// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.ComponentModel;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.FontCache;
using MS.Internal.FontFace;
using MS.Internal.Shaping;
namespace System.Windows.Media
/// <summary>
/// Represents a family of related fonts. Fonts in a FontFamily differ only in style,
/// weight, or stretch.
/// </summary>
public class FontFamily
/// <summary>
/// Family name originally passed to by user and information derived from it.
/// </summary>
private FontFamilyIdentifier _familyIdentifier;
/// <summary>
/// The first valid font family. If no valid font family can be resolved from
/// the given name, this will point to a NullFontFamily object.
/// </summary>
private IFontFamily _firstFontFamily;
/// <summary>
/// Null font is the font that has metrics but logically does not support any Unicode codepoint
/// so whatever text we throw at it would result in being mapped to missing glyph.
/// </summary>
internal static readonly CanonicalFontFamilyReference NullFontFamilyCanonicalName = CanonicalFontFamilyReference.Create(null, "#ARIAL");
internal const string GlobalUI = "#GLOBAL USER INTERFACE";
internal static FontFamily FontFamilyGlobalUI = new FontFamily(GlobalUI);
private static volatile FamilyCollection _defaultFamilyCollection = PreCreateDefaultFamilyCollection();
private static FontFamilyMapCollection _emptyFamilyMaps = null;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs FontFamily from a string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="familyName">Specifies one or more comma-separated family names, each
/// of which may be either a regular family name string (e.g., "Arial") or a URI
/// (e.g., "file:///c:/windows/fonts/#Arial").</param>
public FontFamily(string familyName) : this(null, familyName)
/// <summary>
/// Constructs FontFamily from a string and an optional base URI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="baseUri">Specifies the base URI used to resolve family names, typically
/// the URI of the document or element that refers to the font family. Can be null.</param>
/// <param name="familyName">Specifies one or more comma-separated family names, each
/// of which may be either a regular family name string (e.g., "Arial") or a URI
/// (e.g., "file:///c:/windows/fonts/#Arial").</param>
public FontFamily(Uri baseUri, string familyName)
if (baseUri != null && !baseUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.UriNotAbsolute, nameof(baseUri));
_familyIdentifier = new FontFamilyIdentifier(familyName, baseUri);
internal FontFamily(FontFamilyIdentifier familyIdentifier)
_familyIdentifier = familyIdentifier;
/// <summary>
/// Construct an anonymous font family, i.e., a composite font that is created
/// programatically instead of referenced by name or URI.
/// </summary>
public FontFamily()
_familyIdentifier = new FontFamilyIdentifier(null, null);
_firstFontFamily = new CompositeFontFamily();
/// <summary>
/// Collection of culture-dependant family names.
/// </summary>
public LanguageSpecificStringDictionary FamilyNames
CompositeFontFamily compositeFont = FirstFontFamily as CompositeFontFamily;
if (compositeFont != null)
// Return the read/write dictionary of family names.
return compositeFont.FamilyNames;
// Return a wrapper for the cached family's read-only dictionary.
return new LanguageSpecificStringDictionary(FirstFontFamily.Names);
/// <summary>
/// List of FamilyTypeface objects.
/// </summary>
public FamilyTypefaceCollection FamilyTypefaces
CompositeFontFamily compositeFont = FirstFontFamily as CompositeFontFamily;
if (compositeFont != null)
// Return the read/write list of typefaces for the font.
return compositeFont.FamilyTypefaces;
// Return a wrapper for the read-only collection of typefaces.
return new FamilyTypefaceCollection(FirstFontFamily.GetTypefaces(_familyIdentifier));
/// <summary>
/// Collection of FontFamilyMap objects for an anonymous font family. For named font
/// families, this property returns an empty, read-only list.
/// </summary>
public FontFamilyMapCollection FamilyMaps
CompositeFontFamily compositeFont = FirstFontFamily as CompositeFontFamily;
if (compositeFont != null)
// Read the read/write list of family maps for the font.
return compositeFont.FamilyMaps;
// Return an empty, read-only collection of FamilyMaps.
if (_emptyFamilyMaps == null)
_emptyFamilyMaps = new FontFamilyMapCollection(null);
return _emptyFamilyMaps;
/// <summary>
/// Family names and/or URIs used to construct the font family.
/// </summary>
public string Source
get { return _familyIdentifier.Source; }
/// <summary>
/// Base URI used to resolve family names, typically the URI of the document or element
/// that refers to the font family.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Family names are interpreted first relative to the base URI (if not null) and then
/// relative to the default folder for installed fonts.
/// </remarks>
public Uri BaseUri
get { return _familyIdentifier.BaseUri; }
/// <summary>
/// Return Source if there is one or String.Empty for unnamed
/// font family.
/// </summary>
public override string ToString()
string source = _familyIdentifier.Source;
return source ?? string.Empty;
internal FontFamilyIdentifier FamilyIdentifier
get { return _familyIdentifier; }
/// <summary>
/// Distance from character cell top to English baseline relative to em size.
/// </summary>
public double Baseline
return FirstFontFamily.BaselineDesign;
/// <summary>
/// Recommended baseline-to-baseline distance for the text in this font relative to em size.
/// </summary>
public double LineSpacing
return FirstFontFamily.LineSpacingDesign;
internal double GetLineSpacingForDisplayMode(double emSize, double pixelsPerDip)
return FirstFontFamily.LineSpacing(emSize, 1, pixelsPerDip, TextFormattingMode.Display);
/// <summary>
/// Font families from the default system font location.
/// </summary>
/// <value>Collection of FontFamly objects from the default system font location.</value>
public ICollection<Typeface> GetTypefaces()
return FirstFontFamily.GetTypefaces(_familyIdentifier);
/// <summary>
/// Create correspondent hash code for the object
/// </summary>
/// <returns>object hash code</returns>
public override int GetHashCode()
if (_familyIdentifier.Source != null)
// named font family: hash based on canonical name
return _familyIdentifier.GetHashCode();
// unnamed family: hash is based on object identity
return base.GetHashCode();
/// <summary>
/// Equality check
/// </summary>
public override bool Equals(object o)
FontFamily f = o as FontFamily;
if (f == null)
// different types or o == null
return false;
else if (_familyIdentifier.Source != null)
// named font family; compare canonical names
return _familyIdentifier.Equals(f._familyIdentifier);
// unnamed font families are equal only if they're the same instance
return base.Equals(o);
/// <summary>
/// Verifies that the FontFamily can be changed and returns a CompositeFontFamily
/// </summary>
private CompositeFontFamily VerifyMutable()
CompositeFontFamily mutableFamily = _firstFontFamily as CompositeFontFamily;
if (mutableFamily == null)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.FontFamily_ReadOnly);
return mutableFamily;
/// <summary>
/// First font family
/// </summary>
internal IFontFamily FirstFontFamily
IFontFamily family = _firstFontFamily;
if (family == null)
// Call Canonicalize() directly so it won't just be called on the boxed object.
// Look up first font family from cache. If not found, construct a new one.
family = TypefaceMetricsCache.ReadonlyLookup(FamilyIdentifier) as IFontFamily;
if (family == null)
FontStyle style = FontStyles.Normal;
FontWeight weight = FontWeights.Normal;
FontStretch stretch = FontStretches.Normal;
family = FindFirstFontFamilyAndFace(ref style, ref weight, ref stretch);
if (family == null)
// fall back to null font
family = LookupFontFamily(NullFontFamilyCanonicalName);
Invariant.Assert(family != null);
TypefaceMetricsCache.Add(FamilyIdentifier, family);
_firstFontFamily = family;
return family;
#region Resolving family name to font family
/// <summary>
/// Scan the friendly name string finding the first valid font family
/// </summary>
internal static IFontFamily FindFontFamilyFromFriendlyNameList(string friendlyNameList)
IFontFamily firstFontFamily = null;
// Split limits the number of tokens in a family name.
FontFamilyIdentifier identifier = new FontFamilyIdentifier(friendlyNameList, null);
for (int i = 0, c = identifier.Count; firstFontFamily == null && i < c; i++)
firstFontFamily = LookupFontFamily(identifier[i]);
if (firstFontFamily == null)
// cannot find first font family, assume null font for first font family
firstFontFamily = LookupFontFamily(NullFontFamilyCanonicalName);
// null font family should always exist
Invariant.Assert(firstFontFamily != null);
return firstFontFamily;
/// <summary>
/// Create font family from canonical family and ensure at least a
/// fallback family is created if the specified name cannot be resolved.
/// </summary>
internal static IFontFamily SafeLookupFontFamily(
CanonicalFontFamilyReference canonicalName,
out bool nullFont
nullFont = false;
IFontFamily fontFamily = LookupFontFamily(canonicalName);
if(fontFamily == null)
nullFont = true;
fontFamily = LookupFontFamily(NullFontFamilyCanonicalName);
Invariant.Assert(fontFamily != null, "Unable to create null font family");
return fontFamily;
/// <summary>
/// Look up font family from canonical name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="canonicalName">font family canonical name</param>
internal static IFontFamily LookupFontFamily(CanonicalFontFamilyReference canonicalName)
FontStyle style = FontStyles.Normal;
FontWeight weight = FontWeights.Normal;
FontStretch stretch = FontStretches.Normal;
return LookupFontFamilyAndFace(canonicalName, ref style, ref weight, ref stretch);
#region Resolving face name into font family and implied face
/// <summary>
/// Precreates family collection for Windows Fonts folder, so that we don't have to repeat lookup
/// every time for it.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static FamilyCollection PreCreateDefaultFamilyCollection()
FamilyCollection familyCollection = FamilyCollection.FromWindowsFonts(Util.WindowsFontsUriObject);
return familyCollection;
/// <summary>
/// Find the first valid IFontFamily, if any, for this FontFamily and sets the style, weight,
/// and stretch to valies implied by the font family (e.g., "Arial Bold" implies FontWeight.Bold).
/// </summary>
internal IFontFamily FindFirstFontFamilyAndFace(
ref FontStyle style,
ref FontWeight weight,
ref FontStretch stretch
if (_familyIdentifier.Source == null)
Invariant.Assert(_firstFontFamily != null, "Unnamed FontFamily should have a non-null first font family");
return _firstFontFamily;
IFontFamily firstFontFamily = null;
for (int i = 0, c = _familyIdentifier.Count; firstFontFamily == null && i < c; ++i)
firstFontFamily = LookupFontFamilyAndFace(
ref style,
ref weight,
ref stretch);
return firstFontFamily;
/// <summary>
/// Lookup font family from canonical name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="canonicalFamilyReference">font face canonical name</param>
/// <param name="style">FontStyle implied by the font family.</param>
/// <param name="weight">FontWeight implied by the font family.</param>
/// <param name="stretch">FontStretch implied by the font family.</param>
/// <returns>The font family object.</returns>
internal static IFontFamily LookupFontFamilyAndFace(
CanonicalFontFamilyReference canonicalFamilyReference,
ref FontStyle style,
ref FontWeight weight,
ref FontStretch stretch
if (canonicalFamilyReference == null || object.ReferenceEquals(canonicalFamilyReference, CanonicalFontFamilyReference.Unresolved))
// no canonical name, e.g., because the friendly name was an empty string
// or could not be canonicalized
return null;
FamilyCollection familyCollection;
if (canonicalFamilyReference.LocationUri == null && canonicalFamilyReference.EscapedFileName == null)
// No explicit location; use the default family collection.
familyCollection = _defaultFamilyCollection;
else if (canonicalFamilyReference.LocationUri != null)
// Look in the location specified by the font family reference.
familyCollection = FamilyCollection.FromUri(canonicalFamilyReference.LocationUri);
else // canonicalFamilyReference.EscapedFileName != null
// Look in the specified file in the Windows Fonts folder
// Note: CanonicalFamilyReference.EscapedFileName is safe to combine with Util.WindowsFontsUriObject because CanonicalFamilyReference guarantees that it will be a simple filename
// without relative path or directory components.
Uri locationUri = new Uri(Util.WindowsFontsUriObject, canonicalFamilyReference.EscapedFileName);
familyCollection = FamilyCollection.FromWindowsFonts(locationUri);
IFontFamily fontFamily = familyCollection.LookupFamily(
ref style,
ref weight,
ref stretch
return fontFamily;
// The method returns null in case of malformed/non-existent fonts and we fall back to the next font.
catch (FileFormatException)
// malformed font file
catch (IOException)
// canonical name points to a place that doesn't exist or can't be read for some reason
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
// canonical name points to a place caller doesn't have permission to access
catch (ArgumentException)
// canonical name points to a valid Uri that doesn't point to a well formed
// OS local path
catch (NotSupportedException)
// canonical name points to a Uri that specifies an unregistered scheme
catch (UriFormatException)
// canonical name points to a malformed Uri
// we want to fall back to the default fallback font instead of crashing
return null;