11 types derived from ListView
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (10)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewLabelEditAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
179private class SubListView : ListView
System\Windows\Forms\ColumnHeaderTests.cs (1)
1609private class InvalidSetColumnListView : ListView
System\Windows\Forms\ControlTests.cs (1)
1505private class SubListView : ListView, IParentHandleRecreationHandler
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewInsertionMarkTests.cs (3)
234private class CustomGetInsertMarkRectListView : ListView 263private class InvalidGetInsertMarkRectListView : ListView 607private class CustomInsertMarkHitTestListView : ListView
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewTests.cs (4)
2011private class CustomGetVersionListView : ListView 4164private class CustomGetItemRectListView : ListView 4194private class InvalidGetItemRectListView : ListView 6097private class SubListView : ListView
WinFormsControlsTest (1)
CloneTestListView.cs (1)
7internal class CloneTestListView : ListView
620 instantiations of ListView
System.Windows.Forms.Design (2)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\MaskDesignerDialog.cs (1)
124_listViewCannedMasks = new ListView();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\StyleEditorForm.cs (1)
165_columnsAndRowsListView = new ListView();
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (2)
ListViewDesignerTests.cs (1)
14using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ListViewActionListTests.cs (1)
16_listView = new();
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (607)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ColumnHeader.ListViewColumnHeaderAccessibleObjectTests.cs (4)
46using ListView listView = new(); 61using ListView listView = new(); 75using ListView listView = new(); 89using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListVIew.ListViewAccessibleObjectTests.cs (38)
18using ListView listView = new(); 28using ListView listView = new(); 39using ListView listView = new(); 53using ListView listView = new(); 62using ListView listView = new(); 71using ListView listView = new(); 86using ListView listView = new(); 116using ListView listView = new(); 141using ListView listView = new(); 164using ListView listView = new(); 182using ListView listView = new(); 198using ListView listView = new(); 208using ListView list = new(); 260using ListView listView = new() 341using ListView listView = new() 383using ListView listView = new() 444using ListView listView = new() 506using ListView listView = new() 577using ListView listView = new() 632using ListView listView = new() 712using ListView listView = new() 794using ListView listView = new() 846using ListView listView = new() 915using ListView listView = new() 952using ListView listView = new() 971using ListView listView = new() 1007using ListView listView = new ListView 1053using ListView listView = new ListView 1084using ListView listView = new ListView 1130using ListView listView = new(); 1148using ListView listView = new(); 1172using ListView listView = new(); 1189using ListView listView = new(); 1215using ListView listView = new(); 1385ListView listView = new() 1722ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1749using ListView listView = new() 1765using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewGroup.ListViewGroupAccessibleObjectTests.cs (27)
21using ListView list = new(); 39using ListView list = new(); 54using ListView list = new(); 85using ListView list = new(); 116using ListView list = new(); 136using ListView listView = new() 206using ListView listView = new() 279using ListView list = new(); 321using ListView listView = new(); 369using ListView listView = new() 464using ListView listView = new() 500using ListView listView = new() 582using ListView listView = new() 659using ListView listView = new() 702using ListView listView = new ListView 740using ListView listView = new() { ShowGroups = true }; 791using ListView listView = new() { ShowGroups = true }; 1154using ListView listView = new() 1218using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = true }; 1231ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1257using ListView listView = new() 1319using ListView listView = new() 1352using ListView listView = new(); 1368using ListView listView = new(); 1382using ListView listView = new(); 1401ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1422ListView listView = new()
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemAccessibleObjectTests.cs (33)
18using ListView list = new(); 37using ListView list = new(); 66using ListView listView = new ListView 95using ListView list = new(); 558using ListView listView = new ListView 647using ListView listView = new ListView 694using ListView listView = new ListView 836using ListView listView = new() 884using ListView listView = new() 919using ListView listView = new() 1132ListView listView = new() 1191ListView listView = new() 1256ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1287using ListView listView = new() 1344using ListView listView = new() 1402using ListView listView = new() 1451using ListView listView = new() 1538using ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1568using ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1583using ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1597using ListView listView = new() { View = View.Details }; 1619using ListView listView = new() 1642using ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1660using ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1701using ListView listView = new() { View = oldView }; 1755using ListView listView = new() { View = oldView }; 1788using ListView listView = new() { View = oldView }; 1847using ListView listView = new(); 1861using ListView listView = new(); 1875using ListView listView = new(); 1889using ListView listView = new(); 1903using ListView listView = new(); 1922ListView listView = new()
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemBaseAccessibleObjectTests.cs (26)
24using ListView control = new(); 35using ListView control = new(); 46using ListView control = new(); 59using ListView control = new(); 71using ListView control = new(); 82using ListView control = new(); 99using ListView control = new(); 117using ListView control = new(); 134using ListView control = new(); 152using ListView control = new(); 166using ListView control = new(); 182using ListView control = new(); 201using ListView control = new() { View = view }; 219using ListView control = new() { View = view }; 232using ListView control = new(); 245using ListView control = new(); 258using ListView control = new(); 271using ListView control = new(); 286using ListView listView = new(); 302using ListView listView = new(); 318using ListView listView = new(); 340using ListView control = new() { CheckBoxes = true }; 351using ListView control = new(); 364using ListView control = new(); 377using ListView control = new(); 394using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemDetailsAccessibleObjectTests.cs (9)
23using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 38using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 54using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 70using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 88using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 101using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 116using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 138using ListView listView = new() 163ListView listView1 = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemImageAccessibleObjectTests.cs (2)
20using ListView list = new() 46using ListView list = new()
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemListAccessibleObjectTests.cs (4)
29using ListView control = new(); 40using ListView control = new(); 52using ListView control = new(); 71using ListView control = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemWithImageAccessibleObjectTests.cs (6)
17using ListView control = new(); 36using ListView control = new() 63using ListView control = new(); 81using ListView control = new() 99using ListView control = new(); 118using ListView control = new()
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem.ListViewSubItemAccessibleObjectTests.cs (23)
18using ListView list = new(); 55using ListView list = new(); 105using ListView list = new() { View = view }; 630using ListView list = new(); 680using ListView list = new() { View = View.Details }; 721using ListView list = new() { View = view }; 754using ListView list = new(); 796ListView listView = new() 856using ListView listView = new(); 872using ListView listView = new() 893using ListView listView = new() 915using ListView listView = new(); 928using ListView listView = new(); 943using ListView listView = new(); 972using ListView listView = new() { View = View.Details }; 1051using ListView listview = new(); 1063using ListView listView = new(); 1079using ListView listView = new(); 1095using ListView listView = new(); 1111using ListView listView = new(); 1127using ListView listView = new(); 1143using ListView listView = new(); 1159using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\BinaryFormat\WinFormsBinaryFormattedObjectTests.cs (1)
282{ new ListView(), new string[] { "DataContext: Object", "Tag: Object" } },
System\Windows\Forms\ColumnHeaderCollectionTests.cs (68)
16using ListView listView = new(); 30using ListView listView = new(); 42using ListView listView = new(); 55using ListView listView = new(); 67using ListView listView = new(); 80using ListView listView = new(); 94using ListView listView = new(); 113using ListView listView = new(); 129using ListView listView = new(); 142using ListView listView = new(); 152using ListView listView = new(); 154using ListView otherListView = new(); 165using ListView listView = new(); 186using ListView listView = new(); 208using ListView listView = new(); 231using ListView listView = new(); 253using ListView listView = new(); 276using ListView listView = new(); 301using ListView listView = new(); 318using ListView listView = new(); 327using ListView listView = new(); 337using ListView listView = new(); 350using ListView listView = new(); 358using ListView listView = new(); 376using ListView listView = new(); 418using ListView listView = new(); 426using ListView listView = new(); 434using ListView listView = new(); 456using ListView listView = new(); 479using ListView listView = new() 504using ListView listView = new() 530using ListView listView = new(); 540using ListView listView = new(); 553using ListView listView = new(); 570using ListView listView = new(); 586using ListView listView = new(); 596using ListView listView = new(); 610using ListView listView = new(); 621using ListView listView = new(); 634using ListView listView = new(); 651using ListView listView = new(); 671using ListView listView = new(); 681using ListView listView = new(); 695using ListView listView = new(); 706using ListView listView = new(); 720using ListView listView = new(); 732using ListView listView = new(); 745using ListView listView = new(); 759using ListView listView = new(); 772using ListView listView = new(); 786using ListView listView = new(); 802using ListView listView = new(); 817using ListView listView = new(); 831using ListView listView = new(); 839using ListView listView = new(); 854using ListView listView = new(); 865using ListView listView = new(); 873using ListView listView = new(); 899using ListView listView = new(); 923using ListView listView = new(); 935using ListView listView = new(); 970using ListView listView = new(); 1006using ListView listView = new() 1047using ListView listView = new(); 1061using ListView listView = new(); 1076using ListView listView = new(); 1099using ListView listView = new(); 1112using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ColumnHeaderTests.cs (42)
90using ListView listView = new(); 132using ListView listView = new(); 158using ListView listView = new(); 212using ListView listView = new(); 232using ListView listView = new(); 325using ListView listView = new(); 348using ListView listView = new() 379using ListView listView = new() 404using ListView listView = new(); 439using ListView listView = new(); 465using ListView listView = new() 544using ListView listView = new(); 565using ListView listView = new() 598using ListView listView = new() 621using ListView listView = new(); 659using ListView listView = new(); 687using ListView listView = new() 720using ListView listView = new(); 730using ListView listView = new() 742using ListView listView = new(); 751using ListView listView = new(); 794using ListView listView = new(); 812using ListView listView = new(); 971using ListView listView = new(); 987using ListView listView = new(); 1004using ListView listView = new(); 1030using ListView listView = new() 1131using ListView listView = new(); 1156using ListView listView = new(); 1194using ListView listView = new(); 1221using ListView listView = new(); 1231using ListView listView = new(); 1252using ListView listView = new() 1303using ListView listView = new(); 1321using ListView listView = new(); 1355using ListView listView = new() 1373using ListView listView = new() 1402using ListView listView = new(); 1420using ListView listView = new(); 1494using ListView listView = new(); 1581using ListView listView = new(); 1633using ListView listView = new()
System\Windows\Forms\DrawListViewItemEventArgsTests.cs (2)
86ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 100ListView fullRowSelectListView = new() { View = view, FullRowSelect = true };
System\Windows\Forms\ListView.ListViewItemCollectionTests.cs (3)
15using ListView listView = new(); 71using ListView listView = new(); 98using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewGroupCollectionTests.cs (84)
15using ListView listView = new(); 27using ListView listView = new(); 40using ListView listView = new(); 49using ListView listView = new(); 62using ListView listView = new(); 77using ListView listView = new(); 96using ListView listView = new(); 120using ListView listView = new(); 135using ListView listView = new(); 139using ListView otherListView = new(); 155using ListView listView = new(); 159using ListView otherListView = new(); 174using ListView listView = new(); 185using ListView listView = new(); 194using ListView listView = new(); 207using ListView listView = new(); 216using ListView listView = new(); 228using ListView listView = new(); 245using ListView listView = new(); 256using ListView listView = new(); 266using ListView listView = new(); 287using ListView listView = new(); 303using ListView listView = new(); 313using ListView listView = new(); 336using ListView listView = new(); 355using ListView listView = new(); 364using ListView listView = new(); 372using ListView listView = new(); 389using ListView listView = new(); 408using ListView listView = new(); 425using ListView listView = new(); 446using ListView listView = new(); 460using ListView listView = new(); 463using ListView otherListView = new(); 480using ListView listView = new(); 488using ListView listView = new(); 490using ListView otherListView = new(); 507using ListView listView = new(); 519using ListView listView = new(); 532using ListView listView = new(); 540using ListView listView = new(); 555using ListView listView = new(); 557using ListView otherListView = new(); 578using ListView listView = new(); 587using ListView listView = new(); 597using ListView listView = new(); 615using ListView listView = new(); 635using ListView listView = new(); 645using ListView listView = new(); 658using ListView listView = new(); 668using ListView listView = new(); 682using ListView listView = new(); 693using ListView listView = new(); 706using ListView listView = new(); 716using ListView listView = new(); 730using ListView listView = new(); 741using ListView listView = new(); 754using ListView listView = new(); 769using ListView listView = new(); 786using ListView listView = new(); 805using ListView listView = new(); 809using ListView otherListView = new(); 829using ListView listView = new(); 844using ListView listView = new(); 846using ListView otherListView = new(); 863using ListView listView = new(); 874using ListView listView = new(); 882using ListView listView = new(); 897using ListView listView = new(); 909using ListView listView = new(); 917using ListView listView = new(); 939using ListView listView = new(); 963using ListView listView = new(); 983using ListView listView = new(); 995using ListView listView = new(); 1026using ListView listView = new(); 1034using ListView listView = new(); 1047using ListView listView = new(); 1059using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 1075using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 1091using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 1107using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 1108using ListView listViewSource = new(); 1126using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true };
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewGroupConverterTests.cs (9)
34ListView listView = new(); 39ListView listViewWithGroups = new(); 73ListView listView = new(); 93ListView listView = new(); 98ListView listViewWithGroups = new(); 147ListView listView = new(); 152ListView listViewWithGroups = new(); 263ListView listView = new(); 268ListView listViewWithGroups = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewGroupTests.cs (30)
121using ListView listView = new(); 157using ListView listView = new(); 176using ListView listView = new(); 215using ListView listView = new(); 295using ListView listView = new(); 317using ListView listView = new(); 356using ListView listView = new(); 427using ListView listView = new(); 449using ListView listView = new(); 500using ListView listView = new(); 549using ListView listView = new(); 571using ListView listView = new(); 613using ListView listView = new(); 673using ListView listView = new(); 697using ListView listView = new(); 752using ListView listView = new(); 810using ListView listView = new(); 832using ListView listView = new(); 874using ListView listView = new(); 925using ListView listView = new(); 949using ListView listView = new(); 1004using ListView listView = new(); 1067using ListView listView = new(); 1090using ListView listView = new(); 1130using ListView listView = new(); 1214using ListView listView = new(); 1236using ListView listView = new(); 1279using ListView listView = new(); 1430using ListView listView = new(); 1446using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewInsertionMarkTests.cs (19)
17using ListView control = new(); 27using ListView control = new(); 49using ListView control = new(); 91using ListView control = new(); 141using ListView control = new(); 187using ListView control = new(); 197using ListView control = new(); 284using ListView control = new(); 294using ListView control = new(); 316using ListView control = new(); 333using ListView control = new(); 367using ListView control = new(); 400using ListView control = new(); 410using ListView control = new(); 427using ListView control = new(); 464using ListView control = new(); 518using ListView control = new(); 565using ListView control = new(); 574using ListView control = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewItem.IKeyboardToolTipTests.cs (2)
125using ListView listView = new(); 814return new ListView()
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewItemTests.cs (11)
859using ListView listView = new() 892using ListView listView = new(); 916using ListView listView = new() 950using ListView listView = new(); 966using ListView listView = new() 1000using ListView listView = new() 1019using ListView listView = new(); 1035using ListView listView = new(); 1084using ListView listView = new(); 1094using ListView listView = new(); 1108using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewSubItemTests.cs (10)
83using ListView listView = new() 116using ListView listView = new() 165using ListView listView = new() 207using ListView listView = new(); 219using ListView listView = new() 252using ListView listView = new() 290using ListView listView = new() 332using ListView listView = new() 365using ListView listView = new() 416using ListView listView = new()
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewTests.cs (154)
182using ListView listView = new() 201using ListView listView = new(); 229using ListView listView = new() 247using ListView listView = new(); 255using ListView listView = new() 267using ListView listView = new() 279using ListView listView = new() 299using ListView listView = new(); 328using ListView listView = new(); 336using ListView listView = new() 359using ListView listView = new(); 396using ListView listView = new() 419using ListView listView = new(); 462using ListView control = new() 485using ListView control = new(); 513using ListView control = new(); 523using ListView control = new(); 577using ListView control = new(); 613using ListView control = new(); 621using ListView listView = new() 643using ListView listView = new() 666using ListView listView = new(); 703using ListView listView = new() 743using ListView listView = new() 762using ListView listView = new(); 791using ListView listView = new(); 819using ListView listView = new() 845using ListView listView = new() 877using ListView listView = new(); 958using ListView listView = new() 1001using ListView listView = new() 1050using ListView listView = new(); 1081using ListView listView = new() 1100using ListView listView = new(); 1129using ListView listView = new(); 1321using ListView control = new() 1347using ListView control = new(); 1375using ListView control = new(); 1385using ListView control = new(); 1421using ListView listView = new() 1444using ListView listView = new(); 1481using ListView listView = new() 1504using ListView listView = new(); 1561using ListView listView = new() 1583using ListView listView = new() 1656using ListView listView = new() 1742using ListView listView = new() 1779using ListView listView = new() 1804using ListView listView = new() 1844using ListView control = new() 1855using ListView control = new() 1867using ListView listView = new() 1918using ListView listView = new() 1975using ListView control = new(); 1985using ListView control = new(); 2041using ListView listView = new() 2060using ListView listView = new(); 2091using ListView listView = new() 2123using ListView listView = new(); 2131using ListView listView = new() 2154using ListView listView = new(); 2191using ListView listView = new() 2214using ListView listView = new(); 2250using ListView listView = new() 2278using ListView listView = new() 2301using ListView listView = new(); 2337using ListView listView = new() 2354using ListView listView = new() 2366using ListView listView = new() 2389using ListView listView = new(); 2426using ListView listView = new() 2449using ListView listView = new(); 2506using ListView listView = new() 2527using ListView listView = new() 2600using ListView listView = new() 2686using ListView listView = new() 2723using ListView listView = new() 2747using ListView listView = new() 2787using ListView listView = new() 2810using ListView listView = new(); 2847using ListView listView = new() 2870using ListView listView = new(); 2907using ListView listView = new() 2930using ListView listView = new(); 2967using ListView listView = new() 2989using ListView listView = new() 3012using ListView listView = new(); 3049using ListView listView = new() 3090using ListView listView = new() 3113using ListView listView = new(); 3170using ListView listView = new() 3191using ListView listView = new() 3290using ListView listView = new() 3402using ListView listView = new() 3439using ListView listView = new() 3463using ListView listView = new() 3533using ListView listView = new() 3556using ListView listView = new() 3729using ListView listView = new() 3916using ListView listView = new() 3960using ListView listView = new() 3987using ListView listView = new() 4028using ListView listView = new() 4050using ListView listView = new(); 4085using ListView control = new(); 4109using ListView control = new(); 4215using ListView control = new(); 4224using ListView control = new(); 4236using ListView control = new(); 4245using ListView control = new(); 4380using ListView listView = new ListView 4482using ListView control = new(); 4501using ListView control = new(); 4533using ListView control = new(); 4568using ListView control = new(); 4613using ListView control = new ListView 4644using ListView control = new ListView 4677using ListView control = new(); 4713using ListView listView = new ListView 4838using ListView listView = new(); 4851using ListView listView = new(); 4867using ListView listView = new(); 4880using ListView listView = new(); 4899using ListView listView = new(); 4912using ListView listView = new(); 4929using ListView listView = new(); 4944using ListView listView = new(); 4953using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 4962using ListView listView = new(); 4976using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 5004using ListView listView = new(); 5059using ListView listView = new(); 5118using ListView listView = new(); 5143using ListView listView = new() 5170using ListView listView = new() 5195using ListView listView = new() 5218using ListView listView = new() 5252using ListView listView = new() 5278using ListView listView = new() 5423using ListView listView = new() 5479using ListView listView = new() { ShowGroups = true }; 5528using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups }; 5560using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups }; 5590using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups, CheckBoxes = true }; 5620using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups, CheckBoxes = true }; 5650using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups }; 5688using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups }; 5725using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups, CheckBoxes = true }; 5761using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups, CheckBoxes = true }; 5797using ListView listView = new(); 5813using ListView listView = new(); 5829using ListView listView = new(); 5845using ListView listView = new(); 5861using ListView listView = new();
System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests (2)
ImageListTests.cs (1)
99ListView listView1 = new()
ListViewTests.cs (1)
571ListView control = new()
TestPassApp (2)
CommonControl1.Designer.cs (1)
58this.listView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListView();
DataBindingExample.Designer.cs (1)
44this.listView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListView();
TrimTestBinaryDeserialization (1)
Form1.Designer.cs (1)
35listView1 = new ListView();
WinFormsControlsTest (4)
CollectionEditors.Designer.cs (1)
37this.listView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListView();
ListViewTest.cs (1)
55ListView listView2 = new ListView
ListViewTest.Designer.cs (1)
37this.listView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListView();
MultipleControls.cs (1)
20ListView listView2 = new ListView
972 references to ListView
DesignSurface (2)
MainForm.cs (2)
220ListView lb1 = surface.CreateControl<ListView>(new Size(290, 160), new Point(320, 30));
System.Windows.Forms (103)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\CacheVirtualItemsEventHandler.cs (2)
7/// Represents a method that will handle the <see cref="ListView.CacheVirtualItems"/> event of a <see cref="ListView"/>.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ColumnClickEventArgs.cs (1)
7/// Provides data for the <see cref="ListView.OnColumnClick"/> event.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ColumnClickEventHandler.cs (1)
7/// Represents a method that will handle the <see cref="ListView.OnColumnClick"/> event.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ColumnHeader.cs (3)
10/// Displays a single column header in a <see cref="Forms.ListView"/> control. 35internal ListView? OwnerListview 263public ListView? ListView { get; private set; }
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.cs (1)
7/// Specifies how the column headers are autoresized in a <see cref="ListView"/>
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ColumnHeaderStyle.cs (1)
7/// Specifies how <see cref="ListView"/> column headers
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\LabelEditEventArgs.cs (1)
7/// Provides data for the <see cref="ListView.LabelEdit"/> event.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\LabelEditEventHandler.cs (1)
7/// Represents a method that will handle the <see cref="ListView.LabelEdit"/> event.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\LisstView.DisposingContext.cs (2)
10private readonly ListView _owner; 12public DisposingContext(ListView owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListView.CheckedIndexCollection.cs (2)
14private readonly ListView _owner; 17public CheckedIndexCollection(ListView owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListView.CheckedListViewItemCollection.cs (2)
14private readonly ListView _owner; 22public CheckedListViewItemCollection(ListView owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection.cs (2)
14private readonly ListView _owner; 16public ColumnHeaderCollection(ListView owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListView.cs (3)
922/// contains icons to use when displaying groups. The <see cref="ListView"/> control can accept any graphics 923/// format that the <see cref="ImageList"/> control supports when displaying icons. The <see cref="ListView"/> 926/// in the <see cref="ListView"/> control to the index position of the appropriate image in the <see cref="ImageList"/>.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListView.ListViewAccessibleObject.cs (22)
16internal ListViewAccessibleObject(ListView owningListView) : base(owningListView) 26if (this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ListView? owningListView)) 37=> this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ListView? listView) && listView.MultiSelect; 40=> this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView) ? owningListView.Columns.Count : base.ColumnCount; 46if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView) || !owningListView.GroupsDisplayed) 68=> this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView) ? owningListView.Items.Count : base.RowCount; 81!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ListView? _) 92if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ListView? owningListView) || index < 0) 108if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ListView? owningListView)) 120if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView) || child is null) 153internal override int GetChildIndex(AccessibleObject? child) => this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView) 157private string GetItemStatus() => this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView) 168if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView)) 183=> !this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ListView? owningListView) 188=> this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView) ? (int)owningListView.View : base.GetMultiViewProviderCurrentView(); 208if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView)) 230=> (VARIANT)(int)((this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView) && owningListView.View == View.Details) 244if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ListView? owningListView)) 262if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView)) 286if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ListView? owningListView)) 348this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView) 357if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ListView? owningListView))
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListView.ListViewItemCollection.cs (1)
24public ListViewItemCollection(ListView owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListView.ListViewNativeItemCollection.cs (2)
15private readonly ListView _owner; 17public ListViewNativeItemCollection(ListView owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListView.SelectedIndexCollection.cs (2)
14private readonly ListView _owner; 17public SelectedIndexCollection(ListView owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection.cs (2)
14private readonly ListView _owner; 21public SelectedListViewItemCollection(ListView owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewAlignment.cs (3)
7/// Specifies how items align in the <see cref="ListView"/>. 17/// Items are aligned to the top of the <see cref="ListView"/> control. 22/// Items are aligned to the left of the <see cref="ListView"/> control.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewGroup.cs (4)
27private ListView.ListViewItemCollection? _items; 323public ListView.ListViewItemCollection Items => _items ??= new ListView.ListViewItemCollection(new ListViewGroupItemCollection(this)); 327public ListView? ListView { get; internal set; }
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewGroup.ListViewGroupAccessibleObject.cs (3)
7using static System.Windows.Forms.ListView; 15private readonly ListView _owningListView; 26?? (owningGroup.Items.Count > 0 && _owningGroup.Items[0].ListView is ListView listView
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewGroupCollection.cs (2)
15private readonly ListView _listView; 19internal ListViewGroupCollection(ListView listView)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewGroupEventArgs.cs (2)
7/// Provides data for the <see cref="ListView.OnGroupCollapsedStateChanged"/> and 8/// <see cref="ListView.OnGroupTaskLinkClick"/> event.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewGroupImageIndexer.cs (2)
25/// Gets the <see cref="ListView.GroupImageList"/> of the <see cref="ListView"/>
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewGroupItemCollection.cs (1)
8internal class ListViewGroupItemCollection : ListView.ListViewItemCollection.IInnerList
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewInsertionMark.cs (2)
13private readonly ListView _listView; 19internal ListViewInsertionMark(ListView listView)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewItem.cs (7)
14/// Implements an item of a <see cref="Forms.ListView"/>. 35internal ListView? _listView; 251ListView owningListView = _listView ?? Group?.ListView 598public ListView? ListView => _listView; 869ListView lv = ListView!; 994internal void Host(ListView parent, int id, int index) 1295internal void SetItemIndex(ListView listView, int index)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewItem.ListViewItemBaseAccessibleObject.cs (1)
23private protected readonly ListView _owningListView;
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem.ListViewSubItemAccessibleObject.cs (1)
16private readonly ListView _owningListView;
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewItemMouseHoverEventArgs.cs (1)
7/// Provides data for the <see cref="ListView.OnItemMouseHover"/> event.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewItemMouseHoverEventHandler.cs (1)
7/// Represents a method that will handle the <see cref="ListView.ItemMouseHover"/> event.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventHandler.cs (1)
7/// Represents a method that will handle the <see cref="ListView.ItemSelectionChanged"/> event.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewLabelEditAccessibleObject.cs (8)
14private readonly WeakReference<ListView> _owningListView; 16public ListViewLabelEditAccessibleObject(ListView owningListView, ListViewLabelEditNativeWindow labelEdit) : base(owningListView, labelEdit) 25_owningListView.TryGetTarget(out ListView? target) 30_owningListView.TryGetTarget(out ListView? target) 37_owningListView.TryGetTarget(out ListView? target) 50UIA_PROPERTY_ID.UIA_IsEnabledPropertyId => _owningListView.TryGetTarget(out ListView? target) ? (VARIANT)target.Enabled : VARIANT.False, 58=> _owningListView.TryGetTarget(out ListView? target) && target.View == View.Tile ? target._selectedItem?.SubItems[1].AccessibilityObject : null, 63_owningListView.TryGetTarget(out ListView? target)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewLabelEditNativeWindow.cs (3)
8private readonly WeakReference<ListView> _owningListView; 10public ListViewLabelEditNativeWindow(ListView owningListView) : base(owningListView) => _owningListView = new(owningListView); 12public override AccessibleObject? AccessibilityObject => _owningListView.TryGetTarget(out ListView? target) ? new ListViewLabelEditAccessibleObject(target, this) : null;
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewVirtualItemsSelectionRangeChangedEventHandler.cs (1)
7/// Represents a method that will handle the <see cref="ListView.VirtualItemsSelectionRangeChanged"/> event.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\RetrieveVirtualItemEventHandler.cs (2)
7/// Represents a method that will handle the <see cref="ListView.RetrieveVirtualItem"/> event 8/// of a <see cref="ListView"/>.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\View.cs (1)
7/// Specifies how list items are displayed in a <see cref="ListView"/> control.
System\Windows\Forms\ItemCheckedEventHandler.cs (1)
8/// event of a <see cref="CheckedListBox"/> or <see cref="ListView"/>.
System\Windows\Forms\ItemCheckEventHandler.cs (1)
8/// event of a <see cref="CheckedListBox"/> or <see cref="ListView"/>.
System\Windows\Forms\OLE\ItemDragEventArgs.cs (1)
7/// Provides data for the <see cref="ListView.OnItemDrag"/> event.
System\Windows\Forms\OLE\ItemDragEventHandler.cs (2)
7/// Represents a method that will handle the <see cref="ListView.OnItemDrag"/> 8/// event of a <see cref="ListView"/>.
System\Windows\Forms\ToolTip\ToolTip.cs (1)
832|| (control is ListView lv && lv.ShowItemToolTips))
System.Windows.Forms.Design (20)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ColumnHeaderCollectionEditor.cs (2)
32if (editValue is ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection list) 51if (Context?.Instance is not ListView listview)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\DesignerUtils.cs (1)
845public static void ApplyListViewThemeStyles(ListView listView)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ListViewActionList.cs (5)
12private readonly ListView _listView; 18_listView = (ListView)Component!; 22EditorServiceContext.EditValue(_designer, Component!, nameof(ListView.Items)); 25EditorServiceContext.EditValue(_designer, Component!, nameof(ListView.Columns)); 28EditorServiceContext.EditValue(_designer, Component!, nameof(ListView.Groups));
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ListViewDesigner.cs (9)
31ListView lv = Control as ListView; 57return ((ListView)Component).View; 61((ListView)Component).View = value; 73ListView listView = (ListView)Component; 98ListView lv = (ListView)component; 155ShowErrorDialog(Component.Site.GetService<IUIService>(), ex, (ListView)Component);
System\Windows\Forms\Design\MaskDesignerDialog.cs (1)
17private ListView _listViewCannedMasks;
System\Windows\Forms\Design\StyleEditorForm.cs (2)
65private ListView _columnsAndRowsListView; 636ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection coll = _columnsAndRowsListView.SelectedItems;
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (4)
EnsureEditorsTests.cs (2)
112[InlineData(typeof(ListView), "Groups", typeof(ListViewGroupCollectionEditor))] 113[InlineData(typeof(ListView), "Items", typeof(ListViewItemCollectionEditor))]
ListViewDesignerTests.cs (1)
14using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ListViewActionListTests.cs (1)
10private readonly ListView _listView;
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (829)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ColumnHeader.ListViewColumnHeaderAccessibleObjectTests.cs (4)
46using ListView listView = new(); 61using ListView listView = new(); 75using ListView listView = new(); 89using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\Control.ControlAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListVIew.ListViewAccessibleObjectTests.cs (62)
18using ListView listView = new(); 28using ListView listView = new(); 39using ListView listView = new(); 53using ListView listView = new(); 62using ListView listView = new(); 71using ListView listView = new(); 86using ListView listView = new(); 116using ListView listView = new(); 141using ListView listView = new(); 164using ListView listView = new(); 182using ListView listView = new(); 198using ListView listView = new(); 208using ListView list = new(); 260using ListView listView = new() 308bool actual = ((ListView.ListViewAccessibleObject)listView.AccessibilityObject).OwnerHasDefaultGroup; 341using ListView listView = new() 373bool actual = ((ListView.ListViewAccessibleObject)listView.AccessibilityObject).OwnerHasDefaultGroup; 383using ListView listView = new() 444using ListView listView = new() 506using ListView listView = new() 577using ListView listView = new() 632using ListView listView = new() 712using ListView listView = new() 794using ListView listView = new() 846using ListView listView = new() 915using ListView listView = new() 952using ListView listView = new() 971using ListView listView = new() 1007using ListView listView = new ListView 1053using ListView listView = new ListView 1084using ListView listView = new ListView 1130using ListView listView = new(); 1148using ListView listView = new(); 1172using ListView listView = new(); 1189using ListView listView = new(); 1215using ListView listView = new(); 1258using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl: false, virtualMode, showGroups); 1268using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl: true, virtualMode, showGroups); 1281using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl: false, virtualMode, showGroups); 1291using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl: true, virtualMode, showGroups); 1301using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl: true, virtualMode, showGroups); 1311using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl: true, virtualMode, showGroups); 1337using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl: false, virtualMode, showGroups); 1352using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl: false, virtualMode, showGroups); 1365using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl: true, virtualMode, showGroups); 1380private AccessibleObject HitTest(ListView listView, Point point) => 1383private ListView GetListViewWithData(View view, bool createControl, bool virtualMode, bool showGroups) 1385ListView listView = new() 1455using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 1481using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 1518using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 1551using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 1570using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 1598using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 1622using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 1644using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 1668using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 1702using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 1720private ListView GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(View view) 1722ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1749using ListView listView = new() 1765using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewGroup.ListViewGroupAccessibleObjectTests.cs (45)
11using static System.Windows.Forms.ListView; 21using ListView list = new(); 39using ListView list = new(); 54using ListView list = new(); 85using ListView list = new(); 116using ListView list = new(); 136using ListView listView = new() 206using ListView listView = new() 279using ListView list = new(); 321using ListView listView = new(); 369using ListView listView = new() 464using ListView listView = new() 500using ListView listView = new() 582using ListView listView = new() 659using ListView listView = new() 702using ListView listView = new ListView 740using ListView listView = new() { ShowGroups = true }; 791using ListView listView = new() { ShowGroups = true }; 859using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 883using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 923using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(view); 952using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 972using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 998using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 1023using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 1042using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 1066using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 1093using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 1114using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 1140using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 1154using ListView listView = new() 1176using ListView listView = GetListViewWithGroups(view, showGroups, createHandle, virtualMode: false); 1197using ListView listView = GetListViewWithGroups(view, showGroups: true, createHandle: true, virtualMode: false); 1218using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = true }; 1229private ListView GetListViewItemWithEmptyGroups(View view) 1231ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1257using ListView listView = new() 1319using ListView listView = new() 1352using ListView listView = new(); 1368using ListView listView = new(); 1382using ListView listView = new(); 1399private ListView GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(View view) 1401ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1420private ListView GetListViewWithGroups(View view, bool showGroups, bool createHandle, bool virtualMode) 1422ListView listView = new()
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemAccessibleObjectTests.cs (63)
18using ListView list = new(); 37using ListView list = new(); 66using ListView listView = new ListView 95using ListView list = new(); 145using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups); 196using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, true, virtualMode, showGroups); 225using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, false, virtualMode, showGroups); 243using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, true, virtualMode, showGroups); 272using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, false, virtualMode, showGroups); 307using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups); 328using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(View.Tile, createControl, virtualMode: false, showGroups); 349using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(View.Details, createControl: true, virtualMode: virtualMode, showGroups); 381using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 3); 395using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups); 416using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(View.Tile, createControl, virtualMode: false, showGroups); 434using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 3); 448using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 0); 466using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 1, subItemCount: 5); 482using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 2, subItemCount: 0); 511using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 2, subItemCount: 1); 558using ListView listView = new ListView 647using ListView listView = new ListView 694using ListView listView = new ListView 754using ListView listView = GetBoundsListView(view, showGroups, virtualMode); 776using ListView listView = GetBoundsListView(view, showGroups, virtualMode); 785private void AddItemToListView(ListView listView, ListViewItem listViewItem, bool virtualMode) 836using ListView listView = new() 884using ListView listView = new() 919using ListView listView = new() 961using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 984using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 1014using ListView listView = GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(view); 1034using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(view, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 1); 1052using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(view, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 1); 1092using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(view, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 10); 1124private ListView GetListViewWithSubItemData( 1132ListView listView = new() 1189private ListView GetListViewWithData(View view, bool createControl, bool virtualMode, bool showGroups, bool groupsEnabled = true, bool itemsInGroup = true, ListViewGroupCollapsedState state = ListViewGroupCollapsedState.Default) 1191ListView listView = new() 1254private ListView GetListViewItemWithInvisibleItems(View view) 1256ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1287using ListView listView = new() 1344using ListView listView = new() 1402using ListView listView = new() 1451using ListView listView = new() 1538using ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1568using ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1583using ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1597using ListView listView = new() { View = View.Details }; 1619using ListView listView = new() 1642using ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1660using ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 1701using ListView listView = new() { View = oldView }; 1755using ListView listView = new() { View = oldView }; 1788using ListView listView = new() { View = oldView }; 1834using ListView listView = GetListViewWithData(view, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, groupsEnabled, itemsInGroup, state); 1847using ListView listView = new(); 1861using ListView listView = new(); 1875using ListView listView = new(); 1889using ListView listView = new(); 1903using ListView listView = new(); 1920private ListView GetBoundsListView(View view, bool showGroups, bool virtualMode) 1922ListView listView = new()
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemBaseAccessibleObjectTests.cs (26)
24using ListView control = new(); 35using ListView control = new(); 46using ListView control = new(); 59using ListView control = new(); 71using ListView control = new(); 82using ListView control = new(); 99using ListView control = new(); 117using ListView control = new(); 134using ListView control = new(); 152using ListView control = new(); 166using ListView control = new(); 182using ListView control = new(); 201using ListView control = new() { View = view }; 219using ListView control = new() { View = view }; 232using ListView control = new(); 245using ListView control = new(); 258using ListView control = new(); 271using ListView control = new(); 286using ListView listView = new(); 302using ListView listView = new(); 318using ListView listView = new(); 340using ListView control = new() { CheckBoxes = true }; 351using ListView control = new(); 364using ListView control = new(); 377using ListView control = new(); 394using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemDetailsAccessibleObjectTests.cs (12)
23using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 38using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 54using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 70using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 88using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 101using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 116using ListView control = new() { View = View.Details }; 138using ListView listView = new() 161private ListView GetListView() 163ListView listView1 = new(); 187using ListView listView1 = GetListView(); 217using ListView listView1 = GetListView();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemImageAccessibleObjectTests.cs (2)
20using ListView list = new() 46using ListView list = new()
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemListAccessibleObjectTests.cs (4)
29using ListView control = new(); 40using ListView control = new(); 52using ListView control = new(); 71using ListView control = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewItemWithImageAccessibleObjectTests.cs (6)
17using ListView control = new(); 36using ListView control = new() 63using ListView control = new(); 81using ListView control = new() 99using ListView control = new(); 118using ListView control = new()
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem.ListViewSubItemAccessibleObjectTests.cs (45)
18using ListView list = new(); 55using ListView list = new(); 105using ListView list = new() { View = view }; 141using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(view, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 2); 188using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(view, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 2); 218using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl: true, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 2); 248using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl: false, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 2); 289using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 2); 325using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Tile, createControl, virtualMode: false, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 2); 358using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 2, subItemCount: 5); 384using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 5, subItemCount: 0); 410using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 5, subItemCount: 0); 429using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 4, subItemCount: 3); 463using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 2, subItemCount: 0); 486using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 0); 509using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 2, subItemCount: 1); 532using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 3, subItemCount: 1); 555using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 5, subItemCount: 0); 593using ListView listView = GetListViewWithSubItemData(View.Details, createControl, virtualMode, showGroups, columnCount: 5, subItemCount: 0); 630using ListView list = new(); 680using ListView list = new() { View = View.Details }; 721using ListView list = new() { View = view }; 754using ListView list = new(); 788private ListView GetListViewWithSubItemData( 796ListView listView = new() 856using ListView listView = new(); 872using ListView listView = new() 893using ListView listView = new() 915using ListView listView = new(); 928using ListView listView = new(); 943using ListView listView = new(); 972using ListView listView = new() { View = View.Details }; 985using ListView control = GetListViewWithSubItemData( 1001using ListView control = GetListViewWithSubItemData( 1014private void ListViewSubItemAccessibleObject_GetColumnHeaderItems_IsExpected_Internal(ListView control) 1016ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection columns = control.Columns; 1035using ListView control = GetListViewWithSubItemData( 1051using ListView listview = new(); 1063using ListView listView = new(); 1079using ListView listView = new(); 1095using ListView listView = new(); 1111using ListView listView = new(); 1127using ListView listView = new(); 1143using ListView listView = new(); 1159using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ListViewLabelEditAccessibleObjectTests.cs (11)
18using ListView listView = CreateListViewAndStartEditing(); 54using ListView listView = CreateListViewAndStartEditing(); 66using ListView listView = CreateListViewAndStartEditing(); 80using ListView listView = CreateListViewAndStartEditing(); 91using ListView listView = CreateListViewAndStartEditing(); 102using ListView listView = CreateListViewAndStartEditing(); 113using ListView listView = CreateListViewAndStartEditing(); 124using ListView listView = CreateListViewAndStartEditing(); 139using ListView listView = CreateListViewAndStartEditing(); 148using ListView listView = CreateListViewAndStartEditing(); 154private ListView CreateListViewAndStartEditing()
System\Windows\Forms\ColumnHeaderCollectionTests.cs (137)
16using ListView listView = new(); 17var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 24Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("owner", () => new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(null)); 30using ListView listView = new(); 31IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 42using ListView listView = new(); 43var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 55using ListView listView = new(); 57var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 67using ListView listView = new(); 68IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 80using ListView listView = new(); 82IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 94using ListView listView = new(); 96IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 113using ListView listView = new(); 114var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 129using ListView listView = new(); 130var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 142using ListView listView = new(); 143var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 152using ListView listView = new(); 153var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 154using ListView otherListView = new(); 155var otherCollection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 165using ListView listView = new(); 166var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 186using ListView listView = new(); 187var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 208using ListView listView = new(); 209var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 231using ListView listView = new(); 232var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 253using ListView listView = new(); 254var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 276using ListView listView = new(); 277var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 301using ListView listView = new(); 302var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 318using ListView listView = new(); 319var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 327using ListView listView = new(); 328var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 337using ListView listView = new(); 338var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 350using ListView listView = new(); 351IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 358using ListView listView = new(); 359var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 376using ListView listView = new(); 377var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 418using ListView listView = new(); 419var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 426using ListView listView = new(); 427var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 434using ListView listView = new(); 435var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 456using ListView listView = new(); 457var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 479using ListView listView = new() 483var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 504using ListView listView = new() 508var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 530using ListView listView = new(); 531var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 540using ListView listView = new(); 541var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 553using ListView listView = new(); 554var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 570using ListView listView = new(); 571var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 586using ListView listView = new(); 587var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 596using ListView listView = new(); 597IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 610using ListView listView = new(); 611IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 621using ListView listView = new(); 622var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 634using ListView listView = new(); 635var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 651using ListView listView = new(); 652var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 671using ListView listView = new(); 672var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 681using ListView listView = new(); 682IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 695using ListView listView = new(); 696IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 706using ListView listView = new(); 707var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 720using ListView listView = new(); 721var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 732using ListView listView = new(); 733var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 745using ListView listView = new(); 746var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 759using ListView listView = new(); 760var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 772using ListView listView = new(); 773var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 786using ListView listView = new(); 787var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 802using ListView listView = new(); 803var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 817using ListView listView = new(); 819var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 831using ListView listView = new(); 832var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 839using ListView listView = new(); 840IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 854using ListView listView = new(); 855IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 865using ListView listView = new(); 866IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 873using ListView listView = new(); 874var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 899using ListView listView = new(); 900IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 923using ListView listView = new(); 924IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 935using ListView listView = new(); 936var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 970using ListView listView = new(); 971var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 1006using ListView listView = new() 1010var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 1047using ListView listView = new(); 1049var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView) 1061using ListView listView = new(); 1062var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 1076using ListView listView = new(); 1077var collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 1099using ListView listView = new(); 1100IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView); 1112using ListView listView = new(); 1113IList collection = new ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection(listView);
System\Windows\Forms\ColumnHeaderTests.cs (42)
90using ListView listView = new(); 132using ListView listView = new(); 158using ListView listView = new(); 212using ListView listView = new(); 232using ListView listView = new(); 325using ListView listView = new(); 348using ListView listView = new() 379using ListView listView = new() 404using ListView listView = new(); 439using ListView listView = new(); 465using ListView listView = new() 544using ListView listView = new(); 565using ListView listView = new() 598using ListView listView = new() 621using ListView listView = new(); 659using ListView listView = new(); 687using ListView listView = new() 720using ListView listView = new(); 730using ListView listView = new() 742using ListView listView = new(); 751using ListView listView = new(); 794using ListView listView = new(); 812using ListView listView = new(); 971using ListView listView = new(); 987using ListView listView = new(); 1004using ListView listView = new(); 1030using ListView listView = new() 1131using ListView listView = new(); 1156using ListView listView = new(); 1194using ListView listView = new(); 1221using ListView listView = new(); 1231using ListView listView = new(); 1252using ListView listView = new() 1303using ListView listView = new(); 1321using ListView listView = new(); 1355using ListView listView = new() 1373using ListView listView = new() 1402using ListView listView = new(); 1420using ListView listView = new(); 1494using ListView listView = new(); 1581using ListView listView = new(); 1633using ListView listView = new()
System\Windows\Forms\DrawListViewItemEventArgsTests.cs (2)
86ListView listView = new() { View = view }; 100ListView fullRowSelectListView = new() { View = view, FullRowSelect = true };
System\Windows\Forms\ListView.CheckedIndexCollectionTests.cs (1)
13Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("owner", () => { new ListView.CheckedIndexCollection(null); });
System\Windows\Forms\ListView.CheckedListViewItemCollectionTests.cs (1)
13Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("owner", () => { new ListView.CheckedListViewItemCollection(null); });
System\Windows\Forms\ListView.ListViewItemCollectionTests.cs (4)
15using ListView listView = new(); 43ListView.ListViewItemCollection collection = listView.Items; 71using ListView listView = new(); 98using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollectionTests.cs (1)
13Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("owner", () => { new ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection(null); });
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewGroupCollectionTests.cs (84)
15using ListView listView = new(); 27using ListView listView = new(); 40using ListView listView = new(); 49using ListView listView = new(); 62using ListView listView = new(); 77using ListView listView = new(); 96using ListView listView = new(); 120using ListView listView = new(); 135using ListView listView = new(); 139using ListView otherListView = new(); 155using ListView listView = new(); 159using ListView otherListView = new(); 174using ListView listView = new(); 185using ListView listView = new(); 194using ListView listView = new(); 207using ListView listView = new(); 216using ListView listView = new(); 228using ListView listView = new(); 245using ListView listView = new(); 256using ListView listView = new(); 266using ListView listView = new(); 287using ListView listView = new(); 303using ListView listView = new(); 313using ListView listView = new(); 336using ListView listView = new(); 355using ListView listView = new(); 364using ListView listView = new(); 372using ListView listView = new(); 389using ListView listView = new(); 408using ListView listView = new(); 425using ListView listView = new(); 446using ListView listView = new(); 460using ListView listView = new(); 463using ListView otherListView = new(); 480using ListView listView = new(); 488using ListView listView = new(); 490using ListView otherListView = new(); 507using ListView listView = new(); 519using ListView listView = new(); 532using ListView listView = new(); 540using ListView listView = new(); 555using ListView listView = new(); 557using ListView otherListView = new(); 578using ListView listView = new(); 587using ListView listView = new(); 597using ListView listView = new(); 615using ListView listView = new(); 635using ListView listView = new(); 645using ListView listView = new(); 658using ListView listView = new(); 668using ListView listView = new(); 682using ListView listView = new(); 693using ListView listView = new(); 706using ListView listView = new(); 716using ListView listView = new(); 730using ListView listView = new(); 741using ListView listView = new(); 754using ListView listView = new(); 769using ListView listView = new(); 786using ListView listView = new(); 805using ListView listView = new(); 809using ListView otherListView = new(); 829using ListView listView = new(); 844using ListView listView = new(); 846using ListView otherListView = new(); 863using ListView listView = new(); 874using ListView listView = new(); 882using ListView listView = new(); 897using ListView listView = new(); 909using ListView listView = new(); 917using ListView listView = new(); 939using ListView listView = new(); 963using ListView listView = new(); 983using ListView listView = new(); 995using ListView listView = new(); 1026using ListView listView = new(); 1034using ListView listView = new(); 1047using ListView listView = new(); 1059using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 1075using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 1091using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 1107using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 1108using ListView listViewSource = new(); 1126using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true };
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewGroupConverterTests.cs (9)
34ListView listView = new(); 39ListView listViewWithGroups = new(); 73ListView listView = new(); 93ListView listView = new(); 98ListView listViewWithGroups = new(); 147ListView listView = new(); 152ListView listViewWithGroups = new(); 263ListView listView = new(); 268ListView listViewWithGroups = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewGroupTests.cs (30)
121using ListView listView = new(); 157using ListView listView = new(); 176using ListView listView = new(); 215using ListView listView = new(); 295using ListView listView = new(); 317using ListView listView = new(); 356using ListView listView = new(); 427using ListView listView = new(); 449using ListView listView = new(); 500using ListView listView = new(); 549using ListView listView = new(); 571using ListView listView = new(); 613using ListView listView = new(); 673using ListView listView = new(); 697using ListView listView = new(); 752using ListView listView = new(); 810using ListView listView = new(); 832using ListView listView = new(); 874using ListView listView = new(); 925using ListView listView = new(); 949using ListView listView = new(); 1004using ListView listView = new(); 1067using ListView listView = new(); 1090using ListView listView = new(); 1130using ListView listView = new(); 1214using ListView listView = new(); 1236using ListView listView = new(); 1279using ListView listView = new(); 1430using ListView listView = new(); 1446using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewInsertionMarkTests.cs (19)
17using ListView control = new(); 27using ListView control = new(); 49using ListView control = new(); 91using ListView control = new(); 141using ListView control = new(); 187using ListView control = new(); 197using ListView control = new(); 284using ListView control = new(); 294using ListView control = new(); 316using ListView control = new(); 333using ListView control = new(); 367using ListView control = new(); 400using ListView control = new(); 410using ListView control = new(); 427using ListView control = new(); 464using ListView control = new(); 518using ListView control = new(); 565using ListView control = new(); 574using ListView control = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewItem.IKeyboardToolTipTests.cs (41)
22using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode, showItemToolTips); 44using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode, showItemToolTips); 66using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode, showItemToolTips); 89using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode, showItemToolTips); 108using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode); 125using ListView listView = new(); 147using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode, view: view); 167using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode, view: view); 182using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.Tile); 198using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.Tile); 221using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode, view: View.List); 230using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.Tile); 244using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.LargeIcon, size: new Size(150, 150)); 262using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.LargeIcon, size: new Size(150, 150)); 281using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.LargeIcon, size: new Size(150, 150)); 299using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.LargeIcon, size: new Size(150, 150)); 318using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.LargeIcon, size: new Size(150, 150)); 338using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.LargeIcon, size: new Size(150, 150)); 357using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.LargeIcon, size: new Size(150, 150)); 375using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.LargeIcon, size: new Size(150, 150)); 394using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.LargeIcon, size: new Size(150, 150)); 412using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.SmallIcon, size: new Size(220, 150)); 431using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.SmallIcon, size: new Size(220, 150)); 452using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.SmallIcon, size: new Size(220, 150)); 472using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.SmallIcon, size: new Size(220, 150)); 493using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.SmallIcon, size: new Size(220, 150)); 515using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.SmallIcon, size: new Size(220, 150)); 536using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.SmallIcon, size: new Size(220, 150)); 556using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.SmallIcon, size: new Size(220, 150)); 576using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: false, view: View.SmallIcon, size: new Size(220, 150)); 592using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: virtualMode, view: View.Details, virtualListSize: 3); 609using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: virtualMode, view: View.Details, virtualListSize: 3); 627using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode: virtualMode, view: View.Details, virtualListSize: 3); 648using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode); 675using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode, rightToLeft: rightToLeft); 703using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode); 741using var listView = GetListView(virtualMode, showItemToolTips); 750private ListViewItem AssignItemToListView(ListView listView, ListViewItem listViewItem) 771private void AddListViewItems(ListView listView, int count) 779private void AssignListItemsToListView(ListView listView, int count) 806private ListView GetListView(
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewItemTests.cs (11)
859using ListView listView = new() 892using ListView listView = new(); 916using ListView listView = new() 950using ListView listView = new(); 966using ListView listView = new() 1000using ListView listView = new() 1019using ListView listView = new(); 1035using ListView listView = new(); 1084using ListView listView = new(); 1094using ListView listView = new(); 1108using ListView listView = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewSubItemTests.cs (10)
83using ListView listView = new() 116using ListView listView = new() 165using ListView listView = new() 207using ListView listView = new(); 219using ListView listView = new() 252using ListView listView = new() 290using ListView listView = new() 332using ListView listView = new() 365using ListView listView = new() 416using ListView listView = new()
System\Windows\Forms\ListViewTests.cs (156)
182using ListView listView = new() 201using ListView listView = new(); 229using ListView listView = new() 247using ListView listView = new(); 255using ListView listView = new() 267using ListView listView = new() 279using ListView listView = new() 299using ListView listView = new(); 328using ListView listView = new(); 336using ListView listView = new() 359using ListView listView = new(); 396using ListView listView = new() 419using ListView listView = new(); 462using ListView control = new() 485using ListView control = new(); 513using ListView control = new(); 523using ListView control = new(); 577using ListView control = new(); 613using ListView control = new(); 621using ListView listView = new() 643using ListView listView = new() 666using ListView listView = new(); 703using ListView listView = new() 743using ListView listView = new() 762using ListView listView = new(); 791using ListView listView = new(); 819using ListView listView = new() 845using ListView listView = new() 877using ListView listView = new(); 958using ListView listView = new() 1001using ListView listView = new() 1050using ListView listView = new(); 1081using ListView listView = new() 1100using ListView listView = new(); 1129using ListView listView = new(); 1321using ListView control = new() 1347using ListView control = new(); 1375using ListView control = new(); 1385using ListView control = new(); 1421using ListView listView = new() 1444using ListView listView = new(); 1481using ListView listView = new() 1504using ListView listView = new(); 1561using ListView listView = new() 1583using ListView listView = new() 1656using ListView listView = new() 1742using ListView listView = new() 1779using ListView listView = new() 1804using ListView listView = new() 1844using ListView control = new() 1855using ListView control = new() 1867using ListView listView = new() 1918using ListView listView = new() 1975using ListView control = new(); 1985using ListView control = new(); 2041using ListView listView = new() 2060using ListView listView = new(); 2091using ListView listView = new() 2123using ListView listView = new(); 2131using ListView listView = new() 2154using ListView listView = new(); 2191using ListView listView = new() 2214using ListView listView = new(); 2250using ListView listView = new() 2278using ListView listView = new() 2301using ListView listView = new(); 2337using ListView listView = new() 2354using ListView listView = new() 2366using ListView listView = new() 2389using ListView listView = new(); 2426using ListView listView = new() 2449using ListView listView = new(); 2506using ListView listView = new() 2527using ListView listView = new() 2600using ListView listView = new() 2686using ListView listView = new() 2723using ListView listView = new() 2747using ListView listView = new() 2787using ListView listView = new() 2810using ListView listView = new(); 2847using ListView listView = new() 2870using ListView listView = new(); 2907using ListView listView = new() 2930using ListView listView = new(); 2967using ListView listView = new() 2989using ListView listView = new() 3012using ListView listView = new(); 3049using ListView listView = new() 3090using ListView listView = new() 3113using ListView listView = new(); 3170using ListView listView = new() 3191using ListView listView = new() 3290using ListView listView = new() 3402using ListView listView = new() 3439using ListView listView = new() 3463using ListView listView = new() 3533using ListView listView = new() 3556using ListView listView = new() 3729using ListView listView = new() 3916using ListView listView = new() 3960using ListView listView = new() 3987using ListView listView = new() 4028using ListView listView = new() 4050using ListView listView = new(); 4085using ListView control = new(); 4109using ListView control = new(); 4215using ListView control = new(); 4224using ListView control = new(); 4236using ListView control = new(); 4245using ListView control = new(); 4380using ListView listView = new ListView 4482using ListView control = new(); 4501using ListView control = new(); 4533using ListView control = new(); 4568using ListView control = new(); 4613using ListView control = new ListView 4644using ListView control = new ListView 4677using ListView control = new(); 4713using ListView listView = new ListView 4838using ListView listView = new(); 4851using ListView listView = new(); 4867using ListView listView = new(); 4880using ListView listView = new(); 4899using ListView listView = new(); 4912using ListView listView = new(); 4929using ListView listView = new(); 4944using ListView listView = new(); 4953using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 4962using ListView listView = new(); 4976using ListView listView = new() { VirtualMode = true }; 5004using ListView listView = new(); 5059using ListView listView = new(); 5118using ListView listView = new(); 5143using ListView listView = new() 5170using ListView listView = new() 5195using ListView listView = new() 5218using ListView listView = new() 5252using ListView listView = new() 5278using ListView listView = new() 5301private class SubListViewAccessibleObject : ListView.ListViewAccessibleObject 5307internal SubListViewAccessibleObject(ListView listView) : base(listView) 5423using ListView listView = new() 5479using ListView listView = new() { ShowGroups = true }; 5528using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups }; 5560using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups }; 5590using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups, CheckBoxes = true }; 5620using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups, CheckBoxes = true }; 5650using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups }; 5688using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups }; 5725using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups, CheckBoxes = true }; 5761using ListView listView = new() { View = view, ShowGroups = showGroups, CheckBoxes = true }; 5797using ListView listView = new(); 5813using ListView listView = new(); 5829using ListView listView = new(); 5845using ListView listView = new(); 5861using ListView listView = new();
System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests (5)
ImageListTests.cs (1)
99ListView listView1 = new()
ListViewTests.cs (4)
515private void InitializeItems(ListView listView, View view, bool virtualModeEnabled, bool checkBoxesEnabled) 546private void InitializeTileList(ListView listView, int columnCount, int subItemsCount, Size tileSize) 565private async Task RunTestAsync(Func<Form, ListView, Task> runTest) 571ListView control = new()
TestPassApp (2)
CommonControl1.Designer.cs (1)
755private System.Windows.Forms.ListView listView1;
DataBindingExample.Designer.cs (1)
308private System.Windows.Forms.ListView listView1;
TrimTestBinaryDeserialization (1)
Form1.Designer.cs (1)
70private ListView listView1;
WinFormsControlsTest (6)
CollectionEditors.Designer.cs (1)
128private System.Windows.Forms.ListView listView1;
ListViewTest.cs (3)
55ListView listView2 = new ListView 213var item = ((ListView)sender).FocusedItem; 222if (sender is not ListView listView2)
ListViewTest.Designer.cs (1)
165private System.Windows.Forms.ListView listView1;
MultipleControls.cs (1)
20ListView listView2 = new ListView