// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
internal sealed partial class SolutionCompilationState
/// <summary>
/// An implementation of <see cref="ICompilationTracker"/> that takes a compilation from another compilation tracker
/// and updates it to return a generated document with a specific content, regardless of what the generator actually
/// produces. In other words, it says "take the compilation this other thing produced, and pretend the generator
/// gave this content, even if it wouldn't." This is used by <see
/// cref="Solution.WithFrozenSourceGeneratedDocuments"/> to ensure that a particular solution snapshot contains a
/// pre-existing generated document from a prior run that the user is interacting with in the host. The current
/// snapshot might not produce the same content from before (or may not even produce that document anymore). But we
/// want to still let the user work with that doc effectively up until the point that new generated documents are
/// produced and replace it in the host view.
/// </summary>
private sealed class WithFrozenSourceGeneratedDocumentsCompilationTracker : ICompilationTracker
private readonly TextDocumentStates<SourceGeneratedDocumentState> _replacementDocumentStates;
/// <summary>
/// The lazily-produced compilation that has the generated document updated. This is initialized by call to
/// <see cref="GetCompilationAsync"/>.
/// </summary>
private Compilation? _compilationWithReplacements;
public ICompilationTracker UnderlyingTracker { get; }
public ProjectState ProjectState => UnderlyingTracker.ProjectState;
public GeneratorDriver? GeneratorDriver => UnderlyingTracker.GeneratorDriver;
/// <summary>
/// Intentionally not readonly as this is a mutable struct.
/// </summary>
private SkeletonReferenceCache _skeletonReferenceCache;
public WithFrozenSourceGeneratedDocumentsCompilationTracker(
ICompilationTracker underlyingTracker,
TextDocumentStates<SourceGeneratedDocumentState> replacementDocumentStates)
this.UnderlyingTracker = underlyingTracker;
_replacementDocumentStates = replacementDocumentStates;
_skeletonReferenceCache = underlyingTracker.GetClonedSkeletonReferenceCache();
public bool ContainsAssemblyOrModuleOrDynamic(
ISymbol symbol, bool primary,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out Compilation? compilation,
out MetadataReferenceInfo? referencedThrough)
if (_compilationWithReplacements == null)
// We don't have a compilation yet, so this couldn't have came from us
compilation = null;
referencedThrough = null;
return false;
return RootedSymbolSet.Create(_compilationWithReplacements).ContainsAssemblyOrModuleOrDynamic(
symbol, primary, out compilation, out referencedThrough);
public ICompilationTracker Fork(ProjectState newProject, TranslationAction? translate)
// We'll apply the translation to the underlying tracker, and then replace the documents again.
var underlyingTracker = this.UnderlyingTracker.Fork(newProject, translate);
return new WithFrozenSourceGeneratedDocumentsCompilationTracker(underlyingTracker, _replacementDocumentStates);
public ICompilationTracker WithCreateCreationPolicy(bool forceRegeneration)
var underlyingTracker = this.UnderlyingTracker.WithCreateCreationPolicy(forceRegeneration);
return underlyingTracker == this.UnderlyingTracker
? this
: new WithFrozenSourceGeneratedDocumentsCompilationTracker(underlyingTracker, _replacementDocumentStates);
public ICompilationTracker WithDoNotCreateCreationPolicy()
var underlyingTracker = this.UnderlyingTracker.WithDoNotCreateCreationPolicy();
return underlyingTracker == this.UnderlyingTracker
? this
: new WithFrozenSourceGeneratedDocumentsCompilationTracker(underlyingTracker, _replacementDocumentStates);
public async Task<Compilation> GetCompilationAsync(SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Fast path if we've definitely already done this before
if (_compilationWithReplacements != null)
return _compilationWithReplacements;
// We're building the real compilation for this tracker, so we want to include all generated docs at every
// level of compilation tracker wrapping. So pass along `withFrozenSourceGeneratedDocuments: true` to get a
// full view of that.
var underlyingSourceGeneratedDocuments = await UnderlyingTracker.GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(
compilationState, withFrozenSourceGeneratedDocuments: true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var newCompilation = await UnderlyingTracker.GetCompilationAsync(compilationState, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var (id, replacementState) in _replacementDocumentStates.States)
underlyingSourceGeneratedDocuments.TryGetState(id, out var existingState);
var replacementSyntaxTree = await replacementState.GetSyntaxTreeAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (existingState != null)
// The generated file still exists in the underlying compilation, but the contents may not match the open file if the open file
// is stale. Replace the syntax tree so we have a tree that matches the text.
var existingSyntaxTree = await existingState.GetSyntaxTreeAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
newCompilation = newCompilation.ReplaceSyntaxTree(existingSyntaxTree, replacementSyntaxTree);
// The existing output no longer exists in the underlying compilation. This could happen if the user made
// an edit which would cause this file to no longer exist, but they're still operating on an open representation
// of that file. To ensure that this snapshot is still usable, we'll just add this document back in. This is not a
// semantically correct operation, but working on stale snapshots never has that guarantee.
newCompilation = newCompilation.AddSyntaxTrees(replacementSyntaxTree);
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _compilationWithReplacements, newCompilation, null);
return _compilationWithReplacements;
public Task<VersionStamp> GetDependentVersionAsync(SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> UnderlyingTracker.GetDependentVersionAsync(compilationState, cancellationToken);
public Task<VersionStamp> GetDependentSemanticVersionAsync(SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> UnderlyingTracker.GetDependentSemanticVersionAsync(compilationState, cancellationToken);
public async ValueTask<TextDocumentStates<SourceGeneratedDocumentState>> GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, bool withFrozenSourceGeneratedDocuments, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var newStates = await UnderlyingTracker.GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(
compilationState, withFrozenSourceGeneratedDocuments, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Only if the caller *wants* frozen source generated documents, then we will overlay the real underlying
// generated docs with the frozen ones we're pointing at.
if (withFrozenSourceGeneratedDocuments)
foreach (var (id, replacementState) in _replacementDocumentStates.States)
if (newStates.Contains(id))
// The generated file still exists in the underlying compilation, but the contents may not match the open file if the open file
// is stale. Replace the syntax tree so we have a tree that matches the text.
newStates = newStates.SetState(replacementState);
// The generated output no longer exists in the underlying compilation. This could happen if the user made
// an edit which would cause this file to no longer exist, but they're still operating on an open representation
// of that file. To ensure that this snapshot is still usable, we'll just add this document back in. This is not a
// semantically correct operation, but working on stale snapshots never has that guarantee.
newStates = newStates.AddRange([replacementState]);
return newStates;
public Task<bool> HasSuccessfullyLoadedAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return UnderlyingTracker.HasSuccessfullyLoadedAsync(compilationState, cancellationToken);
public bool TryGetCompilation([NotNullWhen(true)] out Compilation? compilation)
compilation = _compilationWithReplacements;
return compilation != null;
public SourceGeneratedDocumentState? TryGetSourceGeneratedDocumentStateForAlreadyGeneratedId(DocumentId documentId)
if (_replacementDocumentStates.TryGetState(documentId, out var replacementState))
return replacementState;
return UnderlyingTracker.TryGetSourceGeneratedDocumentStateForAlreadyGeneratedId(documentId);
public ValueTask<ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>> GetSourceGeneratorDiagnosticsAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// We can directly return the diagnostics from the underlying tracker; this is because
// a generated document cannot have any diagnostics that are produced by a generator:
// a generator cannot add diagnostics to it's own file outputs, and generators don't see the
// outputs of each other.
return UnderlyingTracker.GetSourceGeneratorDiagnosticsAsync(compilationState, cancellationToken);
public ValueTask<GeneratorDriverRunResult?> GetSourceGeneratorRunResultAsync(SolutionCompilationState solution, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// The provided run result would be out of sync with the replaced documents.
// Currently this is only used by razor to get the HostOutputs, which should never be used here.
throw new NotImplementedException();
public SkeletonReferenceCache GetClonedSkeletonReferenceCache()
=> _skeletonReferenceCache.Clone();
public Task<MetadataReference?> GetOrBuildSkeletonReferenceAsync(SolutionCompilationState compilationState, MetadataReferenceProperties properties, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> _skeletonReferenceCache.GetOrBuildReferenceAsync(this, compilationState, properties, cancellationToken);