// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
namespace System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
/// <summary>
/// This object is a complete implementation of IDesignerSerializationManager. It can be used to
/// begin the serialization / deserialization process for any serialization scheme that utilizes
/// IDesignerSerializationManager.
/// </summary>
public class DesignerSerializationManager : IDesignerSerializationManager
private readonly IServiceProvider? _provider;
private ITypeResolutionService? _typeResolver;
private bool _searchedTypeResolver;
private bool _recycleInstances;
private bool _validateRecycledTypes;
private bool _preserveNames;
private IContainer? _container;
private IDisposable? _session;
private ResolveNameEventHandler? _resolveNameEventHandler;
private EventHandler? _serializationCompleteEventHandler;
private EventHandler? _sessionCreatedEventHandler;
private EventHandler? _sessionDisposedEventHandler;
private HashSet<IDesignerSerializationProvider>? _designerSerializationProviders;
private HashSet<Type>? _defaultProviderTable;
private Dictionary<string, object>? _instancesByName;
private Dictionary<object, string>? _namesByInstance;
private Dictionary<Type, object>? _serializers;
private List<object>? _errorList;
private ContextStack? _contextStack;
private PropertyDescriptorCollection? _properties;
private object? _propertyProvider;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new serialization manager.
/// </summary>
public DesignerSerializationManager()
_preserveNames = true;
_validateRecycledTypes = true;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new serialization manager.
/// </summary>
public DesignerSerializationManager(IServiceProvider? provider)
_provider = provider.OrThrowIfNull();
_preserveNames = true;
_validateRecycledTypes = true;
/// <summary>
/// Provides access to the container that components will be added to. The default implementation searches
/// for <see cref="IDesignerHost"/> in the service provider and uses its container if it exists.
/// </summary>
public IContainer? Container
if (_container is null)
if (GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) is IDesignerHost host)
_container = host.Container;
return _container;
_container = value;
/// <summary>
/// This retrieves the collection of errors that have been reported to the serialization manager.
/// Additionally, new errors can be added to the list by accessing this property.
/// </summary>
public IList Errors
_errorList ??= [];
return _errorList;
/// <summary>
/// This property determines the behavior of the CreateInstance method. If true, CreateInstance will pass the
/// given component name. If false, CreateInstance will check for the presence of the given name in the container.
/// If it does not exist, it will use the given name. If it does exist, it will pass a null value as the
/// name of a component when adding it to the container, thereby giving it a new name.
/// This second variation is useful for implementing a serializer that always duplicates objects,
/// rather than assuming those objects do not exist. Paste commands often use this type of serializer.
/// The default value of this property is <see langword="true"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool PreserveNames
get => _preserveNames;
_preserveNames = value;
/// <summary>
/// This property returns the object that should be used to provide properties to the serialization
/// manager's Properties property. This object's public properties will be inspected and wrapped
/// in new property descriptors that have a target object of the serialization manager.
/// </summary>
public object? PropertyProvider
get => _propertyProvider;
if (_propertyProvider != value)
_propertyProvider = value;
_properties = null;
/// <summary>
/// This property determines the behavior of the CreateInstance method.
/// If false, CreateInstance will always create a new instance of an object. If true,
/// CreateInstance will first search the nametable and container for an object of the same name.
/// If such an object exists and is of the same type, CreateInstance will return the existing object instance.
/// This second variation is useful for implementing a serializer that applies serialization state
/// to an existing set of objects, rather than always creating a new tree. Undo often uses this type of serializer.
/// The default value of this property is <see langword="false"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool RecycleInstances
get => _recycleInstances;
_recycleInstances = value;
/// <summary>
/// This property determines the behavior of the CreateInstance method and only applies if RecycleInstances is true.
/// If true, and an existing instance is found for the given name, it will only be returned if the two types match.
/// If false, the instance will be returned even if the two types do not match.
/// This is useful for "morphing" one type of object to another if they have similar properties
/// but share no common parent or interface.
/// The default value of this property is <see langword="true"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool ValidateRecycledTypes
get => _validateRecycledTypes;
_validateRecycledTypes = value;
/// <summary>
/// Event that is raised when a session is created.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler? SessionCreated
add => _sessionCreatedEventHandler += value;
remove => _sessionCreatedEventHandler -= value;
/// <summary>
/// Event that is raised when a session is disposed.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler? SessionDisposed
add => _sessionDisposedEventHandler += value;
remove => _sessionDisposedEventHandler -= value;
/// <summary>
/// Used to verify that no session is active. If there is, this method throws.
/// </summary>
private void CheckNoSession()
if (_session is not null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.SerializationManagerWithinSession);
/// <summary>
/// Used to verify that there is an open session. If there isn't, this method throws.
/// </summary>
private void CheckSession()
if (_session is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.SerializationManagerNoSession);
/// <summary>
/// Creates an instance of the specified type.
/// The default implementation will create the object.
/// If the object implements IComponent and only requires an empty or IContainer style constructor,
/// this will search for IDesignerHost and create through the host. Otherwise it will use reflection.
/// If addToContainer is true, this will add to the container using this class's Container property,
/// using the name provided if it is not null.
/// </summary>
protected virtual object CreateInstance(Type type, ICollection? arguments, string? name, bool addToContainer)
object?[]? argArray = null;
if (arguments is not null && arguments.Count > 0)
argArray = new object?[arguments.Count];
arguments.CopyTo(argArray, 0);
object? instance = null;
// If we have been asked to recycle instances, look in our nametable and container first for an object matching
// this name and type. If we find it, we will use it.
if (RecycleInstances && name is not null)
_instancesByName?.TryGetValue(name, out instance);
if (instance is null && addToContainer && Container is not null)
instance = Container.Components[name];
if (instance is not null && ValidateRecycledTypes && instance.GetType() != type)
// We got an instance, but it is not of the correct type. We don't allow this.
instance = null;
// If the stars properly align, we will let the designer host create the component.
// For this to happen, the following criteria must hold true:
// 1. The type must be a component.
// 2. addToContainer is true.
// 3. The type has a null constructor or an IContainer constructor.
// 4. The host is available and its container matches our container.
// The reason for this is that if we went through activator, and if the object already specified a constructor
// that took an IContainer, our deserialization mechanism would equate the container to the designer host.
// This is the correct thing to do, but it has the side effect of adding the component to the
// designer host twice -- once with a default name, and a second time with the name we provide.
// This equates to a component rename, which isn't cheap, so we don't want to do it when we load each
// and every component.
if (instance is null && addToContainer && typeof(IComponent).IsAssignableFrom(type) && (argArray is null || argArray.Length == 0 || (argArray.Length == 1 && argArray[0] == Container)))
if (GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) is IDesignerHost host && host.Container == Container)
bool ignoreName = false;
if (!PreserveNames && name is not null)
// Check if this name exists in the container. If so, don't use it.
if (Container.Components[name] is not null)
ignoreName = true;
instance = name is null || ignoreName
? host.CreateComponent(type)
: (object)host.CreateComponent(type, name);
// Default case, just create the component through reflection.
if (instance is null)
// First, just try to create the object directly with the arguments. generally this should work.
instance = TypeDescriptor.CreateInstance(_provider, type, argTypes: null, argArray);
catch (MissingMethodException)
if (argArray is not null)
// The create failed because the argArray didn't match the types of constructors that are available.
// Try to convert the types to match the constructor.
Type?[] types = new Type?[argArray.Length];
// first, get the types of the arguments we've got.
for (int index = 0; index < argArray.Length; index++)
types[index] = argArray[index]?.GetType();
object?[] tempArgs = new object?[argArray.Length];
// Walk the public constructors looking for one to invoke here with the arguments we have.
foreach (ConstructorInfo info in TypeDescriptor.GetReflectionType(type).GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.CreateInstance))
ParameterInfo[] parameters = info.GetParameters();
if (parameters.Length == types.Length)
bool match = true;
// Walk every type of argument we have and see if it matches up exactly or
// is a derived type of corresponding constructor argument.
// If not, we'll try to use IConvertible to convert it to the right type.
for (int t = 0; t < types.Length; t++)
if (types[t] is null || parameters[t].ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(types[t]))
tempArgs[t] = argArray[t];
if (argArray[t] is IConvertible convertible)
// try the IConvertible route. If it works, we'll call it a match for this parameter and continue on.
tempArgs[t] = convertible.ToType(parameters[t].ParameterType, null);
catch (InvalidCastException)
match = false;
// All of the parameters were converted or matched, so try the creation again.
if (match)
instance = TypeDescriptor.CreateInstance(_provider, type, argTypes: null, tempArgs);
// we still failed, rethrow the original exception.
if (instance is null)
catch (MissingMethodException)
throw GetSerializationException();
// Now, if we needed to add this to the container, do so .
if (addToContainer && instance is IComponent component && Container is not null)
bool ignoreName = false;
if (!PreserveNames && name is not null)
// Check if this name exists in the container. If so, don't use it.
if (Container.Components[name] is not null)
ignoreName = true;
if (name is null || ignoreName)
Container.Add(component, name);
return instance is null ? throw GetSerializationException() : instance;
SerializationException GetSerializationException()
string argTypes = argArray is null
? string.Empty
: string.Join(", ", argArray.Select(o => o?.GetType().Name ?? "null"));
SerializationException ex = new(string.Format(SR.SerializationManagerNoMatchingCtor, type.FullName, argTypes))
HelpLink = SR.SerializationManagerNoMatchingCtor
return ex;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new serialization session. Most data within the serialization manager is transient and
/// only lives for the life of a serialization session. When a session is disposed, serialization is considered
/// to be complete and this transient state is cleared. This allows a single instance of a serialization manager
/// to be used to serialize multiple object trees. Some state, including the service provider and any
/// custom serialization providers that were added to the serialization manager, span sessions.
/// </summary>
public IDisposable CreateSession()
if (_session is not null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.SerializationManagerAlreadyInSession);
_session = new SerializationSession(this);
return _session;
/// <summary>
/// This retrieves the serializer for the given object type.
/// You can request what type of serializer you would like.
/// It is possible for this method to return null if there is no serializer of the requested type.
/// </summary>
public object? GetSerializer(Type? objectType, Type serializerType)
object? serializer = null;
if (objectType is not null)
if (_serializers is not null)
// I don't double hash here. It will be a very rare day where multiple types of serializers
// will be used in the same scheme. We still handle it, but we just don't cache.
if (_serializers.TryGetValue(objectType, out serializer) && !serializerType.IsAssignableFrom(serializer.GetType()))
serializer = null;
// Now actually look in the type's metadata.
if (serializer is null)
AttributeCollection attributes = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(objectType);
foreach (Attribute attribute in attributes)
if (attribute is DesignerSerializerAttribute designerAttribute)
string? typeName = designerAttribute.SerializerBaseTypeName;
// This serializer must support the correct base type or we're not interested.
if (typeName is not null)
Type? baseType = GetRuntimeType(typeName);
if (baseType == serializerType
&& designerAttribute.SerializerTypeName is not null
&& designerAttribute.SerializerTypeName.Length > 0)
Type? type = GetRuntimeType(designerAttribute.SerializerTypeName);
if (type is not null)
serializer = Activator.CreateInstance(
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.CreateInstance,
binder: null,
args: null,
culture: null);
// And stash this little guy for later, but only if we're in a session. If we're outside of a
// session this should still be useable for resolving serializers, but we don't cache them.
if (serializer is not null && _session is not null)
_serializers ??= [];
_serializers[objectType] = serializer;
// Check for a default serialization provider
if (_defaultProviderTable is null || !_defaultProviderTable.Contains(serializerType))
Type? defaultSerializerType;
DefaultSerializationProviderAttribute? attribute = (DefaultSerializationProviderAttribute?)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(serializerType)[typeof(DefaultSerializationProviderAttribute)];
if (attribute is not null)
defaultSerializerType = GetRuntimeType(attribute.ProviderTypeName);
if (defaultSerializerType is not null && typeof(IDesignerSerializationProvider).IsAssignableFrom(defaultSerializerType))
IDesignerSerializationProvider? provider =
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.CreateInstance,
binder: null,
args: null,
culture: null);
if (provider is not null)
_defaultProviderTable ??= [];
// Designer serialization providers can override our metadata discovery. We loop until we reach steady state.
// This breaks order dependencies by allowing all providers a chance to party on each other's serializers.
if (_designerSerializationProviders is not null)
bool continueLoop = true;
for (int i = 0; continueLoop && i < _designerSerializationProviders.Count; i++)
continueLoop = false;
foreach (IDesignerSerializationProvider provider in _designerSerializationProviders)
object? newSerializer = provider.GetSerializer(this, serializer, objectType, serializerType);
if (newSerializer is not null)
continueLoop = (serializer != newSerializer);
serializer = newSerializer;
return serializer;
/// <summary>
/// Provides access to the underlying IServiceProvider
/// </summary>
protected virtual object? GetService(Type serviceType)
=> serviceType == typeof(IContainer) ? Container : _provider?.GetService(serviceType);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the type for the given name using the type resolution service, if available.
/// </summary>
protected virtual Type? GetType(string? typeName)
Type? type = GetRuntimeType(typeName);
if (type is not null)
if (GetService(typeof(TypeDescriptionProviderService)) is TypeDescriptionProviderService typeProviderService)
TypeDescriptionProvider? typeProvider = typeProviderService.GetProvider(type);
if (typeProvider is not null && !typeProvider.IsSupportedType(type))
type = null;
return type;
/// <summary>
/// Use this one for Serializer, converter, designer and editor types,
/// and types which are only used by the IDE internally.
/// </summary>
public Type? GetRuntimeType(string? typeName)
if (_typeResolver is null && !_searchedTypeResolver)
_typeResolver = GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService)) as ITypeResolutionService;
_searchedTypeResolver = true;
return _typeResolver is null ? Type.GetType(typeName!) : _typeResolver.GetType(typeName!);
/// <summary>
/// Event that is raised when a name needs to be resolved to an object instance.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnResolveName(ResolveNameEventArgs e)
_resolveNameEventHandler?.Invoke(this, e);
/// <summary>
/// Event that is raised when a session is created.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnSessionCreated(EventArgs e)
_sessionCreatedEventHandler?.Invoke(this, e);
/// <summary>
/// Event that is raised when a session is disposed.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnSessionDisposed(EventArgs e)
_sessionDisposedEventHandler?.Invoke(this, e);
_serializationCompleteEventHandler?.Invoke(this, e);
_resolveNameEventHandler = null;
_serializationCompleteEventHandler = null;
_instancesByName = null;
_namesByInstance = null;
_serializers = null;
_contextStack = null;
_errorList = null;
_session = null;
/// <summary>
/// This method takes a property that is owned by the given owner,
/// and it wraps them in new property that is owned by the serialization manager.
/// </summary>
private static WrappedPropertyDescriptor WrapProperty(PropertyDescriptor property, object owner)
// owner can be null for static properties.
return new WrappedPropertyDescriptor(property, owner);
/// <summary>
/// The Context property provides a user-defined storage area implemented as a stack.
/// This storage area is a useful way to provide communication across serializers,
/// as serialization is a generally hierarchical process.
/// </summary>
ContextStack IDesignerSerializationManager.Context
if (_contextStack is null)
_contextStack = new ContextStack();
return _contextStack;
/// <summary>
/// The Properties property provides a set of custom properties the serialization manager may surface.
/// The set of properties exposed here is defined by the implementer of IDesignerSerializationManager.
/// </summary>
PropertyDescriptorCollection IDesignerSerializationManager.Properties
if (_properties is null)
object? propObject = PropertyProvider;
PropertyDescriptor[] propArray;
if (propObject is null)
propArray = [];
PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(propObject);
propArray = new PropertyDescriptor[props.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < propArray.Length; i++)
propArray[i] = WrapProperty(props[i], propObject);
_properties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(propArray);
return _properties;
/// <summary>
/// ResolveName event.
/// This event is raised when GetName is called, but the name is not found in the serialization manager's name table.
/// It provides a way for a serializer to demand-create an object so the serializer does not have to order
/// object creation by dependency.
/// This delegate is cleared immediately after serialization or deserialization is complete.
/// </summary>
event ResolveNameEventHandler IDesignerSerializationManager.ResolveName
_resolveNameEventHandler += value;
remove => _resolveNameEventHandler -= value;
/// <summary>
/// This event is raised when serialization or deserialization has been completed.
/// Generally, serialization code should be written to be stateless.
/// Should some sort of state be necessary to maintain, a serializer can listen to this event
/// to know when that state should be cleared.
/// An example of this is if a serializer needs to write to another file, such as a resource file.
/// In this case it would be inefficient to design the serializer to close the file when finished
/// because serialization of an object graph generally requires several serializers.
/// The resource file would be opened and closed many times.
/// Instead, the resource file could be accessed through an object that listened to the SerializationComplete event,
/// and that object could close the resource file at the end of serialization.
/// </summary>
event EventHandler IDesignerSerializationManager.SerializationComplete
_serializationCompleteEventHandler += value;
remove => _serializationCompleteEventHandler -= value;
/// <summary>
/// This method adds a custom serialization provider to the serialization manager.
/// A custom serialization provider will get the opportunity to return a serializer for a data type
/// before the serialization manager looks in the type's metadata.
/// </summary>
void IDesignerSerializationManager.AddSerializationProvider(IDesignerSerializationProvider provider)
_designerSerializationProviders ??= [];
/// <summary>
/// Creates an instance of the given type and adds it to a collection of named instances.
/// Objects that implement IComponent will be added to the design time container if addToContainer is true.
/// </summary>
object IDesignerSerializationManager.CreateInstance(Type type, ICollection? arguments, string? name, bool addToContainer)
// If we were given a name verify that the name doesn't already exist.
// We do not verify uniqueness in our parent container here because CreateInstance may modify the name for us.
// If it didn't, the container itself will throw, so we're covered.
if (name is not null)
if (_instancesByName is not null && _instancesByName.ContainsKey(name))
Exception ex = new SerializationException(string.Format(SR.SerializationManagerDuplicateComponentDecl, name))
HelpLink = SR.SerializationManagerDuplicateComponentDecl
throw ex;
object instance = CreateInstance(type, arguments, name, addToContainer);
Debug.Assert(instance is not null, "instance should not be null here");
// If we have a name save it into our own nametable.
// We do this even for objects that were added to the container,
// because containers reserve the right to change the name in case of collision.
// Changing the name is fine, but it would be very difficult to map that to the rest of the serializers.
// Instead, we keep the old name in our local nametable so a serializer can ask for an object by the old name.
// Because the old nametable is searched first, the old name is preserved.
// Note that this technique is ONLY valid if RecycleInstances is false.
// If it is true, we cannot store in the old nametable because it would be possible to fetch the wrong value
// from the container.
// Consider a request for "button1' that results in the creation of an object in the container called "button2"
// due to a collision.
// If a request later came in for "button2", the wrong object would be returned because RecycleInstances checks
// the container first.
// So, it is only safe to store the local value if RecycleInstances is false.
// When RecycleInstances is true if there was a collision the object would have been returned,
// so there is no need to store locally.
if (name is not null // If we were given a name
&& (!(instance is IComponent) // And it's not an IComponent
|| !RecycleInstances))
{ // Or it is an IComponent but recycle instances is turned off
_instancesByName ??= new(StringComparer.CurrentCulture);
_namesByInstance ??= new(new ReferenceComparer());
_instancesByName[name] = instance;
_namesByInstance[instance] = name;
return instance;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves an instance of a created object of the given name, or null if that object does not exist.
/// </summary>
object? IDesignerSerializationManager.GetInstance(string name)
// Check our local nametable first
object? instance = null;
if (_instancesByName is not null && _instancesByName.TryGetValue(name, out instance))
return instance;
if (instance is null && PreserveNames && Container is not null)
instance = Container.Components[name];
if (instance is null)
ResolveNameEventArgs e = new(name);
instance = e.Value;
return instance;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a name for the specified object, or null if the object has no name.
/// </summary>
string? IDesignerSerializationManager.GetName(object value)
// Check our local nametable first
if (_namesByInstance is not null && _namesByInstance.TryGetValue(value, out string? name))
return name;
if (value is not IComponent component)
return null;
ISite? site = component.Site;
return site is null ? null : site is INestedSite nestedSite ? nestedSite.FullName : site.Name;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a serializer of the requested type for the given object type.
/// </summary>
object? IDesignerSerializationManager.GetSerializer(Type? objectType, Type serializerType)
return GetSerializer(objectType, serializerType);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a type of the given name.
/// </summary>
Type? IDesignerSerializationManager.GetType(string typeName)
Type? type = null;
while (type is null)
type = GetType(typeName);
if (type is null && typeName is null)
if (type is null)
int dotIndex = typeName.LastIndexOf('.');
if (dotIndex == -1 || dotIndex == typeName.Length - 1)
typeName = string.Concat(typeName.AsSpan(0, dotIndex), "+", typeName.AsSpan(dotIndex + 1, typeName.Length - dotIndex - 1));
return type;
/// <summary>
/// Removes a previously added serialization provider.
/// </summary>
void IDesignerSerializationManager.RemoveSerializationProvider(IDesignerSerializationProvider provider)
/// <summary>
/// Reports a non-fatal error in serialization.
/// The serialization manager may implement a logging scheme to alert the caller to all non-fatal errors at once.
/// If it doesn't, it should immediately throw in this method, which should abort serialization.
/// Serialization may continue after calling this function.
/// </summary>
void IDesignerSerializationManager.ReportError(object errorInformation)
if (errorInformation is not null)
internal HashSet<IDesignerSerializationProvider> SerializationProviders
get => _designerSerializationProviders ??= [];
/// <summary>
/// Provides a way to set the name of an existing object.
/// This is useful when it is necessary to create an
/// instance of an object without going through CreateInstance.
/// An exception will be thrown if you try to rename an existing object
/// or if you try to give a new object a name that is already taken.
/// </summary>
void IDesignerSerializationManager.SetName(object instance, string name)
if (_instancesByName is null || _namesByInstance is null)
_instancesByName = new(StringComparer.CurrentCulture);
_namesByInstance = new(new ReferenceComparer());
if (_instancesByName.ContainsKey(name))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.SerializationManagerNameInUse, name), nameof(name));
if (_namesByInstance.TryGetValue(instance, out string? instanceName))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.SerializationManagerObjectHasName, name, instanceName), nameof(instance));
_instancesByName[name] = instance;
_namesByInstance[instance] = name;
/// <summary>
/// IServiceProvider implementation.
/// </summary>
object? IServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType)
return GetService(serviceType);
/// <summary>
/// Session object that implements IDisposable.
/// </summary>
private sealed class SerializationSession : IDisposable
private readonly DesignerSerializationManager _serializationManager;
internal SerializationSession(DesignerSerializationManager serializationManager)
_serializationManager = serializationManager;
public void Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// A key comparer that can be passed to a hash table to use object reference identity as the key comparison.
/// </summary>
private sealed class ReferenceComparer : IEqualityComparer<object>
bool IEqualityComparer<object>.Equals(object? x, object? y)
return ReferenceEquals(x, y);
int IEqualityComparer<object>.GetHashCode(object x)
return x is not null ? x.GetHashCode() : 0;
/// <summary>
/// Wrapped property descriptor. Takes the given property and wraps it in a new one that can take the designer
/// serialization manager as a target.
/// </summary>
private sealed class WrappedPropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor
private readonly object _target;
private readonly PropertyDescriptor _property;
internal WrappedPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor property, object target) : base(property.Name, null)
_property = property;
_target = target;
public override AttributeCollection Attributes
get => _property.Attributes;
public override Type ComponentType
get => _property.ComponentType;
public override bool IsReadOnly
get => _property.IsReadOnly;
public override Type PropertyType
get => _property.PropertyType;
public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
return _property.CanResetValue(_target);
public override object? GetValue(object? component)
return _property.GetValue(_target);
public override void ResetValue(object component)
public override void SetValue(object? component, object? value)
_property.SetValue(_target, value);
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)
return _property.ShouldSerializeValue(_target);