File: System\Text\RegularExpressions\Symbolic\SymbolicRegexMatcher.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Text.RegularExpressions\src\System.Text.RegularExpressions.csproj (System.Text.RegularExpressions)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions.Symbolic
    /// <summary>Represents a regex matching engine that performs regex matching using symbolic derivatives.</summary>
    internal abstract class SymbolicRegexMatcher
        /// <inheritdoc cref="Regex.SaveDGML(TextWriter, int)"/>
        public abstract void SaveDGML(TextWriter writer, int maxLabelLength);
        /// <inheritdoc cref="Regex.SampleMatches(int, int)"/>
        public abstract IEnumerable<string> SampleMatches(int k, int randomseed);
        /// <inheritdoc cref="Regex.Explore(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool)"/>
        public abstract void Explore(bool includeDotStarred, bool includeReverse, bool includeOriginal, bool exploreDfa, bool exploreNfa);
    /// <summary>Represents a regex matching engine that performs regex matching using symbolic derivatives.</summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TSet">Character set type.</typeparam>
    internal sealed partial class SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> : SymbolicRegexMatcher where TSet : IComparable<TSet>, IEquatable<TSet>
        /// <summary>Sentinel value used internally by the matcher to indicate no match exists.</summary>
        private const int NoMatchExists = -2;
        /// <summary>Builder used to create <see cref="SymbolicRegexNode{S}"/>s while matching.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The builder is used to build up the DFA state space lazily, which means we need to be able to
        /// produce new <see cref="SymbolicRegexNode{S}"/>s as we match.  Once in NFA mode, we also use
        /// the builder to produce new NFA states.  The builder maintains a cache of all DFA and NFA states.
        /// </remarks>
        internal readonly SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> _builder;
        /// <summary>Maps every character to its corresponding minterm ID.</summary>
        private readonly MintermClassifier _mintermClassifier;
        /// <summary><see cref="_pattern"/> prefixed with [0-0xFFFF]*</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The matching engine first uses <see cref="_dotStarredPattern"/> to find whether there is a match
        /// and where that match might end.  Prepending the .* prefix onto the original pattern provides the DFA
        /// with the ability to continue to process input characters even if those characters aren't part of
        /// the match. If Regex.IsMatch is used, nothing further is needed beyond this prefixed pattern.  If, however,
        /// other matching operations are performed that require knowing the exact start and end of the match,
        /// the engine then needs to process the pattern in reverse to find where the match actually started;
        /// for that, it uses the <see cref="_reversePattern"/> and walks backwards through the input characters
        /// from where <see cref="_dotStarredPattern"/> left off.  At this point we know that there was a match,
        /// where it started, and where it could have ended, but that ending point could be influenced by the
        /// selection of the starting point.  So, to find the actual ending point, the original <see cref="_pattern"/>
        /// is then used from that starting point to walk forward through the input characters again to find the
        /// actual end point used for the match.
        /// </remarks>
        internal readonly SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> _dotStarredPattern;
        /// <summary>The original regex pattern.</summary>
        internal readonly SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> _pattern;
        /// <summary>The reverse of <see cref="_pattern"/>.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Determining that there is a match and where the match ends requires only <see cref="_pattern"/>.
        /// But from there determining where the match began requires reversing the pattern and running
        /// the matcher again, starting from the ending position. This <see cref="_reversePattern"/> caches
        /// that reversed pattern used for extracting match start.
        /// </remarks>
        internal readonly SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> _reversePattern;
        /// <summary>true iff timeout checking is enabled.</summary>
        private readonly bool _checkTimeout;
        /// <summary>Timeout in milliseconds. This is only used if <see cref="_checkTimeout"/> is true.</summary>
        private readonly int _timeout;
        /// <summary>Data and routines for skipping ahead to the next place a match could potentially start.</summary>
        private readonly RegexFindOptimizations? _findOpts;
        /// <summary>The initial states for the original pattern, keyed off of the previous character kind.</summary>
        /// <remarks>If the pattern doesn't contain any anchors, there will only be a single initial state.</remarks>
        private readonly MatchingState<TSet>[] _initialStates;
        /// <summary>The initial states for the dot-star pattern, keyed off of the previous character kind.</summary>
        /// <remarks>If the pattern doesn't contain any anchors, there will only be a single initial state.</remarks>
        private readonly MatchingState<TSet>[] _dotstarredInitialStates;
        /// <summary>The initial states for the reverse pattern, keyed off of the previous character kind.</summary>
        /// <remarks>If the pattern doesn't contain any anchors, there will only be a single initial state.</remarks>
        private readonly MatchingState<TSet>[] _reverseInitialStates;
        /// <summary>Partition of the input space of sets.</summary>
        private readonly TSet[] _minterms;
        /// <summary>
        /// Character kinds <see cref="CharKind"/> for all minterms in <see cref="_minterms"/> as well as two special
        /// cases: character positions outside the input bounds and an end-of-line as the last input character.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly uint[] _positionKinds;
        /// <summary>
        /// The smallest k s.t. 2^k >= minterms.Length + 1. The "delta arrays", e.g., <see cref="_dfaDelta"/> allocate 2^k
        /// consecutive slots for each state ID to represent the transitions for each minterm. The extra slot at index
        /// _minterms.Length is used to represent an \n occurring at the very end of input, for supporting the \Z anchor.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly int _mintermsLog;
        /// <summary>Number of capture groups.</summary>
        private readonly int _capsize;
        /// <summary>Gets whether the regular expression contains captures (beyond the implicit root-level capture).</summary>
        /// <remarks>This determines whether the matcher uses the special capturing NFA simulation mode.</remarks>
        internal bool HasSubcaptures => _capsize > 1;
        /// <remarks>
        /// Both solvers supported here, <see cref="UInt64Solver"/> and <see cref="BitVectorSolver"/> are thread safe.
        /// </remarks>
        private ISolver<TSet> Solver => _builder._solver;
        /// <summary>Creates a new <see cref="SymbolicRegexMatcher{TSetType}"/>.</summary>
        /// <param name="captureCount">The number of captures in the regular expression.</param>
        /// <param name="findOptimizations">The find optimizations computed from the expression.</param>
        /// <param name="bddBuilder">The <see cref="BDD"/>-based builder.</param>
        /// <param name="rootBddNode">The root <see cref="BDD"/>-based node from the pattern.</param>
        /// <param name="solver">The solver to use.</param>
        /// <param name="matchTimeout">The match timeout to use.</param>
        public static SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> Create(
            int captureCount, RegexFindOptimizations findOptimizations,
            SymbolicRegexBuilder<BDD> bddBuilder, SymbolicRegexNode<BDD> rootBddNode, ISolver<TSet> solver,
            TimeSpan matchTimeout)
            CharSetSolver charSetSolver = (CharSetSolver)bddBuilder._solver;
            var builder = new SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet>(solver, charSetSolver)
                // The default constructor sets the following sets to empty; they're lazily-initialized when needed.
                // Only if anchors are in the regex will these be set to non-empty.
                _wordLetterForBoundariesSet = solver.ConvertFromBDD(bddBuilder._wordLetterForBoundariesSet, charSetSolver),
                _newLineSet = solver.ConvertFromBDD(bddBuilder._newLineSet, charSetSolver)
            // Convert the BDD-based AST to TSet-based AST
            SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> rootNode = bddBuilder.Transform(rootBddNode, builder, (builder, bdd) => builder._solver.ConvertFromBDD(bdd, charSetSolver));
            return new SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet>(builder, rootNode, captureCount, findOptimizations, matchTimeout);
        /// <summary>Constructs matcher for given symbolic regex.</summary>
        private SymbolicRegexMatcher(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> rootNode, int captureCount, RegexFindOptimizations findOptimizations, TimeSpan matchTimeout)
            Debug.Assert(builder._solver is UInt64Solver or BitVectorSolver, $"Unsupported solver: {builder._solver}");
            _pattern = rootNode;
            _builder = builder;
            _checkTimeout = Regex.InfiniteMatchTimeout != matchTimeout;
            _timeout = (int)(matchTimeout.TotalMilliseconds + 0.5); // Round up, so it will be at least 1ms
            TSet[]? solverMinterms = builder._solver.GetMinterms();
            Debug.Assert(solverMinterms is not null);
            _minterms = solverMinterms;
            // BitOperations.Log2 gives the integer floor of the log, so the +1 below either rounds up with non-power-of-two
            // minterms or adds an extra bit with power-of-two minterms. The extra slot at index _minterms.Length is used to
            // represent an \n occurring at the very end of input, for supporting the \Z anchor.
            _mintermsLog = BitOperations.Log2((uint)_minterms.Length) + 1;
            _mintermClassifier = builder._solver is UInt64Solver bv64 ?
                bv64._classifier :
            _capsize = captureCount;
            // Initialization for fields in SymbolicRegexMatcher.Automata.cs
            _stateArray = new MatchingState<TSet>[InitialDfaStateCapacity];
            _stateFlagsArray = new StateFlags[InitialDfaStateCapacity];
            _dfaDelta = new int[InitialDfaStateCapacity << _mintermsLog];
            // Initialize a lookup array for the character kinds of each minterm ID. This includes one "special" minterm
            // ID _minterms.Length, which is used to represent a \n at the very end of input, and another ID -1,
            // which is used to represent any position outside the bounds of the input.
            _positionKinds = new uint[_minterms.Length + 2];
            for (int mintermId = -1; mintermId < _positionKinds.Length - 1; mintermId++)
                _positionKinds[mintermId + 1] = CalculateMintermIdKind(mintermId);
            // Store the find optimizations that can be used to jump ahead to the next possible starting location.
            // If there's a leading beginning anchor, the find optimizations are unnecessary on top of the DFA's
            // handling for beginning anchors.
            if (findOptimizations.IsUseful &&
                findOptimizations.LeadingAnchor is not RegexNodeKind.Beginning)
                _findOpts = findOptimizations;
            // Determine the number of initial states. If there's no anchor, only the default previous
            // character kind 0 is ever going to be used for all initial states.
            int statesCount = _pattern._info.ContainsSomeAnchor ? CharKind.CharKindCount : 1;
            // The loops below and how character kinds are calculated assume that the "general" character kind is zero
            Debug.Assert(CharKind.General == 0);
            // Create the initial states for the original pattern.
            var initialStates = new MatchingState<TSet>[statesCount];
            for (uint charKind = 0; charKind < initialStates.Length; charKind++)
                initialStates[charKind] = GetOrCreateState_NoLock(_pattern, charKind);
            _initialStates = initialStates;
            // Create the dot-star pattern (a concatenation of any* with the original pattern)
            // and all of its initial states.
            _dotStarredPattern = builder.CreateConcat(builder._anyStarLazy, _pattern);
            var dotstarredInitialStates = new MatchingState<TSet>[statesCount];
            for (uint charKind = 0; charKind < dotstarredInitialStates.Length; charKind++)
                // Used to detect if initial state was reentered,
                // but observe that the behavior from the state may ultimately depend on the previous
                // input char e.g. possibly causing nullability of \b or \B or of a start-of-line anchor,
                // in that sense there can be several "versions" (not more than StateCount) of the initial state.
                dotstarredInitialStates[charKind] = GetOrCreateState_NoLock(_dotStarredPattern, charKind, isInitialState: true);
            _dotstarredInitialStates = dotstarredInitialStates;
            // Create the reverse pattern (the original pattern in reverse order) and all of its
            // initial states. Also disable backtracking simulation to ensure the reverse path from
            // the final state that was found is followed. Not doing so might cause the earliest
            // starting point to not be found.
            _reversePattern = builder.CreateDisableBacktrackingSimulation(_pattern.Reverse(builder));
            var reverseInitialStates = new MatchingState<TSet>[statesCount];
            for (uint charKind = 0; charKind < reverseInitialStates.Length; charKind++)
                reverseInitialStates[charKind] = GetOrCreateState_NoLock(_reversePattern, charKind);
            _reverseInitialStates = reverseInitialStates;
            // Maps a minterm ID to a character kind
            uint CalculateMintermIdKind(int mintermId)
                // Only patterns with anchors use anything except the general kind
                if (_pattern._info.ContainsSomeAnchor)
                    // A minterm ID of -1 represents the positions before the first and after the last character
                    // in the input.
                    if (mintermId == -1)
                        return CharKind.BeginningEnd;
                    // A minterm ID of minterms.Length represents a \n at the very end of input, which is matched
                    // by the \Z anchor.
                    if ((uint)mintermId == (uint)_minterms.Length)
                        return CharKind.NewLineS;
                    TSet minterm = _minterms[mintermId];
                    // Examine the minterm to figure out its character kind
                    if (_builder._newLineSet.Equals(minterm))
                        // The minterm is a new line character
                        return CharKind.Newline;
                    else if (!Solver.IsEmpty(Solver.And(_builder._wordLetterForBoundariesSet, minterm)))
                        Debug.Assert(Solver.IsEmpty(Solver.And(Solver.Not(_builder._wordLetterForBoundariesSet), minterm)));
                        // The minterm is a subset of word letters as considered by \b and \B
                        return CharKind.WordLetter;
                // All other minterms belong to the general kind
                return CharKind.General;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a PerThreadData with the appropriate parts initialized for this matcher's pattern.
        /// </summary>
        internal PerThreadData CreatePerThreadData() => new PerThreadData(_capsize);
        /// <summary>Look up what is the character kind given a position ID</summary>
        private uint GetPositionKind(int positionId) => _positionKinds[positionId + 1];
        /// <summary>
        /// Lookup the actual minterm based on its ID. Also get its character kind, which is a general categorization of
        /// characters used for cheaply deciding the nullability of anchors.
        /// </summary>
        internal TSet GetMintermFromId(int mintermId)
            TSet[] minterms = _minterms;
            // A minterm ID of minterms.Length represents a \n at the very end of input, which is matched
            // by the \Z anchor.
            if ((uint)mintermId >= (uint)minterms.Length)
                return _builder._newLineSet;
            // Otherwise look up the minterm from the array
            return minterms[mintermId];
        private uint GetCharKind<TInputReader>(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int i)
            where TInputReader : struct, IInputReader => !_pattern._info.ContainsSomeAnchor ?
                CharKind.General : // The previous character kind is irrelevant when anchors are not used.
                GetPositionKind(TInputReader.GetPositionId(this, input, i));
        private void CheckTimeout(long timeoutOccursAt)
            if (Environment.TickCount64 >= timeoutOccursAt)
                throw new RegexMatchTimeoutException(string.Empty, string.Empty, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_timeout));
        /// <summary>Find a match.</summary>
        /// <param name="mode">The mode of execution based on the regex operation being performed.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The input span</param>
        /// <param name="startat">The position to start search in the input span.</param>
        /// <param name="perThreadData">Per thread data reused between calls.</param>
        public SymbolicMatch FindMatch(RegexRunnerMode mode, ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int startat, PerThreadData perThreadData)
            Debug.Assert(startat >= 0 && startat <= input.Length, $"{nameof(startat)} == {startat}, {nameof(input.Length)} == {input.Length}");
            Debug.Assert(perThreadData is not null);
            // If we need to perform timeout checks, store the absolute timeout value.
            long timeoutOccursAt = 0;
            if (_checkTimeout)
                // Using Environment.TickCount for efficiency instead of Stopwatch -- as in the non-DFA case.
                timeoutOccursAt = Environment.TickCount64 + _timeout;
            // Phase 1:
            // Determine the end point of the match.  The returned index is one-past-the-end index for the characters
            // in the match.  Note that -1 is a valid end point for an empty match at the beginning of the input.
            // It returns NoMatchExists (-2) when there is no match.
            // As an example, consider the pattern a{1,3}(b*) run against an input of aacaaaabbbc: phase 1 will find
            // the position of the last b: aacaaaabbbc.  It additionally records the position of the first a after
            // the c as the low boundary for the starting position.
            int matchStartLowBoundary, matchStartLengthMarker;
            int matchEnd = (_pattern._info.ContainsLineAnchor, _findOpts is not null, _pattern._info.ContainsSomeAnchor) switch
                (true, true, true) => FindEndPosition<FullInputReader, InitialStateFindOptimizationsHandler, FullNullabilityHandler>(input, startat, timeoutOccursAt, mode, out matchStartLowBoundary, out matchStartLengthMarker, perThreadData),
                (true, true, false) => FindEndPosition<FullInputReader, InitialStateFindOptimizationsHandler, NoAnchorsNullabilityHandler>(input, startat, timeoutOccursAt, mode, out matchStartLowBoundary, out matchStartLengthMarker, perThreadData),
                (true, false, true) => FindEndPosition<FullInputReader, NoOptimizationsInitialStateHandler, FullNullabilityHandler>(input, startat, timeoutOccursAt, mode, out matchStartLowBoundary, out matchStartLengthMarker, perThreadData),
                (true, false, false) => FindEndPosition<FullInputReader, NoOptimizationsInitialStateHandler, NoAnchorsNullabilityHandler>(input, startat, timeoutOccursAt, mode, out matchStartLowBoundary, out matchStartLengthMarker, perThreadData),
                (false, true, true) => FindEndPosition<NoZAnchorInputReader, InitialStateFindOptimizationsHandler, FullNullabilityHandler>(input, startat, timeoutOccursAt, mode, out matchStartLowBoundary, out matchStartLengthMarker, perThreadData),
                (false, true, false) => FindEndPosition<NoZAnchorInputReader, InitialStateFindOptimizationsHandler, NoAnchorsNullabilityHandler>(input, startat, timeoutOccursAt, mode, out matchStartLowBoundary, out matchStartLengthMarker, perThreadData),
                (false, false, true) => FindEndPosition<NoZAnchorInputReader, NoOptimizationsInitialStateHandler, FullNullabilityHandler>(input, startat, timeoutOccursAt, mode, out matchStartLowBoundary, out matchStartLengthMarker, perThreadData),
                (false, false, false) => FindEndPosition<NoZAnchorInputReader, NoOptimizationsInitialStateHandler, NoAnchorsNullabilityHandler>(input, startat, timeoutOccursAt, mode, out matchStartLowBoundary, out matchStartLengthMarker, perThreadData),
            // If there wasn't a match, we're done.
            if (matchEnd == NoMatchExists)
                return SymbolicMatch.NoMatch;
            // A match exists. If we don't need further details, e.g. because IsMatch was used (and thus we don't
            // need the exact bounds of the match, captures, etc.), we're done.
            if (mode == RegexRunnerMode.ExistenceRequired)
                return SymbolicMatch.MatchExists;
            // Phase 2:
            // Match backwards through the input matching against the reverse of the pattern, looking for the earliest
            // start position.  That tells us the actual starting position of the match.  We can skip this phase if we
            // recorded a fixed-length marker for the portion of the pattern that matched, as we can then jump that
            // exact number of positions backwards.  Continuing the previous example, phase 2 will walk backwards from
            // that last b until it finds the 4th a: aaabbbc.
            int matchStart;
            if (matchStartLengthMarker >= 0)
                matchStart = matchEnd - matchStartLengthMarker;
                Debug.Assert(matchEnd >= startat - 1);
                matchStart = matchEnd < startat ?
                    startat : (_pattern._info.ContainsLineAnchor, _pattern._info.ContainsSomeAnchor) switch
                        (true, true) => FindStartPosition<FullInputReader, FullNullabilityHandler>(input, matchEnd, matchStartLowBoundary, perThreadData),
                        (true, false) => FindStartPosition<FullInputReader, NoAnchorsNullabilityHandler>(input, matchEnd, matchStartLowBoundary, perThreadData),
                        (false, true) => FindStartPosition<NoZAnchorInputReader, FullNullabilityHandler>(input, matchEnd, matchStartLowBoundary, perThreadData),
                        (false, false) => FindStartPosition<NoZAnchorInputReader, NoAnchorsNullabilityHandler>(input, matchEnd, matchStartLowBoundary, perThreadData),
            // Phase 3:
            // If there are no subcaptures (or if they're not needed), the matching process is done.  For patterns with subcaptures
            // (captures other than the top-level capture for the whole match), we need to do an additional pass to find their bounds.
            // Continuing for the previous example, phase 3 will be executed for the characters inside the match, aaabbbc,
            // and will find associate the one capture (b*) with it's match: bbb.
            if (!HasSubcaptures || mode < RegexRunnerMode.FullMatchRequired)
                return new SymbolicMatch(matchStart, matchEnd - matchStart);
                Registers endRegisters = _pattern._info.ContainsLineAnchor ?
                    FindSubcaptures<FullInputReader>(input, matchStart, matchEnd, perThreadData) :
                    FindSubcaptures<NoZAnchorInputReader>(input, matchStart, matchEnd, perThreadData);
                return new SymbolicMatch(matchStart, matchEnd - matchStart, endRegisters.CaptureStarts, endRegisters.CaptureEnds);
        /// <summary>Performs the initial Phase 1 match to find the end position of the match, or first final state if this is an isMatch call.</summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input text.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">The starting position in <paramref name="input"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="timeoutOccursAt">The time at which timeout occurs, if timeouts are being checked.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The mode of execution based on the regex operation being performed.</param>
        /// <param name="initialStatePos">The last position the initial state of <see cref="_dotStarredPattern"/> was visited before the end position was found.</param>
        /// <param name="matchLength">Length of the match if there's a match; otherwise, -1.</param>
        /// <param name="perThreadData">Per thread data reused between calls.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A one-past-the-end index into input for the preferred match, or first final state position if isMatch is true, or NoMatchExists if no match exists.
        /// </returns>
        private int FindEndPosition<TInputReader, TFindOptimizationsHandler, TNullabilityHandler>(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int pos, long timeoutOccursAt, RegexRunnerMode mode, out int initialStatePos, out int matchLength, PerThreadData perThreadData)
            where TInputReader : struct, IInputReader
            where TFindOptimizationsHandler : struct, IInitialStateHandler
            where TNullabilityHandler : struct, INullabilityHandler
            initialStatePos = pos;
            int initialStatePosCandidate = pos;
            var currentState = new CurrentState(_dotstarredInitialStates[GetCharKind<TInputReader>(input, pos - 1)]);
            int endPos = NoMatchExists;
            int endStateId = -1;
            while (true)
                // Now run the DFA or NFA traversal from the current point using the current state. If timeouts are being checked,
                // we need to pop out of the inner loop every now and then to do the timeout check in this outer loop. Note that
                // the timeout exists not to provide perfect guarantees around execution time but rather as a mitigation against
                // catastrophic backtracking.  Catastrophic backtracking is not an issue for the NonBacktracking engine, but we
                // still check the timeout now and again to provide some semblance of the behavior a developer experiences with
                // the backtracking engines.  We can, however, choose a large number here, since it's not actually needed for security.
                const int CharsPerTimeoutCheck = 1_000;
                int innerLoopLength = _checkTimeout && input.Length - pos > CharsPerTimeoutCheck ?
                    pos + CharsPerTimeoutCheck :
                bool done = currentState.NfaState is not null ?
                    FindEndPositionDeltas<NfaStateHandler, TInputReader, TFindOptimizationsHandler, TNullabilityHandler>(input, innerLoopLength, mode, ref pos, ref currentState, ref endPos, ref endStateId, ref initialStatePos, ref initialStatePosCandidate) :
                    FindEndPositionDeltas<DfaStateHandler, TInputReader, TFindOptimizationsHandler, TNullabilityHandler>(input, innerLoopLength, mode, ref pos, ref currentState, ref endPos, ref endStateId, ref initialStatePos, ref initialStatePosCandidate);
                // If the inner loop indicates that the search finished (for example due to reaching a deadend state) or
                // there is no more input available, then the whole search is done.
                if (done || pos >= input.Length)
                // The search did not finish, so we either failed to transition (which should only happen if we were in DFA mode and
                // need to switch over to NFA mode) or ran out of input in the inner loop. Check if the inner loop still had more
                // input available.
                if (pos < innerLoopLength)
                    // Because there was still more input available, a failure to transition in DFA mode must be the cause
                    // of the early exit. Upgrade to NFA mode.
                    NfaMatchingState nfaState = perThreadData.NfaState;
                    nfaState.InitializeFrom(this, GetState(currentState.DfaStateId));
                    currentState = new CurrentState(nfaState);
                // Check for a timeout before continuing.
                if (_checkTimeout)
            // Check whether there's a fixed-length marker for the current state.  If there is, we can
            // use that length to optimize subsequent matching phases.
            matchLength = endStateId > 0 ? GetState(endStateId).FixedLength(GetCharKind<TInputReader>(input, endPos)) : -1;
            return endPos;
        /// <summary>
        /// Workhorse inner loop for <see cref="FindEndPosition"/>.  Consumes the <paramref name="input"/> character by character,
        /// starting at <paramref name="posRef"/>, for each character transitioning from one state in the DFA or NFA graph to the next state,
        /// lazily building out the graph as needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <typeparamref name="TStateHandler"/> supplies the actual transitioning logic, controlling whether processing is
        /// performed in DFA mode or in NFA mode.  However, it expects <paramref name="state"/> to be configured to match,
        /// so for example if <typeparamref name="TStateHandler"/> is a <see cref="DfaStateHandler"/>, it expects the <paramref name="state"/>'s
        /// <see cref="CurrentState.DfaStateId"/> to be non-negative and its <see cref="CurrentState.NfaState"/> to be null; vice versa for
        /// <see cref="NfaStateHandler"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>
        /// A positive value if iteration completed because it reached a deadend state or nullable state and the call is an isMatch.
        /// 0 if iteration completed because we reached an initial state.
        /// A negative value if iteration completed because we ran out of input or we failed to transition.
        /// </returns>
        private bool FindEndPositionDeltas<TStateHandler, TInputReader, TFindOptimizationsHandler, TNullabilityHandler>(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int length, RegexRunnerMode mode,
                ref int posRef, ref CurrentState state, ref int endPosRef, ref int endStateIdRef, ref int initialStatePosRef, ref int initialStatePosCandidateRef)
            where TStateHandler : struct, IStateHandler
            where TInputReader : struct, IInputReader
            where TFindOptimizationsHandler : struct, IInitialStateHandler
            where TNullabilityHandler : struct, INullabilityHandler
            // To avoid frequent reads/writes to ref and out values, make and operate on local copies, which we then copy back once before returning.
            int pos = posRef;
            int endPos = endPosRef;
            int endStateId = endStateIdRef;
            int initialStatePos = initialStatePosRef;
            int initialStatePosCandidate = initialStatePosCandidateRef;
                // Loop through each character in the input, transitioning from state to state for each.
                while (true)
                    StateFlags flags = TStateHandler.GetStateFlags(this, in state);
                    // Check if currentState represents an initial state. If it does, call into any possible find optimizations
                    // to hopefully more quickly find the next possible starting location.
                    if (flags.IsInitial())
                        if (!TFindOptimizationsHandler.TryFindNextStartingPosition<TInputReader>(this, input, ref state, ref pos))
                            return true;
                        initialStatePosCandidate = pos;
                    // If the state is a dead end, such that we can't transition anywhere else, end the search.
                    if (flags.IsDeadend())
                        return true;
                    int positionId = TInputReader.GetPositionId(this, input, pos);
                    // If the state is nullable for the next character, meaning it accepts the empty string,
                    // we found a potential end state.
                    if (TNullabilityHandler.IsNullableAt<TStateHandler>(this, in state, positionId, flags))
                        endPos = pos;
                        endStateId = TStateHandler.ExtractNullableCoreStateId(this, in state, input, pos);
                        initialStatePos = initialStatePosCandidate;
                        // A match is known to exist.  If that's all we need to know, we're done.
                        if (mode == RegexRunnerMode.ExistenceRequired)
                            return true;
                    // If there is more input available try to transition with the next character.
                    if (pos >= length || !TStateHandler.TryTakeTransition(this, ref state, positionId))
                        return false;
                    // We successfully transitioned, so update our current input index to match.
                // Write back the local copies of the ref values.
                posRef = pos;
                endPosRef = endPos;
                endStateIdRef = endStateId;
                initialStatePosRef = initialStatePos;
                initialStatePosCandidateRef = initialStatePosCandidate;
        /// <summary>
        /// Phase 2 of matching. From a found ending position, walk in reverse through the input using the reverse pattern to find the
        /// start position of match.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The start position is known to exist; this function just needs to determine exactly what it is.
        /// We need to find the earliest (lowest index) starting position that's not earlier than <paramref name="matchStartBoundary"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="input">The input text.</param>
        /// <param name="i">The ending position to walk backwards from. <paramref name="i"/> points one past the last character of the match.</param>
        /// <param name="matchStartBoundary">The initial starting location discovered in phase 1, a point we must not walk earlier than.</param>
        /// <param name="perThreadData">Per thread data reused between calls.</param>
        /// <returns>The found starting position for the match.</returns>
        private int FindStartPosition<TInputReader, TNullabilityHandler>(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int i, int matchStartBoundary, PerThreadData perThreadData)
            where TInputReader : struct, IInputReader
            where TNullabilityHandler : struct, INullabilityHandler
            Debug.Assert(i >= 0, $"{nameof(i)} == {i}");
            Debug.Assert(matchStartBoundary >= 0 && matchStartBoundary <= input.Length, $"{nameof(matchStartBoundary)} == {matchStartBoundary}");
            Debug.Assert(i >= matchStartBoundary, $"Expected {i} >= {matchStartBoundary}.");
            // Get the starting state for the reverse pattern. This depends on previous character (which, because we're
            // going backwards, is character number i).
            var currentState = new CurrentState(_reverseInitialStates[GetCharKind<TInputReader>(input, i)]);
            int lastStart = -1; // invalid sentinel value
            // Walk backwards to the furthest accepting state of the reverse pattern but no earlier than matchStartBoundary.
            while (true)
                // Run the DFA or NFA traversal backwards from the current point using the current state.
                bool done = currentState.NfaState is not null ?
                    FindStartPositionDeltas<NfaStateHandler, TInputReader, TNullabilityHandler>(input, ref i, matchStartBoundary, ref currentState, ref lastStart) :
                    FindStartPositionDeltas<DfaStateHandler, TInputReader, TNullabilityHandler>(input, ref i, matchStartBoundary, ref currentState, ref lastStart);
                // If we found the starting position, we're done.
                if (done)
                // We didn't find the starting position but we did exit out of the backwards traversal.  That should only happen
                // if we were unable to transition, which should only happen if we were in DFA mode and exceeded our graph size.
                // Upgrade to NFA mode and continue.
                Debug.Assert(i >= matchStartBoundary);
                NfaMatchingState nfaState = perThreadData.NfaState;
                nfaState.InitializeFrom(this, GetState(currentState.DfaStateId));
                currentState = new CurrentState(nfaState);
            Debug.Assert(lastStart != -1, "We expected to find a starting position but didn't.");
            return lastStart;
        /// <summary>
        /// Workhorse inner loop for <see cref="FindStartPosition"/>.  Consumes the <paramref name="input"/> character by character in reverse,
        /// starting at <paramref name="i"/>, for each character transitioning from one state in the DFA or NFA graph to the next state,
        /// lazily building out the graph as needed.
        /// </summary>
        private bool FindStartPositionDeltas<TStateHandler, TInputReader, TNullabilityHandler>(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, ref int i, int startThreshold, ref CurrentState state, ref int lastStart)
            where TStateHandler : struct, IStateHandler
            where TInputReader : struct, IInputReader
            where TNullabilityHandler : struct, INullabilityHandler
            // To avoid frequent reads/writes to ref values, make and operate on local copies, which we then copy back once before returning.
            int pos = i;
                // Loop backwards through each character in the input, transitioning from state to state for each.
                while (true)
                    StateFlags flags = TStateHandler.GetStateFlags(this, in state);
                    int positionId = TInputReader.GetPositionId(this, input, pos - 1);
                    // If the state accepts the empty string, we found a valid starting position.  Record it and keep going,
                    // since we're looking for the earliest one to occur within bounds.
                    if (TNullabilityHandler.IsNullableAt<TStateHandler>(this, in state, positionId, flags))
                        lastStart = pos;
                    // If we are past the start threshold or if the state is a dead end, bail; we should have already
                    // found a valid starting location.
                    if (pos <= startThreshold || flags.IsDeadend())
                        Debug.Assert(lastStart != -1);
                        return true;
                    // Try to transition with the next character, the one before the current position.
                    if (!TStateHandler.TryTakeTransition(this, ref state, positionId))
                        // Return false to indicate the search didn't finish.
                        return false;
                    // Since we successfully transitioned, update our current index to match the fact that we consumed the previous character in the input.
                // Write back the local copies of the ref values.
                i = pos;
        /// <summary>Run the pattern on a match to record the capture starts and ends.</summary>
        /// <param name="input">input span</param>
        /// <param name="i">inclusive start position</param>
        /// <param name="iEnd">exclusive end position</param>
        /// <param name="perThreadData">Per thread data reused between calls.</param>
        /// <returns>the final register values, which indicate capture starts and ends</returns>
        private Registers FindSubcaptures<TInputReader>(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int i, int iEnd, PerThreadData perThreadData)
            where TInputReader : struct, IInputReader
            // Pick the correct start state based on previous character kind.
            MatchingState<TSet> initialState = _initialStates[GetCharKind<TInputReader>(input, i - 1)];
            Registers initialRegisters = perThreadData.InitialRegisters;
            // Initialize registers with -1, which means "not seen yet"
            Array.Fill(initialRegisters.CaptureStarts, -1);
            Array.Fill(initialRegisters.CaptureEnds, -1);
            // Use two maps from state IDs to register values for the current and next set of states.
            // Note that these maps use insertion order, which is used to maintain priorities between states in a way
            // that matches the order the backtracking engines visit paths.
            Debug.Assert(perThreadData.Current is not null && perThreadData.Next is not null);
            SparseIntMap<Registers> current = perThreadData.Current, next = perThreadData.Next;
            ForEachNfaState(initialState.Node, initialState.PrevCharKind, (current, initialRegisters),
                static (int nfaId, (SparseIntMap<Registers> Current, Registers InitialRegisters) args) =>
                    args.Current.Add(nfaId, args.InitialRegisters.Clone()));
            while ((uint)i < (uint)iEnd)
                Debug.Assert(next.Count == 0);
                // i is guaranteed to be within bounds, so the position ID is a minterm ID
                int mintermId = TInputReader.GetPositionId(this, input, i);
                foreach ((int sourceId, Registers sourceRegisters) in current.Values)
                    // Get or create the transitions
                    int offset = DeltaOffset(sourceId, mintermId);
                    (int, DerivativeEffect[])[] transitions = _capturingNfaDelta[offset] ??
                        CreateNewCapturingTransition(sourceId, mintermId, offset);
                    // Take the transitions in their prioritized order
                    for (int j = 0; j < transitions.Length; ++j)
                        (int targetStateId, DerivativeEffect[] effects) = transitions[j];
                        // Try to add the state and handle the case where it didn't exist before. If the state already
                        // exists, then the transition can be safely ignored, as the existing state was generated by a
                        // higher priority transition.
                        if (next.Add(targetStateId, out int index))
                            // Avoid copying the registers on the last transition from this state, reusing the registers instead
                            Registers newRegisters = j != transitions.Length - 1 ? sourceRegisters.Clone() : sourceRegisters;
                            newRegisters.ApplyEffects(effects, i);
                            next.Update(index, targetStateId, newRegisters);
                            int coreStateId = GetCoreStateId(targetStateId);
                            StateFlags flags = _stateFlagsArray[coreStateId];
                            if (flags.IsNullable() || (flags.CanBeNullable() && GetState(coreStateId).IsNullableFor(GetCharKind<TInputReader>(input, i + 1))))
                                // No lower priority transitions from this or other source states are taken because the
                                // backtracking engines would return the match ending here.
                                goto BreakNullable;
                // Swap the state sets and prepare for the next character
                SparseIntMap<Registers> tmp = current;
                current = next;
                next = tmp;
            Debug.Assert(current.Count > 0);
            foreach (var (endStateId, endRegisters) in current.Values)
                MatchingState<TSet> endState = GetState(GetCoreStateId(endStateId));
                if (endState.IsNullableFor(GetCharKind<TInputReader>(input, iEnd)))
                    // Apply effects for finishing at the stored end state
                    endState.Node.ApplyEffects((effect, args) => args.Registers.ApplyEffect(effect, args.Pos),
                        CharKind.Context(endState.PrevCharKind, GetCharKind<TInputReader>(input, iEnd)), (Registers: endRegisters, Pos: iEnd));
                    return endRegisters;
            Debug.Fail("No nullable state found in the set of end states");
            return default;
        /// <summary>Stores additional data for tracking capture start and end positions.</summary>
        /// <remarks>The NFA simulation based third phase has one of these for each current state in the current set of live states.</remarks>
        internal struct Registers(int[] captureStarts, int[] captureEnds)
            public int[] CaptureStarts { get; set; } = captureStarts;
            public int[] CaptureEnds { get; set; } = captureEnds;
            /// <summary>
            /// Applies a list of effects in order to these registers at the provided input position. The order of effects
            /// should not matter though, as multiple effects to the same capture start or end do not arise.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="effects">list of effects to be applied</param>
            /// <param name="pos">the current input position to record</param>
            public void ApplyEffects(DerivativeEffect[] effects, int pos)
                foreach (DerivativeEffect effect in effects)
                    ApplyEffect(effect, pos);
            /// <summary>
            /// Apply a single effect to these registers at the provided input position.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="effect">the effecto to be applied</param>
            /// <param name="pos">the current input position to record</param>
            public void ApplyEffect(DerivativeEffect effect, int pos)
                switch (effect.Kind)
                    case DerivativeEffectKind.CaptureStart:
                        CaptureStarts[effect.CaptureNumber] = pos;
                    case DerivativeEffectKind.CaptureEnd:
                        CaptureEnds[effect.CaptureNumber] = pos;
            /// <summary>
            /// Make a copy of this set of registers.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Registers pointing to copies of this set of registers</returns>
            public Registers Clone() => new Registers((int[])CaptureStarts.Clone(), (int[])CaptureEnds.Clone());
            /// <summary>
            /// Copy register values from another set of registers, possibly allocating new arrays if they were not yet allocated.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="other">the registers to copy from</param>
            public void Assign(Registers other)
                if (CaptureStarts is not null && CaptureEnds is not null)
                    Debug.Assert(CaptureStarts.Length == other.CaptureStarts.Length);
                    Debug.Assert(CaptureEnds.Length == other.CaptureEnds.Length);
                    Array.Copy(other.CaptureStarts, CaptureStarts, CaptureStarts.Length);
                    Array.Copy(other.CaptureEnds, CaptureEnds, CaptureEnds.Length);
                    CaptureStarts = (int[])other.CaptureStarts.Clone();
                    CaptureEnds = (int[])other.CaptureEnds.Clone();
        /// <summary>
        /// Per thread data to be held by the regex runner and passed into every call to FindMatch. This is used to
        /// avoid repeated memory allocation.
        /// </summary>
        internal sealed class PerThreadData
            public readonly NfaMatchingState NfaState;
            /// <summary>Maps used for the capturing third phase.</summary>
            public readonly SparseIntMap<Registers>? Current, Next;
            /// <summary>Registers used for the capturing third phase.</summary>
            public readonly Registers InitialRegisters;
            public PerThreadData(int capsize)
                NfaState = new NfaMatchingState();
                // Only create data used for capturing mode if there are subcaptures
                if (capsize > 1)
                    Current = new SparseIntMap<Registers>();
                    Next = new SparseIntMap<Registers>();
                    InitialRegisters = new Registers(new int[capsize], new int[capsize]);
        /// <summary>Stores the state that represents a current state in NFA mode.</summary>
        /// <remarks>The entire state is composed of a list of individual states.</remarks>
        /// <remarks>New instances should only be created once per runner.</remarks>
        internal sealed class NfaMatchingState
            /// <summary>Ordered set used to store the current NFA states.</summary>
            /// <remarks>The value is unused.  The type is used purely for its keys.</remarks>
            public SparseIntMap<int> NfaStateSet = new();
            /// <summary>Scratch set to swap with <see cref="NfaStateSet"/> on each transition.</summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// On each transition, <see cref="NfaStateSetScratch"/> is cleared and filled with the next
            /// states computed from the current states in <see cref="NfaStateSet"/>, and then the sets
            /// are swapped so the scratch becomes the current and the current becomes the scratch.
            /// </remarks>
            public SparseIntMap<int> NfaStateSetScratch = new();
            /// <summary>Resets this NFA state to represent the supplied DFA state.</summary>
            /// <param name="matcher"></param>
            /// <param name="dfaMatchingState">The DFA state to use to initialize the NFA state.</param>
            public void InitializeFrom(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, MatchingState<TSet> dfaMatchingState)
                // If the DFA state is a union of multiple DFA states, loop through all of them
                // adding an NFA state for each.
                matcher.ForEachNfaState(dfaMatchingState.Node, dfaMatchingState.PrevCharKind, NfaStateSet,
                    static (int nfaId, SparseIntMap<int> nfaStateSet) => nfaStateSet.Add(nfaId, out _));
        /// <summary>Represents a current state in a DFA or NFA graph walk while processing a regular expression.</summary>
        /// <remarks>This is a discriminated union between a DFA state and an NFA state. One and only one will be non-null.</remarks>
        private struct CurrentState
            /// <summary>Initializes the state as a DFA state.</summary>
            public CurrentState(MatchingState<TSet> dfaState)
                DfaStateId = dfaState.Id;
                NfaState = null;
            /// <summary>Initializes the state as an NFA state.</summary>
            public CurrentState(NfaMatchingState nfaState)
                DfaStateId = -1;
                NfaState = nfaState;
            /// <summary>The DFA state.</summary>
            public int DfaStateId;
            /// <summary>The NFA state.</summary>
            public NfaMatchingState? NfaState;
        /// <summary>Represents a set of routines for operating over a <see cref="CurrentState"/>.</summary>
        private interface IStateHandler
            public static abstract bool StartsWithLineAnchor(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state);
            public static abstract bool IsNullableFor(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, uint nextCharKind);
            public static abstract int ExtractNullableCoreStateId(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int pos);
            public static abstract int FixedLength(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, uint nextCharKind);
            public static abstract bool TryTakeTransition(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, ref CurrentState state, int mintermId);
            public static abstract StateFlags GetStateFlags(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state);
        /// <summary>An <see cref="IStateHandler"/> for operating over <see cref="CurrentState"/> instances configured as DFA states.</summary>
        private readonly struct DfaStateHandler : IStateHandler
            public static bool StartsWithLineAnchor(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state) => matcher.GetState(state.DfaStateId).StartsWithLineAnchor;
            public static bool IsNullableFor(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, uint nextCharKind) => matcher.GetState(state.DfaStateId).IsNullableFor(nextCharKind);
            /// <summary>Gets the preferred DFA state for nullability. In DFA mode this is just the state itself.</summary>
            public static int ExtractNullableCoreStateId(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int pos) => state.DfaStateId;
            /// <summary>Gets the length of any fixed-length marker that exists for this state, or -1 if there is none.</summary>
            public static int FixedLength(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, uint nextCharKind) => matcher.GetState(state.DfaStateId).FixedLength(nextCharKind);
            /// <summary>Take the transition to the next DFA state.</summary>
            public static bool TryTakeTransition(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, ref CurrentState state, int mintermId)
                Debug.Assert(state.DfaStateId > 0, $"Expected non-zero {nameof(state.DfaStateId)}.");
                Debug.Assert(state.NfaState is null, $"Expected null {nameof(state.NfaState)}.");
                // Use the mintermId for the character being read to look up which state to transition to.
                // If that state has already been materialized, move to it, and we're done. If that state
                // hasn't been materialized, try to create it; if we can, move to it, and we're done.
                int dfaOffset = matcher.DeltaOffset(state.DfaStateId, mintermId);
                int nextStateId = matcher._dfaDelta[dfaOffset];
                if (nextStateId > 0)
                    // There was an existing DFA transition to some state. Move to it and
                    // return that we're still operating as a DFA and can keep going.
                    state.DfaStateId = nextStateId;
                    return true;
                if (matcher.TryCreateNewTransition(matcher.GetState(state.DfaStateId), mintermId, dfaOffset, checkThreshold: true, out MatchingState<TSet>? nextState))
                    // We were able to create a new DFA transition to some state. Move to it and
                    // return that we're still operating as a DFA and can keep going.
                    state.DfaStateId = nextState.Id;
                    return true;
                return false;
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets context independent state information:
            /// - whether this is an initial state
            /// - whether this is a dead-end state, meaning there are no transitions possible out of the state
            /// - whether this state is unconditionally nullable
            /// - whether this state may be contextually nullable
            /// </summary>
            public static StateFlags GetStateFlags(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state)
                => matcher._stateFlagsArray[state.DfaStateId];
        /// <summary>An <see cref="IStateHandler"/> for operating over <see cref="CurrentState"/> instances configured as NFA states.</summary>
        private readonly struct NfaStateHandler : IStateHandler
            /// <summary>Check if any underlying core state starts with a line anchor.</summary>
            public static bool StartsWithLineAnchor(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state)
                foreach (ref KeyValuePair<int, int> nfaState in CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(state.NfaState!.NfaStateSet.Values))
                    if (matcher.GetState(matcher.GetCoreStateId(nfaState.Key)).StartsWithLineAnchor)
                        return true;
                return false;
            /// <summary>Check if any underlying core state is nullable in the context of the next character kind.</summary>
            public static bool IsNullableFor(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, uint nextCharKind)
                foreach (ref KeyValuePair<int, int> nfaState in CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(state.NfaState!.NfaStateSet.Values))
                    if (matcher.GetState(matcher.GetCoreStateId(nfaState.Key)).IsNullableFor(nextCharKind))
                        return true;
                return false;
            /// <summary>Gets the preferred DFA state for nullability. In DFA mode this is just the state itself.</summary>
            public static int ExtractNullableCoreStateId(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int pos)
                uint nextCharKind = matcher.GetCharKind<FullInputReader>(input, pos);
                foreach (ref KeyValuePair<int, int> nfaState in CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(state.NfaState!.NfaStateSet.Values))
                    MatchingState<TSet> coreState = matcher.GetState(matcher.GetCoreStateId(nfaState.Key));
                    if (coreState.IsNullableFor(nextCharKind))
                        return coreState.Id;
                Debug.Fail("ExtractNullableCoreStateId should only be called in nullable state/context.");
                return -1;
            /// <summary>Gets the length of any fixed-length marker that exists for this state, or -1 if there is none.</summary>
            public static int FixedLength(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, uint nextCharKind)
                foreach (ref KeyValuePair<int, int> nfaState in CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(state.NfaState!.NfaStateSet.Values))
                    MatchingState<TSet> coreState = matcher.GetState(matcher.GetCoreStateId(nfaState.Key));
                    if (coreState.IsNullableFor(nextCharKind))
                        return coreState.FixedLength(nextCharKind);
                Debug.Fail("FixedLength should only be called in nullable state/context.");
                return -1;
            /// <summary>Take the transition to the next NFA state.</summary>
            public static bool TryTakeTransition(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, ref CurrentState state, int mintermId)
                Debug.Assert(state.DfaStateId < 0, $"Expected negative {nameof(state.DfaStateId)}.");
                Debug.Assert(state.NfaState is not null, $"Expected non-null {nameof(state.NfaState)}.");
                NfaMatchingState nfaState = state.NfaState!;
                // Grab the sets, swapping the current active states set with the scratch set.
                SparseIntMap<int> nextStates = nfaState.NfaStateSetScratch;
                SparseIntMap<int> sourceStates = nfaState.NfaStateSet;
                nfaState.NfaStateSet = nextStates;
                nfaState.NfaStateSetScratch = sourceStates;
                // Compute the set of all unique next states from the current source states and the mintermId.
                if (sourceStates.Count == 1)
                    // We have a single source state.  We know its next states are already deduped,
                    // so we can just add them directly to the destination states list.
                    foreach (int nextState in GetNextStates(sourceStates.Values[0].Key, mintermId, matcher))
                        nextStates.Add(nextState, out _);
                        // Nothing is required for backtracking simulation here, since there's just one state so the
                        // transition itself already handles it.
                    // We have multiple source states, so we need to potentially dedup across each of
                    // their next states.  For each source state, get its next states, adding each into
                    // our set (which exists purely for deduping purposes), and if we successfully added
                    // to the set, then add the known-unique state to the destination list.
                    uint nextCharKind = matcher.GetPositionKind(mintermId);
                    foreach (ref KeyValuePair<int, int> sourceState in CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(sourceStates.Values))
                        foreach (int nextState in GetNextStates(sourceState.Key, mintermId, matcher))
                            nextStates.Add(nextState, out _);
                        // To simulate backtracking, if a source state is nullable then no further transitions are taken
                        // as the backtracking engines would prefer the match ending here.
                        int coreStateId = matcher.GetCoreStateId(sourceState.Key);
                        StateFlags flags = matcher._stateFlagsArray[coreStateId];
                        if (flags.SimulatesBacktracking() &&
                            (flags.IsNullable() || (flags.CanBeNullable() && matcher.GetState(coreStateId).IsNullableFor(nextCharKind))))
                return true;
                static int[] GetNextStates(int sourceState, int mintermId, SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher)
                    // Calculate the offset into the NFA transition table.
                    int nfaOffset = matcher.DeltaOffset(sourceState, mintermId);
                    // Get the next NFA state.
                    return matcher._nfaDelta[nfaOffset] ?? matcher.CreateNewNfaTransition(sourceState, mintermId, nfaOffset);
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets context independent state information:
            /// - whether this is an initial state
            /// - whether this is a dead-end state, meaning there are no transitions possible out of the state
            /// - whether this state is unconditionally nullable
            /// - whether this state may be contextually nullable
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// In NFA mode:
            /// - an empty set of states means that it is a dead end
            /// - no set of states qualifies as an initial state. This could be made more accurate, but with that the
            ///   matching logic would need to be updated to handle the fact that <see cref="InitialStateFindOptimizationsHandler"/>
            ///   can transition back to a DFA state.
            /// </remarks>
            public static StateFlags GetStateFlags(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state)
                SparseIntMap<int> stateSet = state.NfaState!.NfaStateSet;
                if (stateSet.Count == 0)
                    // In NFA state sets dead ends are never included. Instead an empty set of states represents a dead end.
                    return StateFlags.IsDeadendFlag;
                    // Build the flags for the set of states by taking a bitwise Or of all the per-state flags and then
                    // masking out the irrelevant ones. This works because IsNullable and CanBeNullable should be true if
                    // they are true for any state in the set; SimulatesBacktracking is true for all the states if
                    // it is true for any state (since it is a phase-wide property); and all other flags are masked out.
                    StateFlags flags = 0;
                    foreach (ref KeyValuePair<int, int> nfaState in CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(stateSet.Values))
                        flags |= matcher._stateFlagsArray[matcher.GetCoreStateId(nfaState.Key)];
                    return flags & (StateFlags.IsNullableFlag | StateFlags.CanBeNullableFlag | StateFlags.SimulatesBacktrackingFlag);
            /// <summary>Undo a previous call to <see cref="TryTakeTransition"/>.</summary>
            public static void UndoTransition(ref CurrentState state)
                Debug.Assert(state.DfaStateId < 0, $"Expected negative {nameof(state.DfaStateId)}.");
                Debug.Assert(state.NfaState is not null, $"Expected non-null {nameof(state.NfaState)}.");
                NfaMatchingState nfaState = state.NfaState!;
                // Swap the current active states set with the scratch set to undo a previous transition.
                SparseIntMap<int> nextStates = nfaState.NfaStateSet;
                SparseIntMap<int> sourceStates = nfaState.NfaStateSetScratch;
                nfaState.NfaStateSet = sourceStates;
                nfaState.NfaStateSetScratch = nextStates;
                // Sanity check: if there are any next states, then there must have been some source states.
                Debug.Assert(nextStates.Count == 0 || sourceStates.Count > 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Interface for mapping positions in the input to position IDs, which capture all the information necessary to
        /// both take transitions and decide nullability. For positions of valid characters that are handled normally,
        /// these IDs coincide with minterm IDs (i.e. indices to <see cref="_minterms"/>). Positions outside the bounds
        /// of the input are mapped to -1. Optionally, an end-of-line as the very last character in the input may be
        /// mapped to _minterms.Length for supporting the \Z anchor.
        /// </summary>
        private interface IInputReader
            public static abstract int GetPositionId(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int pos);
        /// <summary>This reader omits the special handling of \n for the \Z anchor.</summary>
        private readonly struct NoZAnchorInputReader : IInputReader
            public static int GetPositionId(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int pos) =>
                (uint)pos >= (uint)input.Length ? -1 : matcher._mintermClassifier.GetMintermID(input[pos]);
        /// <summary>This reader includes full handling of an \n as the last character of input for the \Z anchor.</summary>
        private readonly struct FullInputReader : IInputReader
            public static int GetPositionId(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int pos)
                if ((uint)pos >= (uint)input.Length)
                    return -1;
                int c = input[pos];
                // Find the minterm, handling the special case for the last \n for states that start with a relevant anchor
                return c == '\n' && pos == input.Length - 1 ?
                    matcher._minterms.Length : // mintermId = minterms.Length represents an \n at the very end of input
        /// <summary>
        /// Interface for optimizations to accelerate search from initial states.
        /// </summary>
        private interface IInitialStateHandler
            public static abstract bool TryFindNextStartingPosition<TInputReader>(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, ReadOnlySpan<char> input, ref CurrentState state, ref int pos)
                where TInputReader : struct, IInputReader;
        /// <summary>
        /// No-op handler for when there are no initial state optimizations to apply.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly struct NoOptimizationsInitialStateHandler : IInitialStateHandler
            public static bool TryFindNextStartingPosition<TInputReader>(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, ReadOnlySpan<char> input, ref CurrentState state, ref int pos)
                where TInputReader : struct, IInputReader
                // return true to indicate that the current position is a possible starting position
                return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for when a <see cref="RegexFindOptimizations"/> instance is available.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly struct InitialStateFindOptimizationsHandler : IInitialStateHandler
            public static bool TryFindNextStartingPosition<TInputReader>(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, ReadOnlySpan<char> input, ref CurrentState state, ref int pos)
                where TInputReader : struct, IInputReader
                // Find the first position that matches with some likely character.
                if (!matcher._findOpts!.TryFindNextStartingPositionLeftToRight(input, ref pos, 0))
                    // No match exists
                    return false;
                // Update the starting state based on where TryFindNextStartingPosition moved us to.
                // As with the initial starting state, if it's a dead end, no match exists.
                state = new CurrentState(matcher._dotstarredInitialStates[matcher.GetCharKind<TInputReader>(input, pos - 1)]);
                return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Interface for evaluating nullability of states.
        /// </summary>
        private interface INullabilityHandler
            public static abstract bool IsNullableAt<TStateHandler>(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, int positionId, StateFlags flags)
                    where TStateHandler : struct, IStateHandler;
        /// <summary>
        /// Specialized nullability handler for patterns without any anchors.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly struct NoAnchorsNullabilityHandler : INullabilityHandler
            public static bool IsNullableAt<TStateHandler>(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, int positionId, StateFlags flags)
                where TStateHandler : struct, IStateHandler
                return flags.IsNullable();
        /// <summary>
        /// Nullability handler that will work for any pattern.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly struct FullNullabilityHandler : INullabilityHandler
            public static bool IsNullableAt<TStateHandler>(SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> matcher, in CurrentState state, int positionId, StateFlags flags)
                where TStateHandler : struct, IStateHandler
                return flags.IsNullable() || (flags.CanBeNullable() && TStateHandler.IsNullableFor(matcher, in state, matcher.GetPositionKind(positionId)));