// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; namespace System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; public sealed partial class CodeDomComponentSerializationService { /// <summary> /// The <see cref="CodeDomSerializationStore"/> class is an implementation-specific class that stores serialization data /// for the CodeDom component serialization service. The service adds state to this serialization store. /// Once the store is closed it can be serialized or deserialized in memory. /// </summary> /// <para> /// On .NET Framework, once the store is closed it can be saved to a stream. A serialization store can be deserialized /// at a later time by the same type of serialization service. On .NET <see cref="CodeDomSerializationStore"/> class /// cannot be saved to a stream or loaded from a stream. /// </para> /// <para> /// <see cref="SerializationStore"/> implements the <see cref="IDisposable"/> interface such /// that <see cref="SerializationStore.Dispose"/> simply calls the <see cref="Close"/> method. /// <see cref="SerializationStore.Dispose"/> is implemented as a private interface to avoid confusion. /// The <see cref="IDisposable" /> pattern is provided for languages that support a "using" syntax like C# and VB .NET. /// </para> private sealed partial class CodeDomSerializationStore : SerializationStore, ISerializable { private const string StateKey = "State"; private const string NameKey = "Names"; private const string AssembliesKey = "Assemblies"; private const string ResourcesKey = "Resources"; private const string ShimKey = "Shim"; private MemoryStream? _resourceStream; // Transient fields only used during creation of the store private readonly Dictionary<object, ObjectData> _objects; private readonly IServiceProvider? _provider; // These fields persist across the store private readonly List<string> _objectNames; private Dictionary<string, CodeDomComponentSerializationState>? _objectState; private LocalResourceManager? _resources; private readonly List<string> _shimObjectNames; // These fields are available after serialization or deserialization private ICollection? _errors; /// <summary> /// Creates a new store. /// </summary> internal CodeDomSerializationStore(IServiceProvider? provider) { _provider = provider; _objects = []; _objectNames = []; _shimObjectNames = []; } /// <summary> /// Nested classes within us access this property to get to our array of saved assembly names. /// </summary> private AssemblyName[]? AssemblyNames { get; set; } /// <summary> /// If there were errors generated during serialization or deserialization of the store, they will be added to this collection. /// </summary> public override ICollection Errors { get { _errors ??= Array.Empty<object>(); object[] errors = new object[_errors.Count]; _errors.CopyTo(errors, 0); return errors; } } /// <devdoc> /// Nested classes within us access this property to get to our collection of resources. /// </devdoc> private LocalResourceManager Resources => _resources ??= new LocalResourceManager(); private ObjectData GetOrCreateObjectData(object value) { if (_objectState is not null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.CodeDomComponentSerializationServiceClosedStore); } if (!_objects.TryGetValue(value, out ObjectData? data)) { data = new ObjectData(GetObjectName(value), value); _objects[value] = data; _objectNames.Add(data._name); } return data; } /// <summary> /// Adds a new member serialization to our list of things to serialize. /// </summary> internal void AddMember(object value, MemberDescriptor member, bool absolute) { ObjectData data = GetOrCreateObjectData(value); data.Members.Add(new MemberData(member, absolute)); } /// <summary> /// Adds a new object serialization to our list of things to serialize. /// </summary> internal void AddObject(object value, bool absolute) { ObjectData data = GetOrCreateObjectData(value); data.EntireObject = true; data.Absolute = absolute; } /// <summary> /// The <see cref="Close()"/> method closes this store and prevents any objects from being added to it. /// </summary> [MemberNotNull(nameof(_objectState))] public override void Close() { if (_objectState is not null) { return; } Dictionary<string, CodeDomComponentSerializationState> state = new(_objects.Count); DesignerSerializationManager manager = new(new LocalServices(this, _provider)); if (_provider?.GetService(typeof(IDesignerSerializationManager)) is DesignerSerializationManager hostManager) { foreach (IDesignerSerializationProvider provider in hostManager.SerializationProviders) { ((IDesignerSerializationManager)manager).AddSerializationProvider(provider); } } using (manager.CreateSession()) { // Walk through our objects and name them so the serialization manager knows what names we gave them. foreach (ObjectData data in _objects.Values) { ((IDesignerSerializationManager)manager).SetName(data._value, data._name); } ComponentListCodeDomSerializer.s_instance.Serialize(manager, _objects, state, _shimObjectNames); _errors = manager.Errors; } // Also serialize out resources if we have any we force this in order for undo to work correctly. if (_resources is not null) { Debug.Assert(_resourceStream is null, "Attempting to close a serialization store with already serialized resources"); if (_resourceStream is null) { _resourceStream = new MemoryStream(); #pragma warning disable SYSLIB0011 // Type or member is obsolete new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(_resourceStream, _resources.Data); #pragma warning restore SYSLIB0011 } } Dictionary<Assembly, AssemblyName> assemblies = new(_objects.Count); foreach (object obj in _objects.Keys) { // Save off the assembly for this object Assembly a = obj.GetType().Assembly; if (!assemblies.ContainsKey(a)) { assemblies.Add(a, a.GetName(true)); } } AssemblyNames = new AssemblyName[assemblies.Count]; assemblies.Values.CopyTo(AssemblyNames, 0); _objectState = state; _objects.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// Deserializes the saved bits. /// </summary> internal List<object> Deserialize(IServiceProvider? provider, IContainer? container = null) { List<object> collection = []; Deserialize(provider, container, validateRecycledTypes: true, applyDefaults: true, collection); return collection; } private void Deserialize(IServiceProvider? provider, IContainer? container, bool validateRecycledTypes, bool applyDefaults, List<object>? objects) { PassThroughSerializationManager delegator = new(new LocalDesignerSerializationManager(this, new LocalServices(this, provider))); if (container is not null) { delegator.Manager.Container = container; } if (provider?.GetService(typeof(IDesignerSerializationManager)) is DesignerSerializationManager hostManager) { foreach (IDesignerSerializationProvider serProvider in hostManager.SerializationProviders) { ((IDesignerSerializationManager)delegator.Manager).AddSerializationProvider(serProvider); } } bool recycleInstances = objects is null; // RecycleInstances is used so that we re-use objects already in the container. // PreserveNames is used raise errors in the case of duplicate names. // We only care about name preservation when we are recycling instances. // Otherwise, we'd prefer to create objects with different names. delegator.Manager.RecycleInstances = recycleInstances; delegator.Manager.PreserveNames = recycleInstances; delegator.Manager.ValidateRecycledTypes = validateRecycledTypes; // Recreate resources if (_resourceStream is not null) { _resourceStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); #pragma warning disable SYSLIB0011 // Type or member is obsolete #pragma warning disable CA2300 // Do not use insecure deserializer BinaryFormatter #pragma warning disable CA2301 // Ensure BinaryFormatter.Binder is set before calling BinaryFormatter.Deserialize Hashtable? resources = new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(_resourceStream) as Hashtable; // CodeQL[SM03722, SM04191] : The operation is essential for the design experience when users are running their own designers they have created. This cannot be achieved without BinaryFormatter #pragma warning restore CA2301 #pragma warning restore CA2300 #pragma warning restore SYSLIB0011 _resources = new LocalResourceManager(resources); } using (delegator.Manager.CreateSession()) { // Before we deserialize, setup any references to components we faked during serialization if (_shimObjectNames.Count > 0) { if (delegator is IDesignerSerializationManager dsm && container is not null) { foreach (string compName in _shimObjectNames) { object? instance = container.Components[compName]; if (instance is not null && dsm.GetInstance(compName) is null) { dsm.SetName(instance, compName); } } } } ComponentListCodeDomSerializer.s_instance.Deserialize(delegator, _objectState!, _objectNames, applyDefaults); if (objects is not null) { foreach (string name in _objectNames) { object? instance = ((IDesignerSerializationManager)delegator.Manager).GetInstance(name); Debug.Assert(instance is not null, $"Failed to deserialize object {name}"); if (instance is not null) { objects.Add(instance); } } } _errors = delegator.Manager.Errors; } } /// <summary> /// Deserializes the saved bits. /// </summary> internal void DeserializeTo(IServiceProvider provider, IContainer container, bool validateRecycledTypes, bool applyDefaults) { Deserialize(provider, container, validateRecycledTypes, applyDefaults, objects: null); } /// <summary> /// Gets a name for this object. It first tries the object's site, if it exists, and otherwise fabricates a unique name. /// </summary> private static string GetObjectName(object value) { if (value is IComponent comp) { ISite? site = comp.Site; if (site is INestedSite nestedSite && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nestedSite.FullName)) { return nestedSite.FullName; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(site?.Name)) { return site.Name; } } Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); string prefix = "object_"; Span<char> chars = stackalloc char[prefix.Length + 36]; prefix.CopyTo(chars); guid.TryFormat(chars[prefix.Length..], out _); chars[prefix.Length..].Replace('-', '_'); return chars.ToString(); } /// <summary> /// The <see cref="Save(Stream)"/> method is not supported on .NET because this class is not binary serializable. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="PlatformNotSupportedException"> /// This method is not supported on .NET. /// </exception> public override void Save(Stream stream) => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); /// <summary> /// On .NET Framework, this method implements the save part of <see cref="ISerializable"/> interface. On .NET, /// this interface is implemented only for binary compatibility with .NET Framework. Formatter deserialization /// is disabled .NET by removing the <see cref="SerializableAttribute"/> from this class. /// This method is used in unit tests only. /// </summary> void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(info); info.AddValue(StateKey, _objectState); info.AddValue(NameKey, _objectNames); info.AddValue(AssembliesKey, AssemblyNames); info.AddValue(ResourcesKey, _resources?.Data); info.AddValue(ShimKey, _shimObjectNames); } } } |