// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. using System.CodeDom; using System.Collections; namespace System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; public sealed partial class CodeDomComponentSerializationService { private sealed partial class CodeDomSerializationStore { /// <summary> /// This is a simple code dom serializer that serializes a set of objects as a unit. /// </summary> private class ComponentListCodeDomSerializer : CodeDomSerializer { internal static readonly ComponentListCodeDomSerializer s_instance = new(); private readonly Dictionary<string, OrderedCodeStatementCollection?> _statementsTable = []; private readonly Dictionary<string, List<CodeExpression>> _expressions = []; private Dictionary<string, CodeDomComponentSerializationState>? _objectState; // only used during deserialization private bool _applyDefaults = true; private readonly HashSet<string> _nameResolveGuard = []; public override object Deserialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object state) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } private static void PopulateCompleteStatements(object? data, string name, CodeStatementCollection completeStatements, Dictionary<string, List<CodeExpression>> expressions) { if (data is null) { return; } if (data is CodeStatementCollection statements) { completeStatements.AddRange(statements); } else if (data is CodeStatement statement) { completeStatements.Add(statement); } else if (data is CodeExpression expression) { // we handle expressions a little differently since they don't have a LHS or RHS // they won't show up correctly in the statement table. We will deserialize them explicitly. if (!expressions.TryGetValue(name, out List<CodeExpression>? exps)) { exps = []; expressions[name] = exps; } exps.Add(expression); } else { Debug.Fail($"No case for {data.GetType().Name}"); } } /// <summary> /// Deserializes the given object state. The results are contained within the serialization manager's /// name table. The objectNames list is used to deserialize in the proper order, /// as objectState is unordered. /// </summary> internal void Deserialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Dictionary<string, CodeDomComponentSerializationState> objectState, List<string> objectNames, bool applyDefaults) { CodeStatementCollection completeStatements = []; _expressions.Clear(); _applyDefaults = applyDefaults; foreach (string name in objectNames) { if (objectState.TryGetValue(name, out CodeDomComponentSerializationState? state)) { PopulateCompleteStatements(state.Code, name, completeStatements, _expressions); PopulateCompleteStatements(state.Context, name, completeStatements, _expressions); } } CodeStatementCollection mappedStatements = []; CodeMethodMap methodMap = new(mappedStatements); methodMap.Add(completeStatements); methodMap.Combine(); _statementsTable.Clear(); // generate statement table keyed on component name FillStatementTable(manager, _statementsTable, mappedStatements); // We need to also ensure that for every entry in the statement table we have a // corresponding entry in objectNames. Otherwise, we won't deserialize completely. HashSet<string> completeNames = [..objectNames]; completeNames.UnionWith(_statementsTable.Keys); _objectState = new(objectState); ResolveNameEventHandler resolveNameHandler = new(OnResolveName); manager.ResolveName += resolveNameHandler; try { foreach (string name in completeNames) { ResolveName(manager, name, true); } } finally { _objectState = null; manager.ResolveName -= resolveNameHandler; } } private void OnResolveName(object? sender, ResolveNameEventArgs e) { string name = e.Name!; // note: this recursion guard does not fix the problem, // but rather avoids a stack overflow which will bring down VS and cause loss of data. if (!_nameResolveGuard.Add(name)) { return; } try { IDesignerSerializationManager manager = (IDesignerSerializationManager)sender!; if (ResolveName(manager, name, false)) { e.Value = manager.GetInstance(name); } } finally { _nameResolveGuard.Remove(name); } } private void DeserializeDefaultProperties(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, string name, List<string>? defProps) { // Next, default properties, but only if we successfully resolved. if (defProps is null || !_applyDefaults) { return; } object? comp = manager.GetInstance(name); if (comp is null) { return; } PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(comp); foreach (string propName in defProps) { PropertyDescriptor? prop = props[propName]; if (prop is not null && prop.CanResetValue(comp)) { // If there is a member relationship setup for this property, we should disconnect it first. // This makes sense, since if there was a previous relationship, // we would have serialized it and not come here at all. if (manager.TryGetService(out MemberRelationshipService? relationships) && relationships[comp, prop] != MemberRelationship.Empty) { relationships[comp, prop] = MemberRelationship.Empty; } prop.ResetValue(comp); } } } private static void DeserializeDesignTimeProperties(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, string name, Dictionary<string, object?>? state) { if (state is null) { return; } object? comp = manager.GetInstance(name); if (comp is null) { return; } PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(comp); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object?> stateEntry in state) { PropertyDescriptor? prop = props[stateEntry.Key]; prop?.SetValue(comp, stateEntry.Value); } } /// <summary> /// This is used to resolve nested component references. /// NestedComponents don't exist as sited components within the DesignerHost, /// they are actually sited within a parent component. /// This method takes the FullName defined on INestedSite and returns the component which matches it. /// outerComponent is the name of the topmost component which does exist in the DesignerHost /// This code also exists in VSCodeDomDesignerLoader -- please keep them in sync. /// </summary> private static IComponent? ResolveNestedName(IDesignerSerializationManager? manager, string name, [NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(manager))] out string? outerComponent) { if (manager is null) { outerComponent = null; return null; } bool moreChunks; // We need to resolve the first chunk using the manager. other chunks will be resolved within the nested containers. int curIndex = name.IndexOf('.'); Debug.Assert(curIndex > 0, "ResolvedNestedName accepts only nested names!"); outerComponent = name[..curIndex]; IComponent? curComp = manager.GetInstance(outerComponent) as IComponent; do { int prevIndex = curIndex; curIndex = name.IndexOf('.', curIndex + 1); moreChunks = curIndex != -1; string compName = moreChunks ? name.Substring(prevIndex + 1, curIndex) : name[(prevIndex + 1)..]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(compName)) { return null; } ISite? site = curComp?.Site; if (!site.TryGetService(out INestedContainer? container)) { return null; } curComp = container.Components[compName]; } while (moreChunks); return curComp; } private bool ResolveName(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, string name, bool canInvokeManager) { bool resolved = false; // Check for a nested name. Components that are sited within NestedContainers need to be looked up // in their nested container, and won't be resolvable directly via the manager. if (name.IndexOf('.') > 0) { IComponent? nestedComp = ResolveNestedName(manager, name, out string? parentName); if (nestedComp is not null && parentName is not null) { manager.SetName(nestedComp, name); // What is the point of this? // Well, the nested components won't be in the statement table with its nested name. // However, their most parent component will be, so forcing a resolve of their name // will actually deserialize the nested statements. ResolveName(manager, parentName, canInvokeManager); } else { Debug.Fail($"Unable to resolve nested component: {name}"); } } // First we check to see if the statements table contains an OrderedCodeStatementCollection for this name. // If it does this means we have not resolved this name yet, so we grab its // OrderedCodeStatementCollection and deserialize that, along with any default properties // and design-time properties. // If it doesn't contain an OrderedCodeStatementsCollection this means one of two things: // 1. We already resolved this name and shoved an instance in there. // In this case we just return the instance // 2. There are no statements corresponding to this name, // but there might be expressions that have never been deserialized, // so we check for that and deserialize those. _statementsTable.TryGetValue(name, out OrderedCodeStatementCollection? statements); if (statements is not null) { _statementsTable[name] = null; // prevent recursion // we look through the statements to find the variableRef or fieldRef that matches this name string? typeName = null; foreach (CodeStatement statement in statements) { if (statement is CodeVariableDeclarationStatement codeVariableDeclaration) { typeName = codeVariableDeclaration.Type.BaseType; break; } } // next, invoke the serializer for this component if (typeName is not null) { Type? type = manager.GetType(typeName); if (type is null) { manager.ReportError(new CodeDomSerializerException(string.Format(SR.SerializerTypeNotFound, typeName), manager)); } else if (statements.Count > 0) { CodeDomSerializer? serializer = GetSerializer(manager, type); if (serializer is null) { // We report this as an error. This indicates that there are code statements // in initialize component that we do not know how to load. manager.ReportError(new CodeDomSerializerException( string.Format(SR.SerializerNoSerializerForComponent, type.FullName), manager)); } else { try { object? instance = serializer.Deserialize(manager, statements); resolved = instance is not null; if (resolved) { _statementsTable[name] = (OrderedCodeStatementCollection?)instance; } } catch (Exception ex) { manager.ReportError(ex); } } } } // if we can't find a typeName to get a serializer with we fallback to deserializing // each statement individually using the default serializer. else { foreach (CodeStatement cs in statements) { DeserializeStatement(manager, cs); } resolved = true; } if (_objectState!.Remove(name, out CodeDomComponentSerializationState? state)) { DeserializeState(manager, name, state); } if (_expressions.Remove(name, out List<CodeExpression>? exps)) { foreach (CodeExpression exp in exps) { DeserializeExpression(manager, name, exp); } resolved = true; } } else { resolved = ((IDictionary)_statementsTable)[name] is not null; if (!resolved) { // this is condition 2 of the comment at the start of this method. if (_expressions.TryGetValue(name, out List<CodeExpression>? exps)) { foreach (CodeExpression exp in exps) { object? exValue = DeserializeExpression(manager, name, exp); if (exValue is not null && !resolved && canInvokeManager && manager.GetInstance(name) is null) { manager.SetName(exValue, name); resolved = true; } } } // Sometimes components won't be in either the statements table or the expressions table, // for example, this occurs for resources during undo/redo. // In these cases the component should be resolvable by the manager. // Never do this when we have been asked by the serialization manager to resolve the name; // otherwise we may infinitely recurse. if (!resolved && canInvokeManager) { resolved = manager.GetInstance(name) is not null; } // In this case we still need to correctly deserialize default properties & design-time only properties. if (resolved && _objectState!.TryGetValue(name, out CodeDomComponentSerializationState? state)) { DeserializeState(manager, name, state); } } if (!resolved && canInvokeManager) { manager.ReportError(new CodeDomSerializerException(string.Format(SR.CodeDomComponentSerializationServiceDeserializationError, name), manager)); Debug.Fail($"No statements or instance for name and no lone expressions: {name}"); } } return resolved; } private void DeserializeState(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, string name, CodeDomComponentSerializationState state) { DeserializeDefaultProperties(manager, name, state.Properties); DeserializeDesignTimeProperties(manager, name, state.Resources); DeserializeEventResets(manager, name, state.Events); DeserializeModifier(manager, name, state.Modifier); } private static void DeserializeEventResets(IDesignerSerializationManager? manager, string name, List<string>? eventNames) { if (eventNames is not null && manager is not null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { object? comp = manager.GetInstance(name); if (comp is not null && manager.GetService(typeof(IEventBindingService)) is IEventBindingService ebs) { PropertyDescriptorCollection eventProps = ebs.GetEventProperties(TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(comp)); if (eventProps is not null) { foreach (string eventName in eventNames) { PropertyDescriptor? prop = eventProps[eventName]; prop?.SetValue(comp, null); } } } } } private static void DeserializeModifier(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, string name, object? state) { if (state is null) { return; } Debug.Assert(state is MemberAttributes, "Attempting to deserialize a null modifier"); object? comp = manager.GetInstance(name); if (comp is not null) { MemberAttributes modifierValue = (MemberAttributes)state; PropertyDescriptor? modifierProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(comp)["Modifiers"]; modifierProp?.SetValue(comp, modifierValue); } } public override object Serialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object state) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } /// <summary> /// For everything in the serialization manager's container, we need a variable ref, /// just in case something that has changed has a reference to another object. We also /// must do this for everything that we are serializing that is not marked as EntireObject. /// Otherwise reference could leak and cause the entire object to be serialized. /// </summary> internal void SetupVariableReferences(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, IContainer container, Dictionary<object, ObjectData> objectData, IList shimObjectNames) { foreach (IComponent c in container.Components) { string? name = TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName(c); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { bool needVar = !(objectData.TryGetValue(c, out ObjectData? data) && data.EntireObject); if (needVar) { CodeVariableReferenceExpression var = new(name); SetExpression(manager, c, var); if (!shimObjectNames.Contains(name)) { shimObjectNames.Add(name); } if (c.Site.TryGetService(out INestedContainer? nested) && nested.Components.Count > 0) { SetupVariableReferences(manager, nested, objectData, shimObjectNames); } } } } } /// <summary> /// Serializes the given set of objects (contained in objectData) into the given object state dictionary. /// </summary> internal void Serialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Dictionary<object, ObjectData> objectData, Dictionary<string, CodeDomComponentSerializationState> objectState, IList shimObjectNames) { if (manager.GetService<IContainer>() is { } container) { SetupVariableReferences(manager, container, objectData, shimObjectNames); } // Next, save a statement collection for each object. StatementContext statementCtx = new(); statementCtx.StatementCollection.Populate(objectData.Keys); manager.Context.Push(statementCtx); try { foreach (ObjectData data in objectData.Values) { object? code = null; CodeStatementCollection? ctxStatements = null; Dictionary<string, object?>? resources = null; CodeStatementCollection extraStatements = []; manager.Context.Push(extraStatements); if (manager.TryGetSerializer(data._value.GetType(), out CodeDomSerializer? serializer)) { if (data.EntireObject) { if (!IsSerialized(manager, data._value)) { code = data.Absolute ? serializer.SerializeAbsolute(manager, data._value) : serializer.Serialize(manager, data._value); ctxStatements = statementCtx.StatementCollection[data._value]; if (ctxStatements?.Count == 0) { ctxStatements = null; } if (extraStatements.Count > 0 && code is CodeStatementCollection existingStatements) { existingStatements.AddRange(extraStatements); } } else { code = statementCtx.StatementCollection[data._value]; } } else { CodeStatementCollection codeStatements = []; foreach (MemberData md in data.Members) { if (md._member.Attributes.Contains(DesignOnlyAttribute.Yes)) { // For design time properties, we write their value into a resource blob. #pragma warning disable SYSLIB0050 // Type or member is obsolete if (md._member is PropertyDescriptor prop && prop.PropertyType.IsSerializable) { resources ??= []; resources[prop.Name] = prop.GetValue(data._value); } #pragma warning restore SYSLIB0050 } else { codeStatements.AddRange(md._absolute ? serializer.SerializeMemberAbsolute(manager, data._value, md._member) : serializer.SerializeMember(manager, data._value, md._member)); } } code = codeStatements; } } if (extraStatements.Count > 0) { if (code is CodeStatementCollection existingStatements) { existingStatements.AddRange(extraStatements); } } manager.Context.Pop(); // And now search for default properties and events List<string>? defaultPropList = null; List<string>? defaultEventList = null; IEventBindingService? ebs = manager.GetService<IEventBindingService>(); if (data.EntireObject) { PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(data._value); foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop in props) { if (!prop.ShouldSerializeValue(data._value) && !prop.Attributes.Contains(DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute.Hidden)) { if (!prop.IsReadOnly || prop.Attributes.Contains(DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute.Content)) { defaultPropList ??= new(data.Members.Count); defaultPropList.Add(prop.Name); } } } if (ebs is not null) { PropertyDescriptorCollection events = ebs.GetEventProperties(TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(data._value)); foreach (PropertyDescriptor eventProp in events) { if (eventProp is null || eventProp.IsReadOnly) { continue; } if (eventProp.GetValue(data._value) is null) { defaultEventList ??= []; defaultEventList.Add(eventProp.Name); } } } } else { foreach (MemberData md in data.Members) { if (md._member is PropertyDescriptor prop && !prop.ShouldSerializeValue(data._value)) { if (ebs?.GetEvent(prop) is not null) { Debug.Assert(prop.GetValue(data._value) is null, "ShouldSerializeValue and GetValue are differing"); defaultEventList ??= []; defaultEventList.Add(prop.Name); } else { defaultPropList ??= new(data.Members.Count); defaultPropList.Add(prop.Name); } } } } // Check for non-default modifiers property object? modifier = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(data._value)["Modifiers"]?.GetValue(data._value); if (code is not null || defaultPropList is not null) { objectState[data._name] = new CodeDomComponentSerializationState(code, ctxStatements, defaultPropList, resources, defaultEventList, modifier); } } } finally { manager.Context.Pop(); } } } } } |