// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using MS.Win32;
using MS.Internal.Documents;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Interop;
namespace System.Windows.Documents
// ImmComposition class
// This class handles IMM32 IME's composition string and
// support level 3 input to TextBox and RichTextBox.
internal class ImmComposition
// Constructors
#region Constructors
// Creates a new ImmComposition instance.
static ImmComposition()
// Creates a new ImmComposition instance.
internal ImmComposition(HwndSource source)
UpdateSource(null, source);
#endregion Constructors
// Internal Method
// Create an instance of ImmComposition per source window.
internal static ImmComposition GetImmComposition(FrameworkElement scope)
HwndSource source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(scope) as HwndSource;
ImmComposition immComposition = null;
if (source != null)
lock (_list)
immComposition = (ImmComposition)_list[source];
if (immComposition == null)
immComposition = new ImmComposition(source);
_list[source] = immComposition;
return immComposition;
// This is called when TextEditor is detached.
// We need to remove event handlers.
internal void OnDetach(TextEditor editor)
if (editor != _editor)
// ignore calls from editors that aren't the one we're attached to
if (_editor != null)
PresentationSource.RemoveSourceChangedHandler(UiScope, new SourceChangedEventHandler(OnSourceChanged));
_editor.TextContainer.Change -= new TextContainerChangeEventHandler(OnTextContainerChange);
_editor = null;
// Callback from TextEditor when it gets focus.
internal void OnGotFocus(TextEditor editor)
if (editor == _editor)
// If an event listener does a reentrant SetFocus, we can get
// here without a matching OnLostFocus. Early out so
// that we don't attach too many handlers.
// remove source changed handler for previous editor.
if (_editor != null)
PresentationSource.RemoveSourceChangedHandler(UiScope, new SourceChangedEventHandler(OnSourceChanged));
_editor.TextContainer.Change -= new TextContainerChangeEventHandler(OnTextContainerChange);
// Update the current focus TextEditor, RenderScope and UiScope.
_editor = editor;
// we need to track the source change.
PresentationSource.AddSourceChangedHandler(UiScope, new SourceChangedEventHandler(OnSourceChanged));
_editor.TextContainer.Change += new TextContainerChangeEventHandler(OnTextContainerChange);
// Update the current composition window position.
// Callback from TextEditor when it lost focus.
internal void OnLostFocus()
if (_editor == null)
_losingFocus = true;
// complete the composition string when it lost focus.
_losingFocus = false;
// Callback from TextEditor when the layout is updated
internal void OnLayoutUpdated()
if (_updateCompWndPosAtNextLayoutUpdate && IsReadingWindowIme())
_updateCompWndPosAtNextLayoutUpdate = false;
// complete the composition string by calling ImmNotifyIME.
internal void CompleteComposition()
if (_source == null)
// Do nothing if HwndSource is already gone(disposed) or disconnected.
_compositionModifiedByEventListener = true;
IntPtr hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
hwnd = ((IWin32Window)_source).Handle;
IntPtr himc = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetContext(new HandleRef(this, hwnd));
if (himc != IntPtr.Zero)
UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmNotifyIME(new HandleRef(this, himc), NativeMethods.NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, NativeMethods.CPS_COMPLETE, 0);
UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmReleaseContext(new HandleRef(this, hwnd), new HandleRef(this, himc));
if (_compositionAdorner != null)
_compositionAdorner = null;
_startComposition = null;
_endComposition = null;
// Called as the selection changes.
// We can't modify document state here in any way.
internal void OnSelectionChange()
_compositionModifiedByEventListener = true;
// Callback for TextSelection.Changed event.
internal void OnSelectionChanged()
if (!this.IsInKeyboardFocus)
// Update the current composition window position.
// Internal Properties
// Returns true if we're in the middle of an ongoing composition.
internal bool IsComposition
return _startComposition != null;
// Private Methods
// SourceChanged callback
private void OnSourceChanged(object sender, SourceChangedEventArgs e)
HwndSource newSource = null;
HwndSource oldSource = null;
newSource = e.NewSource as HwndSource;
oldSource = e.OldSource as HwndSource;
UpdateSource(oldSource, newSource);
// Clean up the old source changed event handler that was connected with UiScope.
if (oldSource != null && UiScope != null)
// Remove the source changed event handler here.
// Ohterwise, we'll get the leak of the SourceChangedEventHandler.
// New source changed event handler will be added by getting OnGotFocus on new UiScope.
PresentationSource.RemoveSourceChangedHandler(UiScope, new SourceChangedEventHandler(OnSourceChanged));
// Update _list and _source with new source.
private void UpdateSource(HwndSource oldSource, HwndSource newSource)
// If this object is moving directly from one source to another
// without passing through null, problems could arise. This object
// becomes the ImmComposition for the new source (_list[newSource] = this),
// but the new source may already have an ImmComposition. This can
// lead to confusion when handling composition messages or when
// shutting down the source.
// Fortunately this can't happen - the visual tree doesn't support re-parenting
// in one step (you have to detach child, then reattach it to a new parent).
// If that should change, this method will need some rethinking.
Debug.Assert(oldSource == null || newSource == null,
"ImmComposition doesn't support changing source directly");
// Detach the TextEditor. This avoids leaks and crashes (DevDiv2 1162020, 1201925).
if (_source != null)
Debug.Assert((oldSource == null) || (oldSource == _source));
_source.RemoveHook(new HwndSourceHook(ImmCompositionFilterMessage));
_source.Disposed -= new EventHandler(OnHwndDisposed);
// Remove HwndSource from the list.
_source = null;
if (newSource != null)
_list[newSource] = this;
_source = newSource;
_source.AddHook(new HwndSourceHook(ImmCompositionFilterMessage));
_source.Disposed += new EventHandler(OnHwndDisposed);
// _source should always be a newSource.
Debug.Assert(newSource == _source);
// Window Hook to track WM_IME_ messages.
private IntPtr ImmCompositionFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
IntPtr lret = IntPtr.Zero;
switch ((WindowMessage)msg)
case WindowMessage.WM_IME_CHAR:
OnWmImeChar(wParam, ref handled);
case WindowMessage.WM_IME_NOTIFY:
// we don't have to update handled.
OnWmImeNotify(hwnd, wParam);
if (IsInKeyboardFocus && !IsReadOnly)
// Do Level 2 for legacy Chinese IMM32 IMEs.
if (!IsReadingWindowIme())
handled = true;
case WindowMessage.WM_IME_COMPOSITION:
OnWmImeComposition(hwnd, lParam, ref handled);
case WindowMessage.WM_IME_REQUEST:
lret = OnWmImeRequest(wParam, lParam, ref handled);
case WindowMessage.WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE:
// Set the composition window position (reading window position) for
// legacy Chinese IMM32 IMEs.
if (IsReadingWindowIme())
return lret;
private void OnWmImeComposition(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
IntPtr himc;
int size;
int cursorPos = 0;
int deltaStart = 0;
char[] result = null;
char[] composition = null;
byte[] attributes = null;
if (IsReadingWindowIme())
// Don't handle WM_IME_COMPOSITION for Chinese Legacy IMEs.
if (!IsInKeyboardFocus && !_losingFocus)
// Don't handle WM_IME_COMPOSITION if we don't have a focus.
if (IsReadOnly)
// Don't handle WM_IME_COMPOSITION if it is readonly.
himc = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetContext(new HandleRef(this, hwnd));
if (himc == IntPtr.Zero)
// we don't do anything with NULL-HIMC.
// Get the result string from hIMC.
if (((int)lParam & NativeMethods.GCS_RESULTSTR) != 0)
size = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetCompositionString(new HandleRef(this, himc), NativeMethods.GCS_RESULTSTR, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
if (size > 0)
result = new char[size / sizeof(short)];
UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetCompositionString(new HandleRef(this, himc), NativeMethods.GCS_RESULTSTR, result, size);
// Get the composition string from hIMC.
if (((int)lParam & NativeMethods.GCS_COMPSTR) != 0)
size = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetCompositionString(new HandleRef(this, himc), NativeMethods.GCS_COMPSTR, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
if (size > 0)
composition = new char[size / sizeof(short)];
UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetCompositionString(new HandleRef(this, himc), NativeMethods.GCS_COMPSTR, composition, size);
// Get the caret position from hIMC.
if (((int)lParam & NativeMethods.GCS_CURSORPOS) != 0)
cursorPos = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetCompositionString(new HandleRef(this, himc), NativeMethods.GCS_CURSORPOS, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
// Get the delta start position from hIMC.
if (((int)lParam & NativeMethods.GCS_DELTASTART) != 0)
deltaStart = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetCompositionString(new HandleRef(this, himc), NativeMethods.GCS_DELTASTART, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
// Get the attribute information from hIMC.
if (((int)lParam & NativeMethods.GCS_COMPATTR) != 0)
size = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetCompositionString(new HandleRef(this, himc), NativeMethods.GCS_COMPATTR, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
if (size > 0)
attributes = new byte[size / sizeof(byte)];
UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetCompositionString(new HandleRef(this, himc), NativeMethods.GCS_COMPATTR, attributes, size);
UpdateCompositionString(result, composition, cursorPos, deltaStart, attributes);
UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmReleaseContext(new HandleRef(this, hwnd), new HandleRef(this, himc));
handled = true;
// WM_IME_CHAR handler
private void OnWmImeChar(IntPtr wParam, ref bool handled)
if (!IsInKeyboardFocus && !_losingFocus)
// Don't handle WM_IME_CAHR if we don't have a focus.
if (IsReadOnly)
// Don't handle WM_IME_CAHR if it is readonly.
if (_handlingImeMessage)
// We will be called reentrantly while completing compositions
// in response to application listeners. In that case, don't
// propegate events to listeners.
_handlingImeMessage = true;
int resultLength;
string compositionString = BuildCompositionString(null, new char[] { (char)wParam }, out resultLength);
if (compositionString == null)
FrameworkTextComposition composition = TextStore.CreateComposition(_editor, this);
_compositionModifiedByEventListener = false;
_caretOffset = 1;
// Raise TextInputStart.
bool handledbyApp = RaiseTextInputStartEvent(composition, resultLength, compositionString);
if (handledbyApp)
// Raise TextInput.
bool handledByApp = RaiseTextInputEvent(composition, compositionString);
if (handledByApp)
goto Exit;
_handlingImeMessage = false;
// the string has been finalized. Update the reading window position for
// legacy Chinese IMEs.
if (IsReadingWindowIme())
handled = true;
// WM_IME_NOTIFY handler
private void OnWmImeNotify(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr wParam)
IntPtr himc;
// we don't have to do anything if _editor is null.
if (!IsInKeyboardFocus)
if ((int)wParam == NativeMethods.IMN_OPENCANDIDATE)
himc = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetContext(new HandleRef(this, hwnd));
if (himc != IntPtr.Zero)
NativeMethods.CANDIDATEFORM candform = new NativeMethods.CANDIDATEFORM();
// At IMN_OPENCANDIDATE, we need to set the candidate window location to hIMC.
if (IsReadingWindowIme())
// Level 2 for Chinese legacy IMEs.
// We have already set the composition form. The candidate window will follow it.
candform.dwIndex = 0;
candform.dwStyle = NativeMethods.CFS_DEFAULT;
candform.rcArea.left = 0;
candform.rcArea.right = 0;
candform.rcArea.top = 0;
candform.rcArea.bottom = 0;
candform.ptCurrentPos = default;
ITextView view;
ITextPointer startNavigator;
ITextPointer endNavigator;
ITextPointer caretNavigator;
GeneralTransform transform;
Point milPointTopLeft;
Point milPointBottomRight;
Point milPointCaret;
Rect rectStart;
Rect rectEnd;
Rect rectCaret;
CompositionTarget compositionTarget;
compositionTarget = _source.CompositionTarget;
if (_startComposition != null)
startNavigator = _startComposition.CreatePointer();
startNavigator = _editor.Selection.Start.CreatePointer();
if (_endComposition != null)
endNavigator = _endComposition.CreatePointer();
endNavigator = _editor.Selection.End.CreatePointer();
if (_startComposition != null)
caretNavigator = _caretOffset > 0 ? _startComposition.CreatePointer(_caretOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward) : _endComposition;
caretNavigator = _editor.Selection.End.CreatePointer();
ITextPointer startPosition = startNavigator.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);
ITextPointer endPosition = endNavigator.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Backward);
ITextPointer caretPosition = caretNavigator.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);
// We need to update the layout before getting rect. It could be dirty.
if (!startPosition.ValidateLayout() ||
!endPosition.ValidateLayout() ||
view = TextEditor.GetTextView(RenderScope);
rectStart = view.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(startPosition);
rectEnd = view.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(endPosition);
rectCaret = view.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(caretPosition);
// Take the "extended" union of the first and last char's bounding box.
milPointTopLeft = new Point(Math.Min(rectStart.Left, rectEnd.Left), Math.Min(rectStart.Top, rectEnd.Top));
milPointBottomRight = new Point(Math.Max(rectStart.Left, rectEnd.Left), Math.Max(rectStart.Bottom, rectEnd.Bottom));
milPointCaret = new Point(rectCaret.Left, rectCaret.Bottom);
// Transform to root visual coordinates.
transform = RenderScope.TransformToAncestor(compositionTarget.RootVisual);
transform.TryTransform(milPointTopLeft, out milPointTopLeft);
transform.TryTransform(milPointBottomRight, out milPointBottomRight);
transform.TryTransform(milPointCaret, out milPointCaret);
// Transform to device units.
milPointTopLeft = compositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(milPointTopLeft);
milPointBottomRight = compositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(milPointBottomRight);
milPointCaret = compositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(milPointCaret);
// Build CANDIDATEFORM. CANDIDATEFORM is window coodidate.
candform.dwIndex = 0;
candform.dwStyle = NativeMethods.CFS_EXCLUDE;
candform.rcArea.left = ConvertToInt32(milPointTopLeft.X);
candform.rcArea.right = ConvertToInt32(milPointBottomRight.X);
candform.rcArea.top = ConvertToInt32(milPointTopLeft.Y);
candform.rcArea.bottom = ConvertToInt32(milPointBottomRight.Y);
candform.ptCurrentPos = new NativeMethods.POINT(ConvertToInt32(milPointCaret.X), ConvertToInt32(milPointCaret.Y));
// Call IMM32 to set new candidate position to hIMC.
// ImmSetCandidateWindow fails when
// - candform.dwIndex is invalid (over 4).
// - himc belongs to other threads.
// - fail to lock IMC.
// Those cases are ignorable for us.
// In addition, it does not set win32 last error and we have no clue to handle error.
UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmSetCandidateWindow(new HandleRef(this, himc), ref candform);
UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmReleaseContext(new HandleRef(this, hwnd), new HandleRef(this, himc));
// We want to pass this message to DefWindowProc.
// We don't update "handled".
// Use Level 2 for Chinese IME
private void UpdateNearCaretCompositionWindow()
ITextView view;
Rect rectUi;
GeneralTransform transform;
Point milPointTopLeft;
Point milPointBottomRight;
Point milPointCaret;
Rect rectCaret;
CompositionTarget compositionTarget;
IntPtr hwnd;
if (!IsInKeyboardFocus)
if (_source == null)
hwnd = ((IWin32Window)_source).Handle;
rectUi = UiScope.VisualContentBounds;
view = _editor.TextView;
// We need to update Layout to calculate the correct position of the composition window.
// We can wait until LayoutChanged but we need to know if Layout is being updated or not.
// RenderScope.UpdateLayout();
// During incremental layout update, the region of the view covered by
// the selection may not be ready yet.
if (!_editor.Selection.End.HasValidLayout)
_updateCompWndPosAtNextLayoutUpdate = true;
compositionTarget = _source.CompositionTarget;
// HwndSource.CompositionTarget may return null if the target hwnd is being destroyed and disposed.
if (compositionTarget == null || compositionTarget.RootVisual == null)
// If the mouse click happens before rendering, the seleciton move notification is generated.
// However the visual tree is not completely connected yet. We need to check it.
if (!compositionTarget.RootVisual.IsAncestorOf(RenderScope))
IntPtr himc = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetContext(new HandleRef(this, hwnd));
if (himc != IntPtr.Zero)
rectCaret = view.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(_editor.Selection.End.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Backward));
// Take the points of the renderScope.
milPointTopLeft = new Point(rectUi.Left, rectUi.Top);
milPointBottomRight = new Point(rectUi.Right, rectUi.Bottom);
// Take the "extended" union of the first and last char's bounding box.
// milPointCaret = new Point(rectCaret.Left, rectCaret.Top);
milPointCaret = new Point(rectCaret.Left, rectCaret.Bottom);
// Transform to root visual coordinates.
transform = RenderScope.TransformToAncestor(compositionTarget.RootVisual);
transform.TryTransform(milPointTopLeft, out milPointTopLeft);
transform.TryTransform(milPointBottomRight, out milPointBottomRight);
transform.TryTransform(milPointCaret, out milPointCaret);
// Transform to device units.
milPointTopLeft = compositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(milPointTopLeft);
milPointBottomRight = compositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(milPointBottomRight);
milPointCaret = compositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(milPointCaret);
// Build COMPOSITIONFORM. COMPOSITIONFORM is window coodidate.
NativeMethods.COMPOSITIONFORM compform = new NativeMethods.COMPOSITIONFORM
dwStyle = NativeMethods.CFS_RECT
compform.rcArea.left = ConvertToInt32(milPointTopLeft.X);
compform.rcArea.right = ConvertToInt32(milPointBottomRight.X);
compform.rcArea.top = ConvertToInt32(milPointTopLeft.Y);
compform.rcArea.bottom = ConvertToInt32(milPointBottomRight.Y);
compform.ptCurrentPos = new NativeMethods.POINT(ConvertToInt32(milPointCaret.X), ConvertToInt32(milPointCaret.Y));
// Call IMM32 to set new candidate position to hIMC.
// ImmSetCompositionWindow fails when
// - himc belongs to other threads.
// - fail to lock IMC.
// Those cases are ignorable for us.
// In addition, it does not set win32 last error and we have no clue to handle error.
UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmSetCompositionWindow(new HandleRef(this, himc), ref compform);
UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmReleaseContext(new HandleRef(this, hwnd), new HandleRef(this, himc));
// Hwnd disposed callback.
private void OnHwndDisposed(object sender, EventArgs args)
UpdateSource(_source, null);
// update the composition string on the scope
private void UpdateCompositionString(char[] resultChars, char[] compositionChars, int caretOffset, int deltaStart, byte[] attributes)
if (_handlingImeMessage)
// We will be called reentrantly while completing compositions
// in response to application listeners. In that case, don't
// propegate events to listeners.
_handlingImeMessage = true;
// Remove any existing composition adorner for display attribute.
if (_compositionAdorner != null)
_compositionAdorner = null;
// Build up an array of resultChars + compositionChars -- the complete span of changing text.
int resultLength;
string compositionString = BuildCompositionString(resultChars, compositionChars, out resultLength);
if (compositionString == null)
// Remember where the IME placed the caret.
RecordCaretOffset(caretOffset, attributes, compositionString.Length);
FrameworkTextComposition composition = TextStore.CreateComposition(_editor, this);
_compositionModifiedByEventListener = false;
if (_startComposition == null)
Invariant.Assert(_endComposition == null);
// Raise TextInputStart.
bool handledbyApp = RaiseTextInputStartEvent(composition, resultLength, compositionString);
if (handledbyApp)
else if (compositionChars != null)
// Raise TextInputUpdate.
bool handledByApp = RaiseTextInputUpdateEvent(composition, resultLength, compositionString);
if (handledByApp)
if (compositionChars == null)
// Raise TextInput.
bool handledByApp = RaiseTextInputEvent(composition, compositionString);
if (handledByApp)
if (_startComposition != null)
_handlingImeMessage = false;
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to build a string containing zero or more result chars followed by zero or more composition chars.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="resultChars"></param>
/// <param name="compositionChars"></param>
/// <param name="resultLength"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string BuildCompositionString(char[] resultChars, char[] compositionChars, out int resultLength)
int compositionLength = compositionChars == null ? 0 : compositionChars.Length;
resultLength = resultChars == null ? 0 : resultChars.Length;
char[] compositionText;
if (resultChars == null)
compositionText = compositionChars;
else if (compositionChars == null)
compositionText = resultChars;
compositionText = new char[resultLength + compositionLength];
Array.Copy(resultChars, 0, compositionText, 0, resultLength);
Array.Copy(compositionChars, 0, compositionText, resultLength, compositionLength);
string compositionString = new string(compositionText);
int originalLength = (compositionText == null) ? 0 : compositionText.Length;
return (compositionString.Length == originalLength) ? compositionString : null;
// Caches the IME specified caret offset.
// Value is the offset in unicode code points from the composition start.
private void RecordCaretOffset(int caretOffset, byte[] attributes, int compositionLength)
// Use the suggested value if it is on ATTR_INPUT, otherwise set the caret at the end of
// composition string. So it always stays where the new char is inserted.
if ((attributes != null) &&
// If the next char of the cursorPos is INPUTATTR.
(((caretOffset >= 0) &&
(caretOffset < attributes.Length) &&
(attributes[caretOffset] == NativeMethods.ATTR_INPUT)) ||
// If the prev char os the cursorPos is INPUTATTR.
((caretOffset > 0) &&
((caretOffset - 1) < attributes.Length) &&
(attributes[caretOffset - 1] == NativeMethods.ATTR_INPUT))))
_caretOffset = caretOffset;
_caretOffset = -1;
// Raises a public TextInputStart event.
// Returns true if a listener handles the event or modifies document state.
private bool RaiseTextInputStartEvent(FrameworkTextComposition composition, int resultLength, string compositionString)
composition.Stage = TextCompositionStage.None;
composition.SetCompositionPositions(_editor.Selection.Start, _editor.Selection.End, compositionString);
// PUBLIC event:
bool handled = TextCompositionManager.StartComposition(composition);
if (handled ||
composition.PendingComplete ||
return true;
// UpdateCompositionText raises a PUBLIC EVENT....
UpdateCompositionText(composition, resultLength, true /* includeResultText */, out _startComposition, out _endComposition);
if (_compositionModifiedByEventListener)
return true;
return false;
// Raises a public TextInputUpdate event.
// Returns true if a listener handles the event or modifies document state.
private bool RaiseTextInputUpdateEvent(FrameworkTextComposition composition, int resultLength, string compositionString)
composition.Stage = TextCompositionStage.Started;
composition.SetCompositionPositions(_startComposition, _endComposition, compositionString);
// PUBLIC event:
bool handled = TextCompositionManager.UpdateComposition(composition);
if (handled ||
composition.PendingComplete ||
return true;
// UpdateCompositionText raises a PUBLIC EVENT....
UpdateCompositionText(composition, resultLength, false /* includeResultText */, out _startComposition, out _endComposition);
if (_compositionModifiedByEventListener)
return true;
return false;
// Raises a public TextInput event.
// Returns true if a listener handles the event or modifies document state.
private bool RaiseTextInputEvent(FrameworkTextComposition composition, string compositionString)
composition.Stage = TextCompositionStage.Started;
composition.SetResultPositions(_startComposition, _endComposition, compositionString);
_startComposition = null;
_endComposition = null;
_handledByEditorListener = false;
// PUBLIC event:
_compositionUndoUnit = null;
return (!_handledByEditorListener || composition.PendingComplete || _compositionModifiedByEventListener);
// Inserts composition text into the document.
// Raises public text, selection changed events.
// Called by default editor TextInputEvent handler.
internal void UpdateCompositionText(FrameworkTextComposition composition)
ITextPointer start;
ITextPointer end;
UpdateCompositionText(composition, 0, true /* includeResultText */
, out start, out end);
// Inserts composition text into the document.
// Raises public text, selection changed events.
// Returns the position of the inserted text. If includeResultText is
// true, start/end will cover all the inserted text. Otherwise, text
// from offset 0 to resultLength is omitted from start/end.
internal void UpdateCompositionText(FrameworkTextComposition composition, int resultLength, bool includeResultText, out ITextPointer start, out ITextPointer end)
start = null;
end = null;
if (_compositionModifiedByEventListener)
// If the app has modified the document since this event was raised
// (by hooking a TextInput event), then we don't know what to do,
// so do nothing.
_handledByEditorListener = true;
bool isTextFiltered = false;
UndoCloseAction undoCloseAction = UndoCloseAction.Rollback;
// this code duplicated in TextStore.UpdateCompositionText
ITextRange range;
string text;
// DevDiv.1106868 We need to set ignoreTextUnitBoundaries to true in the TextRange constructor in case we are dealing with
// a supplementary character (a pair of surrogate characters that together form a single character), otherwise TextRange
// will break us out of the compound sequence
if (composition._ResultStart != null)
// If we're here it means composition is being finalized
range = new TextRange(composition._ResultStart, composition._ResultEnd, true /* ignoreTextUnitBoundaries */);
text = this._editor._FilterText(composition.Text, range);
isTextFiltered = (text != composition.Text);
if (isTextFiltered)
// If text was filtered we need to update the caret to point
// past the updated text (_caretOffset == text.Length), but we should
// also keep in mind that IMM's are free to have put caret in
// any position so we're chosing minimum of both.
_caretOffset = Math.Min(_caretOffset, text.Length);
range = new TextRange(composition._CompositionStart, composition._CompositionEnd, true /* ignoreTextUnitBoundaries */);
text = composition.CompositionText;
_editor.SetText(range, text, InputLanguageManager.Current.CurrentInputLanguage);
if (includeResultText)
start = range.Start;
start = range.Start.CreatePointer(resultLength, LogicalDirection.Forward);
end = range.End;
ITextPointer caretPosition = _caretOffset >= 0 ? start.CreatePointer(_caretOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward) : end;
_editor.Selection.Select(caretPosition, caretPosition);
// We're about to raise the public event.
// Set a flag so we can detect app changes.
_compositionModifiedByEventListener = false;
if (isTextFiltered)
_compositionModifiedByEventListener = true;
undoCloseAction = UndoCloseAction.Commit;
CloseCompositionUndoUnit(undoCloseAction, end);
// Decorates the composition with IME specified underlining.
private void SetCompositionAdorner(byte[] attributes)
if (attributes != null)
int startOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
if ((i + 1) < attributes.Length)
if (attributes[i] == attributes[i + 1])
ITextPointer startAttribute = _startComposition.CreatePointer(startOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward);
ITextPointer endAttribute = _startComposition.CreatePointer(i + 1, LogicalDirection.Forward);
if (_compositionAdorner == null)
_compositionAdorner = new CompositionAdorner(_editor.TextView);
// Need a design of the composition rendering.
UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE displayAttribute = new UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE();
displayAttribute.crLine.type = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_COLORTYPE.TF_CT_COLORREF;
displayAttribute.crLine.indexOrColorRef = 0;
displayAttribute.lsStyle = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_LINESTYLE.TF_LS_NONE;
displayAttribute.fBoldLine = false;
switch (attributes[i])
case NativeMethods.ATTR_INPUT:
displayAttribute.lsStyle = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_LINESTYLE.TF_LS_DOT;
displayAttribute.lsStyle = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_LINESTYLE.TF_LS_SOLID;
displayAttribute.fBoldLine = true;
case NativeMethods.ATTR_CONVERTED:
displayAttribute.lsStyle = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_LINESTYLE.TF_LS_DOT;
displayAttribute.lsStyle = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_LINESTYLE.TF_LS_SOLID;
case NativeMethods.ATTR_INPUT_ERROR:
// Demand create the highlight layer.
if (_highlightLayer == null)
_highlightLayer = new DisplayAttributeHighlightLayer();
// Need to pass the foreground and background color of the composition
_highlightLayer.Add(startClause, endClause, /*TextDecorationCollection:*/null);
TextServicesDisplayAttribute textServiceDisplayAttribute = new TextServicesDisplayAttribute(displayAttribute);
// Add the attribute range into CompositionAdorner.
_compositionAdorner.AddAttributeRange(startAttribute, endAttribute, textServiceDisplayAttribute);
startOffset = i + 1;
if (_highlightLayer != null)
if (_compositionAdorner != null)
// Update the layout to get the acurated rectangle from calling GetRectangleFromTextPosition
// Invalidate the composition adorner to apply the composition attribute ranges.
// Start listening mouse event for MSIME mouse operation.
private void RegisterMouseListeners()
UiScope.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
UiScope.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
UiScope.PreviewMouseRightButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
UiScope.PreviewMouseRightButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
UiScope.PreviewMouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseEvent);
// Stop listening mouse event for MSIME mouse operation.
private void UnregisterMouseListeners()
if (this.UiScope != null)
UiScope.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown -= new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
UiScope.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp -= new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
UiScope.PreviewMouseRightButtonDown -= new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
UiScope.PreviewMouseRightButtonUp -= new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
UiScope.PreviewMouseMove -= new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseEvent);
// WM_IME_REQUEST handler
private IntPtr OnWmImeRequest(IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
IntPtr lret = IntPtr.Zero;
switch ((int)wParam)
lret = OnWmImeRequest_ReconvertString(lParam, ref handled, false);
lret = OnWmImeRequest_ConfirmReconvertString(lParam, ref handled);
case NativeMethods.IMR_DOCUMENTFEED:
lret = OnWmImeRequest_ReconvertString(lParam, ref handled, true);
return lret;
private IntPtr OnWmImeRequest_ReconvertString(IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled, bool fDocFeed)
if (!fDocFeed)
_isReconvReady = false;
if (!IsInKeyboardFocus)
return IntPtr.Zero;
ITextRange range;
// If there is the composition string, we use it. Otherwise we use the current selection.
if (fDocFeed && (_startComposition != null) && (_endComposition != null))
range = new TextRange(_startComposition, _endComposition);
range = _editor.Selection;
string target = range.Text;
int requestSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.RECONVERTSTRING)) + (target.Length * sizeof(short)) + ((_maxSrounding + 1) * sizeof(short) * 2);
IntPtr lret = new IntPtr(requestSize);
if (lParam != IntPtr.Zero)
int offsetStart;
string surrounding = GetSurroundingText(range, out offsetStart);
// Create RECONVERTSTRING structure from lParam.
NativeMethods.RECONVERTSTRING reconv = Marshal.PtrToStructure<NativeMethods.RECONVERTSTRING>(lParam);
reconv.dwSize = requestSize;
reconv.dwVersion = 0; // must be 0
reconv.dwStrLen = surrounding.Length; // in char count
reconv.dwStrOffset = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.RECONVERTSTRING)); // in byte count
reconv.dwCompStrLen = target.Length; // in char count
reconv.dwCompStrOffset = offsetStart * sizeof(short); // in byte count
reconv.dwTargetStrLen = target.Length; // in char count
reconv.dwTargetStrOffset = offsetStart * sizeof(short); // in byte count
if (!fDocFeed)
// If this is IMR_RECONVERTSTRING, we cache it. So we can refer it later when we get
_reconv = reconv;
_isReconvReady = true;
// Copy the strucuture back to lParam.
Marshal.StructureToPtr(reconv, lParam, true);
StoreSurroundingText(lParam, surrounding);
handled = true;
return lret;
private unsafe static void StoreSurroundingText(IntPtr reconv, string surrounding)
// Copy the string to the pointer right after the structure.
byte* p = (byte*)reconv.ToPointer();
p += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.RECONVERTSTRING));
Marshal.Copy(surrounding.ToCharArray(), 0, new IntPtr((void*)p), surrounding.Length);
// Get the surrounding text of the given range.
// The offsetStart is out param to return the offset of the given range in the returned surrounding text.
private static string GetSurroundingText(ITextRange range, out int offsetStart)
ITextPointer navigator;
bool done;
string surrounding = "";
int bufLength;
// Get the previous text of the given range.
navigator = range.Start.CreatePointer();
done = false;
bufLength = _maxSrounding;
while (!done && (bufLength > 0))
switch (navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward))
case TextPointerContext.Text:
char[] buffer = new char[bufLength];
int copied = navigator.GetTextInRun(LogicalDirection.Backward, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Invariant.Assert(copied != 0);
navigator.MoveByOffset(0 - copied);
bufLength -= copied;
surrounding = surrounding.Insert(0, new string(buffer, 0, copied));
case TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement:
done = true;
case TextPointerContext.ElementStart:
case TextPointerContext.ElementEnd:
// ignore the inline element.
if (!navigator.GetElementType(LogicalDirection.Backward).IsSubclassOf(typeof(Inline)))
done = true;
case TextPointerContext.None:
done = true;
// offsetStart is the amount of the current surroundingText.
offsetStart = surrounding.Length;
// add the text in the given range.
surrounding += range.Text;
// Get the following text of the given range.
navigator = range.End.CreatePointer();
done = false;
bufLength = _maxSrounding;
while (!done && (bufLength > 0))
switch (navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward))
case TextPointerContext.Text:
char[] buffer = new char[bufLength];
int copied = navigator.GetTextInRun(LogicalDirection.Forward, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
bufLength -= copied;
surrounding += new string(buffer, 0, copied);
case TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement:
done = true;
case TextPointerContext.ElementStart:
case TextPointerContext.ElementEnd:
// ignore the inline element.
if (!navigator.GetElementType(LogicalDirection.Forward).IsSubclassOf(typeof(Inline)))
done = true;
case TextPointerContext.None:
done = true;
return surrounding;
private IntPtr OnWmImeRequest_ConfirmReconvertString(IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
if (!IsInKeyboardFocus)
return IntPtr.Zero;
if (!_isReconvReady)
return IntPtr.Zero;
NativeMethods.RECONVERTSTRING reconv = Marshal.PtrToStructure<NativeMethods.RECONVERTSTRING>(lParam);
// If the entire string in RECONVERTSTRING has been changed, we don't handle it.
if (_reconv.dwStrLen != reconv.dwStrLen)
handled = true;
return IntPtr.Zero;
// If the new CompStr was suggested by IME, we need to adjust the selection with it.
if ((_reconv.dwCompStrLen != reconv.dwCompStrLen) ||
(_reconv.dwCompStrOffset != reconv.dwCompStrOffset))
ITextRange range = _editor.Selection;
// Create the start point from the selection
ITextPointer start = range.Start.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Backward);
// Move the start point to new dwCompStrOffset.
start = MoveToNextCharPos(start, (reconv.dwCompStrOffset - _reconv.dwCompStrOffset) / sizeof(short));
// Create the end position and move this as dwCompStrLen.
ITextPointer end = start.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);
end = MoveToNextCharPos(end, reconv.dwCompStrLen);
// Update the selection with new start and end.
_editor.Selection.Select(start, end);
_isReconvReady = false;
handled = true;
return new IntPtr(1);
// Move the TextPointer by offset in char count.
private static ITextPointer MoveToNextCharPos(ITextPointer position, int offset)
bool done = false;
if (offset < 0)
while ((offset < 0) && !done)
switch (position.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward))
case TextPointerContext.Text:
case TextPointerContext.None:
done = true;
else if (offset > 0)
while ((offset > 0) && !done)
switch (position.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward))
case TextPointerContext.Text:
case TextPointerContext.None:
done = true;
return position;
// Move the TextPointer by offset in char count.
private bool IsReadingWindowIme()
int prop = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetProperty(new HandleRef(this, SafeNativeMethods.GetKeyboardLayout(0)), NativeMethods.IGP_PROPERTY);
return (((prop & NativeMethods.IME_PROP_AT_CARET) == 0) || ((prop & NativeMethods.IME_PROP_SPECIAL_UI) != 0));
// Mouse Button state was changed.
private void OnMouseButtonEvent(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
e.Handled = InternalMouseEventHandler();
// Mouse was moved.
private void OnMouseEvent(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
e.Handled = InternalMouseEventHandler();
// The mouse event handler to generate MSIME message to IME listeners.
private bool InternalMouseEventHandler()
int btnState = 0;
if (Mouse.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
btnState = 1; // IMEMOUSE_LDOWN
if (Mouse.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
btnState = 2; // IMEMOUSE_RDOWN
Point point = Mouse.GetPosition(RenderScope);
ITextView view;
ITextPointer positionCurrent;
ITextPointer positionNext;
Rect rectCurrent;
Rect rectNext;
view = TextEditor.GetTextView(RenderScope);
// Validate layout information on TextView
if (!view.Validate(point))
return false;
// Do the hittest.
positionCurrent = view.GetTextPositionFromPoint(point, false);
if (positionCurrent == null)
return false;
rectCurrent = view.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(positionCurrent);
positionNext = positionCurrent.CreatePointer();
if (positionNext == null)
return false;
if (point.X - rectCurrent.Left >= 0)
rectNext = view.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(positionNext);
int edge;
int quadrant;
edge = _editor.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(positionCurrent);
int startComposition = _editor.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(_startComposition);
int endComposition = _editor.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(_endComposition);
// IMEs care about only the composition string range.
if (edge < startComposition)
return false;
if (edge > endComposition)
return false;
if (rectNext.Left == rectCurrent.Left)
// if rectNext.Left == rectCurrent.Left, the width of char is 0 and mouse click points there.
// there is no quadrent. So we alwasys make it 0.
quadrant = 0;
if (point.X - rectCurrent.Left >= 0)
if ((((point.X - rectCurrent.Left) * 4) / (rectNext.Left - rectCurrent.Left)) <= 1)
quadrant = 2;
quadrant = 3;
if (((point.X - rectNext.Left) * 4) / (rectCurrent.Left - rectNext.Left) <= 3)
quadrant = 0;
quadrant = 1;
// IMEs care about only the composition string range.
// If the quadrant is outside of the range, we don't do SendMessage.
if ((edge == startComposition) && (quadrant <= 1))
return false;
if ((edge == endComposition) && (quadrant >= 2))
return false;
// The edge must be relative to the composition string.
edge -= startComposition;
int wParam = (edge << 16) + (quadrant << 8) + btnState;
IntPtr hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
hwnd = ((IWin32Window)_source).Handle;
IntPtr himc = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetContext(new HandleRef(this, hwnd));
IntPtr lret = IntPtr.Zero;
if (himc != IntPtr.Zero)
IntPtr hwndDefIme = IntPtr.Zero;
hwndDefIme = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(new HandleRef(this, hwnd));
lret = UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(hwndDefIme, s_MsImeMouseMessage, new IntPtr(wParam), himc);
// We eat this event if IME handled.
return (lret != IntPtr.Zero) ? true : false;
// Opens a composition undo unit. Opens the compsed composition undo unit if it exist on the top
// of the stack. Otherwise, create new composition undo unit and add it to the undo manager and
// making it as the opened undo unit.
private void OpenCompositionUndoUnit()
UndoManager undoManager;
DependencyObject parent;
parent = _editor.TextContainer.Parent;
undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(parent);
if (undoManager != null && undoManager.IsEnabled && undoManager.OpenedUnit == null)
if (_compositionUndoUnit != null && _compositionUndoUnit == undoManager.LastUnit && !_compositionUndoUnit.Locked)
// Opens a closed composition undo unit on the top of the stack.
_compositionUndoUnit = new TextParentUndoUnit(_editor.Selection);
// Add the given composition undo unit to the undo manager and making it
// as the opened undo unit.
_compositionUndoUnit = null;
// Closes an opened composition unit and adding it to the containing unit's undo stack.
private void CloseCompositionUndoUnit(UndoCloseAction undoCloseAction, ITextPointer compositionEnd)
UndoManager undoManager;
DependencyObject parent;
parent = _editor.TextContainer.Parent;
undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(parent);
if (undoManager != null && undoManager.IsEnabled && undoManager.OpenedUnit != null)
if (_compositionUndoUnit != null)
// Closes an opened composition unit and commit it to add the composition
// undo unit into the containing unit's undo stack.
if (undoCloseAction == UndoCloseAction.Commit)
_compositionUndoUnit.RecordRedoSelectionState(compositionEnd, compositionEnd);
undoManager.Close(_compositionUndoUnit, undoCloseAction);
_compositionUndoUnit = null;
// Converts a double into a 32 bit integer, truncating values that
// exceed Int32.MinValue or Int32.MaxValue.
private int ConvertToInt32(double value)
int i;
if (Double.IsNaN(value))
// (int)value is 0x80000000. So we should assign Int32.MinValue.
i = Int32.MinValue;
else if (value < Int32.MinValue)
i = Int32.MinValue;
else if (value > Int32.MaxValue)
i = Int32.MaxValue;
i = Convert.ToInt32(value);
return i;
private void OnTextContainerChange(object sender, TextContainerChangeEventArgs args)
if (args.IMECharCount > 0 && (args.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentAdded || args.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentRemoved))
_compositionModifiedByEventListener = true;
// Private Properties
private UIElement RenderScope
get { return _editor.TextView?.RenderScope; }
private FrameworkElement UiScope
get { return _editor?.UiScope; }
private bool IsReadOnly
return ((bool)UiScope.GetValue(TextEditor.IsReadOnlyProperty) || _editor.IsReadOnly);
private bool IsInKeyboardFocus
if (_editor == null)
return false;
if (UiScope == null)
return false;
if (!UiScope.IsKeyboardFocused)
return false;
return true;
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
// HwndSource of this instance of ImmComposition.
private HwndSource _source;
// TextEditor of the current focus element.
private TextEditor _editor;
// The current start position of the compositon string.
// This is null if the composition string does not exist.
private ITextPointer _startComposition;
// The current end position of the compositon string.
// This is null if the composition string does not exist.
private ITextPointer _endComposition;
// The offset in chars from the start of the composition to the IME caret.
private int _caretOffset;
// Highlight layer forLevel3 composition drawing.
private DisplayAttributeHighlightLayer _highlightLayer;
// CompositionAdorner for displaying the composition attributes.
private CompositionAdorner _compositionAdorner;
// List of ImmComposition instances.
private static Hashtable _list = new Hashtable(1);
// Dash length of the compositon string underline.
private const double _dashLength = 2.0;
// Max surrounding char count for RECONVERTSTRING/DOCFEED.
private const int _maxSrounding = 0x20;
// Cached RECONVERTSTRING structure for IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING message handling.
private NativeMethods.RECONVERTSTRING _reconv;
// True if the cached RECONVERTSTRING structure is ready.
private bool _isReconvReady;
// MSIME mouse operation message.
private static WindowMessage s_MsImeMouseMessage = UnsafeNativeMethods.RegisterWindowMessage("MSIMEMouseOperation");
// This is the composition undo unit.
private TextParentUndoUnit _compositionUndoUnit;
// Reentry flag, set true while handling WM_IME_UPDATE, WM_IME_CHAR.
private bool _handlingImeMessage;
// If this is true, call UpdateNearCaretCompositionWindow() at the next layout update.
private bool _updateCompWndPosAtNextLayoutUpdate;
// Set true if an application listener modified the document content
// or selection inside a TextInput* event.
private bool _compositionModifiedByEventListener;
// Flag set true when TextInput events are handled by the default
// TextEditor listener -- not intercepted by an application listener.
private bool _handledByEditorListener;
// Set true while completing a composition from OnLostFocus.
private bool _losingFocus;
#endregion Private Fields