// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
internal sealed partial class SolutionCompilationState
/// <summary>
/// Caches the skeleton references produced for a given project/compilation under the varying <see
/// cref="MetadataReferenceProperties"/> it might be referenced by. Skeletons are used in the compilation tracker
/// to allow cross-language project references with live semantic updating between VB/C# and vice versa.
/// Specifically, in a cross language case we will build a skeleton ref for the referenced project and have the
/// referrer use that to understand its semantics.
/// <para>
/// This approach works, but has the caveat that live cross-language semantics are only possible when the skeleton
/// assembly can be built. This should always be the case for correct code, but it may not be the case for code
/// with errors depending on if the respective language compiler is resilient to those errors or not. In that case
/// though where the skeleton cannot be built, this type provides mechanisms to fallback to the last successfully
/// built skeleton so that a somewhat reasonable experience can be maintained. If we failed to do this and instead
/// returned nothing, a user would find that practically all semantic experiences that depended on that particular
/// project would fail or be seriously degraded (e.g. diagnostics). To that end, it's better to limp along with
/// stale date, then barrel on ahead with no data.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The implementation works by keeping metadata references around associated with a specific <see
/// cref="VersionStamp"/> for a project. As long as the <see cref="Project.GetDependentSemanticVersionAsync"/> for
/// that project is the same, then all the references of it can be reused. When an <see
/// cref="ICompilationTracker"/> forks itself, it will also <see cref="Clone"/> this, allowing previously computed
/// references to be used by later forks. However, this means that later forks (esp. ones that fail to produce a
/// skeleton, or which produce a skeleton for different semantics) will not leak backward to a prior <see
/// cref="ProjectState"/>, causing it to see a view of the world inapplicable to its current snapshot. A downside
/// of this is that if a fork happens to a compilation tracker *prior* to the skeleton for it being computed, then
/// when the skeleton is actually produced it won't be shared forward. In practice the hope is that this is rare,
/// and that eventually the compilation trackers will have computed the skeleton and will be able to pass it forward
/// from that point onwards.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The cached data we compute is associated with a particular compilation-tracker. Because of this, once we
/// compute the skeleton information for that tracker, we hold onto it for as long as the tracker is itself alive.
/// The presumption here is that once created, it will likely be needed in the future as well as there will still be
/// downstream projects of different languages that reference this. The only time this won't hold true is if there
/// was a cross language p2p ref, but then it gets removed from the solution. However, this sort of change should
/// be rare in a solution, so it's unlikely to happen much, and the only negative is holding onto a little bit more
/// memory.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Note: this is a mutable struct that updates itself in place atomically. As such, it should never be copied by
/// consumers (hence the <see cref="NonCopyableAttribute"/> restriction). Consumers wanting to make a copy should
/// only do so by calling <see cref="Clone"/>.
/// </remarks>
private struct SkeletonReferenceCache
/// <summary>
/// We don't want to include private members for several reasons. First, it provides more opportunity to fail
/// to generate the skeleton reference. Second, it adds much more perf cost having to bind and emit all those
/// members. Finally, those members serve no purpose as within the IDE we don't even load privates from metadata
/// in our compilations. So this information doesn't even end up supporting any scenarios. Note: Due to not
/// loading privates, it means that if a cross language call references something private, you'll get an error,
/// but go-to-def won't work. That not ideal, but not the end of the world. And the cost needed to support
/// that working is simply too high (both on emit and on load) to be worthwhile.
/// </summary>
private static readonly EmitOptions s_metadataOnlyEmitOptions = new(
metadataOnly: true,
includePrivateMembers: false);
/// <summary>
/// Lock around <see cref="_version"/> and <see cref="_skeletonReferenceSet"/> to ensure they are updated/read
/// in an atomic fashion. Static to keep this only as a single allocation. As this is only for reading/writing
/// very small pieces of data, this is fine.
/// </summary>
private static readonly object s_stateGate = new();
/// <summary>
/// Static conditional mapping from a compilation to the skeleton set produced for it. This is valuable for a
/// couple of reasons. First, a compilation tracker may fork, but produce the same compilation. As such, we
/// want to get the same skeleton set for it. Second, consider the following scenario:
/// <list type="number">
/// <item>Project A is referenced by projects B and C (both have a different language than A).</item>
/// <item>Producing the compilation for 'B' produces the compilation for 'A' which produces the skeleton that 'B' references.</item>
/// <item>B's compilation is released and then GC'ed.</item>
/// <item>Producing the compilation for 'C' needs the skeleton from 'A'</item>
/// </list>
/// At this point we would not want to re-emit the assembly metadata for A's compilation. We already did that
/// for 'B', and it can be enormously expensive to do so again. So as long as A's compilation lives, we really
/// want to keep it's skeleton cache around.
/// </summary>
private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<Compilation, AsyncLazy<SkeletonReferenceSet?>> s_compilationToSkeletonSet = new();
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="Project.GetDependentSemanticVersionAsync"/> version of the project that the <see
/// cref="_skeletonReferenceSet"/> corresponds to. Initially set to <see cref="VersionStamp.Default"/>.
/// </summary>
private VersionStamp _version;
/// <summary>
/// Mapping from metadata-reference-properties to the actual metadata reference for them.
/// </summary>
private SkeletonReferenceSet? _skeletonReferenceSet;
/// <summary>
/// Produces a copy of the <see cref="SkeletonReferenceCache"/>, allowing forks of <see cref="ProjectState"/> to
/// reuse <see cref="MetadataReference"/>s when their dependent semantic version matches ours. In the case
/// where the version is different, then the clone will attempt to make a new skeleton reference for that
/// version. If it succeeds, it will use that. If it fails however, it can still use our skeletons.
/// </summary>
public readonly SkeletonReferenceCache Clone()
lock (s_stateGate)
// pass along the best version/reference-set we computed for ourselves. That way future ProjectStates
// can use this data if either the version changed, or they weren't able to build a skeleton for
// themselves. By passing along a copy we ensure that if they have a different version, they'll end up
// producing a new SkeletonReferenceSet where they'll store their own data in which will not affect
// prior ProjectStates.
return new SkeletonReferenceCache
_version = this._version,
_skeletonReferenceSet = this._skeletonReferenceSet,
public readonly MetadataReference? TryGetAlreadyBuiltMetadataReference(MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
=> _skeletonReferenceSet?.GetOrCreateMetadataReference(properties);
public async Task<MetadataReference?> GetOrBuildReferenceAsync(
ICompilationTracker compilationTracker,
SolutionCompilationState compilationState,
MetadataReferenceProperties properties,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var version = await compilationTracker.GetDependentSemanticVersionAsync(
compilationState, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
Debug.Assert(version != VersionStamp.Default);
var referenceSet = await TryGetOrCreateReferenceSetAsync(
compilationTracker, compilationState, version, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (referenceSet == null)
return null;
return referenceSet.GetOrCreateMetadataReference(properties);
private async Task<SkeletonReferenceSet?> TryGetOrCreateReferenceSetAsync(
ICompilationTracker compilationTracker,
SolutionCompilationState compilationState,
VersionStamp version,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Debug.Assert(version != VersionStamp.Default);
// First, just see if we have cached a reference set that is complimentary with the version of the project
// being passed in. If so, we can just reuse what we already computed before.
lock (s_stateGate)
// if we're asking about the same version as we've cached, then return whatever have (regardless of
// whether it succeeded or not.
if (version == _version)
return _skeletonReferenceSet;
// okay, we don't have anything cached with this version. so create one now.
var currentSkeletonReferenceSet = await CreateSkeletonReferenceSetAsync(compilationTracker, compilationState, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
lock (s_stateGate)
// If we successfully created the metadata storage, then create the new set that points to it.
// if we didn't, that's ok too, we'll just say that for this requested version, that we can
// return any prior computed reference set (including 'null' if we've never successfully made
// a skeleton).
if (currentSkeletonReferenceSet != null)
_skeletonReferenceSet = currentSkeletonReferenceSet;
_version = version;
return _skeletonReferenceSet;
private static async Task<SkeletonReferenceSet?> CreateSkeletonReferenceSetAsync(
ICompilationTracker compilationTracker,
SolutionCompilationState compilationState,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// It's acceptable for this computation to be something that multiple calling threads may hit at once. The
// implementation inside the compilation tracker does an async-wait on a an internal semaphore to ensure
// only one thread actually does the computation and the rest wait.
var compilation = await compilationTracker.GetCompilationAsync(compilationState, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var services = compilationState.SolutionState.Services;
// note: computing the assembly metadata is actually synchronous. However, this ensures we don't have N
// threads blocking on a lazy to compute the work. Instead, we'll only occupy one thread, while any
// concurrent requests asynchronously wait for that work to be done.
var lazy = s_compilationToSkeletonSet.GetValue(compilation,
compilation => AsyncLazy.Create(static (arg, cancellationToken) =>
Task.FromResult(CreateSkeletonSet(arg.services, arg.compilation, cancellationToken)),
arg: (services, compilation)));
return await lazy.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
private static SkeletonReferenceSet? CreateSkeletonSet(
SolutionServices services, Compilation compilation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var (metadata, storageHandle) = TryCreateMetadataAndHandle();
if (metadata == null)
return null;
// read in the stream and pass ownership of it to the metadata object. When it is disposed it will dispose
// the stream as well.
return new SkeletonReferenceSet(
new DeferredDocumentationProvider(compilation));
(AssemblyMetadata? metadata, ITemporaryStorageStreamHandle storageHandle) TryCreateMetadataAndHandle()
var logger = services.GetService<IWorkspaceTestLogger>();
logger?.Log($"Beginning to create a skeleton assembly for {compilation.AssemblyName}...");
using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.Workspace_SkeletonAssembly_EmitMetadataOnlyImage, cancellationToken))
// First, emit the data to an in-memory stream.
using var stream = SerializableBytes.CreateWritableStream();
var emitResult = compilation.Emit(stream, options: s_metadataOnlyEmitOptions, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
if (emitResult.Success)
logger?.Log($"Successfully emitted a skeleton assembly for {compilation.AssemblyName}");
var temporaryStorageService = services.GetRequiredService<ITemporaryStorageServiceInternal>();
// Then, dump that in-memory-stream to a memory-mapped file. Doing this allows us to have the
// assembly-metadata point directly to that pointer in memory, instead of it having to make its
// own copy it needs to own the lifetime of.
var handle = temporaryStorageService.WriteToTemporaryStorage(stream, cancellationToken);
// Now read the data back from the stream from the memory mapped file. This will come back as an
// UnmanagedMemoryStream, which our assembly/metadata subsystem is optimized around.
var result = AssemblyMetadata.CreateFromStream(
handle.ReadFromTemporaryStorage(), leaveOpen: false);
return (result, handle);
if (logger != null)
logger.Log($"Failed to create a skeleton assembly for {compilation.AssemblyName}:");
foreach (var diagnostic in emitResult.Diagnostics)
logger.Log(" " + diagnostic.GetMessage());
// log emit failures so that we can improve most common cases
Logger.Log(FunctionId.MetadataOnlyImage_EmitFailure, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(m =>
// log errors in the format of
// CS0001:1;CS002:10;...
var groups = emitResult.Diagnostics.GroupBy(d => d.Id).Select(g => $"{g.Key}:{g.Count()}");
m["Errors"] = string.Join(";", groups);
return (null, null!);
logger?.Log($"Done trying to create a skeleton assembly for {compilation.AssemblyName}");