// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.EntryPoints;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Model;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree;
// REVIEW: Do we really need all these names?
[assembly: LoadableClass(FastTreeRankingTrainer.Summary, typeof(FastTreeRankingTrainer), typeof(FastTreeRankingTrainer.Options),
new[] { typeof(SignatureRankerTrainer), typeof(SignatureTrainer), typeof(SignatureTreeEnsembleTrainer), typeof(SignatureFeatureScorerTrainer) },
// FastRank names
[assembly: LoadableClass(typeof(FastTreeRankingModelParameters), null, typeof(SignatureLoadModel),
"FastTree Ranking Executor",
[assembly: LoadableClass(typeof(void), typeof(FastTree), null, typeof(SignatureEntryPointModule), "FastTree")]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="IEstimator{TTransformer}"/> for training a decision tree ranking model using FastTree.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <format type="text/markdown"><)
/// or [FastTree(Options)](xref:Microsoft.ML.TreeExtensions.FastTree(Microsoft.ML.RankingCatalog.RankingTrainers,Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree.FastTreeRankingTrainer.Options)).
/// [!include[io](~/../docs/samples/docs/api-reference/io-columns-ranking.md)]
/// ### Trainer Characteristics
/// | | |
/// | -- | -- |
/// | Machine learning task | Ranking |
/// | Is normalization required? | No |
/// | Is caching required? | No |
/// | Required NuGet in addition to Microsoft.ML | Microsoft.ML.FastTree |
/// | Exportable to ONNX | No |
/// [!include[algorithm](~/../docs/samples/docs/api-reference/algo-details-fasttree.md)]
/// ]]>
/// </format>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="TreeExtensions.FastTree(RankingCatalog.RankingTrainers, string, string, string, string, int, int, int, double)"/>
/// <seealso cref="TreeExtensions.FastTree(RegressionCatalog.RegressionTrainers, FastTreeRegressionTrainer.Options)"/>
/// <seealso cref="Options"/>
public sealed partial class FastTreeRankingTrainer
: BoostingFastTreeTrainerBase<FastTreeRankingTrainer.Options, RankingPredictionTransformer<FastTreeRankingModelParameters>, FastTreeRankingModelParameters>
internal const string LoadNameValue = "FastTreeRanking";
internal const string UserNameValue = "FastTree (Boosted Trees) Ranking";
internal const string Summary = "Trains gradient boosted decision trees to the LambdaRank quasi-gradient.";
internal const string ShortName = "ftrank";
private IEnsembleCompressor<short> _ensembleCompressor;
private Test _specialTrainSetTest;
private TestHistory _firstTestSetHistory;
/// <summary>
/// The prediction kind for this trainer.
/// </summary>
private protected override PredictionKind PredictionKind => PredictionKind.Ranking;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="FastTreeRankingTrainer"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="env">The private instance of <see cref="IHostEnvironment"/>.</param>
/// <param name="labelColumnName">The name of the label column.</param>
/// <param name="featureColumnName">The name of the feature column.</param>
/// <param name="rowGroupColumnName">The name for the column containing the group ID. </param>
/// <param name="exampleWeightColumnName">The name for the column containing the example weight.</param>
/// <param name="numberOfLeaves">The max number of leaves in each regression tree.</param>
/// <param name="numberOfTrees">Total number of decision trees to create in the ensemble.</param>
/// <param name="minimumExampleCountPerLeaf">The minimal number of examples allowed in a leaf of a regression tree, out of the subsampled data.</param>
/// <param name="learningRate">The learning rate.</param>
internal FastTreeRankingTrainer(IHostEnvironment env,
string labelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
string featureColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Features,
string rowGroupColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.GroupId,
string exampleWeightColumnName = null,
int numberOfLeaves = Defaults.NumberOfLeaves,
int numberOfTrees = Defaults.NumberOfTrees,
int minimumExampleCountPerLeaf = Defaults.MinimumExampleCountPerLeaf,
double learningRate = Defaults.LearningRate)
: base(env, TrainerUtils.MakeR4ScalarColumn(labelColumnName), featureColumnName, exampleWeightColumnName, rowGroupColumnName, numberOfLeaves, numberOfTrees, minimumExampleCountPerLeaf, learningRate)
Host.CheckNonEmpty(rowGroupColumnName, nameof(rowGroupColumnName));
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="FastTreeRankingTrainer"/> by using the <see cref="Options"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="env">The instance of <see cref="IHostEnvironment"/>.</param>
/// <param name="options">Algorithm advanced settings.</param>
internal FastTreeRankingTrainer(IHostEnvironment env, Options options)
: base(env, options, TrainerUtils.MakeR4ScalarColumn(options.LabelColumnName))
private protected override void CheckLabelCompatible(SchemaShape.Column labelCol)
Action error =
() => throw Host.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(labelCol), "label", labelCol.Name, "Single or Key", labelCol.GetTypeString());
if (labelCol.Kind != SchemaShape.Column.VectorKind.Scalar)
if (!labelCol.IsKey && labelCol.ItemType != NumberDataViewType.Single)
private protected override float GetMaxLabel()
return GetLabelGains().Length - 1;
private protected override FastTreeRankingModelParameters TrainModelCore(TrainContext context)
Host.CheckValue(context, nameof(context));
var trainData = context.TrainingSet;
ValidData = context.ValidationSet;
TestData = context.TestSet;
using (var ch = Host.Start("Training"))
var maxLabel = GetLabelGains().Length - 1;
FeatureCount = trainData.Schema.Feature.Value.Type.GetValueCount();
return new FastTreeRankingModelParameters(Host, TrainedEnsemble, FeatureCount, InnerOptions);
private Double[] GetLabelGains()
return FastTreeTrainerOptions.CustomGains;
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex is FormatException || ex is OverflowException)
throw Host.Except(ex, "Error in the format of custom gains. Inner exception is {0}", ex.Message);
private protected override void CheckOptions(IChannel ch)
if (FastTreeTrainerOptions.CustomGains != null)
var gains = FastTreeTrainerOptions.CustomGains;
if (gains.Length < 5)
throw ch.ExceptUserArg(nameof(FastTreeTrainerOptions.CustomGains),
"Has {0} gain levels. We require at least 5 elements.",
DcgCalculator.LabelGainMap = gains;
Dataset.DatasetSkeleton.LabelGainMap = gains;
bool doEarlyStop = FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingRuleFactory != null ||
if (doEarlyStop)
ch.CheckUserArg(FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics == 1 || FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics == 3,
nameof(FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics), "should be 1 or 3.");
private protected override void Initialize(IChannel ch)
if (FastTreeTrainerOptions.CompressEnsemble)
_ensembleCompressor = new LassoBasedEnsembleCompressor();
_ensembleCompressor.Initialize(FastTreeTrainerOptions.NumberOfTrees, TrainSet, TrainSet.Ratings, FastTreeTrainerOptions.Seed);
private protected override ObjectiveFunctionBase ConstructObjFunc(IChannel ch)
return new LambdaRankObjectiveFunction(TrainSet, TrainSet.Ratings, FastTreeTrainerOptions, ParallelTraining);
private protected override OptimizationAlgorithm ConstructOptimizationAlgorithm(IChannel ch)
OptimizationAlgorithm optimizationAlgorithm = base.ConstructOptimizationAlgorithm(ch);
if (FastTreeTrainerOptions.UseLineSearch)
_specialTrainSetTest = new FastNdcgTest(optimizationAlgorithm.TrainingScores, TrainSet.Ratings, FastTreeTrainerOptions.SortingAlgorithm, FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics);
optimizationAlgorithm.AdjustTreeOutputsOverride = new LineSearch(_specialTrainSetTest, 0, FastTreeTrainerOptions.MaximumNumberOfLineSearchSteps, FastTreeTrainerOptions.MinimumStepSize);
return optimizationAlgorithm;
private protected override BaggingProvider CreateBaggingProvider()
Host.Assert(FastTreeTrainerOptions.BaggingSize > 0);
return new RankingBaggingProvider(TrainSet, FastTreeTrainerOptions.NumberOfLeaves, FastTreeTrainerOptions.Seed, FastTreeTrainerOptions.BaggingExampleFraction);
private protected override void PrepareLabels(IChannel ch)
private protected override Test ConstructTestForTrainingData()
return new NdcgTest(ConstructScoreTracker(TrainSet), TrainSet.Ratings, FastTreeTrainerOptions.SortingAlgorithm);
private protected override void InitializeTests()
if (FastTreeTrainerOptions.TestFrequency != int.MaxValue)
if (FastTreeTrainerOptions.PrintTestGraph)
// If FirstTestHistory is null (which means the tests were not initialized due to /tf==infinity)
// We need initialize first set for graph printing
// Adding to a tests would result in printing the results after final iteration
if (_firstTestSetHistory == null)
var firstTestSetTest = CreateFirstTestSetTest();
_firstTestSetHistory = new TestHistory(firstTestSetTest, 0);
// Tests for early stopping.
TrainTest = CreateSpecialTrainSetTest();
if (ValidSet != null)
ValidTest = CreateSpecialValidSetTest();
if (FastTreeTrainerOptions.PrintTrainValidGraph && FastTreeTrainerOptions.EnablePruning && _specialTrainSetTest == null)
_specialTrainSetTest = CreateSpecialTrainSetTest();
if (FastTreeTrainerOptions.EnablePruning && ValidTest != null)
if (!FastTreeTrainerOptions.UseTolerantPruning)
//use simple early stopping condition
PruningTest = new TestHistory(ValidTest, 0);
//use tolerant stopping condition
PruningTest = new TestWindowWithTolerance(ValidTest, 0, FastTreeTrainerOptions.PruningWindowSize, FastTreeTrainerOptions.PruningThreshold);
private void AddFullTests()
if (ValidSet != null)
Test test = CreateStandardTest(ValidSet);
for (int t = 0; TestSets != null && t < TestSets.Length; ++t)
Test test = CreateStandardTest(TestSets[t]);
if (t == 0)
_firstTestSetHistory = new TestHistory(test, 0);
private protected override void PrintIterationMessage(IChannel ch, IProgressChannel pch)
// REVIEW: Shift to using progress channels to report this information.
// This needs to be executed every iteration.
if (PruningTest != null)
if (PruningTest is TestWindowWithTolerance)
if (PruningTest.BestIteration != -1)
ch.Info("Iteration {0} \t(Best tolerated validation moving average NDCG@{1} {2}:{3:00.00}~{4:00.00})",
100 * (PruningTest as TestWindowWithTolerance).BestAverageValue,
100 * (PruningTest as TestWindowWithTolerance).CurrentAverageValue);
ch.Info("Iteration {0}", Ensemble.NumTrees);
ch.Info("Iteration {0} \t(best validation NDCG@{1} {2}:{3:00.00}>{4:00.00})",
100 * PruningTest.BestResult.FinalValue,
100 * PruningTest.ComputeTests().First().FinalValue);
base.PrintIterationMessage(ch, pch);
base.PrintIterationMessage(ch, pch);
private protected override void ComputeTests()
if (_firstTestSetHistory != null)
if (_specialTrainSetTest != null)
if (PruningTest != null)
private protected override string GetTestGraphLine()
StringBuilder lineBuilder = new StringBuilder();
lineBuilder.AppendFormat("Eval:\tnet.{0:D8}.ini", Ensemble.NumTrees - 1);
foreach (var r in _firstTestSetHistory.ComputeTests())
lineBuilder.AppendFormat("\t{0:0.0000}"{0:0.0000}", r.FinalValue);
double trainTestResult = 0.0;
double validTestResult = 0.0;
// We only print non-zero train&valid graph if earlyStoppingTruncation!=0
// In case /es is not set, we print 0 for train and valid graph NDCG
// Let's keeping this behavior for backward compatibility with previous FR version
// Ideally /graphtv should enforce non-zero /es in the commandline validation
if (_specialTrainSetTest != null)
trainTestResult = _specialTrainSetTest.ComputeTests().First().FinalValue;
if (PruningTest != null)
validTestResult = PruningTest.ComputeTests().First().FinalValue;
lineBuilder.AppendFormat("\t{0:0.0000}\t{1:0.0000}", trainTestResult, validTestResult);
return lineBuilder.ToString();
private protected override void Train(IChannel ch)
// Print final last iteration.
// Note that trainNDCG printed in graph will be from copy of a value from previous iteration
// and will differ slightly from the proper final value computed by FullTest.
// We cannot compute the final NDCG here due to the fact we use FastNDCGTestForTrainSet computing NDCG based on label sort saved during gradient computation (and we don;t have gradients for n+1 iteration)
// Keeping it in sync with original FR code
private protected override void CustomizedTrainingIteration(InternalRegressionTree tree)
if (tree != null && FastTreeTrainerOptions.CompressEnsemble)
double[] trainOutputs = Ensemble.GetTreeAt(Ensemble.NumTrees - 1).GetOutputs(TrainSet);
_ensembleCompressor.SetTreeScores(Ensemble.NumTrees - 1, trainOutputs);
/// <summary>
/// Create standard test for dataset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataset">dataset used for testing</param>
/// <returns>standard test for the dataset</returns>
private Test CreateStandardTest(Dataset dataset)
if (Utils.Size(dataset.MaxDcg) == 0)
return new NdcgTest(
/// <summary>
/// Create the special test for train set.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>test for train set</returns>
private Test CreateSpecialTrainSetTest()
return new FastNdcgTestForTrainSet(
OptimizationAlgorithm.ObjectiveFunction as LambdaRankObjectiveFunction,
/// <summary>
/// Create the special test for valid set.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>test for train set</returns>
private Test CreateSpecialValidSetTest()
return new FastNdcgTest(
/// <summary>
/// Create the test for the first test set.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>test for the first test set</returns>
private Test CreateFirstTestSetTest()
return CreateStandardTest(TestSets[0]);
/// <summary>
/// Get the header of test graph
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Test graph header</returns>
private protected override string GetTestGraphHeader()
StringBuilder headerBuilder = new StringBuilder("Eval:\tFileName\tNDCG@1\tNDCG@2\tNDCG@3\tNDCG@4\tNDCG@5\tNDCG@6\tNDCG@7\tNDCG@8\tNDCG@9\tNDCG@10");
if (FastTreeTrainerOptions.PrintTrainValidGraph)
"\nNote: Printing train NDCG@{0} as NDCG@20 and validation NDCG@{0} as NDCG@40..\n",
return headerBuilder.ToString();
private protected override RankingPredictionTransformer<FastTreeRankingModelParameters> MakeTransformer(FastTreeRankingModelParameters model, DataViewSchema trainSchema)
=> new RankingPredictionTransformer<FastTreeRankingModelParameters>(Host, model, trainSchema, FeatureColumn.Name);
/// <summary>
/// Trains a <see cref="FastTreeRankingTrainer"/> using both training and validation data, returns
/// a <see cref="RankingPredictionTransformer{FastTreeRankingModelParameters}"/>.
/// </summary>
public RankingPredictionTransformer<FastTreeRankingModelParameters> Fit(IDataView trainData, IDataView validationData)
=> TrainTransformer(trainData, validationData);
private protected override SchemaShape.Column[] GetOutputColumnsCore(SchemaShape inputSchema)
return new[]
new SchemaShape.Column(DefaultColumnNames.Score, SchemaShape.Column.VectorKind.Scalar, NumberDataViewType.Single, false, new SchemaShape(AnnotationUtils.GetTrainerOutputAnnotation()))
internal sealed class LambdaRankObjectiveFunction : ObjectiveFunctionBase, IStepSearch
private readonly short[] _labels;
private enum DupeIdInfo
NoInformation = 0,
Unique = 1,
FormatNotSupported = 1000000,
Code404 = 1000001
// precomputed arrays
private readonly double[] _inverseMaxDcgt;
private readonly double[] _discount;
private readonly int[] _oneTwoThree;
private readonly int[][] _labelCounts;
// reusable memory, technical stuff
private readonly int[][] _permutationBuffers;
private readonly DcgPermutationComparer[] _comparers;
private readonly double[] _gain;
private double[] _gainLabels;
// parameters
private readonly int _maxDcgTruncationLevel;
private readonly bool _useDcg;
// A lookup table for the sigmoid used in the lambda calculation
// Note: Is built for a specific sigmoid parameter, so assumes this will be constant throughout computation
private double[] _sigmoidTable;
private double _minScore; // Computed: range of scores covered in table
private double _maxScore;
private double _minSigmoid;
private double _maxSigmoid;
private double _scoreToSigmoidTableFactor;
private const double _expAsymptote = -50; // exp( x < expAsymptote ) is assumed to be 0
private const int _sigmoidBins = 1000000; // Number of bins in the lookup table
// Secondary gains, currently not used in any way.
#pragma warning disable 0649
private readonly double _secondaryMetricShare;
private readonly double[] _secondaryInverseMaxDcgt;
private readonly double[] _secondaryGains;
#pragma warning restore 0649
// Baseline risk.
private static int _iteration = 0; // This is a static class global member which keeps track of the iterations.
private double _baselineAlphaCurrent;
// These reusable buffers are used for
// 1. preprocessing the scores for continuous cost function
// 2. shifted NDCG
// 3. max DCG per query
private readonly double[] _scoresCopy;
private readonly short[] _labelsCopy;
private readonly short[] _groupIdToTopLabel;
// parameters
private readonly double _sigmoidParam;
private readonly char _costFunctionParam;
private readonly bool _filterZeroLambdas;
private readonly bool _distanceWeight2;
private readonly bool _normalizeQueryLambdas;
private readonly bool _useShiftedNdcg;
private readonly IParallelTraining _parallelTraining;
// Used for training NDCG calculation
// Keeps track of labels of top 3 documents per query
public short[][] TrainQueriesTopLabels;
public LambdaRankObjectiveFunction(Dataset trainset, short[] labels, Options options, IParallelTraining parallelTraining)
: base(trainset,
_labels = labels;
TrainQueriesTopLabels = new short[Dataset.NumQueries][];
for (int q = 0; q < Dataset.NumQueries; ++q)
TrainQueriesTopLabels[q] = new short[3];
_labelCounts = new int[Dataset.NumQueries][];
int relevancyLevel = DcgCalculator.LabelGainMap.Length;
for (int q = 0; q < Dataset.NumQueries; ++q)
_labelCounts[q] = new int[relevancyLevel];
// precomputed arrays
_maxDcgTruncationLevel = options.NdcgTruncationLevel;
_useDcg = options.UseDcg;
if (_useDcg)
_inverseMaxDcgt = new double[Dataset.NumQueries];
for (int q = 0; q < Dataset.NumQueries; ++q)
_inverseMaxDcgt[q] = 1.0;
_inverseMaxDcgt = DcgCalculator.MaxDcg(_labels, Dataset.Boundaries, _maxDcgTruncationLevel, _labelCounts);
for (int q = 0; q < Dataset.NumQueries; ++q)
_inverseMaxDcgt[q] = 1.0 / _inverseMaxDcgt[q];
_discount = new double[Dataset.MaxDocsPerQuery];
_oneTwoThree = new int[Dataset.MaxDocsPerQuery];
for (int d = 0; d < Dataset.MaxDocsPerQuery; ++d)
_oneTwoThree[d] = d;
// reusable resources
int numThreads = BlockingThreadPool.NumThreads;
_comparers = new DcgPermutationComparer[numThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i)
_comparers[i] = DcgPermutationComparerFactory.GetDcgPermutationFactory(options.SortingAlgorithm);
_permutationBuffers = new int[numThreads][];
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i)
_permutationBuffers[i] = new int[Dataset.MaxDocsPerQuery];
_gain = Dataset.DatasetSkeleton.LabelGainMap;
#region parameters
_sigmoidParam = options.LearningRate;
_costFunctionParam = options.CostFunctionParam;
_distanceWeight2 = options.DistanceWeight2;
_normalizeQueryLambdas = options.NormalizeQueryLambdas;
_useShiftedNdcg = options.ShiftedNdcg;
_filterZeroLambdas = options.FilterZeroLambdas;
_scoresCopy = new double[Dataset.NumDocs];
_labelsCopy = new short[Dataset.NumDocs];
_groupIdToTopLabel = new short[Dataset.NumDocs];
_parallelTraining = parallelTraining;
private void SetupSecondaryGains(Arguments args)
_secondaryGains = null;
_secondaryMetricShare = args.secondaryMetricShare;
_secondaryIsolabelExclusive = args.secondaryIsolabelExclusive;
if (_secondaryMetricShare != 0.0)
_secondaryGains = Dataset.Skeleton.GetData<double>("SecondaryGains");
if (_secondaryGains == null)
_secondaryMetricShare = 0.0;
_secondaryInverseMaxDCGT = DCGCalculator.MaxDCG(_secondaryGains, Dataset.Boundaries,
new int[] { args.lambdaMartMaxTruncation })[0].Select(d => 1.0 / d).ToArray();
private void FillSigmoidTable(double sigmoidParam)
// minScore is such that 2*sigmoidParam*score is < expAsymptote if score < minScore
_minScore = _expAsymptote / sigmoidParam / 2;
_maxScore = -_minScore;
_sigmoidTable = new double[_sigmoidBins];
for (int i = 0; i < _sigmoidBins; i++)
double score = (_maxScore - _minScore) / _sigmoidBins * i + _minScore;
if (score > 0.0)
_sigmoidTable[i] = 2.0 - 2.0 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(-2.0 * sigmoidParam * score));
_sigmoidTable[i] = 2.0 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(2.0 * sigmoidParam * score));
_scoreToSigmoidTableFactor = _sigmoidBins / (_maxScore - _minScore);
_minSigmoid = _sigmoidTable[0];
_maxSigmoid = _sigmoidTable.Last();
private void IgnoreNonBestDuplicates(short[] labels, double[] scores, int[] order, UInt32[] dupeIds, int begin, int numDocuments)
if (dupeIds == null || dupeIds.Length == 0)
// Reset top label for all groups
for (int i = begin; i < begin + numDocuments; ++i)
_groupIdToTopLabel[i] = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numDocuments; ++i)
Contracts.Check(0 <= order[i] && order[i] < numDocuments, "the index to document exceeds range");
int index = begin + order[i];
UInt32 group = dupeIds[index];
if (group == (UInt32)DupeIdInfo.Code404 || group == (UInt32)DupeIdInfo.FormatNotSupported ||
group == (UInt32)DupeIdInfo.Unique || group == (UInt32)DupeIdInfo.NoInformation)
// group starts from 2 (since 0 is unknown and 1 is unique)
Contracts.Check(2 <= group && group < numDocuments + 2, "dupeId group exceeds range");
UInt32 groupIndex = (UInt32)begin + group - 2;
if (_groupIdToTopLabel[groupIndex] != -1)
// this is the second+ occurrence of a result
// of the same duplicate group, so:
// - disconsider when applying the cost function
// Only do this if the rating of this dupe is worse or equal,
// otherwise we want this dupe to be pushed to the top
// so we keep it
if (labels[index] <= _groupIdToTopLabel[groupIndex])
labels[index] = 0;
scores[index] = double.MinValue;
_groupIdToTopLabel[groupIndex] = labels[index];
public override double[] GetGradient(IChannel ch, double[] scores)
_baselineAlphaCurrent = 0.0;
double[] grads = base.GetGradient(ch, scores);
return grads;
protected override void GetGradientInOneQuery(int query, int threadIndex)
int begin = Dataset.Boundaries[query];
int numDocuments = Dataset.Boundaries[query + 1] - Dataset.Boundaries[query];
Array.Clear(Gradient, begin, numDocuments);
Array.Clear(Weights, begin, numDocuments);
double inverseMaxDcg = _inverseMaxDcgt[query];
double secondaryInverseMaxDcg = _secondaryMetricShare == 0 ? 0.0 : _secondaryInverseMaxDcgt[query];
int[] permutation = _permutationBuffers[threadIndex];
short[] labels = _labels;
double[] scoresToUse = Scores;
if (_useShiftedNdcg)
// Copy the labels for this query
Array.Copy(_labels, begin, _labelsCopy, begin, numDocuments);
labels = _labelsCopy;
if (_costFunctionParam == 'c' || _useShiftedNdcg)
// Copy the scores for this query
Array.Copy(Scores, begin, _scoresCopy, begin, numDocuments);
scoresToUse = _scoresCopy;
// Keep track of top 3 labels for later use
//GetTopQueryLabels(query, permutation, false);
double lambdaSum = 0;
fixed (int* pPermutation = permutation)
fixed (short* pLabels = labels)
fixed (double* pScores = scoresToUse)
fixed (double* pLambdas = Gradient)
fixed (double* pWeights = Weights)
fixed (double* pDiscount = _discount)
fixed (double* pGain = _gain)
fixed (double* pGainLabels = _gainLabels)
fixed (double* pSigmoidTable = _sigmoidTable)
fixed (double* pSecondaryGains = _secondaryGains)
fixed (int* pOneTwoThree = _oneTwoThree)
// calculates the permutation that orders "scores" in descending order, without modifying "scores"
Array.Copy(_oneTwoThree, permutation, numDocuments);
if (IntArray.UseFastTreeNative)
PermutationSort(permutation, scoresToUse, labels, numDocuments, begin);
// Get how far about baseline our current
double baselineDcgGap = 0.0;
//baselineDCGGap = ((new Random(query)).NextDouble() * 2 - 1)/inverseMaxDCG; // THIS IS EVIL CODE REMOVE LATER
// Keep track of top 3 labels for later use
GetTopQueryLabels(query, permutation, true);
if (_useShiftedNdcg)
// Set non-best (rank-wise) duplicates to be ignored. Set Score to MinValue, Label to 0
IgnoreNonBestDuplicates(labels, scoresToUse, permutation, Dataset.DupeIds, begin, numDocuments);
int numActualResults = numDocuments;
// If the const function is ContinuousWeightedRanknet, update output scores
if (_costFunctionParam == 'c')
for (int i = begin; i < begin + numDocuments; ++i)
if (pScores[i] == double.MinValue)
pScores[i] = pScores[i] * (1.0 - pLabels[i] * 1.0 / (20.0 * Dataset.DatasetSkeleton.LabelGainMap.Length));
// Continuous cost function and shifted NDCG require a re-sort and recomputation of maxDCG
// (Change of scores in the former and scores and labels in the latter)
if (!_useDcg && (_costFunctionParam == 'c' || _useShiftedNdcg))
PermutationSort(permutation, scoresToUse, labels, numDocuments, begin);
inverseMaxDcg = 1.0 / DcgCalculator.MaxDcgQuery(labels, begin, numDocuments, numDocuments, _labelCounts[query]);
// A constant related to secondary labels, which does not exist in the current codebase.
const bool secondaryIsolabelExclusive = false;
GetDerivatives(numDocuments, begin, pPermutation, pLabels,
pScores, pLambdas, pWeights, pDiscount,
inverseMaxDcg, pGainLabels,
_secondaryMetricShare, secondaryIsolabelExclusive, secondaryInverseMaxDcg, pSecondaryGains,
pSigmoidTable, _minScore, _maxScore, _sigmoidTable.Length, _scoreToSigmoidTableFactor,
_costFunctionParam, _distanceWeight2, numActualResults, &lambdaSum, double.MinValue,
_baselineAlphaCurrent, baselineDcgGap);
if (_useShiftedNdcg || _costFunctionParam == 'c' || _distanceWeight2 || _normalizeQueryLambdas)
throw new Exception("Shifted NDCG / ContinuousWeightedRanknet / distanceWeight2 / normalized lambdas are only supported by unmanaged code");
var comparer = _comparers[threadIndex];
comparer.Scores = scoresToUse;
comparer.Labels = labels;
comparer.ScoresOffset = begin;
comparer.LabelsOffset = begin;
Array.Sort(permutation, 0, numDocuments, comparer);
// go over all pairs
double scoreHighMinusLow;
double lambdaP;
double weightP;
double deltaNdcgP;
for (int i = 0; i < numDocuments; ++i)
int high = begin + pPermutation[i];
if (pLabels[high] == 0)
double deltaLambdasHigh = 0;
double deltaWeightsHigh = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numDocuments; ++j)
// only consider pairs with different labels, where "high" has a higher label than "low"
if (i == j)
int low = begin + pPermutation[j];
if (pLabels[high] <= pLabels[low])
// calculate the lambdaP for this pair
scoreHighMinusLow = pScores[high] - pScores[low];
if (scoreHighMinusLow <= _minScore)
lambdaP = _minSigmoid;
else if (scoreHighMinusLow >= _maxScore)
lambdaP = _maxSigmoid;
lambdaP = _sigmoidTable[(int)((scoreHighMinusLow - _minScore) * _scoreToSigmoidTableFactor)];
weightP = lambdaP * (2.0 - lambdaP);
// calculate the deltaNDCGP for this pair
deltaNdcgP =
(pGain[pLabels[high]] - pGain[pLabels[low]]) *
Math.Abs((pDiscount[i] - pDiscount[j])) *
// update lambdas and weights
deltaLambdasHigh += lambdaP * deltaNdcgP;
pLambdas[low] -= lambdaP * deltaNdcgP;
deltaWeightsHigh += weightP * deltaNdcgP;
pWeights[low] += weightP * deltaNdcgP;
pLambdas[high] += deltaLambdasHigh;
pWeights[high] += deltaWeightsHigh;
if (_normalizeQueryLambdas)
if (lambdaSum > 0)
double normFactor = (10 * Math.Log(1 + lambdaSum)) / lambdaSum;
for (int i = begin; i < begin + numDocuments; ++i)
pLambdas[i] = pLambdas[i] * normFactor;
pWeights[i] = pWeights[i] * normFactor;
void IStepSearch.AdjustTreeOutputs(IChannel ch, InternalRegressionTree tree, DocumentPartitioning partitioning,
ScoreTracker trainingScores)
const double epsilon = 1.4e-45;
double[] means = null;
if (!BestStepRankingRegressionTrees)
means = _parallelTraining.GlobalMean(Dataset, tree, partitioning, Weights, _filterZeroLambdas);
for (int l = 0; l < tree.NumLeaves; ++l)
double output = tree.LeafValue(l);
if (!BestStepRankingRegressionTrees)
output = (output + epsilon) / (2.0 * means[l] + epsilon);
if (output > MaxTreeOutput)
output = MaxTreeOutput;
else if (output < -MaxTreeOutput)
output = -MaxTreeOutput;
tree.SetLeafValue(l, output);
private void FillDiscounts(string positionDiscountFreeform)
if (positionDiscountFreeform == null)
for (int d = 0; d < Dataset.MaxDocsPerQuery; ++d)
_discount[d] = 1.0 / Math.Log(2.0 + d);
private void FillGainLabels()
_gainLabels = new double[Dataset.NumDocs];
for (int i = 0; i < Dataset.NumDocs; i++)
_gainLabels[i] = _gain[_labels[i]];
// Keep track of top 3 labels for later use.
private void GetTopQueryLabels(int query, int[] permutation, bool bAlreadySorted)
int numDocuments = Dataset.Boundaries[query + 1] - Dataset.Boundaries[query];
int begin = Dataset.Boundaries[query];
if (!bAlreadySorted)
// calculates the permutation that orders "scores" in descending order, without modifying "scores"
Array.Copy(_oneTwoThree, permutation, numDocuments);
PermutationSort(permutation, Scores, _labels, numDocuments, begin);
for (int i = 0; i < 3 && i < numDocuments; ++i)
TrainQueriesTopLabels[query][i] = _labels[begin + permutation[i]];
private static void PermutationSort(int[] permutation, double[] scores, short[] labels, int numDocs, int shift)
Contracts.Assert(numDocs > 0);
Contracts.Assert(shift >= 0);
Contracts.Assert(scores.Length - numDocs >= shift);
Contracts.Assert(labels.Length - numDocs >= shift);
Array.Sort(permutation, 0, numDocs,
Comparer<int>.Create((x, y) =>
if (scores[shift + x] > scores[shift + y])
return -1;
if (scores[shift + x] < scores[shift + y])
return 1;
if (labels[shift + x] < labels[shift + y])
return -1;
if (labels[shift + x] > labels[shift + y])
return 1;
return x - y;
[DllImport("FastTreeNative", EntryPoint = "C_GetDerivatives", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
private static extern unsafe void GetDerivatives(
int numDocuments, int begin, int* pPermutation, short* pLabels,
double* pScores, double* pLambdas, double* pWeights, double* pDiscount,
double inverseMaxDcg, double* pGainLabels,
double secondaryMetricShare, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool secondaryExclusive, double secondaryInverseMaxDcg, double* pSecondaryGains,
double* lambdaTable, double minScore, double maxScore,
int lambdaTableLength, double scoreToLambdaTableFactor,
char costFunctionParam, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool distanceWeight2, int numActualDocuments,
double* pLambdaSum, double doubleMinValue, double alphaRisk, double baselineVersusCurrentDcg);
/// <summary>
/// Model parameters for <see cref="FastTreeRankingTrainer"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class FastTreeRankingModelParameters : TreeEnsembleModelParametersBasedOnRegressionTree
internal const string LoaderSignature = "FastTreeRankerExec";
internal const string RegistrationName = "FastTreeRankingPredictor";
private static VersionInfo GetVersionInfo()
return new VersionInfo(
modelSignature: "FTREE RA",
// verWrittenCur: 0x00010001, // Initial
// verWrittenCur: 0x00010002, // _numFeatures serialized
// verWrittenCur: 0x00010003, // Ini content out of predictor
// verWrittenCur: 0x00010004, // Add _defaultValueForMissing
verWrittenCur: 0x00010005, // Categorical splits.
verReadableCur: 0x00010004,
verWeCanReadBack: 0x00010001,
loaderSignature: LoaderSignature,
loaderAssemblyName: typeof(FastTreeRankingModelParameters).Assembly.FullName);
private protected override uint VerNumFeaturesSerialized => 0x00010002;
private protected override uint VerDefaultValueSerialized => 0x00010004;
private protected override uint VerCategoricalSplitSerialized => 0x00010005;
internal FastTreeRankingModelParameters(IHostEnvironment env, InternalTreeEnsemble trainedEnsemble, int featureCount, string innerArgs)
: base(env, RegistrationName, trainedEnsemble, featureCount, innerArgs)
private FastTreeRankingModelParameters(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
: base(env, RegistrationName, ctx, GetVersionInfo())
private protected override void SaveCore(ModelSaveContext ctx)
internal static FastTreeRankingModelParameters Create(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
return new FastTreeRankingModelParameters(env, ctx);
private protected override PredictionKind PredictionKind => PredictionKind.Ranking;
internal static partial class FastTree
[TlcModule.EntryPoint(Name = "Trainers.FastTreeRanker",
Desc = FastTreeRankingTrainer.Summary,
UserName = FastTreeRankingTrainer.UserNameValue,
ShortName = FastTreeRankingTrainer.ShortName)]
public static CommonOutputs.RankingOutput TrainRanking(IHostEnvironment env, FastTreeRankingTrainer.Options input)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
var host = env.Register("TrainFastTree");
host.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
EntryPointUtils.CheckInputArgs(host, input);
return TrainerEntryPointsUtils.Train<FastTreeRankingTrainer.Options, CommonOutputs.RankingOutput>(host, input,
() => new FastTreeRankingTrainer(host, input),
() => TrainerEntryPointsUtils.FindColumn(host, input.TrainingData.Schema, input.LabelColumnName),
() => TrainerEntryPointsUtils.FindColumn(host, input.TrainingData.Schema, input.ExampleWeightColumnName),
() => TrainerEntryPointsUtils.FindColumn(host, input.TrainingData.Schema, input.RowGroupColumnName));