8 writes to X
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (2)
Shapes\PathFigureCollectionConverter.cs (2)
165 lastPoint.X += ReadNumber(!AllowComma); 168 lastPoint.X = ReadNumber(!AllowComma);
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility (1)
iOS\Renderers\ScrollViewRenderer.cs (1)
281 positionOnScroll.X = positionOnScroll.X.Clamp(0, ContentSize.Width);
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics (5)
Point.cs (5)
26 X = x; 32 X = sz.Width; 38 X = sz.Width; 44 X = v.X; 73 p.X += dx;
160 references to X
Microsoft.Maui (10)
Animations\AnimationLerpingExtensions.cs (2)
33 new Point(start.X.Lerp(end.X, progress), start.Y.Lerp(end.Y, progress));
Graphics\RectangleExtensions.cs (2)
22 point.X >= 0 && point.X <= rect.Width &&
Primitives\SwipeDirection.cs (2)
25 var angle = GetAngleFromPoints(initialPoint.X, initialPoint.Y, endPoint.X, endPoint.Y);
VisualDiagnostics\AdornerModel.cs (3)
123 DpiHelper.RoundToPixel(point.X, unitsPerPixel), 151 if (Tolerances.AreClose(point1.X, point2.X) && Tolerances.AreClose(point1.Y, point2.Y))
VisualDiagnostics\RectangleAdorner.cs (1)
84 box.X = box.X + Offset.X;
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (97)
Brush\BrushTypeConverter.cs (1)
348 return new Point(hasPositionX ? positionX : position.X, hasPositionY ? positionY : position.Y);
LegacyLayouts\AbsoluteLayout.cs (1)
329 SetLayoutBounds(view, new Rect(position.X, position.Y, AutoSize, AutoSize));
LegacyLayouts\Layout.cs (1)
467 CompressedLayout.SetHeadlessOffset((VisualElement)LogicalChildrenInternal[i], isHeadless ? new Point(headlessOffset.X + Bounds.X, headlessOffset.Y + Bounds.Y) : new Point());
Platform\GestureManager\GesturePlatformManager.iOS.cs (2)
198 var windowX = targetViewScreenLocation.Value.X + originPoint.X; 208 var x = windowX - location.X;
Platform\iOS\DragAndDropDelegate.cs (1)
340 double x = dragLocation.X + screenLocation.Value.X;
Platform\iOS\Extensions\BrushExtensions.cs (6)
69 StartPoint = new CGPoint(p1.X, p1.Y), 70 EndPoint = new CGPoint(p2.X, p2.Y) 96 StartPoint = new CGPoint(center.X, center.Y), 187 double x = startPoint.X == 1 ? (startPoint.X - radius) : (startPoint.X + radius);
Region.cs (1)
66 return Contains(pt.X, pt.Y);
ScrollView\ScrollView.cs (1)
385 var result = new ScrollToRequestedEventArgs(point.X, point.Y, args.ShouldAnimate);
Shapes\EllipseGeometry.cs (1)
59 var centerX = (float)Center.X;
Shapes\GeometryHelper.cs (26)
76 double x = elipGeoSrc.Center.X + elipGeoSrc.RadiusX * Math.Sin(i * 2 * Math.PI / max); 240 double x = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * ptStart.X + 241 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * ptCtrl1.X + 242 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * ptCtrl2.X + 243 t * t * t * ptEnd.X; 263 double x = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * ptStart.X + 264 2 * t * (1 - t) * ptCtrl.X + 265 t * t * ptEnd.X; 288 Point midPoint = new Point((pt1.X + pt2.X) / 2, (pt1.Y + pt2.Y) / 2); 289 Point vect = new Point(pt2.X - pt1.X, pt2.Y - pt1.Y); 290 double vectLength = Math.Sqrt(vect.X * vect.X + vect.Y * vect.Y); 296 vectRotated = new Point(-vect.Y, vect.X); 298 vectRotated = new Point(vect.Y, -vect.X); 301 double vectRotatedLength = Math.Sqrt(vectRotated.X * vectRotated.X + vectRotated.Y * vectRotated.Y); 303 vectRotated = new Point(vectRotated.X / vectRotatedLength, vectRotated.Y / vectRotatedLength); 312 (centerDistance * vectRotated.X) + midPoint.X, 316 double angle1 = Math.Atan2(pt1.Y - center.Y, pt1.X - center.X); 317 double angle2 = Math.Atan2(pt2.Y - center.Y, pt2.X - center.X); 349 double x = center.X + radiusY * Math.Cos(angle);
Shapes\LineGeometry.cs (2)
47 float startPointX = (float)StartPoint.X; 50 float endPointX = (float)EndPoint.X;
Shapes\Matrix.cs (10)
204 double x = newPoint.X; 220 double x = point.X; 744 rect.X = Math.Min(Math.Min(point0.X, point1.X), Math.Min(point2.X, point3.X)); 747 rect.Width = Math.Max(Math.Max(point0.X, point1.X), Math.Max(point2.X, point3.X)) - rect.X;
Shapes\PathFigureCollectionConverter.cs (11)
333 2 * lastPoint.X - secondLastPoint.X, 442 x += lastPoint.X; 593 .Append(pathFigure.StartPoint.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) 603 .Append(lineSegment.Point.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) 611 .Append(bezierSegment.Point1.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) 615 .Append(bezierSegment.Point2.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) 619 .Append(bezierSegment.Point3.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) 627 .Append(quadraticBezierSegment.Point1.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) 631 .Append(quadraticBezierSegment.Point2.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) 649 .Append(arcSegment.Point.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
Shapes\PathGeometry.cs (14)
69 float startPointX = (float)figure.StartPoint.X; 115 (float)points[i].X, 123 (float)(lineSegment.Point.X), 131 (float)(p.X), 138 (float)(bezierSegment.Point1.X), (float)(bezierSegment.Point1.Y), 139 (float)(bezierSegment.Point2.X), (float)(bezierSegment.Point2.Y), 140 (float)(bezierSegment.Point3.X), (float)(bezierSegment.Point3.Y)); 150 var pt1 = new PointF((float)(polyBezierSegment.Points[bez].X), (float)(polyBezierSegment.Points[bez].Y)); 151 var pt2 = new PointF((float)(polyBezierSegment.Points[bez + 1].X), (float)(polyBezierSegment.Points[bez + 1].Y)); 152 var pt3 = new PointF((float)(polyBezierSegment.Points[bez + 2].X), (float)(polyBezierSegment.Points[bez + 2].Y)); 161 (float)(quadraticBezierSegment.Point1.X), (float)(quadraticBezierSegment.Point1.Y), 162 (float)(quadraticBezierSegment.Point2.X), (float)(quadraticBezierSegment.Point2.Y)); 176 var pt1 = new PointF((float)(points[i].X), (float)(points[i].Y)); 177 var pt2 = new PointF((float)(points[i + 1].X), (float)(points[i + 1].Y));
Shapes\Polygon.cs (2)
59 path.MoveTo((float)Points[0].X, (float)Points[0].Y); 62 path.LineTo((float)Points[index].X, (float)Points[index].Y);
Shapes\Polyline.cs (2)
58 path.MoveTo((float)Points[0].X, (float)Points[0].Y); 61 path.LineTo((float)Points[index].X, (float)Points[index].Y);
Shapes\RoundRectangleGeometry.cs (12)
76 new EllipseGeometry(new Point(Rect.Location.X + CornerRadius.TopLeft, Rect.Location.Y + CornerRadius.TopLeft), CornerRadius.TopLeft, CornerRadius.TopLeft)); 80 new EllipseGeometry(new Point(Rect.Location.X + Rect.Width - CornerRadius.TopRight, Rect.Location.Y + CornerRadius.TopRight), CornerRadius.TopRight, CornerRadius.TopRight)); 84 new EllipseGeometry(new Point(Rect.Location.X + Rect.Width - CornerRadius.BottomRight, Rect.Location.Y + Rect.Height - CornerRadius.BottomRight), CornerRadius.BottomRight, CornerRadius.BottomRight)); 88 new EllipseGeometry(new Point(Rect.Location.X + CornerRadius.BottomLeft, Rect.Location.Y + Rect.Height - CornerRadius.BottomLeft), CornerRadius.BottomLeft, CornerRadius.BottomLeft)); 93 StartPoint = new Point(Rect.Location.X + CornerRadius.TopLeft, Rect.Location.Y), 96 new LineSegment { Point = new Point(Rect.Location.X + Rect.Width - CornerRadius.TopRight, Rect.Location.Y) }, 97 new LineSegment { Point = new Point(Rect.Location.X + Rect.Width, Rect.Location.Y + CornerRadius.TopRight) }, 98 new LineSegment { Point = new Point(Rect.Location.X + Rect.Width, Rect.Location.Y + Rect.Height - CornerRadius.BottomRight) }, 99 new LineSegment { Point = new Point(Rect.Location.X + Rect.Width - CornerRadius.BottomRight, Rect.Location.Y + Rect.Height) }, 100 new LineSegment { Point = new Point(Rect.Location.X + CornerRadius.BottomLeft, Rect.Location.Y + Rect.Height) }, 101 new LineSegment { Point = new Point(Rect.Location.X, Rect.Location.Y + Rect.Height - CornerRadius.BottomLeft) }, 102 new LineSegment { Point = new Point(Rect.Location.X, Rect.Location.Y + CornerRadius.TopLeft) }
Shapes\StrokeShapeTypeConverter.cs (3)
55 return new Line { X1 = p1.X, Y1 = p1.Y }; 59 return new Line { X1 = p1.X, Y1 = p1.Y, X2 = p2.X, Y2 = p2.Y };
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Build.Tasks (4)
CompiledConverters\PointTypeConverter.cs (1)
28 yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_R8, point.X);
CompiledConverters\StrokeShapeTypeConverter.cs (3)
52 yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_R8, p1.X); 66 yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_R8, p1.X); 68 yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_R8, p2.X);
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility (15)
iOS\Extensions\CompatibilityColorExtensions.cs (1)
49 return new PointF(point.X, point.Y);
iOS\Extensions\GeometryExtensions.cs (5)
47 ellipseGeometry.Center.X - ellipseGeometry.RadiusX, 140 new nfloat(bezierSegment.Point1.X), 142 new nfloat(bezierSegment.Point2.X), 159 new nfloat(points[i + 0].X), 161 new nfloat(points[i + 1].X),
iOS\Extensions\PointCollectionExtensions.cs (1)
26 points[i] = new CGPoint(array[i].X, array[i].Y);
iOS\Renderers\ScrollViewRenderer.cs (3)
281 positionOnScroll.X = positionOnScroll.X.Clamp(0, ContentSize.Width); 287 newOffset = new PointF((nfloat)positionOnScroll.X, ContentOffset.Y); 293 newOffset = new PointF((nfloat)positionOnScroll.X, (nfloat)positionOnScroll.Y);
iOS\Shapes\ShapeRenderer.cs (4)
563 new CGPoint(pathBounds.Left + linearGradientBrush.StartPoint.X * pathBounds.Width, pathBounds.Top + linearGradientBrush.StartPoint.Y * pathBounds.Height), 564 new CGPoint(pathBounds.Left + linearGradientBrush.EndPoint.X * pathBounds.Width, pathBounds.Top + linearGradientBrush.EndPoint.Y * pathBounds.Height), 572 new CGPoint(radialGradientBrush.Center.X * pathBounds.Width + pathBounds.Left, radialGradientBrush.Center.Y * pathBounds.Height + pathBounds.Top), 574 new CGPoint(radialGradientBrush.Center.X * pathBounds.Width + pathBounds.Left, radialGradientBrush.Center.Y * pathBounds.Height + pathBounds.Top),
iOS\VisualElementTracker.cs (1)
211 var x = (float)view.X + (float)CompressedLayout.GetHeadlessOffset(view).X;
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics (28)
CanvasExtensions.cs (4)
191 var x = center.X - radius; 218 var x = center.X - radius; 380 target.SetFillPaint(paint, new RectF((float)point1.X, (float)point1.Y, (float)point2.X, (float)point2.Y));
Converters\PointTypeConverter.cs (1)
55 return $"{p.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, {p.Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}";
Point.cs (19)
21 return $"{{X={X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} Y={Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}}}"; 62 return Math.Abs(compareTo.X - X) < epsilon && Math.Abs(compareTo.Y - Y) < epsilon; 67 return X.GetHashCode() ^ (Y.GetHashCode() * 397); 80 return new Point((double)Math.Round(X), (double)Math.Round(Y)); 83 public bool IsEmpty => X == 0 && Y == 0; 87 return new Size(pt.X, pt.Y); 92 return new Point(pt.X + sz.Width, pt.Y + sz.Height); 97 return new Size(ptA.X - ptB.X, ptA.Y - ptB.Y); 102 return new Point(pt.X - sz.Width, pt.Y - sz.Height); 107 return ptA.X == ptB.X && ptA.Y == ptB.Y; 112 return ptA.X != ptB.X || ptA.Y != ptB.Y; 117 return (double)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(X - other.X, 2) + Math.Pow(Y - other.Y, 2)); 122 x = X; 126 public static implicit operator PointF(Point p) => new PointF((float)p.X, (float)p.Y);
Rect.cs (4)
36 public Rect(Point loc, Size sz) : this(loc.X, loc.Y, sz.Width, sz.Height) 87 return Contains(pt.X, pt.Y); 171 X = value.X; 204 return Offset(dr.X, dr.Y);
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Skia (3)
SkiaCanvas.cs (3)
242 float x1 = (float)(linearGradientPaint.StartPoint.X * rectangle.Width) + rectangle.X; 245 float x2 = (float)(linearGradientPaint.EndPoint.X * rectangle.Width) + rectangle.X; 289 float centerX = (float)(radialGradientPaint.Center.X * rectangle.Width) + rectangle.X;
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Win2D.WinUI.Desktop (3)
src\Graphics\src\Graphics\Platforms\Windows\PlatformCanvas.cs (3)
469 float x1 = (float)(linearGradientPaint.StartPoint.X * rectangle.Width) + rectangle.X; 472 float x2 = (float)(linearGradientPaint.EndPoint.X * rectangle.Width) + rectangle.X; 484 float centerX = (float)(radialGradientPaint.Center.X * rectangle.Width) + rectangle.X;