25 instantiations of FontWeight
PresentationCore (23)
MS\Internal\FontCache\FamilyCollection.cs (1)
422fontWeight = new FontWeight((int)font.Weight);
MS\Internal\FontFace\CompositeFontParser.cs (1)
657FontWeight fontWeight = new FontWeight();
MS\Internal\FontFace\PhysicalFontFamily.cs (1)
225_style = new MatchingStyle(new FontStyle((int)face.Style), new FontWeight((int)face.Weight), new FontStretch((int)face.Stretch));
MS\Internal\FontFace\TypefaceCollection.cs (1)
170return new Typeface(_typefaceCollection._fontFamily, new FontStyle((int)face.Style), new FontWeight((int)face.Weight), new FontStretch((int)face.Stretch));
System\Windows\FontWeight.cs (1)
46return new FontWeight(weightValue);
System\Windows\FontWeightConverter.cs (1)
84FontWeight fontWeight = new FontWeight();
System\Windows\FontWeights.cs (16)
22public static FontWeight Thin { get { return new FontWeight(100); } } 27public static FontWeight ExtraLight { get { return new FontWeight(200); } } 32public static FontWeight UltraLight { get { return new FontWeight(200); } } 37public static FontWeight Light { get { return new FontWeight(300); } } 42public static FontWeight Normal { get { return new FontWeight(400); } } 47public static FontWeight Regular { get { return new FontWeight(400); } } 52public static FontWeight Medium { get { return new FontWeight(500); } } 57public static FontWeight DemiBold { get { return new FontWeight(600); } } 62public static FontWeight SemiBold { get { return new FontWeight(600); } } 67public static FontWeight Bold { get { return new FontWeight(700); } } 72public static FontWeight ExtraBold { get { return new FontWeight(800); } } 77public static FontWeight UltraBold { get { return new FontWeight(800); } } 82public static FontWeight Black { get { return new FontWeight(900); } } 87public static FontWeight Heavy { get { return new FontWeight(900); } } 92public static FontWeight ExtraBlack { get { return new FontWeight(950); } } 97public static FontWeight UltraBlack { get { return new FontWeight(950); } }
System\Windows\Media\GlyphTypeface.cs (1)
587return new FontWeight((int)_font.Weight);
PresentationFramework (2)
System\Windows\Markup\Baml2006\WpfGeneratedKnownTypes.cs (1)
4478bamlType.DefaultConstructor = delegate() { return new System.Windows.FontWeight(); };
System\Windows\Markup\KnownTypes.cs (1)
1281case KnownElements.FontWeight: o = new System.Windows.FontWeight(); break;
137 references to FontWeight
PresentationCore (84)
MS\Internal\FontCache\CachedTypeface.cs (3)
26private FontWeight _canonicalWeight; 34FontWeight canonicalWeight, 57internal FontWeight CanonicalWeight
MS\Internal\FontCache\FamilyCollection.cs (1)
342ref FontWeight fontWeight,
MS\Internal\FontFace\CompositeFontParser.cs (1)
657FontWeight fontWeight = new FontWeight();
MS\Internal\FontFace\FontDifferentiator.cs (2)
28FontWeight weight, 41FontWeight fontWeight,
MS\Internal\FontFace\IFontFamily.cs (2)
61FontWeight weight, 69IDeviceFont GetDeviceFont(FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch);
MS\Internal\FontFace\MatchingStyle.cs (1)
37FontWeight weight,
MS\Internal\FontFace\PhysicalFontFamily.cs (4)
79FontWeight weight, 90IDeviceFont IFontFamily.GetDeviceFont(FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch) 122FontWeight weight, 147FontWeight weight,
MS\Internal\Shaping\CompositeFontFamily.cs (5)
203FontWeight weight, 222IDeviceFont IFontFamily.GetDeviceFont(FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch) 388FontWeight weight, 407FontWeight weight, 441FontWeight weight,
MS\Internal\Shaping\CompositeTypefaceMetrics.cs (2)
37private FontWeight _weight; 61FontWeight weight,
MS\Internal\Shaping\TypefaceMap.cs (5)
42private FontWeight _canonicalWeight; 57FontWeight canonicalWeight, 495FontWeight canonicalWeight, 878FontWeight canonicalWeight = _canonicalWeight; 987FontWeight canonicalWeight,
System\Windows\FontWeight.cs (18)
42public static FontWeight FromOpenTypeWeight(int weightValue) 70public static int Compare(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 81public static bool operator<(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 92public static bool operator<=(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 103public static bool operator>(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 114public static bool operator>=(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 126public static bool operator==(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 138public static bool operator!=(FontWeight left, FontWeight right) 149public bool Equals(FontWeight obj) 162if (!(obj is FontWeight)) 164return this == (FontWeight)obj;
System\Windows\FontWeightConverter.cs (7)
84FontWeight fontWeight = new FontWeight(); 105if (destinationType != null && value is FontWeight) 109MethodInfo mi = typeof(FontWeight).GetMethod("FromOpenTypeWeight", new Type[]{typeof(int)}); 110FontWeight c = (FontWeight)value; 115FontWeight c = (FontWeight)value;
System\Windows\FontWeights.cs (18)
22public static FontWeight Thin { get { return new FontWeight(100); } } 27public static FontWeight ExtraLight { get { return new FontWeight(200); } } 32public static FontWeight UltraLight { get { return new FontWeight(200); } } 37public static FontWeight Light { get { return new FontWeight(300); } } 42public static FontWeight Normal { get { return new FontWeight(400); } } 47public static FontWeight Regular { get { return new FontWeight(400); } } 52public static FontWeight Medium { get { return new FontWeight(500); } } 57public static FontWeight DemiBold { get { return new FontWeight(600); } } 62public static FontWeight SemiBold { get { return new FontWeight(600); } } 67public static FontWeight Bold { get { return new FontWeight(700); } } 72public static FontWeight ExtraBold { get { return new FontWeight(800); } } 77public static FontWeight UltraBold { get { return new FontWeight(800); } } 82public static FontWeight Black { get { return new FontWeight(900); } } 87public static FontWeight Heavy { get { return new FontWeight(900); } } 92public static FontWeight ExtraBlack { get { return new FontWeight(950); } } 97public static FontWeight UltraBlack { get { return new FontWeight(950); } } 99internal static bool FontWeightStringToKnownWeight(string s, IFormatProvider provider, ref FontWeight fontWeight) 207fontWeight = FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(weightValue);
System\Windows\Media\FamilyTypeface.cs (2)
75public FontWeight Weight 331private FontWeight _weight;
System\Windows\Media\FontFamily.cs (4)
351FontWeight weight = FontWeights.Normal; 433FontWeight weight = FontWeights.Normal; 462ref FontWeight weight, 500ref FontWeight weight,
System\Windows\Media\FormattedText.cs (2)
627public void SetFontWeight(FontWeight weight) 638public void SetFontWeight(FontWeight weight, int startIndex, int count)
System\Windows\Media\GlyphTypeface.cs (1)
582public FontWeight Weight
System\Windows\Media\Typeface.cs (6)
42private FontWeight _weight; 79FontWeight weight, 104FontWeight weight, 132public FontWeight Weight 329internal FontWeight CanonicalWeight 742FontWeight canonicalWeight = _weight;
PresentationFramework (47)
MS\Internal\Text\DynamicPropertyReader.cs (4)
48FontWeight fontWeight = (FontWeight) element.GetValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty); 59FontWeight fontWeight = (FontWeight) element.GetValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty);
System\Windows\Controls\AccessText.cs (2)
194public FontWeight FontWeight 196get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(FontWeightProperty); }
System\Windows\Controls\Control.cs (2)
277public FontWeight FontWeight 279get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(FontWeightProperty); }
System\Windows\Controls\DataGridTextColumn.cs (2)
374public FontWeight FontWeight 376get { return (FontWeight)GetValue(FontWeightProperty); }
System\Windows\Controls\StickyNote.cs (3)
435typeof(FontWeight), 444public FontWeight CaptionFontWeight 446get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(CaptionFontWeightProperty); }
System\Windows\Controls\TextBlock.cs (5)
717public FontWeight FontWeight 719get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(FontWeightProperty); } 728public static void SetFontWeight(DependencyObject element, FontWeight value) 739public static FontWeight GetFontWeight(DependencyObject element) 743return (FontWeight)element.GetValue(FontWeightProperty);
System\Windows\Controls\TextRangeAdaptor.cs (2)
183FontWeight fontWeight = (FontWeight)tp.GetValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty);
System\Windows\Documents\FixedSOMTextRun.cs (2)
354public FontWeight FontWeight 429private FontWeight _fontWeight;
System\Windows\Documents\FlowDocument.cs (2)
239public FontWeight FontWeight 241get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(FontWeightProperty); }
System\windows\Documents\TextEditorCharacters.cs (2)
191FontWeight fontWeight = (propertyValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue && (FontWeight)propertyValue == FontWeights.Bold) ? FontWeights.Normal : FontWeights.Bold;
System\Windows\Documents\TextElement.cs (6)
557typeof(FontWeight), 566public FontWeight FontWeight 568get { return (FontWeight) GetValue(FontWeightProperty); } 577public static void SetFontWeight(DependencyObject element, FontWeight value) 588public static FontWeight GetFontWeight(DependencyObject element) 592return (FontWeight)element.GetValue(FontWeightProperty);
System\Windows\Markup\Baml2006\Baml2006KnownTypes.cs (1)
317case 221: t = () => typeof(FontWeight); break;
System\Windows\Markup\Baml2006\WpfGeneratedKnownTypes.cs (1)
System\Windows\Markup\KnownTypes.cs (1)
5775case KnownElements.FontWeight: t = typeof(System.Windows.FontWeight); break;
System\Windows\SystemFonts.cs (12)
67public static FontWeight IconFontWeight 71return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.IconMetrics.lfFont.lfWeight); 147public static FontWeight CaptionFontWeight 151return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.NonClientMetrics.lfCaptionFont.lfWeight); 227public static FontWeight SmallCaptionFontWeight 231return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.NonClientMetrics.lfSmCaptionFont.lfWeight); 305public static FontWeight MenuFontWeight 309return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.NonClientMetrics.lfMenuFont.lfWeight); 384public static FontWeight StatusFontWeight 388return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.NonClientMetrics.lfStatusFont.lfWeight); 479public static FontWeight MessageFontWeight 483return FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(SystemParameters.NonClientMetrics.lfMessageFont.lfWeight);
WindowsFormsIntegration (6)
System\Windows\Integration\Convert.cs (1)
227internal static FontWeight ToSystemWindowsFontWeight(SD.Font sdFont)
System\Windows\Integration\HostUtils.cs (1)
411public static bool FontWeightIsBold(FontWeight fontWeight)
System\Windows\Integration\WindowsFormsHost.cs (2)
668public SW.FontWeight FontWeight 670get { return (FontWeight)GetValue(FontWeightProperty); }
System\Windows\Integration\WindowsFormsHostPropertyMap.cs (2)
187if (adapter != null && value is SW.FontWeight) 190if (HostUtils.FontWeightIsBold((SW.FontWeight)value))