// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree
internal sealed class TestResult : IComparable<TestResult>
public enum ValueOperator : int
None = 0, // the final value will be the raw value,
// and the test result can't be used for parallel test
Average, // the final value will be raw value / factor
SqrtAverage, // the final value will be sqrt(raw value / factor)
Sum, // the final value will be the raw value for single test result,
// and the final value of multiple test results will be sum(raw values).
Max, // the final value will be the raw value for single test result,
// and the final value of multiple test results will be max(raw values).
Min, // the final value will be the raw value for single test result,
// and the final value of multiple test results will be min(raw values).
Constant, // the final value will be the raw value for single test result, and
// the raw value should be the same constant for all test results.
public string LossFunctionName { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Raw value used for calculating final test result value.
/// </summary>
public double RawValue { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The factor used for calculating final test result value.
/// </summary>
public double Factor { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The operator used for calculating final test result value.
/// Final value = Operator(RawValue, Factor)
/// </summary>
public ValueOperator Operator { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the lower value of this metric is better
/// This is used for early stopping (with TestHistory and TestWindowWithTolerance)
/// </summary>
public bool LowerIsBetter { get; }
public double FinalValue { get; }
public TestResult(string lossFunctionName, double rawValue, double factor, bool lowerIsBetter, ValueOperator valueOperator)
LossFunctionName = lossFunctionName;
RawValue = rawValue;
Factor = factor;
Operator = valueOperator;
LowerIsBetter = lowerIsBetter;
FinalValue = CalculateFinalValue();
public int CompareTo(TestResult o)
if (LossFunctionName != o.LossFunctionName)
throw Contracts.Except("Cannot compare unrelated metrics");
return FinalValue.CompareTo(o.FinalValue) * (LowerIsBetter ? -1 : 1);
public int SizeInBytes()
int lowerIsBetter = LowerIsBetter ? 1 : 0;
int valueOperator = (int)Operator;
return RawValue.SizeInBytes()
+ Factor.SizeInBytes()
+ LossFunctionName.SizeInBytes()
+ lowerIsBetter.SizeInBytes()
+ valueOperator.SizeInBytes();
public void ToByteArray(byte[] buffer, ref int offset)
LossFunctionName.ToByteArray(buffer, ref offset);
RawValue.ToByteArray(buffer, ref offset);
Factor.ToByteArray(buffer, ref offset);
int lowerIsBetter = LowerIsBetter ? 1 : 0;
lowerIsBetter.ToByteArray(buffer, ref offset);
int valueOperator = (int)Operator;
valueOperator.ToByteArray(buffer, ref offset);
public static TestResult FromByteArray(byte[] buffer, ref int offset)
string lossFunctionName = buffer.ToString(ref offset);
double rawValue = buffer.ToDouble(ref offset);
double factor = buffer.ToDouble(ref offset);
int lowerIsBetter = buffer.ToInt(ref offset);
int valueOperator = buffer.ToInt(ref offset);
return new TestResult(
lowerIsBetter != 0,
private double CalculateFinalValue()
switch (Operator)
case ValueOperator.Constant:
case ValueOperator.Max:
case ValueOperator.Min:
case ValueOperator.None:
case ValueOperator.Sum:
return RawValue;
case ValueOperator.Average:
return RawValue / Factor;
case ValueOperator.SqrtAverage:
return Math.Sqrt(RawValue / Factor);
throw Contracts.Except("Unsupported value operator: {0}", Operator);
internal abstract class Test
public ScoreTracker ScoreTracker;
public Dataset Dataset => ScoreTracker.Dataset;
//Keeps last returned results by ComputeTests(). UpdateScores invalidates cache.
protected IEnumerable<TestResult> CachedResults;
//The method returns one or more losses on a given Dataset
public abstract IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests(double[] scores);
private protected Test(ScoreTracker scoreTracker)
ScoreTracker = scoreTracker;
if (ScoreTracker != null)
ScoreTracker.ScoresUpdated += OnScoresUpdated;
public Test(string datasetName, Dataset set, double[] initScores)
: this(new ScoreTracker(datasetName, set, initScores)) { }
public virtual void OnScoresUpdated()
CachedResults = null;
public virtual IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests()
if (CachedResults == null)
CachedResults = ComputeTests(ScoreTracker.Scores);
return CachedResults;
public IEnumerable<TestResult> TestScores(double[] scores)
return ComputeTests(scores);
// This is the info string that represents the content in the most descriptive fashion
// The main difference between ConsoleString is always printed. The caller is responsible for deciding if InfoString is InfoString needs to be printed or not
public virtual string FormatInfoString()
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
foreach (var r in ComputeTests())
sb.AppendFormat("{0}.{1}={2}\n", ScoreTracker.DatasetName, r.LossFunctionName, r.FinalValue);
return sb.ToString();
// A simple class that tracks history of underlying Test.
// It captures an iteration that peak on a given metric
// Each iteration captures an array of LossFunctions computed by underlying Test
internal class TestHistory : Test
public readonly Test SimpleTest;
public readonly int LossIndex;
protected IList<TestResult[]> History;
protected int Iteration { get; private set; }
public TestResult BestResult { get; private protected set; }
public int BestIteration { get; private protected set; }
// scenarioWithoutHistory - simple test scenario we want to track the history and look for best iteration
// lossIndex - index of lossFunction in case Test returns more than one loss (default should be 0)
// lower is better: are we looking for minimum or maximum of loss function?
internal TestHistory(Test scenarioWithoutHistory, int lossIndex)
: base(null)
History = new List<TestResult[]>();
SimpleTest = scenarioWithoutHistory;
LossIndex = lossIndex;
BestIteration = -1;
SimpleTest.ScoreTracker.ScoresUpdated += OnScoresUpdated;
public sealed override void OnScoresUpdated()
var results = SimpleTest.ComputeTests().ToArray();
protected virtual void UpdateBest(TestResult r)
if (BestResult == null || BestResult.CompareTo(r) == -1)
BestResult = r;
BestIteration = Iteration;
public sealed override IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests()
//We assume that a _simpleTest keeps ownership of scores
//We don't double cache he results let the SimpleTest cache
return SimpleTest.ComputeTests();
public sealed override IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests(double[] scores)
yield return SimpleTest.ComputeTests(scores).ToArray()[LossIndex];
public sealed override string FormatInfoString()
return SimpleTest.FormatInfoString();
// A class that tracks history of underlying Test.
// Can capture an iteration that peak on a given metric
// Each iteration captures an array of LossFunctions computed by underlying Test
internal class TestWindowWithTolerance : TestHistory
// Struct to keep information for tolerant early stopping
private struct ValueIterationPair
public int Iteration;
public double Sum;
public ValueIterationPair(int iteration, double sum)
Iteration = iteration;
Sum = sum;
private readonly int _windowSize;
private readonly double _tolerance;
// Queue for moving window
private readonly LinkedList<double> _window;
// This queue keeps track of the iterations which are within tolerance from the best iteration
// The first element of the queue is the early stopping candidate
private readonly LinkedList<ValueIterationPair> _toleratedQueue;
// Average validation for the current window
private double _currentWindowSum;
public double BestAverageValue => _toleratedQueue.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : _toleratedQueue.First().Sum / _windowSize;
public double CurrentAverageValue => _currentWindowSum / _windowSize;
// windowSize - number of iterations of average
// tolerance - how much off we can be from the best average (0.04 stand that we consider the best iteration the average over the window is 4% worse than the best average)
public TestWindowWithTolerance(Test scenarioWithoutHistory, int lossIndex,
int windowSize, double tolerance)
: base(scenarioWithoutHistory, lossIndex)
_window = new LinkedList<double>();
_toleratedQueue = new LinkedList<ValueIterationPair>();
_windowSize = windowSize;
_tolerance = tolerance;
protected override void UpdateBest(TestResult r)
if (BestResult != null && r.LowerIsBetter != BestResult.LowerIsBetter)
throw Contracts.Except("TestResult don't match");
double currentValue = ComputeTests().First().FinalValue * (r.LowerIsBetter ? -1.0 : 1.0);
double toleranceFactor = 1.0 - (_tolerance * (r.LowerIsBetter ? -1.0 : 1.0));
if (_window.Count == _windowSize)
double outValue = _window.First();
_currentWindowSum = _currentWindowSum - outValue + currentValue;
_currentWindowSum = _currentWindowSum + currentValue;
// Add to queue if higher than the current best
if (_window.Count == _windowSize &&
(_toleratedQueue.Count == 0 || _currentWindowSum > _toleratedQueue.Last().Sum))
_toleratedQueue.AddLast(new ValueIterationPair(Iteration - _windowSize / 2, _currentWindowSum));
// If the earliest candidate iteration is beyond tolerance, pop it out
while (_toleratedQueue.First().Sum < _currentWindowSum * toleranceFactor)
BestIteration = _toleratedQueue.First().Iteration;
BestResult = History[BestIteration - 1][LossIndex];
internal class NdcgTest : Test
protected readonly DcgCalculator DcgCalculator;
private readonly string _sortingAlgorithm;
protected readonly short[] Labels;
internal NdcgTest(ScoreTracker scoreTracker, short[] labels, string sortingAlgorithm)
: base(scoreTracker)
Labels = labels;
Contracts.Check(scoreTracker.Dataset.NumDocs == labels.Length, "Mismatch between dataset and labels");
_sortingAlgorithm = sortingAlgorithm;
DcgCalculator = new DcgCalculator(Dataset.MaxDocsPerQuery, _sortingAlgorithm);
public override IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests(double[] scores)
IList<TestResult> result = new List<TestResult>();
double[] ndcg = DcgCalculator.NdcgRangeFromScores(Dataset, Labels, scores);
for (int i = 0; i < ndcg.Length; i++)
result.Add(new TestResult("NDCG@" + (i + 1).ToString(), ndcg[i] * Dataset.NumQueries, Dataset.NumQueries, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average));
return result;
public override string FormatInfoString()
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
int i = 1;
foreach (var t in ComputeTests())
if (i > 1)
sb.AppendFormat("@{0}:{1:00.00}", i++, 100.0 * t.FinalValue);
return sb.ToString();
internal class FastNdcgTest : NdcgTest
protected readonly int NdcgTruncation;
public FastNdcgTest(ScoreTracker scoreTracker, short[] labels, string sortingAlgorithm, int ndcgTruncation)
: base(scoreTracker, labels, sortingAlgorithm)
Contracts.CheckParam(ndcgTruncation == 1 || ndcgTruncation == 3, nameof(ndcgTruncation),
nameof(FastNdcgTest) + " only supports NDCG1 & NDCG3");
NdcgTruncation = ndcgTruncation;
public override IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests(double[] scores)
double fastNdcg = 0;
switch (NdcgTruncation)
case 1:
fastNdcg = DcgCalculator.Ndcg1(Dataset, Labels, scores);
case 3:
fastNdcg = DcgCalculator.Ndcg3(Dataset, Labels, scores);
throw Contracts.Except();
List<TestResult> result = new List<TestResult>()
new TestResult("NDCG@" + NdcgTruncation.ToString(), fastNdcg * Dataset.NumQueries, Dataset.NumQueries, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
return result;
internal sealed class FastNdcgTestForTrainSet : FastNdcgTest
private readonly ScoreTracker _trainingScores;
private readonly FastTreeRankingTrainer.LambdaRankObjectiveFunction _rankingObjectiveFunction;
public FastNdcgTestForTrainSet(ScoreTracker trainingScores, FastTreeRankingTrainer.LambdaRankObjectiveFunction rankingObjectiveFunction, short[] labels, string sortingAlgorithm, int ndcgTruncation)
: base(trainingScores, labels, sortingAlgorithm, ndcgTruncation)
_trainingScores = trainingScores;
_rankingObjectiveFunction = rankingObjectiveFunction;
public override IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests()
if (CachedResults == null)
CachedResults = ComputeTests(_trainingScores.Scores);
return CachedResults;
public override IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests(double[] scores)
short[][] trainQueriesTopLabels = _rankingObjectiveFunction.TrainQueriesTopLabels;
double fastNdcg = 0;
switch (NdcgTruncation)
case 1:
fastNdcg = DcgCalculator.Ndcg1(Dataset, trainQueriesTopLabels);
case 3:
fastNdcg = DcgCalculator.Ndcg3(Dataset, trainQueriesTopLabels);
throw Contracts.Except("FastNDCGTest only supports NDCG1 & NDCG3");
List<TestResult> result = new List<TestResult>()
new TestResult("NDCG@" + NdcgTruncation.ToString(), fastNdcg * Dataset.NumQueries, Dataset.NumQueries, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
return result;
internal sealed class WinLossSurplusTest : Test
private readonly Lazy<WinLossCalculator> _winLossCalculator;
private readonly double _scaleFactor;
private readonly string _sortingAlgorithm;
private readonly short[] _labels;
public WinLossSurplusTest(ScoreTracker scoreTracker, short[] labels, string sortingAlgorithm, double scaleFactor)
: base(scoreTracker)
_labels = labels;
_sortingAlgorithm = sortingAlgorithm;
_scaleFactor = scaleFactor;
_winLossCalculator = new Lazy<WinLossCalculator>(
() => new WinLossCalculator(Dataset.MaxDocsPerQuery, _sortingAlgorithm));
public override IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests(double[] scores)
double[] surplus = _winLossCalculator.Value.WinLossRangeFromScores(Dataset, _labels, scores);
IList<TestResult> result = new List<TestResult>()
new TestResult("MaxSurplus", surplus[6] * _scaleFactor, 1.0, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Sum),
new TestResult("Surplus@100", surplus[0] * _scaleFactor * Dataset.NumQueries, Dataset.NumQueries, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
new TestResult("Surplus@200", surplus[1] * _scaleFactor * Dataset.NumQueries, Dataset.NumQueries, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
new TestResult("Surplus@300", surplus[2] * _scaleFactor * Dataset.NumQueries, Dataset.NumQueries, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
new TestResult("Surplus@400", surplus[3] * _scaleFactor * Dataset.NumQueries, Dataset.NumQueries, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
new TestResult("Surplus@500", surplus[4] * _scaleFactor * Dataset.NumQueries, Dataset.NumQueries, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
new TestResult("Surplus@1000", surplus[5] * _scaleFactor * Dataset.NumQueries, Dataset.NumQueries, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
new TestResult("MaxSurplusPos", surplus[7], 1, false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Sum),
new TestResult("PercentTop", surplus[7], surplus[8], false, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
return result;
public override string FormatInfoString()
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
int i = 1;
foreach (var t in ComputeTests())
if (i > 1)
sb.AppendFormat("{0}:{1:00.00}", t.LossFunctionName, t.FinalValue);
return sb.ToString();
internal sealed class RegressionTest : Test
private readonly float[] _labels;
private readonly int? _resultType;
///<param name="scoreTracker"></param>
/// <param name="resultType">1: L1, 2: L2. Otherwise, return all.</param>
public RegressionTest(ScoreTracker scoreTracker, int? resultType = null)
: base(scoreTracker)
_labels = FastTreeRegressionTrainer.GetDatasetRegressionLabels(scoreTracker.Dataset);
Contracts.Check(scoreTracker.Dataset.NumDocs == _labels.Length, "Mismatch between dataset and labels");
_resultType = resultType;
public override IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests(double[] scores)
Object testLock = new Object();
double[] weights = Dataset.SampleWeights;
double totalL1Error = 0.0;
double totalL2Error = 0.0;
int chunkSize = 1 + Dataset.NumDocs / BlockingThreadPool.NumThreads; // Minimizes the number of repeat computations in sparse array to have each thread take as big a chunk as possible
// REVIEW: This partitioning doesn't look optimal.
// Probably make sense to investigate better ways of splitting data?
var actions = new Action[(int)Math.Ceiling(1.0 * Dataset.NumDocs / chunkSize)];
var actionIndex = 0;
for (int documentStart = 0; documentStart < Dataset.NumDocs; documentStart += chunkSize)
var startDoc = documentStart;
var endDoc = Math.Min(documentStart + chunkSize - 1, Dataset.NumDocs - 1);
actions[actionIndex++] = () =>
double l1Error = 0.0;
double l2Error = 0.0;
for (int i = startDoc; i <= endDoc; i++)
double error = _labels[i] - scores[i];
double weight = (weights != null) ? weights[i] : 1.0;
l1Error += weight * Math.Abs(error);
l2Error += weight * error * error;
lock (testLock)
totalL1Error += l1Error;
totalL2Error += l2Error;
Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = BlockingThreadPool.NumThreads }, actions);
List<TestResult> result = new List<TestResult>();
Contracts.Assert(_resultType == null || _resultType == 1 || _resultType == 2);
switch (_resultType)
case 1:
result.Add(new TestResult("L1", totalL1Error, Dataset.NumDocs, true, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average));
case 2:
result.Add(new TestResult("L2", totalL2Error, Dataset.NumDocs, true, TestResult.ValueOperator.SqrtAverage));
result.Add(new TestResult("L1", totalL1Error, Dataset.NumDocs, true, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average));
result.Add(new TestResult("L2", totalL2Error, Dataset.NumDocs, true, TestResult.ValueOperator.SqrtAverage));
return result;
internal sealed class BinaryClassificationTest : Test
private readonly bool[] _binaryLabels;
private readonly double _recipNpos;
private readonly double _recipNneg;
private readonly double _sigmoidParameter;
public BinaryClassificationTest(ScoreTracker scoreTracker, bool[] binaryLabels, double sigmoidParameter)
: base(scoreTracker)
_binaryLabels = binaryLabels;
_sigmoidParameter = sigmoidParameter;
Contracts.Check(scoreTracker.Dataset.NumDocs == binaryLabels.Length, "Mismatch between dataset and labels");
long npos;
long nneg;
ComputeExampleCounts(_binaryLabels, out npos, out nneg);
_recipNpos = 1.0 / npos;
_recipNneg = 1.0 / nneg;
public static void ComputeExampleCounts(bool[] binaryLabels, out long npos, out long nneg)
long totalNpos = 0;
long totalNneg = 0;
// Compute number of positives and number of negative examples
int chunkSize = 1 + binaryLabels.Length / BlockingThreadPool.NumThreads; // Minimizes the number of repeat computations in sparse array to have each thread take as big a chunk as possible
// REVIEW: This partitioning doesn't look optimal.
// Probably make sense to investigate better ways of splitting data?
var actions = new Action[(int)Math.Ceiling(1.0 * binaryLabels.Length / chunkSize)];
var actionIndex = 0;
for (int documentStart = 0; documentStart < binaryLabels.Length; documentStart += chunkSize)
var startDoc = documentStart;
var endDoc = Math.Min(documentStart + chunkSize - 1, binaryLabels.Length - 1);
actions[actionIndex++] = () =>
long localNpos = 0;
long localNneg = 0;
for (int i = startDoc; i <= endDoc; i++)
if (binaryLabels[i])
Interlocked.Add(ref totalNpos, localNpos);
Interlocked.Add(ref totalNneg, localNneg);
Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = BlockingThreadPool.NumThreads }, actions);
npos = totalNpos;
nneg = totalNneg;
public override IEnumerable<TestResult> ComputeTests(double[] scores)
var testLock = new Object();
double totalErrorRate = 0.0;
double totalLossRate = 0.0;
double totalBalancedErrorRate = 0.0;
double totalBalancedLossRate = 0.0;
double totalAllDocumentsWeight = 0.0;
int chunkSize = 1 + Dataset.NumDocs / BlockingThreadPool.NumThreads; // Minimizes the number of repeat computations in sparse array to have each thread take as big a chunk as possible
// REVIEW: This partitioning doesn't look optimal.
// Probably make sense to investigate better ways of splitting data?
var actions = new Action[(int)Math.Ceiling(1.0 * Dataset.NumDocs / chunkSize)];
var actionIndex = 0;
for (int documentStart = 0; documentStart < Dataset.NumDocs; documentStart += chunkSize)
var startDoc = documentStart;
var endDoc = Math.Min(documentStart + chunkSize - 1, Dataset.NumDocs - 1);
actions[actionIndex++] = () =>
double errorRate = 0.0;
double lossRate = 0.0;
double balancedErrorRate = 0.0;
double balancedLossRate = 0.0;
double allDocumentsWeight = 0.0;
for (int i = startDoc; i <= endDoc; i++)
bool label = _binaryLabels[i];
bool predictedClass = scores[i] > 0.0;
double balancedRecip = label ? _recipNpos : _recipNneg;
const double documentWeight = 1.0;
bool correct = !(label ^ predictedClass);
double loss = Math.Log(1.0 + Math.Exp(-1.0 * _sigmoidParameter * (label ? 1 : -1) * scores[i]));
errorRate += (correct ? 0 : 1) * documentWeight;
lossRate += loss * documentWeight;
balancedErrorRate += correct ? 0.0 : documentWeight * balancedRecip;
balancedLossRate += loss * documentWeight * balancedRecip;
allDocumentsWeight += documentWeight;
lock (testLock)
totalErrorRate += errorRate;
totalLossRate += lossRate;
totalBalancedErrorRate += balancedErrorRate;
totalBalancedLossRate += balancedLossRate;
totalAllDocumentsWeight += allDocumentsWeight;
Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = BlockingThreadPool.NumThreads }, actions);
totalErrorRate /= totalAllDocumentsWeight;
totalLossRate /= totalAllDocumentsWeight;
//BalancedErrorRate already included reciprocal part of number of documents but we need to scale it to (0-1) range
totalBalancedErrorRate /= 2;
//BalancedLoosRate already included reciprocal part of number of documents
List<TestResult> result = new List<TestResult>()
new TestResult("ErrorRate", totalErrorRate * totalAllDocumentsWeight, totalAllDocumentsWeight, true, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
new TestResult("LossRate", totalLossRate * totalAllDocumentsWeight, totalAllDocumentsWeight, true, TestResult.ValueOperator.Average),
new TestResult("BalancedErrorRate", totalBalancedErrorRate, 1, true, TestResult.ValueOperator.None),
new TestResult("BalancedLossRate", totalBalancedLossRate, 1, true, TestResult.ValueOperator.None),
return result;