkupInfo)y;
                    var xProperty = x.XamlNode.Member;
                    var yProperty = y.XamlNode.Member;
                    bool xIsFactoryMethod = xInfo.IsFactoryMethod;
                    bool yIsFactoryMethod = yInfo.IsFactoryMethod;
                    if (xIsFactoryMethod && !yIsFactoryMethod) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsFactoryMethod && !xIsFactoryMethod) { return YFirst; }
                    bool xIsContentOrItemsProperty = xInfo.IsContent || (xProperty == XamlLanguage.Items);
                    bool yIsContentOrItemsProperty = yInfo.IsContent || (yProperty == XamlLanguage.Items);
                    if (xIsContentOrItemsProperty && !yIsContentOrItemsProperty) { return YFirst; }
                    if (yIsContentOrItemsProperty && !xIsContentOrItemsProperty) { return XFirst; }
                    bool xIsAttributableMarkupExtension = xInfo.IsAttributableMarkupExtension;
                    bool yIsAttributableMarkupExtension = yInfo.IsAttributableMarkupExtension;
                    if (xIsAttributableMarkupExtension && !yIsAttributableMarkupExtension) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsAttributableMarkupExtension && !xIsAttributableMarkupExtension) { return YFirst; }
                    bool xIsAtomic = xInfo.IsAtomic;
                    bool yIsAtomic = yInfo.IsAtomic;
                    bool xIsInitialization = (xProperty == XamlLanguage.Initialization);
                    bool yIsInitialization = (yProperty == XamlLanguage.Initialization);
                    bool xIsAtomicAndNotInitialization = xIsAtomic && !xIsInitialization;
                    bool yIsAtomicAndNotInitialization = yIsAtomic && !yIsInitialization;
                    if (xIsAtomicAndNotInitialization && !yIsAtomicAndNotInitialization) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsAtomicAndNotInitialization && !xIsAtomicAndNotInitialization) { return YFirst; }
                    if (xIsAtomic && !yIsAtomic) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsAtomic && !xIsAtomic) { return YFirst; }
                    if (xIsInitialization && !yIsInitialization) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsInitialization && !xIsInitialization) { return YFirst; }
                    bool xIsArgumentsDirective = (xProperty == XamlLanguage.Arguments);
                    bool yIsArgumentsDirective = (yProperty == XamlLanguage.Arguments);
                    if (xIsArgumentsDirective && !yIsArgumentsDirective) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsArgumentsDirective && !xIsArgumentsDirective) { return YFirst; }
                    bool xIsDirective = xProperty.IsDirective;
                    bool yIsDirective = yProperty.IsDirective;
                    if (xIsDirective && !yIsDirective) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsDirective && !xIsDirective) { return YFirst; }
                    return string.CompareOrdinal(xProperty.Name, yProperty.Name);
            class PropertySorterForCurlySyntax : IComparer<MarkupInfo>
                [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields", Justification = "Could possibly break clients that use reflection")]
                const int Equal = 0;
                const int XFirst = -1;
                const int YFirst = 1;
                public static readonly PropertySorterForCurlySyntax Instance = new PropertySorterForCurlySyntax();
                public int Compare(MarkupInfo x, MarkupInfo y)
                    // The order is as follows:
                    //    - positional parameters
                    //    - factory method directive
                    //    - attributable markup extensions
                    //    - atoms if they aren't the content property
                    //    - x: directive before non-directive
                    //    - property in alphabetical order
                    var xInfo = (MemberMarkupInfo)x;
                    var yInfo = (MemberMarkupInfo)y;
                    var xProperty = x.XamlNode.Member;
                    var yProperty = y.XamlNode.Member;
                    bool xIsPositionalParameterProperty = (xProperty == XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters);
                    bool yIsPositionalParameterProperty = (yProperty == XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters);
                    if (xIsPositionalParameterProperty && !yIsPositionalParameterProperty) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsPositionalParameterProperty && !xIsPositionalParameterProperty) { return YFirst; }
                    bool xIsFactoryMethod = xInfo.IsFactoryMethod;
                    bool yIsFactoryMethod = yInfo.IsFactoryMethod;
                    if (xIsFactoryMethod && !yIsFactoryMethod) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsFactoryMethod && !xIsFactoryMethod) { return YFirst; }
                    bool xIsAttributableMarkupExtension = xInfo.IsAttributableMarkupExtension;
                    bool yIsAttributableMarkupExtension = yInfo.IsAttributableMarkupExtension;
                    if (xIsAttributableMarkupExtension && !yIsAttributableMarkupExtension) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsAttributableMarkupExtension && !xIsAttributableMarkupExtension) { return YFirst; }
                    bool xIsAtomic = xInfo.IsAtomic;
                    bool yIsAtomic = yInfo.IsAtomic;
                    if (xIsAtomic && !yIsAtomic) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsAtomic && !xIsAtomic) { return YFirst; }
                    bool xIsDirective = xProperty.IsDirective;
                    bool yIsDirective = yProperty.IsDirective;
                    if (xIsDirective && !yIsDirective) { return XFirst; }
                    if (yIsDirective && !yIsDirective) { return YFirst; }
                    return string.CompareOrdinal(xProperty.Name, yProperty.Name);
            internal static bool CanPropertyXamlRoundtrip(XamlMember property, SerializerContext context)
                return !property.IsEvent && context.IsPropertyReadVisible(property) &&
                    (context.IsPropertyWriteVisible(property) || property.Type.IsUsableAsReadOnly);
            static List<XamlMember> GetXamlSerializableProperties(XamlType type, SerializerContext context)
                List<XamlMember> propertyList = new List<XamlMember>();
                foreach (XamlMember property in type.GetAllMembers())
                    if (CanPropertyXamlRoundtrip(property, context))
                return propertyList;
        class ReferenceMarkupInfo : ObjectMarkupInfo
            public ObjectMarkupInfo Target { get; set; }
            MemberMarkupInfo nameProperty;
            public ReferenceMarkupInfo(ObjectMarkupInfo target)
                XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartObject, XamlLanguage.Reference);
                nameProperty = new MemberMarkupInfo { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters) };
                Target = target;
                Object = target.Object;
            public override List<MarkupInfo> Decompose()
                nameProperty.Children.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, Target.Name) });
                return base.Decompose();
        // public override bool IsAttributableMarkupExtension
        //    {
        //        get
        //        {
        //            // See comment in ReferenceSerializationInfo.Write()
        //            //
        //            // We are only attributable if we will not maybe be the one that is choosen to be
        //            // written out as a 'reference', note that this means that for sibling properties
        //            // which both refer to the same object one will be written as a reference in
        //            // element form.
        //            //
        //            if (!Target.ShouldWriteAsReference.HasValue)
        //            {
        //                if (Target.Scope == Scope)
        //                {
        //                    return false;
        //                }
        //            }
        // return true;
        //        }
        //        set
        //        {
        //            base.IsAttributableMarkupExtension = value;
        //        }
        //    }
        // public override void Write(XamlWriter writer)
        //    {
        //        // There is a bit of a dance that is performed between ReferenceSerializationInfos
        //        // and RecordSerializationInfos in that it may be the case that a RecordSerializationInfo
        //        // has been nominated to be the "one" which is written out as a record, but a reference
        //        // to that thing which came later in the initial object graph walk gets serialized first
        //        // due to property sorting.
        //        //
        //        // If that is the case and the record and reference are in the same visibility scope
        //        // then we let the reference write out the record in its place and this record is
        //        // marked to later be written out as a reference instead.
        //        //
        //        if (!Target.ShouldWriteAsReference.HasValue)
        //        {
        //            if (Target.Scope == Scope)
        //            {
        //                Target.ShouldWriteAsReference = true;
        //                Target.Write(writer, true);
        //                return;
        //            }
        //        }
        // writer.WriteStartRecordAsMarkupExtension(TypeName);
        //        writer.WriteStartMember("Name");
        //        writer.WriteAtom(Target.Name);
        //        writer.WriteEndMember();
        //        foreach (var property in Properties)
        //        {
        //            property.Write(writer);
        //        }
        //        writer.WriteEndRecord();
        //    }
        class ReferenceTable
            ReferenceTable parent;
            // table that remembers all objects seen in the current namescope
            Dictionary<object, ObjectMarkupInfo> objectGraphTable;
            // table that remembers all the objects whose names are requested by TCs, MEs,
            // and the names assigned to them.
            Dictionary<object, string> serviceProviderTable;
            public ReferenceTable(ReferenceTable parent)
                this.parent = parent;
                objectGraphTable = new Dictionary<object, ObjectMarkupInfo>(new ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer());
            public void Add(object value, ObjectMarkupInfo info)
                objectGraphTable.Add(value, info);
            public void AddToServiceProviderTable(object value, string name)
                if (serviceProviderTable is null)
                    serviceProviderTable = new Dictionary<object, string>(new ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer());
                serviceProviderTable.Add(value, name);
            public ObjectMarkupInfo Find(object value)
                ObjectMarkupInfo result;
                if (!objectGraphTable.TryGetValue(value, out result))
                    // this is a recursive search, because objects in the parent namescopes are still visible
                    if (parent is not null) { return parent.Find(value); }
                return result;
            public string FindInServiceProviderTable(object value)
                string result = null;
                serviceProviderTable?.TryGetValue(value, out result);
                // this search is not recursive, because only names requested in the current
                // namescope are meaningful references.
                return result;
        class SerializerContext
            int lastIdentifier;
            Queue<NameScopeMarkupInfo> pendingNameScopes;
            ITypeDescriptorContext typeDescriptorContext;
            IValueSerializerContext valueSerializerContext;
            Dictionary<string, string> namespaceToPrefixMap;
            Dictionary<string, string> prefixToNamespaceMap;
            XamlSchemaContext schemaContext;
            ClrObjectRuntime runtime;
            XamlObjectReaderSettings settings;
            public SerializerContext(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext, XamlObjectReaderSettings settings)
                pendingNameScopes = new Queue<NameScopeMarkupInfo>();
                var typeDescriptorContext = new TypeDescriptorAndValueSerializerContext(this);
                this.typeDescriptorContext = typeDescriptorContext;
                valueSerializerContext = typeDescriptorContext;
                namespaceToPrefixMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                prefixToNamespaceMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                ReferenceTable = new ReferenceTable(null);
                this.schemaContext = schemaContext;
                runtime = new ClrObjectRuntime(null, isWriter: false);
                this.settings = settings;
            public XamlObjectReaderSettings Settings
                    return settings;
            public object Instance { get; set; }
            public void ReserveDefaultPrefixForRootObject(object obj)
                string ns = GetXamlType(obj.GetType()).PreferredXamlNamespace;
                if (ns != XamlLanguage.Xaml2006Namespace)
                    namespaceToPrefixMap.Add(ns, string.Empty);
                    prefixToNamespaceMap.Add(string.Empty, ns);
            public ClrObjectRuntime Runtime
                get { return runtime; }
            public Queue<NameScopeMarkupInfo> PendingNameScopes
                get { return pendingNameScopes; }
            public ReferenceTable ReferenceTable { get; set; }
            public IValueSerializerContext ValueSerializerContext { get { return valueSerializerContext; } }
            public ITypeDescriptorContext TypeDescriptorContext { get { return typeDescriptorContext; } }
            public XamlSchemaContext SchemaContext { get { return schemaContext; } }
            public List<XamlNode> GetSortedNamespaceNodes()
                List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> namespaceMapList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
                foreach (var pair in namespaceToPrefixMap)
                return namespaceMapList.ConvertAll<XamlNode>(pair => new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.NamespaceDeclaration,
                                                                       new NamespaceDeclaration(pair.Key, pair.Value)));
            public Assembly LocalAssembly
                    return Settings.LocalAssembly;
            public bool IsRoot{ get; set; }
            public Type RootType { get; set; }
            static int CompareByValue(KeyValuePair<string, string> x, KeyValuePair<string, string> y)
                // we sort the list in reverse alphabetical order of prefixes
                return string.Compare(y.Value, x.Value, false, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
            public string AllocateIdentifier()
                return KnownStrings.ReferenceName + (lastIdentifier++);
            public bool TryHoistNamespaceDeclaration(NamespaceDeclaration namespaceDeclaration)
                string ns;
                if (prefixToNamespaceMap.TryGetValue(namespaceDeclaration.Prefix, out ns))
                    if (ns == namespaceDeclaration.Namespace)
                        return true;
                    return false;
                namespaceToPrefixMap.Add(namespaceDeclaration.Namespace, namespaceDeclaration.Prefix);
                prefixToNamespaceMap.Add(namespaceDeclaration.Prefix, namespaceDeclaration.Namespace);
                return true;
            public string FindPrefix(string ns)
                string prefix = null;
                if (namespaceToPrefixMap.TryGetValue(ns, out prefix))
                    return prefix;
                string basePrefix = SchemaContext.GetPreferredPrefix(ns);
                if (basePrefix != XamlLanguage.PreferredPrefix && !namespaceToPrefixMap.ContainsValue(string.Empty))
                    prefix = string.Empty;
                if (prefix is null)
                    prefix = basePrefix;
                    int index = 0;
                    while (namespaceToPrefixMap.ContainsValue(prefix))
                        index += 1;
                        prefix = basePrefix + index.ToString(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
                    if (prefix.Length == 0)
                namespaceToPrefixMap.Add(ns, prefix);
                prefixToNamespaceMap.Add(prefix, ns);
                return prefix;
            public XamlType GetXamlType(Type clrType)
                XamlType result = schemaContext.GetXamlType(clrType);
                if (result is null)
                    throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReaderTypeNotAllowed,
                        schemaContext.GetType(), clrType));
                return result;
            public XamlType LocalAssemblyAwareGetXamlType(Type clrType)
                XamlType result = GetXamlType(clrType);
                if(!result.IsVisibleTo(LocalAssembly) && !typeof(Type).IsAssignableFrom(clrType))
                    throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectReader_TypeNotVisible, clrType.FullName));
                return result;
            public bool CanConvertTo(TypeConverter converter, Type type)
                return Runtime.CanConvertTo(TypeDescriptorContext, converter, type);
            public bool CanRoundTripString(TypeConverter converter)
                if (converter is ReferenceConverter)
                    return false;
                } // ReferenceConverter lies.
                return Runtime.CanConvertFrom<string>(TypeDescriptorContext, converter) &&
                    Runtime.CanConvertTo(TypeDescriptorContext, converter, typeof(string));
            public bool CanRoundtripUsingValueSerializer(ValueSerializer valueSerializer, TypeConverter typeConverter, object value)
                // ValueSerializer must know how to convert to string and the TypeConverter must know how to convert from string
                return (valueSerializer is not null &&
                    typeConverter is not null &&
                    Runtime.CanConvertToString(ValueSerializerContext, valueSerializer, value) &&
                    Runtime.CanConvertFrom<string>(TypeDescriptorContext, typeConverter));
            public string ConvertToString(ValueSerializer valueSerializer, object value)
                return Runtime.ConvertToString(valueSerializerContext, valueSerializer, value);
            public T ConvertTo<T>(TypeConverter converter, object value)
                return Runtime.ConvertToValue<T>(TypeDescriptorContext, converter, value);
            public bool TryValueSerializeToString(ValueSerializer valueSerializer, TypeConverter propertyConverter, SerializerContext context, ref object value)
                if (value is null) { return false; }
                // skip using ValueSerializer if value is string
                if (value is string) { return true; }
                // we test if value roundtrips using either the type converter on the property or the type of the actual instance
                XamlType valueXamlType = context.GetXamlType(value.GetType());
                TypeConverter actualTypeConverter = TypeConverterExtensions.GetConverterInstance(valueXamlType.TypeConverter);
                if (!CanRoundtripUsingValueSerializer(valueSerializer, propertyConverter, value) &&
                    !CanRoundtripUsingValueSerializer(valueSerializer, actualTypeConverter, value)) { return false; }
                value = Runtime.ConvertToString(ValueSerializerContext, valueSerializer, value);
                return true;
            public bool TryTypeConvertToString(TypeConverter converter, ref object value)
                if (value is null) { return false; }
                // Regardless of what the type converter says, if the value of the property is now a string, then
                // we can just write the string straight in.
                if (value is string) { return true; }
                if (!CanRoundTripString(converter)) { return false; }
                value = ConvertTo<string>(converter, value);
                return true;
            public bool TryConvertToMarkupExtension(TypeConverter converter, ref object value)
                if (value is null) { return false; }
                if (!Runtime.CanConvertTo(TypeDescriptorContext, converter, typeof(MarkupExtension))) { return false; }
                value = ConvertTo<MarkupExtension>(converter, value);
                return true;
            public string ConvertXamlTypeToString(XamlType type)
                XamlTypeName typeName = new XamlTypeName(type);
                string result = typeName.ConvertToStringInternal(FindPrefix);
                return result;
            public string GetName(object objectToName)
                string runtimeName = null;
                XamlType type = GetXamlType(objectToName.GetType());
                XamlMember runtimeNameProperty = type.GetAliasedProperty(XamlLanguage.Name);
                if (runtimeNameProperty is not null)
                    runtimeName = Runtime.GetValue(objectToName, runtimeNameProperty) as string;
                if (runtimeName is not null)
                    return runtimeName;
                // Is the object already being referenced?
                ObjectMarkupInfo existingInfo = ReferenceTable.Find(objectToName);
                if (existingInfo is not null)
                    return existingInfo.Name;
                // Has the object been looked up via TCs, MEs, already?
                string allocatedName = null;
                allocatedName = ReferenceTable.FindInServiceProviderTable(objectToName);
                if (allocatedName is null)
                    // the object has not been seen at the current stage due to either
                    // 1. the object is present in other parts of the object graph yet to be constructed
                    // 2. the object is not part of the object graph, or not visible to the current namescope
                    // in both cases, we give it a name, and store it in the current namescope's
                    // table, to be looked up later
                    allocatedName = AllocateIdentifier();
                    ReferenceTable.AddToServiceProviderTable(objectToName, allocatedName);
                return allocatedName;
            public bool IsPropertyReadVisible(XamlMember property)
                Type allowProtectedMemberOnType = null;
                if(Settings.AllowProtectedMembersOnRoot && IsRoot)
                    allowProtectedMemberOnType = RootType;
                return property.IsReadVisibleTo(LocalAssembly, allowProtectedMemberOnType);
            public bool IsPropertyWriteVisible(XamlMember property)
                Type allowProtectedMemberOnType = null;
                if(Settings.AllowProtectedMembersOnRoot && IsRoot)
                    allowProtectedMemberOnType = RootType;
                return property.IsWriteVisibleTo(LocalAssembly, allowProtectedMemberOnType);
        class TypeDescriptorAndValueSerializerContext : IValueSerializerContext, INamespacePrefixLookup, IXamlSchemaContextProvider, IXamlNameProvider
            SerializerContext context;
            public TypeDescriptorAndValueSerializerContext(SerializerContext context)
                this.context = context;
            public IContainer Container
                get { return null; }
            public object Instance
                get { return context.Instance; }
            public PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor
                get { return null; }
            public object GetService(Type serviceType)
                if (serviceType == typeof(IValueSerializerContext)) { return this; }
                if (serviceType == typeof(ITypeDescriptorContext)) { return this; }
                if (serviceType == typeof(INamespacePrefixLookup)) { return this; }
                if (serviceType == typeof(IXamlSchemaContextProvider)) { return this; }
                if (serviceType == typeof(IXamlNameProvider)) { return this; }
                return null;
            public void OnComponentChanged()
            public bool OnComponentChanging()
                return false;
            public string LookupPrefix(string ns)
                return context.FindPrefix(ns);
            public ValueSerializer GetValueSerializerFor(PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor)
                return ValueSerializer.GetSerializerFor(propertyDescriptor);
            public ValueSerializer GetValueSerializerFor(Type type)
                return ValueSerializer.GetSerializerFor(type);
            public XamlSchemaContext SchemaContext { get { return context.SchemaContext; } }
            public string GetName(object value)
                return context.GetName(value);
        class XamlTemplateMarkupInfo : ObjectMarkupInfo
            List<MarkupInfo> nodes = new List<MarkupInfo>();
            int objectPosition;
            // This is kinda fancy-- XamlFactories are converted to XamlReaders, and then the XAML from those
            // readers is supposed to be inserted into the XAML verbatim. The problem is that we are supposed to
            // be a ObjectMarkupInfo, and that implies certain things, like the ability to add a key or
            // a name.
            // So! We shred the XAML into a record; for each member that the XamlReader reports, we create a new
            // MemberMarkupInfo, and then for each subtree under the member we construct either an
            // ValueMarkupInfo or a XamlNodeMarkupInfo to contain the subtree. (The reason we bother
            // to check atom-ness is to make the XAML that we write prettier.)
            public XamlTemplateMarkupInfo(XamlReader reader, SerializerContext context)
                // we hoist all the namespace declarations we can hoist to the root of the document
                // without conflicting any previously defined namespace declarations.
                while (reader.Read() && reader.NodeType != XamlNodeType.StartObject)
                    if (reader.NodeType != XamlNodeType.NamespaceDeclaration)
                        throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.XamlFactoryInvalidXamlNode, reader.NodeType));
                    if (!context.TryHoistNamespaceDeclaration(reader.Namespace))
                        nodes.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo{ XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.NamespaceDeclaration, reader.Namespace) });
                if (reader.NodeType != XamlNodeType.StartObject)
                    throw new XamlObjectReaderException(SR.Format(SR.XamlFactoryInvalidXamlNode, reader.NodeType));
                nodes.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo { XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartObject, reader.Type) });
                objectPosition = nodes.Count;
                while (reader.Read())
                    switch (reader.NodeType)
                    case XamlNodeType.NamespaceDeclaration:
                        nodes.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo{ XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.NamespaceDeclaration, reader.Namespace) });
                    case XamlNodeType.StartObject:
                        nodes.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo{ XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartObject, reader.Type) });
                    case XamlNodeType.GetObject:
                        nodes.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo{ XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.GetObject) });
                    case XamlNodeType.EndObject:
                        nodes.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo{ XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.EndObject) });
                    case XamlNodeType.StartMember:
                        nodes.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo{ XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, reader.Member) });
                    case XamlNodeType.EndMember:
                        nodes.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo{ XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.EndMember) });
                    case XamlNodeType.Value:
                        nodes.Add(new ValueMarkupInfo{ XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.Value, reader.Value) });
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.XamlFactoryInvalidXamlNode, reader.NodeType));
                XamlNode = ((ValueMarkupInfo)nodes[0]).XamlNode;
                this.rootObject = (StartObjectNode)reader.Current;
                this.TypeName = rootRecord.TypeName;
                while (reader.NodeType != XamlNodeType.EndObject)
                    if (reader.NodeType != XamlNodeType.StartMember)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.XamlFactoryInvalidXamlNode(reader.NodeType, XamlNodeType.StartMember)));
                    var propertyInfo = new MemberMarkupInfo()
                        XamlNode = new XamlNode(XamlNodeType.StartMember, reader.Member)
                    reader.Read(); // Move past StartMember
                    while (reader.NodeType != XamlNodeType.EndMember)
                        ObjectOrValueMarkupInfo value;
                        if (reader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.Value)
                            value = new ValueMarkupInfo() { Value = ((XamlAtomNode)reader.Current).Value };
                            if (reader.Current.NodeType != XamlNodeType.Record)
                                throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.XamlFactoryInvalidXamlNode(
                            value = new XamlNodesMarkupInfo() { Nodes = reader.ReadSubtree().ReadToEnd().ToList() };
                    reader.Read(); // Skip past EndMember
            public override List<MarkupInfo> Decompose()
                foreach (var property in Properties)
                    nodes.Insert(objectPosition, property);
                return nodes;
            public override void FindNamespace(SerializerContext context)
                foreach (var property in Properties)
        private class PartiallyOrderedList<TKey, TValue> : IEnumerable<TValue>
    where TValue : class
            /// <summary>
            /// Private class to hold the key and the value.
            /// </summary>
            private class Entry
                public readonly TKey Key;
                public readonly TValue Value;
                public List<int> Predecessors;
                public int Link;    // -1 - unseen;  <-1 - in DFS;  >=0 - next index in top. order
                public const int UNSEEN = -1;
                public const int INDFS = -2;
                public Entry(TKey key, TValue value)
                    Key = key;
                    Value = value;
                    Predecessors = null;
                    Link = 0;
                public override bool Equals(object obj)
                    return obj is Entry other && other.Key.Equals(Key);
                public override int GetHashCode()
                    return Key.GetHashCode();
            /// <summary>
            /// Add a value to the list. The order in the list
            /// is controled by the key and calls to SetOrder.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="key">The ordering key</param>
            /// <param name="value">The value</param>
            public void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
                Entry entry = new Entry(key, value);
                int existingIndex = _entries.IndexOf(entry);
                // If an entry already exists use it. This happens
                // when two values of the same key are added or when
                // SetOrder refering to a key that hasn't had a value
                // added for it yet. A null value is used as a place
                // holder.
                if (existingIndex >= 0)
                    entry.Predecessors = _entries[existingIndex].Predecessors;
                    _entries[existingIndex] = entry;
            private int GetEntryIndex(TKey key)
                Entry entry = new Entry(key, null);
                int result = _entries.IndexOf(entry);
                if (result < 0)
                    result = _entries.Count;
                return result;
            public void SetOrder(TKey predecessor, TKey key)
                // Find where these keys are in the list
                // If they don't exist, a null value place holder is
                // added to the end of the list.
                int predIndex = GetEntryIndex(predecessor);
                Entry predEntry = _entries[predIndex];
                int keyIndex = GetEntryIndex(key);
                Entry keyEntry = _entries[keyIndex];
                // add the constraint
                if (keyEntry.Predecessors is null)
                    keyEntry.Predecessors = new List<int>();
                // mark the list to force a sort before the next
                // enumeration
                _firstIndex = Entry.UNSEEN;
            // compute a linear order consistent with the constraints.
            // This is the classic Topological Sort problem, which is
            // solved in linear time by doing a depth-first search of the
            // "reverse" directed graph (edges go from a node to its
            // predecessors), and enumerating the nodes in postorder.
            // If there are no cycles, each node is enumerated after any
            // nodes that directly or indirectly precede it.
            private void TopologicalSort()
                // initialize
                _firstIndex = Entry.UNSEEN;
                _lastIndex = Entry.UNSEEN;
                for (int i = 0; i < _entries.Count; ++i)
                    _entries[i].Link = Entry.UNSEEN;
                // start a DFS at each entry
                for (int i = 0; i < _entries.Count; ++i)
            // depth-first-search of predecessors of entry at given index
            private void DepthFirstSearch(int index)
                // do a search, unless we've already seen this entry
                if (_entries[index].Link == Entry.UNSEEN)
                    // mark entry as 'in progress'
                    _entries[index].Link = Entry.INDFS;
                    // search the predecessors
                    if (_entries[index].Predecessors is not null)
                        foreach (int predIndex in _entries[index].Predecessors)
                    // Add the current entry to the postorder list.  We do this
                    // by linking the previous (in postorder) entry to this one
                    if (_lastIndex == -1)
                        _firstIndex = index;    // special case for head of list
                        _entries[_lastIndex].Link = index;
                    _lastIndex = index;
                /* Note: if it is desired to detect cycles, this is the
                   place to do it.
                else if (_entries[index].Link == Entry.INDFS)
                    // DFS has returned to an entry that is currently being
                    // searched.  This happens if and only if there is a cycle.
                    // Report the cycle.
            public IEnumerator<TValue> GetEnumerator()
                // if new constraints have arrived, sort the list
                if (_firstIndex < 0)
                // Enumerate the values according to the topological order.
                // We skip null values that
                // are just place holders for keys for which the order
                // was set but the value wasn't provided.
                int index = _firstIndex;
                while (index >= 0)
                    Entry entry = _entries[index];
                    if (entry.Value is not null)
                        yield return entry.Value;
                    index = entry.Link;
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
                // Non-generic version of IEnumerator
                foreach (TValue value in this)
                    yield return value;
            private List<Entry> _entries = new List<Entry>();
            private int _firstIndex = Entry.UNSEEN; // head of linear order
            private int _lastIndex;                 // index of most recently assigned entry
        internal static class TypeConverterExtensions
            public static TConverter GetConverterInstance<TConverter>(XamlValueConverter<TConverter> converter) where TConverter : class
                return converter?.ConverterInstance;
        private static class XamlMemberExtensions
            // For compat with XamlWriter.Save, which used PropertyDescriptor, we need to look at
            // attributes not just on this property, but also on any base properties that it overrides.
            // Returns the nearest member up the hierarchy that fits the specified criterion.
            // If the no hits, just returns the original member.
            internal static XamlMember GetNearestMember(XamlMember member, GetNearestBaseMemberCriterion criterion)
                if (member.IsAttachable || member.IsDirective || MeetsCriterion(member, criterion))
                    return member;
                MethodInfo accessor = member.Getter ?? member.Setter;
                if (accessor is null || !accessor.IsVirtual)
                    return member;
                Type baseDeclaringType = accessor.GetBaseDefinition().DeclaringType;
                if (member.DeclaringType.UnderlyingType == baseDeclaringType)
                    return member;
                XamlType baseType = member.DeclaringType.BaseType;
                while (baseType is not null && baseType != XamlLanguage.Object)
                    XamlMember baseMember = baseType.GetMember(member.Name);
                    if (baseMember is null)
                        baseMember = GetExcludedReadOnlyMember(baseType, member.Name);
                        if (baseMember is null)
                    if (MeetsCriterion(baseMember, criterion))
                        return baseMember;
                    if (baseType.UnderlyingType == baseDeclaringType)
                    baseType = baseMember.DeclaringType.BaseType;
                return member;
            private static XamlMember GetExcludedReadOnlyMember(XamlType type, string name)
                foreach (XamlMember member in type.GetAllExcludedReadOnlyMembers())
                    if (member.Name == name)
                        return member;
                return null;
            private static bool MeetsCriterion(XamlMember member, GetNearestBaseMemberCriterion criterion)
                switch (criterion)
                    case GetNearestBaseMemberCriterion.HasConstructorArgument:
                        return member.ConstructorArgument is not null;
                    case GetNearestBaseMemberCriterion.HasDefaultValue:
                        return member.HasDefaultValue;
                    case GetNearestBaseMemberCriterion.HasSerializationVisibility:
                        return member.HasSerializationVisibility;
                        Debug.Fail("Invalid enum value");
                        return false;
            internal enum GetNearestBaseMemberCriterion