15 references to _nothing
System.Text.RegularExpressions (15)
System\Text\RegularExpressions\Symbolic\SymbolicRegexNode.cs (15)
425if (node == builder._nothing) 426return builder._nothing; 450if (left == builder._nothing || right == builder._nothing) 451return builder._nothing; 490if (left == builder._nothing) 496SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> tail = right._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate ? right._right! : builder._nothing; 555elems[i] = builder._nothing; 563SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> or = builder._nothing; 1278derivative = builder._nothing; 1351derivative = builder._nothing; 2099builder._nothing; //start anchor is only nullable if the previous character is Start 2104builder._nothing; //rev(\Z) is only nullable if the previous characters is Start or the very first \n 2111builder._nothing; 2118builder._nothing;