File: System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListView.ListViewNativeItemCollection.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public partial class ListView
    // Overrides ListViewItemCollection methods and properties to automatically update
    // the native listview.
    internal class ListViewNativeItemCollection : ListViewItemCollection.IInnerList
        private readonly ListView _owner;
        public ListViewNativeItemCollection(ListView owner)
            _owner = owner;
        public int Count
                return _owner.VirtualMode ? _owner.VirtualListSize : _owner._itemCount;
        public bool OwnerIsVirtualListView => _owner.VirtualMode;
        public bool OwnerIsDesignMode => _owner.DesignMode;
        public ListViewItem this[int displayIndex]
            get => GetItemByIndexInternal(displayIndex, throwInVirtualMode: true)!;
                if (_owner.VirtualMode)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ListViewCantModifyTheItemCollInAVirtualListView);
                ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThanOrEqual(displayIndex, _owner._itemCount);
                if (_owner.ExpectingMouseUp)
                    _owner.ItemCollectionChangedInMouseDown = true;
                Insert(displayIndex, value);
        public ListViewItem? GetItemByIndex(int index) =>
            GetItemByIndexInternal(index, throwInVirtualMode: false);
        private ListViewItem? GetItemByIndexInternal(int index, [NotNullWhen(true)] bool throwInVirtualMode)
            if (_owner.VirtualMode)
                // If we are showing virtual items, we need to get the item from the user.
                RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs rVI = new(index);
                if (rVI.Item is null)
                    return !throwInVirtualMode ? null : throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ListViewVirtualItemRequired);
                rVI.Item.SetItemIndex(_owner, index);
                return rVI.Item;
                ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThanOrEqual(index, _owner._itemCount);
                if (_owner.IsHandleCreated && !_owner.ListViewHandleDestroyed)
                    _owner._listItemsTable.TryGetValue(DisplayIndexToID(index), out ListViewItem? item);
                    return item!;
                    Debug.Assert(_owner._listViewItems is not null, "listItemsArray is null, but the handle isn't created");
                    return _owner._listViewItems[index];
        public ListViewItem Add(ListViewItem value)
            if (_owner.VirtualMode)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ListViewCantAddItemsToAVirtualListView);
                Debug.Assert(!_owner.FlipViewToLargeIconAndSmallIcon || Count == 0, "the FlipView... bit is turned off after adding 1 item.");
                // PERF.
                // Get the Checked bit before adding it to the back end.
                // This saves a call into NativeListView to retrieve the real index.
                bool valueChecked = value.Checked;
                _owner.InsertItems(_owner._itemCount, [value], true);
                if (_owner.IsHandleCreated && !_owner.CheckBoxes && valueChecked)
                    _owner.UpdateSavedCheckedItems(value, true /*addItem*/);
                if (_owner.ExpectingMouseUp)
                    _owner.ItemCollectionChangedInMouseDown = true;
                return value;
        public void AddRange(params ListViewItem[] values)
            if (_owner.VirtualMode)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ListViewCantAddItemsToAVirtualListView);
            IComparer? comparer = _owner._listItemSorter;
            _owner._listItemSorter = null;
            Debug.Assert(!_owner.FlipViewToLargeIconAndSmallIcon || Count == 0, "the FlipView... bit is turned off after adding 1 item.");
            bool[]? checkedValues = null;
            if (_owner.IsHandleCreated && !_owner.CheckBoxes)
                // PERF.
                // Cache the Checked bit before adding the item to the list view.
                // This saves a bunch of calls to native list view when we want to UpdateSavedCheckedItems.
                checkedValues = new bool[values.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    checkedValues[i] = values[i].Checked;
                _owner.InsertItems(_owner._itemCount, values, true);
                if (_owner.IsHandleCreated && !_owner.CheckBoxes)
                    for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                        if (checkedValues![i])
                            _owner.UpdateSavedCheckedItems(values[i], true /*addItem*/);
                _owner._listItemSorter = comparer;
            if (_owner.ExpectingMouseUp)
                _owner.ItemCollectionChangedInMouseDown = true;
            if (comparer is not null ||
                ((_owner.Sorting != SortOrder.None) && !_owner.VirtualMode))
        private int DisplayIndexToID(int displayIndex)
            Debug.Assert(!_owner.VirtualMode, "in virtual mode, this method does not make any sense");
            if (_owner.IsHandleCreated && !_owner.ListViewHandleDestroyed)
                // Obtain internal index of the item
                LVITEMW lvItem = new()
                    mask = LIST_VIEW_ITEM_FLAGS.LVIF_PARAM,
                    iItem = displayIndex
                PInvokeCore.SendMessage(_owner, PInvoke.LVM_GETITEMW, (WPARAM)0, ref lvItem);
                return PARAM.ToInt(lvItem.lParam);
                return this[displayIndex]._id;
        public void Clear()
            if (_owner._itemCount <= 0)
            if (_owner.IsHandleCreated && !_owner.ListViewHandleDestroyed)
                // Walk the items to see which ones are selected.
                // We use the LVM_GETNEXTITEM message to see what the next selected item is
                // so we can avoid checking selection for each one.
                int count = _owner.Items.Count;
                int nextSelected = (int)PInvokeCore.SendMessage(
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    ListViewItem item = _owner.Items[i];
                    Debug.Assert(item is not null, $"Failed to get item at index {i}");
                    if (item is null)
                    // If it's the one we're looking for, ask for the next one.
                    if (i == nextSelected)
                        item.StateSelected = true;
                        nextSelected = (int)PInvokeCore.SendMessage(
                            (WPARAM)nextSelected, (LPARAM)PInvoke.LVNI_SELECTED);
                        // Otherwise it's false.
                        item.StateSelected = false;
                    item.UnHost(i, false);
                Debug.Assert(_owner._listViewItems is null, "listItemsArray not null, even though handle created");
                PInvokeCore.SendMessage(_owner, PInvoke.LVM_DELETEALLITEMS);
                // There's a problem in the list view that if it's in small icon, it won't pick up the small icon
                // sizes until it changes from large icon, so we flip it twice here...
                if (_owner.View == View.SmallIcon)
                    if (Application.ComCtlSupportsVisualStyles)
                        _owner.FlipViewToLargeIconAndSmallIcon = true;
                        Debug.Assert(!_owner.FlipViewToLargeIconAndSmallIcon, "we only set this when comctl 6.0 is loaded");
                        _owner.View = View.LargeIcon;
                        _owner.View = View.SmallIcon;
                int count = _owner.Items.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    ListViewItem item = _owner.Items[i];
                    item?.UnHost(i, true);
                Debug.Assert(_owner._listViewItems is not null, "listItemsArray is null, but the handle isn't created");
            if (_owner.IsHandleCreated && !_owner.CheckBoxes)
                _owner._savedCheckedItems = null;
            _owner._itemCount = 0;
            if (_owner.ExpectingMouseUp)
                _owner.ItemCollectionChangedInMouseDown = true;
        public bool Contains(ListViewItem item)
            if (_owner.IsHandleCreated && !_owner.ListViewHandleDestroyed)
                return _owner._listItemsTable.TryGetValue(item._id, out ListViewItem? itemOut)
                    && itemOut == item;
                Debug.Assert(_owner._listViewItems is not null, "listItemsArray is null, but the handle isn't created");
                return _owner._listViewItems.Contains(item);
        public ListViewItem Insert(int index, ListViewItem item)
            int count;
            if (_owner.VirtualMode)
                count = Count;
                count = _owner._itemCount;
            ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(index, count);
            if (_owner.VirtualMode)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ListViewCantAddItemsToAVirtualListView);
            Debug.Assert(!_owner.FlipViewToLargeIconAndSmallIcon || Count == 0, "the FlipView... bit is turned off after adding 1 item.");
            if (index < count)
                // if we're not inserting at the end, force the add.
            _owner.InsertItems(index, [item], true);
            if (_owner.IsHandleCreated && !_owner.CheckBoxes && item.Checked)
                _owner.UpdateSavedCheckedItems(item, true /*addItem*/);
            if (_owner.ExpectingMouseUp)
                _owner.ItemCollectionChangedInMouseDown = true;
            return item;
        public int IndexOf(ListViewItem item)
            Debug.Assert(!_owner.VirtualMode, "in virtual mode, this function does not make any sense");
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                if (item == this[i])
                    return i;
            return -1;
        public void Remove(ListViewItem item)
            int index = _owner.VirtualMode ? Count - 1 : IndexOf(item);
            Debug.Assert(!_owner.FlipViewToLargeIconAndSmallIcon || Count == 0, "the FlipView... bit is turned off after adding 1 item.");
            if (_owner.VirtualMode)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ListViewCantRemoveItemsFromAVirtualListView);
            if (index != -1)
        public void RemoveAt(int index)
            if (_owner.VirtualMode)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ListViewCantRemoveItemsFromAVirtualListView);
            ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThanOrEqual(index, _owner._itemCount);
            Debug.Assert(!_owner.FlipViewToLargeIconAndSmallIcon || Count == 0, "the FlipView... bit is turned off after adding 1 item.");
            if (_owner.IsHandleCreated && !_owner.CheckBoxes && this[index].Checked)
                _owner.UpdateSavedCheckedItems(this[index], addItem: false);
            int itemID = DisplayIndexToID(index);
            this[index].Focused = false;
            if (_owner.IsHandleCreated)
                Debug.Assert(_owner._listViewItems is null, "listItemsArray not null, even though handle created");
                if (PInvokeCore.SendMessage(_owner, PInvoke.LVM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)index) == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, string.Format(SR.InvalidArgument, nameof(index), index));
                Debug.Assert(_owner._listViewItems is not null, "listItemsArray is null, but the handle isn't created");
            if (_owner.ExpectingMouseUp)
                _owner.ItemCollectionChangedInMouseDown = true;
        public void CopyTo(Array dest, int index)
            if (_owner._itemCount > 0)
                for (int displayIndex = 0; displayIndex < Count; ++displayIndex)
                    dest.SetValue(this[displayIndex], index++);
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            ListViewItem[] items = new ListViewItem[_owner._itemCount];
            CopyTo(items, 0);
            return items.GetEnumerator();