// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace System.Threading
internal readonly struct ThreadHandle
private readonly IntPtr _ptr;
internal ThreadHandle(IntPtr pThread)
_ptr = pThread;
public sealed partial class Thread
** Data accessed from managed code that needs to be defined in
** ThreadBaseObject to maintain alignment between the two classes.
** DON'T CHANGE THESE UNLESS YOU MODIFY ThreadBaseObject in vm\object.h
internal ExecutionContext? _executionContext; // this call context follows the logical thread
internal SynchronizationContext? _synchronizationContext; // maintained separately from ExecutionContext
private string? _name;
private StartHelper? _startHelper;
** The base implementation of Thread is all native. The following fields
** should never be used in the C# code. They are here to define the proper
** space so the thread object may be allocated. DON'T CHANGE THESE UNLESS
** YOU MODIFY ThreadBaseObject in vm\object.h
#pragma warning disable CA1823, 169 // These fields are not used from managed.
// IntPtrs need to be together, and before ints, because IntPtrs are 64-bit
// fields on 64-bit platforms, where they will be sorted together.
private IntPtr _DONT_USE_InternalThread; // Pointer
private int _priority; // INT32
// The following field is required for interop with the VS Debugger
// Prior to making any changes to this field, please reach out to the VS Debugger
// team to make sure that your changes are not going to prevent the debugger
// from working.
private int _managedThreadId; // INT32
#pragma warning restore CA1823, 169
// This is used for a quick check on thread pool threads after running a work item to determine if the name, background
// state, or priority were changed by the work item, and if so to reset it. Other threads may also change some of those,
// but those types of changes may race with the reset anyway, so this field doesn't need to be synchronized.
private bool _mayNeedResetForThreadPool;
// Set in unmanaged and read in managed code.
private bool _isDead;
private bool _isThreadPool;
private Thread() { }
public int ManagedThreadId
get => _managedThreadId;
/// <summary>Returns handle for interop with EE. The handle is guaranteed to be non-null.</summary>
internal ThreadHandle GetNativeHandle()
IntPtr thread = _DONT_USE_InternalThread;
// This should never happen under normal circumstances.
if (thread == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ThreadStateException(SR.Argument_InvalidHandle);
return new ThreadHandle(thread);
private unsafe void StartCore()
lock (this)
fixed (char* pThreadName = _name)
StartInternal(GetNativeHandle(), _startHelper?._maxStackSize ?? 0, _priority, _isThreadPool ? Interop.BOOL.TRUE : Interop.BOOL.FALSE, pThreadName);
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_Start")]
private static unsafe partial void StartInternal(ThreadHandle t, int stackSize, int priority, Interop.BOOL isThreadPool, char* pThreadName);
// Called from the runtime
private void StartCallback()
StartHelper? startHelper = _startHelper;
Debug.Assert(startHelper != null);
_startHelper = null;
/// <summary>
/// Suspends the current thread for timeout milliseconds. If timeout == 0,
/// forces the thread to give up the remainder of its timeslice. If timeout
/// == Timeout.Infinite, no timeout will occur.
/// </summary>
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_Sleep")]
private static partial void SleepInternal(int millisecondsTimeout);
// Max iterations to be done in SpinWait without switching GC modes.
private const int SpinWaitCoopThreshold = 1024;
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_SpinWait")]
private static partial void SpinWaitInternal(int iterations);
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_SpinWait")]
private static partial void LongSpinWaitInternal(int iterations);
[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] // Slow path method. Make sure that the caller frame does not pay for PInvoke overhead.
private static void LongSpinWait(int iterations) => LongSpinWaitInternal(iterations);
/// <summary>
/// Wait for a length of time proportional to 'iterations'. Each iteration is should
/// only take a few machine instructions. Calling this API is preferable to coding
/// a explicit busy loop because the hardware can be informed that it is busy waiting.
/// </summary>
public static void SpinWait(int iterations)
if (iterations < SpinWaitCoopThreshold)
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_YieldThread")]
private static partial Interop.BOOL YieldInternal();
public static bool Yield() => YieldInternal() != Interop.BOOL.FALSE;
private static Thread InitializeCurrentThread()
Thread? thread = null;
GetCurrentThread(ObjectHandleOnStack.Create(ref thread));
return t_currentThread = thread!;
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_GetCurrentThread")]
private static partial void GetCurrentThread(ObjectHandleOnStack thread);
private void Initialize()
Thread _this = this;
Initialize(ObjectHandleOnStack.Create(ref _this));
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_Initialize")]
private static partial void Initialize(ObjectHandleOnStack thread);
/// <summary>Clean up the thread when it goes away.</summary>
~Thread() => InternalFinalize(); // Delegate to the unmanaged portion.
private extern void InternalFinalize();
private void ThreadNameChanged(string? value)
InformThreadNameChange(GetNativeHandle(), value, value?.Length ?? 0);
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_InformThreadNameChange", StringMarshalling = StringMarshalling.Utf16)]
private static partial void InformThreadNameChange(ThreadHandle t, string? name, int len);
/// <summary>Returns true if the thread has been started and is not dead.</summary>
public bool IsAlive => (ThreadState & (ThreadState.Unstarted | ThreadState.Stopped | ThreadState.Aborted)) == 0;
/// <summary>
/// Return whether or not this thread is a background thread. Background
/// threads do not affect when the Execution Engine shuts down.
/// </summary>
public bool IsBackground
if (_isDead)
throw new ThreadStateException(SR.ThreadState_Dead_State);
Interop.BOOL res = GetIsBackground(GetNativeHandle());
return res != Interop.BOOL.FALSE;
if (_isDead)
throw new ThreadStateException(SR.ThreadState_Dead_State);
SetIsBackground(GetNativeHandle(), value ? Interop.BOOL.TRUE : Interop.BOOL.FALSE);
if (!value)
_mayNeedResetForThreadPool = true;
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_GetIsBackground")]
private static partial Interop.BOOL GetIsBackground(ThreadHandle t);
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_SetIsBackground")]
private static partial void SetIsBackground(ThreadHandle t, Interop.BOOL value);
/// <summary>Returns true if the thread is a threadpool thread.</summary>
public bool IsThreadPoolThread
if (_isDead)
throw new ThreadStateException(SR.ThreadState_Dead_State);
return _isThreadPool;
internal set
Debug.Assert(((ThreadState & ThreadState.Unstarted) != 0)
|| ThreadPool.UseWindowsThreadPool
_isThreadPool = value;
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_SetPriority")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static partial void SetPriority(ObjectHandleOnStack thread, int priority);
/// <summary>Returns the priority of the thread.</summary>
public ThreadPriority Priority
if (_isDead)
throw new ThreadStateException(SR.ThreadState_Dead_Priority);
return (ThreadPriority)_priority;
Thread _this = this;
SetPriority(ObjectHandleOnStack.Create(ref _this), (int)value);
_mayNeedResetForThreadPool = true;
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_GetCurrentOSThreadId")]
private static partial ulong GetCurrentOSThreadId();
/// <summary>
/// Return the thread state as a consistent set of bits. This is more
/// general then IsAlive or IsBackground.
/// </summary>
public ThreadState ThreadState
var state = (ThreadState)GetThreadState(GetNativeHandle());
return state;
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_GetThreadState")]
private static partial int GetThreadState(ThreadHandle t);
/// <summary>
/// An unstarted thread can be marked to indicate that it will host a
/// single-threaded or multi-threaded apartment.
/// </summary>
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_GetApartmentState")]
private static partial int GetApartmentState(ObjectHandleOnStack t);
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_SetApartmentState")]
private static partial int SetApartmentState(ObjectHandleOnStack t, int state);
public ApartmentState GetApartmentState()
Thread _this = this;
return (ApartmentState)GetApartmentState(ObjectHandleOnStack.Create(ref _this));
private bool SetApartmentStateUnchecked(ApartmentState state, bool throwOnError)
ApartmentState retState;
lock (this) // This lock is only needed when the this is not the current thread.
Thread _this = this;
retState = (ApartmentState)SetApartmentState(ObjectHandleOnStack.Create(ref _this), (int)state);
// Special case where we pass in Unknown and get back MTA.
// Once we CoUninitialize the thread, the OS will still
// report the thread as implicitly in the MTA if any
// other thread in the process is CoInitialized.
if ((state == ApartmentState.Unknown) && (retState == ApartmentState.MTA))
return true;
if (retState != state)
if (throwOnError)
string msg = SR.Format(SR.Thread_ApartmentState_ChangeFailed, retState);
throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
return false;
return true;
public ApartmentState GetApartmentState() => ApartmentState.Unknown;
private static bool SetApartmentStateUnchecked(ApartmentState state, bool throwOnError)
if (state != ApartmentState.Unknown)
if (throwOnError)
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(SR.PlatformNotSupported_ComInterop);
return false;
return true;
public void DisableComObjectEagerCleanup()
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_DisableComObjectEagerCleanup")]
private static partial void DisableComObjectEagerCleanup(ThreadHandle t);
public void DisableComObjectEagerCleanup() { }
/// <summary>
/// Interrupts a thread that is inside a Wait(), Sleep() or Join(). If that
/// thread is not currently blocked in that manner, it will be interrupted
/// when it next begins to block.
/// </summary>
public void Interrupt()
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_Interrupt")]
private static partial void Interrupt(ThreadHandle t);
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_Join")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static partial bool Join(ObjectHandleOnStack thread, int millisecondsTimeout);
/// <summary>
/// Waits for the thread to die or for timeout milliseconds to elapse.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// Returns true if the thread died, or false if the wait timed out. If
/// -1 is given as the parameter, no timeout will occur.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">if timeout < -1 (Timeout.Infinite)</exception>
/// <exception cref="ThreadInterruptedException">if the thread is interrupted while waiting</exception>
/// <exception cref="ThreadStateException">if the thread has not been started yet</exception>
public bool Join(int millisecondsTimeout)
// Validate the timeout
if (millisecondsTimeout < 0 && millisecondsTimeout != Timeout.Infinite)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(millisecondsTimeout), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegOrNegative1);
Thread _this = this;
return Join(ObjectHandleOnStack.Create(ref _this), millisecondsTimeout);
/// <summary>
/// Max value to be passed into <see cref="SpinWait(int)"/> for optimal delaying. This value is normalized to be
/// appropriate for the processor.
/// </summary>
internal static int OptimalMaxSpinWaitsPerSpinIteration
private static class DirectOnThreadLocalData
// Special Thread Static variable which is always allocated at the address of the Thread variable in the ThreadLocalData of the current thread
public static IntPtr pNativeThread;
/// <summary>
/// Get the ThreadStaticBase used for this threads TLS data. This ends up being a pointer to the pNativeThread field on the ThreadLocalData,
/// which is at a well known offset from the start of the ThreadLocalData
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// We use BypassReadyToRunAttribute to ensure that this method is not compiled using ReadyToRun. This avoids an issue where we might
/// fail to use the JIT_GetNonGCThreadStaticBaseOptimized2 JIT helpers to access the field, which would result in a stack overflow, as accessing
/// this field would recursively call this method.
/// </remarks>
internal static unsafe StaticsHelpers.ThreadLocalData* GetThreadStaticsBase()
return (StaticsHelpers.ThreadLocalData*)(((byte*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref DirectOnThreadLocalData.pNativeThread)) - sizeof(StaticsHelpers.ThreadLocalData));
internal void ResetFinalizerThread()
Debug.Assert(this == CurrentThread);
if (_mayNeedResetForThreadPool)
private void ResetFinalizerThreadSlow()
Debug.Assert(this == CurrentThread);
_mayNeedResetForThreadPool = false;
const string FinalizerThreadName = ".NET Finalizer";
if (Name != FinalizerThreadName)
Name = FinalizerThreadName;
if (!IsBackground)
IsBackground = true;
if (Priority != ThreadPriority.Highest)
Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ThreadNative_PollGC")]
private static partial void ThreadNative_PollGC();
// GC Suspension is done by simply dropping into native code via p/invoke, and we reuse the p/invoke
// mechanism for suspension. On all architectures we should have the actual stub used for the check be implemented
// as a small assembly stub which checks the global g_TrapReturningThreads flag and tail-call to this helper
private static unsafe void PollGC()
NativeThreadState catchAtSafePoint = ((NativeThreadClass*)Thread.DirectOnThreadLocalData.pNativeThread)->m_State & NativeThreadState.TS_CatchAtSafePoint;
if (catchAtSafePoint != NativeThreadState.None)
private struct NativeThreadClass
public NativeThreadState m_State;
private enum NativeThreadState
None = 0,
TS_AbortRequested = 0x00000001, // Abort the thread
TS_DebugSuspendPending = 0x00000008, // Is the debugger suspending threads?
TS_GCOnTransitions = 0x00000010, // Force a GC on stub transitions (GCStress only)
// We require (and assert) that the following bits are less than 0x100.
TS_CatchAtSafePoint = (TS_AbortRequested | TS_DebugSuspendPending | TS_GCOnTransitions),