// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Threading;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
internal sealed partial class SolutionCompilationState
/// <summary>
/// Tracks the changes made to a project and provides the facility to get a lazily built
/// compilation for that project. As the compilation is being built, the partial results are
/// stored as well so that they can be used in the 'in progress' workspace snapshot.
/// </summary>
private sealed partial class RegularCompilationTracker : ICompilationTracker
private static readonly Func<ProjectState, string> s_logBuildCompilationAsync =
state => string.Join(",", state.AssemblyName, state.DocumentStates.Count);
private static readonly CancellableLazy<Compilation?> s_lazyNullCompilation = new CancellableLazy<Compilation?>((Compilation?)null);
public ProjectState ProjectState { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Access via the <see cref="ReadState"/> and <see cref="WriteState"/> methods.
/// </summary>
private CompilationTrackerState? _stateDoNotAccessDirectly;
// guarantees only one thread is building at a time
private SemaphoreSlim? _buildLock;
/// <summary>
/// Intentionally not readonly. This is a mutable struct.
/// </summary>
private SkeletonReferenceCache _skeletonReferenceCache;
/// <summary>
/// Set via a feature flag to enable strict validation of the compilations that are produced, in that they match the original states. This validation is expensive, so we don't want it
/// running in normal production scenarios.
/// </summary>
private readonly bool _validateStates;
private RegularCompilationTracker(
ProjectState project,
CompilationTrackerState? state,
in SkeletonReferenceCache skeletonReferenceCacheToClone)
this.ProjectState = project;
_stateDoNotAccessDirectly = state;
_skeletonReferenceCache = skeletonReferenceCacheToClone.Clone();
_validateStates = project.LanguageServices.SolutionServices.GetRequiredService<IWorkspaceConfigurationService>().Options.ValidateCompilationTrackerStates;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a tracker for the provided project. The tracker will be in the 'empty' state
/// and will have no extra information beyond the project itself.
/// </summary>
public RegularCompilationTracker(ProjectState project)
: this(project, state: null, skeletonReferenceCacheToClone: new())
private CompilationTrackerState? ReadState()
=> Volatile.Read(ref _stateDoNotAccessDirectly);
private void WriteState(CompilationTrackerState state)
Volatile.Write(ref _stateDoNotAccessDirectly, state);
public GeneratorDriver? GeneratorDriver
var state = this.ReadState();
return state?.GeneratorInfo.Driver;
public bool ContainsAssemblyOrModuleOrDynamic(
ISymbol symbol, bool primary,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out Compilation? compilation,
out MetadataReferenceInfo? referencedThrough)
Debug.Assert(symbol.Kind is SymbolKind.Assembly or SymbolKind.NetModule or SymbolKind.DynamicType);
if (this.ReadState() is not FinalCompilationTrackerState finalState)
// this was not a tracker that has handed out a compilation (all compilations handed out must be
// owned by a 'FinalState'). So this symbol could not be from us.
compilation = null;
referencedThrough = null;
return false;
return finalState.RootedSymbolSet.ContainsAssemblyOrModuleOrDynamic(symbol, primary, out compilation, out referencedThrough);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of the compilation info, retaining any already built
/// compilation state as the now 'old' state
/// </summary>
public ICompilationTracker Fork(
ProjectState newProjectState,
TranslationAction? translate)
var forkedTrackerState = ForkTrackerState();
// We should never fork into a FinalCompilationTrackerState. We must always be at some state prior to
// it since some change has happened, and we may now need to run generators.
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(forkedTrackerState is FinalCompilationTrackerState);
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(forkedTrackerState is null or InProgressState);
return new RegularCompilationTracker(
skeletonReferenceCacheToClone: _skeletonReferenceCache);
CompilationTrackerState? ForkTrackerState()
var state = this.ReadState();
if (state is null)
return null;
var (compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments, staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments) = state switch
InProgressState inProgressState => (inProgressState.LazyCompilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments, inProgressState.LazyStaleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments),
FinalCompilationTrackerState finalState => (new Lazy<Compilation>(() => finalState.CompilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments), new CancellableLazy<Compilation?>(finalState.FinalCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments)),
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(state.GetType()),
var newState = new InProgressState(
return newState;
ImmutableList<TranslationAction> GetPendingTranslationActions(CompilationTrackerState state)
var pendingTranslationActions = state switch
InProgressState inProgressState => inProgressState.PendingTranslationActions,
FinalCompilationTrackerState => [],
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(state.GetType()),
if (translate is null)
return pendingTranslationActions;
// We have a translation action; are we able to merge it with the prior one?
if (!pendingTranslationActions.IsEmpty)
var priorAction = pendingTranslationActions.Last();
var mergedTranslation = translate.TryMergeWithPrior(priorAction);
if (mergedTranslation != null)
// We can replace the prior action with this new one
return pendingTranslationActions.SetItem(
pendingTranslationActions.Count - 1,
// Just add it to the end
return pendingTranslationActions.Add(translate);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the final compilation if it is available.
/// </summary>
public bool TryGetCompilation([NotNullWhen(true)] out Compilation? compilation)
var state = ReadState();
if (state is FinalCompilationTrackerState finalState)
compilation = finalState.FinalCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments;
return true;
compilation = null;
return false;
public Task<Compilation> GetCompilationAsync(SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (this.TryGetCompilation(out var compilation))
return Task.FromResult(compilation);
else if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
// Handle early cancellation here to avoid throwing/catching cancellation exceptions in the async
// state machines. This helps reduce the total number of First Chance Exceptions occurring in IDE
// typing scenarios.
return Task.FromCanceled<Compilation>(cancellationToken);
return GetCompilationSlowAsync(compilationState, cancellationToken);
private async Task<Compilation> GetCompilationSlowAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var finalState = await GetOrBuildFinalStateAsync(compilationState, cancellationToken: cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return finalState.FinalCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments;
private async Task<FinalCompilationTrackerState> GetOrBuildFinalStateAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.Workspace_Project_CompilationTracker_BuildCompilationAsync,
s_logBuildCompilationAsync, ProjectState, cancellationToken))
var state = ReadState();
// Try to get the built compilation. If it exists, then we can just return that.
if (state is FinalCompilationTrackerState finalState)
return finalState;
var buildLock = InterlockedOperations.Initialize(
ref _buildLock,
static () => new SemaphoreSlim(initialCount: 1));
// Otherwise, we actually have to build it. Ensure that only one thread is trying to
// build this compilation at a time.
using (await buildLock.DisposableWaitAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
return await BuildFinalStateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagateUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken, ErrorSeverity.Critical))
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
// <summary>
// Builds the compilation matching the project state. In the process of building, also
// produce in progress snapshots that can be accessed from other threads.
// </summary>
async Task<FinalCompilationTrackerState> BuildFinalStateAsync()
var state = ReadState();
// if we already have a compilation, we must be already done! This can happen if two
// threads were waiting to build, and we came in after the other succeeded.
if (state is FinalCompilationTrackerState finalState)
return finalState;
// Transition from wherever we're currently at to an in-progress-state.
var expandedInProgressState = state switch
// We're already there, so no transition needed.
InProgressState inProgressState => inProgressState,
// We've got nothing. Build it from scratch :(
null => BuildInProgressStateFromNoCompilationState(),
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(state.GetType())
// Now do the final step of transitioning from the 'all trees parsed' state to the final state.
var collapsedInProgressState = await CollapseInProgressStateAsync(expandedInProgressState).ConfigureAwait(false);
return await FinalizeCompilationAsync(collapsedInProgressState).ConfigureAwait(false);
Constraint = "Avoid calling " + nameof(Compilation.AddSyntaxTrees) + " in a loop due to allocation overhead.")]
InProgressState BuildInProgressStateFromNoCompilationState()
// Create a chain of translation steps where we add a chunk of documents at a time to an
// initially empty compilation. This allows us to then process that chain of actions like we
// would do any other. It also means that if we're in the process of parsing documents in that
// chain, that we'll see the results of how far we've gotten if someone asks for a frozen
// snapshot midway through.
var initialProjectState = this.ProjectState.RemoveAllNormalDocuments();
var initialCompilation = this.CreateEmptyCompilation();
var translationActionsBuilder = ImmutableList.CreateBuilder<TranslationAction>();
var oldProjectState = initialProjectState;
foreach (var chunk in this.ProjectState.DocumentStates.GetStatesInCompilationOrder().Chunk(TranslationAction.AddDocumentsAction.AddDocumentsBatchSize))
var documentStates = ImmutableCollectionsMarshal.AsImmutableArray(chunk);
var newProjectState = oldProjectState.AddDocuments(documentStates);
translationActionsBuilder.Add(new TranslationAction.AddDocumentsAction(
oldProjectState, newProjectState, documentStates));
oldProjectState = newProjectState;
var compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments = CreateEmptyCompilation();
// We only got here when we had no compilation state at all. So we couldn't have gotten here
// from a frozen state (as a frozen state always ensures we have at least an InProgressState).
// As such, we want to start initially in the state where we will both run generators and create
// skeleton references for p2p references. That will ensure the most correct state for our
// compilation the first time we create it.
var allSyntaxTreesParsedState = new InProgressState(
new Lazy<Compilation>(CreateEmptyCompilation),
staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments: s_lazyNullCompilation,
pendingTranslationActions: translationActionsBuilder.ToImmutable());
return allSyntaxTreesParsedState;
catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagateUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken, ErrorSeverity.Critical))
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
async Task<InProgressState> CollapseInProgressStateAsync(InProgressState initialState)
// Only bother keeping track of staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments for projects that
// actually have generators in them.
var hasSourceGenerators = await compilationState.HasSourceGeneratorsAsync(this.ProjectState.Id, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var currentState = initialState;
// Then, we serially process the chain while that parsing is happening concurrently.
while (currentState.PendingTranslationActions.Count > 0)
// We have a list of transformations to get to our final compilation; take the first transformation and apply it.
var (compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments, staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments, generatorInfo) =
await ApplyFirstTransformationAsync(currentState, hasSourceGenerators).ConfigureAwait(false);
// We have updated state, so store this new result; this allows us to drop the intermediate state we already processed
// even if we were to get cancelled at a later point.
// As long as we have intermediate projects, we'll still keep creating InProgressStates. But
// once it becomes empty we'll produce an AllSyntaxTreesParsedState and we'll break the loop.
// Preserve the current frozen bit. Specifically, once states become frozen, we continually make
// all states forked from those states frozen as well. This ensures we don't attempt to move
// generator docs back to the uncomputed state from that point onwards. We'll just keep
// whateverZ generated docs we have.
currentState = new InProgressState(
return currentState;
catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagateUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken, ErrorSeverity.Critical))
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
async Task<(Compilation compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments, Compilation? staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments, CompilationTrackerGeneratorInfo generatorInfo)>
ApplyFirstTransformationAsync(InProgressState inProgressState, bool hasSourceGenerators)
var translationAction = inProgressState.PendingTranslationActions[0];
var compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments = inProgressState.CompilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments;
var staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments = inProgressState.LazyStaleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments.GetValue(cancellationToken);
// If staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments is the same as compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments,
// then it means a prior run of generators didn't produce any files. In that case, we'll just make
// staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments null so we avoid doing any transformations of it multiple
// times. Otherwise the transformations below and in FinalizeCompilationAsync will try to update
// both at once, which is functionally fine but just unnecessary work. This function is always
// allowed to return null for AllSyntaxTreesParsedState.StaleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments in
// the end, so there's no harm there.
if (staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments == compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments)
staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments = null;
compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments = await translationAction.TransformCompilationAsync(compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments != null)
// Also transform the compilation that has generated files; we won't do that though if the transformation either would cause problems with
// the generated documents, or if don't have any source generators in the first place.
if (translationAction.CanUpdateCompilationWithStaleGeneratedTreesIfGeneratorsGiveSameOutput &&
staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments = await translationAction.TransformCompilationAsync(staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments = null;
var generatorInfo = inProgressState.GeneratorInfo;
if (generatorInfo.Driver != null)
generatorInfo = generatorInfo with { Driver = translationAction.TransformGeneratorDriver(generatorInfo.Driver) };
return (compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments, staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments, generatorInfo);
// <summary>
// Add all appropriate references to the compilation and set it as our final compilation state.
// </summary>
async Task<FinalCompilationTrackerState> FinalizeCompilationAsync(InProgressState inProgressState)
return await FinalizeCompilationWorkerAsync(inProgressState).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (OperationCanceledException) when (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
// Explicitly force a yield point here. This addresses a problem on .net framework where it's
// possible that cancelling this task chain ends up stack overflowing as the TPL attempts to
// synchronously recurse through the tasks to execute antecedent work. This will force continuations
// here to run asynchronously preventing the stack overflow.
// See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/56356 for more details.
// note: this can be removed if this code only needs to run on .net core (as the stack overflow issue
// does not exist there).
await Task.Yield().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagateUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken, ErrorSeverity.Critical))
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
async Task<FinalCompilationTrackerState> FinalizeCompilationWorkerAsync(InProgressState inProgressState)
// Caller should collapse the in progress state first.
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(inProgressState.PendingTranslationActions.Count > 0);
var creationPolicy = inProgressState.CreationPolicy;
var generatorInfo = inProgressState.GeneratorInfo;
var compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments = inProgressState.CompilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments;
var staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments = inProgressState.LazyStaleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments.GetValue(cancellationToken);
// Project is complete only if the following are all true:
// 1. HasAllInformation flag is set for the project
// 2. Either the project has non-zero metadata references OR this is the corlib project.
// For the latter, we use a heuristic if the underlying compilation defines "System.Object" type.
var hasSuccessfullyLoaded = this.ProjectState.HasAllInformation &&
(this.ProjectState.MetadataReferences.Count > 0 ||
compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Object") != null);
var newReferences = new List<MetadataReference>();
var metadataReferenceToProjectId = new Dictionary<MetadataReference, ProjectId>();
foreach (var projectReference in this.ProjectState.ProjectReferences)
var referencedProject = compilationState.SolutionState.GetProjectState(projectReference.ProjectId);
// Even though we're creating a final compilation (vs. an in progress compilation),
// it's possible that the target project has been removed.
if (referencedProject is null)
// If both projects are submissions, we'll count this as a previous submission link
// instead of a regular metadata reference
if (referencedProject.IsSubmission)
// if the referenced project is a submission project must be a submission as well:
// We now need to (potentially) update the prior submission compilation. That Compilation is held in the
// ScriptCompilationInfo that we need to replace as a unit.
var previousSubmissionCompilation =
await compilationState.GetCompilationAsync(
projectReference.ProjectId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments.ScriptCompilationInfo!.PreviousScriptCompilation != previousSubmissionCompilation)
compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments = compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments.WithScriptCompilationInfo(
staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments = staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments?.WithScriptCompilationInfo(
// Not a submission. Add as a metadata reference.
if (creationPolicy.SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy is SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy.Create)
// Client always wants an up to date metadata reference. Produce one for this project
// reference. Because the policy is to always 'Create' here, we include cross language
// references, producing skeletons for them if necessary.
var metadataReference = await compilationState.GetMetadataReferenceAsync(
projectReference, this.ProjectState, includeCrossLanguage: true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
AddMetadataReference(projectReference, metadataReference);
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(creationPolicy.SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy is SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy.CreateIfAbsent or SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy.DoNotCreate);
// Client does not want to force a skeleton reference to be created. Try to get a
// metadata reference cheaply in the case where this is a reference to the same
// language. If that fails, also attempt to get a reference to a skeleton assembly
// produced from one of our prior stale compilations.
var metadataReference = await compilationState.GetMetadataReferenceAsync(
projectReference, this.ProjectState, includeCrossLanguage: false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (metadataReference is null)
var inProgressCompilationNotRef = staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments ?? compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments;
metadataReference = inProgressCompilationNotRef.ExternalReferences.FirstOrDefault(
r => GetProjectId(inProgressCompilationNotRef.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(r) as IAssemblySymbol) == projectReference.ProjectId);
// If we still failed, but our policy is to create when absent, then do the work to
// create a real skeleton here.
if (metadataReference is null && creationPolicy.SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy is SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy.CreateIfAbsent)
metadataReference = await compilationState.GetMetadataReferenceAsync(
projectReference, this.ProjectState, includeCrossLanguage: true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
AddMetadataReference(projectReference, metadataReference);
// Now that we know the set of references this compilation should have, update them if they're not already.
// Generators cannot add references, so we can use the same set of references both for the compilation
// that doesn't have generated files, and the one we're trying to reuse that has generated files.
// Since we updated both of these compilations together in response to edits, we only have to check one
// for a potential mismatch.
if (!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments.ExternalReferences, newReferences))
compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments = compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments.WithReferences(newReferences);
staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments = staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments?.WithReferences(newReferences);
// We will finalize the compilation by adding full contents here.
var (compilationWithGeneratedDocuments, nextGeneratorInfo) = await AddExistingOrComputeNewGeneratorInfoAsync(
// Our generated documents are up to date if we just created them. Note: when in balanced mode, we
// will then change our creation policy below to DoNotCreate. This means that any successive forks
// will move us to an in-progress-state that is not running generators. And the next time we get
// here and produce a final compilation, this will then be 'false' since we'll be reusing old
// generated docs.
// This flag can then be used later when we hear about external user events (like save/build) to
// decide if we need to do anything. If the generated documents are up to date, then we don't need
// to do anything in that case.
var generatedDocumentsUpToDate = creationPolicy.GeneratedDocumentCreationPolicy == GeneratedDocumentCreationPolicy.Create;
// If the user has the option set to only run generators to something other than 'automatic' then we
// want to set ourselves to not run generators again now that generators have run. That way, any
// further *automatic* changes to the solution will not run generators again. Instead, when one of
// those external events happen, we'll grab the workspace's solution, transition all states *out* of
// this state and then let the next 'GetCompilationAsync' operation cause generators to run.
// Similarly, we don't want to automatically create skeletons at this point (unless they're missing
// entirely).
var workspacePreference = compilationState.Services.GetRequiredService<IWorkspaceConfigurationService>().Options.SourceGeneratorExecution;
if (workspacePreference != SourceGeneratorExecutionPreference.Automatic)
if (creationPolicy.GeneratedDocumentCreationPolicy == GeneratedDocumentCreationPolicy.Create)
creationPolicy = creationPolicy with { GeneratedDocumentCreationPolicy = GeneratedDocumentCreationPolicy.DoNotCreate };
if (creationPolicy.SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy == SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy.Create)
creationPolicy = creationPolicy with { SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy = SkeletonReferenceCreationPolicy.CreateIfAbsent };
var finalState = FinalCompilationTrackerState.Create(
return finalState;
void AddMetadataReference(ProjectReference projectReference, MetadataReference? metadataReference)
// A reference can fail to be created if a skeleton assembly could not be constructed.
if (metadataReference != null)
metadataReferenceToProjectId.Add(metadataReference, projectReference.ProjectId);
hasSuccessfullyLoaded = false;
private Compilation CreateEmptyCompilation()
var compilationFactory = this.ProjectState.LanguageServices.GetRequiredService<ICompilationFactoryService>();
if (this.ProjectState.IsSubmission)
return compilationFactory.CreateSubmissionCompilation(
return compilationFactory.CreateCompilation(
public Task<bool> HasSuccessfullyLoadedAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return this.ReadState() is FinalCompilationTrackerState finalState
? finalState.HasSuccessfullyLoaded ? SpecializedTasks.True : SpecializedTasks.False
: HasSuccessfullyLoadedSlowAsync(compilationState, cancellationToken);
private async Task<bool> HasSuccessfullyLoadedSlowAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var finalState = await GetOrBuildFinalStateAsync(
compilationState, cancellationToken: cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return finalState.HasSuccessfullyLoaded;
public ICompilationTracker WithCreateCreationPolicy(bool forceRegeneration)
var state = this.ReadState();
var desiredCreationPolicy = CreationPolicy.Create;
// If we've computed no state yet there's nothing to do. This state will automatically transition
// to an InProgressState with a creation policy of 'Create' anyways.
if (state is null)
return this;
// If we're not forcing regeneration, we can bail out from doing work in a few cases.
if (!forceRegeneration)
// First If we're *already* in the state where we are running generators and skeletons we don't need
// to do anything and can just return ourselves. The next request to create the compilation will do
// so fully.
if (state.CreationPolicy == desiredCreationPolicy)
return this;
// Second, if we know we are already in a final compilation state where the generated documents were
// produced, then clearly we don't need to do anything. Nothing changed between then and now, so we
// can reuse the final compilation as is.
if (state is FinalCompilationTrackerState { GeneratedDocumentsUpToDate: true })
return this;
// If we're forcing regeneration then we have to drop whatever driver we have so that we'll start from
// scratch next time around.
var desiredGeneratorInfo = forceRegeneration ? state.GeneratorInfo with { Driver = null } : state.GeneratorInfo;
var newState = state switch
InProgressState inProgressState => new InProgressState(
// Transition the final frozen state we have back to an in-progress state that will then compute
// generators and skeletons.
FinalCompilationTrackerState finalState => new InProgressState(
pendingTranslationActions: []),
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(state.GetType()),
return new RegularCompilationTracker(
skeletonReferenceCacheToClone: _skeletonReferenceCache);
public ICompilationTracker WithDoNotCreateCreationPolicy()
var state = this.ReadState();
// We're freezing the solution for features where latency performance is paramount. Do not run SGs or
// create skeleton references at this point. Just use whatever we've already generated for each in the
// past.
var desiredCreationPolicy = CreationPolicy.DoNotCreate;
if (state is FinalCompilationTrackerState finalState)
var newFinalState = finalState.WithCreationPolicy(desiredCreationPolicy);
return newFinalState == finalState
? this
: new RegularCompilationTracker(this.ProjectState, newFinalState, skeletonReferenceCacheToClone: _skeletonReferenceCache);
// Non-final state currently. Produce an in-progress-state containing the forked change. Note: we
// transition to in-progress-state here (and not final-state) as we still want to leverage all the
// final-state-transition logic contained in FinalizeCompilationAsync (for example, properly setting
// up all references).
if (state is null)
// We may have already parsed some of the documents in this compilation. For example, if we're
// partway through the logic in BuildInProgressStateFromNoCompilationStateAsync. If so, move those
// parsed documents over to the new project state so we can preserve as much information as
// possible.
using var _1 = ArrayBuilder<DocumentState>.GetInstance(out var documentsWithTreesBuilder);
foreach (var documentState in this.ProjectState.DocumentStates.GetStatesInCompilationOrder())
if (documentState.TryGetSyntaxTree(out _))
// Transition us to a state that only has documents for the files we've already parsed.
var documentsWithTrees = documentsWithTreesBuilder.ToImmutableAndClear();
var frozenProjectState = this.ProjectState
// Defer creating these compilations. It's common to freeze projects (as part of a solution freeze)
// that are then never examined. Creating compilations can be a little costly, so this saves doing
// that to the point where it is truly needed.
var lazyCompilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments = new Lazy<Compilation>(() =>
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<SyntaxTree>.GetInstance(documentsWithTrees.Length, out var alreadyParsedTrees);
foreach (var documentState in documentsWithTrees)
if (documentState.TryGetSyntaxTree(out var alreadyParsedTree))
return this.CreateEmptyCompilation().AddSyntaxTrees(alreadyParsedTrees);
var lazyCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments = new CancellableLazy<Compilation?>(cancellationToken => lazyCompilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments.Value);
return new RegularCompilationTracker(
new InProgressState(
pendingTranslationActions: []),
skeletonReferenceCacheToClone: _skeletonReferenceCache);
else if (state is InProgressState inProgressState)
// If we have an in progress state with no steps, then we're just at the current project state.
// Otherwise, reset us to whatever state the InProgressState had currently transitioned to.
var frozenProjectState = inProgressState.PendingTranslationActions.IsEmpty
? this.ProjectState
: inProgressState.PendingTranslationActions.First().OldProjectState;
// Grab whatever is in the in-progress-state so far, add any generated docs, and snap
// us to a frozen state with that information.
var generatorInfo = inProgressState.GeneratorInfo;
var compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments = inProgressState.LazyCompilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments;
var compilationWithGeneratedDocuments = new CancellableLazy<Compilation?>(cancellationToken =>
var syntaxTrees = generatorInfo.Documents.States.Values.Select(state => state.GetSyntaxTree(cancellationToken));
return compilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments.Value.AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTrees);
return new RegularCompilationTracker(
new InProgressState(
pendingTranslationActions: []),
skeletonReferenceCacheToClone: _skeletonReferenceCache);
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(state.GetType());
public async ValueTask<TextDocumentStates<SourceGeneratedDocumentState>> GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, bool withFrozenSourceGeneratedDocuments, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Note: withFrozenSourceGeneratedDocuments has no impact on is. We're always returning real generated
// docs, not frozen docs. Frozen docs are only involved with a
// WithFrozenSourceGeneratedDocumentsCompilationTracker
// If we don't have any generators, then we know we have no generated files, so we can skip the computation entirely.
if (!await compilationState.HasSourceGeneratorsAsync(this.ProjectState.Id, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
return TextDocumentStates<SourceGeneratedDocumentState>.Empty;
var finalState = await GetOrBuildFinalStateAsync(
compilationState, cancellationToken: cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return finalState.GeneratorInfo.Documents;
public async ValueTask<ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>> GetSourceGeneratorDiagnosticsAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (!await compilationState.HasSourceGeneratorsAsync(this.ProjectState.Id, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
return [];
var finalState = await GetOrBuildFinalStateAsync(
compilationState, cancellationToken: cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var driverRunResult = finalState.GeneratorInfo.Driver?.GetRunResult();
if (driverRunResult is null)
return [];
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<Diagnostic>.GetInstance(capacity: driverRunResult.Diagnostics.Length, out var builder);
foreach (var result in driverRunResult.Results)
if (!result.Diagnostics.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
return builder.ToImmutableAndClear();
public async ValueTask<GeneratorDriverRunResult?> GetSourceGeneratorRunResultAsync(SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (!await compilationState.HasSourceGeneratorsAsync(this.ProjectState.Id, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
return null;
var finalState = await GetOrBuildFinalStateAsync(
compilationState, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return finalState.GeneratorInfo.Driver?.GetRunResult();
public SourceGeneratedDocumentState? TryGetSourceGeneratedDocumentStateForAlreadyGeneratedId(DocumentId documentId)
var state = ReadState();
// If we are in FinalState, then we have correctly ran generators and then know the final contents of the
// Compilation. The GeneratedDocuments can be filled for intermediate states, but those aren't guaranteed to be
// correct and can be re-ran later.
return state is FinalCompilationTrackerState finalState ? finalState.GeneratorInfo.Documents.GetState(documentId) : null;
public SkeletonReferenceCache GetClonedSkeletonReferenceCache()
=> _skeletonReferenceCache.Clone();
public Task<MetadataReference?> GetOrBuildSkeletonReferenceAsync(SolutionCompilationState compilationState, MetadataReferenceProperties properties, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> _skeletonReferenceCache.GetOrBuildReferenceAsync(this, compilationState, properties, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Validates the compilation is consistent and we didn't have a bug in producing it. This only runs under a feature flag.
/// </summary>
private void ValidateState(CompilationTrackerState? state)
if (state is null)
if (!_validateStates)
if (state is FinalCompilationTrackerState finalState)
ValidateCompilationTreesMatchesProjectState(finalState.FinalCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments, ProjectState, finalState.GeneratorInfo);
else if (state is InProgressState inProgressState)
var projectState = inProgressState.PendingTranslationActions is [var translationAction, ..]
? translationAction.OldProjectState
: this.ProjectState;
ValidateCompilationTreesMatchesProjectState(inProgressState.CompilationWithoutGeneratedDocuments, projectState, generatorInfo: null);
if (inProgressState.LazyStaleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments.GetValue(CancellationToken.None) is Compilation staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments)
ValidateCompilationTreesMatchesProjectState(staleCompilationWithGeneratedDocuments, projectState, inProgressState.GeneratorInfo);
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(state.GetType());
private static void ValidateCompilationTreesMatchesProjectState(Compilation compilation, ProjectState projectState, CompilationTrackerGeneratorInfo? generatorInfo)
// We'll do this all in a try/catch so it makes validations easy to do with ThrowExceptionIfFalse().
// Assert that all the trees we expect to see are in the Compilation...
var syntaxTreesInWorkspaceStates = new HashSet<SyntaxTree>(
#if NET
capacity: projectState.DocumentStates.Count + generatorInfo?.Documents.Count ?? 0
foreach (var documentInProjectState in projectState.DocumentStates.States)
ThrowExceptionIfFalse(documentInProjectState.Value.TryGetSyntaxTree(out var tree), "We should have a tree since we have a compilation that should contain it.");
ThrowExceptionIfFalse(compilation.ContainsSyntaxTree(tree), "The tree in the ProjectState should have been in the compilation.");
if (generatorInfo != null)
foreach (var generatedDocument in generatorInfo.Value.Documents.States)
ThrowExceptionIfFalse(generatedDocument.Value.TryGetSyntaxTree(out var tree), "We should have a tree since we have a compilation that should contain it.");
ThrowExceptionIfFalse(compilation.ContainsSyntaxTree(tree), "The tree for the generated document should have been in the compilation.");
// ...and that the reverse is true too.
foreach (var tree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
ThrowExceptionIfFalse(syntaxTreesInWorkspaceStates.Contains(tree), "The tree in the Compilation should have been from the workspace.");
catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportWithDumpAndCatch(e, ErrorSeverity.Critical))
/// <summary>
/// This is just the same as <see cref="Contract.ThrowIfFalse(bool, string, int, string)"/> but throws a custom exception type to make this easier to find in telemetry since the exception type
/// is easily seen in telemetry.
/// </summary>
private static void ThrowExceptionIfFalse([DoesNotReturnIf(parameterValue: false)] bool condition, string message)
if (!condition)
throw new CompilationTrackerValidationException(message);
public class CompilationTrackerValidationException : Exception
public CompilationTrackerValidationException() { }
public CompilationTrackerValidationException(string message) : base(message) { }
public CompilationTrackerValidationException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
#region Versions and Checksums
// Dependent Versions are stored on compilation tracker so they are more likely to survive when unrelated solution branching occurs.
private AsyncLazy<VersionStamp>? _lazyDependentVersion;
private AsyncLazy<VersionStamp>? _lazyDependentSemanticVersion;
public Task<VersionStamp> GetDependentVersionAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (_lazyDependentVersion == null)
// note: solution is captured here, but it will go away once GetValueAsync executes.
ref _lazyDependentVersion,
AsyncLazy.Create(static (arg, c) =>
arg.self.ComputeDependentVersionAsync(arg.compilationState, c),
arg: (self: this, compilationState)),
return _lazyDependentVersion.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken);
private async Task<VersionStamp> ComputeDependentVersionAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var projectState = this.ProjectState;
var projVersion = projectState.Version;
var docVersion = await projectState.GetLatestDocumentVersionAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var version = docVersion.GetNewerVersion(projVersion);
foreach (var dependentProjectReference in projectState.ProjectReferences)
if (compilationState.SolutionState.ContainsProject(dependentProjectReference.ProjectId))
var dependentProjectVersion = await compilationState.GetDependentVersionAsync(dependentProjectReference.ProjectId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
version = dependentProjectVersion.GetNewerVersion(version);
return version;
public Task<VersionStamp> GetDependentSemanticVersionAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (_lazyDependentSemanticVersion == null)
// note: solution is captured here, but it will go away once GetValueAsync executes.
ref _lazyDependentSemanticVersion,
AsyncLazy.Create(static (arg, c) =>
arg.self.ComputeDependentSemanticVersionAsync(arg.compilationState, c),
arg: (self: this, compilationState))
, null);
return _lazyDependentSemanticVersion.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken);
private async Task<VersionStamp> ComputeDependentSemanticVersionAsync(
SolutionCompilationState compilationState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var projectState = this.ProjectState;
var version = await projectState.GetSemanticVersionAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var dependentProjectReference in projectState.ProjectReferences)
if (compilationState.SolutionState.ContainsProject(dependentProjectReference.ProjectId))
var dependentProjectVersion = await compilationState.GetDependentSemanticVersionAsync(
dependentProjectReference.ProjectId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
version = dependentProjectVersion.GetNewerVersion(version);
return version;