// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML
/// <summary>
/// Extension methods that allow chaining of estimator and transformer pipelines.
/// </summary>
public static class LearningPipelineExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Create a new composite loader estimator, by appending another estimator to the end of this data loader estimator.
/// </summary>
public static CompositeLoaderEstimator<TSource, TTrans> Append<TSource, TTrans>(
this IDataLoaderEstimator<TSource, IDataLoader<TSource>> start, IEstimator<TTrans> estimator)
where TTrans : class, ITransformer
Contracts.CheckValue(start, nameof(start));
Contracts.CheckValue(estimator, nameof(estimator));
return new CompositeLoaderEstimator<TSource, ITransformer>(start).Append(estimator);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new composite loader estimator, by appending an estimator to this data loader.
/// </summary>
public static CompositeLoaderEstimator<TSource, TTrans> Append<TSource, TTrans>(
this IDataLoader<TSource> start, IEstimator<TTrans> estimator)
where TTrans : class, ITransformer
Contracts.CheckValue(start, nameof(start));
Contracts.CheckValue(estimator, nameof(estimator));
return new TrivialLoaderEstimator<TSource, IDataLoader<TSource>>(start).Append(estimator);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new estimator chain, by appending another estimator to the end of this estimator.
/// </summary>
public static EstimatorChain<TTrans> Append<TTrans>(
this IEstimator<ITransformer> start, IEstimator<TTrans> estimator,
TransformerScope scope = TransformerScope.Everything)
where TTrans : class, ITransformer
Contracts.CheckValue(start, nameof(start));
Contracts.CheckValue(estimator, nameof(estimator));
if (start is EstimatorChain<ITransformer> est)
return est.Append(estimator, scope);
return new EstimatorChain<ITransformer>().Append(start).Append(estimator, scope);
/// <summary>
/// Append a 'caching checkpoint' to the estimator chain. This will ensure that the downstream estimators will be trained against
/// cached data. It is helpful to have a caching checkpoint before trainers that take multiple data passes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="start">The starting estimator</param>
/// <param name="env">The host environment to use for caching.</param>
public static EstimatorChain<TTrans> AppendCacheCheckpoint<TTrans>(this IEstimator<TTrans> start, IHostEnvironment env)
where TTrans : class, ITransformer
Contracts.CheckValue(start, nameof(start));
return new EstimatorChain<ITransformer>().Append(start).AppendCacheCheckpoint(env);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new composite loader, by appending a transformer to this data loader.
/// </summary>
public static CompositeDataLoader<TSource, TTrans> Append<TSource, TTrans>(this IDataLoader<TSource> loader, TTrans transformer)
where TTrans : class, ITransformer
Contracts.CheckValue(loader, nameof(loader));
Contracts.CheckValue(transformer, nameof(transformer));
return new CompositeDataLoader<TSource, ITransformer>(loader).AppendTransformer(transformer);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new transformer chain, by appending another transformer to the end of this transformer chain.
/// </summary>
public static TransformerChain<TTrans> Append<TTrans>(this ITransformer start, TTrans transformer)
where TTrans : class, ITransformer
Contracts.CheckValue(start, nameof(start));
Contracts.CheckValue(transformer, nameof(transformer));
return new TransformerChain<TTrans>(start, transformer);
private sealed class DelegateEstimator<TTransformer> : IEstimator<TTransformer>
where TTransformer : class, ITransformer
private readonly IEstimator<TTransformer> _est;
private readonly Action<TTransformer> _onFit;
public DelegateEstimator(IEstimator<TTransformer> estimator, Action<TTransformer> onFit)
_est = estimator;
_onFit = onFit;
public TTransformer Fit(IDataView input)
var trans = _est.Fit(input);
return trans;
public SchemaShape GetOutputSchema(SchemaShape inputSchema)
=> _est.GetOutputSchema(inputSchema);
/// <summary>
/// Given an estimator, return a wrapping object that will call a delegate once <see cref="IEstimator{TTransformer}.Fit(IDataView)"/>
/// is called. It is often important for an estimator to return information about what was fit, which is why the
/// <see cref="IEstimator{TTransformer}.Fit(IDataView)"/> method returns a specifically typed object, rather than just a general
/// <see cref="ITransformer"/>. However, at the same time, <see cref="IEstimator{TTransformer}"/> are often formed into pipelines
/// with many objects, so we may need to build a chain of estimators via <see cref="EstimatorChain{TLastTransformer}"/> where the
/// estimator for which we want to get the transformer is buried somewhere in this chain. For that scenario, we can through this
/// method attach a delegate that will be called once fit is called.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TTransformer">The type of <see cref="ITransformer"/> returned by <paramref name="estimator"/></typeparam>
/// <param name="estimator">The estimator to wrap</param>
/// <param name="onFit">The delegate that is called with the resulting <typeparamref name="TTransformer"/> instances once
/// <see cref="IEstimator{TTransformer}.Fit(IDataView)"/> is called. Because <see cref="IEstimator{TTransformer}.Fit(IDataView)"/>
/// may be called multiple times, this delegate may also be called multiple times.</param>
/// <returns>A wrapping estimator that calls the indicated delegate whenever fit is called</returns>
/// <example>
/// <format type="text/markdown">
/// <]
/// ]]>
/// </format>
/// </example>
public static IEstimator<TTransformer> WithOnFitDelegate<TTransformer>(this IEstimator<TTransformer> estimator, Action<TTransformer> onFit)
where TTransformer : class, ITransformer
Contracts.CheckValue(estimator, nameof(estimator));
Contracts.CheckValue(onFit, nameof(onFit));
return new DelegateEstimator<TTransformer>(estimator, onFit);
internal static T[] AppendElement<T>(this T[] array, T element)
T[] result = new T[Utils.Size(array) + 1];
Array.Copy(array, result, result.Length - 1);
result[result.Length - 1] = element;
return result;