// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions.Symbolic
/// <summary>Provides functionality to convert <see cref="RegexNode"/>s to corresponding <see cref="SymbolicRegexNode{S}"/>s.</summary>
/// <remarks>Constructs a regex to symbolic finite automata converter</remarks>
internal sealed class RegexNodeConverter(SymbolicRegexBuilder<BDD> builder, Hashtable? captureSparseMapping)
/// <summary>Capture information.</summary>
private readonly Hashtable? _captureSparseMapping = captureSparseMapping;
/// <summary>The builder to use to create the <see cref="SymbolicRegexNode{S}"/> nodes.</summary>
internal readonly SymbolicRegexBuilder<BDD> _builder = builder;
/// <summary>Cache of BDDs created to represent <see cref="RegexCharClass"/> set strings.</summary>
/// <remarks>This cache is useful iff the same character class is used multiple times in the same regex, but that's fairly common.</remarks>
private Dictionary<string, BDD>? _setBddCache;
/// <summary>Converts the root <see cref="RegexNode"/> into its corresponding <see cref="SymbolicRegexNode{S}"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="root">The root node to convert.</param>
/// <returns>The generated <see cref="SymbolicRegexNode{S}"/> that corresponds to the supplied <paramref name="root"/>.</returns>
internal SymbolicRegexNode<BDD> ConvertToSymbolicRegexNode(RegexNode root)
Debug.Assert(_builder is not null);
// Create the root list that will store the built-up result.
DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>> rootResult = new();
// Create a stack to be processed in order to process iteratively rather than recursively, and push the root on.
Stack<(RegexNode Node, DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>> Result, DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>>[]? ChildResults)> stack = new();
stack.Push((root, rootResult, CreateChildResultArray(root.ChildCount())));
// Continue to iterate until the stack is empty, popping the next item on each iteration.
// Some popped items may be pushed back on as part of processing.
while (stack.TryPop(out (RegexNode Node, DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>> Result, DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>>[]? ChildResults) popped))
RegexNode node = popped.Node;
DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>> result = popped.Result;
DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>>[]? childResults = popped.ChildResults;
Debug.Assert(childResults is null || childResults.Length != 0);
if (childResults is null || childResults[0] is null)
// Child nodes have not been converted yet
// Handle each node kind as-is appropriate.
switch (node.Kind)
// Singletons and multis
case RegexNodeKind.One:
case RegexNodeKind.Notone:
case RegexNodeKind.Set:
case RegexNodeKind.Multi:
// Create a BDD for each character in the string and concatenate them.
string? str = node.Str;
Debug.Assert(str is not null);
foreach (char c in str)
// The following five cases are the only node kinds that are pushed twice:
// Joins, general loops, and supported captures
case RegexNodeKind.Concatenate:
case RegexNodeKind.Alternate:
case RegexNodeKind.Loop:
case RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop:
case RegexNodeKind.Capture when node.N == -1: // N == -1 because balancing groups (which have N >= 0) aren't supported
Debug.Assert(childResults is not null && childResults.Length == node.ChildCount());
// Push back the temporarily popped item. Next time this work item is seen, its ChildResults list will be ready.
// Push all the children to be converted
for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildCount(); ++i)
childResults[i] = new DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>>();
stack.Push((node.Child(i), childResults[i], CreateChildResultArray(node.Child(i).ChildCount())));
// Specialized loops
case RegexNodeKind.Oneloop:
case RegexNodeKind.Onelazy:
case RegexNodeKind.Notoneloop:
case RegexNodeKind.Notonelazy:
// Create a BDD that represents the character, then create a loop around it.
BDD bdd = _builder._charSetSolver.CreateBDDFromChar(node.Ch);
if (node.IsNotoneFamily)
bdd = _builder._solver.Not(bdd);
result.AddLast(_builder.CreateLoop(_builder.CreateSingleton(bdd), node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Onelazy or RegexNodeKind.Notonelazy, node.M, node.N));
case RegexNodeKind.Setloop:
case RegexNodeKind.Setlazy:
// Create a BDD that represents the set string, then create a loop around it.
string? set = node.Str;
Debug.Assert(set is not null);
BDD setBdd = CreateBDDFromSetString(set);
result.AddLast(_builder.CreateLoop(_builder.CreateSingleton(setBdd), node.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Setlazy, node.M, node.N));
case RegexNodeKind.Empty:
case RegexNodeKind.UpdateBumpalong: // UpdateBumpalong is a directive relevant only to backtracking and can be ignored just like Empty
case RegexNodeKind.Nothing:
// Anchors
case RegexNodeKind.Beginning:
case RegexNodeKind.Bol:
case RegexNodeKind.End: // \z anchor
case RegexNodeKind.EndZ: // \Z anchor
case RegexNodeKind.Eol:
case RegexNodeKind.Boundary:
case RegexNodeKind.NonBoundary:
// Unsupported
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Format(SR.NotSupported_NonBacktrackingConflictingExpression, node.Kind switch
RegexNodeKind.Atomic or RegexNodeKind.Setloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Oneloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Notoneloopatomic => SR.ExpressionDescription_AtomicSubexpressions,
RegexNodeKind.Backreference => SR.ExpressionDescription_Backreference,
RegexNodeKind.BackreferenceConditional => SR.ExpressionDescription_Conditional,
RegexNodeKind.Capture => SR.ExpressionDescription_BalancingGroup,
RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional => SR.ExpressionDescription_IfThenElse,
RegexNodeKind.NegativeLookaround => SR.ExpressionDescription_NegativeLookaround,
RegexNodeKind.PositiveLookaround => SR.ExpressionDescription_PositiveLookaround,
RegexNodeKind.Start => SR.ExpressionDescription_ContiguousMatches,
_ => UnexpectedNodeType(node)
static string UnexpectedNodeType(RegexNode node)
// The default should never arise, since other node types are either supported
// or have been removed (e.g. Group) from the final parse tree.
string description = $"Unexpected ({nameof(RegexNodeKind)}: {node.Kind})";
return description;
// At this point, all the child nodes have been converted into the childResults array.
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() > 0);
Debug.Assert(childResults is not null);
Debug.Assert(childResults.Length == node.ChildCount());
Debug.Assert(result.Count == 0);
switch (node.Kind)
case RegexNodeKind.Concatenate:
// Flatten the child results into the top-level result.
foreach (DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>> childResult in childResults)
case RegexNodeKind.Alternate:
// Alternations in SymbolicRegexNode are binary and always normalized to right associative
// form, so here the list of children is built into a tree of alternations.
// The order is kept to achieve the same semantics as the backtracking engines.
SymbolicRegexNode<BDD> or = _builder._nothing;
// Enumerate in reverse order through the child results
for (int i = childResults.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>> childResult = childResults[i];
// If childResult is a non-singleton list, then it denotes a concatenation that must be constructed at this point.
SymbolicRegexNode<BDD> elem = childResult.Count == 1 ?
childResult.FirstElement :
if (elem.IsNothing(_builder._solver))
or = elem.IsAnyStar(_builder._solver) ?
elem : // .* is the absorbing element
SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>.CreateAlternate(_builder, elem, or);
case RegexNodeKind.Loop:
case RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop:
Debug.Assert(childResults.Length == 1);
DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>> childResult = childResults[0];
// Convert a list of nodes into a concatenation
SymbolicRegexNode<BDD> body = childResult.Count == 1 ?
childResult.FirstElement :
result.AddLast(_builder.CreateLoop(body, node.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop, node.M, node.N));
// No other nodes besides captures can have been pushed twice at this point.
Debug.Assert(node.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Capture && node.N == -1);
Debug.Assert(childResults.Length == 1);
DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>> childResult = childResults[0];
int captureNum = RegexParser.MapCaptureNumber(node.M, _captureSparseMapping);
// Add capture start/end markers
// Only a top-level concatenation or capture node can result in a non-singleton list.
Debug.Assert(rootResult.Count == 1 || root.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Concatenate || root.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Capture);
return rootResult.Count == 1 ?
rootResult.FirstElement :
void EnsureNewlinePredicateInitialized()
// Initialize the \n set in the builder if it has not been updated already
if (_builder._newLineSet.Equals(_builder._solver.Empty))
_builder._newLineSet = _builder._charSetSolver.CreateBDDFromChar('\n');
void EnsureWordLetterPredicateInitialized()
// Initialize the word letter set based on the Unicode definition of it if it was not updated already
if (_builder._wordLetterForBoundariesSet.Equals(_builder._solver.Empty))
// Use the set including joiner and non-joiner
_builder._wordLetterForBoundariesSet = UnicodeCategoryConditions.WordLetterForAnchors((CharSetSolver)_builder._solver);
SymbolicRegexNode<BDD> ConvertSet(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Set);
string? set = node.Str;
Debug.Assert(set is not null);
return _builder.CreateSingleton(CreateBDDFromSetString(set));
DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>>[]? CreateChildResultArray(int k) => k == 0 ? null : new DoublyLinkedList<SymbolicRegexNode<BDD>>[k];
/// <summary>Creates a BDD from the <see cref="RegexCharClass"/> set string to determine whether a char is in the set.</summary>
/// <param name="set">The RegexCharClass set string.</param>
/// <returns>A BDD that, when queried with a char, answers whether that char is in the specified set.</returns>
private BDD CreateBDDFromSetString(string set)
// If we're too deep on the stack, continue any recursion on another thread.
if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(CreateBDDFromSetString, set);
// Lazily-initialize the set cache on first use, since some expressions may not have character classes in them.
_setBddCache ??= new Dictionary<string, BDD>();
// Try to get the cached BDD for the set key.
// If one doesn't yet exist, compute and populate it.
ref BDD? result = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(_setBddCache, set, out _);
return result ??= Compute(set);
// <summary>Parses the RegexCharClass set string and creates a BDD that represents the same condition.</summary>
BDD Compute(string set)
List<BDD> conditions = new();
var charSetSolver = (CharSetSolver)_builder._solver;
// The set string is composed of four parts: flags (which today are just for negation), ranges (a list
// of pairs of values representing the ranges a character that matches the set could fall in (or if it's
// negated, fall out of), categories (a list of codes based on UnicodeCategory values), and then optionally
// another entire set string that's subtracted from the outer set string. We parse each of those pieces
// to build up a BDD that will return true if a char matches the set string, and otherwise false. This
// BDD then is functionally equivalent to RegexCharClass.CharInClass.
bool negate = RegexCharClass.IsNegated(set);
// Handle ranges
// A BDD is created for each range, and is then negated if the set is negated. All of the BDDs for
// all of the ranges are stored in a set of these "conditions", which will later have all of the BDDs
// and'd (conjunction) together if the set is negated, or or'd (disjunction) together if not negated.
List<(char First, char Last)>? ranges = RegexCharClass.ComputeRanges(set);
if (ranges is not null)
foreach ((char first, char last) in ranges)
BDD bdd = charSetSolver.CreateBDDFromRange(first, last);
if (negate)
bdd = charSetSolver.Not(bdd);
// Handle categories
const int UnicodeCategoryCount = 1 + (int)UnicodeCategory.OtherNotAssigned;
Span<bool> categoryCodes = stackalloc bool[UnicodeCategoryCount];
int setLength = set[RegexCharClass.SetLengthIndex];
int catLength = set[RegexCharClass.CategoryLengthIndex];
int catStart = setLength + RegexCharClass.SetStartIndex;
int i = catStart;
while (i < catStart + catLength)
// TODO: This logic should really be part of RegexCharClass, as it's parsing a set
// string and ideally such logic would be internal to RegexCharClass. It could expose
// a helper that returns the set of specified UnicodeCategory's and whether they're negated.
// Singleton categories are stored as values whose code is 1 + the UnicodeCategory value.
// Thus -1 is applied to extract the actual code of the category. The category itself may be
// negated, e.g. \D instead of \d.
short categoryCode = (short)set[i++];
if (categoryCode != 0)
// Create a BDD for the UnicodeCategory. If the category code is negative, the category
// is negated, but the whole set string may also be negated, so we need to negate the condition
// if one and only one of these negations occurs.
BDD cond = MapCategoryCodeToCondition((UnicodeCategory)(Math.Abs(categoryCode) - 1));
if ((categoryCode < 0) ^ negate)
cond = charSetSolver.Not(cond);
// Special case for a whole group G of categories surrounded by 0's.
// Essentially 0 C1 C2 ... Cn 0 ==> G = (C1 | C2 | ... | Cn)
categoryCode = (short)set[i++];
if (categoryCode == 0)
continue; // empty set of categories
// If the first catCode is negated, the group as a whole is negated
bool negatedGroup = categoryCode < 0;
// Collect individual category codes. At this point, the only codes that can be
// here are valid UnicodeCategories; SpaceConst is never used as part of groups,
// as such groups are only constructed in our own RegexCharClass consts, and it's
// not used there.
while (categoryCode != 0)
int cat = Math.Abs((int)categoryCode) - 1;
Debug.Assert(cat >= 0 && cat < categoryCodes.Length, $"Expected {cat} to be in range [0, {categoryCodes.Length}).");
categoryCodes[cat] = true;
categoryCode = (short)set[i++];
// Create a BDD that represents all of the categories or'd (disjunction) together (C1 | C2 | ... | Cn),
// then negate the result if necessary (noting that two negations cancel each other out... if the set
// is negated but then the group itself is also negated). And add the resulting BDD to our set of conditions.
BDD bdd = MapCategoryCodeSetToCondition(categoryCodes);
if (negate ^ negatedGroup)
bdd = charSetSolver.Not(bdd);
// Handle subtraction
BDD? subtractorCond = null;
if (set.Length > i)
// The set has a subtractor-set at the end.
// All characters in the subtractor-set are excluded from the set.
// Note that the subtractor sets may be nested, e.g. in r=[a-z-[b-g-[cd]]]
// the subtractor set [b-g-[cd]] has itself a subtractor set [cd].
// Thus r is the set of characters between a..z except b,e,f,g
subtractorCond = CreateBDDFromSetString(set.Substring(i));
// If there are no ranges and no groups then there are no conditions.
// This situation arises in particular for RegexOptions.SingleLine with a . (dot),
// which translates into a set string that accepts everything.
BDD result = conditions.Count == 0 ?
(negate ? charSetSolver.Empty : charSetSolver.Full) :
(negate ? charSetSolver.And(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(conditions)) : charSetSolver.Or(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(conditions)));
// Now apply the subtracted condition if there is one. As a subtly of Regex semantics,
// the subtractor is not within the scope of the negation (if there is any negation).
// Thus we subtract after applying any negation above rather than before. Subtraction
// is achieved by negating the subtraction (such that the result of the negation represents
// things still to be accepted after subtraction) and then and'ing it with the result, effectively
// masking off anything matched by the subtraction set.
if (subtractorCond is not null)
result = charSetSolver.And(result, charSetSolver.Not(subtractorCond));
return result;
// <summary>Creates a BDD that matches when a character is part of any of the specified UnicodeCategory values.</summary>
BDD MapCategoryCodeSetToCondition(Span<bool> catCodes)
// \w is so common, to help speed up construction we special-case it by using
// the combined \w set rather than an or (disjunction) of the component categories.
// This is done by validating that all of the categories for \w are there, and then removing
// them all if they are and instead starting our BDD off as \w.
BDD? result = null;
if (catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter] &&
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter] &&
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter] &&
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter] &&
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter] &&
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark] &&
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber] &&
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter] =
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter] =
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter] =
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter] =
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter] =
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark] =
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber] =
catCodes[(int)UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation] = false;
result = UnicodeCategoryConditions.WordLetter(charSetSolver);
// For any remaining categories, create a condition for each and
// or that into the resulting BDD.
for (int i = 0; i < catCodes.Length; i++)
if (catCodes[i])
BDD cond = MapCategoryCodeToCondition((UnicodeCategory)i);
result = result is null ? cond : charSetSolver.Or(result, cond);
Debug.Assert(result is not null);
return result;
// Gets the BDD for evaluating whether a character is part of the specified category.
BDD MapCategoryCodeToCondition(UnicodeCategory code)
Debug.Assert(Enum.IsDefined(code) || code == (UnicodeCategory)(RegexCharClass.SpaceConst - 1), $"Unknown category: {code}");
return code == (UnicodeCategory)(RegexCharClass.SpaceConst - 1) ?
UnicodeCategoryConditions.WhiteSpace :