// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: The PhysicalFontFamily class
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
using MS.Internal.TextFormatting;
namespace MS.Internal.FontFace
/// <summary>
/// PhysicalFontFamily class represents a font family obtained from a collection of OpenType files.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PhysicalFontFamily : IFontFamily
private Text.TextInterface.FontFamily _family;
private IDictionary<XmlLanguage, string> _familyNames;
// _family.FamilyNames is of type LocalizedStrings which does not support editing (Adding, Replacing, and Clearing)
// IFontFamily.Names is passed to a LanguageSpecificStringDictionary which is exposed publicly and allows editing
// operations. Thus to convert from IDictionary<CultureInfo, string> to IDictionary<XmlLanguage, string> we had
// 2 approaches:
// - Copying the elements into a new IDictionary<XmlLanguage, string>
// - Implement a new class that wraps the IDictionary<CultureInfo, string> and allow
// editing operations
// The second approach will eventually copy elements into a new structure that allows editing when
// an editing operation is performed. Since this dictionary is not expected to hold a huge number of elements
// we chose to do the copying upfront and not lazily and hence use the first approach.
private static IDictionary<XmlLanguage, string> ConvertDictionary(IDictionary<CultureInfo, string> dictionary)
Dictionary<XmlLanguage, string> convertedDictionary = new Dictionary<XmlLanguage, string>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<CultureInfo, string> pair in dictionary)
// DevDiv.1153238 : In Windows 10, the dictionary argument to this method may contain two different entries
// for the same language if two fonts in the same font family report two different localized family names.
// We check for this case, and only add the first one we encounter into convertedDictionary.
XmlLanguage language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage(pair.Key.Name);
if (!convertedDictionary.ContainsKey(language))
convertedDictionary.Add(language, pair.Value);
return convertedDictionary;
internal PhysicalFontFamily(Text.TextInterface.FontFamily family)
Invariant.Assert(family != null);
_family = family;
/// <summary>
/// Get typeface metrics of the specified typeface
/// </summary>
ITypefaceMetrics IFontFamily.GetTypefaceMetrics(
FontStyle style,
FontWeight weight,
FontStretch stretch
return GetGlyphTypeface(style, weight, stretch);
/// <summary>
/// Look up device font for the typeface.
/// </summary>
IDeviceFont IFontFamily.GetDeviceFont(FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch)
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Indexer that indexes the underlying family name table via CultureInfo
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
IDictionary<XmlLanguage,string> IFontFamily.Names
if (_familyNames == null)
_familyNames = ConvertDictionary(_family.FamilyNames);
return _familyNames;
/// <summary>
/// Get the matching glyph typeface of a specified style
/// </summary>
/// <param name="style">font style</param>
/// <param name="weight">font weight</param>
/// <param name="stretch">font stretch</param>
/// <returns>matching font face</returns>
internal GlyphTypeface GetGlyphTypeface(
FontStyle style,
FontWeight weight,
FontStretch stretch
Text.TextInterface.Font bestMatch = _family.GetFirstMatchingFont((Text.TextInterface.FontWeight)weight.ToOpenTypeWeight(),
(Text.TextInterface.FontStyle) style.GetStyleForInternalConstruction());
Debug.Assert(bestMatch != null);
return new GlyphTypeface(bestMatch);
/// <summary>
/// Get the matching typeface for the specified target style that also supports
/// glyph mapping of the specified character string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="style">font style</param>
/// <param name="weight">font weight</param>
/// <param name="stretch">font stretch</param>
/// <param name="charString">character string</param>
/// <param name="digitCulture">culture used for digit substitution or null</param>
/// <param name="advance">number of characters with valid glyph mapped</param>
/// <param name="nextValid">offset to the character mapping to a valid glyph</param>
/// <returns>matching typeface</returns>
internal GlyphTypeface MapGlyphTypeface(
FontStyle style,
FontWeight weight,
FontStretch stretch,
CharacterBufferRange charString,
CultureInfo digitCulture,
ref int advance,
ref int nextValid
int smallestInvalid = charString.Length;
// Add all the cached font faces to a priority queue.
MatchingStyle targetStyle = new MatchingStyle(style, weight, stretch);
LegacyPriorityQueue<MatchingFace> queue = new LegacyPriorityQueue<MatchingFace>(
new MatchingFaceComparer(targetStyle));
foreach (Text.TextInterface.Font face in _family)
queue.Push(new MatchingFace(face));
// Remember the best style match.
MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface.Font bestStyleTypeface = null;
// Iterate in priority order.
for (; queue.Count != 0; queue.Pop())
int invalid = 0;
MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface.Font font = queue.Top.FontFace;
int valid = MapCharacters(font, charString, digitCulture, ref invalid);
if (valid > 0)
if (smallestInvalid > 0 && smallestInvalid < valid)
// advance only to smallestInvalid because there's a better match after that
advance = smallestInvalid;
nextValid = 0;
advance = valid;
nextValid = invalid;
return new GlyphTypeface(font);
if (invalid < smallestInvalid)
// keep track of the current shortest length of invalid characters,
smallestInvalid = invalid;
if (bestStyleTypeface == null)
bestStyleTypeface = font;
// no face can map the specified character string,
// fall back to the closest style match
advance = 0;
nextValid = smallestInvalid;
Debug.Assert(bestStyleTypeface != null);
return new GlyphTypeface(bestStyleTypeface);
/// <summary>
/// Element type for priority queue used by MapGlyphTypeface.
/// </summary>
private struct MatchingFace
internal MatchingFace(Text.TextInterface.Font face)
_face = face;
_style = new MatchingStyle(new FontStyle((int)face.Style), new FontWeight((int)face.Weight), new FontStretch((int)face.Stretch));
internal Text.TextInterface.Font FontFace
get { return _face; }
internal MatchingStyle MatchingStyle
get { return _style; }
private Text.TextInterface.Font _face;
private MatchingStyle _style;
/// <summary>
/// Comparer for priority queue used by MapGlyphTypeface.
/// </summary>
private class MatchingFaceComparer : IComparer<MatchingFace>
internal MatchingFaceComparer(MatchingStyle targetStyle)
_targetStyle = targetStyle;
int IComparer<MatchingFace>.Compare(MatchingFace a, MatchingFace b)
return a.MatchingStyle.IsBetterMatch(_targetStyle, b.MatchingStyle) ? -1 : 1;
private MatchingStyle _targetStyle;
/// <summary>
/// Map character supported by the typeface
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Combining mark is considered part of the character that may be supported
/// thru precomposed form or OpenType glyph substitution table.
/// </remarks>
private int MapCharacters(
MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface.Font font,
CharacterBufferRange unicodeString,
CultureInfo digitCulture,
ref int nextValid
DigitMap digitMap = new DigitMap(digitCulture);
int sizeofChar = 0;
int advance;
// skip all the leading joiner characters. They need to be shaped with the
// surrounding strong characters.
advance = Classification.AdvanceWhile(unicodeString, ItemClass.JoinerClass);
if (advance >= unicodeString.Length)
// It is rare that the run only contains joiner characters.
// If it really happens, just return.
return advance;
// If the run starts with combining marks, we will not be able to find base characters for them
// within the run. These combining marks will be mapped to their best fonts as normal characters.
const int NOBASE = -1; // null char is a valid base
int baseChar = NOBASE;
// Determine how many characters we can advance, i.e., find the first invalid character.
for (; advance < unicodeString.Length; advance += sizeofChar)
// Get the character and apply digit substitution, if any.
int originalChar = Classification.UnicodeScalar(
new CharacterBufferRange(unicodeString, advance, unicodeString.Length - advance),
out sizeofChar
if (Classification.IsJoiner(originalChar))
if (!Classification.IsCombining(originalChar))
baseChar = originalChar;
else if (baseChar != NOBASE)
// continue to advance for combining mark with base char (can be precomposed by shaping engine)
// except if it is a different script (#6801)
if (Classification.GetScript(baseChar) == Classification.GetScript(originalChar))
int ch = digitMap[originalChar];
if (font.HasCharacter(checked((uint)ch)))
// If ch is a substituted character, can we substitute a different character instead?
if (ch != originalChar)
ch = DigitMap.GetFallbackCharacter(ch);
if (ch != 0 && font.HasCharacter(checked((uint)ch)))
// If we fall through to here it's invalid.
// UnicodeScalar won't return a sizeofChar that exceeds the string length.
Debug.Assert(advance <= unicodeString.Length);
// Find the next valid character.
if (advance < unicodeString.Length)
// UnicodeScalar won't return a sizeofChar that exceeds the string length.
Debug.Assert(advance + sizeofChar <= unicodeString.Length);
for (nextValid = advance + sizeofChar; nextValid < unicodeString.Length; nextValid += sizeofChar)
// Get the character.
int originalChar = Classification.UnicodeScalar(
new CharacterBufferRange(unicodeString, nextValid, unicodeString.Length - nextValid),
out sizeofChar
// Apply digit substitution, if any.
int ch = digitMap[originalChar];
// Combining mark should always be shaped by the same font as the base char.
// If the physical font is invalid for the base char, it should also be invalid for the
// following combining mark so that both characters will go onto the same fallback font.
// - When the fallback font is physical font, the font will be valid for both characters
// if and only if it is valid for the base char. Otherwise, it will be invalid for both.
// - When the fallback font is composite font, it maps the combining mark to the same font
// as the base char such that they will eventually be resolved to the same physical font.
// That means FamilyMap for the combining mark is not used when it follows a base char.
// The same goes for joiner. Note that "hasBaseChar" here indicates if there is an invalid base
// char in front.
if (Classification.IsJoiner(ch)
|| (baseChar != NOBASE && Classification.IsCombining(ch) && Classification.GetScript(ch) == Classification.GetScript(baseChar))
// If we have a glyph it's valid.
if (font.HasCharacter(checked((uint)ch)))
// If ch is a substituted character, can we substitute a different character instead?
if (ch != originalChar)
ch = DigitMap.GetFallbackCharacter(ch);
if (ch != 0 && font.HasCharacter(checked((uint)ch)))
return advance;
/// <summary>
/// Distance from character cell top to English baseline relative to em size.
/// </summary>
double IFontFamily.Baseline(double emSize, double toReal, double pixelsPerDip, TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode)
if (textFormattingMode == TextFormattingMode.Ideal)
return emSize * _family.Metrics.Baseline;
double realEmSize = emSize * toReal;
return TextFormatterImp.RoundDipForDisplayMode(_family.DisplayMetrics((float)(realEmSize), checked((float)pixelsPerDip)).Baseline * realEmSize, pixelsPerDip) / toReal;
double IFontFamily.BaselineDesign
return ((IFontFamily)this).Baseline(1, 1, 1, TextFormattingMode.Ideal);
double IFontFamily.LineSpacingDesign
return ((IFontFamily)this).LineSpacing(1, 1, 1, TextFormattingMode.Ideal);
/// <summary>
/// Recommended baseline-to-baseline distance for text in this font
/// </summary>
double IFontFamily.LineSpacing(double emSize, double toReal, double pixelsPerDip, TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode)
if (textFormattingMode == TextFormattingMode.Ideal)
return emSize * _family.Metrics.LineSpacing;
double realEmSize = emSize * toReal;
return TextFormatterImp.RoundDipForDisplayMode(_family.DisplayMetrics((float)(realEmSize), checked((float)pixelsPerDip)).LineSpacing * realEmSize, pixelsPerDip) / toReal;
ICollection<Typeface> IFontFamily.GetTypefaces(FontFamilyIdentifier familyIdentifier)
return new TypefaceCollection(new FontFamily(familyIdentifier), _family);
/// <summary>
/// Get family name correspondent to the first n-characters of the specified character string
/// </summary>
bool IFontFamily.GetMapTargetFamilyNameAndScale(
CharacterBufferRange unicodeString,
CultureInfo culture,
CultureInfo digitCulture,
double defaultSizeInEm,
out int cchAdvance,
out string targetFamilyName,
out double scaleInEm
cchAdvance = unicodeString.Length;
targetFamilyName = null;
scaleInEm = defaultSizeInEm;
return false;