25 instantiations of FontWeight
PresentationCore (23)
MS\Internal\FontCache\FamilyCollection.cs (1)
410fontWeight = new FontWeight((int)font.Weight);
MS\Internal\FontFace\CompositeFontParser.cs (1)
645FontWeight fontWeight = new FontWeight();
MS\Internal\FontFace\PhysicalFontFamily.cs (1)
216_style = new MatchingStyle(new FontStyle((int)face.Style), new FontWeight((int)face.Weight), new FontStretch((int)face.Stretch));
MS\Internal\FontFace\TypefaceCollection.cs (1)
156return new Typeface(_typefaceCollection._fontFamily, new FontStyle((int)face.Style), new FontWeight((int)face.Weight), new FontStretch((int)face.Stretch));
System\Windows\FontWeight.cs (1)
42return new FontWeight(weightValue);
System\Windows\FontWeightConverter.cs (1)
69FontWeight fontWeight = new FontWeight();
System\Windows\FontWeights.cs (16)
21public static FontWeight Thin { get { return new FontWeight(100); } } 26public static FontWeight ExtraLight { get { return new FontWeight(200); } } 31public static FontWeight UltraLight { get { return new FontWeight(200); } } 36public static FontWeight Light { get { return new FontWeight(300); } } 41public static FontWeight Normal { get { return new FontWeight(400); } } 46public static FontWeight Regular { get { return new FontWeight(400); } } 51public static FontWeight Medium { get { return new FontWeight(500); } } 56public static FontWeight DemiBold { get { return new FontWeight(600); } } 61public static FontWeight SemiBold { get { return new FontWeight(600); } } 66public static FontWeight Bold { get { return new FontWeight(700); } } 71public static FontWeight ExtraBold { get { return new FontWeight(800); } } 76public static FontWeight UltraBold { get { return new FontWeight(800); } } 81public static FontWeight Black { get { return new FontWeight(900); } } 86public static FontWeight Heavy { get { return new FontWeight(900); } } 91public static FontWeight ExtraBlack { get { return new FontWeight(950); } } 96public static FontWeight UltraBlack { get { return new FontWeight(950); } }
System\Windows\Media\GlyphTypeface.cs (1)
578return new FontWeight((int)_font.Weight);
PresentationFramework (2)
System\Windows\Markup\Baml2006\WpfGeneratedKnownTypes.cs (1)
4476bamlType.DefaultConstructor = delegate() { return new System.Windows.FontWeight(); };
System\Windows\Markup\KnownTypes.cs (1)
1281case KnownElements.FontWeight: o = new System.Windows.FontWeight(); break;
137 references to FontWeight
PresentationCore (84)
MS\Internal\FontCache\CachedTypeface.cs (3)
24private FontWeight _canonicalWeight; 32FontWeight canonicalWeight, 55internal FontWeight CanonicalWeight
MS\Internal\FontCache\FamilyCollection.cs (1)
330ref FontWeight fontWeight,
MS\Internal\FontFace\CompositeFontParser.cs (1)
645FontWeight fontWeight = new FontWeight();
MS\Internal\FontFace\FontDifferentiator.cs (2)
26FontWeight weight, 39FontWeight fontWeight,
MS\Internal\FontFace\IFontFamily.cs (2)
57FontWeight weight, 65IDeviceFont GetDeviceFont(FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch);
MS\Internal\FontFace\MatchingStyle.cs (1)
32FontWeight weight,
MS\Internal\FontFace\PhysicalFontFamily.cs (4)
70FontWeight weight, 81IDeviceFont IFontFamily.GetDeviceFont(FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch) 113FontWeight weight, 138FontWeight weight,
MS\Internal\Shaping\CompositeFontFamily.cs (5)
195FontWeight weight, 214IDeviceFont IFontFamily.GetDeviceFont(FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch) 380FontWeight weight, 399FontWeight weight, 433FontWeight weight,
MS\Internal\Shaping\CompositeTypefaceMetrics.cs (2)
33private FontWeight _weight; 57FontWeight weight,
MS\Internal\Shaping\TypefaceMap.cs (5)
34private FontWeight _canonicalWeight; 49FontWeight canonicalWeight, 487FontWeight canonicalWeight, 870FontWeight canonicalWeight = _canonicalWeight; 979FontWeight canonicalWeight,
System\Windows\FontWeight.cs (18)
38public static FontWeight FromOpenTypeWeight(int weightValue) 66public static int Compare(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 77public static bool operator<(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 88public static bool operator<=(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 99public static bool operator>(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 110public static bool operator>=(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 122public static bool operator==(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 134public static bool operator!=(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 145public bool Equals(FontWeight obj) 158if (!(obj is FontWeight)) 160return this == (FontWeight)obj;
System\Windows\FontWeightConverter.cs (7)
69FontWeight fontWeight = new FontWeight(); 90if (destinationType != null && value is FontWeight) 94MethodInfo mi = typeof(FontWeight).GetMethod("FromOpenTypeWeight", new Type[]{typeof(int)}); 95FontWeight c = (FontWeight)value; 100FontWeight c = (FontWeight)value;
System\Windows\FontWeights.cs (18)
21public static FontWeight Thin { get { return new FontWeight(100); } } 26public static FontWeight ExtraLight { get { return new FontWeight(200); } } 31public static FontWeight UltraLight { get { return new FontWeight(200); } } 36public static FontWeight Light { get { return new FontWeight(300); } } 41public static FontWeight Normal { get { return new FontWeight(400); } } 46public static FontWeight Regular { get { return new FontWeight(400); } } 51public static FontWeight Medium { get { return new FontWeight(500); } } 56public static FontWeight DemiBold { get { return new FontWeight(600); } } 61public static FontWeight SemiBold { get { return new FontWeight(600); } } 66public static FontWeight Bold { get { return new FontWeight(700); } } 71public static FontWeight ExtraBold { get { return new FontWeight(800); } } 76public static FontWeight UltraBold { get { return new FontWeight(800); } } 81public static FontWeight Black { get { return new FontWeight(900); } } 86public static FontWeight Heavy { get { return new FontWeight(900); } } 91public static FontWeight ExtraBlack { get { return new FontWeight(950); } } 96public static FontWeight UltraBlack { get { return new FontWeight(950); } } 98internal static bool FontWeightStringToKnownWeight(string s, IFormatProvider provider, ref FontWeight fontWeight) 206fontWeight = FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(weightValue);
System\Windows\Media\FamilyTypeface.cs (2)
59public FontWeight Weight 315private FontWeight _weight;
System\Windows\Media\FontFamily.cs (4)
332FontWeight weight = FontWeights.Normal; 414FontWeight weight = FontWeights.Normal; 443ref FontWeight weight, 481ref FontWeight weight,
System\Windows\Media\FormattedText.cs (2)
611public void SetFontWeight(FontWeight weight) 622public void SetFontWeight(FontWeight weight, int startIndex, int count)
System\Windows\Media\GlyphTypeface.cs (1)
573public FontWeight Weight
System\Windows\Media\Typeface.cs (6)
33private FontWeight _weight; 70FontWeight weight, 95FontWeight weight, 123public FontWeight Weight 320internal FontWeight CanonicalWeight 733FontWeight canonicalWeight = _weight;
PresentationFramework (47)
MS\Internal\Text\DynamicPropertyReader.cs (4)
42FontWeight fontWeight = (FontWeight) element.GetValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty); 53FontWeight fontWeight = (FontWeight) element.GetValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty);
System\Windows\Controls\AccessText.cs (2)
192public FontWeight FontWeight 194get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(FontWeightProperty); }
System\Windows\Controls\Control.cs (2)
268public FontWeight FontWeight 270get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(FontWeightProperty); }
System\Windows\Controls\DataGridTextColumn.cs (2)
371public FontWeight FontWeight 373get { return (FontWeight)GetValue(FontWeightProperty); }
System\Windows\Controls\StickyNote.cs (3)
419typeof(FontWeight), 428public FontWeight CaptionFontWeight 430get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(CaptionFontWeightProperty); }
System\Windows\Controls\TextBlock.cs (5)
707public FontWeight FontWeight 709get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(FontWeightProperty); } 718public static void SetFontWeight(DependencyObject element, FontWeight value) 729public static FontWeight GetFontWeight(DependencyObject element) 733return (FontWeight)element.GetValue(FontWeightProperty);
System\Windows\Controls\TextRangeAdaptor.cs (2)
181FontWeight fontWeight = (FontWeight)tp.GetValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty);
System\Windows\Documents\FixedSOMTextRun.cs (2)
350public FontWeight FontWeight 425private FontWeight _fontWeight;
System\Windows\Documents\FlowDocument.cs (2)
239public FontWeight FontWeight 241get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(FontWeightProperty); }
System\windows\Documents\TextEditorCharacters.cs (2)
175FontWeight fontWeight = (propertyValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue && (FontWeight)propertyValue == FontWeights.Bold) ? FontWeights.Normal : FontWeights.Bold;
System\Windows\Documents\TextElement.cs (6)
556typeof(FontWeight), 565public FontWeight FontWeight 567get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(FontWeightProperty); } 576public static void SetFontWeight(DependencyObject element, FontWeight value) 587public static FontWeight GetFontWeight(DependencyObject element) 591return (FontWeight)element.GetValue(FontWeightProperty);
System\Windows\Markup\Baml2006\Baml2006KnownTypes.cs (1)
315case 221: t = () => typeof(FontWeight); break;
System\Windows\Markup\Baml2006\WpfGeneratedKnownTypes.cs (1)
System\Windows\Markup\KnownTypes.cs (1)
5775case KnownElements.FontWeight: t = typeof(System.Windows.FontWeight); break;
System\Windows\SystemFonts.cs (12)
58public static FontWeight IconFontWeight 62return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.IconMetrics.lfFont.lfWeight); 138public static FontWeight CaptionFontWeight 142return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.NonClientMetrics.lfCaptionFont.lfWeight); 218public static FontWeight SmallCaptionFontWeight 222return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.NonClientMetrics.lfSmCaptionFont.lfWeight); 296public static FontWeight MenuFontWeight 300return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.NonClientMetrics.lfMenuFont.lfWeight); 375public static FontWeight StatusFontWeight 379return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.NonClientMetrics.lfStatusFont.lfWeight); 470public static FontWeight MessageFontWeight 474return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.NonClientMetrics.lfMessageFont.lfWeight);
WindowsFormsIntegration (6)
System\Windows\Integration\Convert.cs (1)
224internal static FontWeight ToSystemWindowsFontWeight(SD.Font sdFont)
System\Windows\Integration\HostUtils.cs (1)
407public static bool FontWeightIsBold(FontWeight fontWeight)
System\Windows\Integration\WindowsFormsHost.cs (2)
666public SW.FontWeight FontWeight 668get { return (FontWeight)GetValue(FontWeightProperty); }
System\Windows\Integration\WindowsFormsHostPropertyMap.cs (2)
186if (adapter != null && value is SW.FontWeight) 189if (HostUtils.FontWeightIsBold((SW.FontWeight)value))