// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Data
/// <summary>
/// Represents a chain (potentially empty) of estimators that end with a <typeparamref name="TLastTransformer"/>.
/// If the chain is empty, <typeparamref name="TLastTransformer"/> is always <see cref="ITransformer"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class EstimatorChain<TLastTransformer> : IEstimator<TransformerChain<TLastTransformer>>
where TLastTransformer : class, ITransformer
// Host is not null iff there is any 'true' values in _needCacheAfter (in this case, we need to create an instance of
// CacheDataView.
private readonly IHost _host;
private readonly TransformerScope[] _scopes;
private readonly IEstimator<ITransformer>[] _estimators;
private readonly bool[] _needCacheAfter;
public readonly IEstimator<TLastTransformer> LastEstimator;
private EstimatorChain(IHostEnvironment env, IEstimator<ITransformer>[] estimators, TransformerScope[] scopes, bool[] needCacheAfter)
Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(estimators) == Utils.Size(scopes));
Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(estimators) == Utils.Size(needCacheAfter));
_host = env?.Register(nameof(EstimatorChain<TLastTransformer>));
_estimators = estimators ?? new IEstimator<ITransformer>[0];
_scopes = scopes ?? new TransformerScope[0];
LastEstimator = estimators.LastOrDefault() as IEstimator<TLastTransformer>;
_needCacheAfter = needCacheAfter ?? new bool[0];
Contracts.Assert((_host != null) == _needCacheAfter.Any(x => x));
Contracts.Assert((_estimators.Length > 0) == (LastEstimator != null));
/// <summary>
/// Create an empty estimator chain.
/// </summary>
public EstimatorChain()
_host = null;
_estimators = new IEstimator<ITransformer>[0];
_scopes = new TransformerScope[0];
_needCacheAfter = new bool[0];
LastEstimator = null;
public TransformerChain<TLastTransformer> Fit(IDataView input)
// Before fitting, run schema propagation.
IDataView current = input;
var xfs = new ITransformer[_estimators.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < _estimators.Length; i++)
var est = _estimators[i];
xfs[i] = est.Fit(current);
if (xfs[i] is ITransformerWithDifferentMappingAtTrainingTime xf)
current = xf.TransformForTrainingPipeline(current);
current = xfs[i].Transform(current);
if (_needCacheAfter[i] && i < _estimators.Length - 1)
current = new CacheDataView(_host, current, null);
return new TransformerChain<TLastTransformer>(xfs, _scopes);
public SchemaShape GetOutputSchema(SchemaShape inputSchema)
var s = inputSchema;
foreach (var est in _estimators)
s = est.GetOutputSchema(s);
return s;
public EstimatorChain<TNewTrans> Append<TNewTrans>(IEstimator<TNewTrans> estimator, TransformerScope scope = TransformerScope.Everything)
where TNewTrans : class, ITransformer
Contracts.CheckValue(estimator, nameof(estimator));
return new EstimatorChain<TNewTrans>(_host, _estimators.AppendElement(estimator), _scopes.AppendElement(scope), _needCacheAfter.AppendElement(false));
/// <summary>
/// Append a 'caching checkpoint' to the estimator chain. This will ensure that the downstream estimators will be trained against
/// cached data. It is helpful to have a caching checkpoint before trainers or feature engineering that take multiple data passes.
/// It is also helpful to have after a slow operation, for example after dataset loading from a slow source or after feature
/// engineering that is slow on its apply phase, if downstream estimators will do multiple passes over the output of this operation.
/// Adding a cache checkpoint at the begin or end of an <see cref="EstimatorChain{TLastTransformer}"/> is meaningless and should be avoided.
/// Cache checkpoints should be removed if disk thrashing or OutOfMemory exceptions are seen, which can occur on when the featured
/// dataset immediately prior to the checkpoint is larger than available RAM.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="env">The host environment to use for caching.</param>
public EstimatorChain<TLastTransformer> AppendCacheCheckpoint(IHostEnvironment env)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
if (_estimators.Length == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Current estimator chain has no estimator, can't append cache checkpoint.");
if (_needCacheAfter.Last())
// If we already need to cache after this, we don't need to do anything else.
return this;
bool[] newNeedCache = _needCacheAfter.ToArray();
newNeedCache[newNeedCache.Length - 1] = true;
return new EstimatorChain<TLastTransformer>(env, _estimators, _scopes, newNeedCache);