File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\Runtime\InteropServices\UnmanagedType.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices
    public enum UnmanagedType
        Bool = 0x2,         // 4 byte boolean value (true != 0, false == 0)
        I1 = 0x3,           // 1 byte signed value
        U1 = 0x4,           // 1 byte unsigned value
        I2 = 0x5,           // 2 byte signed value
        U2 = 0x6,           // 2 byte unsigned value
        I4 = 0x7,           // 4 byte signed value
        U4 = 0x8,           // 4 byte unsigned value
        I8 = 0x9,           // 8 byte signed value
        U8 = 0xa,           // 8 byte unsigned value
        R4 = 0xb,           // 4 byte floating point
        R8 = 0xc,           // 8 byte floating point
        [Obsolete("Marshalling as Currency may be unavailable in future releases.")]
        Currency = 0xf,     // A currency
        BStr = 0x13,        // OLE Unicode BSTR
        LPStr = 0x14,       // Ptr to SBCS string
        LPWStr = 0x15,      // Ptr to Unicode string
        LPTStr = 0x16,      // Ptr to OS preferred (SBCS/Unicode) string
        ByValTStr = 0x17,   // OS preferred (SBCS/Unicode) inline string (only valid in structs)
        IUnknown = 0x19,    // COM IUnknown pointer.
        IDispatch = 0x1a,   // COM IDispatch pointer
        Struct = 0x1b,      // Structure
        Interface = 0x1c,   // COM interface
        SafeArray = 0x1d,   // OLE SafeArray
        ByValArray = 0x1e,  // Array of fixed size (only valid in structs)
        SysInt = 0x1f,      // Hardware natural sized signed integer
        SysUInt = 0x20,
        [Obsolete("Marshalling as VBByRefString may be unavailable in future releases.")]
        VBByRefStr = 0x22,
        [Obsolete("Marshalling as AnsiBStr may be unavailable in future releases.")]
        AnsiBStr = 0x23,    // OLE BSTR containing SBCS characters
        [Obsolete("Marshalling as TBstr may be unavailable in future releases.")]
        TBStr = 0x24,       // Ptr to OS preferred (SBCS/Unicode) BSTR
        VariantBool = 0x25, // OLE defined BOOLEAN (2 bytes, true == -1, false == 0)
        FunctionPtr = 0x26, // Function pointer
        [Obsolete("Marshalling arbitrary types may be unavailable in future releases. Specify the type you wish to marshal as.")]
        AsAny = 0x28,       // Paired with Object type and does runtime marshalling determination
        LPArray = 0x2a,     // C style array
        LPStruct = 0x2b,    // Pointer to a structure
        CustomMarshaler = 0x2c,
        Error = 0x2d,
        IInspectable = 0x2e,
        HString = 0x2f,     // Windows Runtime HSTRING
        LPUTF8Str = 0x30,   // UTF8 string