File: System\Text\RegularExpressions\Symbolic\SymbolicRegexNode.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Text.RegularExpressions\src\System.Text.RegularExpressions.csproj (System.Text.RegularExpressions)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions.Symbolic
    /// <summary>Represents an abstract syntax tree node of a symbolic regex.</summary>
    internal sealed class SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> where TSet : IComparable<TSet>, IEquatable<TSet>
        internal const string EmptyCharClass = "[]";
        /// <summary>Some byte other than 0 to represent true</summary>
        internal const byte TrueByte = 1;
        /// <summary>Some byte other than 0 to represent false</summary>
        internal const byte FalseByte = 2;
        /// <summary>The undefined value is the default value 0</summary>
        internal const byte UndefinedByte = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Maximum recursion depth for subsumption rules before giving up.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// A regex R subsumes another regex S if all strings matching S are also matched by R.
        /// The subsumption check may do unproductive linear walks when subsumption doesn't hold. This depth limit helps
        /// curb the cost of these walks at the cost of sometimes not detecting subsumption. This limit should be set
        /// high enough that subsumption is detected in all typical cases. This limit of 50 still gives good performance
        /// in the stress tests.
        /// </remarks>
        internal const int SubsumptionCheckDepthLimit = 50;
        internal readonly SymbolicRegexNodeKind _kind;
        internal readonly int _lower;
        internal readonly int _upper;
        internal readonly TSet _set;
        internal readonly SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? _left;
        internal readonly SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? _right;
        internal readonly SymbolicRegexInfo _info;
        /// <summary>
        /// Caches nullability of this node for any given context (0 &lt;= context &lt; ContextLimit)
        /// when _info.StartsWithSomeAnchor and _info.CanBeNullable are true. Otherwise the cache is null.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly byte[]? _nullabilityCache;
        private readonly SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> _debugBuilder;
        /// <summary>AST node of a symbolic regex</summary>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder the node is associated with</param>
        /// <param name="kind">what kind of node</param>
        /// <param name="left">left child</param>
        /// <param name="right">right child</param>
        /// <param name="lower">lower bound of a loop</param>
        /// <param name="upper">upper boubd of a loop</param>
        /// <param name="set">singleton set</param>
        /// <param name="info">misc flags including laziness</param>
        private SymbolicRegexNode(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind kind, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? left, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? right, int lower, int upper, TSet set, SymbolicRegexInfo info)
            _kind = kind;
            _left = left;
            _right = right;
            _lower = lower;
            _upper = upper;
            _set = set;
            _info = info;
            _nullabilityCache = info.StartsWithSomeAnchor && info.CanBeNullable ? new byte[CharKind.ContextLimit] : null;
            _debugBuilder = builder;
        /// <summary> Create a new node or retrieve one from the builder _nodeCache</summary>
        private static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> Create(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind kind, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? left, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? right, int lower, int upper, TSet? set, SymbolicRegexInfo info)
            Debug.Assert(kind != SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton || set is not null);
            TSet setOrStartSet = kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton ? set! : ComputeStartSet(builder, kind, left, right);
            var key = new SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet>.NodeCacheKey(kind, left, right, lower, upper, setOrStartSet, info);
            if (!builder._nodeCache.TryGetValue(key, out SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? node))
                node = new SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>(builder, kind, left, right, lower, upper, setOrStartSet, info);
                builder._nodeCache[key] = node;
            return node;
        /// <summary>True if this node is lazy</summary>
        internal bool IsLazy => _info.IsLazyLoop;
        /// <summary>True if this node is high priority nullable</summary>
        internal bool IsHighPriorityNullable => _info.IsHighPriorityNullable;
        /// <summary>True if this node is high priority nullable for the given context</summary>
        internal bool IsHighPriorityNullableFor(uint context) => _info.CanBeNullable && IsHighPriorityNullableFor(this, context);
        /// <summary>Nullability test that determines if the node is high-priority-nullable for the given context</summary>
        private static bool IsHighPriorityNullableFor(SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> node, uint context)
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(IsHighPriorityNullableFor, node, context);
            //Observe that this test is lightweight when node does not include any anchors,
            //because in that case if node._info.IsHighPriorityNullable=false this cannot change for any context
            //deep recursion can only occur for deep left-associative concatenations that is uncommon
            //in all common cases deep recursion is avoided by using a while loop
            while (true)
                if (node._info.IsHighPriorityNullable || !node._info.ContainsSomeAnchor)
                    return node._info.IsHighPriorityNullable;
                switch (node._kind)
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                        //only a lazy loop with lower bound 0 is high-priority-nullable
                        return node._info.IsLazyLoop && node._lower == 0;
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                        Debug.Assert(node._left is not null && node._right is not null);
                        //both left and right must be high-priority-nullable
                        //observe that node.CanBeNullable implies that both node._left and node._right can be nullable
                        if (!IsHighPriorityNullableFor(node._left, context))
                            return false;
                        node = node._right;
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                        Debug.Assert(node._left is not null);
                        //the left alternative must be high-priority-nullable
                        //nullability of the right alternative does not matter
                        if (!node._left._info.CanBeNullable)
                            return false;
                        node = node._left;
                        // any remaining case must be an anchor or else next._info.IsHighPriorityNullable would have been true
                        Debug.Assert(node._kind is SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BeginningAnchor or
                            SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchor or
                            SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BOLAnchor or
                            SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EOLAnchor or
                            SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BoundaryAnchor or
                            SymbolicRegexNodeKind.NonBoundaryAnchor or
                            SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZ or
                        return node.IsNullableFor(context);
        /// <summary>True if this node accepts the empty string unconditionally.</summary>
        internal bool IsNullable => _info.IsNullable;
        /// <summary>True if this node can potentially accept the empty string depending on anchors and immediate context.</summary>
        internal bool CanBeNullable
                Debug.Assert(_info.CanBeNullable || !_info.IsNullable);
                return _info.CanBeNullable;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a list of a given kind, e.g. Concat or Alternate, into an array,
        /// returns anything else in a singleton array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">a list to insert the elements into, or null to return results in a new list</param>
        /// <param name="listKind">kind of node to consider as the list builder</param>
        public List<SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>> ToList(List<SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>>? list = null, SymbolicRegexNodeKind listKind = SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
            Debug.Assert(listKind is SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat or SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate);
            list ??= new List<SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>>();
            AppendToList(this, list, listKind);
            return list;
            static void AppendToList(SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> concat, List<SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>> list, SymbolicRegexNodeKind listKind)
                if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                    StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(AppendToList, concat, list, listKind);
                SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> node = concat;
                while (node._kind == listKind)
                    Debug.Assert(node._left is not null && node._right is not null);
                    if (node._left._kind == listKind)
                        AppendToList(node._left, list, listKind);
                    node = node._right;
        /// <summary>
        /// Relative nullability that takes into account the immediate character context
        /// in order to resolve nullability of anchors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">kind info for previous and next characters</param>
        internal bool IsNullableFor(uint context)
            // if _nullabilityCache is null then IsNullable==CanBeNullable
            // Observe that if IsNullable==true then CanBeNullable==true.
            // but when the node does not start with an anchor
            // and IsNullable==false then CanBeNullable==false.
            return _nullabilityCache is null ?
                _info.IsNullable :
            // Separated out to enable the common case (no nullability cache) to be inlined
            // and to avoid zero-init costs for generally unused state.
            bool WithCache(uint context)
                if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                    return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(IsNullableFor, context);
                Debug.Assert(context < CharKind.ContextLimit);
                // If nullability has been computed for the given context then return it
                byte b = Volatile.Read(ref _nullabilityCache[context]);
                if (b != UndefinedByte)
                    return b == TrueByte;
                // Otherwise compute the nullability recursively for the given context
                bool is_nullable;
                switch (_kind)
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                        is_nullable = _lower == 0 || _left.IsNullableFor(context);
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        is_nullable = _left.IsNullableFor(context) && _right.IsNullableFor(context);
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        is_nullable = _left.IsNullableFor(context) || _right.IsNullableFor(context);
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BeginningAnchor:
                        is_nullable = CharKind.Prev(context) == CharKind.BeginningEnd;
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchor:
                        is_nullable = CharKind.Next(context) == CharKind.BeginningEnd;
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BOLAnchor:
                        // Beg-Of-Line anchor is nullable when the previous character is Newline or Start
                        // note: at least one of the bits must be 1, but both could also be 1 in case of very first newline
                        is_nullable = (CharKind.Prev(context) & CharKind.NewLineS) != 0;
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EOLAnchor:
                        // End-Of-Line anchor is nullable when the next character is Newline or Stop
                        // note: at least one of the bits must be 1, but both could also be 1 in case of \Z
                        is_nullable = (CharKind.Next(context) & CharKind.NewLineS) != 0;
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BoundaryAnchor:
                        // test that prev char is word letter iff next is not not word letter
                        is_nullable = ((CharKind.Prev(context) & CharKind.WordLetter) ^ (CharKind.Next(context) & CharKind.WordLetter)) != 0;
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.NonBoundaryAnchor:
                        // test that prev char is word letter iff next is word letter
                        is_nullable = ((CharKind.Prev(context) & CharKind.WordLetter) ^ (CharKind.Next(context) & CharKind.WordLetter)) == 0;
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZ:
                        // \Z anchor is nullable when the next character is either the last Newline or Stop
                        // note: CharKind.NewLineS == CharKind.Newline|CharKind.StartStop
                        is_nullable = (CharKind.Next(context) & CharKind.BeginningEnd) != 0;
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureStart:
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureEnd:
                        is_nullable = true;
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                        is_nullable = _left.IsNullableFor(context);
                        // SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZReverse:
                        // EndAnchorZRev (rev(\Z)) anchor is nullable when the prev character is either the first Newline or Start
                        // note: CharKind.NewLineS == CharKind.Newline|CharKind.StartStop
                        Debug.Assert(_kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZReverse);
                        is_nullable = (CharKind.Prev(context) & CharKind.BeginningEnd) != 0;
                Volatile.Write(ref _nullabilityCache[context], is_nullable ? TrueByte : FalseByte);
                return is_nullable;
        /// <summary>Returns true if this is equivalent to .* (the node must be eager also)</summary>
        public bool IsAnyStar(ISolver<TSet> solver)
            if (IsStar)
                Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                if (_left._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton)
                    Debug.Assert(_left._set is not null);
                    return !IsLazy && solver.Full.Equals(_left._set);
            return false;
        /// <summary>Returns true if this is equivalent to [0-[0]]</summary>
        public bool IsNothing(ISolver<TSet> solver)
            if (_kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton)
                Debug.Assert(_set is not null);
                return solver.IsEmpty(_set);
            return false;
        /// <summary>Returns true iff this is a loop whose lower bound is 0 and upper bound is max</summary>
        public bool IsStar => _lower == 0 && _upper == int.MaxValue;
        /// <summary>Returns true if this is Epsilon</summary>
        public bool IsEpsilon => _kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Epsilon;
        /// <summary>Gets the kind of the regex</summary>
        internal SymbolicRegexNodeKind Kind => _kind;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true iff this is a loop whose lower bound is 1 and upper bound is max
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsPlus => _lower == 1 && _upper == int.MaxValue;
        #region called only once, in the constructor of SymbolicRegexBuilder
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateFalse(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder) =>
            Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton, null, null, -1, -1, builder._solver.Empty, default);
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateTrue(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder) =>
            Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton, null, null, -1, -1, builder._solver.Full, default);
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateFixedLengthMarker(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, int length) =>
            Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.FixedLengthMarker, null, null, length, -1, default, SymbolicRegexInfo.Epsilon());
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateEpsilon(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder) =>
            Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Epsilon, null, null, -1, -1, default, SymbolicRegexInfo.Epsilon());
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateAnchor(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind kind)
            Debug.Assert(kind is
                SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BoundaryAnchor or SymbolicRegexNodeKind.NonBoundaryAnchor or
                SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BeginningAnchor or SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchor or
                SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZ or SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZReverse or
                SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EOLAnchor or SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BOLAnchor);
            return Create(builder, kind, null, null, -1, -1, default, SymbolicRegexInfo.Anchor(isLineAnchor: kind is
                    SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZ or SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZReverse or
                    SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EOLAnchor or SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BOLAnchor));
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateSingleton(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, TSet set) =>
            Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton, null, null, -1, -1, set, default);
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateLoop(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> body, int lower, int upper, bool isLazy)
            Debug.Assert(lower >= 0 && lower <= upper);
            // Avoid wrapping X? inside (X?)?, or X?? inside (X??)??
            // This simplification in particular avoids creating unnecessary loops from the rule for concatenation in TryFoldAlternation
            if (lower == 0 && upper == 1 && body._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop && body._lower == 0 && body._upper == 1)
                Debug.Assert(body._left is not null);
                return CreateLoop(builder, body._left, 0, 1, isLazy || body.IsLazy);
            return Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop, body, null, lower, upper, default, SymbolicRegexInfo.Loop(body._info, lower, isLazy));
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateEffect(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> node, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> effectNode)
            if (effectNode == builder.Epsilon)
                return node;
            if (node == builder._nothing)
                return builder._nothing;
            if (node._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect)
                Debug.Assert(node._left is not null && node._right is not null);
                return CreateEffect(builder, node._left, CreateConcat(builder, effectNode, node._right));
            return Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect, node, effectNode, -1, -1, default, SymbolicRegexInfo.Effect(node._info));
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateCaptureStart(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, int captureNum) =>
            Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureStart, null, null, captureNum, -1, default, SymbolicRegexInfo.Epsilon());
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateCaptureEnd(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, int captureNum) =>
            Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureEnd, null, null, captureNum, -1, default, SymbolicRegexInfo.Epsilon());
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateDisableBacktrackingSimulation(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> child) =>
            Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation, child, null, -1, -1, default, child._info);
        /// <summary>Make a concatenation of the supplied regex nodes.</summary>
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateConcat(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> left, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> right)
            // Concatenating anything with a nothing means the entire concatenation can't match
            if (left == builder._nothing || right == builder._nothing)
                return builder._nothing;
            // If the left or right is empty, just return the other.
            if (left.IsEpsilon)
                return right;
            if (right.IsEpsilon)
                return left;
            // Push concatenation inside Effect nodes
            Debug.Assert(right._kind is not SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect);
            if (left._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect)
                Debug.Assert(left._left is not null && left._right is not null);
                return CreateEffect(builder, CreateConcat(builder, left._left, right), left._right);
            return Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat, left, right, -1, -1, default, SymbolicRegexInfo.Concat(left._info, right._info));
        /// <summary>
        /// Make an alternation of given regexes, eliminate nothing regexes and treat .* as consuming element.
        /// Keep the alternation flat, assuming both right and left are flat.
        /// Apply subsumption/combining optimizations, such that e.g. a?b|b will be simplified to a?b and b|a?b will be combined to a??b
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <paramref name="deduplicated"/> argument allows skipping deduplication when it is known to be not necessary. This is
        /// commonly the case when some transformation f is applied to an existing alternation A|B|C|... such that
        /// for all regexes R,S it is the case that f(R)==f(S) iff R==S.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder for the nodes</param>
        /// <param name="left">the left hand side, higher priority alternative</param>
        /// <param name="right">the right hand side, lower priority alternative</param>
        /// <param name="deduplicated">whether to skip deduplication</param>
        /// <param name="hintRightLikelySubsumes">if true then simplification rules succeeding when the right hand side subsumes the left hand side are tried first</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateAlternate(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> left, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> right, bool deduplicated = false, bool hintRightLikelySubsumes = false)
            if (left.IsAnyStar(builder._solver) || right.IsNothing(builder._solver) || left == right || (left.IsNullable && right.IsEpsilon))
                return left;
            if (left == builder._nothing)
                return right;
            // Handle cases where right is an alternation or not uniformly. If right is R|S then the head is R and the
            // tail is S. If right is not an alternation then the head is right and the tail is nothing.
            SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> head = right._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate ? right._left! : right;
            SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> tail = right._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate ? right._right! : builder._nothing;
            // Simplify away right side if left side subsumes it. For example X?Y|Y|Z would simplify to just X?Y|Z.
            if (!hintRightLikelySubsumes && left.Subsumes(builder, head))
                return CreateAlternate(builder, left, tail);
            // Simplify by folding right side into left side if right side subsumes the left side. For example Y|X?Y|Z
            // would simplify to X??Y|Z.
            if (head.Subsumes(builder, left) && TryFoldAlternation(builder, left, head, out SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? result))
                return CreateAlternate(builder, result, tail);
            // This is a repeat of a rule above, but for the case when the hint tells us to try reverse subsumption first.
            if (hintRightLikelySubsumes && left.Subsumes(builder, head))
                return CreateAlternate(builder, left, tail);
            // If left is not an Alternate, try to avoid allocation by checking if deduplication is necessary
            if (!deduplicated && left._kind != SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate)
                SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> current = right;
                // Initially assume there are no duplicates
                deduplicated = true;
                while (current._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate)
                    Debug.Assert(current._left is not null && current._right is not null);
                    // All Alternates are supposed to be in a right associative normal form
                    Debug.Assert(current._left._kind != SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate);
                    if (current._left == left)
                        // Duplicate found, mark that and exit early
                        deduplicated = false;
                    current = current._right;
                // If the loop above got to the end, current is the last element. Check that too
                if (deduplicated)
                    deduplicated = (current != left);
            if (!deduplicated || left._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate)
                // If the left side was an or, then it has to be flattened, gather the elements from both sides
                List<SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>> elems = left.ToList(listKind: SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate);
                int firstRightElem = elems.Count;
                right.ToList(elems, listKind: SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate);
                // Eliminate any duplicate elements, keeping the leftmost element
                HashSet<SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>> seenElems = new();
                // Keep track of if any elements from the right side need to be eliminated
                bool rightChanged = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < elems.Count; i++)
                    if (!seenElems.Contains(elems[i]))
                        // Nothing will be eliminated in the next step
                        elems[i] = builder._nothing;
                        rightChanged |= i >= firstRightElem;
                // Build the flattened or, avoiding rebuilding the right side if possible
                if (rightChanged)
                    SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> or = builder._nothing;
                    for (int i = elems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        or = CreateAlternate(builder, elems[i], or, deduplicated: true);
                    return or;
                    SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> or = right;
                    for (int i = firstRightElem - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        or = CreateAlternate(builder, elems[i], or, deduplicated: true);
                    return or;
            Debug.Assert(left._kind != SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate);
            return Create(builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate, left, right, -1, -1, default, SymbolicRegexInfo.Alternate(left._info, right._info));
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to detect whether or not the language of another node is fully contained within the language of this
        /// node. It does this by applying a set of rules, such as "RS subsumes T if R is nullable and S subsumes T",
        /// which peels off one nullable element from a concatenation and recurses into another susumption check.
        /// Note that differences in Effect nodes are not considered for subsumption, which is an important feature since
        /// this allows simplifications relying on subsumption to apply in the presence of effects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Subsumption checks for regular expressions are in general difficult (equivalence and thus subsumption are
        /// known to be PSPACE-complete). Thus this fast rule based check will never be complete. Adding rules into this
        /// function should be directed by concrete use cases.
        /// Some rules may be unproductive (e.g. the rule for R?S subsuming T when T is not a suffix of S), which would
        /// result in deep recursions. Rule application depth is limited by <see cref="SubsumptionCheckDepthLimit"/> to
        /// avoid these cases.
        /// The function uses a caching approach where the boolean returned is only cached if it is the result of a
        /// recursive subsumption check. The rationale is that if the answer could be produced locally then recomputing
        /// it is better than caching.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder that owns this node</param>
        /// <param name="other">the node to check for being subsumed</param>
        /// <param name="depth">the current recursion depth</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal bool Subsumes(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> other, int depth = 0)
            // A node subsumes itself
            if (this == other)
                return true;
            // Nothing has an empty language, which is subsumed by anything
            if (other.IsNothing(builder._solver))
                return true;
            // Early exit if we've gone too deep
            if (depth >= SubsumptionCheckDepthLimit)
                return false;
            if (builder._subsumptionCache.TryGetValue((this, other), out bool cached))
                return cached;
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(Subsumes, builder, other, depth);
            // Try to apply all subsumption rules
            bool? subsumes = ApplySubsumptionRules(builder, this, other, depth + 1);
            // Cache and return the result if any rule applied
            if (subsumes.HasValue)
                return (builder._subsumptionCache[(this, other)] = subsumes.Value);
            // Assume false if no rule applied
            return false;
            static bool? ApplySubsumptionRules(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> left, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> right, int depth)
                // Rule: Effect(X,E) subsumes Y iff X subsumes Y
                // Effectively this ignores any effects
                if (left._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect)
                    Debug.Assert(left._left is not null && left._right is not null);
                    return left._left.Subsumes(builder, right, depth);
                // Rule: X subsumes Effect(Y,E) iff X subsumes Y
                // Effectively this ignores any effects
                if (right._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect)
                    Debug.Assert(right._left is not null && right._right is not null);
                    return left.Subsumes(builder, right._left, depth);
                // Rule: XY subsumes (X')??Y' if X equals X' and Y subsumes Y'
                // This structure arises from a folding rule in TryFold
                if (left._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat && right._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                    Debug.Assert(left._left is not null && right._left is not null && right._right is not null);
                    SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> rl = right._left;
                    if (left._left.IsNullable && rl._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop && rl._lower == 0 && rl._upper == 1 && rl.IsLazy)
                        Debug.Assert(rl._left is not null);
                        if (TrySkipPrefix(left, rl._left, out SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? tail))
                            return tail.Subsumes(builder, right._right, depth);
                // Rule: (X)??Y subsumes X'Y' if X equals X' and Y subsumes Y'
                // This structure arises from a folding rule in TryFold
                if (left._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat && right._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                    Debug.Assert(left._left is not null && left._right is not null);
                    SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> ll = left._left;
                    if (ll._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop && ll._lower == 0 && ll._upper == 1 && ll.IsLazy)
                        Debug.Assert(ll._left is not null);
                        if (TrySkipPrefix(right, ll._left, out SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? tail))
                            return left._right.Subsumes(builder, tail, depth);
                // Rule: XY subsumes Y' if X is nullable and Y subsumes Y'
                if (left._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                    Debug.Assert(left._left is not null && left._right is not null);
                    if (left._left.IsNullable)
                        return left._right.Subsumes(builder, right, depth);
                return null;
                // Given a candidate prefix P and another regex R, tries to skip over P in R to find a split R=PT.
                // If this succeeds T is returned in tail.
                // Note that this method currently only succeeds when both node and prefix are in right associative
                // form (if they are concats).
                static bool TrySkipPrefix(SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> node, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> prefix, [NotNullWhen(true)] out SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? tail)
                    tail = null;
                    // Walk over the prefix and the node in lockstep
                    while (prefix._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                        Debug.Assert(prefix._left is not null && prefix._right is not null);
                        if (node._kind != SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                            return false;
                        Debug.Assert(node._left is not null && node._right is not null);
                        if (node._left != prefix._left)
                            return false;
                        node = node._right;
                        prefix = prefix._right;
                    // Handle the final element
                    if (node._kind != SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                        return false;
                    Debug.Assert(node._left is not null && node._right is not null);
                    if (node._left == prefix)
                        tail = node._right;
                        return true;
                    return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Unwraps Effect nodes by walking into their left children until a non-Effect node is found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the first non-Effect node</returns>
        private SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> UnwrapEffects()
            SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> current = this;
            while (current._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect)
                Debug.Assert(current._left is not null);
                current = current._left;
            return current;
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to combine the lower priority right hand side with the higher priority left hand side in an alternation
        /// when the right hand side is known to subsume the left hand side.
        /// For example in abc|(xyz){0,3}abc the right hand side subsumes the left hand side. This function can be used to
        /// eliminate the alternation by simplifying to (xyz){0,3}?abc. Note that the transformation preserves the priority
        /// of the shorter "abc" match by making the prefix lazy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder that owns this node</param>
        /// <param name="left">the lower priority alternative</param>
        /// <param name="right">the higher priority alternative</param>
        /// <param name="result">the folded regex that eliminates alternation, or null if the operation fails</param>
        /// <param name="rightEffects">accumulated effects from the right side</param>
        /// <returns>whether folding was successful</returns>
        private static bool TryFoldAlternation(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> left, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> right, [NotNullWhen(true)] out SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? result,
            SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? rightEffects = null)
            // The rules below assume that the right side subsumes the left side
            Debug.Assert(right.Subsumes(builder, left));
            rightEffects ??= builder.Epsilon;
            // If the sides are equal (ignoring effects) then just return the higher priority left side
            if (left.UnwrapEffects() == right.UnwrapEffects())
                result = left;
                return true;
            // If the left side has an effect, then the folding proceeds into the actual child and the effect
            // is kept on the top level.
            // For example, Effect(Y,E) | X?Y folds into Effect(X??Y,E)
            if (left._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect)
                Debug.Assert(left._left is not null && left._right is not null);
                Debug.Assert(right.Subsumes(builder, left._left));
                // If there are any accumulated effects we don't know how to handle them here.
                // This shouldn't normally happen because this rule has priority over the rule
                // for effects on the right side.
                if (rightEffects != builder.Epsilon)
                    result = null;
                    return false;
                if (TryFoldAlternation(builder, left._left, right, out SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? innerResult, rightEffects))
                    result = CreateEffect(builder, innerResult, left._right);
                    return true;
            // If the right side has an effect, then it has to be pushed into the optional prefix.
            // For example, Y | Effect(X?Y,E) folds into Effect(X?,E)??Y
            if (right._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect)
                Debug.Assert(right._left is not null && right._right is not null);
                Debug.Assert(right._left.Subsumes(builder, left));
                rightEffects = CreateConcat(builder, right._right, rightEffects);
                return TryFoldAlternation(builder, left, right._left, out result, rightEffects);
            // If we have Y | XY then this rule will find X and fold to X??Y.
            if (right._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                Debug.Assert(right._left is not null && right._right is not null);
                if (right._left.IsNullable && TrySplitConcatSubsumption(builder, left, right, out SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? prefix))
                    prefix = CreateEffect(builder, prefix, rightEffects);
                    result = builder.CreateConcat(CreateLoop(builder, prefix, 0, 1, true), left);
                    return true;
            // If no rule matched then return false for failure
            result = null;
            return false;
            // This rule tries to find a prefix P that the right side has such that right is PR and left is equivalent to R
            static bool TrySplitConcatSubsumption(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> left, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> right,
                [NotNullWhen(true)] out SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? prefix)
                List<SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>> prefixElements = new();
                SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> suffix = right;
                while (suffix._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                    Debug.Assert(suffix._left is not null && suffix._right is not null);
                    // We maintain a loop invariant that the suffix subsumes the left hand side
                    Debug.Assert(suffix.Subsumes(builder, left));
                    if (suffix == left)
                        // We found a split, so store the prefix and return success
                        prefix = builder.CreateConcatAlreadyReversed(prefixElements);
                        return true;
                    else if (suffix._right.Subsumes(builder, left))
                        // The tail of the suffix still subsumes left, so we can extend the prefix
                        suffix = suffix._right;
                    else if (left.Subsumes(builder, suffix))
                        // If left subsumes the suffix, then due to the loop invariant we have equivalence
                        prefix = builder.CreateConcatAlreadyReversed(prefixElements);
                        return true;
                // Return false if we failed to find a split
                prefix = null;
                return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the fixed matching length of the regex or -1 if the regex does not have a fixed matching length.
        /// </summary>
        public int GetFixedLength()
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                // If we can't recur further, assume no fixed length.
                return -1;
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.FixedLengthMarker:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Epsilon:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BOLAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EOLAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BeginningAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZ:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZReverse:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BoundaryAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.NonBoundaryAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureStart:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureEnd:
                    return 0;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton:
                    return 1;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                        if (_lower == _upper)
                            long length = _left.GetFixedLength();
                            if (length >= 0)
                                length *= _lower;
                                if (length <= int.MaxValue)
                                    return (int)length;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        int leftLength = _left.GetFixedLength();
                        if (leftLength >= 0)
                            int rightLength = _right.GetFixedLength();
                            if (rightLength >= 0)
                                long length = (long)leftLength + rightLength;
                                if (length <= int.MaxValue)
                                    return (int)length;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        int length = _left.GetFixedLength();
                        if (length >= 0)
                            if (_right.GetFixedLength() == length)
                                return length;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    return _left.GetFixedLength();
            return -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert <see cref="SymbolicRegexNodeKind.FixedLengthMarker"/> nodes to mark paths in the regex that correspond
        /// to matches of fixed length. For example, for abar|bar two markers would be added abar(4)|bar(3).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function will rebuild concatenations because it pushes the FixedLengthMarker into the rightmost element.
        /// Due to this function should not be called on every character.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder that owns this node</param>
        /// <param name="lengthSoFar">accumulater used in the recursion for lengths of paths</param>
        /// <returns>the node with fixed length markers added</returns>
        public SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> AddFixedLengthMarkers(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, int lengthSoFar = 0)
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return this;
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    // For an Alternate attempt to add markers separately for each element
                    return CreateAlternate(builder,
                        _left.AddFixedLengthMarkers(builder, lengthSoFar),
                        _right.AddFixedLengthMarkers(builder, lengthSoFar), deduplicated: true);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    // For a concat if the left side has a fixed length then accumulate that to the right side
                    int leftLength = _left.GetFixedLength();
                    if (leftLength >= 0)
                        return CreateConcat(builder, _left, _right.AddFixedLengthMarkers(builder, lengthSoFar + leftLength));
                    // If the right side is always zero length, then just recurse to the left side
                    int rightLength = _right.GetFixedLength();
                    if (rightLength == 0)
                        return CreateConcat(builder, _left.AddFixedLengthMarkers(builder, lengthSoFar), _right);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.FixedLengthMarker:
                    Debug.Assert(_lower == lengthSoFar);
                    return this;
            // For all other nodes defer to GetFixedLength to figure out if there is a fixed length and add the marker
            // if there is one.
            int thisLength = GetFixedLength();
            return thisLength < 0 ? this :
                CreateConcat(builder, this, CreateFixedLengthMarker(builder, lengthSoFar + thisLength));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a derivative (<see cref="CreateDerivative(SymbolicRegexBuilder{TSet}, TSet, uint)"/> and <see cref="CreateDerivativeWrapper"/>) and then strip
        /// effects with <see cref="StripEffects"/>.
        /// This derivative simulates backtracking, i.e. it only considers paths that backtracking would
        /// take before accepting the empty string for this pattern and returns the pattern ordered in the order backtracking
        /// would explore paths. For example the derivative of a*ab places a*ab before b, while for a*?ab the order is reversed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder that owns this node</param>
        /// <param name="elem">given element wrt which the derivative is taken</param>
        /// <param name="context">immediately surrounding character context that affects nullability of anchors</param>
        /// <returns>the derivative</returns>
        internal SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateDerivativeWithoutEffects(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, TSet elem, uint context) => CreateDerivativeWrapper(builder, elem, context).StripEffects(builder);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a derivative (<see cref="CreateDerivative(SymbolicRegexBuilder{TSet}, TSet, uint)"/> and <see cref="CreateDerivativeWrapper"/>) and then strip
        /// and map effects for use in NFA simulation with <see cref="StripAndMapEffects"/>.
        /// This derivative simulates backtracking, i.e. it only considers paths that backtracking would
        /// take before accepting the empty string for this pattern and returns the pattern ordered in the order backtracking
        /// would explore paths. For example the derivative of a*ab places a*ab before b, while for a*?ab the order is reversed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The differences of this to <see cref="CreateDerivativeWithoutEffects(SymbolicRegexBuilder{TSet}, TSet, uint)"/> are that (1) effects (e.g. capture starts and ends)
        /// are considered and (2) the different elements that would form a top level union are instead returned as separate
        /// nodes (paired with their associated effects). This function is meant to be used for NFA simulation, where top level
        /// unions would be broken up into separate states.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder that owns this node</param>
        /// <param name="elem">given element wrt which the derivative is taken</param>
        /// <param name="context">immediately surrounding character context that affects nullability of anchors</param>
        /// <returns>the derivative</returns>
        internal List<(SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>, DerivativeEffect[])> CreateNfaDerivativeWithEffects(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, TSet elem, uint context)
            List<(SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>, DerivativeEffect[])> transitions = new();
            CreateDerivativeWrapper(builder, elem, context).StripAndMapEffects(builder, context, transitions);
            return transitions;
        // This wrapper handles the shared top-level concerns of constructing derivatives. Namely:
        // -Unwrapping and rewrapping nodes in DisableBacktrackingSimulation
        // -When backtracking is being simulated calling into PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability
        private SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateDerivativeWrapper(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, TSet elem, uint context)
            if (_kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation)
                // This node kind can only occur at the top level and indicates that backtracking simulation is turned off
                Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> derivative = _left.CreateDerivative(builder, elem, context);
                // Reinsert the marker that maintains the non-backtracking semantics
                return builder.CreateDisableBacktrackingSimulation(derivative);
                // To maintain backtracking semantics, prune any branches that are less preferred than just the empty match
                SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> node = PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context);
                return node.CreateDerivative(builder, elem, context);
        /// <summary>Prune this node wrt the given context in order to maintain backtracking semantics. Mimics how backtracking chooses a path.</summary>
        private SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, uint context)
            if (!IsNullableFor(context))
                return this;
            // Cache result to avoid otherwise potential quadratic worst case behavior
            SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? prunedNode;
            (SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>, uint) key = (this, context);
            if (builder._pruneLowerPriorityThanNullabilityCache.TryGetValue(key, out prunedNode))
                return prunedNode;
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability, builder, context);
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    // The left alternative, when nullable, has priority over the right alternative
                    // Otherwise the left alternative is still active and the right alternative is pruned
                    // In a alternation (X|Y) where X is nullable (in the given context), Y must be eliminated.
                    // Thus, taking the higher-priority branch in backtracking that is known to lead to a match
                    // at which point the other branches become irrelevant and must no longer be used.
                    prunedNode = _left.IsNullableFor(context) ? _left.PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context) :
                        CreateAlternate(builder, _left, _right.PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context), deduplicated: true);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    prunedNode = _left._kind switch
                        // If the left side is a concatenation, then we bring it to right associative form to expose
                        // the first element of the concatenation for the cases below.
                        SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat => CreateConcat(builder, _left._left!, CreateConcat(builder, _left._right!, _right))
                            .PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context),
                        // In a concatenation (X|Y)Z priority is given to XZ when X is nullable.
                        // Observe that (X|Y)Z is equivalent to (XZ|YZ) and the branch YZ must be ignored
                        // when X is nullable (observe that XZ is nullable because this=(X|Y)Z is nullable).
                        // If X is not nullable then XZ is maintaned as is, and YZ is pruned. For example,
                        // (a{0,5}?|abc|b+)c* reduces to c*.
                        SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate => (_left._left!.IsNullableFor(context) ?
                            CreateConcat(builder, _left._left, _right).PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context) :
                            CreateAlternate(builder, CreateConcat(builder, _left._left, _right),
                                CreateConcat(builder, _left._right!, _right).PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context), deduplicated: true)),
                        // Loops have various cases that are handled uniformly for concatenations and standalone loops.
                        SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop => PruneLoop(builder, context, _left, _right),
                        // The previous cases handle all the ways that the left side of the concatenation could
                        // contain branching. Thus if we get here it is safe to only prune the right side.
                        _ => CreateConcat(builder, _left, _right.PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context)),
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                    // Loops have various cases that are handled uniformly for standalone loops and concatenations.
                    prunedNode = PruneLoop(builder, context, this, builder.Epsilon);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                    // Effects are maintained and the pruning is propagated to the body of the effect
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    prunedNode = CreateEffect(builder, _left.PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context), _right);
                    // In all other remaining cases no pruning takes place
                    prunedNode = this;
            builder._pruneLowerPriorityThanNullabilityCache[key] = prunedNode;
            return prunedNode;
            static SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> PruneLoop(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, uint context, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> loop, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> tail)
                Debug.Assert(loop.Kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop && loop._left is not null);
                if (loop._lower == 0)
                    // Loop is nullable at least due to a zero lower bound and the cases below handle the different
                    // priorities of checking that lower bound.
                    if (loop.IsLazy)
                        // In a lazy loop nullability from the zero lower bound has highest priority, so the loop is skipped completely
                        return tail.PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context);
                    else if (!loop._left.IsNullableFor(context))
                        // For an eager loop with a non-nullable body, the nullability from the zero lower bound has lowest priority.
                        // Handle by case splitting into (1) doing at least one iteration in the loop and (2) skipping the loop and
                        // continuing directly into the tail, which then must be pruned in the current context.
                        return CreateAlternate(builder,
                            CreateConcat(builder, CreateLoop(builder, loop._left, 1, loop._upper, loop.IsLazy), tail),
                            tail.PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context));
                    else if (loop._upper == int.MaxValue)
                        // The special case of a R*S loop with a nullable body is handled separately, as the general case handler could cause
                        // infinite recursion. The paths that backtracking would explore before stopping here are (1) consuming a character in the
                        // first iteration of the loop and (2) skipping the loop and continuing with anything higher priority than nullability in S.
                        // For example, a pattern (a|b??)*c? would prune into essentially a?(a|b??)*c?|c?. Note that pruning only one peeled-out
                        // iteration of the loop is necessary, since anchors could change the priority of nullability in other locations in the input.
                        // Additionally, a high-priority nullable body will always be skipped, in which case only option (2) is included. Finally, in
                        // all cases the loop body must not be dropped, as doing so could affect whether some capture groups match zero characters or
                        // don't match at all.
                        SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> skipLoopCase = CreateConcat(builder, loop._left.PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context),
                                tail.PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context));
                        return loop._left.IsHighPriorityNullableFor(context) ? skipLoopCase : CreateAlternate(builder,
                            CreateConcat(builder, loop._left.PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context), CreateConcat(builder, loop, tail)),
                    // For an eager loop with finite upper bound and nullable body fall back to the general case handler
                // The general case handler peels one iteration out of the loop and prunes the resulting concatenation
                return CreateConcat(builder, loop._left, CreateConcat(builder, loop.CreateLoopContinuation(builder), tail))
                    .PruneLowerPriorityThanNullability(builder, context);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the remainder of a loop when one iteration is peeled out of it. In other words, for a loop R with
        /// a body B returns a new regex S such that R is equivalent to BS.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder that owns this node</param>
        /// <returns>the loop continuation regex</returns>
        private SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateLoopContinuation(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder)
            Debug.Assert(_kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop && _left is not null);
            // Note that the upper bound is guaranteed to be greater than zero, since otherwise the loop would have
            // been simplified to nothing, and int.MaxValue is treated as infinity.
            int newupper = _upper == int.MaxValue ? int.MaxValue : _upper - 1;
            // Do not decrement the lower bound if it equals int.MaxValue
            int newlower = _lower is 0 or int.MaxValue ? _lower : _lower - 1;
            // The continued loop becomes epsilon when newlower == newupper == 0
            return builder.CreateLoop(_left, IsLazy, newlower, newupper);
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes the derivative of the symbolic regex for the given element, which must be either
        /// a minterm (i.e. a class of characters that have identical behavior for all sets in the pattern)
        /// or a singleton set, and a context, which encodes the relevant information about the surrounding
        /// characters for deciding the nullability of anchors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This derivative differs from ones familiar from literature in several ways:
        /// -Ordered alternations are properly handled and any choices represented as alternations are ordered in a way
        ///  that matches the backtracking engines.
        /// -Some nodes, namely <see cref="SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureStart"/> and <see cref="SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureEnd"/>,
        ///  will produce <see cref="SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect"/> nodes, which indicate effects to be applied on
        ///  transitions using this derivative. The derivative must be further post-processed with a function that strips
        ///  and possibly interprets these effects into a conveniently executable form. See <see cref="StripAndMapEffects"/>
        ///  for an example of this interpretation.
        ///  Ultimately, effects are translated into <see cref="DerivativeEffect"/> instances which may be applied at a
        ///  specific input position to <see cref="SymbolicRegexMatcher{TSet}.Registers"/> instances, which track concrete
        ///  positions for capture starts and ends. For example, given a DerivativeEffect for CaptureStart of capture number 0
        ///  and an input position 5, applying it to a Registers instance is simply assigning the relevant value to 5.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder that owns this node</param>
        /// <param name="elem">given element wrt which the derivative is taken</param>
        /// <param name="context">immediately surrounding character context that affects nullability of anchors</param>
        /// <returns>the derivative</returns>
        private SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> CreateDerivative(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, TSet elem, uint context)
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(CreateDerivative, builder, elem, context);
            SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? derivative;
            (SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>, TSet, uint) key = (this, elem, context);
            if (builder._derivativeCache.TryGetValue(key, out derivative))
                return derivative;
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton:
                        Debug.Assert(_set is not null);
                        // The following check assumes that either (1) the element and set are minterms, in which case
                        // the element is exactly the set if the intersection is non-empty (satisfiable), or (2) the element is a singleton
                        // set in which case it is fully contained in the set if the intersection is non-empty.
                        if (!builder._solver.IsEmpty(builder._solver.And(elem, _set)))
                            // the sigleton is consumed so the derivative is epsilon
                            derivative = builder.Epsilon;
                            derivative = builder._nothing;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        if (!_left.IsNullableFor(context))
                            // If the left side is not nullable then the character must be consumed there.
                            // For example, Da(ab) = Da(a)b = b.
                            derivative = builder.CreateConcat(_left.CreateDerivative(builder, elem, context), _right);
                            SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> leftDerivative = builder.CreateConcat(_left.CreateDerivative(builder, elem, context), _right);
                            SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> rightDerivative = builder.CreateEffect(_right.CreateDerivative(builder, elem, context), _left);
                            // If the left alternative is high-priority-nullable then
                            // the priority is to skip left and prioritize rderiv over lderivR
                            // Two examples: suppose elem = a
                            // 1) if _left = (((ab)*)?|ac) and _right = ab then _left is high-priority-nullable
                            //    then derivative = rderiv|lderivR = b|b(ab)*|c
                            // 2) if _left = (ac|((ab)*)?) and _right = ab then _left is not high-priority-nullable
                            //    then derivative = lderivR|rderiv = b(ab)*|c|b
                            // Suppose the next input is b
                            // In the first case backtracking would stop after reading b
                            // In the second case backtracking would try to continue to follow (ab)* after reading b
                            // This backtracking semantics is effectively being recorded into the order of the alternatives
                            derivative = _left.IsHighPriorityNullableFor(context) ?
                                CreateAlternate(builder, rightDerivative, leftDerivative, hintRightLikelySubsumes: true) :
                                CreateAlternate(builder, leftDerivative, rightDerivative);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                        Debug.Assert(_upper > 0);
                        if (_lower == 0 || _left.IsNullable || !_left.IsNullableFor(context))
                            // In these special cases the derivative concatenates the body's derivative with the decremented loop, so
                            // d(R{m,n}) = d(R)R{max(0,m-1),n-1}.
                            derivative = builder.CreateConcat(_left.CreateDerivative(builder, elem, context), CreateLoopContinuation(builder));
                            // In the general case the concatenation must be created first and the derivative taken on that. For example,
                            // the first derivative for (a|\b){2} with an input "ac" is (a|\b)|epsilon, but the rule above would produce
                            // just (a|\b).
                            derivative = builder.CreateConcat(_left, CreateLoopContinuation(builder)).CreateDerivative(builder, elem, context);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        derivative = CreateAlternate(builder, _left.CreateDerivative(builder, elem, context), _right.CreateDerivative(builder, elem, context));
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                    //Effect nodes do not have derivatives (effects have been stripped): It is an error to reach an Effect node here
                    // The derivative of any other case is nothing
                    // e.g. taking the derivative of () (epsilon) is [] (nothing)
                    derivative = builder._nothing;
            builder._derivativeCache[key] = derivative;
            return derivative;
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove any Effect nodes from the tree, keeping just the actual pattern.
        /// So Effect(R,E) would be simplified to just R.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the node with all Effect nodes stripped away</returns>
        internal SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> StripEffects(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder)
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(StripEffects, builder);
            // If the node doesn't contain any Effect nodes under it we are done
            if (!_info.ContainsEffect)
                return this;
            // Recurse over the structure of the node to strip effects
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    // This is the place where the effect (the right child) is getting ignored
                    return _left.StripEffects(builder);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    Debug.Assert(_left._info.ContainsEffect && !_right._info.ContainsEffect);
                    return builder.CreateConcat(_left.StripEffects(builder), _right);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    // This iterative handling of nested alternations is important to avoid quadratic work in deduplicating
                    // the elements. We don't want to omit deduplication here, since he stripping may make nodes equal.
                    List<SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>> elems = ToList(listKind: SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate);
                    for (int i = 0; i < elems.Count; i++)
                        elems[i] = elems[i].StripEffects(builder);
                    return builder.Alternate(elems);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    return builder.CreateDisableBacktrackingSimulation(_left.StripEffects(builder));
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    return builder.CreateLoop(_left.StripEffects(builder), IsLazy, _lower, _upper);
                    return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// This function maps <see cref="SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect"/> nodes present in the tree and maps them into
        /// arrays of <see cref="DerivativeEffect"/>. The node is split into a list of pairs (node, effects), where the
        /// nodes represent elements of a top level alternation and the effects are what should be applied for all
        /// matches using that node. In effect, this function interprets effects produced during derivation into a form
        /// suitable for use in NFA simulation. This function is similar to <see cref="StripEffects"/> in that it removes
        /// Effect nodes as it maps them.
        /// For example, Effect(Effect(R,CaptureStart_1)|S,CaptureStart_0) would be turned into two pairs:
        /// (R,[CaptureStart_0,CaptureStart_1]) and (S,[CaptureStart_0]).
        /// Here both include the CaptureStart_0 effect, since both are nested inside the outer Effect node,
        /// while only R includes the CaptureStart_1 effect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder that owns this node</param>
        /// <param name="context">immediately surrounding character context that affects nullability of anchors</param>
        /// <param name="alternativesAndEffects">the list to insert the pairs of nodes and their effects into in priority order</param>
        /// <param name="currentEffects">a helper list this function uses to accumulate effects in recursive calls</param>
        internal void StripAndMapEffects(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, uint context, List<(SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>, DerivativeEffect[])> alternativesAndEffects,
            List<DerivativeEffect>? currentEffects = null)
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(StripAndMapEffects, builder, context, alternativesAndEffects, currentEffects);
            currentEffects ??= new List<DerivativeEffect>();
            // If we've reached a node with no effects, then output that with the effects that have been accumulated
            if (!_info.ContainsEffect)
                alternativesAndEffects.Add((this, currentEffects.Count > 0 ?
                    currentEffects.ToArray() :
            // Recurse over the structure of the node to strip and map effects
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    // Push any effects that should be applied in any nodes under this node
                    int oldEffectCount = currentEffects.Count;
                    _right.ApplyEffects((e, s) => s.Add(e), context, currentEffects);
                    // Recurse into the main child
                    _left.StripAndMapEffects(builder, context, alternativesAndEffects, currentEffects);
                    // Pop all the effects that were pushed above
                    currentEffects.RemoveRange(oldEffectCount, currentEffects.Count - oldEffectCount);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        Debug.Assert(_left._info.ContainsEffect && !_right._info.ContainsEffect);
                        // For concat the nodes for the left hand side are added first and then fixed up by concatenating
                        // the right side to each of them.
                        int oldAlternativesCount = alternativesAndEffects.Count;
                        _left.StripAndMapEffects(builder, context, alternativesAndEffects, currentEffects);
                        for (int i = oldAlternativesCount; i < alternativesAndEffects.Count; i++)
                            var (node, effects) = alternativesAndEffects[i];
                            alternativesAndEffects[i] = (builder.CreateConcat(node, _right), effects);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    _left.StripAndMapEffects(builder, context, alternativesAndEffects, currentEffects);
                    _right.StripAndMapEffects(builder, context, alternativesAndEffects, currentEffects);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop when _lower == 0 && _upper == 1:
                    // Currently due to the way Effect nodes are constructed and handled in simplification rules they
                    // should only appear inside loops that are used to make nodes "optional", i.e., ones with {0,1}
                    // bounds. The branch that skips the loop is represented by outputting a pair (epsilon,effects).
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    // For lazy loops skipping is preferred, so output the epsilon first
                    if (IsLazy)
                        alternativesAndEffects.Add((builder.Epsilon, currentEffects.Count > 0 ?
                            currentEffects.ToArray() :
                    // Recurse into the body
                    _left.StripAndMapEffects(builder, context, alternativesAndEffects, currentEffects);
                    // For eager loops the body is preferred, so output the epsilon last
                    if (!IsLazy)
                        alternativesAndEffects.Add((builder.Epsilon, currentEffects.Count > 0 ?
                            currentEffects.ToArray() :
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                        int oldAlternativesCount = alternativesAndEffects.Count;
                        _left.StripAndMapEffects(builder, context, alternativesAndEffects, currentEffects);
                        for (int i = oldAlternativesCount; i < alternativesAndEffects.Count; i++)
                            var (node, effects) = alternativesAndEffects[i];
                            alternativesAndEffects[i] = (builder.CreateDisableBacktrackingSimulation(node), effects);
        /// <summary>
        /// Find all effects under this node and supply them to the callback.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The construction follows the paths that the backtracking matcher would take. For example in ()|() only the
        /// effects for the first alternative will be included.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="apply">action called for each effect</param>
        /// <param name="context">the current context to determine nullability</param>
        /// <param name="arg">an additional argument passed through to all callbacks</param>
        internal void ApplyEffects<TArg>(Action<DerivativeEffect, TArg> apply, uint context, TArg arg)
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(ApplyEffects, apply, context, arg);
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    Debug.Assert(_left.IsNullableFor(context) && _right.IsNullableFor(context));
                    _left.ApplyEffects(apply, context, arg);
                    _right.ApplyEffects(apply, context, arg);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    // Apply effect when backtracking engine would enter loop
                    if (_lower != 0 || (_upper != 0 && !IsLazy && _left.IsNullableFor(context)))
                        _left.ApplyEffects(apply, context, arg);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    if (_left.IsNullableFor(context))
                        // Prefer the left side
                        _left.ApplyEffects(apply, context, arg);
                        // Otherwise right side must be nullable
                        _right.ApplyEffects(apply, context, arg);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureStart:
                    apply(new DerivativeEffect(DerivativeEffectKind.CaptureStart, _lower), arg);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureEnd:
                    apply(new DerivativeEffect(DerivativeEffectKind.CaptureEnd, _lower), arg);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    _left.ApplyEffects(apply, context, arg);
        public override string ToString()
            StringBuilder sb = new();
            return sb.ToString();
        internal void ToStringHelper(StringBuilder sb)
            // Guard against stack overflow due to deep recursion
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(ToStringHelper, sb);
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BeginningAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BOLAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EOLAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Epsilon:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.FixedLengthMarker:
                    AppendNumberSubscript(sb, _lower);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BoundaryAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.NonBoundaryAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZ:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZReverse:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    //mark left associative case with parenthesis
                    if (_left.Kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                    if (_left.Kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton:
                    Debug.Assert(_set is not null);
                    sb.Append(_debugBuilder._solver.PrettyPrint(_set, _debugBuilder._charSetSolver));
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    if (IsAnyStar(_debugBuilder._solver))
                    else if (_lower == 0 && _upper == 1)
                        ToStringGrouped(_left, sb);
                        if (IsLazy)
                            // lazy loop R{0,1}? is printed by R??
                    else if (IsStar)
                        ToStringGrouped(_left, sb);
                        if (IsLazy)
                    else if (IsPlus)
                        ToStringGrouped(_left, sb);
                        if (IsLazy)
                    else if (_lower == 0 && _upper == 0)
                        ToStringGrouped(_left, sb);
                        if (_upper == int.MaxValue)
                        else if (_lower != _upper)
                        if (IsLazy)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    // Note that the order of printing here is flipped, because for notation it is prettier for the
                    // effects to appear first, but for uniformity of representation with other nodes the "main" child
                    // should be the left one.
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureStart:
                    sb.Append('\u230A'); // Left floor
                    // Include group number as a subscript
                    Debug.Assert(_lower >= 0);
                    AppendNumberSubscript(sb, _lower);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureEnd:
                    // Include group number as a superscript
                    Debug.Assert(_lower >= 0);
                    AppendNumberSuperscript(sb, _lower);
                    sb.Append('\u2309'); // Right ceiling
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
            static void ToStringGrouped(SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> node, StringBuilder sb)
                switch (node._kind)
                    case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton:
            static void AppendNumberSubscript(StringBuilder sb, int value)
                foreach (char c in value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    sb.Append((char)('\u2080' + (c - '0')));
            static void AppendNumberSuperscript(StringBuilder sb, int value)
                foreach (char c in value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    switch (c)
                        case '1':
                        case '2':
                        case '3':
                            sb.Append((char)('\u2070' + (c - '0')));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all sets that occur in the regex or the full set if there are no sets in the regex (e.g. the regex is "^").
        /// </summary>
        public HashSet<TSet> GetSets(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder)
            var sets = new HashSet<TSet>();
            CollectSets(builder, sets);
            return sets;
        /// <summary>Collects all sets that occur in the regex into the specified collection.</summary>
        private void CollectSets(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, HashSet<TSet> sets)
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(CollectSets, builder, sets);
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BOLAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EOLAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZ:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZReverse:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BeginningAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Epsilon:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.FixedLengthMarker:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureStart:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureEnd:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton:
                    Debug.Assert(_set is not null);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    _left.CollectSets(builder, sets);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    _left.CollectSets(builder, sets);
                    _right.CollectSets(builder, sets);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                    // avoid deep nested recursion over long concat nodes
                    SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> conc = this;
                    while (conc._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                        Debug.Assert(conc._left is not null && conc._right is not null);
                        conc._left.CollectSets(builder, sets);
                        conc = conc._right;
                    conc.CollectSets(builder, sets);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    _left.CollectSets(builder, sets);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.NonBoundaryAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BoundaryAnchor:
        /// <summary>Compute and sort all the minterms from the sets in this regex.</summary>
        public TSet[] ComputeMinterms(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder)
            HashSet<TSet> sets = GetSets(builder);
            List<TSet> minterms = MintermGenerator<TSet>.GenerateMinterms(builder._solver, sets);
            return minterms.ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the reverse of this regex
        /// </summary>
        public SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> Reverse(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder)
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(Reverse, builder);
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    return builder.CreateLoop(_left.Reverse(builder), IsLazy, _lower, _upper);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> rev = _left.Reverse(builder);
                        SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> rest = _right;
                        while (rest._kind == SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat)
                            Debug.Assert(rest._left is not null && rest._right is not null);
                            SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> rev1 = rest._left.Reverse(builder);
                            rev = builder.CreateConcat(rev1, rev);
                            rest = rest._right;
                        SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> restr = rest.Reverse(builder);
                        rev = builder.CreateConcat(restr, rev);
                        return rev;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    return CreateAlternate(builder, _left.Reverse(builder), _right.Reverse(builder));
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.FixedLengthMarker:
                    // Fixed length markers are omitted in reverse
                    return builder.Epsilon;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BeginningAnchor:
                    // The reverse of BeginningAnchor is EndAnchor
                    return builder.EndAnchor;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchor:
                    return builder.BeginningAnchor;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BOLAnchor:
                    // The reverse of BOLanchor is EOLanchor
                    return builder.EolAnchor;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EOLAnchor:
                    return builder.BolAnchor;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZ:
                    // The reversal of the \Z anchor
                    return builder.EndAnchorZReverse;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZReverse:
                    Debug.Fail("Should only happen if a reversed regex is reversed again, which isn't expected");
                    return builder.EndAnchorZ;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    return builder.CreateDisableBacktrackingSimulation(_left.Reverse(builder));
                // Remaining cases map to themselves:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Epsilon:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BoundaryAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.NonBoundaryAnchor:
                    return this;
        internal bool StartsWithLoop(int upperBoundLowestValue = 1)
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(StartsWithLoop, upperBoundLowestValue);
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                    return (_upper < int.MaxValue) && (_upper > upperBoundLowestValue);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    return _left.StartsWithLoop(upperBoundLowestValue) || (_left.IsNullable && _right.StartsWithLoop(upperBoundLowestValue));
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    return _left.StartsWithLoop(upperBoundLowestValue) || _right.StartsWithLoop(upperBoundLowestValue);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    return _left.StartsWithLoop(upperBoundLowestValue);
                    return false;
        /// <summary>Computes the set that includes all elements that can start a match.</summary>
        private static TSet ComputeStartSet(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, SymbolicRegexNodeKind kind, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? left, SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>? right)
            // For singletons the start set is the set the singleton is constructed with,
            // so calling this function would not make sense.
            Debug.Assert(kind != SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton);
            switch (kind)
                // Anchors and () do not contribute to the startset
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Epsilon:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.FixedLengthMarker:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BeginningAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BoundaryAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.NonBoundaryAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EOLAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZ:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZReverse:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BOLAnchor:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureStart:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.CaptureEnd:
                    return builder._solver.Empty;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                    Debug.Assert(left is not null);
                    return left._set;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                    Debug.Assert(left is not null && right is not null);
                    return left.CanBeNullable ? builder._solver.Or(left._set, right._set) : left._set;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(left is not null && right is not null);
                    return builder._solver.Or(left._set, right._set);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                    Debug.Assert(left is not null);
                    return left._set;
                    return builder._solver.Full;
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace anchors that are infeasible by [] wrt the given previous character kind and what continuation is possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This helps the matcher detect deadend states that have no viable matches in situations where the pattern's
        /// language is empty due to interactions between anchors and the rest of the pattern. For example, a*\ba would
        /// be simplified to [] when prevKind is a word letter. This allows the matcher to avoid spurious work and return
        /// early.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="builder">the builder that owns this node</param>
        /// <param name="prevKind">previous character kind</param>
        internal SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> PruneAnchors(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, uint prevKind)
            //first prune the anchors in the node
            TSet wlbSet = builder._wordLetterForBoundariesSet;
            //true if the startset of the node overlaps with some wordletter or the node can be nullable
            bool contWithWL = CanBeNullable || !builder._solver.IsEmpty(builder._solver.And(wlbSet, _set));
            //true if the startset of the node overlaps with some nonwordletter or the node can be nullable
            bool contWithNWL = CanBeNullable || !builder._solver.IsEmpty(builder._solver.And(builder._solver.Not(wlbSet), _set));
            return PruneAnchorsImpl(builder, prevKind, contWithWL, contWithNWL);
        private SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> PruneAnchorsImpl(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder, uint prevKind, bool contWithWL, bool contWithNWL)
            // Guard against stack overflow due to deep recursion
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(PruneAnchorsImpl, builder, prevKind, contWithWL, contWithNWL);
            if (!_info.StartsWithSomeAnchor)
                return this;
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BeginningAnchor:
                    return prevKind == CharKind.BeginningEnd ?
                        this :
                        builder._nothing; //start anchor is only nullable if the previous character is Start
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.EndAnchorZReverse:
                    return ((prevKind & CharKind.BeginningEnd) != 0) ?
                        this :
                        builder._nothing; //rev(\Z) is only nullable if the previous characters is Start or the very first \n
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.BoundaryAnchor:
                    return (prevKind == CharKind.WordLetter ? contWithNWL : contWithWL) ?
                        this :
                        // \b is impossible when the previous character is \w but no continuation matches \W
                        // or the previous character is \W but no continuation matches \w
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.NonBoundaryAnchor:
                    return (prevKind == CharKind.WordLetter ? contWithWL : contWithNWL) ?
                        this :
                        // \B is impossible when the previous character is \w but no continuation matches \w
                        // or the previous character is \W but no continuation matches \W
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> body = _left.PruneAnchorsImpl(builder, prevKind, contWithWL, contWithNWL);
                    return body == _left ?
                        this :
                        CreateLoop(builder, body, _lower, _upper, IsLazy);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> left1 = _left.PruneAnchorsImpl(builder, prevKind, contWithWL, contWithNWL);
                        SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> right1 = _left.IsNullable ? _right.PruneAnchorsImpl(builder, prevKind, contWithWL, contWithNWL) : _right;
                        Debug.Assert(left1 is not null && right1 is not null);
                        return left1 == _left && right1 == _right ?
                            this :
                            CreateConcat(builder, left1, right1);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> left1 = _left.PruneAnchorsImpl(builder, prevKind, contWithWL, contWithNWL);
                        SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> right1 = _right.PruneAnchorsImpl(builder, prevKind, contWithWL, contWithNWL);
                        Debug.Assert(left1 is not null && right1 is not null);
                        return left1 == _left && right1 == _right ?
                            this :
                            CreateAlternate(builder, left1, right1);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                        Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                        SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> left1 = _left.PruneAnchorsImpl(builder, prevKind, contWithWL, contWithNWL);
                        return left1 == _left ?
                            this :
                            CreateEffect(builder, left1, _right);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> child = _left.PruneAnchorsImpl(builder, prevKind, contWithWL, contWithNWL);
                    return child == _left ?
                        this :
                    return this;
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve the preferred fixed length when accepting a match for this node. For example, a pattern .*?(dada$(4)|ada(3))
        /// after "dada" would be in a state $(4)|(3)|... and this function would return 4 if the match is at the end of input
        /// 3 otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">the context for deciding nullability</param>
        /// <returns>the fixed length of any match ending in this state, if any, or -1 otherwise</returns>
        internal int ResolveFixedLength(uint context)
            // Guard against stack overflow due to deep recursion
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(ResolveFixedLength, context);
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.FixedLengthMarker:
                    return _lower;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    if (_left.IsNullableFor(context))
                        // Left is nullable, so the match is from the left
                        return _left.ResolveFixedLength(context);
                        // Otherwise right must be nullable and thus the relevant match
                        return _right.ResolveFixedLength(context);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    int leftLength = _left.ResolveFixedLength(context);
                    return leftLength >= 0 ? leftLength : _right.ResolveFixedLength(context);
            return -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Break up a top level alternation into its elements. This is used when transitioning from DFA mode to NFA mode.
        /// A <see cref="SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation"/> node on the top level will be unwrapped
        /// and the resulting elements re-wrapped to maintain the metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>an enumeration of the elements of the alternation, or just the node itself if there is no alternation</returns>
        internal IEnumerable<SymbolicRegexNode<TSet>> EnumerateAlternationBranches(SymbolicRegexBuilder<TSet> builder)
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    // This call should never recurse more than one level
                    Debug.Assert(_left._kind is not SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation);
                    foreach (SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> element in _left.EnumerateAlternationBranches(builder))
                        // Re-wrap the element nodes in DisableBacktrackingSimulation if the top level node was too
                        yield return builder.CreateDisableBacktrackingSimulation(element);
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    // Loop through all the elements of an alternation
                    SymbolicRegexNode<TSet> current = this;
                    while (current._kind is SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate)
                        Debug.Assert(current._left is not null && current._right is not null);
                        Debug.Assert(current._left._kind is not SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate);
                        // Alternations are in right associative form, so the left child is never an alternation and
                        // thus an element to be yielded here.
                        yield return current._left;
                        current = current._right;
                    // Yield the last element
                    yield return current;
                    yield return this;
        /// <summary>
        /// Let #(this) denote the number of singletons in this node.
        /// Then the NFA size estimation in terms of state count
        /// is #(this) if there are no anchors else <see cref="CharKind.CharKindCount"/>x#(this).
        /// Add 1 for the initial state also.
        /// </summary>
        internal int EstimateNfaSize() => Times(_info.ContainsSomeAnchor ? CharKind.CharKindCount : 1, Sum(1, CountSingletons()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Count the number of Regex Singletons, if all loops with explicit counters
        /// were eliminated from the node, i.e., as if the repetitions were explicitly unfolded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Let node.CountSingletons() be abbreviated by #(node).
        /// Ex: #(a{6}) = 6*#(a) = 6
        /// Ex: #(a+|()) = #(aa*) = 2
        /// Ex: #(a{3,6}) = 6
        /// Ex: #(a{6,}) = #(a{6}a*)= 7
        /// </remarks>
        internal int CountSingletons()
            // Guard against stack overflow due to deep recursion
            if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                return StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(CountSingletons);
            switch (_kind)
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Singleton:
                    return 1;
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Concat:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is not null);
                    // #(this) = #(_left) + #(_right)
                    return Sum(_left.CountSingletons(), _right.CountSingletons());
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Loop:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null && _right is null);
                    Debug.Assert(_lower >= 0 && _upper > 0 && _upper >= _lower);
                    if (_upper == int.MaxValue)
                        if (_lower is 0 or int.MaxValue)
                            // infinite loop has the same size as a *-loop
                            return _left.CountSingletons();
                        // the upper bound is not being used, so the lower must be non-zero
                        Debug.Assert(_lower > 0);
                        // The case is R{m,} with R = _left and m = _lower.
                        // #(this) = (m+1) x #(R)
                        // Ex: #((ab){4,}) = #((ab)(ab)(ab)(ab)(ab)*) = 5x2 = 10
                        return Times(_lower + 1, _left.CountSingletons());
                    // The general case with both upper and lower bounds is R{m,n} with m =_lower and n = _upper
                    // #(this) = n x #(R)
                    // Ex: #((ab){4,6}) = #((ab)(ab)(ab)(ab)(ab)?(ab)?) = 6x2 = 12
                    return Times(_upper, _left.CountSingletons());
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.DisableBacktrackingSimulation:
                case SymbolicRegexNodeKind.Effect:
                    Debug.Assert(_left is not null);
                    return _left.CountSingletons();
                    Debug.Assert(_left is null && _right is null);
                    // All the other nodes contribute 0 to the overall count
                    // because they contain no children and therefore no singletons
                    return 0;
        // In case of overflow in m+n, return int.MaxValue
        private static int Sum(int m, int n)
            Debug.Assert(m >= 0 && n >= 0);
            return (int)Math.Min((long)m + n, int.MaxValue);
        // In case of overflow in m*n return int.MaxValue
        private static int Times(int m, int n)
            Debug.Assert(m >= 0 && n >= 0);
            return (int)Math.Min((long)m * n, int.MaxValue);